The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, January 06, 1798, Image 4

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Apiece, under the ftste\act »f Scarapfeliftb banded td the editor of the Soin-bem Cemrael for.pab lication; burin paling through the orde al of Mf.Zjfajt&tii has met with the late qfjlhe d-nt-nyd. 'f tfe editor nas asserted that it was tod jocorrefl for publication bot that gen tleman will pardon the writer when he differs from him, and inhds on the con trary. * The author, jiowever, means npt to arrogofe to hirafclf any foperierr knew ledgd, .or perfection— be has his faults— 9pd the coropofirion alluded to is pot without tfiem. What he infids on, is, that the piece is riot more incongruous than other pieces* of rtsnature, that have appeared. The author’s dtfrgn was no thing more than to set the combination of the doftor? iq point of view, without wording their feelingsand in. order to do this, he has been careful to avoid personality or abuse. His lan guage, he Matters himfelf, is that ot a gentleman^---and if, byway ofdegrefliari tig has introduced some epifodes,' if wjis jpjHciy to prevent the piece appearing flat, tnd uwhtetefting. With regard tt) its prosody, or poeti cal numbers, the author bids defiance to the editor’s most critical obfetvation*; jjnd the autbo r fancies, that the orthogra phy, and punctuation, requires'but little aid. • The author prelected the piece, in dVbate, to a gentleman of known poeti cal talent, and claflical knowledge j—his opinion was.flattering—and he declared that he was aflonilhcd at the obj< Ition. Jbf any time however, if the editor with* CS, the matter may be difeuffed. SCARAMOUCH. o-000 GEORGIA, Columbia Countt. Jn xhe SUPERIOR COURT, Decern btr Term 1797. following charge was delivered by his honour Judge Taliaferro to the Grand Jury for the county aforefaid* to wit, Gentlemen of { the Grand jury , AS the grand inquest of your county you have it greatly in your power to difccuntwtance vice, and promote vir tue and obedience to the laws; and lam per fu acted you will think with me, that there never was a time in this country, when a rigorous execution of the laws to effeft tfrofp defirabie putpofes, was more neccflary than the present, Every day, nay almost every hour, prefects some new feene of fraud and viliainy, or some daring outrage, that require the particu lar notice and attention of a grand jury : When men will disregard the laws, and live in open violation of them ; and when primes become frequent and dangerous to fockfty.j justice cries aloud for examples, and it becomes your duty and mine to make them, Tbe laws are the only security we can have for our civil rights* and when they ate fuffered to be violated with impunity, the life, property, and the reputation of man, are left at the mercy of the corrupt - and lawfefs. _ It is matter of aftonilhment to me, as I am perfeaded it must be to every friend tp order and goqd government, that per firos who experience the bleflings of per feft iiberty and profeftion from the laws of the country in which they live ; fliould so far abandon their own profpeftsof hap pfoefs in society, as by their own conduft so assist in breaking d own the only barrier against improper encroach 1 roents on their fights. When «e examine the progress of go wermnent, in the several countries where the rights of mankind have been in any degree attended to.; we (hall find that so long as they continued to regard the laws* 2nd while their measures were dire died by virtue, they have keen prosperous and happy ia peace, in war viftorioas; but a contrary ©onduft has feldorn failed to pro duce different effefts.— How wateftful then ought every man to be over the laws; ’ and how cafefnl to pfefcrve titem ibvio htr as the only source from whence we cad derive protection or bappintfs rn so ciety. *• I 4ft a!) not trouble ydn with an enu meration of-the fcverstl offences that re- . quire your notice; fuffree it to fay, *hat every violation of law, every negMl to perform a duty required by law, and eve ry thing of notorious ill example, are crime* and puniftiable by our laws. I {hall direct the clerk to lay before yon the digeft.of the tax returns for your \ county, it will be your duty to examine It with care, and present all defaulters. GEORGIA, Columbia County, December Term, 1797. i ft, WE the grand jurors for the coun • try aforefaid off ffiac oaths prefect m s grievance the impaired Hate of tike public roads!and bridges in this county, where by the produce of the community, is da naagedf aod. recommend to she jufiices of the inferior court to appoint overseers for the teveral roads leading through this coorriy. 2d. We present as a grievance that the magistrates are not thoroughly formfeed with the laws now in force in this state. We also lament that profane {wearing is so little noticed by the justices of this date, and recommend that a flop may be put to that growing evil* 3d. We present as a grievance that the law is not executed on offenders, where by depredations are committed ©n the good citizens of this state with impunity, and lament the want of a penitentiary houfc, at a place within which persons convifted of petty offences, might be coropeited to work fora term of years, in lieu of the continuance of thole sangui nary puni foments at present iuftifted in such cases f and earnellly recommend to the.general aflfembly a reviflun ot out cri minal code of laws, and the adoption of labour in confinement as a punifotnent in mefe criminal cases. 4'h. We present as a grievance there is he mode pointed out by law foralcer taining the true state of county funds, and of the receipts and expenditures of the persons inrerefted with the public build ings, and do recommend to the next le gislature, and particularly to our coun ty members, to appoint some fit and pro per person whose duty it (halt be 10 re ceive all monies appropriated to county purposes, and make due returns to the honorable the fmv’rior court, to be laid ; before the Grand Jury at each term held ; in the fa-id county. fihi We present as a grievanoe the , negltdf of the inferior judges of this county for attempting to Qenfure the con duit of the latter commiflioners of the court house and jail who e relied the pre sent court-hoofe and jail for the moderate sum of one hundred and fifty pounds, whilst they pass in silence, and thereby virtually applaud, the conduit of the for mer commilfionersjf the court-houfc and; jail, who expended the enormous sum of four'hundred‘pounds and better, for which tb% county cannot nor never could (hew property to the amount of one Ihillirig, atfd for their refufing to fell or dispose of the public lot of tend in behalf of the county pursuant to the refolurion of the la ft legi ftatu re. 6th. We present as a grievance that the road leading from the Chickasaw ford, db Brier creek, to Columbia court- house, is hot opened agreeable to law. * 7th. We present as a grievance that so little artemion has been paid to rhe pte fentments of grand juror* of this state. Bth. We present our thanks to the two last legiftetufes of the state ; the former for declaring null and void the usurped aft of the 7th January 1795, la * ter ' for wore fully and effeAuaily erafmg from the archives of the government the re mains ot traces of that perfidious all, ahd for the last alterably*s granting a lcnger tithe to the pretended porchafers, under the fafid usurped aft, to receive their fe* veral deposits. ; qthr. We recommend thfc ensuing legifi. lature not to appropriate the Yazoo de posit, but to pursue with firnmete the virtaotss example of their predecefforsy and to ftriftly guard the unalienable rights of the citizens against all external and in ternal attacks which brave been or may be made, where the virtuous citizens 0* Georgia will convince older (faces and nations that they are determined to fur rarount every difficulty, and hand ddwn to posterity, unfallird and unimpaired, those glowoui principles of republican tfm (the rights of man) for which tfifeir virtuous forefathers have expended fa mufti blood' and tteafure so confirm. • Laftly* Wb present oor thanks to his honor judge Taliaferro for his judicious ehargt to os at the opening of this session, and rceommend that k with ouf prefent* ments be pubßAed in the next Gazette. hfATHAN HARRIS Fmmk* k Hegh Bkfir, Ifoam Bayles# Jfafe Wm, Hogg, Wrrii Lovelace* A* Wright* John Peek, John Drvis* Solomon Ellis, JeTewwh Lumkia* Edwd, Cartlcdge, Edd. O’Pfealy ! Eli Ganrert, Party Wijlfon, Thomas Hunfon,. Benjw Reese, JoftL Tanker flay, Martin MeifoWd* T. FVw, Ordered* That flue charge, together with the pre tenements, be puWifhed fr» the Statu Gazette agree able ih* rc qtreft of the grand jury* Take* frdm the PETER GUt, Ckrk'&Office, Dec . 28, 1797* \ | The SubjLribsft, ptatkiMnir* nf tityfic « hnd Surgery in the toton of /lugujta, refpellfully beg leave to inform the Pub ‘ lee, t'kat they have unanimoujly agreed to adept ’the following rates of charges for thtir ajfijtante and medeeines t to commence on the isl day of January next— viz* V DoL Cts, ISITS per day in town i co Dirto from bed 3 Drtto«»the country per mil© 1 A Call from'bed, thn l visit ) notneccffary y 1 Advice per letter without ) Medecine > * Attendance (or 24 hours ZO Ditto for iz ditto 5 Consultation 5 BoluiTss (common) per doteir 1 50 Ditto (anodyne) each 5a with muse each X Cathartic 50 Draught ' 50 Emetic 50 Leniment per ounce 50 Lirrctus pet pot * . Lotion per pound 1 Mixture pet half pound > Ditto per pound 1 50 Ointment pet ounce 50 Pills per dozen i Powders per dozen I go Ditto (vermifuge)' each 25 Piafteiseach I TihCiures per ounce 50 Ingredients for common ) decoftion- 5 * Ditto bitter for quart t ! Ditto with bark, St c. »* go Amputating thigh, kg or arm 40 Ditto finger or tod >0 Blood letting * Cupping, &c. * Dreifing wound each time zg Extra&ing a tooth f Extirpating poiypua . jo Introducing catheter rfi time g Ditto each fucceedi-ng time a Ditto featon * Infer ting issue f Opening abce&and dressing f* , Reducing ft adore of a 7 M ’ thigh, leg of arm > Ditto rib, Clavicle, Ac. g I Ditto diftucation of thigh 20 i Ditto ditto leg or arm ro i Ditto ditto jaw, Sic, g ' Operation for Arteuriiin 40 ' Ditto Catarad 40' Ditto Fiftulh 2^ pitto Hernia 40- Ditto Hydrocele ao- Ditto dfLythotomy go Pitto Patecemifes 20 Ditto Trepan 40 Cases in midwifery 3 0 Allo'ther charges in fame proportion* CORNELIUS DYSART, JOHN H. MONTGOMERY, DENNIS SMELT, GEORGE GRAVES, JOHN MURRAY, WILLIAM BRAZIER. yftfgu/br, Dec. t 6, T 797. r> . A Lirt of Defaulters in Warren County for the year 1797. Captain Abercrombie’s dijinct . !> ©WARD KELLEY, Henry Highnote, Jesse Pitman, Wilham Gatchlngs. Captain Hatcher’s dijlrict, Jicdh Chiver9, Jfchn HiMbu, Henry Chambers, Zrephetirah Mott, John Wel don, Thomas Jacklon, Craft Highnote. Captain tVilfon’s -dijlrict •. Robert White, Edward Harris, John Whefeler, Joseph Guy, Hardy Ncwfom. Captain Bnrekley’s dijirkid Jathes Mereer* Captain Hill’s dijlrict . James Perry, Michael Roe, Francis Wynne, Joseph M‘Ginty. L. WRIGHT, R. T. R t W, C* December 14, 1707. ■ • *■ « N O T J Q £. 9 ALL perfon* having any demands a* „gainft the estate of the late Andrew Gdw*cßb dec* are hereby notified to ren , der them in properly attested within the •im b Kq#if«d by law 1 and all persons indebted to the estate of the said dec. are requeued to make payment by that time* *J— WILL BE SOt, D, On Saturday the tWeoty-fotifth Fe bruary next, at the plantation of Janwfß CtrtWell iii Columbia County, all the pfctfonai erftate of the said Andrew Cul welfy dec. confiftrhg of the one half of one negrO, the half of the ftOck of eatrte> , horses, pltmtafioh tools-, bed, Stc. The ! terms of the fak CASH, the property ! hot to be altered until the tettot a it IcotnpKfed with. JOHN FOSTER, ? i JAi. GALDYV&bfc. } 44mr ? GBGRGEA, WiliEii* Cotffc*** NOTICE. WHEREAS John Sellers wa® brought before us by writ of Ha beas Corpus, charged with horse Healing,.., and it appearing that he had kept a horse concealed in the woods or cane-brake lot two months, and other circumstances ap pearing which convinced us that he wa# stolen, on which charge the Laid SefleiS is now confined in jail. The horse is of ; a bright bay, four years old, fourteen _ handsand one inch high, white face and ... under lip, three white feet and a fmatl white spot above the other hoof, and oil his left fide sear his shoulder, and. trotff altogether. Any person claiming saids horse is requefled to apply to Howell Jarrett, £/q. fheriff, and prove the fame £ said Sellers fays he borrowed the horie of a William (Griffith, on Edifto, i£ mile! above Cannon's bridge. It is supposed the horse was stolen on the back part® of Virginia, North-Carolina* or over the Mountains. The several printers are requefled to publish this notice that the owner may get his horse, and the thief be punished. R. WORSHAM, 7 D. HILLHOUSE, S % t C; JOHN fOPE. 3 . j A Lift of Defaulters for the County of Oglethorpe, for the year 179*?. Captain Haynes's diftntl. T ARKIN WILSON, William -Lr Wilson, James Stewart, iSamuef Stewart, major. Captain Ra^[dale's diflrifU. j James Hogg, Tifdale Whatley. Captain Roberts' di/lrift. Turner M IftvaH, Joshua Afltew, Sa* ; muel Ewing, John Daws, Nathan Da ; vis, Joel Newfam, Josiah Ivey, Tboma* ■ Price. Captain M ( Elroy*s dijtriß . William Eilis, jun. William Jamts, Benjamin Raden, James Reihry, John? Rogers, Sherwood Janes, William Bragg, Little R. Janes. Captain Strongs dijtrtft, John Johnson, Jeremiah Bngg. Captain Collier's dijlriß. Abraham Durham, Garret W.- Part* Eztkiel B. Park, Jesse Crimes. Captain Waters's difbriEl . Samuel Waters, James Wallis, Archd, Crafford, David White, Alexander White, James Short, Matthew Wileys Robert Corrorh, John Stroud. Captain Norris's dijtritt. John Haggard, Alexander Gordtm. Captain Thompson's diftriEt. John Roland, John BiggeiftafF, ParifSr Thompson, William Aylott, Pteterfoit Kimball, James Coil, James Langford, John Wakefield, James Giddion, fen* James Giddion, jnn. Thomas Moore* William M Kee. Captain Berry's di/ltiM. Charles Sims, fen. Andrew Hartsfitld, Sihon Fields, William Maxfleld, Sampfoit Smith, Moses Finches, John Graves* Ifham Hindon. Captain Btooks's dipritt. John Hopper, James Stedman, Wa*i Elliott. Captain Barnett's difiriß. i DrUrV Allen, James WigTey. Captain Hudfpeth's diftriß. Reubin Angle, Janies Kenny, Cotti William Pye, Samuel Bell, Robert ny, Robert Garrett, Jacob M f Elrt>y* James East, fen. James Kenny, jun. Captain Evans's diflritt. William Stewart, John Thomafe, Fran* cis Kilpatrick, Joseph Scott, Griffin Knight. JOHN GRESHAM, It. T. R< - . -.’.i -J .. ■■■!..— >t ~l«l »■ Notice to all that it may concent) That agreeable to an ofder Os the honor®** bhe the Inferior Court of the county of Oglethorpe* IV 1 L L B E S O.L D, ( After the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, the following trafts of land, part of the eltate of Harrifoii Mufgrove, latte of this county, dec. ONE tradt of two hundred acres, on the waters of. Lit tie river, adjoining tVinkfeld Shropjhire ; one ditto t two hundred and thirty * adjoining —— Barks ; one do, of two hundred acres 09 Little river, adjoining Andrew M'Bride ; one do. of two hundred acres on Little idvtr, adjoining Ornan IVhaUeyy with a mill ire Bed the? eon ; one do. of twelve am {.res on Little river, adjoining Daniel Ro* btrts ; it being for tite benefit of the heirs and creditors. FRANCIS GORDON,) c JOHNSANItE?, J I GLEN OWEN, Jane MusGßO^’ > E, £*'*. $3- Wank EXECUTIONS I for laid at this Oftke.