The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 12, 1800, Image 2

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rr XAT>EL?HIA, March. 11. _ moticfri to attend the cohftitutirm 4rh« United States, by prevemihg the chief jafticc or any judge from holding any other office under the government of the U nted States, &c. which was made and under consideration in the senate, has been withdrawn by general consent—and the mover of that motion, has, by leave, brought in a bill to establish the fame principle by a law* which bill is commit, ted to a felett committee. Brig Ruth and Mary, Arnold, from I Havannah, is below, failed from thence , the 18th ultimo, in company with a fleet Americans, under convoy of the War ren (loop of war. A few days previous to capt. A. leav ing the HaVannah, two 74 gun (hips and u Spanifn packer, having on board eleven million of dollars, arrived there from La Vera Cruz. March 17. The Supply arrived at New-York brings Englilh dates to December 31 ft. By these it appears, that the French had fmtjhed their new constitution, of which Buonaparte is chosen chijrf consul for ten years. His salary is said to be immense. No events of conference had occurred in Europe at the dare of these accounts. The arrived at Balti more on Friday last, it is said, has a mil lion of fpccie on board. xixtraci of a letter from capt. Baker of the Delaware Jloop of <war t to the fe rretary of the na<vy, dated Curraccoa, Zth February, 1800. “ On the 6th instant, appeared off this harbor, a French (hip of $z guns, called La Vengeance, and from what I can learn, fne left Guadaloupe last Sunday, bound to France, with a great deal of money, &c. on boardj and also two French generals, and a number of Other officers and passen gers, but on Monday evening (he was overtaken by an American or a British frigate {but generally believed to be the to rmei) and from her (hattered condition, (he must have had a very severe aft ion, La Vengeance having left (landing but her bowlprit, fore and mizen raaft j her fore and mizen (hrouds, ratlings, See. .being cut up so, that you could scarce fee wy of them foeftoppen. In (hort, there appears no place that has"efcapcd a lhot— her (larboard fide has been much hulled, feud it is said (he had 140 killed and -vounded, and when (be parted (he had 8 > bet water in the hold. They fay the o trher veflel was in a similar situation, and fn fa£t, that neither of them had the com mand of their (hips. The French (hip is low kjpfed up in the harbory . and will require some months to refit, not having uufts, cordage, Ac, necriLry for that purpofe* “ P. S. This moment arrived a fchoo from St. Thomas's with aQ American gentleman onboard. They were spoken oy a British frigate this morning at 8 o' clock, who informed them that yesterday he commodore Truxton going down to Jamaica, who informed them, that last .Monday‘night he got along fide of a French jo gun (hip, and after a long and severe action, had the misfortune to lose his main mjtft, fore and mizen top-mast; the (hip became unmanagable, at which time the french (hip made her escape, /everdy wounded. Capt. Truxton said, that if he could have kept along fide 15 minutes Longer, he would have taken her. This agrees .with the French report, for they fay they were in such a situation, they could not have defended the (hip much longer." March *O. , FROM SURINAM. ExtraS of a Utter from Surinam, dated 3 d Feb.- to a merchant, in this city. ‘•"Victor Hughes has arrived at Cayen ne with troops and (hips from France, and ;t is feared, will have this place in a lit tle time..—Of this be allured, that every •lay finceT have been here, all the forts have been firing forty and fifty rounds ■morning and evening, in order to prac ice their men. There are a very few troops here and not a (hip of war and 1 ..m afraid Huguesgwill have this place." BALTIMORE, March I j. This day John Kline, lately brought from New-York, was found guilty at the v i minal court, of passing a note of the bank of Banfmore, m November last, for twenty dollars, knowing the fame to have been altered from five dollars, and con ikir.ned to work on the public roads for (even years. PETERSBURG, April 1. The governor of this commonwealth has iiiued Lis proclamation declaring the penitentiary hovfe in a condition to receive Convict: consequently, all ofiences (hort of murder of the firft degree* will hence foith be nMjfeible by imprisonment and W 1 hard labor. This is an honorable ameli oration of our Sanguinary Code - and what' a pity it is that a work so noble should not have extended its benign cffefts to all the objefts within the limits of its opera tion ? Why should the tin Sure of the Jk 'm, exclude the miserable victim of opprdfion from the benefits of legislative considera tion, in a case like the above? These thing ought not so to be ! POST-OFFICE, IVafhingUm, April i v igoo. tetters in the above office to be returned to the General PoflmOJfice if not applied for in three monthsfrom the above date. John Billups, Jack- foncounty, x; capt. Johnßothun. Spencer Carlton, James Danagh. Bet fey Edwards. Sarah Hays, Alexander Harper. Solomon Jinings. Col. Dm. Ledbetter, E. Long, Esq. Nick. M'Marks, John Moore t Ogle thorpe county; John Michael, Wm. T. Martin. John E. Nallin. Robert Pugh, Edwd. Pharr, Ogle thorpe, county, Joseph Phillips. John P.hods, Mars. Roby. Henry Sanford, B. Sims, *; Atchd. Simplon, Dr. J. Sims, Andrew Ste phens. Captain Williams. BARNARD KELLEY, p. m. N. B. Thofewhoare indebt ed for the postage of oewfpapers, are re queued to make payment in the coerfe of the prefect month, or at lead in the next; aa no longer indulgence cars be given. B. K. The Famous Running Horse SHARK, HPHE property of gen. Wm. Washington, of Charleston, will hand from the 20th of March until the Ift day of August next, at the plantation of the fubferiber, near Edgefield court koufe, South Carolina, at the low price of Twenty Dollars the season, and half* dollar to the groom. It will be requi red that a note for the above mentioned sum be sent with each mare, payable on the Ift day of January next. # His pedigree at large, may be seen at his stand. His blood is inferior to none in America, and hit diftinguifhfd per- «• formances on tlfe turf, for many years, ate so well known in this country, that it is unneceflary to add any thing on that fubjrft. SHARK, is a fine dark bay, his near hind foot white, ten years old, upwards of fifteen hands and an inch high, and powerfully formed. A pasture of aboot four hundred acres, well enclosed, part of the best pine-woods grass, and part of cleared land, with a spring branch run ning through the middle of it, will be furnilhed for the accommodation of mares, with falticg twice a week gratis. Every necessary attention (hall be paid by the fubferiber to the interest of such gentlemen aa may be pleased to fend their mares forward, but he will not be answerable for accidents orefcapea. ARTHUR SIMKINS. f Edgefeld , South-Carolina, February %(* 1800. Notice is hereby given , 'T'HAT after the expiration of nine months from this date I (hall apply to tfie hon. the Inferior Court for the county of Wilkea, for. an order of said court for the sale of two hundred a- ‘ cres of land in said connty, on the waters of Piftoi creek, adjoining John Pope, James Cade and others. Also, one o tber trad containing too acres, in said county, on the water* of the Beaverdam creek, adjoining Bedford Brown and Darden's lands, for the benefit of the beits and creditors of Adrien Tellear, late of said county deceased. LOUIS PICQyET, Adm’r. April 1, 1800. NOTICE. i A LL persons interested arc notified, that after the expiration of cine months from the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Infetior Court of Wilkes county, for an order of that conrt to dispose of too acres of land, it being part of the real estate of Jacob Early, dec. whereon Jesse Heard now lives j it is declared to be for the benefit of the heirs and credi. tors. B. HAR?NS, , JESSE HEARD, /** ru April £, 1809. l CHEAP WINES. The Suhfcrtber has received a ; conjiglt* ' ment of TENERIFFE and MALAGA WINES, Which he will fell very low for cash. A L S 0, A few calks RAISINS. Wm. KENNEDY. Lift of Defaulters in Wilkes county for the year 1799. Captain Hillhoufe's diJtriß. JOEL CASEY, Nich. Booty, J Stephen Brookes, John Martin, —— Brown, —— Cannon, Wm. Boxen, Jo seph Boxen, Philip King, John Lackie, Robert Ray, John Smith, Joseph Wei cher, John Douglas, Stephen Willis, John Watterson. Capt. Pearson's dijlriEi. John Thralher, Daniel Britt, Henry Burlong, Solomon Dixon, Leonard Walden, f. m. Sampson, f. n. Jack, f. n. Capt. Bet kune's diftrtS, Elijah Kelly, John Gatlin, JeiTe Al len, John King, John Felts, jun. Samuel Boggs, Samuel Wiilbn, Wm. Lingo. Capt. Turner's dijlriEi. Dempsey Parker, ■■■■ ■■ ■ Parker, J. Kent, Benja. Edwards. Drury Goiog, James Hubbard, Wm. Going, jun. B. Smith, Henry Jones, Noah Montcricf, John Lindsay, Benja. Lindsay, James Williams, Alex. Stephens, ■— Port wood, John Paradife, Wm. Deane, Aaron Moore, Capt. Patterson's dijlriEi. Ethel D. Drake, Obadiah Edge, John M ( Ginty, Jehu Pugh, Benja. Hill, John Gilpin, Micajah Perry, Alexander Bean, John Erp, William Digby, Jonas Ray, Jas. Littleton. C apt. Thornton's dijlriEi. Coffman Gresham, Richard Ruffe!!, Richard Adams, f. m. Geo. Moreland, John M‘Farran, Winny Ivey, estate ©f Nicholas Slade, deceased. Capt. Parks's dijlriEi. John Greene, JefTe Dobfon, John M* Lean, Joseph Milligan, George Porter, Elijah Hammock, Avery Roberts, Pe ter Shepton. v Capt. Murray's dijlriEi. Wm. Elkins, James Breys, Alien Cammcron. Capt. Paxon's dijlriEi. Elliott Wood, Josiah Tuck, William Glass, John Anderson, jun. Richard Edmonds, William M'Means, Bentley Ballard, Richard Williams, Jeremiah Stubblefield, Robert Stubblefield, Hen ry Dowdy, David Kinman, Wm Lee, Polly Scudder, Widow Clements, James Graves, f. n. Gilbert Cbavers, f. n. Capt. Williamds dijlriEi. Wm. Lane, John Toole, John NeiJ, Laurence Smithy John C. Ruggs, George Mofee, ■ - Lattenar, John Bentley, Wm. Cade. Capt. J. Wellborn's dijlriEi. Charles Manning, Daniel Thurmond, Thos. Hightower, Jos. Morris Philip Brown, Widow Partin, Henry Stovall, Benja. Clements, Benja. Langford, Cha. Thurmond, Stephen Stovall, Joseph Stovall, Benja. Allen, 'John Moody, Isaac Bryant, Samuel Bradford, Philip Johnflon, Daniel Morris, Jas. Cowan. Capt. SI. We thorn's dijlriEi. Sami. Welboro, Wm. Milligan, Henry Woodall, Jer. Trammell, Pleasant Walk er, Anderson Hartifield, Reuben Deer ing, Wm. Crocker, Josiah Cheatham, Wm. Evans, Blake Deeriog, Jarrot Wright, Solomon Stephen*, Ptefley Night, Dunbar Henley, JefTe Deering, Martha Robey, John Todd, Edward Weaver, —— Brow , Wm. Lanoir, Sami. Clark, Yelvcrton Smith, Ezekiel Smith, Hercules Stephens, Rebecca Os born, Peggy Sheppard, Thos. Deering, Widow Dawson, Widow Smith, ■■■» ■■■ ■■■ Sylvey, Mary Thomas. Capt. Evans's dijlriEi. Joel Langham, Richd. Langham, E, Dinfon, Thos. Pollard, Matthew Dim can, John Watts, Jas. Christopher. C apt. Irvin's diJlriA. John Sommers, John Johns, jun. Mat thew Mock, Rhoda Ay cock, Thos. Hammofh, Eli Davis, Hopkins Daniel, Meredith Kicching, jun. Moses Lunf ford, Bayley Lunsford, Preston Rey nolds, Isaac Horn, Hiram Bankftott, W. Afhmore, Levi Johnflon, Joseph Barker, Wm. Barker, Wm. Williamfoo, jun. Gabriel Toombs, jon. Nathan Smith, Nicholas Smith, Joseph Hurley, David Hurley, John Langham, W». Evans, Elizabeth Scott, Elizabeth Edenton, Mary M‘Nabb, HeAor Naih, Jeremiah Harrison, Jas. Harrison, John Dicken, Joseph Dicken, Ephraim Jenkins, Eli jah Aoftyn, John Wilkie, Elisha Ba ker, Jas. Riley, Stephen Williams, Wm. Evans (son of David) Thos. Bast, Jo seph Ragan, Abimelech Barbee. R. B. WASHINGTON, a. t. I. i IRICHM9ND SUPEMOJI CC P R T - ' - Maxch Tirm, ißo n L Saturday the t 9 th March. ‘L " ■ PRESENT , The Hon. Davl'O B. MiTCRri» “V j Th. , “ ,l V*4r. -VI. i- u,„i i„„, (< George Fit J rav ifi. Theprifo« r h.»i„ s *? *•* p / a ™ t '«»»». - T l{ted v{ *" Assault wi,ii intent to neifh; this day brought up to receive the sentence of the Court and it Being demanded of him if he had ought tofa wherefore sentence footiij not now be pronounced a gainft him, and nothing being alledged to the con trary. IT is Ordered, That hethcfaH George fee, pay a fine of Fifty Dollar? and bfc committed to the common Jail of the County of Richmond, and there re. main from this day until the thirtieth day of April next; that on the said thirtieth day of April next, between the hours of ten and two .©’clock of that day, he the' said George Fee, be taken from prison and conduced to that part of Broad-ftfeet i Q the City of Augusta, in front of the prison, and there be put in the Pillory for the space of one hour: After which he will be difehargedon paylfient of the line afore, said apd his fees. Taken from the Minutes, JOSEPH HUTCHINSON, D. Clk. THE above named George Fii, made his elcape from the common Jail of this county, on Monday evening the 7th instant: He is a short thick set Injhman , about thirty years of age, black hair, his face marked with thefmaii pox— a good Ikin, but a bad countenance. A REWARD of FIFTY DOLLARS will be paid to any person that will deliver him within twenty days, to GEO. I. HULL, D. S. Richmond County , April 9. ~no¥UTcatTon. 'T'HE undersigned intending A hereafter so retide principally sc Rosier, A favorite Country feat in the neighborhood of 'Augufta; notifies his clients and others who may have bufinef* to tranfaft with him, that he will in fu ture, when'unengaged at court, regular, ly attend at his office io the city ou MditDA?, Wadnxsda* and Frida* in every wCelc, from nine o’clock in the, atorning until the Afternoon ot each day, for the dispatch of hufinefi. He will attend Federal Circuit Court at Savannah and Augusta, the meeting of the Judges at Louisville, and no other Rate courts than in the counties of Richmond, Burke and Columbia* ex cept on extraordinary occasions. Those who may have claims on his for vice* unfinifhed business in other courts, m*f have other counsel employed for them, or their money returned, or both ism quired. Having lately formed a connexion with Eomuhd Js* Kr 9 ,» Esq. i member of the bar, those cob cerned arc farther notified, that be wl * attend the office every day during the fame hours. ROBERT WATKINS. Rofny, April 1, 1800. NOTICE? ’ r PHEco- partnership of JOHN A WILLSON E3 Co. will expire 00 the firft day of June next, they therefore earnestly request all perfon* indebted that concern, either by bond, note: book acconnt, to come forward and dii< charge the fame by that period, *• bi longer indulgence can possibly be g iven and all those whose accounts are not • quidated are requested to call and , their notes immediately—those who not avail themselves of this notice expeft to have theitaccounts, &c. P a in the hands of an attorney at law, to iued for without diferimination. J April 9, 1800. -j BE IT KNOW N, j XHAT an application will bj A made to the honorable the InL ‘ Court of the county of Grc J” e * * r ! months after the date hcreo., 0 der abfoiute for the fa*e of a tra 0 containing aoo acres, on the ‘ Ogechee, Greene countv, adjoinj g viogfon and Wnite, it being • v - f ; v ftace of Jacob Maddox, dece* s benefit of the heirs and credits faid deceased. /Sir. EWING A tejirch. is, I