The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, July 24, 1802, Image 1

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SATURDAY, July 24, i-Bda. G £ 0 i? G / fYox. XVI. No. 824.] THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND gaze t t e of the state. ‘ —-■ ■ ~ - ' : " J i . . . , im - • ? 1 . v. -v : • . ‘ -■ ■ 1 ■ —....... .—i., « , ...'i-..—i, .i.- FREEDOM of the P RESS and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. Conjlliutlon of Georgia. AUGUS T A: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH* near the market* [3 Dolls, per Annum. 1 > ' * " t *“ ■* * “ * ~' l ***' ■ ' *"**' '**■"* 1 ■ ii ’■ iT ■< 1 ! < ... * *.m— ■• ■■- . .. .... .1 ~ i.. ~j ■ ■ vv•'.■ 1 . Ifly ■ [Published by Authority.] Seventh Congress of the United States. At the First Selflon, begun and held at the City of Washington, in the Ter ritory of Columbia, ‘on Monday the ieventh of December, one thoafaad eight'hundred and one. AN ACT to empower fohn juries Du. four and hn f ajfocicites) to pur chafe cer tain lands. BE it euaSed by tire Senate cud llavfe of Rtfprefeu'taitves of the UnitedStates' of America , m Cong refs afemhied, That to encourage -the introduction, and to pro mote die-culture of the vine within the territbty of the United States, north weft < of the rim Ohio, it shall be lawful for John James-Difour, and his aflociates, to purchal’e any quantity not exceeding four fedions or the lands of the United States, lying between the Great Miami river and the Indian boundary line, at the rate of . briars per acre, payable without in "tcreft, on or before the firft day of Janu ary, one thousand eight hundred and four teen. ■> * Sec. 2. And he it further enacted) That it shall be tire duty of the register ot the land-office, cftabliihed at Cincinha*. ti, to receive and to enter on his entry book, the applications of the said Ddfour, and his aflociates, far any unappropriat ed fedions with the adjoining fradions, if any, not to exceed in the whole four fed tons and lying within the dirt rid a forefaid; Hating in each entry, the date of the application and the number of the i'cdion or fra d ion, townfhtp and range applied for ; and it shall aifo be the duty of the said register to deliver to the said Dafoe rand his aflociates, a copy of each entry thus made ; also a copy of the de feription or field notes, and of the plat o! each trail, with a certificate dating that the fame has betn piirchafed under the authority of this act, at the race of two dollars per acre, payable without intcreft, on or before the firft day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Sec. 3, And be it further enaSledy That payment for said land may be made at the treasury of the United States, or to the receiver of the land office at Cin cinnati, eiiher in fpecis, or in the evi dences of the public debt of the United States, at the rates preferihed by an ad entitled “ an ad to authorife the re cipe of evidences of the public debt, in .payment fur the lands of the United dates,” and a difeount at the rate of flu per cent, a year shall be allowed on any payments which shall be made before the fame (hail become clue. f bee. 4. And be it further enafted, That on producing to the fee ret ary of the treamry copies of the entries afotefajd, and of the plats of the trads applied for, also the certificate} of the regifler of *he land office established at Cincinnati, I that tho fame have been purchafcd in con- 1 formily to the provifuns of this ad, the iVefuLot-of the- United States shall be and hereby is authorifed and empowered" to tftue letters patent in the ulual form, un *o the fold Dolour, his affociares and their heirs, for th» said lands ; with condition [xpreifed: in the said letters patent, that on nulure. ta pay the pure hale money when- ! ,T %»« fo:di become due, the Ends there- 1 ib dcfchbcd, with the improvements j 4ft thereon, shall be deemed forfeited, and lhall reveft in the United States. NATHANIEL MACON, Speaker of the Iloufe of Reprcfenlatives. ABRAHAM BALDWIN, Preft. dent of the Senate pro tempore . Approved, Mav i, 1802. Til. JEFFERSON, P rest dent of the United States, AN ACT to extend and continue in forte the provisions of an ad entitled 4 ‘ An act giving a right of pre-emption to certain persons who have contracted with 'John Cleves Symmes or his ajfo ciatcs, for lands lying between the . Miami rivers, in the territory North h'eji of the Ohio; and for other pur- P-J\sd' BE it enacted by the Senate and Honfe of Repre/entatives of the United States of America, in Congress ajfembled t That tlte several providers of an att en titled “ An atf giving a right of pre-emp tion to certain persons who have contract ed with John Cleves Symmes, or his aflbeiates, for lands lying between the Miami rivers in the territory North-Weft of the Ohio” (hall be, and the fame are hereby continued in iorce until the firft day of March next, fubjert to the modi fications contained in this aft. Sec. 2, And be it further enabled, That the provisions of the said art shall, and the fame are hereby extended to all persons claiming land, lying between the Miami rivers, and without the limits of Ludlow's survey, by purchase orcontrart made prior to the firft day of January, one thousand eight hundred, with John . Cleves Symmes or his aflbeiates; Sec. 3. And be it further enabled, That every person claiming lands as a-/ forefaid, either within or without the limits of Ludlow’s and who have not obtained a certificate of the right of pre-emption therefor, (hall, on or before the firft day of November next, give notice of the nature and extent of his claim, in manner preferibed by the fe. cond fertion of the said art. And the re ceiver of public monies, and commiflion ers appointed under the fourth fertion of tjte said art, shall meet at Cincinnati, on the second Monday of November next, they having given four weeks previous notice of fach meeting, in a public news paper printed at Cincinnati, and lhall then and there proceed to hear and finally decide upon all claims, of which notice 13y have been given as aforefaid, and jihall, in all matters relative thereto, go vern themselves by the provisions of the said art. Vacancies in the said board of commiflioners may be filled by the Presi dent of the United States alone. And the duties, powers and emoluments of the said commiflioners, receiver of public mo nies, and register of the lartd office at Cin- i cinnati, and surveyor general, as preferr ed by the said art, lhai), and the fame are hereby continued. Sec. 4. And be it further evaded, That every person who may have obtain ed, or who shall hereafter obtain, as a forefaid, a certificate of a right of pre emption from the laid commiflioners, shall be allowed until the firft day of January next, to make the firft payment required for the lands deferihed in fetch certificate, and shall, in all other refperts relative thereto, conform to the several provisions of the said art, ■ Sec. 5. And be it further enabled, That it shall and may be lawful for the fee ret Ary of the treasury to cause to be viewed, marked, and opened, fitch roads within the territory North Weft of the Ohio, as in his opinion will belt serve to promote the Tales of the public lands in future : Provided , that the whole Turn to be expended on such roads lhall not exceed fix thousand dollars, and that the fame shall be paid out of the monies paid by purehafors of public lands on account of surveying expenccs. Sec. 6. And be it further evaded, Thai aii the l;;a& around Vincennes on ■ ■ ii ■ MM the Wabaflij in the Indiana territory, the Indian title to which hath been ex tinguished, (hall be furveycd and laid off in the manner prescribed by the third feftion of an aft entitled “ An act to a mend an adt entitled An ait providing lor the Talcs of the lands of the United Stares in the territory North Weft of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river,” under directions from the secre tary of the treasury, and by fitch person or per Tons as the Prcftdenr of the United States alone ihall appoint for that purpose; Provided, that the whole expence of fur* v eying and marking the-lines (hall not . exceed four dollars for every mile that Ihall be ailualiy run, surveyed and mark ed. And two plats of the lands afore faid, ihall be prepared by the person or per To ns who may survey the fame, who Ihall also delignate thereon the bounds of the lands of individuals held under reser vations of the state of Virginia, or under the laws of the United States: one of the said plats ihall be returned to the office ®f the feeretary of the treasury, and the o ther Ihall be deposited with the feeretary oi the Indiana territory. Sec. 7. And be it further entitled, That in all cases where any feCtion or fractional feCVion of land lying wdthin the seven ranges of townships, has been fold prior to the tenth day of May, one thou, fund eight hundred, under the authority of the United States, the lines of such fed!ion or fractional lefiion, Ihall be run under the direction of live feeretary of the treasury, in the manner molt confident with the supposed boundaries of the fame, •►at the time of the Tale, any thing in the aCt of the tenth of May, one thousand eight hundred, to the contrary notwirh ftanding. And it Ihall be lawful for the feeretary of the treasury, whenever lines thus ran (hall interfere with the claim of a purchaser of public lands under the bit mentioned aCt to permit such purchaser, if he Stall desire it, at any time within fix months, after such lines, thus inter feting with his claim, Ihall have been run, to withdraw his former application, and to apply in lieu thereof for any other vacant fedion. NATHANIEL MACON, S'peahr of the Ho life of Rebrefcniativti. AbRAHAM BALDWIN, Pnf. dent if the Senate pro tempore. Approved, May i, 1802. Th ; JEFFERSON, P ref dent of the United States, AN ACT further to alter and cftahVjh ' certain Prf .Roads, and for the more Je. cure carriage of the mad of the United States. BE it enacted by the Senate and Hwfe of Repnfentatives of the United States of America in Cbngreft Affemblvd, That the following post-roads be difeenti nued: From Pelham to Nottingham Weft, in New.Hampfhire ; From Hanover to Scituate, in Maffa* chufetts; Fron Bridgewater to Taunton ; from New-Nork to Saggharbour, in the Bate of Yew-York ; From SJieneflady to Sandy-Hlll; from Salem to Bridgetown, in New- Jcrfey ; From Lomberton by Elizabethtown, to Anderfville, in North-Carolina j From Rockford by Scuil Camp, to Grayson court.houft; From Amelia court-house by Pridcf. ville, to Paynefville, in Virginia; From Washington to Cincinnati; From Franklin coiirt-houfc tojackfon coort-houfe, in Georgia; from Gholdfons by Get (bridge, St. Tammany’s, Mecklenburg court.houfc, MarfhalPs (lore, Christian's ftorc, Lunen burg court-house and Edmund’s liorc, to Gnoidfons. Sec. 2. And he it further enabled. That the following pcft-irqttub be cilab lifhcd ; ✓ ■ iiM n u.mtmm mm In Maine. From Denny fvillc to Eaftport; From Machias, by Dcnnyfville, to Scothtc] In Nc w- Ha mpjk ire. From Pelham, by Windham, to Lon ? donderry; From Haverhill, by Bath and to Lancaster; In Mojfachvfetts. From Bolton by Eaftoh, to Taunton; From Hingham by Cuba He t, to Scitu ate; From Springfield by Sotith-Hadlev, to Northampton; From Salem bv Topsfield, to Haver hill. In Vcrmerit • Frorh Middlebury by New-HavCn, Monfton, Hinelburg, V/illitton, Jericho, Efifcx, Weft ford, Fairfax and Sheldon, to Huntlhurg ; to return from HTintflfurg by Bcrklhirc, Enoiburg, Bakersfield, Cam bridge, Underhill, Jericho, Richmond, Huntington, Starklboro’ and Bristol, to Middlebury; From Danville, by St. Johnlbary, through Berner, to return to Rycgafe. In Connecticut. From Hartford by Coventry, Wind ham and Canterbury, to Plainfield; From Middletown by Haddam, to Saybrook; From New-Hatcn by Woodl)ridgc, Waterbary and Watertown, to Litch field; From Norwich by Lilhon, Canterbury* and Brooklyn, to Pomfret. In Ne<w- York. From Nevv-York by Brooklyn, Ja maica, Hamftcad, Merrick, Oylterbay South, Huntington South/ Iflip, Pat change, Fireplace, Moriches, Westhamp ton, Southampton and Bridgehampton, to Saggharboun From Ham dead by Huntington, Smith town, Brookhavcn and Rivcrhcad to Southhold; V From Newtown, In the county of Tio ga, by Catharirtctowu to Geneva; I* rom Shenertady, to Ballftown Springs, Milton, Saratoga Springs, Greenfield, Hadley, Galloway, Charlcton, and again to Shenetiladyj From Sandy. Hill to Fort George, and through the towns ol Thcrmon and Jay to Plarfburg, and thence to the northern line of said state. In Nenxl.Jer/ey. t From Woodbury by Bridgetown, Mil ville, Port Elizabeth and Cape May court house, to Cape Eland; From Somcrfct court-boufe, bv Bal kenridge, to Morristown; From New. Germantown, by David Miller’s, in Waftiington tovvr.lhip, and New-Hampton, to Pittftown, In Ptnnfylvania. From Lancaster, by Reading, Allen town, Bethlehem and Stroud’s, to Mifi ford; From Lebanon to Jorcftown; From Jenkintown by the Cross Roads, and New-Hope, to Flcmmimnon, New- Jcrfeyj From Chamberlburg by Me.Terfburv to Bedford; 6 From D iwningtown by West-Chester,. Kennet’b square and New. London cross. roads, to the brick meetinij-houfe in Ma ryland. In Maryland, From Rciftcr/town by M'AUHerftovvn., Abbotltown and to Carlisle, Penrtl, fyl vania; From Elk ton, by the brick meetings house, to the Riling Sun, black horse and f irrci horse taverns, to Lancidler, Pen*- fylvania; From Weftxinftcr, in Maryland, by Union Mills, Petcrfburg and Getticflurg, to Chamber (burg, in Pennsylvania; 1 rom Boondburo’ by Sharplburg and Hage.tftown to Mdferfo irg, Penrifylvania; l ire mail from Ellicott's m'ils to Mont gomery court-house, snail pass by 8.-Jok .die. (See fcnrlh pc l *",J