The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, August 07, 1802, Image 1

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■SATURDAY, Aunift 7,. 1802. I \ajT ", IT HE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND T GAZETT.E OF THE STATE. ■- ■— ■ ■ - ■■■ - - ■ ■■ fu FREEDOM of the PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate. Conjittution of Georgia, - _____ . « AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, near the market. £3 Dolls, per Annum,'"*f -•• 1 I [Published by Authclrity.] 0 .. F* ' * ■ Seventh Congress cf the Untied States. At the Finl Seifion, begun and held at the City of WaMngton,. in rhe Ter- t ritory of Columbia, on Monday the seventh of December, one thousand eight hundred and one, AN ACT to provide for the eftabhjhrtient of certain dijiridsy and therein to a mend an ad entitled “ an ad to regu late Joe collection of duties on imports and tonnage at:J for other purposes, BtC it enaded by the Senate and Hotfe of Seprefentatives of the United States of d meric a y in Congress affembledy That from and after the lalt day of June ncxt, ( a diftriCt (hall »be formed from ihe chilrift of Yorktown in Virginia, to be called the diffrict of Eaff RiVer, which (hail comprehend the waters, shores, har bours and inlets of North and East Rivers and Mobjack bay, and ail other naviga ble waters, (bores, harbours and inlets within the county of Mathews, in said ■iftjrte ; and it (hall be lawful for the Press ■ dent of the United States to designate a I P ro pcr place to be the port of entry and I delivery within the said diftrift; and to I appoint a collector and Purveyor of the I ciutoms, to reiide and keep their offices ■ thereat, who (hall be entitled to receive, Bin addition to the lees, and other emolu ■incots ettabhlhed by law, the annual fa ■ kry ot two hundred dollars each. B Sec, 2. And be it farther enadedy ■ That from and after the laid lalt day of ■ June next, Bennet's creek, within the di ■ Itiiiltot Eden ton, and (fate of Nonh-Ca ■ rohna, lhail cease to be a port of deiive ■ r /> as heretofore ettabhlhed, and the office, ■ authority and emoluments of the surveyor Hos (aid port, (hallalio, from thenceforth, B tcrmmate and he difeontinued ; and a port ■of delivery in lieu thereof, (hall be effab ■“‘bed on Salmon creek, within the di ■ Ibiff aforefaid, at a place called the Tomb ■ hone ; and a surveyor of the cuitoms (ball ■be appointed, to reffde and keep an office ■ thereat, who (hail be entitled to receive ■for his services, in addition to the fees ■Uabhfhed by law, th e annual salary here ™toiorc allowed to the surveyor of Bennet’s ■creek. jHh>^ eC * 3* And be it further enadedy ■That from and after the said lass day of ocxf, a port of delivery (hall be e- H«aoli(hed at the mouth of Slade’s creek, north fide thereof, within the di- Wafhingron, and Bate cf North jßpltolina, on a certain trail of land, in designated for a town, where- Parmley rcfidcs ; and a fur i|l^ 0r of the cultoras (hall be appointed ||B£*^ffde and keep an office thereat, who entitled to receive for hisfervlces, to the Ices eltabliffied by law, faiary of one hundred and fifty 4* And be it farther enadtdy ■j jP| the territory of r he United States of t he river Ohio, there (hail, ' a^er the paffing,of this aft, be a diffrkt, to be called the di- K of Marietta, which, dial! include ail (bores and inlets of the river the northern fiae, and the ri ■J& and (bores connected there or to the eaffward oi, and fiver Sclera, from the | 1 • upward:, as fa* asihejar? f I ■ i f GEORGIA. may be navigable—And a colleCfor of the cultoms (ball be appointed to reside and keep an office at the town of Mariet ta, which (hall be the foie port of entry and delivery for thefaid diltnct; and the said collector Ihall be entitled to receive for his services, in addition to the fees and other emoluments established by law, an annual salary of one hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 5. And he it further ennßedy That it Ihall be lawful for the President of the United States to eitablifo, when it Ihall appear to him to be proper, in ad dition to the port of entry and delivery already established on the Mississippi, fouth -of-the state ©f Tennessee, one other port of entry and delivery on theVaid river; and to appoint a collector of the cultoms, to refute and keep an office thereat, and % to appoint one or more surveyors to reside at such place or places as he may think proper to ddignate as ports of delivery on r ly ; and the surveyor or surveyors thus appointed (hall be fubjcCt to the confront and direction of the collector within whose diftrift he or they (hall reside. Sec. 6. And be it further enafted) That from and after the palling of this ad, no duty Ihall be demanded or collected on merchandize of the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States, or of any foreign country tranfporred coaftvvife between the Atlantic ports of the United States, and the diftriCts of the United States on the river Mississippi, or any of its branches, although landed at the port of New-Orleans on its paifage ; provided the fame would not be fubjeCt to duty, er liable to seizure, if transported from one diltriCt of the United States on. the fea coall, to another : And provided like™ fe. That no debenture for a drawback (hail have been iliued upon the export of such merchandize from the Atlantic ports of the United States to any foreign port or place ; and to the end, as well that frauds on the revenue may be prevented, as that the coasting vessels of the United States may he permitted to participate in the said trade ? the Secretary of rhe Trcafu ry, with the approbation of the President, is hereby authorifed to preferibe and e ftablilh such forms and regularions, and the lame from time to time, with like approba tion, to alter and amend, for the government of the officers of the cultoms in this re fped, as he may think proper andneedfary; on the observance of which, merchandize thus transported, Ihall be exempt from du ty ; and it (hall be lawful for the coalling vessels of the United States to be em ployed in the said trade, and not other wise. • Sec. 7. And whereas it is provided by the hundred and fourth feClion of the collection law, that merchandize belong ing to Britilh fubjeCts may be brought (without regard to the character of the veffcl importing the fame) into the ports of the United States on the northern and and north wdtern frontiers, fubjeCt to no higher or other duties than are or (hall be payable by the citizens of the United States, on the importation of the fame in American vessels into the Atlantic ports of the United States ; arfd it being just and reasonable that the fame privilege Ihouid be extended to vessels and merchan dize belonging to persons residing at New- Orleans, and other ports of Louisiana and Florida, on the Milfiffippi, or any of its branches —Be it further enafied, That from and after the last day of June next, all goods and merchandize, the importa tion of which into the United States, (hall • not be w holly prohibited, fnall and may freely for the purposes of commerce, be , brought into the ports of the United States on the Mffiffippi, or any of its branches t in vessels belonging to New-Orleans, or any other port of Louisiana Or Florida, on the Miififfippi; and such goods or mcr lundize (hall be fubjeCt to no higher or other/duties than are or (hall be payable by the citizens of the Uni ites on the im pordon of the fame i. is Sec. 8. And be it further enafitd, That from and after the last diy of June next, no duty on the tonnage of any hoar, flat, raft, or other veifel, (hall be demand ed or collefted on the arrival or entry of such hoar, flat or raft, or other vcfi'el in a ny diilrift \vhich is or may he eftablilhcd on the iVliuilhppi, or any of its branches, and on the northern and north weflern boundaries of the United States—Provid ed neverthelfs, That this exemption shall not be conflrucd to extend to any veil'd a bove fifty tons burthen, and which fliali not be wholly employed in carrying on inland trade between the ports of the U nited States on the Mifliflippi and its branches, and the ports of Louisiana and Florida, on the fame, including New. Orleans, and between, the ports of the northern and north weftern boundaries of the United States and the Britilb pro vinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That all that part of the ad, entitled “ an aft to regulate the colleftion of duties on imports and tonnage,'' pallid on the lc cond day of March, one thou fund seven hundred and ninety.nine, that directs that the colleftor of the diftrift of George town ihall reside at Gcorge.Town, be, and is hereby repealed. NATHANIEL MACON, Shaker oj the llouje of Reprtfentatives. ABRAHAM BALDWIN, Prefi. dent of the Senate pro tempore. Approved, May 1, 1802. Th. JEFFERSON, Preftdent of the United States. SHERIFFS sales. At the court-hou/e in Elbert county, on the frfi Tuefday in N vember next, WI L L B E SOLD, ' Three dills, one of 163 gal lons, one of ;36 gallons, and one of 50 gallons* and a copper boiler of about 60 gallons, with 30 mailing hogiheads, one waggon and geers, one negro man nam cd Glen, one windfor riding chair and haraefs, apd two horses; the above pro perty taken by execution at the instance of William Poe against Levin Wailes * and Edward Lovd Whiles. R. MIDDLE TON, Sheriff. July 18. IhER I F F’s S ALE, At Elbert court-house, on the frji Ju<f day in September next , WILL BE SOLD, 54 acres of land, Elbert coun ty, lying on Savannah liver, joins Wm. Alston and others, well improvedi oc cupied by, and taken as the property of Gerrald Walthall, to fatisfy Joseph Ter rell, R. MIDDLETON, Sheriff. July 30. NOTICE? WILLIAM Hamilton having made his petition to the Judge of the Superior Court of the Wcllein Diftrift, Hating, that he was confined by virtue of a w’tit of capias ad fatisjaciendum , iflfucd at the inftancc of David Witt, Hfignee of J. M. Whitney, and having obtained an order in terms of the law passed the filth day of* December, 1801, to noliiy his creditors of his ; Ail crtdi tors of the said Wm. Hamilton, arc here by notified that the second Monday in Oftobcr next, at Carnefvillc, in Frank, lin county, is appointed for the time and place at which the said William Hamil ton is to appear, and will then and there be ready, as dated in his petition, to de liver up a schedule of his ' roperty, V -*’* real and pcrlonal, of wm % he may be poffcfled, in older that be dis. charged in tenas of the law, a* \ which the said David Witt, antj thers the creditors pf the Tjdfl* Hamilton, a« dr r*- [Vol. XVI. No. 826.] l ... _ . Il ~ ~~ _ g, GEORGIA, G reene County. PERSONALLY appeared be fore me Redman Thorniou, ami' made rath, that some time Cnee he was pof fefifed of two promiflbry notes, given to this deponent by Robert Dukes, for the fevera! sums of fevrnry d Tars each, payable on or about the 35U1 day of De cember, 1802, whi/h 'aid notes this de ponent faith he hath 1 0 (1 or rri/hid. Al so one ether m;te/given to this deponent by Charles Burk/jun. for the f«m of fitU ty dollars, pay bide on the date aforefaidl which fa id note this deponent faith ho ' h tth lust 0/ miilaid, that he is now una- \ blc to prepare them. ' REDMAN THORNTON. Sworn to betore me, this j 2ill July, 1 802. John Armer, j, p. GEORGIA, Lin com County. hy William Harper., clerk ofjtht court oj Ordinal) fur [aid county, WHEREAS Jme - Jordan hath kp plied to me for letters of admipi f ration, on the efiate and iff efts of ILny Jordan, lute of thK aunty, dec. \ f}\ 7 HESE are therefore to cite and ddmo nijh all and fingufir kindred and ere- \ ditors of the JhMdeceajkd, to he and ap* pear at my office, within the time allowed by law, to jhtw cause, ts any they have , why J aid letters Jhould Jiot he granted. GIVEN under my hand at office, this 'jth day of July 1802. Wm. harper, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Elbert County. By Wm. Higginbotham- clerk of the court of Urdinarffor Juid icunty, WHEREAS,. Thomas Smith has applied so me fog letters of ad miniflration on the cflaie-'and es ells of Valentine Smith, late'of this county, dec. THESE are therefore to dte and ad monish all and [insular the kindred and creditors offaid c\itajed,- to be and appear before the court of\rdpfiary to be held for /aid county on theJifL Saturday in Septem ber next , to j.Jief/cai\ if any they have, why Jaid lejp/rs Jhoulchnot be grant 'd, * GIVEN under my hand at office, this 20th day of July, 1802. W. HIGGINBOi H VM.e e. 0. GEORGIA, El bert County. By Wm Higginbotham, clerk of the court oj ordinary for said county, WHEREAS Charles Tail, has ap plied to me for fetters of adrnini flraiion on the efiate and effects of John thlfon, late of this county, dec, ‘THESE art tub\eforcAu cite and admo~ ntfh all and fngul\Ae kindred and cre ditors of the said be and afr pear before the court oj%dinar), to be him for said county on the last Saturday in September iiext , to Jhtw cause, if any they j have, why said Utters Jhould net be granted. GIVEN under my hand at office, this 20th day of July jg 02 . W. HIGGINBOTHAM, o. c. o. GEORGIA, Elbert County. By Wm. Higginbotham, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county/ WHEREAS Bienfant While has ap plied to me for letters of admi niflration on the efiate of Mses White, late of this county, dec, THESE artyfh.trefere to cite and admo nifn all and ftngKLr the kindred and cre ditors Os said dcSffjcd, to be and appear before the next courses ordinary to be held for said county on }ks lift Saturday in September next, to jkcib cause, if any they have, whfj aid Utters jhould not be gr-* *- GIVEN under my hd f * this ttd dayof W W. hIGGIN*’ SiA*.*Ssr