The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 11, 1803, Image 1

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SA TURD AY, June 11, i §bj. THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE AND GAZETTE OF THE STATE. FREEDOM ok the PRESS and TRIAL bv |U R Y shall hem arc inviolate. ConJUtutien of Georgia, AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, near the market. (j Dolls, per Annum.] - -■ _ ————~ —■■—— ■ -■■*-■ . - - - - - - - - - - - ■ - - -- - *■ i ■ i - ■ ■■■■—•- . -I Tr ~T » r I I. i umi .. . n I».T— ■ imii ■■■. ■ ■ ■. . . I——MMMWlßM—MM—WO————————lMMM— i «i<m i Ifc-* «j*?* '‘UfIMMUHHnnMw Received , and for Sale , One Trunk UMBRELLAS, from 27 to 36 inch, One ditto CAM BRICKS and CALI COES, handsomely allotted, 50 ft. POUND PINS, Also, 70 STILLS, Philadelpia made, from 301075 gallons, and 4 Hhds. JAMAICA SUGAR, 6 ditto ditto RUM, 6 ditto Northward ditto, AH of which will be fold very low for CASH Or PRODUCE. SAMUEL M. SMYTH. Thomas McCall Harris, H A 6 i M POK'IED JFVartfLoNDON. the following Articles, * V 1 Z.~ PRINTED and died Calicoes, Muflinets and Dimities, White and colored Quilting for Vefii, White and coloicd jeans and Sattinet, B.ack Muslin, Cambrick handkerchiefs and ftiawls, El'egant fiivered (ilk shawls, Plain, fancy and black ditto, White, green and black lace veils, Black, white and colored crapes, Black fattin, plain and striped for veils, Sattins, farcenets and lutcftrings, Toweling diaper, Pullicatand printed cotton hukTs, China, fatnn and love ribbands, Ladies and mens silk and cotton hose, Ladies white and colored silk and cot ton gloves, Ditto cotton mitts and glove tops, Curtain lines, taffcls, fringe and bed lace, Cotton and fi‘-k turnings, Thread, fringe, Silver lace and fringe, Cut glass, and mock pearl beeds. Fine thread lace and edging, Black silk and patent lace, Plain, spangled and black fans, „ Ladies pocket books, Ladies and mens drefling cases. Black, Shaneal and bugle sprigs and Wreaths, White do. fancy do. White and fancy plumes and feathers, Black brulh and round do. Ladies kid flippers and sandals, Colored chip and cane hats and bonnets, Ladies black beaver hats, ...FROM NEW-TORK .- i6o Dozen China cups and saucers, 1 Trunk Morocco flippers, 1 Bale white nankeen, 10 Pieces bandanna handkerchiefs, 10,000 India fegais. For Sale at his WARE-HOUSE, in Broad Street, Augujia. * TO LET, THE TENEMENT (the Store cx ceprcd) lately occupied by Eleazer Early , Esq.—Apply to THOMAS M f CALL HARRIS. The Subscriber Idas just Received from Savannah t Forty*nine Barrels SUPER FINE NORTHERN FLOUR, Which he will dilpofe of at Eight Dollars and an half per Barrel, For Cash. ’ Bd. BIGNON. Ten Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the fubferiber Ift of April, a negro lad named JIM, about 18 years of age, tolerable black, and (pare made, formerly the property of Samuel Clayton. Any per son who will deliver the said negro to me in Pcterfhurg, (hall receive the above Reward, with all expencca. I do for- all petfons from harboring the said negro under the penalty of the law ia such cases. JOHN OLIVER. Ma? ifr V —— n— - - y~—n« ill r—i gw ii 111———— —l—n mi m » JUST received, direct from the Paten tee, a trelh supply of Dr. Lee’s Patent bILLIOUS PILLS, prepared (only) by Samuel li. P, Lee, New-Landon, mem ber of the Connecticut Medical Society, which have been found lb highly uleful in all parts of the world, particularly in the American seaports, where fevers prevail, and Angularly ufeful to all fea-faring peo ple, both as a preventative and cure, for diseases of foreign climates. There is no medicine found so ufelui and eificatioiis in the spring fealun, for those com plaints which arise from a redundance of Bile in the llomach, caufmg Jaundice, IndigelHon, Dy fen caries, Intermit tan t Fevers, and Costiveness. They are e qually well known lor their Angular vir tues in removing the effeds of a debauch, in eating and drinking over night, by relieving the fyllem from that lassitude, fullnefs and feverilh heat consequent to indulgencies at the (luine of Bacchus! The above Pills, from a number of years experience, are considered the belt purgative physic, of any in use from rhe (hops, being pei Lilly mild and fafe, and may be used freely without any interrup tion tobufinefs, therefore proper for tra vellers by sea or land. An emetic should never be taken (unless from absolute ne cdfity) whenever these Pills can be obtain ed. For sale with printed directions and certificates, price 50 cents per box, by ISAAC HERBERT, Agent' for Georgia and Sourh-Carolina, Os whom Venders may be supplied on commillion, See. Also, just received from the above Pa tentee, Dodor Lee’s celebrated ARO MATIC PASTE, for the Teeth and Gums, a medicine unrivalled for cleaning, whitening and rendering firm in thefock ets, all Icofe, black and foul teeth, cures the feurvy in the gums, and thereby pre vents their bleeding, and is perfedly fafe to the enamel of the teeth, in children as well as adults. Its use gives a fine sweet breath, and cures a fee ted one, and its taste is remarkbly pleasant. This medi cine Hands high in repute, and the pro prietor pledges himfelf lor the fafety and good elfcds of it. Price 50 cents per box. Also, Dodor Van Vlecck’s German STOMACHIC BITTERS, in cannif. ters, at 50 cents each. The feeble con valescent, as well as bitter drinkers, and public inns, will find them the belt and cheapest of any. The Sublcribcr Has juji Received & for Sale, Fourth proof Jamaica RUM, Weft India and Northward do. Madeira and Malaga WINES, Bcft Baown SUGAR, Swedes IRON, and CROCKERY WARE, in Cratci, well aflbrted. Which he will dlfpofe of very low for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE ISAAC HERBERT. April 5. Hugh Nejbitt HAS taken ids brother ALLEN into Copartnerlhip. They will condud their Business under the lirm*uf H.& A. NESBITT. ftT Those indebted to the late Con cern of Roljlon 13 Nrjbitt , to Samuel Barnett, or to the Subscriber, are requeft cd to make payment to the above Firm. HUGH NESBITT. Augujla , April 30. V~O~R SAL eT By the Subscriber, TWELVE LIKELY NEGROES , Among whom are feme good COOKS. JOHN SCOTT. Avgufa, May 13. i GEORGIA [Published by Authority.] Seventh Congress of the United State At P'-ffion, I>«?giin and held at the City of Washington, in the Ter ritory of Columbia, on Monday, the sixth of December, one thousand eight hundred and two. AN ACT more effectually to provide for the organization of the militia of the dijinCt of Columbia, BE it enatted by the Senate and House of Reprefeiitcrtives of the United States of America , in Congress affembledy That it fhaii and may he lawful for the president of the United States, whenever an increafeof the militia of the territory, or other circumstances, (hall in his opini on, make it nccclfary, to lay off the said militia into additional companies, batta lions, regiments, or legions and brigades, and (hall appoint and commission, daring p’cafiav, iha proper officers for the fa me. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted , That the Prefioent of the United States, (hall when he may deem it necessary, ap point the proper officers to compose at lead one troop of cavalry, one company ot ar tillery, one company of light infantry, and one company cf grenadiers or rifle men, to each legion, which officers (hall proceed by voluntary enliflmenr, within their legion, to complete thttr company or companies, with the lead poffihle de lay, and every person belonging to the said companies (hall wear, wliile on du ty, such caps, or hats, and uniforms, to be purchased at their owncxpence, as the commanding officer ot the brigade to which they belong, (hall determine on, and direct; and the said companies shall perform the fame rotine of duty, and be lubjeft to thcfimc rules, regulations, pe nalties and orders, as the red of the mi litia ; the President may, ncvcrthelefs, order them, or any of them out on duty, as occasion, in his opinion may require, by entire companies. That no person be longing to any battalion company (hail, under colour of enliding into any com pany to be made up by voluntary enroll merit,.beexcufed from doing duty in the infantry, and in the company in which he had been enrolled, or might be enroll ed, until he (hall have equipped himfclf foe service, in such volunteer company, according to law, and (hall have produc ed a certificate thereof, from the com manning officer of such company, to the commanding officer of the battalion com pany, to which he did or might property belong ; and no person having enlisted in any volunteer company, ftiall be permit ted to withdraw himfclf from the fame, under the penalty of ten dollars, unlcfg in case of removal from his legionary di. ftrift, to be recovered as other fines im posed by this aft, upon the evidence of the commanding officer of the company, from which he ftiall io withdraw ; which com manding officer (hall return all such cases to the firft battalion court cf enquiry that shall fit thereafter. And the com manders cf the refpeftive legions shall di rest by order, to the different comman ders of battalions, to what battalions the different volunteer companies shall be at tached, and lhall parade with on battalion doty j and ffialidireft how they shall be pod i ' y ■ • [Vol. XVII. No. 87a] Cfl on legionary parades, unlcfs differently ordered by the brigadier-general. ike. 3. And be it further enabled. That where any battalion or company dillrift, or alteration in dltuifts actually laid oft', may hereafter be found necefi'a ry, the eommading officers of (hull affiemhlt; the commanding officers of battalions and companies at feme fit and convenient place, and may proceed to lay oft'or alter any such battalion or com pany dlltrifts, which dillrifts shall in all calcs be designated by certain lines and bounds, and recorded by the clerks of the refpeCtive courts of enquiry. bee. 4. And be it further enafied. That ic ihnil be the duty of the com manding officers of the companies to pro ceed forthwith ro divide their companies into divisions by ballot, from one to ten, for the purpofc of regular rotine of duty when called into adlual service, and to return a roller of each divifmn, and its number or rotation, within fifteen days thereafter, to the commanding officer of Ins battalion, who (hall forthwith trans mit the lame to the commanding officer of the regiment or legion, who (hall direst the fame to be recorded by the clerk of the court of enquiry. The fame regula tions ihall be observed by every com manding officer of a company, battalion and legion or regiment, on the subsequent enrollment of any person therein, unkfs futh person (hall produce a certificate of his having been before drawn for the a bove purpofc, in which case he Ihall be enrolled accordingly ■, and any militia man removing out of the bounds of one iLJinpdU)' iinotlur, fl’.-Ii spill V tl) the commanding officer of the company to which he did belong, who shall give him a difeharge certifying the class wherein he was arranged, and whether lie had per. formed his tour of duty or not, and ajfo the time and dale ot such service, which certificate the fa id militia man ihall pro duce to the captain or commanding offi cer of ihe company into whole bounds he shall so have removed, witlun ten days after his firftltmcm, and such officer is hereby required to enroll him in the nu merical class fpecified therein, and every militia man so removing, and failing to produce such certificate, shall be arrang ed and enrolled in the class destined to perforin the next tour of duty ; and if any captain or commanding officer of a company (hall relufe to grant such certi ficate upon application to him made for that purpofc, he fhallfor such refufal, in cur a penalty of thirty dollars, to be af v fefled and applied as other fines imposed by this ail. Sec. 5. And be it further ettnP.ed, That each and every officer appointed, or who may hereafter be appointed and com rnillioned in manner aforefaid, shall, pre vious to entering on the execution of his office, take the follow'ing oath, (to ho adminiftcrcd uy ajuftice of the peace, or the court of the county in which such of ficer resides) to wit:— “ I do swear that I will support the consti tution of the United States, and faithful ly difeharge the duties of in the of the militia of the dillrift of Columbia, to the best of my {kill and judgment —So help me God ” If the said oath he adminifttred by a ju fliceof the peace, it (hail be his duty to certify the fame to the court of his re fpeftive county, there to be entered of re [ cord by the clerk. ' Sec. 6. And be it further enafled , That the commanding officers of compa nies ihall enroll every able bodied white male, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, (except such as are ex empt from military duty by the laws of the United States) resident within his di ft rift ; and that in ali cases of doubt, refpefting the age ot any person enrolled or intended to be enrolled in any compa ny, the party questioned (hail prove h".-