The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, June 18, 1803, Image 3

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dh-eftiSi*- fortrs prefe., „?loc. 5. As'thc lift ol human afflictions con tains many and obftinare dil'cafes, such as oanccrs, coi.latnption, epsieply, ‘gour, p.-ilfy, whkefwelling, Sec. which have hitherto been for the molt part coniiJertd as incurable, a concise and faithful ac count of the latest and molt plaulihle re medies, or methods ot treatment, is given, FROM the foregoing account, u mull r be obvious to all, that \he nature ot the Encyclopaedia, is peculiarly a- Oapted to the ptdeut wants of the United States. Perhaps it contains a greater number of ufful fads than have ever ap peared in the compais of four moderate volumes. No pains, trouble, or expcnic appear to have been Ipared to render this economical dictionary as complete as the prefeat advancement of agriculture, gard ening, of the familiar arts and manufac tures, as well as the impeded itare of medical science, would refpectiveiy admit. It includes almolf every object more o, Ids connected with rural, domettic, and | animal economy. Hence the reader wid I find numerous experiments related, mary hundreds, of which have not before oecn publiihedm the Engiilh language. With regard to tne additions, the edi. torwill obiervc, that ,tv» exertions Ihail be wanting on his parr, to render them as f ufetui as poihble, to the people of this country,.,. As no other dileafes but thole enumerated in article five, are introduced in the original work, and as it is pecu liarly adapted to the situation of perions itl the country, remote from medicai -aid, it- has been deemed neceifary in the prelent edition tp detail the molt approved me thods of guarding againlt the attack, of dileaies, commonly prevalent in the U m ted States, of curing them when actu ally present, and of treating the various accidents to which agricultural people are liable, 1 here fhaii alio be given, as full an account of all the poisonous plants growing in the United States, as can be Obtained. Care (hall be taken to detail all the d-ifeoveries which Have been mace in the United States....Thefe "iU be *? und t 0 he more numerous thin is genera* y una *nned....Manv machines for . lrmm ln S labor,-and which are pecul 1 " 1 ® country, (hall be deferibedand 11U ra e by plates. The VETERINARY SCIENCE COrnP^e bending- the application of the prin cl P*^ s 1 of medicine, to the prefervaiion of lhc health of domestic animals, and the cure of their diseases, lhall aifo claim a due degree of attention.... That deftruflive and native dlfeafe, the yellow water of horses, lhall be deferihed. and a fuccejf ful method of cure pointed out. Laftlv, the objeft of the work being to ftrpplv families with a compact guide, in all economical affairs, every ufeful faft in rural and domestic eronomv, omitted by Dr. Willich, and which may be I known to the editor, lhall be inlerted j and in order to take advantage of pro grefling improvements, arrangements have been made to have all the periodical works on the above fybjefts, forwarded as soon as publilhisLin England or France. The editor, will thankfully receive any communications which may- tend to irtiprbve the work, and he begs leave rc fpefffully to solicit them. The Publilhers have but little to add for themfelvcs ; knowing, that proteftions generally arc, and, perhaps, ought to be, in a great measure, unavailing, they re fer the Public to the books they have already pub!i(bed. They have given to the world two editions of Dr. Rulfell’s Modern Europe, within the last three years; the manner, therefore, in which they execute their undertakings, can be afeertatned. In the present work, if they do not advance much, they pledge them selves not to degenerate. It (hall be printed in the firft style of uniformity and taste. The paper (hall be fuperfine ; and the Engravings at least equal to those in the London copy. CONDITIONS. I. It lhall be printed in five large hand some oftavo volumes. One volume (hall be delivered every threfe months. Price to Subscribers, two dollars and fifty cents per volume, in boards, payable on de livery. 11. The firft volume Audi appear on the firft of April, 1803, and a volume regularly every three months afterwards. 111. It may be had in one delivery when finilhed, at twelve dollars and fifty cents per set, or fifteen dollars well bound, payable on the delivery of the books. It will, however, be only ob tained at these prices, by those who give the the*r njun# during the 1 pfocsfs of the Work, so take it when [ finiflied, IV. At any considerable distance from Piv.ia.telphij, it can only be delivered in the bfi mentioned manner....the torward- I ing of fingie volumes to many place* be- 1 I ing empratf fcahlc. N. B. I'hc Public will pleafc to no tice, that the amount in price of this improved and extended work, is not higher than the London work in four vo lumes. i, *** Among the numerous original ar soles which will apj*ear in the firtt vo. iome of this work, and the fabttance of which is not contained in any other En. cy clopaedia, we (hall enumerate only the fri lowing: Abdomen, Abortion, AhfreJJes, Abflinence , Adulterations, Agriculture, (in general) Agues, Air , Ale and Beer, Animation (fulpended) Anodynes, Anti. dotes , Apoplexy, Apples and Apple-Trees, Apricots, AJparagus, Baking, Barley, Barometers, Bcdjhads, Beef, Bees, and I Bee-hives, Beet. root, Blacking, (Frank | lord) Bleaching, Bleedings, Books (po pular) Bread, Breath (offenfivt) Brew, mg. Bricks (indeftnßtible) Buildings, Burials, Bums, Butter, See, Sic, OS’ Subscriptions to be taken at this Office. GEORGIA, Burke County. By William BdduLy, dork oj the court of ordinary for Jaid county, WHEREAS Ferriby Sullivan has applied to me for letters of ad mmijlraiion on the ejiate and effects oj John Sullivan, late oj this county, dec, -/ tIESE are thereyore to cite and ad. monijh all and [insular the kindred and creditors of Jaid deccajcd, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time allowed by law , toJhew cauje, if any they have why Jaid Utiers Jhoald not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 3 1 Jl day of May , 1803. Wm.BADULY, c. c. 0. GEORGIA, Columbia county. By Anderson Crawford, clerkofthe court of Ordinary for Jaid county, WHEREAS Batjey Moore has ap plied to me for letters oj ad minifiraiion on the ejtate and ejfcds oj JcJfe H Moore , late oj this county > dec. THESE are therefore to cite and admo nijh all and Jingular the kindred and ere ditors of Jaid dcceajed, to be and abpear at mv office within the timr allowed by law, to Jhew cauft , if any they have, why Jaid letters Jhculd not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 18 th day of June 1803. A. CRAWFORD, c.c.o The Suhfcriber Intends leaving thisftate in a few days, and will be absent for several months, during absence, Mr, Wm. Kennedy of Augusta, merchant, is duly appointed attorney for James Brown, senior and junior; trading under the firm of Brown & Co. All those whom it may concern arc requested to take due notice. For JAMES BROWN, senior. and fclf, | JAMES BROWN, junior Augujla, June 1 j, 1 —— f RUNAWAY from the fubferiber on the 29th day of May last, a negro man NEDj when he went away hisdrefs was a negro cotton jacket, ind panta loons of fnuff colored caflimerej he is about 3 feet 9 or 10 inches high, rather yellow completed, when he walks he limps on the left, occasioned by a sprain in his ancle, I expeft he is attempting to get to Virginia, where I brought him from—whoever will bring the said negro to me 01 Collin Pope living In Hancock or secure him so that I get him, (hall be gcncroufly rewarded for their trouble, Wm. BRODNIX. Sparta , June 7. —■■ ■ - - - WILL BE SOLD, Oh Friday the lC)th July next, at the late rejidence of John E. Anderjon , dcceajed, at the hmr of ten o'clock in the forenoon, \ All the perfohal property of faiddcceafcd, confining of horfes, cattle, a riding chair andXAilky, house. hold and kitchen furniturel and an ex tend vc assortment of law aLi miscella neous books. Credit will 1* given on all futns exceeding thirty d/llars, until the ill of January next, thl purehtfers giving notes with approve* indorfers.— The sale will continue froA ( day to lay until compleated. m a SARAH ANDERS*/, June 16, W, Georgia, By bis Excellent? JOHN MILLEDGE, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this 6 tatc t and of the Militia thereof: A Proclamation VTT'HERfiAS, 1 have received official information from the Sheriff of Hancock county, tttjat a certain JAMES BRIDGES, confined, a charge of murder, in the common Jail of the said county, did, on the night of the a6th ultimo, make his tfeape therefrom— I have therefore thought ft, to ifluc this my Proclamation, ottering a Reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any person or persons w ho will apprehend the said James Bridges, and him fairly lodge in fomcfecure j til in this Hate. And 1 do hereby charge and require all officers, civil and military, belonging to this Hate, to be aiding and affilling in apprehending andfecuring ihcfaiti offender so that he may be brought, by a due course of law, to anfwcr to the charge allcdged againtt him. Given under my hand and the great fcal of the State, at the State tiuuje in Louisville, this sixteenth day of 'June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the twen ty f vent h, JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor, Hor. Marbury, Sec*y of State. GOD SAFE THE S I ATE, £3- JAMES BRIDGES is a flout, well formed man, about fix feet high, supposed to be between thirty and thir ty-five years of age, with dark hair and complexion. COLLECTOR'S O ALbS. At the Court-Hnufe in Greenejh troughs on Saturday the 6tk of Augufi next, WILL BE SOLD, The following property, for the tax and I cojifor the year i 8or» viz. 2ii acres ot land in Greene county, on waters ol E. Creek granted to j* FJenekio, adjoining Giettum; re turned by Sami. Flcnckin, tax D. x 87 r go acres Greene county, waters T. Creek, granted to Wade, adjoining 60 ring, returned by James Hoalt; tax centt, 96 j acres in Greene county, waters T. Crccic granted ro Purter, adjoining Gill, returned by Charles Loyed tax D, 1 4.8 206 acres Greene county, waters T, Creek, granted to unknown, adjoining Heard, returned by Johrs Sharp, at trus tees for Rebecca and P. Peeples; tax D. 7 87A 100 acres Greene county, waters Rose Creek, granted to Nai?or» joining Tig ner, returned by Elijah Cumpings; tax •jg cents* 1431 acres Greene county, waters R. L. Creek, granted to Findley, adjoin ing Cochran, returned by Jeremiah Lumfdin; tax 7 g cents* 85 acres Greene county, waters of , Beaverdam, granted to Daniel, adjoin ; ing Anderson, returned by Jon as Mca- I dor; tax go cents. I 60 acres Greene county, waters of R, L. Creek, granted to Pevey, adjoin ing M ( Michal, returned by Benjamin Carrel; tax 48 centt. |oB acres 6reene county, waters Bea* verdam, granted to Caffna, adjoning Hunter, returned by John Lifter; tax D. 1 121 6g acres Greene county, waters R. L. Creek, granted to Crane, adjoining Da vis, returned by Wo. Owflcy ; tax D. 3 »$• 100 acres Greene county, waters R. L. Creek, gfauted to Thompfou, ad joining Hill, returned by Alexander Thompson; tax g6J cents, 70 acres Greene county, waters Ap paUchec, granted to Hill, adjoining Jinkins, returned by William Smith; tax By| cents. 100 acres Greene county, granted to Fitzpatrick, adjoining Bohannon, re turned by Phenis Whatley; tax 62J ct». 140 acres Greene county, paters Lit tle'River, granted to Tray wick, adjoin ing Bird, returned by Thomaa Garrett; tax 6*l cents. 135 acres Greene county, waters R. L. Creek, granted to Johnson, adjoin ing Hills returned by William Hays; tax 6ij cents. 230 acres Greene county, waters Ap palachee, granted to Heard, adjoining Harris, returned by John M'Cailah; tax D. 1 u|. 105 acres Greene county, waters Ap palachcc, .grained to Hadfc, adjoining I 1 D*v& returned bjr Tvfiat ?r f .'icK j tzx 18t| seres Greene county* water* Oconee, granted to felf, adjoining un known, ■ 150 acres Franklin county, waters B. Ri • «r t granted to Biin*, and joins Burns, returned by. Daniel Stamper} tax D* s 75.' jo acres Greene county, waters R. h» Creek* granted to unknown, adjoins M-Ncal, returned by John Terrel} tax 4.8 cents. 100 acres Greene coonty, waters R, L. Creek, granted. to Thompson, ad joining Hill, returned, by John Thomp son ; tax D, 1 ISJ; 100 acres ditto, waters ditto, granted to ditto, joining ditto, returned by John Thompson, as Ttuftee lor Samuel Thompson j tax D. 1 iBi 30 acres Greene county, watersShoal derbone, granted to Kinmon, joining Call, returned by Eli Marib; tax 48cts» 100 acres Greene county, waters Ap palachee, granted to Wilborn, joining Newrcn, returned by John Boon j tax a I 3i FIELDS KENNEDY, 7*. C. Greerujlforough, 'June 6- Alexander Spencer , HAS JUST RECEIVED, And is now opening nn clegmt and r xtet* five ajj rtmeni of f Alienable GOODS, suitable FOR T HE iE.iSON, IVkich he will dijpoft oj cheap for casts only— CCJrth/STJNG OF - needle worked, lajN X put and cambric mullins, Printed, bla<k ami colored catnbtickt* 4.4 and 6- 4 biack ;uullto», very low, F.atn jaconet, ano bcou muslins, do. do. do. handkerchiefs, A large and general aflriment ol ca:» 1.1 cob-s and chintzes, newest laftuooUf White and pi in ten marhiUcs, Jeans and India dimities, buperdue cloths and caflimcrcs, Striped fattint, I Black, litk velvet, and velvet ribboiff} Silk and cotton fufpecdc.'S, Muflinets, aimrtiesand diapers, Biack and white lace vcih, and P.irit rett. Ditto ditto yellow gaezra and tiifanys, Bandana ana black Bared oa haudk’ft. Biack, fancy and lead coined fiik fliawls* Fine 6-4 flJT'd muslin Ihawis, aud print ed ditto. Belongs, far tenets, per ft am, mode* Biack, white, and colored crapes Sattin, china, love, and fancy libboflfc Fancy fl >wers, wreaths, and feathers Black and white laces, and edgings ■ great variety Sewing and embroidering fiiki all colors Ladies extra long silk gloves, and glove ties Ladies and gentlemens morocco pocket books Ditto ditto, ho fiery Hn mhurns coariie sod hoe, low by the piece Whit* and printed cotton, and linc& pocket handkerchu fs Black white and fancy lans Ladies fancy kid, and morocco flipper* Umbrellas, Parafoil, and playing cards Needles, pound and packer pins A large and elegant assortment of cot glass, amber, gilt, biown ard bugle brad* Marking thread, and cotton, and turkey yarn Gold tings, ear rings, clasps and bread pins . Silver lace, ribbons, fringe and trimming* Flcff'd cotton, and Worsted ctewcb, for tambouring White and colored thread, tapes and bobbins Gentlemens white and brown thread, and black cotton gloves Ditto bucklkin, beaver and silk ditto Pavillion gauze, buckram, and marking canvas Black, blue, yellow and striped nackeenr Durants, wildbores, boiobafccts and cal limancoes 3.4 7-8 and 4-4 Irish linen and dowlas Raffia sheeting, raven* duck, and brown linens Ticklenburghs, German and BricifU pf naburgs, cheap by the bolt Brown Hollands and platillas Hardware, Stationary, (3c, (3c, fen Dollars Reward, RUN- AW AY from the fuberiber, liv ing in Columbia county, on tin* 18th of April, a negro lad named JOHN, 18 or 20 years ot age, j feet 3 or 4 inches high, dark complexion, large whiskers or locks on each fide cf h» face* Any person apprehending (aid negro and confining him, so that I get him, (had receive the above Reward, TH. MERIWETHER. i