The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 15, 1804, Image 1

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SATURDAY f December 15, 1804. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, G A Z E T T E O F A T*H E S T A T E. . I ■ - - ■ I - - - _ . _ _ F R-E ED O M of Tin PRESS and TRI A L at JU R Y .hala unu. inyiolati. Camion ./ . __ ' * V V, f * «• - » * " ' ' J " '' : 1 . \ • • • *.’■ 1 ’ 1 ' " ~ r "" ' ' '***' ■" '» "(i- ~r i *‘*N"» l i—.... u* i -k. T . AUGUSTA; Printed by D. DRISCOL. wear the market. f 3 Dolti. per Annum.'] ■■■ ' ”** ‘ ■ *■>' .a. a. .—i— -1. . . I lllil 111 H-MI !■ I Great Bargains, To be hud by the Snbfcriber for cajii , cotton, or Tobacco. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Suitable for the prefenl fiafon; and also, a large quantity of GROCERIES. He O uters hitnfelf, that having purchas ed tljof: goods for calh, that it i* in bis power to fell them either by wholcfale cr retail, as love as any in this city. He Ilfs a quantity of COTTON CARDS by the box, and a very elegant aiffirtmcnt oi BOLTING CLOTHS, from No. i to 8. F. PHINIZY. N- H. The onhlic are informed, that IS? V/ARS HOUSE is in complete to stoic Cotton 3 Tobacco, F. P, Augujia, December i, ts ■ COMMISSION WARE-HOUSE. r TSr*'HK fu!>fofiber informs his friends and the pub We in general, that he has ereikd a LARGE WARE HOUSE, for the reception of Tobacco and Cotton, in the city of Auguih, adjoining Call's Ware-Hpuft on the upper fide, very con venient to the River, and will store at the foW'swir.j rater: For a hogfbead of Tobacco for the fitft fix months, tq cents. For a bale of Cotton, for the firft fix •month* 18 3 4 cents. All ether produce in proportion as above, thrfe prices will be kept up for two years or li-mger, i< any persons wi(h to make en gage meats. DSLEADiII. PACE. Movember 17. if n ■ ' <9n the 4IA day of January next, the Sub. fc liber will offer at PUBLIC SALE, At his plantation, in Columbia county, twelve miles abeve Augvfa, on the Wajh ingten road, on a credit of twelve months, , The entire of his flock of Horses, cattle, hogs and (h;ep, together, with the plantation utensils, and a Cotton Machine, One Waggon, in Ox cart, and a pair of well broke OXEN. ALSO, . Two or three excellent FEATHER BEDS and furniture, the present year’s crop of corn, fodder and rye. At the (ame time will he offered to rent, the FLANTATiON, and the NEGROES 4 hired. HEZEKIAH JONES. Nov. 24.. 4t * . ' Thirty Dollars Reward , '■* T 3 AN- AWAY from the fubfenher in ■W\. Wilkes county, about the itt of Fe. bruary, 1804, a n?gro man named DICK, about five feet 6 or 7 inchss high j dark completed, and on a ciofc examination, ?ny person may difeover that one or both of ears has been cut, trim made nnd very a&ivc, speaks fal and ha? foail feet and hand?, and is a-toleriMe fhr>e maker. STOVALL POOL. November 17. ts TO RENT, FOR one year, the HOUSE Sc LOT, now in poflVflion of Mr. Nicholas Fox, adjoining Mr. Bsnj Harris. ALSO, The LOT with improvements, in pnf ftffion of Mr. Ltndfay Coleman, on Broad flreet Pcfffll m given on the left day of January next. ARCHd: BEALL, ' December 8. ts CAUTION! WE the fabferibers do hereby caution the public from tradir-g with To bias .Upton, for cor note, for Six Hundred Dollars, as the said Upton has faibtd to t -Comply with-the tenor of Lid-obligation. * JOHN VINSON. PHILi? RAWLS, Ugnf ock ceuntyj ikc. 8. . et From ike Aurora, It is with the tnoft grateful sensations of pleafurc that we mark a disposition in man)' ' members of the present congress, to procure some eftettuai relief for the surviving foldiws * oftiie revolution, who are unable to pass the remainder of their days bie&d with a portiou of the comforts of life, all of which they dc. serve from their services and their wounds. The number of those living is but small, ifit were greater, the obligation to relieve would still bp the fame; in molt inftanccs, theft? worthy invalids havelargcfamilies, for whoTe education at lead it-is the duty of the state to enable the parents to provide. This hon ora hie disposition to relieve manifefts itfclfin a puoad and prosperous period of oiir country, v/hilft the bleflings are univcrfally felt from a corredt adihinillratibn of our conftituHon, let those whose blood was spilled tp procure them receive that mark of gratitude bell a dapted to their wants : by granting relief the present government will gain ,an additional - portion of the applaufc of the prefentand fu ture generations—the aft will be recorded among the other evidences of pure patridt ifm and humanity which have been given for the last 4 years. Let it no longer be a fe proach to our country that the men who fought for our liberties atenot fa well pro. vided for as thefoidiers of England are by their government, who fought for our en. /lavement. Let the tear be wiped that flows down the check of the war worn ( veteran, on a recollection of the treatment experienced from the man who, f 1 has left no equal behind him j” and let a Icflbn be given to those who may be hereafter called to rhe defence of their country, thatalthoagh 1 they may receive injustice at one time, the day of retribution mud come.— We are happy to announce the arriv'al in this land of freedom, of Thomas Addis Eijoj. : mett, Efa,,fardelv_aswiudc-Hi' »r»-,-tint eminence at the Inlh bat, a gentle man of genuine worth and talents. He will be more generally known, however, when the rCader is informed that Mr. Em mett was one of the directory appointed by the patriots of Ireland to superintend their organization of force to drive th c foreign tyrantt of England-from their shores, and to manage the concerns of the conteril platcd republic, in case of success, until the danger from without would permit thecoun. try to eflablilh a conflicution for prderving peace and freedom within : that he was one of the flare prisoners ennfigned at Fort George, on the failure of the attempt to give freedom to the most unhappy country in the universe, Mr. Emmett* has lately resided in France, from whence, with his family, he has now come to enjoy the comforts resulting from the only jult and free government that ex ists. tb'td. The late Indiana Gazettes have contri buted to remove the alarms from the portion of Upper Louisiana, which had been fob jefbd to the temporary government of In diana. On the 2d September, a committee at Genevieve, declared in favor of an en tire submission to Congress, and in the fup pert of the authority of governor Harrifoo. At Louis, in the diltrift of Upper Louisia na, twelve out of the seventeen representa tives appointed to meet in that place, had a (Tumbled and had taken the oath of allegi. a nee, agreeably to a propofol made in their aflembiy, and on the lit Of»ober, governor W. H. Harrison iflaed his proclamation, by which the dlftritl of Louisiana is to be divided into five diilrifls, and bounded, the find including all the lands above the Miflouri, called Charles. The second, called Loins, having the MtflilTrppi on the north, Platin-Creek on the fouth from its mouth to its source, thence on a weft line to the fork of the Mer. timac, called Aranean, and down said fork to the Merrimac, then up said Merrimac, to the upper fettlemcnrs on that river, and then on a well line to the wettern line of Louisiana. The third, called St. Genevieve, on the north upon the diilritt of St. Louis, and on the fouth by Apple Creek, from its junc tion with the Miiiidippi to its source, and then upon a weft line to the wei.ern boun dary of Louisiana. The fourth,, between the above, and that line which has* separated the jurifdifticns of Cape Girardeau and New Madrid, call ed the dillrict of Cape Girardeau. GEORGIA* The fifth, all that part of the diftrift of Loci Sana, which lies below the dlitrict of Cape Girardeau, to be called the diftrift of New. Madrid. The fifats of jufticc arc at the places ftom which the diftticls derive their names. Paulus-Hook, by an aft of tlm legislature of Hsw-Jerfey, has been erefted into a city, to be named the Ctty of Neia~yertey t and a port of, entry. An aft tuthorifing the eftab lifhimnt of » branch of the Newark bank at this place has also received legiflativc sanc tion, Paqlus.Hook therefore will probably soon become a growing fettlor.cnt. N \ The eleftion for charter officers for the city of New. York, has iffuefi In the success of the republican ticket in fev*n wards out* ? of nine, by a majority of 1151.. The A merican Cl«*ett ttatci. tbii a»,ti»c firft time Cnee the peace that the Common Council has been on the fide of the people. The following are copies of letters pafled between the chief judge Rcgnier and Ma dame Moreau:— yhe chief judge aad minifer of the police to Mr. Victor Moreau. Paris, June 21. “In allowing you, Sir, the liberty to retire to the United of America, as you have reqaefted, it is the intention of his majesty ths emperor, that you are not to return to France without having firft oh. rained afn express permission for that purpose. “ Mr, Henry, who will deliver you this letterr has inftruftions to bring back an an. fwer from yon conformable to the intentions of his m 'jelly. (Sigcd) ** PvEGNIER." >.■ * f Barcelona, July 7. * f Str—My hll (bind being too much in. to inform your excellency, that Mr. Henry has delivered your letter to him. I mull add, tlvat it was myfelf only, who request. ed that his ma jefty would allow us to quit our country, and that my huiband did nothing moire than to Album to the determination which had been taken refpefting him ; but he was far from expecting that the duration ofhis exile was lo be indefinite. “ As our return to France is made to de pend upon the emperor’s pleafnre alone, I am in hopes that it will be much fooncr than 1 had reason to expeft, &c.” - ST. DOMINGO. LIBERTY OR DEATH. DECREE. Jaques the First, Emperor of liayti. Being informed, that the captains of Amc- that arrive in the different pons of our empire, make a practice of felling their cargoes, wholesale or retail, to finall deal, eis: Considering that the above praftice is pre judicial to commerce, and favors the expor tation of all the fpecicfrom the iliand, w f e determine to put a Hop to it: We, therefore, v decree and ordain the fol. lowing to be executed in ihcir utmost ex tent : Article ift. We forbid promply every captain ot a foreign vdfd, arriving in the port of our empire, to fell their cargoes by retail to fmail deaicis, or private persons, 2d. The merchants edaiditbed by virtue of our letters patent, fhail have the foie pow er to treat for the cargoes, either feperatcly or jointly, 3d. Every merchant, foreign or domeflic, who (hail receive directly, consignments of veflels, (hall not fell the merchandize by re tail; and (hall conform according to article 2d, witli refpeft to the file of their corgr es. 4th. The merchants efrahliihed by your letters patent, tball not treat w'ith the con. fignees of foreign veflels, until the admini stration Gull have made choice of such arti cles as are neceflary for the army. 5. Any psrfon or persons contravening the present decree, (hall be fined 300 dollars for the firft offence, and 500 for the fccond. We give notice to and order, the miniller general of finances, the generals of division and brigade, the principal and, private ad mioiftraiors, to keep under guard, all who (hall contravene the above decree. Done at our Imperial Palace, at the Cape the lBO4, firft year of our in- S \ v _' N {Vol. XVIII.No. ~~ : T~~rrr 1 i t t ... K V . v * dependence, and of our reign the firil. (% nfd ) ( j ACQTJEi, I. By the emperor, Diagouv, general of hone. LIBERTY OR DEATH. J/Uqtttt the i JK emf*u ,v jf Hiytu TTalciinto view, tig; pru cotion, antj good win that we fh<‘w to forvigners, who tranfaft coiivncrical concerns with us : and who, itrftead of occupying themfelm with their commerce, and refpeCling the laws of the country with which they deal, are pur ging thetflbftextraordinary conduit, infs- \ cilltating (he cfcapc of men and women of colour, natives of’chc country ; Wc, therefore, ord:un and decree the fol„ lowing to be ejwcuted with the tiUnoft rigor i Article tft. Every captain of foreign vcffels, *rmed br not, on beard of whom one or more peribns, natives, (hall be found for the purpose of being carried to a foreign country ; fuel) captain (hall be arrested and thrown into prison, there to lay ten months, and after that time to be Cent to his own country, with express orders nor to return to the empire of Hayti at his per;]. The veffi.l and cargo (hall be contifeated for the benefit of the empire, 2d. Every native taken on board such a foreign yeflei, (hail be immediately (hot in the public ftpiare, >■ The generals of divisions and brigades, and the different commanders, are charged with the execution of the present decree. Done at our Imperial Palace, at the Cape, the 22d Oft. 1804, year of out inde pendence, and of our reign the firft. (Signed) JACQUES. By the emperor, Carbonne, gen. of the horfc, \ , near his Imperial M a jelly. < The year 1804 has been fruitful in the of emperors. By, accounts from no less tKafi Ybm I p* J ?wJn4.Vt •> k..« —r- ’ Napoleon, emperor of Francfe, Franci, I. do. ofAuftria, Frederick,, do. of Brandenburg, Jacques, I. do. of Hayti, , NEW.YORK, Nov. it. The brig Rolla, which arrived at this port yesterday, left Bonleaux on the ift of October. Her Pa 6s papers are to the 20th of September, inclusive, a file of which is received at the office of the Mercantile Ad vertiser. Our verbal accounts are, that on the 1 irh Oftober, in lat. 4J, long. 16, the Rolla spoke the (hip Balfour, Douglas, at that time out eight days from Greenock for Df marara, who failed with the fl«p ITtf, arul a new (hip name not recollected, for this port ; and was informed that the Spanish miuiiter left London on the 26th September, war having been declared between England and Spain, letters of marque and reprisal issued by the former against the latter. In telligence had reached Bordeaux, and ob tained general credit, that a formal declara tion of war against France on the part of Rufiia was on the eve of being made. A Brittfh fleet of nine fail of the line were at anchor off Rochelle. No further progress ,madcin the preparations for invasion. Our parts papers are as dull, as uninfereft ing, and as (illy as usual. The following ate the only articles entitled to notice. “ The greater part of the Ruffian forces are concentrated upon the frontiers of the TurkifliJ empire ; from which circumftancts it is generally believed that the cabinet of Peterlburgh are about fomc serious under taking against the Ottoman Porte, who would find it difficult at present to make a. ny effectual refiftanee, v “ It is generally believed in Germany that the king of Prussia will (hoitly cause hiaift-It to be'proclaimed Emperor of Bran denhurgh. The French genen! commanding in Na ples has ordered the ftizure of all icffcis fuf pcCted of having on board provrfions destined for Malta or for the EnglKh fquadren. ** The departure of the pope from Rome for France is fixed for the 16. h October. “ General Lauriftpn, camp to the emperor of France, anivt-d at Vienna early in September, on his way to Uonftanlino ple with a million.” . Sheriff's titles, Bills of fate. Mortgages, &c. may be had. this Office. I •