The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 22, 1804, Image 1

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SATURDAY, December 2i, 1804. * ~ ~ ' 1- -i i-~- - „ -I ** ~ • -i ■ -- . , ■' ■, , , FREEDOM of the PRESS and .TRIAL by JURY shall remain inviolate, Conjittution of Georgia, _*—— l: * , * , ■ 1 ». -■ . - z ; _s» ; ■■.■■■■ AUGUSTA: Printed by D. DRISCQL, near the market. [3 Dolls, per Annum."] —■ ' ■■ . ' - :■ I.f 1 i*. ' ——: ' ■■ , S'. M. SMYTH, Has jujl received a large and general affort~ ment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Among which are the following articles, viz: 5 bales Clothes & Caflimeres, 3 Ditto coatings* i do. Flannels^ 1 do. Planes, 2 do; Duffil Blankets* 2 do. Rose do. i Case Fancy Cords & Thicksets, 1 da. Irish Linens, 2 Trunks handsome Printed Callicoes, i do. Cambricks, 1 do. Handkerchiefs, 2 do. Hosiery, Ladies black. & white silk gloves, do* Cotton do* Silk & cotton suspenders. Cases Boaibazets & Durants, Ladies scarlet Cardinals, Mens over Coats, 2 bales Oznaburgs, ioo pieces best hemp bagging, bale Sein twine, zoo Qnart & pint Decanters, 200 Straws Tumblers, 200 Wine Glades, 3 Tons of Country, Ruffla & Swedes Iron, 1 do. Biiltered Steel* 2 Calk Trace Chains* 36 Kegs White Lead, 20 do. Spanilh Brown, 16 Boxes window glalfes, 25 Calks 4d, 6d, Bd, iod&2od nails 24 Water & Waffle irons. An alTortment of Iron Mongcry & Cutltery. 1 2 Puncheons 4th proof Jamaica RUM, 6 do. N. E. do. 4 Pipes Cogniac Brandy* 4 do. Holland GIN, 6 Hhds Jamaica Sugar, 50 Barrels Mufcavadodo* 20 Bags Coffee* 8 do. Pepper, 4 do. Allspice, 4 Chells Hyfon Tea* Shot Sc bar Lead, 30 Boxes large bloom Raifins* 1 2 Boxes Northern Soap, 1 Barrel Saltpetre, 2 do. Copperas, 1000 Bulbels gronnd SALT* And many other articles too tedious to enumerate. All of which will be fold on moderate terms far cash or produce. Augttjia, November lb. ts LUMBER FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION business. THE fubferibers having entered info Partnerlhip, under the Firm of COWLES & JONES, have taken the Wharf lately occupied by Mcffrs. Bacon and Malone, 'for the reception of LUM BER'--ar.d Commodious Stores for storing PRODUCE—SoIicit the patronage of their friends, and the public generally in the a , bove line. Those who may confide in them* may rely on every exertion being fnadc for their inteteft. WILLIAM COWLES, THOMAS JONES. Savannah, Augujt iq ts JOCKEY CLUB RACES. AT a Met tine of the AUGUSTA JOC KEY CLUB, this day, it was Rc/ol ved, That the Races for the ensuing year, fiiould commence on the la ft Wednesday in January, free for any Horse Mare or Gelding, from arty part of the world Weight* &c. a* at the bit races here. '1 he purses and didances,.as viz. Firtl day's tunning, four mile heats, a pttrfc of 400 dollars. Second day's running, three mile heats, for:» putfe of 300 dollars. Third day’s running two tbilc heals, for a purse ol 200 dollars. FouAh day's running two mile bents, for all the Lupins and entrance money. THOMAS BARRETT; Sec*y. Ofloher 27. Sheriff’s titles, Bills of falc, Mortgages, &c. may be had at this Office. AUGUSTA \CHRONICLE, GAZETTE OF T H E STATE. ; V. r ~ ' >■«■« *m*m mm |i«N«n Great Bargains, To be had by the Subferiber for cajh, cotton, or Tobacco, y A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, Sail able for the present season ; find aljo, a Large quantity of GROCERIES^ He flatten himfclf, that having purfchaf ed those good* for cash, that it it in hit power to fell them either by wholesale or retail, as low as any in this dry. He hs* a quantity of COTTON CARDS by the box, and a very elegant aflbrtment of BOLTING CLOTHS, • * from No 4 i to..i Y : • F. N. B. The public arc Ms WAREHOUSE is in complete order to flore Cotton & Tobacco, F. P. Augusta, December i. FOR SALE, TWO NEW COTTON GINS, Reckoned to be as good as any in this part of the country, will be foio low for cash, ALSO, Two new RIDING CHAIRS, with harness to one complete, and a FISHING BEIN partly new, in use only one fe^fop. HODGEN HOLM£ I '. December i. ts iFOR SALEOR TO RENT^ THE HOUSE and LOT occupied by the late Alexander Blair-.-Immedi ate poffcffion can be given of*4*e Sterns and Ware-houfc, and pofleflion of the en tireS prcinifes on the firft day of January next.—For tetms apply to Benjamin Sims, of Augusta, or the fubferiber itt Piney Grove. Wit: M. COWLES. October ry. ts TWO new negroes were lodged in the JTil of this place, on the 12th of No vember last, they appear each of them to be about twenty years of ago they can neither of them speak Englifli, but from their marks appear to be of different countries, the one a Aim dark fellow about five feet five or fix inches high, and hi* country marks on his bread, the other not quite so tall or dark, and has his country marks of eight small eruptions, forming two fquarc* on each check and chin, the former in bro ken Englifhi calls himfelf Jacob, the latter Sugh. **• The owncf or owners will plcafs to call as soon as may be convenient, prove hit or their property, pay charges and take them 2W3V» THOMAS FORTH, £. B. C. IVaynefboro’ August 25. 1804. WANTED, AGKNTLEMAM of a moral charac ter, who can come well recommend ed, as a teacher, of fcading, writing, a riihnoetic and the English grammar, will meet with liberal encouragement, by ap plying to cither of the fubferiber* in Co lurnbia county, twelve miles above Augus ta, on the Wsfbington road, where wc have created a commodious building for th»t pu'-pefe. Any proposals that may be cff-TC(I, 1 will be gratefully received and fhiclly jettende-t to by johN Foster. JOHN BEALL. / £ HEZEKIAH (ONES, EDWp: JONES. V* JAS: GERMANY. J tj November 10. 7* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, r T'TIAT nine months afrer the dare here- JL %. an application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ofihe county ot Richmond for leave to fell all that part ol lot No. 37. in the (own of augufta where on Andrew Inncs cfq. resided. And also 20 and one half acres of land in the village of Milledgeviile, being the real tftate of the said Andrew Innes and to be fold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors . JAMES BKGGS, Admu December 8/ tL \ ■ GEORGIA. 1 • THE SUBSCRIBER liasjufi received, and now offers for fate, on moderate terms , for Cafli, Cotton or Tobacco , at the Store occupied by him for fever al years pa/t, in BroadJirtet, Au- A FRESH ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS* Together with a good japply of LIQUORS and GROCERIES. ISAAC HERBERT. Augufti ?, December 8. N. B. The COMMISSION WARE HOUSE bufihefs is conduced bv Mr. Jo fjiuu Deßutts and Mr. 'George who will pay ftrift attention to the fame, in receiving, ftbring dnd forwarding eve. ry kind of produce ot other articles commit. ted:t**l*ir tire. ' .* .. ' ADMINISTRATOR’S SALES. To be sold at Public Au fi t on, on Monday the twenty-frf day of January next , at the fore lately occupied by the late An drew Jnnes , Esq, deceased, On Broad - Jlreet, in the city of A'ugujln. All that large-ind well aflprted : stock, of dry; goods ! ’- AND GROCERIES. Belcnging to the fas est a re, 4 confiding of almolt every article wanted in the back country, or usually to be had in stores. — The file to commence at 10 o'clock* and continue from day to day, until the whole is fold. CONDITIONS, All sums not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, calb. One Hundred and not >xcedllng Five Hundred, three months credit. Five Hundred and not exceeding One Thousand, four months. One Thousand, and upwards, fix months. Notes bearing interest from the date, with approved fccurity in Augulta, will be required; JAMES CEGGS, Adm'r. Aiigujld, Dec. 8. ts _ —t N O r l c E. ALL persons to whom the eftatc of th late Andrew Tones (lands indebted arc requested to render their accounts properly attested ; and thole indebted to the said es tate to make immediate payment to JAMES EEGGS, Admr. Augujla, Dec. 8, i 804. ts. NOTICE. To be hind at the market-houj'e, in the city of Avgujia , on the firjl day of January, 1805. The negroes belonging to the relate of A Leigh, deceased, for the term of one year. ALSO, The HOUSE and LOT, at prtlcnf oc cupied by Mr. Lewi* Girdine. CENJ: LEIGH, Adm'r. November *7. 7* THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING commenced the practice of the law, takes thU method of an nouncing the fame to his friends ; He fiat* ters himfclf that hi* knowledge of account! and the practice of the courts, together with a drift attention to the interest of his clients, will entitle him to a fhaic, of at lead, the collection bufmtfs, to which, he ffiall principally turn hi* attention. He will attend mod of the coort* in the Mid die Diftrift, and such of those in the We (lern, a* his business may require, and the legal arrangement* thereof will admit. JOSEPH HUTCHINSON. Augufla., 02. 17- ft For Sale, or to Lease, The OLD COURT-HOUSE. ALSO. The DWELLING HOUSE fituste on th,*. corner of Jackson and Greene-ft reel, for merly the Property ot Claudius Magnar, —For terms appiv to SAMI. M. SMYTH. | No'-.-, 24. 1804. r fVor.. XVttlMo Ail . ' IJ ~ MRi CURRAN’S SPEECH, [ Every reader of tafie , ive are confident , will be highly gratified by the following abfiraSl of the Speech of mk. CURRAN, to evidence , in the late Crim. Con’s tri al in Ireland, Maflcy v the Marquis of Head!art,] Lon. Lap, Never fa clearly as In the present instance have I observed that fafe guard of jullice, which Providence has placed in the na ture of man. Such is the imperious domi nion with which truth and realbn wave their fccfhre over the human inrelleri? that no fdlicitatioil, however artful, no fotlenr, however commanding cart reduce its allegi ance; In proportion tq the humility gs our fuhmiQion to its rule, do warilc iiiyo Cgmo hunt emulation of that ineffable and presid ing divinity whose attr&ure coerced and bound by the inexorable laws of its own natuie, so as to be allwife and alljuft from nc&ffity rather than clcClion. Ydu have seen it in the learned advocate who has peceded me, mod peculiarly and strikingly illullratcd. You have seen his great talents, perhaps the full in any country, languishing under a catife too >eak to carry him and too heavy to be car ried by him. He was forced to dismiss his natural candor and fmccrity, and having no merit in this case, to take refuge in the dignity of his own manner, the re foitrces of his own ingeniity, from the o verw helming difficulties with which he wa# surrounded. The learned counsel has told you that this unfortunate woman is not tef b« elfimated at forty thousand pounds—fatal and unqueftionablc is the truth of this ail’cr lion. Alas ! Gentlemen, {he is no longer worthy any thing ; faded, fallen, degrad ed and difgraccd, the is worth lets than no thing ! But it is for the honor, the hope, the expectation, the. ttndcrncfs, and tha comforts that have been blaitod by thede-' fendanr, and have fled forever, that you are to remunerate the plaintiff, b ys the punilh ment of the defendant. It is nor her present value which you arc to weigh—but ft is her value at the time when fhc fat balking, in a husband’s love vyth the bleffipg of Heaven on her head, and its purity in her heart j when flic fat amongst her family, and administered the morality of the paren tal board j elhmutc that pall value—com pare it with its present, deplorable dimi nution—and it may lead you to learn some judgirient of ths severity of the injury, and she extent of the compcnfation. The learn ed counsel has referred you to other cases, and other countries, for inftahee# of mode, rate verdirii. I can refef yefu to some au thentic inflanres of just ones. In the next Orvin>V ij* . u> a- .yp In Travers againtt M‘Carthy, 5000'. a gainst a servant; In TigHc agamll Jones i<3,oool; againll a man not wot tha (hilling; What then ought to be the rule, where rank and power, and wealth, and (latiun, have combined to render the example off his crime more dangerous—to make his guilt more make the injury to the plaintiff more grievous, because. more con fpicuoos ? 1 a fieri no levelling familiarity, when I (peak of peffons in the higher rank of fociety—diftinriions of orders are neccflary, and I always fed disposed to treat them with refperi—but when it is my duty to fpcak of the crime# by which they are de graded, I am not so faftidious as to shrink from theif contari, when to touch them is effcntial to their differiion. However, therefore, I should fed on airy other occa sion a disposition to (peak of the noble de fendant with a respect duo to his llation, and perhaps to his qualities, of which he may have many, to redeem him from the odium of this tranfadion, 1 cannot so in dulge myfdf here, 1 cannot betray my cli ent to avoid the pain of doing my duty. I cannot forget that in thisariron,- the con dition, condirri and circurndances of the parties are peculiarly the objects of your confederation. Who then are the parties ? the plaintiff young, amiable, of family and education. Os tiic generous dlfintcrdle?- mf> of his heart, you can form an opinion from the evidence of the defendant/ that declined an alliance which would Jirave add ed to his fortune and confederation, and which It - rejected for an unptoporituned union with his present w ile, bhe too a, that time was young, beautiful and accompUfhed; and feeling her affection for her husband increah; in proportion as flie remembered the atdi-ur ; of his love, and the finccrity of hisfacri e .. f&m,