The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 22, 1804, Image 3

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fcl~n nation". tint in their inlcreo'jrk with C 5, honcfty is the bell policy. LONDON, October 1 3. WAX. WITH SPAIN. Our Portfraouth letters state the arrival there ol a Spanilh frigate with the Engliih colours over those of Spain. They do not ihte the occasion of this detention ; bet just as our paper was going to press, we receiv ed the following particulars : “ On the stii inst. off St. Mary’s, a fq'izdron of his Majcfty’s frigates, confining ot the Indefatigable, Medusa, Lively, and Amphion, fell in with four Spanilh frigates, from Rio dc ia Plata, bound to Cadiz, un der the comma t*l of a rear admiral, and ha ving a large quantity of treasure on board. The orders which Capt. Graham Moore, the senior officer, was under, to detain ail Spanilh veffds of this defeription, being re filled, an ad ion ensued, in the event of which, three of the Spanilh frigates surren dered to his Majelly’s frigates, and the 4th blew up, after firing one broidfide. ** Captain Hammond, of the Lively, is ar \ rived at Pcrtfrnouih with La, Kama; and teript. Moore with La Medea and La Cia’a are hourly expeded. The four Britilh fri gates were dispatched on this fervicc from the fleet under the command of the gallant Admiral Cornwallis, with sealed orders.” This morning, at two o’clock, captain E. G. Hammond, of the Lively frigate, arrived express (in a poft-chatfe and four) at the Admiralty, with difpstches from Portsmouth, containing the above particu lars. The French fleet in the outer road of Bred, confiding of 21 fail of the line and 5 frigates of 40 guns each ; and, according to a lettter from an Engiilh ,officer, (leccived in Loudon) appeared “ ii|l ready fora dart.” NEW.YORK, December 5. Jnterjhng information from our Squadron off Tripoli. On Saturday last, arrived et Philadelphia, the brig Commodore Barry capt. Mead, from the Mediterranean. Capt. Mean left Mdraon the 2;th of August, far Marzeala, in Sicily, to take in his cargo of wine ; while there he received an advice boat from our Consul at M ilta, containing dispatches and letters from I’npoii for our executive. The following letters were received by the Commodore Barry ,; ** 'Syren, off Tr ipoli, Auguji 1. 1804. **oollls liveemh ult. we attempted to bring off with our boats under the command of Lifu : cnant CaldwiJl and Mr. Dorsey, a fma.'l.vefftl, but did not succeed, for the col lection, of troops brought down for her de fence was so numerous, that my boats had to retire with the loss of one man killed and three severely wounded ; —the loss of the enemy wasconliderablc—we have been informed by a Maltese captain, (whom the Commodore feat into Tripoli with cloathing, Sic. for the prisoners)that they had one handled and fifty killed and wounded. “ The Tripolitans are much diftrefled at prsfent—their craps have failed, and the vi. g«l ince ot the blockading fq-iadron has pre vented their getting fuppiies from abroad. They have been fortifying themselves at eve ry point, have removed every thing valua ble from the town, and have made and are (fill miking great exertions for its defence’” From the fame to the fame, dated Syren, off Tripoli, Auguji g. “ The feene of combat commenced on the 3-1 lull, when the weather became fovorable for oar operations; accordingly, at 2 o’ clock, P. M. the lignai was given to prepare J for battle. At 3 o’clock we got within gun | shot of the batteries, and cast off the gun jr boats and bomb ketclres. They advanced in I a hnc ahead, led on by Capt Steph. Deca ls tur, and covered try the Conftiturion, and the brigs and fehooners. The enemy had 17 gun boats moored in a line in front of the batteries, brig of id, and a fehootter of 10 guns, to aid and cover their boats. “ Ihe moments were janxtous as we ad vanccd---a difeharge of lb ells from the bomb | boats induced the enemy to open their fire, which was heavy and incctfant: yet our brave fellows advanced with ail poffibie in itrepidity through a (hower of grape fhor. Y/hen our gun boats gut within 20 yards of the enemy, they difeharged their great guns traded with 40 pounds of mulketb lls, w hich was iminediatfv fallowed by a voiley of inuf. ketry. 'This obliged q of the gun boats, composing the enemy's right wing, to cut their cables and retreat; em boats then bore up for those to leeward-. Capt. Decatur hoar ded and tjre firft boat—Lieur, Trip boarded and carriedjths second—and Lieut. James I Decatur, in the aft of carrying the third. Was killed. Capt. Decatur continued down I their line and carried the :hird--all of which were fafely brought off. The attack contin ued anthour and a half. “ The Turks were driven our effort Fran, cais, and mull have fuffered much from our fire info the town as well as inro their bat teries. Thefcafon of the enemies fire doing so little damage, was on account of its be ing so badly duefted. The three gun beats taken arc excellent-— two ot them carry a 26 pounder each, of brass, and the third, an 18 pounder. Lieut. Trip, who carried the second boitj received 11 fabre wounds, but non&.of them dangerons, and he is like- Ij fOQOVt cfh . t t “On the sm, we had the captured boa 1 | rigged, and Ihould have returned to the aty tack, but a final! French priva'eer, finding her birth too warm in the harbour, cams out, by her wo.learned, that the enemy had* one boat funk—another 101 l two thirds of, crew ; and all the red very much lhattered ; —tfbey also informed us, that the enemy was employed all night repairing their damages. The platforms of their hatttcries were torn up, and our unfortunate countrymen were employe uto repair them. The Commodore fenc the privateer back with the wounded, and the next day Ihe returned with a letter from the French Consul, bearing marks of a pacific disposition. The Commodurc however, determined to attack them again the jiext day to the wellwaid ... “ Accordingly on the seventh at eight clock, a, m. the signal was made to advance in two lines, and attack the batteries. The ’ morning was calm and w'arm, which preven ted our getting in before 12 o’clock, when the enemy'opened their fire from their bat. teiies, and, in their confufion, fired at lead fifty guns without ball. The bomb boats got their pofitionat half pad twelve and an chored : their politico was within point black range, and in a little time, they dismount ed tw'o guns in the wedern battery and drove out the enemy ; a (hell was thrown into bat. tery Francais, which hard and filcnccd their fire for nearly half an hour. “ At 1 o’clock p. m. the quarter-deck of Gun-Boat No. g blew up, by which event we have to lament the loss of Lieut. James Caldwell, commander, and Mr. Dorsey, two promising young officers, and eight of her crew. Wc lay about 200 yards from her when (he went down, and my boats were iimmedi ately sent to pick up those who (urvived. *; This caused a small ccflatien of our tire, but it was only momentary; it was renewed with redoubled vigour, which seemed to fay We 'will avenge our brave companions. The frigate John Adams joined us this day. From the fame to the fame , dated Auguji r 3. ** I wrote a long letter on the 9 h, infer * mlng you of our operations.’ «n this coast, since when nothing has occurred. The Bas. haw, in his communication, has offered peace and the redoration of the prisoners to us for 150,000 dollars. One hundred thouffind dollars, I believe, have been offered, but the Baihaw has declared tie will differ him. fdf tobe buried in the rnins ofhisCaflle, or drove in the country, rather than take Icfs than 150,000 dollars ; therefore, we are prc. paring forano her attack this day—the wea ther is favorable." WASHINGTON CITY, December 3. ~ Mr. Monroe is appointed MiniUer Ex. traordinary and Plenipotentiary to the court of Madrid. James Turner, is rc-elefled Governor of Notch Carolina. AUGUSTA, Dec. 22. The following gentlemen have been ap pointed by the late Legislature, Truftces to the Richmond Academy. Dr. B. F. Harris , in place of General Gi. fcock, resigned; and Robt. Walker , Esq. and Cipt. Wm. Scott, in room of G. Walk er and A. Innis, Efqrs. deceafcd. (J4T The gentlemen, who fubferibed to Curran’s Speeches, ire informed that the work is now received at the Chronicle Of ficc, and ready for delivery. Columbia, (s. c.) December 8* The Legiflaturc proceeded yeilcrday, to the election of Governor and Lieut. Govern or, when, on calling up the ballots, it ap. peared that Paul Hamilton, Esq. was duly defied Governor, and that Thom as Sumter, jun. Esq. was duly defied Lieut. Governor of this Hate. The total number of votes given in Maf fachufctts, in April lad, was, for the repub lican ticket 23755, for the federal ticket 29197--- at tlie late elefloral eleflion there were given for the republican ticket 29637, for the federal 25.585—making a difference in favour of republicaniim, within eight monrhs of n'vu thoufandfour hundred and ninety-four votes. To Correspondents, Urania , mult fee that the inlertisn of his piece would lead to an immensi ty oiink.fhed, without plcafure or information to the rea der; COLLECTOX’s SALES. At Jackson Court-H use, ou the fecauJ Sat urday in February next, WILL BE SOLD, 200 acres of land, on the pond forkotUconce river, adjoining Eiao, Gi;f. al ; taken as land in default, assessed by three free-holdcrs, 75 acres of the 2d, the balance of 3.1 quality, granted to Wm. Young—in anears for tax, lor the year 1787, up to the year 1803, inclusive, Ethl. WOOD, c. t. j. c. Augufi 13, 1804. N B. Fie above sale is pfpoued until the 14 tb of February next. Fifty Dollars Re war J, RUN-4WAY from the subscriber, ia Columbia county, on the firft day ot November, igoj, a negro mao known by the name of JULIUS; he it about five feet, five or fix inche* high, black and well made, ha* loft one or two of hu up* per foreteeth, which it very perceivable when he attempts to fpcak, especially at he ha* a stoppage in hi* speech, and when hurried, will draw down his eye-lids and twist his mouth open, before he can utter his worJt; he las a down look, and at lime* pretends to religion, about thirty four or five year* es age, was raised by Mrs. Wright, in Lih.-rty county, and conveyed to me by Gneral Gunn, in 1787 or 88—At which time, he wa»a lad, 1 and had ran from Gunn, and got up about ' Mrs. Willis** plantation, on Ray'* ere k, ~ in Richmond county, in which neighbor -1 hood he may now be, though it is fuggeft el, that fotne evil di{poled person may have conveyed him eff, sni that he may he lodged fomc where on Cufteetown, in South Carolina, or down about the Salt Ketchei, or some where on the direction between Savannah and Charleftoo, or per haps in Hancock county, Georgia.—The above reward will be paid to any unfufpeft cd pcrlon that will deliver the laid negro man to the subscriber, Jiving near the mouth of the Kicka creek, fixtren mile* above Augufla, in the county aforefaid; or that will fafely fecurc him in any public Jail of tbi* Hate, or South-Carolina, or that will give fach intelligence of him, that will enable me to get him again, JESSE SANDERS, D:ctmb(r 22. 4t Just received and for sale , B V THE SUBSCRIBER, 3 Hogfhcads & 30 Barrels ift quality brown SUGAR, 3000 ibi green Coff;e, 500 do M. flo. do. 4 C Iks loaf Sugar, 3 Cherts Hyfon I'iea, 8 Rove* Chocolate, 2 Calk* Weeding Hoe*, 2 do, Twilt link trace chains, aooo lbs Btr I on 2 Faggots German Steel, v A tew c-flcs ground A ; lum Salt, and ts A few box.-.* Cotton Cards, No, 8, 9, ro. 35 Pieces Cotton Sieging, * 3 Hhd*. 4th proof Jamaica RUM, 2 do. Northward do, t Pipe 4th proof old Cogniac Brandy, 2 Boxes 2 Bale* Humhams, Alf) t On Hand, A large and general aflGtmcnt of coarfc and fine DRY GOODS, The whole will be fold at the ufaal low prices, For CASH, COTTON, or TO BACCO, L. CANTELOU. Augufip., December 22. if PUBLIC AUCTION. Will he fold on Tuefday the if day of Janu ary next , at my Ttndue Store , Sale to commence at ro o’clock , and continue from d ty to day, until the tohoh is sold, A very large aflurtment of DRY GOODS, Confining of almost every article neceflary for the trade of tbi* nhce. ALSO, Five likely negroes, among which is an excellent beat hand, and a new Tobacco Flat. CONDITIONS. All fum* under One Hundred Dollars Ca(h, All above One Hundred to Three Hun dred 60 day*. And all linn* above Three Hundred ( dol- Jars 90 davs with ap.roved enderfer*. JOHN B. WILKINSON, AuT , Augufla, D-*c. 22. 2t FOR SALE, OR TO RENT, On the 1 sik duv of "January next, on the premifi, mil be exp fed to fait, to the ine.ii jl bidder, That valuable plantation where on the subscriber now iivc*, and immediate poll (fin given. If not fold on that day, it will then be rented or leafed, from cne I f» five yesrs; the term* of payment road* known ori the day. Any person inclined to the contrail foonrr, may know the terms, and tbuin poffrflion at any time prior to that day, by applying on the premises to JESSE SANDERS, j Cdu.vr.bia. county , DictmUr 22, -4? ■ FACTORAGE ANt> COMMISSION BUSINESS, THE fubfcribcrs inform their friends and the public, that they have enter ed into the above line of business under the JOSHUA DeBUTTS, & Co. At the itand lately occupied by Isaac Her bert & Co. adjoining Calls warehoufc, Those who may favour them with their business mav rely on the Ihitldt attention to theit intertii, JOSHUA DeBUTTS, GEORGE Y. iVKMURPHY. Aifgnjta December 2 2. ts- JOHN MEAD. HAVING entered into Cmarfnetlhip wi h WILLI JENKINS, the business in future will be ccrdidkd undef the firr of MEAD & JENKINS, They offer their c a LOMRFft FACTORS & COM MI'SION MHR~ CHANTS, at the Wharl >uc« am’ Dock, lately occupied by Col. Amb-.o'e Gordon* December a, %t V— N ■— I | , .Cl .1- N O T 1 C £. THOSE) indebted to ihc Sui ferihrn <jti o en accounts, arc again rvqueftcd to have them either paid, or liquidated be fore the fit ft of February next, otherwise, whatever may then remain u fetthd, wid indiscriminately be put into the hai.ds or a Lawyer lor collection. To a ru(Tiber cf their customers, they feel t bligcd, bj th<if punftualrty, but av many other* have been tardy in rheif pav menu, they? arc under the nec'fliry of wholly putting a flop to ' further cicdus .* Thii it is hoped will pre vent applications on that head, or the mor tification of a tefufah SCOTT & KELLYS* Ten Dollars Reward Will be given b r apprehending thrif mulatto fellow LEWIS, ivcil known ia this place, and Savant.ah, S ic KS. Augvfla, Dec, it, ts LADIES ACADEMY. MOUNT SALUBRITY. NEAR AUGUSTA. THERE are two vacancies in this eftab lifhcd Sem nary, which is conduced on the plan of Bethlehem, where one of the Teacher* vai educated....Tern*.® as usual for ten years pa j o< L 30 dollars per q ui te r. December a, gt —l 11 1 -■ r <■«■■■■»« $3" Pcrfom indc bted to the Tiuftees of the Rirhnv nd A ademy, and particularly those who have leafed Town Common, are refprftf 1 y rrqusfted to call cn the fubfcribci, and difeiurge therf re fpeflive dues. F. WALKER, att. t. i a. December 22, 2 1 NOTICE. THE fubferihrr, through a fcve'c fpcll * of sickness. which has rendered hi«n alraoft blind, and wish ng to travel in the up country for hi* health, begs leave to re quest those, to whom he is indebted, to render in their accounts for fcttlemicnt.—* Aifo, those who arc indebted to himj‘ to come forward immediately and fett’e their • account* as speedily as possible, as his filtr ation cannot admit of lis continuing in the city longer than the fnft of January, jgoC. He also informs his friend*, that he wiil return to business hr re, early in rexC Spring. He returns his sincere thanks sos their former favors. He can be seen at Mr. Ashton’s every day at 11 o'clock, pre vious to his departure. E FENNELL. N. B. Hi* booki are in the care of Afi Shaw, who is amborifed to f.ttle all s.c c.ju its in his absence, E. F, Dec, a. ts ' GEORGIA, Burke county. By William Badulj, clerk of the court of , ordinary jar said coumy, WHEREAS Wm, Unduly and Jam Baduly his wife, applies for later 3 of administration, drbonu* non, enthe eftati of Benjamin Lewis, Ejq, Lie of this county decent ed, 7 UESE are therefore to cite end aim vijh all and Jlngular the kindred of the J aid dec, to be and atpear at my office, within the time allowed by law, to Jhtw cause, if any they have, why said Liters Jh'suld net bi granted. GIVEN under my harid at office this iSth of November, t?o4« Wm. BADULY, c. c. o. j S.-M. SMYTH, ‘ HAS FOR SALE, 6 Chests Hyfon Tea, 8 C.iflts Starry Wine, of a very fuperlor quality. .. , ‘ . December 15, ts