The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, December 22, 1804, Image 4

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SHERIFF’S sale. At the ccurl-houfe in the town of Waynes* bore, on the frft Tuejday in January next, at the usual hours , WILL BE SOLD , ioo acres of pine land whereon there is a good Saw Mill, known by the name of Perm's Mill, levied on as the pro perty of Henry Hughes, to fatisfy an exe cution in favor ol the Executors of Hard w;ch, ALSO, ico acre* lying on Savannah river, ad joining lands of Edward Telfair, and o thers, taken as tire property of Win. Sto bo, to fatitly Henry Crutcher, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, One dark Sorrel Horse, foire houfebo’d furniture, a theft containing fume bed fur niture, one. bed ami furniture fur two beds, one bedhead and one wheel, tsßen as the property of Lit tie be rry Tillman, to fatiffy a iexecution in lavur of Thomas Juhnfton, p. intcJ out by the plaintiff, ALSO, 300 acres more or left, adjoining lands of VVm. Wiggins and others, levied ou as • r». property of Charles Collins, at the in . ■jincc 1 Samuel Bethwell, pointed out by the till if. ALSO, 37 1-2 acres adjoining lands of Alcxan dm Carter, levied on n‘i the property of ]cue Handley, late of Baike county, dc- C' (led, at the infiancc of Laid Alexander Latter, levied on and a return made by John Duke, Constable. ALSO, 50 acres more or left, bring the place vr’ eon Peter Wynn at pre<cnt reftdes, taken utt the property of laid Wynn, at the f-.ftal foils of Dicad Tarver, and Mary Cook, ad ninilfptdx of Abraham Cook, Aveafed, levied on and returns made as ai. by John Duke, c instable. THOs: FORTH, Sheriff. December 1. pt NOTIC E. Will he rented ami hired , on the Firfl day if January next, at the fubjeriber's, be lew Spit it creek, in Richmond county , to /he highefl bidder, for twelve months , The lands and negroes belonging t. the hens of Robert Jones, dcccaicd. -- Com’mons will ht made known on the day idling. FANNY JONES, Guardian. December 1. I~t NEW BOOK STORE. like Editor of the augulla Chronie'e has i'll ti l •tved the following uletul and va- Jv h r. lOoks, in addition to his former fk, which he will fell on raedetaje v—Several of the books having . ordered, the gentlemen \vho gave . ir con;millions, will plcal'e ts call or . kr,(. for (ken:, as soon as pcffiblc, 1-iki’s Magazine, eh Guide, nines of Abjfitiia, . Hiilelas, iloly War, L-:t ;fern’s' Notes on Virginia, Duncan's Logic, V ife.ndort's Law of Nations, v .iFr * American Oilfiller, or the thc u, r d practice of dittillirg according to • ir.teft dsfcovcrics and improvements, p< ing the molt improved methods of vuft/uLting Hill's and of rectification. Taplin’s Farriery, ' in’s Sermon*, p vols. '•.awin’s Zoonomii, 2 do, PyihoJcgia, . ——— Temple of Nature, Botanical Gatdfn, f ‘‘ceral Calculator, ex American Tu'oi’s AMlbof, ■' j> ht*j Geography, L., nhrrgei's ir,vj.'s in the interior of . c irom the Cape of Good Hope to iVt.Noccc, from the year 81, to 1797. ■ hires of Imagination, by Do&or A'e initde. • n’s Lidon D"iftonary, containing - .hat is cfcful in me Dictionaries of ;hidon, Sheridan and Waikti’s. The and explanatory matter fc >t >i I ram Doctor Johnliun, the pronun- L'loh adjusted according to Mr. Walker. ~ e t Dtduy of January next , the Sua ■ fdibit tad offtr at PUBLIC SALE,, ■* r anialien, m C,ti‘Vrtibia county, iv. ue »Ma above Av.gnfia, on ihc Wojh fO‘M'n road, on a credit of twelve months, i .*tc entire of his flock ot Horses, u: '» s due 1 , together with the f u ation!*, and a Cotton Machine, Waggon, an Ox cart, and a rair of *all broke OXEN. ALSO, „,/ °r three excellent FEATHER ■'mOS and furniture, the present year’s •1 of corn, fodder and rye, the fame time will be offered to rent, -•AN CATION, and the NEGROES HKZEKUH JONES. ■ Hr 4t > ’THE SUBSCRIBER RrfpeßJully informs the public, that he has j commenced manufailuring TOBACCO £sf CANDLES. Will have a conjlant flock of the btfl Chewing Tobacco, Negro Head, Ladies Twist, and Pig tail, Mould and Dipt Cau dles. He has aljo received a frejh/apply of LIQUORS GROCERIES. jo Bairds Ti ifh Potatoes, Cqdfith £c Mackerel, Northward Chccfe, Onions & Cider, Ditto A, pics, Philadelphia B'e*, JOHN CASHIN. Near the Market. N m H. The highest price given for TalL 1 low, , Jvgu/la, December ip. ts COMMISSION AND FACTORAGE BUSINESS. r PHE fuhfcrihers having entered into A partnership in the above line of bu frnefs in this city, under the firm of THOMAS BARRETT, & Co. offer their Services to their friends and the public in general, assuring them no exer tions shall be wanting to render fatisfafticn to thjfe who may favor them with their commands. Thcv have a large and commodious FIRE PROOF, BRICK WARE HOUSE on the Bay, oppofte the old Richmond Ware House, for the reception of produce and Merchandize, • THOMAS WILLIAM COWLES. Decemhr i £. ts io Dollars Reward. QTRAYED from the Eeaverdam Crrrk, O Scriven county, about the ph of No vember, a Gelding of a r/hitifh cr cream colour, about fourteen hands high, paces, trot* and canters, black mane and talc, which is a long switch, his nimpt hes been brolc*, which is perceivable, and makes his talc droop, very much sway backed, has the appearance of a Mule, has a num ber of Spanish brands on him, he will ra.ike for the frontiers, as he was brought from Tombigbee, about twelve months ago. A reward of Ter. Dollars will be given on delivery of Did gelding, to the fubferiber living on Bcavetdam Creek, about five miles from Jackfonburg. JOHN H. MANDERSON. December i y. yt Lorenzo Dow's appointments in Georgia. MAKING his course thr.ugh the la . dian Nation, he comes in at the flatien, and preaches at Mount Pciite, Han cock county. Sat. rath January, 1805 j Sund. r 3 h, at Sparta; Mond. i4,fchool houlc ; Tucf. 1 yth, Burke meeting-house; Wed. 16th, Gen. Steward's; Thutf. 17th, Fri, 18th, Sat. tgth, Sund. 20th, and Mond. 21st, Camp Meeting, at Henry Pope’s peeling house, in Oglethorpe coun ty ; Tucf. 2"i- 1, R'. ok meeting heuSc at night in Waffington ; Wed, 23d, Comb’s meeting.houfe ; Thuif. 24th,- Scott’s 1 meeting house; Fri. 25th, White o.*k ; Sit. 26th, tide ; Sund, 27th, Augusta me thodic meeting house, U o’clock; Mond. 28th, Octet's meting-house, 1 r o’ot«tk, and at 4 in the afternoon at Edgefield c h. and soon to Virginia*—His night appoint ments are omitted here, for brevity fake. Mr, Dow wii'hcs an apology to he made, for his visiting Georgia, so much fooncr than be cxpcißi-d ; oocafioned by his atten tion to his journal's being printed in Rich mat d, Virginia, before his going to Eu rope. December 1 y. 2 t SHERIFF’S SALES. ~ On the flyji H uefday in February next , at ihi'ki court-hoy/, in the town 0/ Way ms - borough , at the u/ual lime, w ILL £ E SOL D, A negro &How named Billy, and a negro woman named Jude, ami her child about eighteen months old. The whole levied on as the property ol William Ciarkr, to fattsfy a morfgige from fa Id Clarke to R brrt Bolton, late ol Chatham county deccafed. THO?;. FORTH, Sheri f. December g, notice. ~~ On th’ fecomi Jay of J'tnuarj next, WILL BE HIRED, For ffr.e year, on the plantation of J. Beal, in Burke county, on B/icr ctetk, near A’tij'j bridge, A number of prime FIELD SLAVES, and a large plantation, well cal culated for corn and cotton.- -Any perfen inclined to rent, may be suited, as the plantation is in three feparatc apaitmetu* under fence--. Security will be requited on the delivery, by HKZEKIAH BEAL, Guardian. December 1. 4 1 'Just received frctll the Patentee, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, A frejk supply oj DoEior Lit’s patefit New London Bilious Pills, And GERMAIN BITTERS. ISAAC HERBERT, Agent for Georgia i 3 South- Carolina, December 15. < 6t Valuable Property , For Sale , AT the plantation oi Henry Ware, ds ccafed, in the county ot Lincoln, on Savannah, river, Three trad* ot land, in cluding the plantation whereon he lived— A parcel ot valuable NEGROES as in the Rate—Also, a valuable ftcck of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, wich about Thrpe thnufand weight of pork; corn, household furniture add plantation utenlils, and a number of other things too tedious to men tion, will be fold on the second day cl Ja nuary next. —The land will be fold on a credit, with "two inftalment? —The firft twelve months, and the second, two yeais after file; and if the payments ere not made, the day appointed, then the bonds tod-raw intcrcftfrom the date of falc. All other property will be fold on twele months credit, that amount* to Fifteen Dollars, or upwards, by givii g bond and approved security, ROBERT WARE, \ JAMES WARE, J LX December j 5. 2 1 TO HIRE, On Wednefiday the second day of January next, The NEGROES belonging to the eft.ite of Anthony Haynes, dcccafed, at the plantation whereon the fubferiber now resides, on the Uchee creek, and terms made known on that day by THOMAS HAYNES, EaV. December Ig. 3 : t N. B. Will be fold at the fame time and place, leveral NEGROES, a quantity of corn, an excellent thirty saw cottoiv machine and sundry other articles. ------ - —1 ■ —1 NOTICE. To be rented for one cr more years, THE Dvvcbing Hoof: - ,Stables and Gar den, at Columbia court hotifc, for merly occupied by William Appling, Esq, deccafed. It is one of the best Hands in the up country for a Public House, fine water and a healthy ficuation.—-The terms may be known by applying to Tho: M, Dent, Anderson Craweord-, or Peter Crawford. December iy. WILL BE RENTED, To the highefi bidder, on the firft day of Ja nuary next , for the term of one year, The upper part of Germany’s 111 and, and the plantation whereon Le wis Gardner, jun. now resides, the fame being the real efiate of Lewis Gardner, Esq. de ceafcd.--* Notes with approved security will be required ofrhofe who may rent, VERLINDER G ARDNER, AdmT. December 15. 31 FINAL NOTICE, THE fubferiber earnestly rcquelh all those indebted to him either by note or open account, to come forward and fettle the fame, by the firft day of January next ; thote who do not avail themfdves of this notice, may rest allured that suits will be commenced against them immediately after that day. DAVID URQJJHART. Who ardently hopes, that they will (by amicable fetrlemerit) extricate thcmfelves from that difagreeahle course, which feldora ails in making great facrifices of property, Angujla, Nov. 17, 180 T. 6t WILL BE HIREDV On Friday the zfth of January next, at the. plantation of Mrs. Margaret Hancock, on Savannah River , four miles below Dem~ rey*s Ferry, to the highest bidder. The NEGROES belonging ro the eftste of Francis Hancock of iiarke county, decesLd, ALSO, A, very valuabla PLANTATION to he rented, the purchasers giving their notes with approved security to Margaret Hancock, d George Walker, >Ex’rs, William Bugc-. - j December 1 g, FOR SALE, OR TO LET, well known healthy Phn'ation, A in Columbia c urty, about 3 miles from Augulb, near the W-(Kington and Pcterlhurg roads, on which Mr. B'ackwHl refidrd and cultivated this y-ear, by Mar- Ihall E r q, For terms apply to SAMI; SCOTT. December 15, ts. WILL Be sold, A r r PUBLIC AUCTION, On Monday the i \th of January , 1805,6 the premises, a plantation, lying Za the county of Ether t, on Broad- River, c j the mouth of Davis's Creek , CONTAINING 600 Acres, with a commodious Dwelling Houle, and all necessary out Houses tor convenience; formerly occupi ed by Thomas B. Scott—now by the filb feribsts. ALSO, A Plantation lying in laid county, on Cedar Creek, two milqs from Savanca u River, containing Two Hundred acres, with fomc improvements. ALSO, One well improved LOT, lying in Pe tersburg, with a Store, Dwelling House and Kitchen. • * ALSO, A Plantation, lying in the state of S. arolina, on Savannah River, two miles %ove Alexandria, containing One Hur,/ dfed and fifty acres, with some improve ments. ALSO, 'Pen Negroes, fix valuable Horses, Cat tle and Hogs—three hundred barrcles of Corn* Oats, Rye, Fodder and Potatoes. ALSO, Some elegant Mahogany Houfchold Fur niture. TERMS OF SAL*, For the Pianta ions will be one fifth part of the purchafc money, to be paid on deli very of the titles—the other four fifths, to be paid by three annual inflalments. All other property at twelve months cre dit, with bond and approved fccurity. ROUNTREES TAYLOR. December 1 4t T O R E N T, THE Lot, and House, adjoining the lot on which the Methodist meeting house (lands: being a corner lot, bounded by Greene and Jackfor. streets. A!fo, rhe vacant lot', on Greene street, eastward of the meeting-house. For terms, apply to Afaph Waterman. December i£. if FOR SALE. A TRACT of land containing 400 acres, more or left, lying on 'l'm key Creek, adjoining M jor Ellis’s, well known by the name of Purvis’s old place—Terms one half prompt pay, the remainder at the end cf one year. Apply to SAMI: M. SMYTH, December 1. ts Thirty I Dollars Reward ,■ RAN- AWAY from the fubfedber in Wilkes county, about rhe jft of Fe bruary, 1 804, a negro man named DICK, about five feet 6o* 7 inches high ; dark completed, and on a c'ofe examination, any person may difrover that one or both cf ears has been cut, trim made and very aftive, fpcaks fa*! and has fmaJl feet and handsy and is a tolerable (hoe maker. STOVALL POOL. November 1 •}. ts COMMISSION WARE-HOUSE, THE fubferiber informs his friends and the public in general, that he has erebied a LARGE WARE HOUr-E, for the reception of Tobacco and Cotton, in the chy of Augusta, adjoining Call’s Ware House on the upper fide, very con venient to the River, and will fibre at the following rates: For a hogftiead of Tobacco for the firfi fix months, 25 cents. For a hale of Cotton, for the firfi fix months 18 5-4 cents. All other produce in proportion as above, fhefi; prices will be kept up for two years or longer, if afty persons wifli to make en gagements!. DREADZIL PACE. Movember ts. ts TO RENT, FOR one year, the HOUSE & LOT, now in pufiirffion of Mr. Nicholas J*jx, adjoining Mr, Bsnj Hants. ALSO, I The LOT with improvements, in pof fefilon ot Mr. Lind fay Coleman, on B:oad flreet Pi if fil m given on tiic firft day of , January next. ARCH 6- BEALL,- j| December 8. • ts "m» - —'—" I Debtor Smelt, | Respectfully informs the pubii ■■ ■ that he has juit received a Geo-' Supply of FRESH MEDICINES. I Which wi.l be fold on moderate terms f o * ciilh, dugujl 25, ts Blank- Bonds for sale at tins I ofHcc,