The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, March 09, 1805, Image 1

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I SATURDAY, March g, 1805. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, GAZETTE O E STATE. 1 'I. ■ -•- . i ii , ' ■ \ - ■ " ■ ! t n .I -,> ■ ■ . ' if FREEDOM of th* PRESS and TRIAL »r JURY shall axmain inviolat*. Conjlitution of Georgia . . _ • '• V ''3^ l ’ •* . >, ■ $ 1— ■■■ -■ ■- 11 - - -- - * • . . ~ AM. I / AUGU $ A: Printed by D. DRISCOL, ne.u markst, C 3 per Annum.^ ■ _ 4: --i n - i i i | ■ i ■■ ■ ,■ • j ■ " SHERIFFS SALES. In the JirJl Tuefday in April next, at Burke court house, at the u/ual time, will be sold. Two BEDS and furniture, some fable furniture, taken as the property of {aha Wallaec, to fatisfy sundry executions. J ALSO, One dark bay Horfc, one Riding Chair, with harness, and one Negro man named Raph, take* at the property of Joseph Bo nd, to (atisfy sundry executions. ALSO, One Waggon, with hind gears, 200 a ercs of land, on the fouth fide of Buck head crack, formerly the property of An drew Mancilly, taken as the -property of Htnry Manor, to fatisfy sundry executions, ALSO, acres of land, lying on the north fide of Racky creek, adjoining lands of Mar gttrec DlcUfjn, and ethers, which raid kind was fold on the firft Tuefday in No tember I?ft, but the terms of Tale not be ing folly complied with, the fime is to be ic-fohi at the rifquc of the parchafer. THOMAS FORTH, Sherif. March 2. (4O ’Twenty-jive Dollars Reward , RAN- AW AY from the fubferiber, oa the road, about half way from Savan. Hah to Asglfta, a negro man named JA COB; about fire feet 8 or {• inches high, Twenty-fix years old. Him made, and of a dark complexion ; his teeth open before, a fear in his forehead under his hair, round fhoaldered, (loops as he walks, carrying his head- down, talks good Englifh —Stole and carried off with him, a BAY. HORSE, with a black shoulder, and a hole through his noftrels, together with a bridle, faddlc, & Addfe-bggs, three blankets, a brown great coat, port-manteau, eight yards of Galileo, a brass barrel pift*l, and sundry other arti cles of clothing. Any person who will take up the aborc rua-away, and confine him in any jail, in this date or South-Carolina, and giv* fuc.h information to the fubferiber, so that he may get him, (ball be entitled to the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. PYE CHAMBERS. Ahbewtlle Diflr'tft. S. C, _> January i», 1805, N, B. Theafcove negro was purchased by the fubferiber of Littleberry Tilman, wh# had him of Mr. Geo. Weiffinger, of Augus ta. TO BE LET, ; IN the rear of Mr. Creffwcirs lot, in Auguffa, a small, but convenient house, w jth kitchen, fttnke-houfe, and a small g a rd«a—» root low—Enquire of Robert C r eifwell, or at the Chronicle Office. January 26. NOTICE . ALL persons to whom the estate of the late Andrew Inncs stands indebted are raquefted to render their accounts properly attested ; and those indebted to tha said tote to make immediate payment to JAMES BEGGS, Admr. Augufla, Dec. S; 1 804. ts. i For saleor to rent, - The HOUSE and LOT occupied by the late Alexander Blair—lmmedi «tc£poßcffion can be given of the Stores aod Ware-houfc, a*d pcffeflion of the en tire prernifes on the firft day of January next,.—For terms apply to Benjamin Sims, of Aagufta, er the fubferiber at Piney ®rove. Wm: M. COWLES. October tj. ts ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be Sold, 9n Friday the 22d of March naxt, at ele ven o'dock in the forenoon, at the former duelling house of the, late Andrew deceafcd, all the remaining ptrfonal pro perty of the said dcceafed, among which are, Four prime Negroes, t quantity of huufehold and kitchen furni ture, Ice. Ac, JAMES BEGGS, Adm't. **• *• ts * • ADMINISTRATOR’S SALES. To be Sold at Public Audtion, On Tuesday the second day of April next, at the Store lately occupied by John Pierce, deceased , on Broad Jireet, in the city of Augujla , All that well Aflbrted Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. — ALSO — Several Bales of Cotton, And Hogflieads es Tobacco* Several prime Negro Men, And a Girl, - Together with the Household and Kitch en furniture. 10*000 fee*' nfl.uuil»ci, And one Horse, belonging to the estate. The fate to commence at 19 o'clock, and continue from da y to day, until the whole i* fold.—Condition! Cash. . ROBERT HAMILTON, 1 JAMES HAMILTON. J March 2. NOTICE, ALL persona having claim* against the estate of John Pierce, late of the ci ty of Augusta, deceased, arc desired to ex hibit them duly attested; and thofc indebt ed to make immediate payment to ROBERT HAMILTON, \ ~ . JAMES HAMILTON, j March 2. (5O ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, Will be Sold at Public Au&ion, On day of April next, at the house of the late Hardy Foster , dec, all the per sonal efiate of /aid deceased, r- Conlifting of one Negro, Hogs, Horses, Cattle, Household and Kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and about One Thousand weight of feed Cotton, Corn, Fodder, &c. The terms of sale made known on that day j the property not to be alter ed until the terms are complied with. All persons having any demands against fatd estate, are hereby requested to render in their accounts duly attest, within the time preferibed by law, and thole in debted, to make payment. SUSANNAH FOSTER \ ... JOSHW A FOSTER. j /iarnrt March 2. (3 l ) LUMBER FACTORAGE AND , , COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE fabfcribtrs having entered into Paftncrlhip, under the Firm of COWLES & JONES, have taken the Wharf I tcly occupied by Mcffrs, Bacon and Malone , for the reception of LUM BER--and Commodious Stores forftoring PRODUCE—SoIicit the patronage of their friends, and the public generally in the a bovc line. Those who may confide in them, may rely on every exertion being made far their.iatercft. i WILLIAM COWLES, THOMAS J«NES. Savannah , Augdft iq, ts COMMISSION AND FACTORAGE BUSINESS. THE fubferibers having entered into partnership in the above line of bu siness in this city, oeder the firm of THOMAS BARRETT, fc? Co. offrr their services to their friends and the public in general, alluring them no exer tions (ball be wanting to render fatjsfjjftion to those who may favor them with their commands. They have a large and corarardions FIRE PROOF, BRICK WARE-HOUSE on the Bay, opposite the old Richmond * Ware House, for the reception of produce and Merchandize. THOMAS BARRETT, WILLIAM COWLES. December 1 Blank Rends l*r file « tte i & E 0 R G IA •. i -r- ~ -- - - - - 7 [By authority.] AN ACT ‘ Tc ffftvidt far completing the •valuation of lands, and dwelling houses, and theenu miration of Jlavet in South Carolina f end far other purpnfes, B E it enaSed by the Senate and Htufe ‘ of Representatives of the United States of America, in Cnngrefs ajfemhled , 'Tim the secretary of the treasury be, and he i$ hen by authorifed and direfted to employ cler.cs, for such compenfa t ion as he (hall judge reasonable, to complete, regiftcr, and re cord aider the direction of the supervisor of the diftrift of South Carolina, the lids and abft rafts of the valuation of U.«s and dwel ling houses, and ®f the enumeration of llayea within the ftato ®f South Carolina, and un. det the direction of the supervisor aforefaid, uraf jd to or deduct from the valuations afor mmMr. fiour * appointed for the said (late, under , the aft cntituled tl An aft to provide for cth tfaluation of lands and d welling f houses, and the enumeration of (laves, within the Utti/cd States,” agreeably to the provisions of khe said aft, of the aft cntituled ,f An aft fopplemcntary to the aft entituled An aft to provide for the valuation of lands and dwelling houses, and the enumeration of (laves within the United States,*' and of the aft entituled, “An aft to provide far e qualifing the valuation of unseated lands." Which lift® and abllrafts thus completed in conformity with the revisions and equalifati ons mad* by the coramiffioners aforefaid, (hail have the fame force and efFeft as if they had been completed, regiftcred, and record ed, under the direftion of the commission ers iforefaid, agreeably to the provisions of the aboveraentioned afts. The supervisor aforefaid (hall be allowed in addition to his jrtßua’lto;np«nfation, at trie rate at three dollars per diem, for each and every day employed by him, in completing or super intending the completion of the lids and ab. drafts aforefaid Provided, that whole a x mount ®f the said additional allowance, (hall not exceed five hundred dollars, and the said allowance, as well as compensation of the clerks employed by virtue of this feftion, (hall be paid out of the monies appropriated, or which may hereafter be appropriated for defraying the expences, incident to the va luation of houses and lands, and the enume ration of (Ives within the United States. Sec. 2. And be it furthir enaftei , That the supervisor of the diftrift of South Caro lina be, and he is hereby authorifed and di rected, as soon as the affcflment of the di rest tax to be levied, and collected in the state of South Carolina by virtue of the aft intituled. « An aft to lay and colleft adireft taft, within the United States,” (hall have been completed, to appoint for the whole said state one or more lurveyors of the revenue j who (hall be authorifed to make out the lifts con taining the Aims payable, according to such affeffinent, for every dwclliug house, traft, or lot of land and (lave, within the said state. Which lifts (hall have the fame force and ef feft, as if they had been made for each af feflment diftrift, by a diftinft surveyor of the revenue ; the surveyor or surveyors of the revenue, thus appointed for the whole state of S. Carolina, (hall likewise perform all the other duties, exercise all the powers, and receive the fame compensation, which by virtue of the provisions still iu force of any former aft, or afts, were direfted to be performed exercifod, and received by the surveyors of the revenue for several assess ment diftrifts ; and so much of any aft or afts, as direfted the appointment ®f one sur veyor of the revenue (breach afleffnoent di ftrift, »» so far as relates to the state of S. Carolina, hereby repealed. Sec. J- And he it further enable d, That the several Aipervifors, or officers afting as supervisors, may with the approbation of the secretary of the treasury, unite, when ever such measure (hall be thought expedi ent for the better colleftion of the direct tax, one or more afleffment diftrifts into one di ftrift, and appoint only one colleftor of the said tax, for the afteffment diftrift thus united, anything in any former aft or afts, to the contrary notwithftartding. Sec. 4« And be it further enabled, That the accounting offices of this treasury be, and they are hereby authorifed to fettle the accounts of any of the commiflioners, ®r alfeffors employed in making the valuations v up > rVot. XIX. No. 06a. * r 1 and enumeratians abovementioned, in th* state of S. Ca/olina, although the fame may not hare been prefenred to and certified by the commiflioners aforefaid, in corV rraity with the pr*vifions of the aft intituled «* Aa aft to provide for the valuations of lands, and dwelling houses, and the enumeration of Haves, within the United States." Sec. c, And he it further enafied. That any of the commffioners aforefaid, who shall on the requell of the secretary of the treasury attend for the purpose of assisting the diilrift of South Carolina, in completing the Im* and abllrafts of valuations, and enumera tion in the manner provided by th* firft feftion of this aft, (hall be allowed the fame rate of compcnfation, as is provided by law, for attending a meeting of the board of com milfioners. Sec. 6. And be it further enabled , That a fam not exceeding thirteen thowfand five monies in the treasury, not otherwise ap. propriated, be and the fame is hereby ap. propriared, for defraying the further expen,- fes, incident to the valuation of houses and lands, and the enumeration of ilaves, within the United States. NATHt. MACON, Speaker of the Uoufe of Rep rejentati'vttk f JOS. ANDERSON, Preftdent of the Senate pro tempore , Aoproved, Janaary 30, 1805. Th; JEFFERSON. PARIS, December 3. When his majesty the emperor presented himlelfat the altar to be crowned, he took himfelf the imperial crown and placed it on his head ; it was a diadem of leaves of oak and laurel in gold. His fnajefiy after wards took up the crown destined for the ernprefs, and after having decorated himfelf With It tur a few luusiciiis, he placed if' Sm the head of his august spouse. Consecration is an important ceremony, more particularly at the cornation of a dynasty, since in some fort it places under the fafeguard of heaven the mutual right* and duties of the foverign and people \ w« therefore think it our duty to report as a precious monument for posterity, the prin cipal prayers afed on the occasion. They are for the mod part taken from the Roman pontifical arid the ceremonial used at the. consecration of the kings of France. After Pent Creator , his Holincfs addrelfei th« following question to the Emperor— Our very dear brother in Jesus Chrid, do you profefs and promise before God and the angels, to observe the law, to render jefticc to all your fubjefts, to maintain peace in the church of Gsd with the fuccoursol his grace, in the way you (hall judge moll proper and according to the advice of its mod faithful counfellors, and to take scare tWht the pontiffs of the church (hall enjoy that vefpeft and those honors which are due to them according to the holy canons ? His Imperial Majesty placing his hands on the book of the Evangelills prefentedby the grand almoner, answered, Prof tear. After a prayer and the litanies of the faints, which his Holincfs recited ®n his knees with the archbilhops and bifltops, his Holincfs alone arose and turning towards their Majcfties he recited th* three follow ing verses: Deign to blcfs thy servant, who is about to be crowned Emperor, and the Emprcfs his wife. Deign to bless and elevate in glory your servant who is about to be crowned ror, and the Ernprefs his wife. Deign to blcfs, raise in glory, and con secrate your servant, who is about to be crowned Emperor, and the Ernprefs his wife. anecdote. The late Dr. Townfeud talking down Broad-Street,' during an illumina tion, observed a boy breaking every win dow which had not a light in it, Mr. T, alkcd him how he dared to deflroy people’s windows in such a manner, O, (said the urchin) it's all for the good of the trade— I’m a glazier . All for the good of the t ade, it is? (f;ld Mr. T, railing his cane aud breaking the hoy's head) that’s for the good of my trade— l’m a surgeon. Sheriff’s titles. Bills of sale. Mortgages, &c. may be had at this Offiac. * • : \ . f I \