The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, March 09, 1805, Image 3

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\ ecrioi ol eighteen months! Do those who I'ofFcr those wounds to be inflifled on the domcilie peace of our citizens, and the hon our of oor nation, recoiled how often fam ine has ft a red them in the face, and how often wc have saved them from its deadliest scourges ? Do they recalled for how much es their wealth they are indebted to us ? If they do recoiled thafe things, are they not aware alio that a just nation, however Qow (he may be in taking her raeafures, - will, whea they are once taken, measure them with a vigor equal to her justice ? Wc mean no particular reflection by these remarks on any government. We trust everv government, whose fubjeds commit iajufticc, will disavow all partitipation in it. But wc do mean unequivocally to mark what wc-bttHve to b« the national temper on this important topic— --National Intel ligencer* In the course of Mr. Randolph,s speech 4n the report of the committee of claims, he compared the Yazoo fpeculacors to the thieves whose cunning or ingenuity is recorded in Dilwurth’s fpclling book—the original/pe culator i declare they have not the Yazoo beef in their poffejfion, and those who are plaguing congrtfs, declare thej did not Jieal it. Speaking #f tho committee of claims, Mr. Randolph compared it to the asylum for prostitutes, or Magdalen hofpitaf, of Lon doa ; he related the case of a young woman, who had been taken to that place, whose oaly fault on being examined. Was found to be poverty, and as (he had committed none of the particular vices necessary so qualify candidates for that institution, (he was sent abroad toftar/e, whilst hundreds, who had rioted ia vice, were received. “ It is thus,’* said Mr. Randolph,“ with the committee “of claims; when an old soldier of the “ revolution, when a man who had spent “ the prime and substance of his life in “ fighting the battles of his country, pr«- «< fents his petition for admiflioa into this “ asylum over which the gentleman so ap •* propriately presides, the poor old man is »«found unworthy of reception—his claim is not founded in friendfhip—iniquity is not “ damped upon his face ; toil, dangers, and « fears have indeed furrowed his visage and ", “ whitened over his head, and penury has “ opened apertures through the patches of his “ garmeuts —but such objefts are not wor ** thy the attention of the committee of “ claims, they are difunflcd upon the' char. ** ity of the world ! But, when a worn « out aod pampered Yazoo speculator ap. <* proaches the threshold, with fraud and “ plunder in his retinue, with secret corrup. •* tion and illegality to recommend him, « then indeed, are the doors of thi* asylum “ thrown wide open, proftitutien is re “warded with a favorable report, and re £‘ ligion and ftcady habits are called in to “ fanftity the tranfadlion.” Aurora ’ Domcftic Encyclopaedia. THE fnbfcribcn to this uftful and va luable work, ire refpeftfully inform ed that it is now on tho river, ood will be ready for delivery is tho course of next week, at tho Chronicle Office— The foliowiog valuable works are oome by the sane conveyance, and will be fold on mo derate terns. . Tucker’s Blackftonc—and precedents of declarations. Aaticat aod Modern Europe, by Dr. Rus sell. Qesrto Biblrs, sundry prices, i Columbian Orators, Art of Reading, Temple of Netore, Moor’a Anercreon, Blair’s Sermons, Do. LeAnres, i Isdoos do. Miaote Pbilofophy, Coaic Serious, Gold faith abridged, Piekertoo’s Geography, Ac. &c. K. B, The fabferibers to the Encyclo paedia are requeued to fend for their books at foea as pofEble, as the Agent for Birch & Small, has but a (hort time to stay in Georgia, , March 9. FOR SALE. A few tickets in the Letter j Csr the promotion of Literature,' in the Bate of New-York, by the fubferiber in Bread- street. JOHN WILLSON. Augufu, Fei. 23. (4 1) - ■ 11 - - ■ • NOTICE. Those wh« have small accounts ttmaieiag nnfettled, will pleefe call, pay •t ligaidate them, as the fubferiber intende fheitly to leave Town, for a few months. JAMES LANGLEY. March a. * N. B. This is the lafi notice. Sheriff’s titles. Bills of falc. Mortgages, &c. may be had at tkis Office, CITY HOTEL, AUGUSTA. JOSEPH CARRIE, Respectfully informs the pub lic, that he has again taken the CI TY-HOTEL, which he has leafed for a number of years, and intends uliog every endeavour in his power to accommodate his friends, and the public in general, Having a number of private apartments and fcveral detached rooms, he trusts he ihall always be able to render the fit nation of hit tra velling friends, or hi* City Gucfts, com fortable and plcafing. His hoofs will be uniformly supplied with the best provifiont the ma»ke: affords, and his bar constantly furnilhed with the best Wines, Brandy, Rum, Gin, Porter, &c. &c. Every attention (hall be paid, to the Horses under his charge, as he is provided with a steady attentive sober Bonier, and a stable equal to any in the Southern Sates, which he will keep constantly supplied with corn, fodder, &c. Although he was formerly compelled to relinquifli the Hotel, hy reason of nume rous losses incurred in consequence of his tooextenfivc indulgence, yet he ventures to hope that on his present return to it, he (hall be in some degree compensated, by by a liberal portion of public patronage— his efforts to render the fltuation of his friends pcrfeftly agreeable will be unremit ting, and every favour will be re ceived with gratitude. March 9. (6t) (Jgr From the great encouragement I have experienced, during thefhort penod\l kept the City Hotel in this place, from a generous public, I feel a great fen ft of gratitude, and return my mojl public thanks, and beg leave to obCerve, that Mr, Carrie, has lately taken the premi/es I occupied, and I have no doubt he will keep as good a house as any in the Southern States • N. DURKEE. March 9. - (6?) Doftor Harris, HASJUSr Some Excellent Paints, which he will fell lower than ever has been known in this place. March 9. (it ) 1 ~ x 10 Dollars Reward. RUN-AWAY from the fubferiber the 26th February, a negro man between thirty and thirty-five years of age, five feet fix inches high, of a yellow complex ion, well made to his height, a little bald headed, speaks tolerable well. Whoever will take up said fellow, aud bring him to me, (hall receive the above mentioned re ward, WILLI 4M PAYNE. Near Sweet • Water Iron Works . March 2. (»t) WILL BE SOLD, it the fubferiber' s 'plantation in Columbia county, on the 20 th April next. Part of the stock and household furniture, belonging to the estate of Kicfo ard Neal, dcceafcd—Terms made known on the day of sale. BASIL NEAL, Ex'r. March 9. * WILL BE SOLD, At the plantation oj John Chrijlian, deceas ed, in franklin county , on the third Fri day iu May next, Household furniture, stock of all kinds, two (tills, and other articles too tedious to mention.—All sums under five dollars cafli, bond required with approved feenrity—Credit given until Chtiftmas. ABDA CHRISTIAN, Adm’r. March 9. * To the Refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia , TAKE NOTICE. THAT all rhofe persons who claim and have located any traft or parcel of land and within the state of/Ohio, whichhas beenap propriated by for the relief of tbtJße fugees, must pay the tax due on the fame on or before the hi It Monday in April next, together with the penalty of 25 per cent to be paid to the Collector in the refpeftive county or counties where the land lies; •therwifo f* mack of each trad will be fold (after thirty days notice) as will fatisfy the amount of tax and penalty of 2; per cent for each ymt in which the payment of the fame bat been ncglefted on each and every traft lifted in the year 1804 and which were liable to taxation for the four preceding years. Tie above advertisement is made by one who feels a tivfly intereji in the welfare of tie revolutionary citizens, wbofe property it implicated as above fated. From like motives , it is hoped that the PATRIOTIC PRINTERS throughout the United States will give tie above a few insertions in their papers . March z, ’ x (zt.) One Hundred Dollars Reward. STOLEN from the fubfcriber’i plants tation, last Thursday evening, a SOR REL HORSE> upwards of five feet high* ten years old, blaze face, three white feet, the two hind feet white half way to his hams, a him nearly covering his left eye, which prevents his feeing out of it. He is high spirited, and a pleasant saddle harfe, he was taken from the rack, where he was tied, with a double tainsd (new) bridle, plated bit and birdoon and martin gale, with two buckles on each fide, a saddle with square hofies plated, a blue sad dle cloth, red lining, double bound with buff. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the thief, if a white man. JESSE SANDERS, Columbia county, Kioka, c - March g. (it) BLACK’S LECTURES. PROPOSALS For publijhing by Subscription , By yVitUAM Duane, No. 106, Market-Street, and Bartholomew Graves, No. 401 N. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, LECTURES ON THE ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. BY JOSEPH BLACK , M. D. Profcfforof Chemistry in the Univeifity of Edinburgh. Fir ft American Edition—With Plates • The London Edition, from whioh this is printing, was publilhed by the executors of Dr. Black, from his own manufeript, under the direction of John Robifon, L. L. D. profoffnr of Natural Philoso phy, at Edinburgh. A In Two Volumes Oftavo TERMS. I. Thefirft edition, in America, of Black's Lcfturcs, will be comprifad in two vo lumes est a vo. It (hall be printed on a handsome wove paper, and a new type; each volume to contain about pages. 11. The price to fubferibers, for each vo lume, neatly bound and lettered, will be three dollars fifty cents —in boards three dollars, payable on delivery—To non fubferibers, the priee will be en hanced. * 111. The work (hall be printed from the London edition, the only one yet pnb lifhed which makes two very large quar to volumes, and fells for 36 dollars. , $-3" Subfcripiions taken at this OJice , John And , SOLICITS all persons indebted to him by Bond, Note, or otherwise, t« come forward without delay and difeharge the fame. He has taken Mr. SAMUEL AN DREWS into his Shop, as foreman, who will attend to the business in his absence. Andrews still continues carrying on the Ta loring bafinef, in all its various branches, and foiici rs the favour of a generous pabulic, February 23, (ts.) FACTORAGE' AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE fubferibers inform their friends and the public, that they have enter ed into the above line of business under the . firm of • ' JOSHUA DeBUTTS, & Co. At the stand lately occupied by Isaac Her bert & Co. adjoining Calls warchoufe, Those who may favour them with their business may rely on the ftrifteft attention to their iotereft. JOSHUA DeBUTTS, GEORGE Y. M‘MURPHY. Augujia December 22. ts- GEORGJ A, Columbia county . By Ander/on Crawford Clerk of the Court of Ordinary forfaid county. WHEREAS Stephen Cobb has applied to me for letters of adminijlration on the eflate and effetls of James Cobb, late of said county d'tctaftd. THESE are therefore to cite and admonijh all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceajed to be and appear before me at my office within the time allowed by law, to Jhew cause, if any they have, why said let ters Jhould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this '-jth day of March 1805. A. CRAWFORD, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Columbia county • By Anderson Crawford, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for said county. TIC7HEREAS Ben. Williams and Abram * ' Davis, have applied to me for letters of adminiffration debunii a«n, on the ejlote and eftds of Richard Mathews, late of this county deceased. THESE are therefore to cite and admo. nxfh all and singular the kindred and ere • ditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office , within the time allowed by law, to Jhew cause, if tncy have, why said letters fkould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th day of March 1805. A. CRAWFORD, c, c. 0. JANUS, S£. A full bred Horse . WILL ft and the eafuing season at the City Hotel* in Augusta, and at Mr. Harwood's, near Gen. Twsggs’s, and be let to mares at the low rate of Tin Dol lars, the season ; Eight Dollars the An gle leap* or Twelve Dollars and a half to enfitre a foal, and in all cases half a dollar to the Groom* The season to commence on the firft of March, and end the firft of Aoguft—lf the money is not sent with the mare, a note will be expeAcd, payable tft November next. JANUS is a bright bay, fifteen hands one inch high ; is alegantly formed, and not inferior, in blood, to any horse in the Southern states—he ii a son of Cila, whofc pedigree is well known in this country, and out of an imported mare, the property of Col. Taylor, of Virginia; but as the ped igree will be left with the horse, it it life left to iufert it here. March 2. (if) N. B. Every Tuefday afternoon, and Wedncfday be will stand at Mr. Harwood's* The remainder as the time at the Hstcl. # In pursuance of an order oj the honorable Inferior Court of Richmond county, WILL BE EXPOSED to SALE, ♦ 9 On the ftcond Tuefday in April next, at ike Htuft in Augusta, ike following traits of land , viz : Two trads granted to William Matthews, containing Two Hundred and eighty-seven ani a half aeree, each fitnate lying and being in the county of Walking* tan, the Altamaha river. ALSO, One other trad granted to William Mat thews, containing Six Hundred and ninety acres, ficuute lying and being on the Oco nee mar, in the county of Wafhington— which said several tra&i as land, being the real estate of William Matthews, de ceased, will be fold for ctlh, for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors. Wm. GARRETT, Admit, Feb, 16. 6f - GEORGIA, Burke county , By William Baduly, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county , WHEREAS Rachel Crawford has ap plied to me for letters of admini- Jlralion on the estate of Hardy Crawford, late of this county deceased . THESE are therefore to cite and adnonijh all and Jugular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. to be and appear at my office, within thi time allowed by law, to Jhew cause, if any they have, why said lettersJhould not be granted. GJPEN under my hand at office this loth of Feb . r Soy. Wm. BADULY, «. c. o. GEORGIA, Burke county. By William Baduly, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county, XXT’HEREAS James Nefsmith has appli * * ed to me for Utters Os adminijlr at ion an the tjlate of Mary Hardin , late of this county dec . These are therefore to eite and admonijh all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, toJhew coufe, if any they have, why said letters Jhould not be granted. Given under my hand at Office, this z%ih Feb. iSoy. Wm. BADULY, c. c. o. GEORRGIA, Burke county. By William Baduly, clerk oj the court of Ordinary for said county, WHEREAS Basil Gray has applied to me for letters of difmiffiion from the ejlatt of Wm. Weathers, late of this county deceased . THESE are to cite and admonijh all and fngular the kindred and creditors of the Juid deceased , to be and appear at a court of ordi nary, to be held in and for the county afore faid, to Jhew cause if any they have, why said letters Jhould not be granted- Given under my hand at office, this ijt March iB©s* Wm. RADULY, C, C» 0» WILL BE SOLD, At the court houft in Oglethorpe county, ok tfit ftrjl Tuefday in May next , A trad of LAND, in said coun ty, containing Three Hundred & 2© acres, whereon James Morrow, dec. formerly liv ed being the estate of said Morrow, fold a greeable to an order of court made abso lute. MARY MORROW, Adm'x Fib , ij, *