The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 20, 1805, Image 1

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LtURDAY, April ,20 1805. AUGUSTA .CHRONICLE, £ I AND ///* l. GAZETTE OFT H E S T A T E. ! —— ; ■. . ■ .... ... f '.’ii " : r‘-, , . »» ' ■ .■.. i-—in. wi-. , FREEDOM of thi PRESS and TRIAL by JURY shall hkmair inviolatl, Confiituthn *f Georgia, iL_— . AUGUSTA: Printed yD. DRISGOL, near the market, £3 Dolls . per Annum,~\ 1 '"■ ■— " •“ ■■ ' .nr—. ■•--I - — 1 ' f 1 1 I a.- ■ < I S. M. SMYTH, I. Hasjust received a large qfjortment of I GROCERIES, S CONSISTING AS follows; I 16 Puncheons 4*h proof Jamaica Rum, I g Ditto N. h. do. I 4. Pipes Cognise Brandy, I g Ditto Holland pin, I %(■> Barrels Malaga Wine, I 6 Do. Sherry do. I 8 Hhds. prime Jamaica Sugar, I 1000 lb. best green Coffee. I jo Crates Earthen Ware, I 200 Straws Tumblers, I 150 qnart* pint & half pint Decanters. I 1000 Bushels ground Allurn Salt, I t Tons Russia and Swredes lion, I German and Bliftercd Steel, I to D. z common and patent Hoes, I 1 j Boxes window glass, 8 by io & 10 by 12 I 36 K*gs white lead, I jo do. Spanish brown, I 4 Barrels, heft boiled oil, I DRY GOODS as usual. ■ All of which, will be fold low for cash or ■ PIODUCE. ■ Augufla, April 13. ( r 0 I Tor sale, I "oo acres of land, lying within I two miles and an half ot Augusta, divided I by the Savannah road, and known as a part I of the old Cupboard traft. I On this land is a SAW-MILL, working I one favv, and docs good business nine ■ months ia tbs year. Its convenience to I the City, renders it an obje£l ,of confider |! able profit, being able to fuppi/ that place I on lower terms than any other mill. I About xoo acres is Swamp, which from experience is reclaimahk with but a mo derate (hare of labor, a specimen which lies on the Savannah road, just below the »»H, has produced as good rice and hay, .as any land in the - ftatc, and may with a little more expence be laid dry enough for corn or cotton. The upland produces good corn and cotton, and lies extremely well fox the retention of manure. The subscriber proposes to fell the above craft entire, or in parts-he will fell jo acre* or more, so as to leave the refidne compact and Uninjured,—T his land lying on the Savannah toad, open to such general infpe&ion, saves the neccffity of a minute detail.— Any perfen wishing to purchase, will apply to the fubfetiber, on the preroifes, or in his abfcnce, to Mr. William Lyon, who will (hew the lines, and give such o thcr information as may be required. COWLES -MEAD, Cobweb-Hall, ' ‘ Mas-h 23. (*0 N. B, The fubferiber is authorised to • fay, that the remnant of the old Cupboard traft adjoining the above trad, may be had on reasonable terms. C- M, GEORG I A, 1 tvarren County, J Present their Honors, George H^rgnuxus, Eiijha Hurt, Jotday Nrwjom. William Nance, by his petition, having dated that he is confined in the com mon Jail of this county, by virtue of two bail writs, iffaing one from the Superior Court of this county, at the isifiancc of William Harbin, and the other out of the Inferior Court of the said county, at the foit of Francis Dayle, and that he is una ble to pay these sums of money contained in the said several writs, or to give bail to answer to the fame, aud having prayed an order of court, ia terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. On motion of Mr. Smyth of counsel for the petition er, It is ordered , That the second Mon day in May next, be appointed for the said William Nance to be brought into court ro 1 examine into his infolvcncy. And it w fur ther ordered, That a copy of this rule be fetred Upon the said William Hardin and Francis Dayle, or their attorries, two months previous to the second Monday in May next, and also that it be published in the Augusta or Savannah Gazettes, two months previous to the said second Monday in May next, of which all creditors are to Uke notice, A true copy from the minutes, T. PERSONS, Clk. Mareh 7. (8t) NOTICE. TWO new negroes, fellows, were lodged in the Jiil of this place, on the nth of November 1803. They appear each of them to be about twenty years of age, they can neither of them fpcafc English, but from their marks appear to be of different countries, the one a Aim dark fellow about five feet five or fix inches high, and his country marks on his breast, the other not quite so tall or dark* and has his country marks of eight (mall erup tions, forming two fquates on each check and chin, the former in broken Euglifh calls himfelf Jacob, the latterSugh. The owner or owners will plcafe to call as soon as may be convenient, prove his or their property, pay charges and take them away, on or before the 13th day of May next, and if not taken away hcfoic that time, they will be fold on the fame day a bove mentioned, for their Jail fees. HAMILTON "W INN, Waynejboro* April 6, 1805. $t WILL BE SOLD, On Saturday the tgth day of June nexty agreeable to an order of the Honorable In ferior Court of Burke county . A trad: of land belonging to the eftac r.t John Jord-n, deceased, contain ing ninety acres, situate in Burke county, on Brier creek, above the mouth of Straw berry branch, for the benefit of the hciis and creditorr of (aid deccafed, RUTH JORDAN, Adm’x, April 13. , (3* ) «- - ■ ■ - ■ ■' 1 ■ NOTICE . ALL persons to whom the eibte of the late Andrew Innesftands indebted are requeued to render their accounts properly attested; and thole indebted to the laid dl ratc to make iimrieettirW pi y mcitt iv JAMES BEGGS, Ad mu Augufla % Dec. 8, 1804. ts. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN, THAT nine months after the date here of an application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of the county of Richmond for leave to fell all that part ol lot No, 37, in the town of augulia where on Andrew -Innes efq. redded. And also 20 and one half acres of land in the village of Milledgeville, being the real eftare of the said Andrew Innes and to be fold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors JAMES BEGGS, Admr. December 8. tf* A Lift cf letters remaining in the pojl - office at Columbia C, H. the fir ft of April 1805, which if not taken out by the fir ft of July nexty will be font to the General*Pofi-vf. fee as dead Utters. A. William Avans, Sen, Thomas G, Arthur, B. Mrs. Rofannah Blocker, Mrs. Black well, Dr. John Brifcoe, Dr. George A. Brown, Thomas Bcattc, Sen, Thomas Benoing, Nathan Bcntan, C. John Crawford, William Colvard, ToomasCarr, 2 Holt Clanton, D. Daniel Danily, John Downing, Charles Denham, Ifaac*Dubo fe, Godfrey Dry ar. E, Humphrey Evans, John Evans, Wil liam Evans, Elijah Echols. p. Ignatius Few 2, Dr. Fcndcll, John Farmer, G. Joshua Grioage, Dexter Gibson, H. Col. Henry Hampton, F. M.-Hunt - Mrs, Ann Harris. J. Samuel Jones, Arnbrofc Jones, K. James Kendrick 2, John W. Ken non. L. Reuben Lindsay *, M. David Muncricf, Abraham Mar ihall. N. Abraham Nott. O, James Oliva. P. Maj. Pettit, Jonathan Pamlh, 9 J. C. QJn, Robert k, James Rob, Isaac Ruflel, Thomas Rowland, Nathan Robey. S. Joel Sanders, Maj. . Sampfm Steel, James Simms, JohnStitb, Mrs. Mary Stone Capt. William Stephen}, Mr*. Mary Smith. r. Felix M Taylor, Francis S. Taylor fames Todd, Jafhua Tcnilcfa. W. Mif* Sady Williams, Janies Weft «oat, Gabriel Williams 3, Cap*. Jcffce Winfrey. DAVIS, P. M. April 6. W •* • ' "l-T ft ' ' ~ * G £0 4 •"■W■• - I " " 1 ■■ " 1.-i"l> ' ""‘I ; 111,11 I' tu* % [BY AUTHORITY.] if hIE PRES/DEN rof the UNITED (, STATES OF AMERICA. A Proclamation. Pereas a treat y between the Uni ted States of Amentia, and the Piankalhaw Tribe ot L.dians was concluded and figncd at Vincennes in the Indiana territory, on the twenty-ieveath day of August l»it> pa it, and wwduly ranficd*<«id conifnkd by the of the United States, on the twenty firft day of January in the year of *" our, Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five by and with the advice and ccnfcntof the Senate, which treaty is in the words fol. lowirg, to wit* « A Treaty between the United States of Ante, r\<a t and the Piankajha w tribe of In- Hans, The President of the United States, by William Henry Karrifon, Govarnor of the Indlia* territory, fnperintendant of Indian affair**, and Conrunilfioncr, PJcaipotentia ry' ,^>»«, o* ny treaty or treaties which may be found ncccflary with any of the Indian tribes North Weft of the river Ohio, and chiefs andiiead men of the Piankalhaw tribe, have agreed to the following articles, which when ratified by the President of the United Spates, by and with the advice and confenf ... of pbe SenatdJ' fhali be binding upon the laid parties. . Article ift. Th£ Piankalhaw tribe relin tjnifhes, and cedes to the United States, for ever, all that traft of country which lies between the Ohio and Wabash river, and hdow Clarkl’6 grant, and the trad called the Vincennes trad, which was ce ded by the treaty of Fort-Wayne, and a line conneding the said trad and grant, to be drawn parallel to the falls of the Ohio, - so oafs mpre than half a mile to the Nor i award oi tnc nran. «uit-— , 7 1, ; road. Article 2d. The Piankalhaw tribe ac knowledges explicit/ the right of the Kaf kalkia tribe to fell the* country which they have lately ceded to. the United States, and which is feperated from the lands of the Pi ankafhaws by the fidge of hi£h lands which divides the waters of the Wabash, from the waters of rhe Saline creek ; end by that which divides the waters of the said Wa bath from those which flow the Aupafc and other branches of the Miftillippi. Article 3rd* An additional annuity of -wo hundred dollars fhali he paid by the United States, to the said tribe for ten years, in money, menchandue, provifiers or domeftie animals, ami implements of huf bandry at the option of the laid tribe, and this annuity together with goods to the a mount offeven hundred Dollars which are now delivered to them by the commiftioner of the United States, is considered as a full compcnfation for the above mentioned rclin quilhnaent. Article 4th. The United States reserve to themselves, the right of dividing the whole annuity which they pay to the said tribe, amongftthe families which compcfc the lame; allowing always a due propor. tion for the Chiefs. And the said chiefs whenever the President of the United Stales may require it, (hall upon proper notice be ing given, aftfemble their tribe, for the pur pose of effefting this arrangement. IN witness whereof, the commiftioner plenipotentiary of the United States, and the chiefs and head-men of the said tribe, have hereunto set their hand*./ and affixed their Teals, Done at Vincennes, in the Indiana Territo ry, the twenty.fevemh day of Au gust, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and four ; and of the Independence of the United States—the twenty-nimh. William Henry Harrison, (Seal) Waboequakelagroble, or \ K n Big Corn, his X mark, J' ea ' Swckamia, Troisfefte, or \ three thighs, his X mark, J *' “ ' Makatewclaraa, Cbiffe Nair, d or black, dog, bis X mark, J a Alcinoin L. Chien, or 1 ,0 the dog, his X mark, J Kchelanq v got, or JJghtnig, 1 „ , his X maxk.* j 1 ; Signed Sealed and delivered, in prefencc of John Giofon, Secretary to the Comiftif* honei. [Vol. XIX. No. 068 „ ■ ■■ T.r- .r:- - John Griffin, one of the Judges of the In diana Territory* Henry Vanderburgh, one of the Judges of rile Indiana Territory. B. Parke, Attorney .General of the Indi* ana Territory. m William Prince, sheriff of Knot country Indiana Territory, v€ George Wallace, jr.of Terri. cory. x; Pviter Jones, of Knox county, Indiana Ter* ritory. , Edward Hempfbrad, attorney at law, In diana Territory. Abraham F* Sp?p, JofepJl Barron, Interpreter, I do certify that each and cmy article h . \ vs the so ’going treaty, was carefully cst'pjaii'cd and prccifely interpreted by me to the Ptankalhaw chiefs, who have ftgacd the fame. (Singncd) JOSEPH BARRON* Intcrp'r. Now thetcforc 10 the end that the said treaty may be obicreed and pu formed with good faith on the past of the United States* i;ihc premises to be <nade pub ilCj <ind J. to HCTwJ at -4| persons bearing office, civil or military, within the United States, aad all others, citizens or inhabitants thereof, or being within the fame, faithfully to obfervc and fulfil the said treaty, and every claufc and article thereof. In teflirnony whereof I have caufcd the Seal of the United States to be affixed to thefc prefants, and Signed the . fame with my hand. Done at the City cf Washington, the sixth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundre<3 and five, and of the Independence of the said states, the twenty.ninth, TH: JEFFERSON. By the Prcfident, James Mauisom, Secretary cf State* Supplementary to the afl, intituled (t Aft att to regulate the collection of duties at imports and tonnage. BE it enailed by the Senate and Hou/ t of Repreftnluiwcs of the United State s of America, tti Cong refs ajfembled, Tlu the fame terms of credit, which are granted by law, for rhe payment of duties, on articles the produce of the Weft-Indies, snd no other, (hall be allowed on goods, wares'and menihandife, imported by fca into the United Stares, from ail foreign ports and IHands, lying north of the Equator, and fi runted on the eastern shores of America, or in its adjacent fcas and gulfs. Sec. 2. And he it further mailed, That it shall be lawful for any ship or vefici to proceed with any goods, wares or mer chandize, brought in her, and which shall in the raanifcft delivered to the collector of the customs, be reported as destined or in tended for any foreign port or place, from the diftrift within which such ship or veffet shall firfl arrive, to such foreign port or place, without paying or securing the pay ment ofany duties upon such good*, wares and merchandize, as shall be adlually re-exported in the said ship of vcfTc! } Provided that such raanifeft so declaring to re-export such goods, wares or merchandize, shall be delivered to such collector within forty eight hours after the arrival of such (hip or vcffel. And, Provided also, that the mailer or commander «f such ship or vessel shall give b6nd as required by the thirty feco.nd fedlion of the acl intituled « ?.n adl to regulate the colletUon of duties on imports and tonnage." KATHI. MACON, SpeaLer of the lloufe cf Kepreferttatinjt:. A. BURR, V'tcc.r rest dent of the United States , and P ref dent cf the Senate, Approved, February 22, 1805. TH: JEFFERSON. Five Dollars Reward. STRAYED from the fubfehber, in Burke county, nrar Wayncfboio*, on Satur day the 6'h in ft. a SORREL GaLDING, with a bell on, abcut 14 12 hands high, branded on the left fide on the Mod but tock thus 3C. He has two very notable marks, on each of bis thigh#, wfuch is two quirls or feather*, extending nearly to the root of his tale. The above reward will be paid on delivering the JOHN CONNELL, k April 13. . (V)