The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, March 29, 1806, Image 2

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DRAGON. ' 'TT'HIS justly celebrated Horse, imported • JL into Virginia about three years ago, 'tviii (land the entiling feitfon at m,* Planta tion, rkfar Edgefield court.houfe, South- Carolina, and be let to Maies at Forty rs the fcafon j —hut as much trouble, and many inconveniences arise, in the col. Jcftion of thefc kinds of debts, and as the , owner of Dragon is deftrous of bringing bunnrfs of this nature to a speedy close, the season may be dlfcharg'ed by the punctual payment of Thirty Doll cm in every case, at any time before the full of January next. The Aihfcriber holds himfelf at liberty to demand fccurity in fuck cases as he may deem expedient, in order to infuie punctual payment. Five bordered acres of lard for palluntge, tinder one fence, am} one hundred acres under another, both well (the latter for such Mates as have foals} arc pro. vided for Marcs ; but such mud remain at the rilk of the ow ners. Marcs may be fed well once each day, for ten cents per day, and twice, lor twenty cetvs per day. DRAGON is »*f a dark chefmit coulottr, fix teen a ltd an hall hands high ; is dtfeended from the heft running stock in England, and is a brother in blood to the famous hotfe Diomcd, whose flock is so highly esteemed in Virginia. DRAGON was unqucftionably the heft runner of his day, lie won and received forfeit two and twenty times before he cn ded his fifth jear, and in molt dafes for the higbeft prizes in Euglai d ; —among this number was the Whip) (which is known to be the highest object ot comp-fit ion ever cftabliflml by the Jockey Club) of 2 00 Guineas each fubferiber, againfl two others, giving (Item both a yet i's weight in riding, four miles; and the famous match against Clifdrn, four miles, carrying isflcnc (22.5 1! s.) upon each, in which he <wai rode by the Duke of Bedford , and Chjden by Sir fold Lade. DRAGON is a sure foal getter, and all accounts conctlr in proving his‘colts to be in re p'omifmg than any in America. In point of figure, bone, fizc and power, he is acknowledged to be fu per tor to any boife, by aimed every man who has seen him. His pedigree, at length, together with the ex. traordtnary performances of his colts as fitl ilannatcd by the racing calander of Eng. land, may befeen at his band. His season will commence on the 15th day of February, and end on the fit ft day of September.—One Dollar to the Groom must be paid in all cases at the liable door. ARTHUR SIMKIN?. Near Edge field Court.lloaft, S. C. February 1. 3,* Twenty Dollars Reward . RAN-A WAY from the fuh «&is|y fciiber o;t the second inst. Negro man by the ntme ANTHONY, a cooper h y tr « ,e » A stout ret iei *otv of a yellowtfh com plexion, aboil th ity five years of age and h*f diffe ent apparel* with him, he hrs been fhn n his right arm which has disabled h s hand, and feme ot the (hot are yet in his arm ; he ha* had ore of hi* heel firings cut, w hich enufes him to go lame ; he has bad a nick cut in the under part of Both Fan with a knue, he was brought by Jbfcph Cotton from N. Carolina about four or five years ago, and may attempt to get back again. Whoever will l«dge the above defrribed fellow in any Goal in this State or S. Carolina, so that f get him, or deliver him to me in Columbia county Georgia, shall be Entitled to the above reward, N. B. He may attempt gring to Char.’cf. lon or Savannah. R. CRAWFORD. March 8. (4j) run Tway: & A Guinea N-gro, named jgZfh, U ; feel 8 inches shout 4.0 year* of Jbf 3 yellow com pie x * n » speaks good eng ifh --wearsnegro cloth trow >■ >< a 'fli 'fl if iped homes un coat See, Any person who will deliver said negro to the f u!,fcribc'in Colombia county, or lodge him in any Jail in the Hat*, (hall receive F"iftefn Dsclars reward. ASA SAVJDGE. March ti (?r) (£3* The firft number of I *he Carolinyeesis, } is received, and for sale at this Office. • March 22. • V . PoflpOhement. WE, the Commiflioncrs appointed by the Legiilature to dispose of the Fractional Survcjs of Wilkinson, Baldwin, * and Wayne counties, have, (for fcveral reasons) postponed the Tale, until the i6:hof June next, at which time, we will com mence. WILKINSON. Those of the ift dillrift, on the x 6th day of June next, and continuing; from day to day; between the hours of ten and three {Sundays excepted,) until the 23d inclu sive. Those of the zddiftrift, on the 24th day of June, until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftrift, on the 281 b day of June until the 2d day of July inclusive. Those of the 4th diftrifl, on the 3d day of July, until the 7th inclusive. Those of tlj£ 51 h diftrift on the Bth day 'of July until the 11 sh inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of ift diltriCt on the 12th day of July, until the 16th inclusive. Those of the 2d diftrift, on the 17th day of July, untiHhe 24th inclusive. Those of the 3d diflriCl, on the 25th day ( of July, until the 29th inclusive. Those of the 4th diftrift, on the 30th day of July, until the 4th day of August inclusive. Those of the sth diftridf, on the sth of Anguft, until the 12th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the iftdiftrkt, on the 13th day of August, until the 2 ill inclusive. Those of the 2d dill rift, on the 22d day of August, until the 26th‘inclufive. Those of the 3d diftrift, on the 27th day of August, until the 30th inclusive. TERMS OF SALE. Os the purchasers, bonds for the amount of the pnrehafe money required ; at four equal tnftalments, to be paid in Gold or Silver; the firft payment, twelvemonths after date. In addition to which a Mort gage on the premifea will be required. MOSES SPKER, 1 £ RE Die. SIMMS, 3 PATRICK JACK. J 2 Wajh\ngto7t , February 17, 1806. THE SUIJSCrTbER^ AFTER returning fincercthankt to the public in general, and hi> friends in particular, for pa ft favors; camcftly soli cits all those in arrears to the concern of Furey & Stewart, to call on him in Augutta, north hde of Broad street, three doors above the Market Houfc, and fettie cfF their accompts; as no longer indulgence can possibly be given—And all those who have any demands, will plvafe piefcnt their accompts to him for payment ; HE HAS NOW OPENED, A large and general 1 ajjortment of LEATHER, SHOES, GROCERIES, Sec. Os the best quality, all o< which he of fers for sale at the most reduced prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Flattering himfclf that by his afliducus and punctual attention to bufincf*, to merit some (hare of the public patronage, every favor in his line will Le duly and explicitly acknowledged by JESSE STEWART. Augvfia, Jan. 11. (ts) TAN-YARD—To Lrafe. r T’ , HE fuh fcrlber offers hi-t HOUoE and A TAN-Y ARD for sale, or upon a leafefrom three to seven years—A'yper fon wishing topurebafe or lease, wi.’l p'rafe apply to FRAs. VOLLOITON. COPARTNERSHIP. William H Spincir S 3 James Platt. Having entered into upartnirjhip) unde? the firm of SPENCER 6f PLATT, On the firft iuftant, thsy have taken the convenient wharf, do<*k and ftorc of Mr. Abraham Twigo*, and mean to tranfaft the bn fine fi of LUMBER FACTORS &• COMMISSION MERCHANTS will thank their friend* and the public in gene rah fora (hire of their favors in that line. They ar« pcrfi-ftly acquainted with the ad meafurement and quality of all kinds of Lumber, and (hall make it their to give dispatch, and with punctuality to their employers. Vrffcl* loading at the wharf may go from it drawing nine feet water. WILLI AM H. SPENCER. JAMES PLATT THE suhfcrihtr hevirg declined the Lum her Bufine/s , recommends the above gentlemen to the Lumber Cutters as fit perfsns to tranfi a3. bujinefs in the above line. ABRAHAM TWIGGS. Savannah , June 29. (ts) NOTICE. THE Subscriber still continues the FACTORAGE » COMMISSION BbS/NESSt at hit place, at the weft end of the city of Savannah, where he ha* con venient Store* for the reception of all kind* of produce, and will be thankful for any favor* id the abavc line. ABRAHAM TWIGGS. -June 29. (t/) • Diflblution of Partnership. IN consequence of the death of Thomas Kelly, the Partnership of Scott it Kelly, is diftblved—all indebted to that concern, are hereby notified that no indul gence wiii be given after the firlt of Februa ry next, when, ail bonds, notes and ac counts will indifctiminately be placed in a, lawyer’s hands for recovery, in the mean time, produce will he received in payment at the highest Market price. Those who may have demands againlt the late firm are requested to present them for fettlemcnt. In future the baiinef? will be carried on by the fubferiher, who has on hand, an exten sive and complete aflbrtmcnt of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, which will be disposed of on fueh terms as to make it an object to Country Store-Keepers. WILLIAM SCOTT. November s o. (ts) NOTICE. THE copartncrihip of Cormicr & Lobe, bring diftblved by «hc death of the latter : The bufinrfa will be carried on in future, by the fubferiber, to whom all persons having demands against the firm, or individually, are desired to apply, and those indebted, are requested to make im mediate payment, JOSEPH G. CORMICK. Augusta, Sept. m. ( t s) N O TT~c~e7 Ido hereby forewarn any person or per sons, from taking an alignment, or in any way, trading fora note of hand, given by Thomas Few, so Samuel Buffington, for O k* hundred and forty dollars, with my name signed to (aid note as security—The note was given feme time in May last, and I believe payable the firft of Ay gull or September—l have paid oft said note by giving Buffington credit for meny lent him* IGNATIUS FEW. Columbia county , Jan, u. (ts) NO TICE. To all Attor?iics that bring Suin' ether in the Superior or In ferior courts of Cohmbia county ; HTHAT I (hall in future cxprft them to JL colleft ray fee* for thefcrviccof writs from ibetr clients, and pay me up at every court, as I am at expence, riding through the county, executing them and killing horfet. I think jufticc drniands, that an officer (hould be paid when he executes Tuch writs as are put it into his hand*. Wm. FLEMING, s', c. c. March 8. • NOTICE. THE Undersigned Consraifticners au thorized to contrtft for, and super intend the building a new Court House in Gree; fb rough, worth seventeen hun dred dol ars; nine hundred or a thoufmd of which they will be poflefled of on or be fore August next, and the residue one yeag thereafter.-Invite carpenters to apply to the undersigned, who will fhrw the plan and conrnft for the building immediately. |OFL EARLY, 7 OLIVER PORTER, > Com'ors. JAMES COOPER, 3 Green covntv , M\rch 8. Treasury Office, - Loujtfville , March "jib, I 806. THE Cullc&ors of Taxes who arc in ar rears are informed, that unless they | come forward and make payment before the firft day of May next, Executions will on that day iflbc against them : —and they are further informed, that agreeably to a refclution of the last LcgilLvurc, their names, together with the names of their fecuritics, with the balance dee by each, will be publilhcd in June thereafter, EDWIN MOUNGRR, Treasurer. ELEAZER EARLY, Compt'rgen. March 15. (7*.) $3- ALL persons indebted to the late firm of William H. Jack £$ Co or to the eftatc of Andreev Innes, de ceased, by bond or note, are once mere called on for immediate feltletncnt j no farther indulgence can be given.— r n, c f e indebted to either of the above mentioned firms on open account, arc requested to liquidate the fame previous to the firft day of September next.—After that date, fuita will be commenced against dclin quenta without diferimination. |AME> BEGGS, Admtr, " forTs ale' j On very, good terms. A new Waggon, made to the Northward, in the com pleted: order, with two strong and flout horses-—For particu lars apply to the printer. March Ig. f t f) Sheriff’s titles. Bills of sale, Mortgages, &c. may be had at this Office, TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The Subfcribcr being dcfirous of Selling Off, Now offers his Stock in Trade (consist ing of a choßc affcrment of DRY GOODS And a supply of GROCERIES) at Coji end Charges , and on liberal terms of payment if application is made early. AUGUSTUS MOORE. Augvfra, March if. ( rT.) Administrators bale. On the P emifes whereon Michael and James M'Nid formerly tefided, on Monday 3 ijt day of Mutch next, part of the real ejiate belonging to MtJ.ce' and James M'Neit deaafd, for the ben Jit of the heirs and credit, rs, WILL BE SOLD 1500 acres of land in Columbia county on ihe little Kick* creek, with genteel improvements, joining lands of Walton, Bdliei, and otters, and will be fold in four federate trails. ALSO, acres in Greene county indifferent surveys on the waters of Rich land creek, j ining John Hill and others; these lands will be fold in fepexate trails, as they were granted. ALSO, acres of land in Washing ton county on the Oconee river, joining lands of Thomas Glafcock at the time of survey ALSO, 750 acres of land in the counrv of Oglethorpe on fills fork of little river, joining lands of William Ramsey, The Conditions of falc are, one half down, and the othe half* twelve months credit with Bond and approved security, John culbrsath, % JOHN RAMSEY, I* ARCHd CLAPK, Z ARCHd. pow ell, J * POLLEY POWELL, j her MARY X MNIEL, maik Adminijlratrix • March \ t (ft,) Administrator's Sale. On 7 hurjday_ the xoth day of April next , ot the hohfe inhere the fuhjcriter lives t on the waters of M' Bean . Will be Sold, All the Personal property of the late Abraham Talley dec. (for the benefit of his heirs and creditors.) Confiding of Negroes, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Houfo hold. Furniture, Plantation tools &c. &c, • Tcimi made known on the day of falc, SARAH M‘COLLOUGH, Adm’rx* March f (6t ) GEORGIA, Greene County, At a weeding of their honors the Judges of the Inferior court off aid county . Pr xsE N T - fumes Nefbit Oliver Porter , Samuel Harper t IVilliamGretr . THE Petition of William Milt cane, bating that he is now confined in the custody of a Confiable of laid coun ty ; on sundry Bail Warrants issued out a gainst him by James Nefbit, and that he is unable 7 to pay off or give bail for the fame, and further, that he is willing to furrendcr up all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and further prays the ben efit of the info! vent law; wherefore it is ordered by the court that the fourth Sat urday in iApril next be set apart for the Did William Mi Li cane, to make his appearance before the Did J unices, and then and there have an equity had as to his Insol vency, and that this to be published incnc of the Gazettes of this slate for sixty days previous to the said fourth Saturday in A pril next. A true copy Taken form the minutest HENRY CARLE! ON, ju'.T. For THOMAS CARLE I ON, Clh Jan. t ' (lit-) GEORGI Burke County, ON the petition of Travis Fcen, pray ing that an order may be made requiring Benjamin Bell, adminiflrator of Moses Speight, deceased, to make titles to the said Travis Fcen, for a trail of land in Montgomery county, containing two hundred eighty seven and an half acres, bounded or adjoining Ogechec River, on the North and Francis Pugh'* tend on the North East, agreeably to the bond of the said deceased, a copy of which i* annexed to this petition. It is therefore orderd that at the next court of Ordinary alter the expiration of three months publica tion thereof, the Jaid admimllrator do make or ex ecute titles im fee frmpfe to the aforcfiid t r all of land, to the said Tra”i» Fecn, agreeably to «he fiatoff in hirh cases made and provided, nnlefs fuffioient caufo be {hewn to the contrary. Ertraß from the. minutes. Wm. baduly, c. c o. Jan. 9. { c *i i * I