The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 05, 1806, Image 1

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SATURDAY, April 5, IBc6 AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, G A Z E T T E O F T H E STATE. FREEDOM or .thi PRESS ato TRIAL *r JURY »hall a»MAi* ikviolat*. Conjiitution of Georgia. - ! * f V-- . ' ■ - ■ j ir« ■ i - - J - w ■ ■ n i mm ■ «■ ■— ■. ■ p. - —« , - AUGUSTA: Printed by D. DRISCOfc* near the market, [3 Dolls, per Annum.'] ' .. A , . •- r , ACT. | sassed by the lafi Legijlature of the fate of j Georgia. AN ACT revise and amend an ad, entitled an a FI, to alter and amend an ad to empower the inferior courts of the federal counties within this fate, to order the laying cut the public roads, and to order the budd ing and keeping in repair the public brtd ges, pnjfsd at Louisville, lO’h December, 1803, so far as rrfpeds the counties of Bryan, Liberty, M'lnttjh, Glynn and Camden . BE it cnnsei by the Senate and House of Reprtft ntatinjes of the Jiale of Georgia, in General affemhly met, and hy the 'autho rity of the fame. That all ownets, managers or employers of male Haves, vyithin their fever:;! di'trifts or divisions, fha!!, when summoned, deliver to the person summoning him, her er them, a lift in writing of all male (laves from the age of eighteen to fifty years, figued by such owner, manager or employer, under a penalty of one hundred dollars ; which lift, the person or persons summoning, (hall deliver to the commifimn ers or furvcyors o'l such dtftrifts er diviftons, on or before the day to which they are summoned to appear. And the laid com fnitSoners are empowered to swear any own er, manager, employer or fummoncr, giv ing, receiving or delivering such. lift, to the truth thereof, and of such service having been duly made ; and the person or persons summoning as aforefaid, shall be exempt from bis or their personal labor or attendance in such diurifts or divisions, for that tour of duty. Sec. 2. Be it further enaded hy the authority aforefaid, That in case any per son or persons appointed to fummo’'# as a forefaid, (ball negieft or rctufe to to do, such person or persons (hall severally forfeit . the futn of thirty dollars for every such of fence. Sec. 3. And be it further enaded, That the cut-off, in the county of M‘lmo(h, known by the name of the General’s cut, fImJJ henceforth be deemed and confidercd as span of the public high, way ; and that the ' commiffior.ers of said county are hereby au thorised to apportion such number of hands from the did rift or d thrifts of said county, as they in their judgment (hall deem expedi eat, to open aryl keep in repair the said cut. off, for the conveniency of the passage and ie-paffage of boats. Sec. 4. And be it evaded by the authority aforefaid, That capt. John Holmes John Gignilliac, efq. J hnGrantham, capt. Sneed, John Fort and Thomas Aimttrong, be, and they are hereby appointed cbm ini'fioners of roads for said county, whose duty it (hall be, immediately after the paf ftn,» of this aft* to convene agreeable to law, as pointed out in the before recited aft, and proceed to lay out a road as follows, tp wit: Beginning at the causeway on New Hope creek, on thefouth fide ot the Couth branch of the Altamaha, taking the m ill direst route, so as to Hiterfeft the poll, road at capt. TyTon’s, leading from Fort Bar rington to St. Mary; Provided neverthc lefs that nothing herein contained, (hall be construed tp prevent the working on, . and improving the road at present leading to Fort Barrington, at the diferetion oi the .commiffvoners or a majority of them, who ihall obfsrve andconform to the (l-veralfec tions of this and ihe before recited aft, reg ulating commiifior.ers in laying off diftrifts, and apportioning the labor, as, herein before pointed-out,- - Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all persons liable to perform road duty, rc fiding or being on any island, that the com. miflioners in the county having jurifdiftion over them, (hall order and compel them to perform the dury required of them, on such diftrift or road, as they may deem proper, and where the diftancefrom their rtfidence to the diftrift to which they have so repair (hall exceed ten miles by water or land, that then, and in that case, they (hall be allowed one day for going to, and returning ?rotn such place of working. Sec. 6. And bed further enaded, That nothig herein contained, (hall be construed to compel white male inhabitants, so far as it refnefts the county of Camden, to per perform personal labor on any road whatever; bat to attend armed and accoutered as mi litia men, and be fubjeft to such rules, or. ders & regulations, a# the commanding officer i of the battalion may prelcribe or de«s» ne* , ceffary, except fueh as the ‘ may appoint as overseers, to manage anti superintend labor on said roads. Sec. y, And be it enabled hy the authority afortfaid K That the com mi dinner* of cadi dittrid, or a majority of them, (hall have hill power authority to appoint a ry person or persons within their rcfpedVU'C '5. diftrifts, who (hall ad as conftaUes in exc. outing warrants under their hands and for the recovery of fines and forfeitures 'in cur red hy this ad, who (hall receive the fame compensation as is allowed in fuch£j» fes to constables by law; and if any perfhn so appointed, (hall lefnfe or negl-'d to per- ' form the duties required of him as ccnftablc that for each and every refaftd or newled, j thev (hall severally forfeit the sum of thirty dollars. • , Sec. 8. And be it further enafted if iff ' authority a for if aid, That the amendment of the road ad, pafT d the 12th dayofDc. cember, 1804., at Louifvilk, be, and the fame is hereby repealed ; and that so much of (he ad pafTcci the 10th of December, j SO3 as is contrary to this ad, he also repealed so far as refpeds the aforefaid counties. ABRAHAM JACKSON, Speaker of the House of Retrefentatlve s, JARED IRWIN,' »- Prejidi nt of the Senate, AfTentcd to, December 7, 1805. JOHN MILLEDGE, Governor. [HY AUTHORITY.] AN ACT ’.j ; ■' Authoring iht file es a trafl of land, in the tonjan of Cincinnati , andjlate of Ohio, BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefntatrves of the ts America in Cong refs Assembled , 1 hat for the disposal of a certain trad or lot of land, belonging to the United State?* in the town of Cincinnati, on the Ohio, being the fame on which Fort Wafhingtoh was ereded, the Secretary of the Treasury (hall cause the kid trad to be farveyed and laid off into town lots, fl reefs, and .-tyenucs, in such manner, and of such dimensions as he may judge proper, conforming as near as may be to the original plan of the town : when the survey is completed, a plat there of (hall be returned to the Surveyor General, cn which the lots shall be denominated by progrefiive numbers, who (hall therefrem cause two copies to be made, one to be trar.fmittcd to the Secretary of the Treasury, and the other to (he Register of the land office at Cincinnati; on the receipt of which plat the Secretary of the Treasury (hall cause the said town lots to be offered .to the highest bidder at public sale, to be held at Cincinnati, under the ffiperinten danceof rite Register and Receiver of the ' i an d office in the diftrid of Cincinnati, cn the fame terms and conditions as have been provided for the public sale of the public lands of the United S ates, Six weeks notice (hall be given of the day of sale, in at lead two newspapers publifned in the (late of Ohio. NATHI. MACON, Speaker rs the Hou/e of Repnfentatk>es. GEO: CLINTON, Vice.P rest dent of the United States and Pre sident of the Senate. Approved, February 28, iSoS. TH: JEFFERSON. AN ACT To fnfpeni the commercial intercourse be lateen the United States , and certain partsof the ijland of St. Domingo. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprcf ntatives of the United States of America in Congrcjs Assembled, That all commercial intercourse between any person or perfoiiB resident within the United Slates, and any person or persons rclident within any part of the island of St. Domingo, not in possession, and under the acknowledged government of France, (hall be, and is hereby prohibited : and any (hip or vessel, owned, hired or employed, wholly or in parr, by any peifon or persons ref Lent within the United States, and failing from any port oflhe U. States after due no*- of this aft at the custom Houles, refpeflively, which, contrary to the intent hereof, (hail be voluntarily carried ; or (hall be -elimcd to proceed, whether dirctlly, or freta any intermediate port or place, to any port cr place within the ilUnd of St. Domingo, G £ 0 R G I A. nw—» »m »■" ' " *" 1 and not in pofieflion, and under the ac knowledged government of France, and >lfo any cargo which (hall be found on board of such (hip of vdfi.l when detested and interrupted in fach unlawful purpose, or at her iciurn from, fitch voyage to the U. “Sutes, (hall be wholly forfeited, and may be seized and condemned in any court of (he U, -States, having competent jurifdic i -V . . See. I. And he it further enafted,' That ''aftc'if dmrttofice of this aft at the cuitom hmifcs, no (hip or vessel whatever \ fuall -receive a clearance for any port or plac£* within the ilbnd of St. Domingo, • and not in the aftual poflVffidn of France : nor trail any clearance he granted for a foreign voyage to any (hip of vessel, owned, hired, cr employed, wholly or in part, by any person or persons, rcfidtnt within the tfhfted Stares, until iHc ovhter cr the Em ployer for the voyage, or hh faftor or agent, with the matter, (hall give bond to the U. States, in a sum equal to the value of the vessel and of her cargo, with condition that the ship or vcfTcl, for which a clearance (hall be required to fomc port or place with out the limits of such part of the iflnnd of St. Domingo, as (hall not be in the actual pbffrflton, and under the acknowledged go. vernment of France, and during the inten ded voyage (hall not be voluntarily carried, or permitted to proceed, whether direftly > or from any intermediate port or place, to any port or place within such part of the island of Sc. Domingo, as (lull not he in the aftual poffdfion, and under the acknow ledged government cf France ; and in case of being forced by any caftialty into any port or place hefebj' interdicted, fltall nor at any fuclt port or [lacc, voluntarily fell, deliver. Or unlade any part of such cargo, except i- so as.may be abfojutelv ncctffarv rp defray the cxpEncc# requiute to enable such veffei to proceed on her intended voyage ; and generally, that such (hip or veil'd, wlulfton such voyage, (hall not be employed in any traffic cr commerce, wither for any person refidcnt within any part of the illand of Sr. Domingo, not in the aftual poflVffion, and under the acknowledged government of France. ' Sec. 3. And he it further cnafted, That all penalties and forfeitures incurred by force of this aft, and which may be recovered, (hall be distributed and accounted for, in tbe manner prcfciibcd by the aft, entitled “ An aft to regulate the colleftion of duties on imports and tonnage," patted the second day of of March, ope thousand fevtn hun dred & ninety nine, & may be mitigated or remitted in the manner preferibed bj the aft, entitled “ An aft to providefor mitigating or remitting the forfeitures, penalties and dlfahilities, accruing in certaincafcs there, in mentioned," patted the third of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.(c ven, and made perpetual by an aft patted the eleventh of February, enc thousand eight hundred. Sec, 4 And be it further enabled, That this aft (hall continue and be in force for one year and no longer. Seer 5. And he enafled, That any time after the palling of this aft it (hall he lawful for the Prelident of the United States, if he (hall deem it expedient, and confident with the interest of the United States, by his order, to remit and difeon tinue the rrftraints and prohibitions on the commerce aforefaid. NATHI. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives, GEO : CLINTON, Vice-frefdent of the U, Slates , and Presi dent of the Senate. Aporoved, February 28, 1806. TH ; JEFFERSON. .AN ACT Declaring the con/ent of Congreft to an att of the fate of Pennfylv ama intitul'd “ An act to empower the boa> d of wardens for tbe port of Philadelphia, to cdl.B, a cer tain duty on tonnage , for the purpofts therein mentioned. BE it enabled by the Senate and House of Reprefntati’vcs of the United Stales of America, m Congrejs Affembied , llut the content of Congress be, and it is hereby granted and declared to the opcraf.ctr of an aft of the Icgiflatujrc of Ivania, puffed on the firft day of April, in the yar one thousand eight hundred and five, intiuved *< Aft to empower the beard oi wardens fer — - r . , '(Voi. XX. No, 101 S the port of Philadelphia, to collcft a certain duty on tonnage, for thi purposes therein mentioned," so tar as to enable the date of Pennsylvania tocolleft a duty of four cenri per ton on all veflels which (hall clear out from the port of Philadelphia for any foreign port or place whatever, to be expended in building piers in, and otherwise improv ing the navigation of the river Delaware, agreeably to the intentions nt the faidall. NATHI. MACON, Speaker of the House of k(p£efentatltes, 4 GEO: CLINTON, Vice- PrefiJenl of the States, and Pre , ft dent of the Senate, Approved, February 28, 1806. TH : JEFFERSON* From the Greenock Advrrftfer, METHOD of EXTINGUISHING -‘■-rtRE. While our feelings are awake to the diflrefs of others, whose lu fife rings arc oc casioned by thole dreadful fires wc read of in this other countries, let me again through the medium of your ufeful paper, call the public attention to a cheap and easy method of extinguishing the greatest flame by the application of pot alh, Ihe firtl time I tried the experiment was at the fire which happened feme years ago in this place, at the foot of the Highland close; the roof had fallen in before 1 was prepared, but the flames were very high extending over the adjoining houses, as the wind direded, and threatening the destruc tion ot the whole Urcet of Broad close. Ic was midnight, but tire streets were so illu minated that a pin might have been difeerned. The impregnated water was *j*. .1* u j ana Imgke, the fire was completely extinguilhed. On another cccafion afterwards when the new sugar house was on fire, the fame application was made, and though late as in the fprmcr case, and not until confidrra. ble loss was fuftatned, and with the fame success the fire was fnbdued, and much re maining properly preferred. The workmen at this lalt place who had taken home feme of the broken wood lor fuel were not a little surprised to find that it would not burn. It had all, more or left,, got a dalh of the alkaline water. Thar the public may fee what a Ample ptocefs it is, I will mention the method adopted on these occalions. At one end of the fire engine a large tub. was placed, into which all the water was thrown ; and frome it, by two men, one on each fide with buckets, the engine was supplied. To the tub was attached a barrel of fweated American pot-alh and pur under the charge ot one man, who by handfuls continued liberally to throw the allies into the water where they soon dissolved. lam obliged to be p.rticular, hoping thereby to induce others to make the lame trial, and if they fiiould be fuccefsful, I hope they will make it public.' There may be other, and perhaps more effcdlual methods for extinguifliing fire. A * good cock maid, for instance, tel’s us that common fait is applied to a hold fire, when dressing a beef ftetje. But I only mention what I know and have witntflfed, and which I recommended most earncfily so be tried, until foroethtng better is found out. It colls little, while the benefit is incalcula ble ; to insure success, a barrel of pot-alh and a tub, ought robe attached to every fire engine, to be ready on the firft alarm. Notice is hereby Given, THAT nine months from the date here of, application will be made to the Honorable In ertor Court of Greene coun ty, for leave to fell the half ot an undivid ed trafl of land, containing Five Hundred acres, in ftid county, it being the real estate of Ezekiel Pak, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faU dec. RICHd: S. PARK, Adm'r. November 30, ftarapm) N. B. The above fate is pofiponed until the 10th of March next. (4t) Sheriff's titles. Bills of sale. Mortgages, &c. may be had aC this Office, I .’ ' ■ .