Newspaper Page Text
xpr ~:o\:: t tir.cbst: /
nf AfiHei J 2. Hu.!©, of ihq|
t-mty of D la ware, ft Hedging ihat lie hs*
invented a mode of communicating fir« trs
voider under wafer, f«* ?« to create an ex
pi 'Ton anj dc<lroy the veflfcl* of an enemy, t
and filing (he legislative patronage, wai
rend in‘he feinn; <4 this ftite on the 25!*
v<t. and re'emd to the joint com mince <f
ho h !mu r CB appointed on that part of hi*
exe'Hrncy the governor’s speech, relative to
artillery and 3 r ma.
rY, Feb. tS, 1306.
Ft'itft the 'Secretary es "hr Treafvpyi *
Cotnint -ce, wirh G. Britain and her depen
/. With (hr doyi’n’ens if G, Hr;fan: in £v- 1
rope ' Gibraltar tvttpted.)
7' ! \e annnsl report* nrc officiated at about I
T 5 690.000 dollars, viz.
U'uncitic Produce. Value. in dollars.
Cotton, ... {'64o,©no
'Tobacco, - « 3,110,000
Provifionr, -2, j 6c.c00
Lumber, naval fto*rr & potato*, 1,510,000
AH other article* of domcffic prod. 900 000
(3,430 coo
v F" r, 'V? n M orotund! fir, 1,260.000
And the armiyd imports at 17,400,000
dollars, viz.
In merchandise paving duties on it* value,
an 1 embracing, with inconfidarahlc excep
tions, ai! the woolen, cotton, linen, silk,
metal, earthen, glass and paper rmnufaftn
rc*. - • - 16,060,000
All the articles paying fprclfic duties, and
co-Ti Mnp, principally of iglr, fif'd, lead,
nails & porter, - ' . 1,540,000 i
, ——<——'l7,4oo,ooo
HHance in favor of G. Britain, 11,710,000
U, With the Hi itijh Eafd Indies,
The annual exports amount only 130;©©©
d 'liars, viz.
In articles of domestic produce, 47,000
Ip articles of foreign produce, 85,000
And the annual imports to 3,550,000
dollar*, viz.
In mcrchandife paying duties on its value,
and tpnfi.ting principally of white cotton
goods, ... 2.950,000
In ill other article* confiding principally
oflygar, pepper and cotton, 580 00©
The balance i« paid principally in specie.
*r/. warn rar~*i nn,;v» mu\ja xrmntts sft~
The annual exports coufift of the follow
ir;g artclcs.
ponaedic Produce.
F’nt-iG m* and live flock, 550,000
Lumber, n »val ftorcs S: put alb* 90,000
Skins and fu-?, • - 160,000
AH other articles, - - 60,c00
Foreign Merchandtfc 160,000
»,000, ©co
The annual imports amount to 540,000
dollars viz.
In goods paying a duty ad valerem, and
confuting principally of merchandise for the
Indian trade, and offifh, ' 480,000
All articles paying fpecific dotie®, 60,000
I? . 'I ith the Hrit sh Wifi-Indus,
The exports confill of the following arti
cles, viz.
n.Mneftlc Produce,
Provillons and live (lock, 4,7?© > 000
Lusiatt, - • • 990,000
All articles, . - 340.000
Foreign Mcrchsndlfc, 430,000
Ann the imports arc as follows, viz.
Spirits, - > • 2,440*00©
Sugar and coff.-r, - 1,480.000
AH other articles, . 650,000
—4,57 0 ;000
Jtaper tailors from all parts ts the World.
The annual value ot imports from all part*
cf the world, calculated on the average of
the fame three years, amount* to 75 316,000
OF which, the value imported from the do
minions of G. B, amounts to 35,970,000
And that imported from all other couft- *
cries is as follnwcth, viz.
From the Northern powers, Pruflia and
Germany, - - - 7,094,000
From the dominions cf Holland, France,
Spain and Italy, . , 15.475,000
the dominions of Portugal, 1,083,000
Fftsth China, sad other native powers of
Alia* »V - - • 4,856000
From all © her countries, including at.
fofome article* not particularly diferimi
rated, < • - - 858,0c©
7 3> 3' <5,000
' • Ttoytifutiei, ts ova. Scotia, Canada
and Nt&afeuK^ani.
* £ ■ ff jiM:nW
' b Vv»- .v _
r/i f fve TTurQ,
D imeftic Produce.
Oo»fid:red xn relation to thefeveral quar
tets of the Globe, and without reference to
the dominions of any particular power, these
exports arc diftriboted in the following
runner, v'z. ' '
Exported to Europe, 22.957,000
To the Weft. Indies nnd other American
colonics, ... 15,607000
To A£a, Africa & the S, Seas, 1,364,000
[n. c.] March 17.
The following actual revelation of fe- v
crets, is contained ;na letter from Mr. Sand,
ford, ore of the Federal Tvcprcfentativcs from
j Kentucky, to his friend in Frankfort, dated
j January r 6, and is publrfhed in the PJladi
um. It ccr*a;nly contain:! very interesting
intorm.'it'cn ; and although it would have
furnished much more plausible greand cf
clamor than any thing communicated by a
Souihern'Senator to a Federal House in Pe
ter iVwg, yet we cannot fee any great im
propriety in making a com cation of this
kind, under the refervatirnj hcreobferved,
“ A motion was made in our hoefe to
clpfe the doors on 3 confi Irntial mclfagf of
the Prifi Vnt on the 3d. inO. from which
time until the prefect hour, vve have hum
in conclave. A bill has pa fled 'his moment,
and is ordered, to the Senate, with a request
t!j tt they conddcr the t 3 ror. fidf,nt;al
ore. The Hunting cf our dcor.s for so great
a length of time, has given rife, I atn in
formed, to various reports as to the ebjefla
of the nation; nor can it be wondered at,
j a» a rime .when ff>.ir.y of o$ expefi, from the
) tenor of '.he President's mefljgc, that tha
nation may be involved in war.
“ I prtTume it will not be cxpscled that
I shall detail the meafureson which we have
been occupied ; fufHce it to fay, that our
confidential' fit! mgs hne lad an entire
relation to our affairs with Spain; and (hit
I hope the measures which have proceeded
from those private legifUuvc proceedings,
will fccure to the nation not only peace at
this inferefting moment, but will place ni
in such a situation as will relieve us in future
1 from just ground of misunderstanding with
the Government of his Catholic Majesty,
lt Daring the debates which have p.'ffed
in conclave, I think I may confidently fay,
that we shall disagree ta a report of a com
mittee of our house, made feme time ago,
in saver of building fix 74 gun fhipsi I have
now every reason to helieye that there is a
majority of our hnufe determined topreferve
prrrre wnn every TTuropcan nation with
w-hom wc have commercial relations. The
fucccfus of the French on the continent,
and the almost total annihilation of the
combined fleets at sea, further juftify such a
Prizes of 30 dollars—Nos. 7608 4440
479a l > r 7-
Prizes of 20dollars—Nos. 9976 4144
PRizEs of 12 dollars—Ncs. 2558 624
5665 9880 4669 2632 408 3294 6394
j 40289926 458 134.5 75-34 5644 8414
8520 1227 1733 3161 9892 1617 5057
3986 3642 9840 7343 3045 1358 8041-
5195 5763 1472 6622 8991 3676 5 7128
5957 3752 45'+ 8878 6486 7099.
Prize of 500 dollars---N». 8714.
Prize of 200 dollars.--No. 1995.
Prizes of 100dollars—-Ncs. 2770 2344
Prizes of 50 dollars-.-Nes. 6084 1780
426 1049.
Prizes of 40dollars—-Nos. 5942 3531.
Prizes of to dollars-.,Nos. 5497 5799
7379 4583 769*8525 2447 3292.
Prizes of 12 dollars-—Nos. 719? 1171
75*3 7363 597+ 7759 5934 2596 50 6224
35 1° 47* 37 02 9703 4406 4059 9264
1893 3508 5128 840 9125 2 *or 9853 830
2877 1420 9722 28347453 13622637
3 ,0 7 55*3 4544 5 22 *757 33°*
996 7693 29229114801535929088 588
5680 8548 7358 8379 7538 3465 699
54486853 7049 836* 15964235 9476
4340 3546 8691 7714 8352 0403 8491
1107 *241 6 75 1752 2509 4*77834
2199 914 2179 9825 1600 5835 2528
5200 4759 2624 4843 6451 5861 7342
7933 **3 2 55 2 4889 105062 49923 3760
5573* •; ■
Prizes of 100 dollars.«, Nos, 1291 2654
Prize of 50 dollars—No. 7215.
Prizes of 40 dollars-—Nos. 2701 cjyv
Prizes ot ?o dollars— -Ncs. 4924 338
2755 1189 8981.
Prizes »f 17, dollars—Nos. 9227 2549
7941 2647 B *4<s 6062 73165156 6806
7034 -242 5291 1375 5543 4709906
7611 .087 3277 5530 4524 1503 2474
708 4049 9960 2743 5790 1460 6276
bi 19 4136 5338 1667 2761 8034 7221
6547 4'*s 73 l % 5664 6204 9555 5439
2 995 3872 6264 4443 3555 5362481
9751 4H7 333 2 63387023 5542 63Sj.
■.... ~ s,
the York Mercantile AJvtrl'/er.
The editor of the Sheffield Iris, (whom we
have the pleafuce of claiting aniongft our
friend*) announces to us the death of the fete
gallant Nelson, in a style so exquifitcly
beautiful that we cannot refill the impulse
we feel to give It to our leaders :— fi Intel
ligence of a most glorious event, accompa
nied by tidings of an awful calamnity (like
ths Angels of Mercy and Affliftion travel,
ling together) has arrived on cur {bores, and
awakened the public mind from the agony
of despot dencc to a tumult of mingled trao.
tions—forrow and jay, mourning and tri
umph. Oa the ztft oflaft month (Otflobo)
while the cowatdiy and incapable Mack
v was fiirrendcring himfcU aliveituo the bands
■ of Bonaparte, the noble and lamented Lord
Nelson once more and for the Lift tint',
fought and icrtd the united foes of his
country, but be HI in t!ic meridian of viflto.
ry—and in one moment became immortal in
both worlds! His career of services had
been long : but ir was only in the midst of
the hit war tha' - heboid upon the eye of the
public as a luminary of the firft magnitude.
At the battle of Ahonkir, he rose like the
fun in the east ; ard like the for* too, after
a fuinmci's day of glory, he set in the weft,
at the battle of Trafalgar, leaving the ocean
in a blaze as he went down, and in darkntfs
when !se had defeendtd. In ages to come,
when the ttranger who vifus cur iilard (hall
enquire for the monument of Nelson, the
answer will hr—-<* Behold kis country,
which be Caved J”
We have great f«iJsfi»ftlon in ccramunica
ling to the public the follow ing plrsfing in
formation, insfmuch as it completely purges
tha government of all criminal connivance
at, hr participation in the late my (tenors
expedition under Miranda A letter is
received in town from General Dearbor,
Secretary at War, in which he peremptorily
dfdurcs that neither the adminiftrarion, nor
any of the. heads of departments individually,
h ive any knowledge of tht destination of the
Leancicr j that on this fubjeft neither Mr.
Jtffcrfon or Mr. Madison ever had any
conferences or communications with Gtn,
Miranda ; that it was not until after Ihc
hid failed, that they were advised of her
being destined on a hofljle voyage; ard
that on receiving this advice, fuita were
immediately instituted ngninft the parties
ceortceired, and that too, before any repre
fentatiers were made to them by any foreign
mmiftcr or agent, Fhil. paper.
From thtoFecretary of the c Trea/ury % trans
netting the annual Jiatement of the diflnll
tw.cgc of the United States, on the 31 Jl
day oj December 1804.; together nuith
an explanatory letter from the Regijier of
tl>e c treafxry thereon.
February 20, I Sc 6.
I hare the honor to tianfmit the
annual statement of the diftrki tonnage of
the United Smtes, on the 31st Dec. 1804,
together with an explanatory letter of the
Rcgifter of the T reafu ry.
It appears from these documents that the
aflaal tonnage of the United, States on the
3*lft December, 1804, might h* e.ttimated
at about 983,100 tons, viz,
RegiAered tonnage, 672,500
Enrolled do, 252,800
Filhrbg do. 57, 800
. " 983**00
McKTEVIOEO, taken hy the Sritijh.
Advice is received at the Island of Cuba,
by a Packet from Old Spain, that Monte
video, on the River La Plata, is taken pof
fcftbn of by the British, and that their force
amounted to 18,000 troops.--the comman
ding officer on this expedition was not
named at Cuba, when our informant re- i
esived this iniciligenc?.-— •Najkupaper.
A letter dated Bordeaux, the 30th of
December, from the raoft refpeftable source,
has been received in this city, which states
that the differences between France and
Pruflt.i, had ken fettled and that the latter
had given permilfion to the former, to march
their troops through the Pruflian dominions,
with the view, it is presumed, of attacking
ll>e EngUfn National Intelligencer.
In the course of the last twelve months;
there have emigrated from the (ingle fcttle
ment of Williamfburgh, in this date, one
himdred-and twenty-tour white inhabitants,
and three hundred and thirty blacks ; rhey
have gone chiefly to form new fcttlements
on the Tcnneffee river and in the Mifliflippi
territory.-.-— City Gazette.
Our reads, s will rr colleft the story of the
ill-fared Arnold, who flagged the little girl
(deify Van Amburgh) to death in New-
York stare j and will alfj remember that I
he was arrested, tried, convidcd, and *
sentenced to he hung; and that !- v s
afterwords pardoned, or respited, by Gov.. |
Lewis, Tiic Houle of Assembly of New. ’
York* conceiving the clemency of the gov,
improperly extended ro Arnold, have paf
frd a law for hh execution, to take place
• on th; left Friday in Mi y next.
AUGUSTA, Aprils.
SINCE the date of the 23d January, w e
hare no news from Europe—The next (hort
arrival from that quarter will, no doubt,"
put us in pofffflion of a great roafs of impor*
tant Intelligence—a new rniniftry in Eny_
land—the proceedings of the Brifith parlis.
inent —the movements of Bonaparte on-the
continent—the new organization .of nc*v
kingdoms—all will be highly imerttttng—.
the next mails will probably bring us all this,
ON Tuefiay wcek-Ufl, John London,
Senator from Effingham, was (hot dead by
fomc pcifun unknown—with the particular
we arc as yet unacquainted.
A planter form Elbert informs us rhst
theheflian fly has made its appearance in that
County, of done great damage t® the wheat, ■
The Small pox has made its appearance ia
th‘s and the neighboring flare—Thofe who
wish :o preserve their lives fbouid lose no
time to he •vceFvnatrd. |
On the 17 th infl. Mr. Nich«lfon’':, in
excluflon toall other icfuluiicns, was takers j
up in Congress, and rgreed to, 87 to 33.
The purport of this refoluticn is, that after
a certain day, certain articles cf Britifhna,,
nufaftures will be prohibited—such as thefo
made of tin cr brafs—-of hemp or
fi.’kt—-fire woolen cloths—woolen hoifiery
of all kind:—-all manufafUircs of g*aft-—fiU
ver and plated waxes—paper of ever deferip
tion—Nails and spikes—Hats—Clothing
ready made—Miliinary of all kinds—play*
ing cards—all malt liquors—pictures, prints
Sec. Sec.
We an.lerftand chat general Meriwether,
and Jofcph Bryan efqr, are returned to this
flare, from Congress. • ,
Good Cotton fold this week in Augyfta,
at, from to 16 cents.
vs iLLXAM Duane, Editor of the Aurora,
is elefltd Lieutenant-Colerel cf the 25th
Regiment of the Pcnnfylvaniit Militia.
MARRIED, On Thursday evening by
the Revd. Mr. Garvin, Mr. John How
ard, Merchant, to Miss 1 ouisa, Em.
MELiMA, Matilda Stoner, all of this
yrrYP" —— e* 1■ " *y— ■— *r M - li' ".''JJj
A poor Widow, totally
blind, for fix years past, now
throws hcrfelf on the charity of
the public, and more pairicojarly on that
of her own sex, .who are always the moll
tremblingly alive to the misfortunes of oth
ers—The froaUeft contributions they may
be pleafid to grant in this Case (ter the love -
of God) will help to alleviate the miferiei
and misfortunes of infirmity, blindness and
old age.
Such as feel themselves dsfpcfed to do this
work of charity, will please to enquire at
the Chronicle Office.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
- ABSCONDED from the Sub
fc iber, on the night of Tucfday the isl
inst, the following Negroes, viz. HARRY,
about thirty-two year* of age, five feet ele
ven inches high, flout made ; EASTHER,
his wife, about twenty- seven years cf age,
junky made, and flutters when she talks
SALLY, the daughter ,of the above two
Degrots, about eight years old :—PHILL/
twenty eighjt year* old, five feet seven in.
ches high, and well made-NELLY, his
wife, about twenty-one yesrs of age. t? 1 !
and very likely, and DAVY, fen of PliilJ
and Nelly, about two yean old. And as
i have good rcafon to fufpefl that the said
negroes have been enticed away by a white
person, I will give one hundred dollars in
i addition to the above reward, to any one
! who will tfnkc faek adifeovery thereof, as
will enable me to ptcfocute the villain to
conviftion. A. M MILL AN,
April »806. (t f )
Corn and Floury
By the Subferiber
toco tfufhelsof corn.
30 Bursts prime up country Flour.
4 doz.' Spades and Shovels.
2 doz. Hatchets.
April $. {tj)_
O> J theJirfi Tucfday in May next, at ColuK*
big. Court House , between the usual hours ,
1090 acres of land in Columbia
county, on the waters of tlic Uchec creek,
adjoining lands of Locklia and Giriener.
Four negroes; viz. Davy, Sam,
Daniel ami N-mcy. Executed at the prop
erty of Hanrtf* Spiert, to firiafy an exetu*
♦“ioo In favor of John Berrcsmi.— Condi •
iTai cash, Wm FLEMING lb If,
April y.