The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 05, 1806, Image 4

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.ARTS /,*© INVENTIONS, Ic appears from the report of the Baron Yen Kotzebue, in his recent travels thro* Italy, that the buftnefs of unrolling the Hercu'aocan MSS. arocerd* at Portici un. der thsdireftionof M. Hay ter with fucccfs nnd npidity.--One hundred and thirty rn.inufcripts luve already been unrolled or - qrc ynrpliing, and Mr. .Haytcp docs not difpaif of being-able to decypher the fix buT'-iired manufcripis which are flail extant. jTe vcn young per fens arc cdnfiantly employ . 'cd ihtihfoldirtg die MS 5 , and two other# in curving or dr»vying themi all under the d : ."C&fon of Mr. Hatter, and at the ex prnce ethic Poyal lligbrtfs the Prince cf Wales. Anorhtr unrk h.uVen dSfco'vered of PhiJodemus, treating of vices which bor?** on virtues ; glides a work of Epi curus, of Phadnrs, Dnf.etriu* Phalcrusf, and Colo'uv, the lati in reply to Plato on Friendlhip, Among frven Latin MSS. M. Lhyter has found an hiftofical work. wr?t ten in thcftylc and manner of Livy ; and rfneng the gmk one r , the entire works of Epktt:us in the heft ftatcof preservation. Fy e ten years compyaiTofl' cf the bills rs n«ona!ity of Vienna, the number of deaths amounted upon $0 average to 14,600, and 2in'crg thrfc 355 children fell vidims to the r-lturri fatal 1 pox evziy year. Dot, since the introduction of the cow.poc, no more than idi children d ’ed of the small-pox in 1801 ; in the ' ear 1802 only 60 ; in the year 1803 but 37 j and in th\i year Tsdp orlv 1 tv. c children, and of these one belonged to foreign travelling patras. A Child, bow «»>d brought up on hoard a British ship of war, was noticed tty the Admiral who carnc to review the Haiti's drew, The Admiral -J»fkd bint quo (lions relative to sea affairs, which the boy arfwcud much .to his famfeftjon. Changing the fubisft, be ailt-d hina “-Who j is G tit” The boy anfwacd, “ Indeed y cur h rumr, { don't know for far tin, bur I fancy hfta (I.C jf - f Lord if the Admiralty , London paper. Dilution of Fartufrlhip. IN conference of the death of Thomas Kelly, the Partncifhip of Scott f£ . Kelly, is diffolycd—.*ll indebted to that concern, «re hereby notified that no indul gence will he given after the ftrll cf Februa ry next, when, all bonds, notes and ac counts will indifcrirrinafely be glared in a lawyer's hnnds for recovery, in the mean time, produce will he received in payment at the highest Market price. Th«fe who inny have demand* against the iatefirm are roqdefied to present them for fcMlemcnt. In future the business tvillKe carried on by the fulfcribtT, who has on hand, an exten fjve and complex afforrrrent of • DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, which will Ive disposed of on fucb terms as to make it au objeft to Country S r »re-Kerpcrs. . WILLIAM SCOTT. November 30. " ((J) COPARTNERSHIP. William H. Sr tncer U) James Platt Having entered into ccpartncrjhip, under the SPENCFr S PLATT, On the firft jnftant, thsy have taken the convent •*f-l whtrf. dock and fforc of Mr. Ab'ert’en Twigr?. ar.d mean to tran/aft the bufmefi of LCMPER FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS t & will thank their friend* and the public in gene ral, fora (here of their favon in that fine. r | hey 8t« pcrfcftly acquainted will* the ad measurement r.nd quality of all kind* cf Lumber, and £hal) make it their fludy to' give ciifpztch, and aft with punftuality to their employers. Veffr!* leading at the wharf may go from if. drawing nine feet water. Will JAM H. S FENCE*. JAMES PI ATT. 7’fiE snbfcriher having decliri/d the Lum. her Bujinejs* reccmnendt the above gentlemen to the Lumber Cutters ns fit per/ens to Jran/ • ad hufine/s in the above live, ABRAHAM TWIGGS. Sovanrtsh, Jnt.e zq. (if) ~ Norl C E . TH3S fubfe.fiVer ft»U continues the f 4CTORAGE 9 COMMISSION BUSINESS* at hi» place, at the weft end of the city of Savannah* where he ha* con* venient Stores for the reception of all kinds of produce, and wifi be thankful for any favors in tl* ab*ve H?” 5. ABRAHAM TWIGGS. June r*. (if) NOTICE. THE of ; CoaMjca f? L«be, be'ng dtlTpUfd by the death of the latter; The btifir'ffo will he carried on in future, by the fubfaiber, to whom all perfurt bsvirg domand* the fi;rr, or irdirtdijallf, tic d< fired to apply* and ibofe indebted, f<?c ftqustico to make im | r'wiete payment, " JOSEPH G. CORMICK, AuguCa, Gept. u, ( t s) Postponement. WE, the Commiffioncrs appointed by the Legislature to dispose of the Fraftional Surveys of Wilkinson, Baldwin, and Wayne counties, have, (for fevcral reasons) postponed the sale, until the 16th of Jane next, at which time, we will com mence. WILKINSON. Thnfe of the ill didrift, on the 16th day of June next, and continuing from day :o day, between the hours of ten and three (Sundays excepted,) until the zjd inchu five. Those of the xddiftrift, on the 24’h day of June, until the 27th tnclofive. Thcfe of the 3d diftridt, on the 281 b day | of June until the 2d day of July inclusive. ' Those of the 4th difirift, on the 3d day of July, until rhe 7th inclufi'c. Those of the jth dilL'idl on the Sth day of July until the nth inclufivc. * BALDWIN. THfe of lit diftrift on the 12th day of July, until the (6’h In-fluiive, 1 i'hcfe of the zd diftrift, cn the 17 th day of July, until the 24th inclusive, Those of the jidiilridt, on the 25th d*y of July, until the 29th inclufivc, Those of the 4th diftridt, on the 30th day of July, until the 4th day of Aoguft inchifivv, Thnfe of the jth diftridt, on the s:h day of Aogult, until «he 12th inclusive, WAYNE. Thcfe of the rtf diftridt, on the 13th day of August, until the- 2 til inclusive. Those of he 2d diftridt, on the zzd day of Angu'l, until the 26th inclufivc. Th Je of the 3d diftrift, cn ti e 271 b day of August, until the 30 h inclusive. TERMS OF SALE* . Os the p‘i'chafe:?, bonds for the smunt of ti e puicbpfe money will he required ; at four equal inlf alments, to he paid in Gold or Silver; the firtl pavment, twelve months alter date. In addition to which a Mort gage on the premises will he required, MOSES SPEER, I O RE Du. \ K PATRICK JACK. J 3 IVaJo'vHgtati, February 17, I Bc6. N O T I C E. Ido hereby forewarn any person or per sons, from taking an affignmenr, or in any way, trading for a note of hand, given by Thomas Few, to Samuel' Buffington, for One hundred and forty dollars, with my name signed to fa id n as f curity---The note was given fomc tune in May last, and I bclieic payable the hill of August or September— 1 have paid off fa id note by giving Buffington credit for mooy lent him* IGNATIUS FEW. Columbia county, Jan. It. (ts) Treafuiy Office, Lou’fv'dle ,, March Jth t 1806. r T~ I HE Collcdlore of Taxis who are In at- X rears, arc iufurmtd, that ur.lcfi thry come forward at d moke, payment btfcie the fiift day oi May next, Exemuons will on that day issue againtt them : and they ate bather informed, that agreeably to a jefolntion of the.hfl Lcgilliiure, their nanus, together with the names cf their fccuritics. with the balance due by each, will bepublifhed in June thereafter, EDWIN MOUNGER, Tnafunr , E.LSAZ&K EARLY, Cotnpi’f gtn. ( March tj. (7*.) -j. -a ALLpeiTons indebted to the late firm of William H. Jac,k G Cp. or to the estate of Andrew Jnnes, do ccaftd, by bond or note, arc cncc wore called on for immediate fettlemcnt ; no lurther indulgence can be given,—Thcfc indebted to either of the above mentioned firms co rprn account, are requeued to liquidate the fame previous to the firft d*y of September rAxt.—After that date, fuita will he commerced epainft delim quint* without difcHmination, , JAMES BKGGS, Adm'r, J'b r 3* ’ (V) Five Dollars Reward. Absconded, a negro woman, belonging to Mr*.. well known about Augusta, named Diana.— She is a tab, fiout wench, about 3 5 year* of age; her dref* cannot be deferjbed, a» (he had remsved all her cloths some time ago, , It i« believed that fhr is harboured by some person in, or test town ; whoever will de liver her to me, or lodge her in the Jail of inis place, (hall receive the abeve reward, JOHN CARMICHAEL. March tg. (ts) ‘no tic e.” An Elcdion will be held at the Cfurt-Houfe in Richmond county, on Monday the 21G of April next, for a Clerk of the Inferior Court of said county, !■ the place of Jofcph Hutchirfoncfq'r. rrfiened, JOHN WILLSON. JOHN CATLETT, JOHN TWIGGS. JuJUas oj (he Inferior Court. March 29. (4;.) NOTICE, THE Copartn-ifhip of Tho'sßarrstt and William M. Cowles, under the firm of Thomas Barrett (2 Co. is dis- Dived this day by mutual consent. £ll uerfons indebted thereto, are solicited to make payment, and those that have any deejand* ajrainft the concern, will render them i" to Thomas Barrett, who isafthori* Dd to fettle the fame. •> THOMAS BARRETT, WILLIAM M. COWLES. Mireh it. ( ts) Commiflion & Factorage. THE SUBSCRIBER. j REI URNS hi thanks to his friend* for the liberal support he has received finer the er tn ncncement of the shove bull refs, informs flK*« he conrirucs the fame WABE HOUSES and S'* ORES, for the reception of produce and merchan dize. He has just Received, In addition to his ftippL of GOODS , the following Articles. LORRILARD’S Macoboy Snuff, in one pound and half pound buttle*, Ditto Scotch do, Ditto, Rappee do. io Hhds. 4th Proof Jamaica Rom, 6 MolaTm, 8 Jamaica and Mufcnvado Sugar?, I 20 B ir *el« Philadelphia Beef, 10 Bf fleet* F cfh Olive Oii, r Case FI; (k* do. 6 Cases Frcfh Capers, 2 ——- Archovies, 6 Olives, 10 Boxes Prune*, i Fig*, 12 Mufcadel Raifin*, jo Herrinp*, 8 6 *■•»«•* M akp* Grapes, 10 Qw'erC fk Malawi and Sherry Wine, London Bottled Brown Stout, London P .tfirular M&deria Wine, Do. do. Ttneriff; do. O'd Kottifd Port do. K *"s of Crackers and Groat Bread, Wall ut and Mulhroon Catfup, Pearl Barky, B. fie -t Salt, Soft (h ‘U and Shelled Alrror.ds, C fits Chrefc and Boat* Soap- And a Viiisty of other articles, in the Grocery line. JLSO, JUST OPENED, t c test of Frdh Hyfy« Tea, 1 Ditto. Imperial do. THOMAS BARRETT. • March 22. (ts ) ro COUNTRT MERCHANTS. The Subscriber being desirous of Selling-Off, Now cfF. rs his S/i-ck in Trade (cor lift jrg of a <'hoi r s flfll.rTienr of DRY GOODS Arda supply of GROCERIES) at Cass end Churoes i and on liberal terms «f payment if application is made early. AUGUSTUS MOORE, /fnguffai March I C- (ts.) Notice is hereby Given ? r T"'HAT an Eleftion for Member* tocom- X pose the City Council of A.ugafta, for the enfoing year, will be held on the fcccnd Monday, being the 14th day of A piil ntJrt. a* follows: For Diftritl No. i. The Eledfion for two members, to he held st the Old Court-H iuLr, under the management of Ftanci* VoUoton, Nichoks Fqx, and Archibald Hatcher, or any two cf them. For Lijhift No. 2. The Ekftion for three m*mbers, to be held at Mr, D'Ar.tjgnac’s Hotel, under the roaunfcmcnt of John D'Antignac, James S. Walker, ai d Donald MTvcr, or 4 ry two of thrrn For DiJlriß No. 3. The Election for two members to he held at Mr. Lonitfireei't, under the tnanagr raent of William Longftrcct, Isaac Herbert and Thomas Barrett, cr any two of them. The MaftagersSie requeued to keep the poll rp«u in their rrfpeflive di ftrift*, from 10 o'clock in the morning, to tvo o'clock in the afternoon, end to make return of the persons Hefted, together with ! a lift of the voter*, to WILLIAM J. HOBBY, Intevdan t . March 29. (at) I NOTICE. i The Subscriber gives this ( public nr tice thit no prrfon Hier the date * hereof will tra J s oortradl with, or,credit my ( Mary Steppers, as I am determined to pay no debts of hers. • E. STEPHENS. ! 1 BJgff.eld diftriftf March w (zt) I - - JV Benj. Hall & Co. INFORM their friends and the public, that' tkcy have row on hand at tbeir Core, one door below the Poft.Of fice* Broad Greet, a general afiortment of flues, boots, boot leg* and leather, viz, Mca* lhw?, ift zd and 3d quality Boy* do, do do. Ladies leather and morocco flippers M-ffe* do. do. Fairtop and fuwarrow baots B’J U lego Was cal♦ fti-.s, All of wi ivh they will fell fer Cash 00 I the iiifl.l reason ble terms, at whole fsk or rstail, 1 Augufia, March z», ifc6- (ts) Administrators Sale, On Friday the qth of May next, £ WILL BE SOLD. To the kightji bidder , at the plantation of Mrs, Alien's, on the Utile Kwka creek, Co lumia county. VL fee of Blacksmiths tools, nnmbcr of likely Horfsi, Cattle, and ether things too tedious to roentien, being part of the petf.-nal property ofjiteph £!lcn jun ? r dec. the conditions will be credit, hut made mote fully known on she day of sale, JAMES ALLEN Admr. March zq, (it) £ NOTICE. TO the proprietors, their agents or traf, tees, of the following tradh ofland. Curated, ia Burke county, that unless they or eithe rof their agents, do Coaac forward and fettle the taxes due onfiiitesd, with in fix months fr*m this date will be f?!d by the Colledtar of ftid county, for all taxes due thereon, agreeably to law, viz; 600 acres pine tend, on the waters of the Big Spring, on Buckhead creek, grant ed in the rams of Wm. Hooker, and Jo seph Aykinfon. Also too acres pirns land, on M B an creek, granted in the tamt of JohnOgg. Wwr BOWLING, ». r a, Barkt cpiniy. Jan. 11. (6w) 7— - Administrator’s Sale. On Thurjday the xOlh day of April rttxi% at the hovfe where the fubjcribtr Uvy, on the waters of M‘ Bean. Will be Sold, All the Petfood property of the late Abraham Talley cite, (for the benefit of his heirs and creditors.) ConfiftiPgoS Nrgroet, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Houfc hold Furniture, Plantation tools &c. &c, Terms aiadc known on the day of falc# SARAH M‘COLLOUGH, A dm'ft. March 1 (6t) GEORG! Burk: County, ON the petition of Travis Feen, pray ing that an order may be made requiring. Benjamin Bell, adminlGrator of Mn&s Speight, to make titles to the fjid Ttarii Fecn, for a tja£l ofland in Montgomery county, containing two hundred eighty seven and an half acres, bounded or adjoining Ogcchce River, on the North and Francis Pugh’s land on the North Ealt, agreeably to the bond of the said dcccafed, a copy of which is annexed 11 this petition. It is therefore orderd that at the mxt court of Ordinary af'sr the expiration of three months publica tion thereof, the said adtmniflrator do make or es rente title* in fee Ample to th# a-forefaid HaCt ofland, 'to the Lid Travis Fren,. agreeably to the llatote in fach cases ma U and provided, unlefj fufHqknt caafc be {hs«rn to the contrary. . £xtraS from the minutes. Wm. BADULY, C. C. O, . Jan. q. (ts) GEORGIA, G'-erne County, At a meeting of their honors the Judges of the Inferior court of said county, Pius cut James NJhit f Oliver Porter , Samuel Harper t William Greer. THE Petition of William Mud cane. Rating that he is now confined | in the custody of a ConSabic of said coun ty jon sundry Bail Warrants iffised outa gaiofi him by James Nrfblt, and that he is unable to p<sy eff or give bail for the fame, »sid further, that he is willing to Bartender up ail his property for the benefit of his creditors, and farther prays the hen* ; efit of the insolvent law; wherefore It is ordered by the court *lnr she foarth' Sat« urday in April next be fit apait for *h® said Wxm,ja v«f Milica me, to make hi* I appearance before the said ] uftices, and then ; and there have an eqnity had as to his Into!* j vency, xr.d that this to be publifked in ons of the Gu-ttee of this fiat; for sixty dsvs j previous to the fak’ fourth Saturday *n A p?>l r?;xf. A trve rc t j Taken fehtn ‘-he minutes, HENRY CARLETON,- ien’r. For THOMAS CARLE lON. Cli yen t£» {l2t,)