The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1789-1806, April 12, 1806, Image 1

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* SATURDAY, April 12, 1806. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, G A Z E T T_E O F A N T H E STA T E. . h / • ' ' ' FR E EJD O M of the PRESS and TRIAL by .JU R Y shall remain inviolate. Conjlitutian of Georgia, .. _ ; : , 4 ' f • A U G U S TA: Printed by D. DRISCOL, near the market. [3 Dolls, per Annum.\ J 1 - I - ~ . - - - - L - - ■I - - A PROPOSAL Bjt Wm. Y. Birch W Abraham Small Os Philadelphia, Pofpuhlijhingane’w Sc celebrated work, ENTITLED Winders of NATURE Sc ART; . OR, A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF Whatever A mcjt Curin’" and Remarkable IN THE WORLD : Whether relating to its animal, vegi table, and mineral productions, or, to t ])C manufactures, buildings Sc inven tions ofits INHABITANTS. Compiled from Historical and Geographies Works of eitablidied Ctiebrity, and illuftra- . ted with the Difcovcries of Modern lavel lets. essums By the Rev. Thomas Smith, Author of the uitiverfai atlas. Sacred Mir ror, &■ c, REVISED, CORRECTED, AND IMPROVED, By JAMES MEASE, M. D. ’ Member of the American Philosophical So ” ciety, and Corresponding Member cf the Literary and Philosophical Society or Manohcfter. CONDITIONS. It will be completed in Fourteen Ofto decimo Volumes, in Boards, at One dollar per Volume, payable on delivery. It is Intended, after the completion of •the firft Volume, to deliver one Volume every two weeks. < Such Sabfcribers as wi& it, may have the whole delivered together, handfomeiy bound and lettered, price Seventeen Doi- Jars and Fifty Cents. The Paper, the Plates, and the Printing, (hall be of the best kind. .... V Every arrangement is making to pub bp the h'hji Volume as faan as ts compatible with its importance. (rfr SußscßirnoNS received at thi* Office. t SADDLING & HARNESS MAKING, J. & E. STARNES, HAVING commenced the SADDLING Sc HARNESS making business, offer their fervicet to the public, generally —they hope by their punctuality and unremitting atten tion to business, to merit a (hare of their favon in the above line. They alio Cap*, Whip?, Trunk* See. They have taken part of the boufc formerly occupied by Msffr*. Campbell k Nelsen, a few doors above Do&or Murray*!. Augujia, April 5, 1806. Treasury Office, Louifvtlle, March 7th, 1806. THE Collector* of Taxes who arel in ar rears, are informed, that unleft they come forward and mckc payment before the firft day of May next. Execution will on that day iflue against them :-and they are further informed, that agreeably to a resolution of the last Legislature, their name, together with the names of their feenritica, with the balance due by each, will be poWjtocd in Jane thereafter. EDWIN MOUNGER, Treasurer. ELEAZER EARLY, Compt'rgen , March 15. ( 7ti > NOTICE. Tp the proprietor, their rger.ti or truf ' tees, of the following trafl* of land, fifuated in Burke county, that unlcfs they or either of their agenta, do come .orwar and fettle the taxes due on fasdlaad, with* in fix month* frero this date will he fold by the Col left or of said county, for ad taxes due thereon, agreeably to law, viz: 600 acres pine land, on the water* of the Big Spring, on Backhead creek, grant ed in the name of Woa. Hooker, and Jo fcph Atkinson. Also 100 acre, pine land, on M‘Bean creek, granted in the came ot John Ogg. Wm: BOWLING, r. t- r. Bnrke county 1 fan, n» notice. An Elcdion will be held at the Court-Hcuft in Richmond county, on Monday the a iff of April next, for a Clerk of the Inferior Court of feid coanty, i» the place of lofeph Hutchinson cfq r. resigned. F J F JOHN WILLSON. ‘ JOHN CATLETT* % JOHN TWIGGS, Justices of the Inferior Court. March *9. (4*o TREATY. OF PEACE. BETWEEN AUSTRIA AND FRANCE. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria, and his Majesty the'ftmperor of the French, King of Italy, equally animated with a dellie to put an and to the calamities of war, have refolml to proceed wirKoul lie* lay to the conclusion of a definitive treaty of peace, and have in consequence named as , plenipotentiaries, to wit; His majesty the emperor of Germany and of Austria, the Prince John Lichttenfttin, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, Grand' Cross of the Military Order of Maria Tcte fa, Charoberldn, Lieutenant General of the armies cf his find- majesty the emperor of Germany & Austria, ami proprietor of a Re gi.'Tient cf Huflars ; and Count Ignaz dc Guylai, commander of the Military Order of Maria Teresa, Chamberlain of his Paid) majesty the emperor of Germany and Au stria, Lieut. Gen. of his Armies and pro prietor of a regiment of Wintry, and h*» majesty the Emperor of France, king of It aly, Charles Maurice Talleyrand Perigcrd,- Grand Chamberlain, Mtnifter of Foreign Relations of his said majesty the emperor of France and king of Italy, Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honour, and Knight of the •Rtd and Black Eagle of Pruftia ; who having exchanged their fall powers, have agreed as follows : ART. I, There shall be from the date of this day, peace and fricndfhip between his majesty the emperor of Germany and Austria, and his Majesty the Emperor of the French, and king of Italy, their heirs and fuccelfors, their [fates and fubjeda refped ively, forever. 11. Franee (hall continue to pofTefs in property and fovercigmy, the duchies, prin cipalities, lordships and territories fccyond . the Alps, which were before the present trea ty united and incorporated with the French empire, governed by the laws and gov ernment ofFrance. 111. His majesty the Emperor of Getma ny and Austria, for himfeif, his heirs and fticceffors, recognizes the difpofilicn made by his majesty the emperor of France and king ©f Italy, relative te the principalities of Lucca and Plcmbino. IV. His majesty the emperor es Germany and Austria renounces as well for himfeif as for his heirs and fuceeffors that part of the states of the Republic of Venice, ceded to him by the treaties of Campo Formio and Luneville, which (hall be united to the kingdom of Italy. V. His majesty the emperor of Germany and Austria acknowledges his majesty the emperor cf the French as King of Italy : but it is agreed that in conformity with the de claration made by his majesty the emperor of the French at the moment when he look the crown of Italy, that as soon as the par ties named in that declaration (ball have ful filled the conditions therein expressed, the crows ofFance and Laly (hall be fepetated forever and cannot in any case be united on the fame head. His niejefty the Emperor of Germany binds himfclf to acknowledge, on the feperation, the facccfiof his majesty the emperor ot the French (hall appoint to himfeif as King of Italy. VI. The present treaty ofpeace is decla red to comprehend their most serene Htgh neffts the Electors of Bavaria, Wirremberg, and Baden, and the Batavian Republic, al lies of his majesty the emperor of tbeFrench, in the present war. VII. The Eleflors of Bavaria and Wir teraberg, having taken the title of King, without ceasing ncverthelefs to belong to the Germanic confederation, his Majesty the Emperor of Germany and Austria acknow , ledges them in that chareftcr. VIII. His majesty the emperor ot Ger many and Austria, as well for himfeif, his heirs, and fucceflors, as for the Princes of his Houfc, their heirs and fucceflors refpeftive ly, renounces the principalities, lordships, domains, and territories hereafter fpec'.a ed. , Cedes and abandons to his Majesty the King of Bavaria the of Bur gaw and its dependencies, the Principality of Fichftadt, the parted th« territory of Paf fan belonging to the Elector of Salzburg and fimated between Bohemia, Austria, the Danube and the Inn ; the country cf Ty rol, comprehending thcre’n the principalities of Brizen and Barren, the seven Lordships of the Voralberg, with their detached de pendencies ; the country of Bohenems, the country of Konigfcgg, Rottcnfals, the Lord (hips of Tetnany and Argen, and the town and territory of Bindau. To his majesty the King of Wirtembergi thefivc cities of the Danube, to wit, Ehingcn, Munderkengen, Rudligtn, Mengen, and Saiga w t with their dependencies, the city of GEORGIA. Constance, excepted that part of the Brif gaw, which extends in the poflVlfioq of Wirtemherg, and situated to lire East of a line, drawn from Schlegclhurg to Mol bach, and the towns and territories of Wil lengcn and Brenriugen, to his most Serene Highness the Elcftor of Baden, the B rifgaw (with the exception of the branch and lepe-* rated portions abovedeferibed) the Ortenaw . aaj their dependencies, the city of Constance ami ffic commanding of Meinam. * Principalities, Lorddiips, Domains and Territories abovementioned, lhall be p'dlclfcd leipcflively by their Majeftics, the Kings of Bavaria and Wirtemherg, and by his most Serene Highness the Elector of Ba den, as well in paramount as in full proper ty and sovereignty, in the fame manner, by the lame titles, and with the fame rights and prerogatives, with which they were, wy T»T»jrrry the Emperor or Germany and Austria, or the Princes of his Home, and not ochcrWife. . XX. His Majcfty the Emperor of Germa ny and Austria, acknowledges the debts contracted by the Houfo of Austria, for the bviinefir of private persons and,public cftablilh rrents of the country, making at present an integrant part of the French Empire.—and it is agreed that his fat'd Majcfty (hall remain free from all obligation, with rcfpcCl to any debts whatfoeverwhich theHoufe of Austria Clay have ccnffadtcd, on the ground of the ptfleffion, and of fecorities on the foil of the countries which it renounces by the present treaty. X. The country of Salzburg, and ot Befchtohgaden, belonging ro his Royal E leftorial Highness Prince Ferdinand, lhall be incorporated with the Empire of Austria And his M ijefty the Emperor of Gsrmanv and Austria, (hall jroflefs those in full pre pay and sovereignty, but by the title of a D.clty only. KL His Majesty the Emperor of the Punch, King; .of Italy, engages himfelf to obtain, in favour of the Archduke Fcrdi nand-, Elector of Salzburg, the tt flion by his Majesty the King of Bavaria, ofWurtz, buig, ifuch as it has been given to his said Majcfty by the recess of the Deputation of the Germanic Empire, of the 251 b Februa ry, 1804. The ElcCforeal title of his Royal Highness (hall be transferred to this principality, which his Royal Highness (hall poflefs in full property and sovereignty, in the fame man. ner and on the feme conditions that he poffcf. , fed the Eleftorate of Salzburg. And with refpeft to debts, it is agreed that the new pofleffor (hall (land charged on ly with thofc debts, resulting from loans formally agreed to by -thcJjtates of the coun try, or the expsnccs incurred for the tffcfl ive administration of the said country. XII- The dignity of Grand Matter of the Teutonic Order, in rights, domains, and revenues, which before the present war were dependencies of Mergenthiem, the chief place of the Order ; the other rights, domains and revenues, which (hall be tound to belong to the grand matterftiip at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of the recent treaty ; as well as the domains and revenues in poffeflion of which the said orderfhall beat thefamc epoch, (hall become hereditary in the person and defendants in the diredt male line, according to the order of primogeniture, in which ever the Prin ces of the I nperial House, (hall be appoint ed by hi# M-ijefty the Emperor of Germany and Austria. His Msjefty the Emperor Napnleon promises his good office# to obtain, as foou ?.s poffibic, for his Royal Highness the Archduke Ferdinand, a lull and entire indemnity in Germany, XIII- His Majesty the Eleflor ofßava ria (ball occupy the city of its territory, and unite them to his states, in full property and sovereignty. In the fame manner the King of Wirtemherg, may oc. cupy, united to his Rates, and poffcfs in fail property and sovereignty the county of Bcrndorff; end hi# Majesty tlx Emperor of Germany and Austria engages himfelf to give no oppofitlon, J XIV. Their Majeftics the King# of Ba varia and Wirtemherg, and his inoit Serene Hignefs the Eicfior of Baden, (hall enjoy over the territories ceded, as well as over their ancient estates, the plenitude of sove reignty, and all the rights resulting from it, which have been guaranteed to them,by his Majcfty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, in the fame manner as his Majcfty the Emperor of Germany and Au stria, and his M1 jafty the King of Pruflla, over their German States. His Mnjefty the Emperor of Germany and Austria both as Chiaf of the Empire and as co-eftatcs, en gages himfelf not to oppose any obstacle to the, execution of the ails which they have made, or will make in confequencc. [Vol. XXr No. 1019] • XV. His Majesty the Emperor of Gcr« many and Austria, as well for himfelf, his heirs and fucccflbrs, as for the Princes of his house, their heirs and successors, renounces all the rights as well of Sovereignty, as of paramount right to all pretention, whatso ever, aflual or eventual, on all the States without exception, of their Majcfties the Kings of Bavaria and Wincmbcrg, and of his moll Serene Highness the Eleflor of Baden, and generally on all the dates, do mains, and territories, comprized in the circles of Bavaria, Franconia, and Soabia, as well as to every title, taken from the said domains and territories; and recipro cally, all pretentions, aflual or eventual, of the said States, to the charge of the house of Austria, or its princes, are and \ (hall be, forever extinguilhed ; neverthe h'fs- thc.rcnunc»*M«— *— r •>.- lent Articles, do northonccrn the propertis, which ate by the Ilth Article or which shall be, by virtue of the 12th Article above, conceded to their Royal Highncflcs the Archdukes, named in the said Articles. XVI. T he titles of the domains and ar cnieves, the plans and maps of different Countries, towns and forlrcffes, ceded by the present treaty, shall be given up in the fpacc of three months from the date of the exchange of the ratification, to the persona that shall have acquired the property of them. XVII. His Majcdy the Emj>eror Napo leon guarantees the integrity of the Empire of Austria in the' date in which it (hall be in coafcquence of the present Treaty es peace ; as well as the integrity of the pof fc(lions of the Princes of the house of Austria, Pointed out in the 1 ith and izth Articles. XVIII. The high contrsfling parties ac knowledge the independence of the Helvetic Republic, as c(Tabli(hed by the aft of me diation, as well as the independence p£|jw* XIX. The prisoners of war, made by France and her allies from Austria, and by Austria from France and her allies, and who have not been yet restored. (hall be restored, within 40 days from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the pre fen r treaty. XX. All commercial communications and lelatlons are re-e(labli(hed in t.he two countries on the fame footing as before the war, XXL Kin Majedy the Emperor of Ger many and Austria, and his Majesty the Emperer of the French, King ofltaly, (hall maintain between them the fame ceremonial as to rank and etiquette as was observed be. fore the present war. XXII. Within five days from the ex change of the ratification of the present trea ty, the town of Freiburg, and its environs, to the extent of fix leagues, (ball be evacua ted. Ten days after the said exchange the French and the troops of the allies of France, (hall evacuate Moravia, Bohemia, the Viertcl Unter Wald, the Viertel Unrer Mmhartlbcrg, Hungary, and the whole of Styria. In the ten following days he (hall evacuate the Viertcl Vicnncr Wald, arid the Viertel Obcr Manharrfberg; and finally, in the space of two months from the exchange of the ratifications, the French troops and the troops of the allies of France, (hall evacuate the whole of the hereditary dates of his Majesty the Emperor of Ger many and Austria, with the exception of the place of Brannau, which (hall remain for one month at the disposal of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, King ofltaly, as a place of depot for the lick and for the artillery. No rcqnifition of whatever nature (hall be made of the inhabitants during that month. But it is agtecd, that at the ex piration of the said month, no corps what ever of Auftrian'troops ran be flationed or introduced within a circuit of fix leagues around the said place of Brannau. It is in like manner agreed, that each of the places which are to he fucccffively evacuated by the French troops wirhin the times above mentioned, shall not be taken poflkflion of by the Austrian troops till eight and forty hours after the evacuation. It is also agreed, that the magazines left by the French army in the places which they shall fuccclfively evacuate, (hall remain at its disposal ; and chat the high contrafling parties(hali make an arrangement relative to ail contributions of war whaifoever im p-fed on the different hereditary dates oc cupied hy the French army, an arrange ment; in virtue ot which, the raising of the said contributions (hall entirely cease from the day of the exchange of the ratifications. The French army (hall draw its proviftons and its sustenance from its own magazines, efcablilhed on the routes by which it h tp proceed. ‘ '"7l