Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 03, 1858, Image 4

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UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. I, COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT, MXLIf AETIC9U J BERRIEN LINDSLE Y, M D.,D I)., Chan cellor ol the University, and Professor of Chemis try and Geology. Col. B. R. JOHNSON, Superintendent of the Military College and Professor of Engineering. JAS. F. HAMILTON, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Astrono my. J. 11. STEWART, A. M., Professor ofGreek and Latin Languages and Literature. F. L. J. ‘I HYSSENS, A. M., Professor of French and Drawing. G. S. BLACKIE, A. M., M. D-, Professor of Botany and Natural History. Rev. J. W. HOYTE, A. M., M. D„ Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Biblical Literature. _ ; C. K. WINSTON, M. D., Surgeon. The First Term of the next Academic year com.” mences on the 20th of September, and the Sec ond Term 14th of February. Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Fuel, Rooms, Servants’attendance, and use of arms, 8100 per term. Matriculation Fee, 85. Students are re quired to furnish their rooms, which can be done at a moderate charge, by rent or purchase. En gineering, French, Spanish, German, Drawing, Book Keeping and Fencing, each 810 per Term of twenty weeks. In tho regular Collegiate Course, the ancient reputation of the University tor Scientific and Classical Scholarship will be maintained,and at the same time, every facility affjided those who desire to pursue a partial course. Besides the tour regular College Classes, there is also a pre paratory class. Siudents under 14 years ol age will not be admitted. By the aid of Military Discipline, effective gov ernment is established, and health, phi'sical cul ture, good order and industrious habits are promo ted. For Catalogues, or additional information, ap ply to any member of the Faculty. 11. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. QESSION 1853-9 —The 7th Annual Course of O Lectures in this Institution will commence on Monday the 2d of November next, and continue till the first of the ensuing March. Thomas R. Jennings, M. D., Professor of An atomy. J. Berrien Lindsloy, M. D., Prolessor ofChem istry and Pharmacy. C. K Winston, M. D., Professor ol Materia Me dina and Medical Jurisprudence. A. H. Buchanan, M. D., Professor ofSugical Anatomy and Physiology. John M. Watson, M. D., Professor of Obstet rics and tho Diseases of Women and Children. Paul F. Eve, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. W. K. Dowling. M. D., Professor of Insti tutes and Practice of Medicine. Wrn. T. Briggs, M. D.. Adjunct Professor and Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for stu dents on the first Monday in October, (the sthT) A preliminary course of lectures, free to all students, wili bo given by tho Prolessors com’ mencing also on the first Monday in October. The Tennessee State Hospital under the Di rection of the Faculty is open to the Class free of charge. A Clinique has been established in connection with the University, at which operations are per formed and cases prescribed for and lectured upon in presence of the Class. Amount of Fees lor Lectures is 8105; Matricu lation fee (paid once only} 85; Practical Anatomy, $10; Graduation Fee, 825. Good boarding can be procured for S3 to $4 per week. For further information or Catalogue apply to W. K. BOWLING,- • Nashville, Tenn., July 1858. Dean ol the Faculty. August sth, 1858.—wtw2i* COLLINSWOIiT II INSTITUTE NEAR TALBOTTON, GA. #THE Exercises of Collinsworth Institute will be resumed on tho 26th July. Board is furnished at 82.50 per week. Tuition 830, S4O, and 850 per scholas tic year. Early and prompt attendance desired. For further particulars apply to tho under signed. DAVID YV. SEAY, A. M. ) „ . • le j. t. McLaughlin,a m \ Pnnc ‘P als - J. 11. SWEARINGER, Assistant. W. S. NEWELL, Steward. July 20,1858.—w5t. Great Inducements to I, A SIS BUYERS I 1 ofler the following genuine bargains to those who wish buy Land in Harbour leSiW county, Ala, l. I will sell my home place, situated five miles South of tne town of ClaytOD, at $3 per acre. This place contains One Thousand Acres, hWO are cleared, 25'J fresh, lies well, and is one of the handsomest places in the country. The grow ing crop, which purchasers are invited to examine, will speak for the productiveness of the land. The woodlaud is heavily timbered with oak and hickory. The improvements are of the best, character, embrac ing a two-story house, with eight rooms, well buiit and in good repair. The health of the place is ex cellent, beyond al 1 doubt; and there is an abun dance of the best water Fences in excellent order, and the plantation improvements as good as could be desired. 2 In immediate connection with this place, 1 will sell a body of 500 acres, 300 acres open, first rate feuces and the other improvements pretty good. Price $6 pe 1 * acre. Sold separate or in connection with the home place as preferred. 3. Also 000 acres of land three miles distant from the other places, known as the mill tract. On this place there are 300 acres land open, balance well timbered. Health and wate- excellent and the land strong and productive. Price six dollars per acre. 4. Also, several Desirable building Lots, in the town of Clayton fir®*”Come soon and buy bargains. JOHN H. JI/ILLER. Clayton, Ala. Aug. 20, 1858—wtl'. “1160 Acres Land for Sale. COMPARING in quality with the be.-t lands in Barbour County, Ala., embracing a large a mount of the h ‘st kind of cotton lands. Said Tract lies 11 miles west of Eufaula, Ala—a Cot ton market on the Chattahoochee River, and soon to be connected with Savannah, Ga. by S. W. Railroad. A good framed dwelling, all out buildings necessary for a cotton farm, together with 800 acres cleared and under a good lence are embraced. Sold under will of Wm. Ott, deceased, ior di vision. A bargain is positively olfered in all, or in two separate bodies* Apply to E. S. OTT, Ex’r. Fort Browder, Ala., Aug. 22. \v3m* LAND!LAND! THE Subscriber offers for sale the following tracts of Land, formerly held by Dr- M. T. Mendenhall of Charleston, S. C. No. Dist. 247 19 Muscogee county. 136 9 1 12 Marion county. 216 18 Webster. 249 24 . “ “ 83 21 Stewart county. July 20, 1858. t.v3wtf L. T. DOWNING. Valuable Plantationfor Sale. THE subscriber off-rs for sale his valuable Plantation .lying six miles from Cusseta.Cnat tahoochee county,Jn a South east direction. The plantation is well improved,with good dwelling house, negro cabius, stables *and gin house on the premises. There are 450 acresof land—26o of which are in cultivation and produce finely. The waters of the Hannahatchee run throughjthe place, and it is contiguous to a fine school It is only 25 miles from . The land is oak and hickory. auglo—wtf A. W. SNEED. Land Warrants Wanted- THE ajibscribersare paying the highest market price for Land Warrants. Call and see us J. ENNIS Sr. co. ■ Columbus. June 27- wtf. PLANTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA ,Jum|2l, 1858. PvVXVW THE undersiged return their thanks £iiy£jSMto their friends and the public generally ISaSsi-br the liberal patronage heretofore bestow ed and hope by a strict attention to business to merit further favors. The? are happy to state that thev have secured Itho servicesfot Mr. J. M. WATT as Book-keeper, ard Mr. W. A. BED ELLfas salesman,who will be happy to serve’iiieir friends and the customers of the house. DILLARD, POWELL & CO. Columbus, June 29,1858,w ly. FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. subscribers will continue the Comrnis ""rjjsion Business at the oldstand of Green wood Hardaway & Cos. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Colton. Cash advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at nrarkot rates.— Also, a heavy 7 article of Cotton Osnaburgs, Cot ton Rope and Mattrasses of the best quality. I \Ve have on hand a few |of Gianger’s Magic Corn and Cob Crushers, for which we are agents. Aug. 8,1857-wlv GREEN WOOD & CO. “NOTICE.” A PREMIUM has-been awarded to 11. C. Dixon by Michael ?Marvey for the finest Colt sired by his horso. This 21st June, 1859. Z. PROCTOR, ) J. E.BARKESDALE [ Com. M. A. DANIEL, ) There will be another show of Colts on 1 ues day of the September Court. Citizens of ‘lalbot county are invited to attend the*exhibitiorr MICHAEL lIARVE V . June 29, 1858.— w6t* ” FOR SAFE. THE undrsigned having determined to close up his business in this place, offers at private nale, his STORE HOUSE AND LOT.; ! Enon is well known for hoalth, morality and good wa ter. No village within my acquaintance can com pare with it for the solvency ol those who pa tronize the place. A reputable business house in a city might make it to its interest to establish a 3 branch here’provided with a suitable, energetic pgRgONS. Enon, Macon co. Ala., Aug. 7,1858 wtf FOE SALE! THE subsciiber offers for sale his Plan tation in Chambers county, Ala., con §*.B.“*, tabling Two Hundred Acres of excellent Oak and Hickory Land About hall is cleared the balance is well timbered Oakland hickory woods. Of the cleared land about one fresh. There is also some choice bottom land on the tiact. The place, is prettily situated on the road four miles from Lafayette, and nine |mi!es from West Point on the Rail Road. The pro ductivenesss of the place, its mar ket; to the country town and schools; audits being in a healthy section, surrounded by the best of society,feombine to make it a most desirable farm. One other farm adjoining mine could also be bought. If I can sell soon I will make the terms to suit the purchaser. July 12, 1858—wtf M. WILLIAMS. A Splendid Cottun Plantation, FO K SALE. # HAVING determined to go west, I offer my pi ace for sale.lying on Spring Creek, in sight ofthe Newton Road from Fori Gaines, containing 1,500 acres. There are two settlements, with ail necessarybuildings,dwell ing houses and plenty of outhouses, good gin house and, screw; live hundred?acres of cleared and,aUarge portion of which is fresh. Any per son wishing a good bargain would do well to call and examine tho premises. The above place ad joins the lands of Mr. Boyington on the West. Some ofthe land is very good being swamplands. GEORGE YV. COLLINS. May 4,1858—vv6m. PLANTATION FOR SALE, I ofier for sale the plantation owned by .^JlCthelate Mrs. Cook. It is 13 mile 9 from .f&ZT Columbus, on the Hamilton road and ccn taTns about 1,000 acres, of which about 400 acres are woodland. The buildings consist of a sub stantial two story dwelling house, excellent barn, Gin liouseand Negro houses. I will take $6.50 per acre in two payments ior it.. If not sold before, I shall sell it in Hamilton on the first Tuesday in October next,to the high MARTIN J. CRAWFORD. Columbus, Aug. 18th—wti. Administrator s Sale, M THE well known plantation, belong ing to theestate of the late Col. Wm. Toney, deceased,will he sold by order of Court, at Fort Gaines, Clay Cos. Ga., on First Monday in November next- This Plantation lies on the Chattahoochee Ri ver, five miles above Fort Gaines, the western terminus of the S. W. Rail Road, and on theroad from the latter place to Eufaula, on which a daily stage passes; it has fine improvements, to-wit— a new two story dwelling house,large and com modious, with seven rooms,all ceiled and painted, with brick chimneys to six rooms, anew ‘gin house and new cotton screw, and framed negro houses, all new and complete. The house lo*£and negro houses are well watered, and so is every fiefd on the plantation; witha good garden and orchards of apples, pears, peaches &c attached.— There are about 800 acres of corn andcotton land in cultivation, all nearly a dead level, whose pro ductive quality can bo judged from the fact well authenticated, that3o hands have actually cleared $62,000 from 1850 to 1857, from the sales of s'x crops of corn and cotton m do on the place, aDd this too over and above all plantation expenses. This Plantation lies on the Georgia side of the Chattahoochee, opposite to Col. Archibald Mc- Kays. and contains about 1200 acres oi land more or less, and will bp sold on the usual favor able credits oi land sales, all to bespecially decla red on the day of sale. South-western Georgia is the cotton growing region proper, and as these river plantations sell at 10 to sls per acre, an opportunity will now be offered to the public to buy a large open planta tion in a high state of cultivation, at a very mode rate price, and ren easy and accommodating terms. R. G. RICKS. I Admr , a W. TONEY, $ Aamr July 16,1858—wtds. The Columbus Enquirer, Cutlibert Reporter, Federal Union, Augusta Constitutionalist, Green ville Mountaineer & Patriot, So. Ca., and the Fayetteville Observer, No, Ca. will each copy weekly until Ist November, and send bill to the subscribers at Fort Gaines, Ga. PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. HAVING determined to remove West, offer for sale my Plantation and Mills in -fiLF Chattahoochee county. The body of lands contains about 1 300 acres, of which there is a considerable portion open and in cultivation. The mills (Grist and Saw) are in good repair, al most new, situated on the road leading from Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glenalta, on the Ochili Creek, are operating advantageously. Persons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, are requested to call and examine for themselves, as sured that a great bargain may be had. During my absence the premises will be shown to purcha sers bvjG. P. Gordy, who may be found on the place. SAMUEL D. HARP. July 12—wtf LASD FOR SALE. THE subscribrr offers for sale Seven Hundred Acres of land situated on the head waters of the Hannahatchee Creek, Stewart County, Ga., on the road that leads from Cusseta to Lumpkin, and adjoins the lands of Capt-'Gauldingand John West. Four hundred and fifty acresof this*land is cleared and in a fine state of cultivation.— The place is well improved and has plenty of water upon it. Price $lO per acre in two payments For further particulars, address W. M. fcHines, Compton, Ga. [aug2—wlml W. M, HINES, MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE* STATE OF SO..CAROLINA. rpHF Course of Lectures in this lnstitu- X ion, will commence on the Second , Monday in November upon the following branches; Anatomy ..JJR HOLBR()OK, M• D, Surgery. J J CHISHOLM, M.D. Theory "<l Pi aeiiceor ““<?■&, LLAItI ,, M . D- Phvsiolo -v J.tfS MOULTRIE, M.D. Mate; ia jledica HENRY R FROST, M. D ObstetrV.... . THOSG PtUOLEAU.gM. D. Chemistry..! C U SHEPARD, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy.... IA/1 EES, M. I> Clinical Lectures are delivered twice a week at the Marine Hospital and the Roper Hospital, byihePhy sician and Surgeon of those fHospitals. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened and uissectionsconducted daily by the Demonslra tG|n the Anatomical Museum'valuable | additions have been made in models of a very large size, Ulus- I trative ofthe more minute and delicate structures ot the human body. , „ - . A valuable and interesting .collection of wax of the various parts of the system, in a healthy and .iiap>wpil <tate ihas also beenadded diseased .tatc.i HENRY R. FROST, Dean. June 29—w6w. LAND FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale about 4-000 acres of Land,comprising TOOacres Js4iifibottom land, about 1000 acres fertile liam* 7Xl!*mock. COO to 900 acres nowin cultivation, in good repair and well watered—the balance good oak, hickory and pinelaud,wUhan ( xccllent range for stock.. The improvements are a good dwelling houseand all necessary buildings for plantation purposes These lands are located on Peißiter, in Harbour ami Pike}Jounties, onthe Road leading front Louis ville to ivlonticelloby“llob(!y’s Bridge,” and will be j sold LOYV FORsCASil,andinquantUies tosuifPur- ; chasers. Alsoth© entire stock of cattle, hogs and ; sheep, are offered for sale. Personswishing to purchase, can gain all inhu mation by examining the premises and consulting the subscriber. Ii.HOHUi, Julyl—wtf Pike County, Ala. GEORGIA, Ghattalioocliee County : Court of Ordinary, July Tenn 1853. RULE Nl*l. \TTHEREAP, William J. Mcßride, Tuotnas 11. Me ; YV Bride, and M.C. Wardlaw, Executors ot the ast will and t •.slamentof William Mcßride, deceased having fully settled the business of the estate ol said deceased, t pply to me for Letters ot Dismission from the same. It is therefore orde“ed, that all persons con cerned shew cause if any they have, why f aid Letters should not hegranted at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in and for said county on the second Mon day in Januaiv next. And it is further Ordered, that this Rule be published in term <• of the law. Atrue transcript from the miuulesof this Court, July 7, 1858. July 12—worn E. E. RAIFORD, Ordinar.,. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of iheCourt oiOrdiuary x\. of Talbot county, will be soul on the first Tuesday in Octobe next before the Court House door in the town of Talbotton,.said county, within the legal hours of sale, f2O acres of Land, that part oi Lot N- . 242, in the 23ddistrict of originially Muscogee now Talbot county, lying on the north west|side of Big LozierCreek, including the creek, also part of num ber 245 in the said district,, 15 acres more or less, (boundary given on the day of sale) all sold as the prop rty of Jl/atthew Howell,deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES HOYVILL, Adm’r. August Qs, 1858—wtos. GEORGIA—TaIhot county: RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1858. 1 57” HERE AS, John S. Duncan, admin strator of Franklin Duncan, petitions this Court for let ters of Dismission from said administration: Beit ordered,That all pers’ ns concerned be and appear at the February term next ensuing of this Court,then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should notbe granted. A true ex tract from the minutes of this Court, July 24th, 1857. July26th—w6m MARION BETHUNE,Oid GEORGIA, Clay County: TWO months after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Clay county for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Tonev, late of said county, deceased. R.G. RICKS, . and , YV. TONEY i Aam July 20.1853. NOTICE toDel>tors and Creditors:— AH persons indebted to the estate ol Philip Ad ams, deceased, late o( Talbot county, Ga., are here by requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate are hereby noti fied to present them to ns duly authenticated within terms of the law, otherwise they will not be paid. JAMES ADAMS,* ) WILLIAM ADAMS, $ * ‘ Aug, 10 1858—w40d. G EOlS.GlA—Muscogee Comity. Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1858. RULE NlSl.—Whereas Timothy G McCrary ad ministrator on the estate ol Wiley W Todd, deceased, having applied for Letters of Dismission: It is therefore hereby ordered, That all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, whv said administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in and for said county on the first Monday in JanVf r ynext, and that this Rule bo published in terms of the law. A true transcript from the minutes, ol said couii. June i5, lrsß—w6m JOHN JOHNSON, Ord’ry ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc tober next,before the Court House'door in ihe town ofLumkin Stewart county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county,all the lands belonging to the estate of Lemuel W.Cade, deceased, lying jin the county of Stewart, contain ingfive hundred jacres more or Hess, known as the Upton and Holder places. The above desirable premises are well situated, in a healthy locality,and the production ol the soil is equal to any uplands in South Western Georgia. The place is well improved, having thereon a|comlorta ble dwelling house,good set of Mills and a Water Gin. Persons wishing to purchase are re quested to call and examine the place for themselves. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. J. PRATHER, > . . , H. M. JENKINS, $ Aam rs. July 12,1858— ju!2o—wtds. Administrator’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order ol the honorable Court of Chattahoochee co.,will be sold on the Ist Tuesday,in November next,between the legal hours of sale, be fore the Court Housedoorin the town of Cusseta, in said county, all ot Lands, together with the Grist and Saw Mills situated thereon, lying in the county aforesaid, belonging to the estate of Lemuel L W. Cade, dec’d., containing seven hundred acres more or less, a large portionjof gwhich is open and in a high state of cultivation. Theplantation is well watered, in almost every part, and is highly produc tive. The place has a'comfortable dwelling house, and all necessary outbui dings thereon, fs situated in a beautiful, healthy locality, in ihe midstofan ex cellent neighborhood, two miles south of Jamestown and within six miles of the county site, and posseses many other advantages altogether desirable. Persons wish’iug to’purchase are requested to calland exam ine the premises previous to the day of sale. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. J. PRATHER, ) .. . H. M. JENKINS, ( A r July 20, 1858—wtds. VALUABLE Chattahoochee River Lands. FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. THE subscriber offers lor sale 3200 acres ol land lying and fronting two miles on the River in Henry county, Ala., 15 miles below Fort Gaines, Geo. (to which place the South Western Rail Road is now being extended) and 5 miles above Columbia, Alabama. The tract is susceptible of division into two very desi rable settlements—lies very level, iswell watered, the location remarkably healthy, and ihe purcha ser could have the corn, fodder and stock at a low’ rate. Being determined to sell, those desiring a bargain, will not be able to find one more dis posed to give them one than I am. I shall keep this advertisement standing until I sell. Come aud look for yourselves, or for particulars address me at Columbia. Term: easy to the purchaser. angus McAllister. July 20 1858—wtf. Augusta Constitutionalist copy weekly till forbid. The Mo antain City Hydro-theraputic Institute- FOR full particulars, address T. Carleton, M. D. at Dalton, Ga. Dalton is situated 100 Miles from Atlanta, and 40 miles from Chatta ooga, on the Georgia. State Road. Dalton, May I—mayll w3m. k Good Chance to Purchase a Hood Farm, Well Improved, near Talbotton, Ga. j&SLn BY virtue of authority in mo vested,-by last will and testament of Jehu N.Car ter,’late of Talbot county, deceased, will be sold betore the Court House door in Talbotton, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the lawful hours of sale, to the highest bidder—the plantation upon which said deceased resided, at thetime ot his*death. Said plantation consists ol about eight hundred and fifty acres, a fair proportion of which’is good woodland and good bottom land. The dwelling and outhouses are roomy and in good taste,an excellent new gin house ana screw. gThisplanta tion lies from one to three miles westof Talbotton adjoining lands of Rev. James D. Wilson, YVest Harris -Tas. Z, Carter, Jas-C. Lennard, Doctor T. B. Turner. Thos. N. Gib son, Young N. Edwards H. Persons. It will be sold as a whole or divided as interest ofthe estate may seem to indicate on the day of sale. , , ... Mr. II Jordan, overseer on the plantation, will show the premises to any one who will call to look. Terms of sale will be easy, and the place is worthy of examination by any one wishing to purchase land in Talbot county. WILLIAM R. NEAL, Executor of Jehu N. Carter, dec’d. T albotton, Ga., Aug. 16, 1858—wtds. Valuable Plantation in Florida FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale the plan tation belonging to the estate of George Gran berry situated in Jackson Cos. Florida, on the road leading from Bellvue to Marianna via Green wood—containing 640 acres ; two hundred in a ! fino slate of cultivation, third crop, mid 69 acres more ready for cultivation the ernung year. On the promises are a good dwelling house with live rooms, negro cabins, good gin house and screw 7 , with all necessary ruiouilding. I will sell with the place hogs, cattle, and products of the present year. Terms $4,500.—51500 cash, SIOOO Ist January, ! 1860—$1000 Ist January .1861; SIOOO Ist Janu ! ary, 1862, with interest from date. For further particulars address A Thompson on the premises, or the subscriber at Cataula, Har ris county, Ga. JOHN M. GRANBERRY, Aug. 21—wtd Ex’r ol Geo. Cranberry. CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. AND FOR THE RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVE PATIENTS IN ADVANCED STAGES OF THE DISEASE. We need not speak to the public of its virtues. Throughout every town and almost every hamlet ofthe American States, its wonderful cures of pulmonary complaints have made it already known. Nay, few are the famiies in any civilized country on this continent without some personal experience of its effects: and fewer yet the commu nities anywhere which have not among them some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the throat and lungs. YY hile it is the most powerful antidote yet known to man lor the formidable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be employed for infan ts and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe Cherry Pectoral saves more lives by the consumption it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you, and cure your colds while they are cur able, nor neglect them until no human skill can master the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. All know the dread ful fatality ol lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy we need not do more than to assure them it is still made the best it can be, YVe spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the best agent which our skill can furnish for their cure. {KT- Prepared by DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical. Chemist, Lowell, Mass, and SOLD BY Dr. David Young and Danforth, Nagel & Cos. Columbus, and by nearly all Druggists in the South. July 24, 1858.—vv6;tvv3w. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. THORN’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF COPAIBA AND SARSAPARILLA, possesses advantages not enjoyed by any other medicine foi the cure of sexual diseases, wdiich must with an enlightened public render it assuredly highly popular, aud a desideratum long sought for in the medical world. It needs no confinement or change of diet. In its approved form, that of paste, it is entirely tasteless, and causes no unpleasant sensation to the patient. It has acquitted the utmost fame in almost every part of Europe; it has been examined, approved of,and sanctioned by the faculty of medicine, and recommended by the most eminent of the profession. Prepared by J. B. THORN, Chemist, London, and for sale, wholesale and retail,by John A. Tarrant & Cos. Agents for the Uuited Slates, 273 Greenwich street, New York. As the above valuable preparation has been ex tensively counterfeited by unprincipled parties in the United States, the proprietor has adopted, as a precaution against imposition on consumers, a Label, of which the following is a fac simile, and which will be found burnt in upon the bottom of oach pot of the genuine intended for sale in the United States, Canada, British Provinces, West Indies, and South America. / CHEMIST.tX h LONDON \ [! JOHN.A.TARRANT;} l' T NEW YORK. \<i SOLE AGENT. T \y/. FOR THE /•**/ x£os-t ’ The stamp around each pot will also bear the names of the proprietor and of the United States agents. ~ , , . Druggists and Dealers will observe on each do zen packages the following label: Important Caution. The increased reputaion and <rea‘ _o r.ana x .iora s wompounu Extract of Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, have been induce ments for others to offer imitations ot this valuable medicine. Venders are particularly warned of this fact that they may be on their guard, and not dispose of any impure article, calculated to injure their “reputation, and destroy the merits of the original preparation, to obviate which the Sub scriber (successor to James Tarrant, by whom,it w’as first introduced into the United States) has attached his signature to thiscaution, to counterfeit which is forgery. Jo3N A. Tarrant. Address orders for the above article, with full directions for shipment to JOHN A. TARRANT & CO., Druggists, No. 278 Greenwich, cor. Warren St., N. i Oct i 1857.—wtwly. ©[PGM© ©@@©©B J, g. DANIEL & CO., 123 Broad street, Columbus, Georgia. Have now in Store and are constantly receiving their Stock of ©PGM©M®MGMMP ©L®TOOK]© Of their own Manufacture. ALSO—A LARGE STOCK OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps , Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises , Carpet Bags, fyc. All of which have been selected with the greatest care and no gentleman can fail to be suited who may favor them with a call. Garments Made t@ Order. We have also a very handsome stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Linens, &c. &c., which will be manufactured to order, in the best manner and warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Persons in want of good articles are invited to give us a call. May 6, 1858—wtwtf. J. it. DANIELS & CO. GEORGIA Chattahoochee Countij. WHEREAS, Nancy Roberts applies to me for letters of Administration with the ;will annexed, on iho estate of William Roberts, late of said county, deceased: These are thereiore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next,then and there to show cause if any they have why said will should not be admitted to probate, and said letters granted to said applicant. Given under my hand at ofhee, July 10th, 1858. E. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. July 20, 1858—w30d. GEORGlA—Chattahoochee County. WHEREAS David G. McGlaun applies for probate of the last will testament of Win. Roberts, late of said county, deceased. These are thereiore to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and legatees of the said decea sed to be and appear at my office in said county, on or before the first Monday in July next, and file their objections, if any they have, why said will should not be proved in solemn form, admitted to record, and Letters Testamentary be issued to the Executor therein named and appointed. Given under my hand at office, May 18, 1858 E. G- RAIFORD, Ordinary. Mav—2s-3t TUVO months after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, lor leave to sell a House and Lot in the town of Sparta, Hancock county Ga., being the late residence of Mrs. R,A. Broo king. April 10, 1858. JOHN REES, Guardian. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE CO. WHEREASjSamueI D, Harp, Guardian, for j.. the per son and, property of John C. F. McCook, applies for letters of dismission from the same. All persons concerned, are hereby required to appear at my office, within the lime ‘prescribed by law, and show cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, the 2d day of August, 1858. E. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. Aug. 7,1858. w6m STATE OF GEORGIA, Chattahoochee Cos Clerk's Office, lnjerior Court July 30, 1858. ALL persons interested ‘are hereby notified that Wil barn Barberee of the 678th dis trict, G. M., tolls before Hardy Royals, one of the Justices of the Peace for said district, as an estray a black horse mule, valued‘by James 11. Moore and John Dillard,freeholders of said county and district, to be worth seventy dollars. The owner of said estray, is required to come forward, pay charges and take said mule away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. A true extract from the esiray book- WILLIAM J. LANGFORD, Cl’k I.C. Aug. 7, 1858. 2t Stewart & Fountain, J sceiri facias, for use of &c. I to remove judgment GW. McDuffie, Adm’.r, lin Marion Inferior de bonis non of Benjamin [ Court, May Ad- Storv;dec’d, and Enoch , journed Term, 1858. Stoiy. J IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff'that Enoch Story Jone of the defendants in the above stated case, is not to be found in.said county of Marion: It is on motion, Ordered, by the Court, That said Enoch Story be served by a publication of this Order once a month for Uhree months before the next term of this court, in the Times Senti nel'a public gazette of this State, published in the city of Columbus. A true extract from the minutes of saidj Court, this June 17, 1858. GEO. W. McDUFFIE, Clerk. July 27,1858--w3m. GSiiORGIA, Talbot Comity. WHEREAS Jesse Carter applies to me for Let ers oi Guardianship of the persons and properly of Sarah E. Carter, Jonn N. Carter,Robert F. Carter and Martha J. Carter,orphans of Jehu N. Carter, lute of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singularthe kindred and creditors ol said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of should not be gran ted. Givenundermy hand,thiß24th day of July, 1858. July 26—w40d. MARION BETHUNE, Ord. OPPOSITE TIIE PASSENGER DEPOT MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR, B. F. DENSE, Superintendent. ggP’Meala ready on the arrival of every Train. Macon,Ga., April 15,1856. wtf. ~'/0B LANDRETH’S NEW CROP OF G Are DEN SEED - just received and for sale by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Also, ONION SETS of various kinds, dec 10—wtwtf vv& tw Landreth’s 1 Blew Crop iCarden Seed. Just Received at J. W. PEASE’S BOOK STORE. ian2B—wtwtf. COURT CALENDAR FOR 1858. ItF.VISED BY THE SOUTHERN RECORDER. SUPERIORCOURTS. JANUARY JULY 2d Monday, Chatham ; Friday before ? w FEBRUARY. !2d Monday \ Wa Y ne Ist Monday, Clark 2d Monday, Glynn Floyd I AUGUST. Lumpkin Ist Monday, FJoyd Friday before / vv - rno Lumpkin 2d Monday S } 2d Monday, Clark 2d Monday, Dawson Dawson Glynn 3d Monday, Forsyth 3d Monday, Forsyth MeriwelhV Meriweth’r Walton Walton* 4th Monday, Baldwin 4th Monday Baldwin Chattahooche Cliattaliocliee Glasscock Glascock Hoard Heard Jackson Jackson Monroe Monroe Paulding Paulding Seldev Schley Taliaferro Talliafer’u SEPTEMBER MARCH. Ist Monday, Appling Ist Monday, Appling Chattooga Chattooga Cherokee Cherokee I Columbia, Coweta Coweta Columbia Crawford Crawford Madison Gwinnett Marion Madison Mitchell Marion Morgan Mitchell j Webster , Morgan 2d Monday, Butts Webster Cass 2d Monday, Butts Coffee Cass F.lhert Coffee Fayette Elbert Greene Fayette Gwinnett Greene Pickens Pickens Sumter Sumter Washing’n Wasbing’ii Friday after Pierce Friday after, Pierce 3d Monday, Cobb, Thursday aft Mont’gy Hall 3d Monday, Cobb Hart Hall Macon Hart Newton Macon j Putnam Newton ‘Pal hot, Putnam Terrell Talbot Ware Tatnall 4th Monday Campbell Terrell Clay Ware Clinch Friday after, Bulloch Emanuel 4th Monday, Campbell Lee Clay Twiggs Clinch Wilkes Effingham White Emanuel OCTOBER Lee Ist Monday, Carroll Twiggs Dooly White Early Wilkes Fulton APRIL Gilmer Ist Monday, Carroll Gordon Dooly Taylor Early Warren Fulton Wilkinson Gordon Tuesday aft Pike Pike Wed’day aft Rabun Rabun 2d Monday, Charlton Taylor Fannin arren Hab’rsham Wilkinson I Hancock 2d Monday, Charlton Harris Hab’rsham; Laurens Haneok j Miller Harris Scriver Laurens 3d_Monday, Burke Miller Camder Striven Franklin Tuesday aft Mclntosh , Harralson 3d Monday, Burke Henry Camden Jones Franklin Murray Haralson Oglethorpe Henry Pulaski Stewart Union Murray Worth Oglethorpe Thursday aft Montg’ry Pulaski Friday after, Wilcox Stewart 4th Monday, DeKa[b ; Worth Decatur Thursday aft Bryan Houston ! Friday after Wilcox Irwin | 4th Monday Decatur Jasper DeKalb Lincoln Houston Polk Irwin Tatnall Jasper Towns Lincoln Whitfield Polk Thursday aft Telfair Wliiifield Friday after, Bulloch Thursday aft Telfair Monday aft Effingham MAY. NOVEMBER Ist Monday, Berrien Ist Monday, Berrien ’Gilmer Milton Randolph Randolph Richmond Richmond Upson Upson 2d Monday, Baker 2d Monday, Baker Bibb Bibb Catoosa Catoosa Chatham Muscogee* tannin 3d Monday, Spalding Muscogee Troup 3d Monday Spalding, 4th Monday Calhoun Troup Walker Union Thursday aft Mclntosh 4lh Monday, Calhoun Monday aft Dougherty Towns Liberty Walker j Colquitt Monday after Dougherty Monday after Liberty Last Monday, Colquitt and Bryan JUNE. DECEMBER. Ist Monday, Dade Ist Monday, Dade Jefferson Jefferson Milton Thomas Thomas Lowndes 3d Monday, Lowndes * After 1858, on 2d and 3d Mondays in February and 3d Monday in August. GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County. Court of Ordinary July Term, 1858. RULE NlSl." —Whereas Samuel D. Harp and HeuryJ King, administrators on the estate of Joshua 11. McCook, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission from said administration: It is therefore Ordered, That all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on theSd Monday in January next, and it is further oidered, that this Rule be published in terms of the law. A true transcript from the minutes of said Court July 7 1858 * JulylS—w6m E, G.RAIFORD, Ordinary,