Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 08, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. Tilli COLUMBIA DAILY TIMES Is published every morning (Sundaysexcepted.) at 3 x Dollars p?r annum, in advance Sev ea Dollars if not paid before the expiruiion of the ye THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is published every TUESDAY MOKNLVK. at Two Dollars per annum,strictly in advance. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Rost Office. advertising hates. Advertisements of live lines or les? in either the Duly or Weekly Tunes, will he inserted at 50 Crftita tor the first insertion and 25 cents for each ‘subsequent m-sertion. A ivertfoementa exceeding five lines will be chargid 10 cents for the first, and live centa per line tor each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for the, space thev occupy. The following sre the contracting rates change* aoje at pleasure: WEEKLY RATES. IT It . w | e | o re .No.of; 3f s 3 ! 3 i3 3 ,0:0 0,0 O P Z, ‘ 55 P i P O n v * i • Sr 3’ jt sr S’ in on ! to i pc pc 1.7. j 2504 0 > 6 59| 10 00! 1.7 00 20 00 2 ... ! 600 8 00 I ll Oi 2 00 25 00 30 00 3.. ! 7 5 >ll 00 HSO 25 00 3> 00 40 00 4.. 10 00 500 19 00 30 00 40 0,1 50 •> 5.. i12001700;20 Of 40 00 50 00 00 00 6.. 15 00 ‘2O 00 ■ 25 00 50 00 60 00 7 00 7.. 17 0925 00 j 30 00 GO 00: 70 00 80 09 8 ... ; 20 On3 00 40 00 70 < 0 fcO 00 9J nO 10.. 25 00 40 00 5.) 00’ 80 00 9. 00 I<)Q 00 DAILY RATES. XT t r* o> ! !5 N°.°‘| g i g 3 5 3 g ears. S rv “i— • S si * :r =r I rr : =r : s* • p* • O) i 00 ; on on ?5. j i L... SUU 700 900 13 00 17 00 “i 00 2.. •90i12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 3.. .. 12 On 15 00 13 00 25 00 33 00 40 < 0 4.. 15 00 19 0 22 00; 30 00 4> 0 50 00 ! 5 ... 18 00 25 00 39 00 40 00i 50 00 CO 00 ! 6 ... 2> 00 28 00 35 0) 5) 0G ; 60 00 70 00 ; 7 25 ooi 33 00 41 00 60 00, 70 OOj 8 > 00 i 8.. 39 00! 38 00 46 00; 70 00 *0 00 90 CJ P> 4*o >1 5> “0 6) o■>! 8) OOi 90 00 100 00 ’ S,tied of Land and Negroes, by Adminiaira tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon aud three in the afternoou, at the Court House in’he county in which the property ia situate. Notices of tue=e sales mu t be given iu a public gazette forty days orevious to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must: be given at least ten day3 previous to the day of; sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate; must bo uublished forty days. Notice that application will be made to the ; Court of Orlinary for leave to soil Laa . or Ne | groea, must bo published weekly for two months. ; Citations for Letters of Administration must he j published tnirtv days— for Dismission from Ad ; ministration,mommy six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Kolos tor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be j published monthly lor four months—for estab j iishiu? lost papers for ho full space oi three : months —tor compelling tides from Executors j or Administrators, where a bond has been giv*n by the deceased, the full space of three months. ; Publications will always be continued ac cording to those, the legal requirements, unless : otherwise ordered. i--"---'*- vi ju guix qtsll-jlsw TIiMLES^ mmi mm sm PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Cos nmbus, Georgia. UAVING in successful operation or.r>ofHOE j &CO’3 CYLINDER PRESSES RDNHIHG BY STEAM, Wears prepared to execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in unsurpassed styl, 88 cheaply aa can be clone anywhere in the South. We have on hand a large variety of N E W JOB TYPE, and shall keep a constant anp* plv of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, &c. Our facilities for taming off this kind of work, wi*h promptness and despatch, will make it great 1 ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS. DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES. CATALOGUES, * LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &e. Also RAILROAD AND S TEAM BOAT Blanks. Giva ns a call. This Department of our office is under the u --perintendenc-j of Mr. I). S. Porter, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation a a Job Printer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed withet srgy and faithfulness. We have now ia connection with the office a complete BOOK IIIIIRY, and having recently secured the services of Mr-E 31. Clark (lateof Philadelphia,) in this bianeh of our busmen, we pledge o’ ‘ 1 give the most perfect satisfaction in mauuiaciuie of Ledgers Account Books, Dockets Court R cords. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Eooks ; &c, We intend not to he outdone in the etyie and finish of-ur work, in cilher department, hy anv establishment South, and that we ab'e to make our prices satisfactory, We have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. „ rTTIC , . Bvpt. Ist, 1856, R. ELLIfc & k 0. MARION BETHUNE, A T TOR iV E Y AT LA W. PALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga October 24th, 1856. wiwtr WILLIAM TAVLOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthbert, Randolph Conn y, Georgia. W ILL practice in the counties of Randolph, Calhoun, Terrell, Erly, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson & Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. All business intrusted to Ins care will receive •mmediate attention. June 6, 1859—wtw ti U. V . tU/iKTIiX. J. J. liAßl'lN. MARTIN & MARTIN^ Attorneys at Law, eOX.*CT3X33EfH: GA* Office on Broad Street—Over Gunby dc Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1357. w&twlv. BAUGH & SL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA . WILL practice law in .Muscogee and the adjoin ing counties of Georgia and Alabama. Office over Bank of Columbus, Broad St. ROBERT BXtTOH 3.3. SLADE. Columbus.tia. March 27 1P.57. vnwtf WT~S, JOHN l t AT T O RN E Y A T I. AW * C USSE T A, Chattahoochee County, <*a. his entire attention to the practice in Chat ttahor>che and adjoining counties, ap 26 wtw ly* ~r7 aTturnTpseed, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , CUTHO E R T ANARUS, Randolph County, <ia. HAVING removed from CueßSta, toGuthbort, R.andoiph c >unry, will eive prompt atten tion to all husiness entrusted to his care. npS-7—wtf WM M. CTiAMßran. \VM H. StOBBiNS. J.A ROE3ISS. Chambers, Bobbins & Bobbins, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, cur AULA, ALABAMA, WILL practice in the counties of Barbour, Pike, ! Henry, Coffee Dale and Kussell fob I—wlv HOWARD & wism 1 ATTOBNEY S A T L AW, ! CEAWPOKD, ALA. ROBERT N. HOWARD. WALTER K- WEEMS. { Crawford, Ala., JuneS—wtwtf. T. J, GU M, | A T T O H N (5 Y AT LAW, HAMILTON, OA. WILL attend promptly to all busmeesa entrusted to him. January 26. 1858—wly. JAMES A. CLEBDENIN, | ATTORNEY A T L A W. AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCER Y , ABBEVILLE) fl.ary Coumy, Ada. July 29, 1558.—tv ly. GRICE & WALLACE, Mf©iESil¥§ A? : BU i'LElt, OEOAOI.V. WILL give prompt attention to all burJnef? eu trusted lothtui. Wo L. IiRIUG. WM.B WALLACE. December ,6 wtr ELAM & OLIVER, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY, GA. WILL practice in ibo countieeoi Marino 3’a. co.i, wffart I’aylor, Ohattahoocbcs ivii-cba fooaee, and any of too <i Oiim.g coumiea wbes theirservires max b* required. itM. D. ELtM. THADBra OLIVK*. N<>\Biiiht*r Is—wtf CuLLhNSWUKTIi iNbTITUIE NEAR TALE3TTON GA. #TfJC Fxercisc3 of Collinworth Institute will be resumed on the ?C:h Board is furnished at 82.50 per week. Tuition §3O, S4O, aud ssd pvr scholar fir year* Early snd prompt attendance deeired. For further particulars apply to the under signed DAViD W. .'EaY, A M. ? I J. T. MCLAUGHLIN,A M \ P,mc ‘P ni9 ‘ J H. SWKAKINGEU, Assistant. W. a. NE vv ELL, Stetvard. July 20.1858.—w5t. BBDBIL & VVBEMOj Wholesale ami GROCERY DEALERS, WILL teep constantly on hand a weiltseloc™ * ted Stock comprising all atticle3 in their lii §, which are offered toth ir rietids and the publ C generally at the LOWESI MARKET FED CES. Give us n call. LOCK WEEMS. A- G - BEFELL. Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. tlBIPTOi; l sms PIPER, OF ALLSIZES AHDUI’AUTIES, FOR Sa LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TRWWS CASFf. innelfiwtwtf ~FOS£ S VLE. rpHG undrsigned having determined to close up hi? business in thi? place, oilers at pr vate sals, his STORE HOUSE Ai D LOT. .Fnon is well known iur health, morality and eood wa ter. No village within my acquaintance can com pare with it for the solvency ot tbese who pa tronize the place. . . . A reputable business house in a city might make it to its interest to establish a branch here, provided „uh energetic O Ng Eaon, Maoonco. Ala., Aug. 7,1858-wtf THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GtOBGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1858. THU LIVER l NVIGORA I'OR, , PREPARED BY i) it. sand k o r and, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. I - ’one ol tuts >-. st Purgative and Liver Metliciiu luivv be ore the pubiic, that acts as a cathartic, easier, miiiler, and more effectual than other medicine known. It it-not only a cathart !•., bui a i.lver KeOie-.lj, acting first on the Liver to eject Us morbid maii’er tiien on the Bioma< - h and Bowels t > carry off tlie matter, thus ,acci>mpJ.ish!ng two f-urpos-.-s eit> c’ually. without any >I the painful ee lings experienced in theoperation of m *st Uhatha?* tics (t st'onffthenathe aystem a-, the sa i>e time that it purges it; aud when taken dailj in tnoderaie do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one o fjTl ,fie principal regula ! tors oi ine nuii-an bo- 1 ’ ly; aud when u per j orms its lunctioiisweii the powers ot the ays j lem aie lully deveio) r ’ J d. Thestomachiß ai ; ra-ist eni reiy Uepei.d- 3)-^| ent on the healthy ac I don ryf ttieLiver torthi t>ro;e,r petormance oi its functions, when tb stomach is at fault the oowelnare at fault,ain ho whole svsiem snff ersin o organ—the Liv er— having ceased U loits duty. Eor the dicease oi that organ : ; )lU , of the* proprietors has made It his study apractice of more than twenty Tears, t. some remedy wherewith to counter ‘ } ictthe many derange ments to which it h 1 *T*j itblo. To that this rt- ; nedyisat last found, a>y trouble vith Liver C©i.a= plaint,in any flt onus, Uaa out to ir; a I ooitie, and convictio 3 r j>( aceriaio. I Those gums removi ; f{ Hi ra-irbid or bad mat | ter tn.ra too system 1 ,upplyina lntheirjp ac | a healthy Biw ol bile )ujF v-g -raiiog the io machjCfiis.i v ‘odd t- ligest well, purify^ ing tiie blood, (tjs a’ing tone ana uea.i,., j to the wnoJe y, removing ho cause j oi ‘he di eas<*- eff. radical cure. Bilious attacks f cured. and, : what is better, prevented, ‘*y u e ! -><■ asional o. in. 11X1} lnvigora* i tor j one dose alter eotinv (\H) s sufficient-to relieve | ‘ho stomach and pr, ihe lood from I rising and s< Bring f i Only one“-’osp t.rtk< a bsfore retiring, prt* | vents Nightmare Only giaKe )/)it’ni?ht, loosens D the’ ■bowels gently, at and cares costivet. ] i ‘inedns taken afur \ each meal will cure. oftw (lj! Pssnoonsful .will a> wtiys r lievo Sick • •ne dose taken h,. cuuic oim iuciion rs- j move the cause of tin ) r listase, and makes a ’ per ectcure. ) • inly onedosofimm<j w) liately relieves cholic, I .while ’ m-o dose rvten reoei- iNj ’ ted i a sure cure for S hoiera MorbnsJ, (and a preventative oi i • bolern >’ *nly one Gotti* 3 needed to thiowout of the eysuat theeffects JIJ? of medicine altera Jong ! sickness. £3*”Onc bottie tak- Sj*\} en for Jauisdicc re-; movesail sailownesA or mnaturai coior from * the skin. ti— one dose taken a flDi short time before eat- j ing gives vigor to the i* S appetite and makes! food digest well. \ one dose often repeatedcure3 ‘ byossic Bins’ rbcca, in its worst torma, while 8 I M M E R tuu j Bowel complaints yt. Id an oM i<• ti e Srst and r-e j One or two doses cures attacks cau-ed ojYT’ orms in Children; there is no surer, aster, or speedier \ remedy in tho w r orld, rs it Bevfrfui g. A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting ; the abaorbaats., ’.Ve t?Ke pleasure in recommend)! e H* me* i-j ci" *. a preventive for Fever A sue. : bills, Fe ver. and ail Fevers Type, 1 1 .peraies with certainty, and th .n*a,-. . | ar. willing to testify to its wondenui viittes All wuou<e it aro giving their uuam uous tet;euo \ ny In its fivor. Mix waiersu the mouth with the luvigoraioi and swad>*w both tncether THE LIVER mVXGGR leu *ct Jtttific doiieal Discovery, aud ia daily wor king cures almost too great tor bene:, it cures stsii i by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and j seldom more than one bottle is’required to curejanj kmd of LiverOomplaint, from the worst Jaundice >r djspfpsiatoa eonm-ni h-a iache, all oi which are | tho result oi a Diseased liver. Price *)ne Dollar per Bottle ’-ANFOb.D &Of u Proprietors,3ls Broadway,New 1 York WHOLESALE AOESTS. B?imeg & Park ‘vew Yotk; T. W. Doytt & Sons, I P ilftdeiphie; M. 8. Rurr A- 00. Brsfon; H H. Haj j Cos, Portland; John i*. Park, Cincinnati: ifaylar i j &-. Hammnd; olcvelaond, Fahnatoek & Davis''ch ei® j O. i Wood & Cos. Ht. f ouia Geo.H. Keyser, j Pitisb Tg: 38, ffaacc, Baltimore. Aud retailed by > aii Druggists Sold Wholesale end Retail ly J S PE VI BERTH a & CO. s BROOKS & OHaPMaN, DANFORTH H NA(iEL, fVjnvSf l -'vtw ly end all !)rut>t?eise. MEDICAL COLLEGE 0P THE STATE OP SO,CAROLINA. I Hi: Auu ‘al Courso of Lectures m this inslitu- i ion, wiii c unaiense o - the second Monday in i November upotuhe followii g i-rsi Aunt my j d E H>‘l-BKOI K. M. D. .kurgery ... ‘.J J CHi'H >LH, M. D. Theory and Praetictof Medicine PCGAILLAtin, M p> | Physiolovr, J..-tBM>-U TRIE, M.D. | Mateiia Medica...., I EM Y h FR< tT, M. D Obstetrics TH-iS'i P .(O EAU|vt.l>. | Chem sUy ~l U PHIPAI l, Jtr. D. DemoiiS'raior of Anatomy....F T dflL! 8, M. D Cilnlcai Lectures are delivered twice a week at the Marine Hospital and the Doper Hospital, byihePhy sl< ian and i'urgion of tho?e*Hospi:a s. Tdc An -.tomicE! Sot ms will be opened in Oetobei and ussectionsconducted daily by the Demonstra ! tar in tho Anatomical Museum ‘valuable £ additions have been ms do in raodU of e ver> large size. Illus trative of the more minute and delicate structure* of the human body. A valuable a id interesting cnlioction of wax of the various parts of the sy.-ttm, in a healthy and | diseased state,, has also been added HENBYR. FROST, Dean. June 29—wfiw. PLANTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA , June s 2l Ipsß. j %\\\\\ I'flL u ideraiged reiitm their thanks their friends and tho public generally EEBSfor the liberal patrenag-* heretofore br-stovv i ed, and hope by a strict atiention to business to ; merit blither iiivor?. I’hey are happy to state it at th*v have secured the services oi Air J M. WaTT a- Hook keeper, ai dMr W. A. BED I ELL as palesman.who will be happy to ?erve their ! trienda aud tlie cu-tomers ot the house. | DILLARD. POWELL &. CO. Columbia. June 29,1853, —v ly. !FIHE-PKUUF WAKtiioUbt. I subscriber? will continue the Commit:-- i gjon Buameei* at the oldstand ot G.eenwood ; EaruTway &.. o. Pariicuiar attention will be siven to the sale of Colton. Lasir advances made. and Rope supplied at market ra Also, a heavy article ot Cotton Osnaburaa, Cot ton Rope and Mattrasses ot the best quality. We have on hand a lew fot Giauger’s Magic Corn and L.b Crushers, for which we are agents. Aua 8, 1857-wly GREEN -v OOD & Cu, GEORGIA, Clay County: rpvvo mouibf ifler late ipplication will be made L to tne Honorable ‘ curt of Ordlt ary of Clay county tor leave to sell the Heal Estate ol William Toney, iaie of said county, deceased. K. R! K 9, I AAm’ra W. TONEY | Adm ”* . July 20,1838. F. LAN DON, j HATS! CAPS! ! HATS! CAPS. Broad St., Coliiiikbus, Has on hand an elegant a wort men t of Spring and Sum ner Hats, emaracing SiLK, CASSI MERE. and SOFT HXIS, ot every variety, coior, size and shape For sale C IT EAP. Columbus. Ga. March 4, 1858. w&twtf FOR SALK “ THE Subscriber nas on band a few STILLS <’oi luamiu luring Peacii Brandy or Wills ky, winch he ffd” Cory low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet and Japan Ware, every description, w iCf cau be boncht at the town* rates. ol j rar)OLse c^spcs>i3^xß cneon gb i aoiir and n, iiber&itonas. J, B. liiCKS, Agent, inlylfl v vi Next iaor below “Sans Souct” Rroa.f treet. Real Irish Poteen Whisky. THEsubaeriber ia now manufacturing the real iri.'h Potean Wliiskv, at hiapUce one and a half miles from Columbus which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground in Ireland Apa.l from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it an excellent remedy for Colds. Diarrhoea, Worms, &c For sale by ihe bottle at Brooks &, Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassill & Co’s by the drink or S-herwiae, andby the sallon at the distillery. marfi— wtwtf A. HRANNAN. B.ubber Belting. WE have on hand and for sale 3 and *4 Ply i Rubber Beit AHo a large and wo.l sol. cted stock of IMffiSTCPMS* MBSSS, m+ l A! 1 of which will bo sold as iow as can be bought i in the market, by l ENNIS & CO. Columbus, Ga. July 12, 1858. w3m Bacon! Bacon! IY7L Lave nc.w onhar.d and will be constantly rt* ** cciving, Trime Tennessee Bacon—llama, Sides and Shoulders, which we will sell at tholowesiCom mission House prices. Mar2(>—wfiitwtf E. RARNAED fe. CO. ! ©©imnaasa® sanw. ! THE HALLOTYPE PICTURES A. OT. MIDDLE, | J A8 purchased of J. Gurney, of New York, the J ll exclusive right fur .asing Haiietype Pictures, ! -vi ici is aiiUleahoulGt anything in the way of Pic- 1 too.': worid has ever seen. There is noth- i mg to which they can he o_ npared in the art ol [ Pi.otdvrephy, hut bears strong resemblance ti> wax i u>i soituessaisd beauty of light and shade. J Ladies -i.d genuemeu are invited to call aud exam* I 11 . r specimens Aiuh.s who desire to learn thi3 new and beautiful at, and secure rights for other counties will please | C’lj >n A . f liD *LR. V)liinihii! , !fl Jnlc5 — CLOSING OF SPRING & SUMMER mwm. DRf-GOQDS AT UAS.F PRICE! LET all come and avail ihomaeivea of this rare j opporiu mty to purchase g-od, piotty, and; honest mode goods at exactly ONE HALF olour j icgular p ice. a. and thir y thrve per cent Jess than | we nans tor them ourselves. W mean exactly what we *ay, and nope the! care ihat,we have always taken to have our bus- j mess and goods come lull up to our advertisement, | will be sufficient tocouvmc at Last all, who have i so kindly favored us wuh their isironage, that we are in ear est Vv ® are now oflerTi g our large sleek of .Vlusima aid Beiagea at exactly one hail our regular price, ‘hat is to say—Muslins that we have been selling at 12i cents, we now sell at - cents. <£ “ 20c “ 10 s *5 o it < 191 * “ “ m “ is i Muslin side stripe,Roba u’Quille priceS 1 25f0r62i j •• “ “2 sofnr 1 Sa i “ •* “ “ f ‘ •* 5 (G tor £ 50 ; Barege Robe a’Qui!]e, price 5 ( 0 ior 2 50 do do do 8 00 It r 4 oo do do do io.Uotors 00 do co do 12 00 tor 600 J do do ’ SHOES! SHOES! We have in store a larje stock ol Gents, Ladies Mi~sei Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, which we will sell at Cost, consisting ot- Ladies’ Enamel Heel Boots, Colored Slippers, Kid Slippers Jenny Lind Boots, Enamel Kossuth Boots, Colored Pit fclippcis, Kid R ; R. Bu kins.i loth Heel Gaitvrs, Fine Kid Slippers, Call Slippers. j Gent*3 Cougrosa Boots, ( ontrre33 Gain*rs, Patent j Leather Gain-ra, Sea! Gaiters, Calf Sewed j Shoes, Kip Brogans, Patent Leather Shoes,Enamel Shoes,Lov Quar tered Shoee and a variety of oitpper?. Children’s Calf Congress Boots, Enamel Jenny Lmd Boot- Kid Heel Boots, Enamel Heel Boot.-, Fancy Heel Boot?, Paroda boots, Heel (falters, Kid Slipp ra and Boots, Enamel Boots. ?§. Have this day received an entire new lot of | LACE EXTENSION SKIRT S,— : made from the finest Watch Springs, and which j we will sell cheap. Other goods in our sto< k will be offered at un ; usually ow price*?. T ERMS CASH—NO SE- j CON if PRICE Very Respectfully, G. W. ATKINSON & TAYLOR. Next door to Brooks Sf Chapman’- Drug Store, Corner of Bioad and HauColph Stneta. Columbus, Ga., July 3. 1358. w.t iw2 EARLY SHERIFF SALES. 117 ILL be sold on tn first Tuesday in October * ’ next, btioretlie Court House door in the j towiij of Blakeiv, Early county, between the usu- ’ al hours oi sate, tbefolowine property to wit: Lot ot land number tweniy eight in ibe fitbd’s trict and 175 acres of lot No 12 iu the 2-fth district of Karly County, levied on as the property ot W. H. Harrison to sans y e ght Jnstice Ckiurt fi fas, from the B>lth District *-■ >L. In avor of M. VV. Stamper vs VV H Harrison levy made and returned to me by a co i.-iabie. ANTE ‘NY HUTCHINS, Blakely. Aug, 31,1858~wu1. | VIUSCOGKE RAIL ROAD. | of Schedule ON ananand Train w.i leave Columbus ai 3.45 P. M.and ar rive at Vlacon a* 9.1 P P *t/. Leave Macon at 9.45 A M, arriveatColuuibus at 3.45 P M The Morning Mall Train will leave at 4.(0 A. M. andarrive at Macor 9.50 A. M. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Coluuaous 5.35 A. J?. J.L.MUSTIAN,Supt. Columbus, i . CHANGE OF .SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. : rnmmmmmm I MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT HAIL HOAD COMPANY. MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ON and after this date the PABSLNGKK ou itu- road Wi. be governed ay ino.otiowini SCHEDULU. DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.20a. m. at West Point., 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Culuaibus J. 60 p. m. Returii’ng—l.eave West Point 9.30 a.m. Loave olumbua JU.OOn m. Arrive at Montgomery 4. to p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p.m. Arriveat West Point I2.sta.c\. “ Columbus I.ooa. ip. Returning—Leave West Point., ?.30p.m. Leave Columbus 7.30 p. m. Arrive at vlontgoraery 2., Through tickets can be obtained (to. Double Daily C mnections i to Atlanta Chattanooga and s'asnv.lle and daily connections to Huntsville Memphis siuq Knoxville. fI.fI.JONES Eng’r&Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT H KB VV&Ei\ ATLANTA & COHIMBIJ N Bv an arrangement between the Railroad Com panic, composing the Uvo routes from Atlanti. to Columbus, concluded at their Convention al vaunah on tne ICth instant, it was agreed that th> following rates, between Atlanta and CoJuiubu ■mall govern, taking effect licit: the first day o <Whj- 1057. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel, lie. Wheat 12. OatoS. Bacon Waisfcy Flour iu sacks or barrels, per lOUlhs. 35c Bagging, Rope Lard in cans or unis., per 100 lbs 45c. Coal, Pig iron, by car load, per ton of HOoi lbs. $3.75, VIA MACON. Corn per bueell4c. Wheat 15c. Oats LOc. Bacon. Whisky, Flour in slacks or Bbis., period lbs, 44c Bagging,Rope Lard, in cans or beds., per tOOlbs 55c Goa), Ptg Iron, by car load, per ton of 2000 108.f4.68. J. MUSTIAN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R. R GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Houth western Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, piiporiatecdem Macon and Western Railroad, j GtO.fl. LOLL, Superintendent Atlanta nd LaGrange R. R. SAMUEL G. JUNKS, Engineer and superintendent M.&VV.P. Eailro&u. May 30,1837—w&twtl. MOBILE akd gieaeb r, hM Si §Bffii%s£> g>ME /aseeuger fit Freight Train wilt leave Girard A at 2 I*, iV. aally connecting at ciiiver Run wilt a daily line el .Stages to Viiluia, Gienaville.Eufanla Fort Gaines, amt Mar anna,Fla. And at Guerytoi daily, withtne stages for CcheeOlivet, Euon, Chun aemuggea, Midway, Hardaway, Fero and Union sprtu a. Living Gueryton at 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will j reac. Girard at 7 A . M.. connecting with the Ope- \ lifeaanu AluacogeeTrains. HOT Ditpjicate Receipts must accompany Freight j iiuppeu iLf” All freight mustbepaid before goodswilibt disc.nan.ea. vigh. Je ivered at tne Depot before 4 o’clock ! P. M. fiu be shiDped Hie loliowmg day. Fieights for stations No. I (Fort Mitcholi,) anu Nu.s iroisou#’) must be preuaid. Way. reigat must in alt oases ne paiii in anvAaca, John dovvard, mar2s 1857-w&twtf. iingineei &. .Sup, CIIAGE OF SCHEDULE. SAVANNAH & CfIARLESIOH STE A SI PACKET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE Morth Eastern R. R, of South Ga. m THE SPLUNDID AND FAST RUN ... fcTCA uEK GORDON, 1 . Barden, LCR.tnai.der, it aw*- Bavan flwjSflWiaiWWah .= ii every Auv.i-iy aim iVettnenuay ant moons at 3 o’clock. aLd connects at Charleston wiib the naming train of the hiortt. Eastern u .ilroad, goii g North. Returning leavts Charleston every Monday and Friday night at r o’clock, (alter the arrival oi the carton the f. F. u. R.) and arrives at Savannah ea.iy next tuornlii^s* By this route pas-engers can obtain through tick ets to aud irom savannah,Ga. and v\ ilmingtim. NC. Having a through freight arra <ement with the Central rt. Koad aud Its connections, all freights b- - tween Charleston and the interior of Georgia, con signed to ibe agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free ot charge. J. P. BROOKF, Agent Savannah. E.LAt iTTL &.GO, Ag’ts.Charleetorfc Jan 15—w&twt l TO THOSE INDEBTED. YTT'E hereby give notice that all claims due us, and vv n<n pad or satis aciorlly arranged, prior to the next returuday ol the in which tb.- pa ties reside, will be sued. None shall be sligh ted. tnar'2o—wtwtf. E. RARNARD it CO. —” ■■■ ■— 1 ■ —i ■■■ ■!■■■■■■ ■■■■ f THE LAST CALL I MONEY WANTED. THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest oi V. FI TOMMEY, in the Notes and accounts of the late tirraolJ. ENNIS & CO (which nrm wa3dissolved on the tirat Oct. 1855, • would earnestly solicit all indebtec to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store oi J. Ennis &Cos ,and settle tho same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts m the hands of an officer for collection. J ENNIS. Columbus, Oct. wtwtf TOOEfIAS W.0D83, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRESTON, VYebater County, Oa. k7ILL practice in the counties of Clay, Chat- V? tahoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particnlar attention giv en to collecting and remitting. January 87, 1857—wtf. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ( FHito „ JAMES W. WARREN. \ tors ’ I The Negroes of the South According ; toG, P. R. James.—ln a description of ! country and plantation life in Virginia, re i cently published, G. P* R. Janies, the nov j e?list writes: The negro life in Virginia differs very lit tle, I believe.froui the negro life all through the South. In return for food, clothing, house room, medical attendance, and sup port in old age, about one third ot the la bor which is required of the whiteman in most countries is demanded of the black, lie performs it badly, and would not per -1 >rm it at all if he were not compelled.— i The rest of his time is spent in singing, j dancing, laughing, chattering, and bringing jup pigs and chickens. That negroes are the worst servants in the world, every tnan I believe, but a thorough bred Southern man, will admit; but the Southerner has been reared amongst tin in from this child* hood, and in general has a tenderiiHf.s and affect ion tor them of which Northern uu-n can have no conception. Great care is la* ken by the law 10 guard them agatrst op* pression and wrong, and after six years residence in this .State, 1 can safely say I never saw more than one of crueity toward a negro, and that was perpe trated by a foreigner. That there may still be evils in the sys tem which might be removed by law and that there may be individual instances of oppression, and even had treatment Ido not deny, but those instances are not so frequent as those of cruelty to a wile or child n Northern linds, as di-played every ! day by the newspapers; and in point of : general happiness it would not be amiss to alter an old adage and say: “As merry as a negro slave” 1 must not pursue th : B branch of the subject farther, for I can pretend to no great love for Dr. Livingstone’s friends, the Mak aioios. % There ate,beyond all doubt some very excellent people among them; but, as a race, the more I see ol them the less I think them capable of civilization, or even fitted to take care of themselves. At a fe-tival, a pretty miss waited upon an editor with a pie plate of antique man* ufacturc, in the centre of which he espied the following interesting couplet. *‘One sweet kiss Is the price of lhi9.” This excited his feelings, and as soon as an opportunity presented itself,he motioned the young lady to his side, and pointing hia knife to the line, said: “Your pay is ready whenever you present your bill. A Dutchman being asked how often he shaved, replied: “Dree dimes a veek effery tay but Soontay : den I shaves effery fay. It is remarkable fact that, however well young Indies may be versed in grammar, very few of them are able to decline mat rimonv. A lively Hibernian exclaimed at a party where Theodore Hook shone as the evening tar, “Och, Master Theodore, but you’re the hook that nobody can 6a/e.” No ntan can do anything against his will said a metaphysician. “Faith,” said Pat, “I had a brother who went to the States Prison against his will—faith an’ he did. A fop is like a cinnamon tree—the bark is worth more than the body. McCOMB’S IRON TIE. FOR BALING COTTON. IS now offered for pale at the Alabama Ware house. The superiority of Iron over Rope for baling cotton has been so fully tested in the West tor a few years past as no longer to admit of any doubt. Those wishing Ties (hoop?,) will please send in their orders at any early date, that a supply may bo kept constantly on hand. The orders should specify ihe length of the ties wanted—say 9, 9i or i0 feet, the only lengths now offered. No alteration of t,.e screw or box is necessary for their application, which is simple and rapid'y done. They will be sold at 8 cents per pound. For further information, apply to June 22—tw3m B. A.SORSBY. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY. Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism tn Earnest, the History ot a Creat Revival $1 50 Light on Littl Graves... . ..* 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding S>ar. 65 Marshall on Sanctification.... 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thought 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story of Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 itJissionary’s Daughter 35 Chiistian Prayer.. 40 The Hannah’s 40 Scripture Portions 85 La*t Hours of Christ 40 Plain Thought? 35 The above, with many other valuable books, or sale h > mav’l3—wtwtf I. W. PHASE & CLARK. Land Warrants Wanted- THE subscribers re paying the highest market price tor Land Warrants. Call and see us. J. ENNIS Sr. CU. Cninmhna. Inna 27- wtt PLANTATION AND MILLS FOR SALE. H AVING determined to remove West offer for sale my Plantation and Mills iTi county. The body of lands contains aboutl 300 acres, of which there is a considerable portion open and in cultivation. The mill* (Grist and Sawj are in good repair, al most new, si uated on the road leading from Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glennlta, on the Ochili are operating advantageously. Persons wishing to purchase thismost desirable place, are requested to call and examine for th-mselves. as sured that a great bargain may be had. During m\ absence the premises will be shown to purcha ser? by G, P. Gordy, who may be found on the plce SAMUEL D. HARf. JuiyU—wtf NUMBER 7