Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 23, 1858, Image 3

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THE lIAILY TIMES. THE CITY. by reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that the exercises of Mr. Flynne’s School will recommence on .next Monday, 27th. inst. I’hi9 gentleman enjoys a well-earned fame as an instructor of youth and is so well ar.d favorably known in that capacity to our community that any notice at our hands is superfluous. C3“Mr. iMunroe opens his school (or young la dies on the 4th ol October. He has been a teacher in the community lor a long series of years and enjoys the respect, confidence and approbation of h.s patrons. No more need be said. Cotton Receipts.—Seldom has the history of the Cotton market of this city exhibited so large receipts for the month of September as now. The cotton is flowing in from all directions, running up the daily receipts frequently to a thousand bales. This may be owing to the line prices paid by the buyers, the rust ripening the cotton, the fine weather lor piekiug or the large quantity made this year. From our exchanges, however, we gather that the crop is a short one, and the large receipts are owing to ihe other causes above men tioned. We cannot tell how long the market will continue to present inducements tor the iarrner to sell. Certain it is there is no good reason for storing his cotton, when it is commanding the pre sen tprices. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office, Sept. 23. COTTON.—SaIe? were made yesterday prin cipally at 11 1-4. We heard of a few bales sel ling at 11 5-16. We notice some of our buyers are holding off, believing tbat it will go lower. Who can toll'? Receip s 1104 bales. Sales 487. Augusta, Sept. 21,2 P. M.—COTTON—SaIes this forenoon 591 bales, as tollows ; 1 at 10$; 17 at lli i3O at 115; 59 at 111; 67at 111 ;and 417 at 12 cts. Receipts 701 bales. Savannah, Sept, 22d. There was a decided improvement in the de mand yesterday and a great willingness on the part ol holders to ellect sales. The transactions foot 943 bales, being the largest of any day this season. The following are the particulars; 14 at 101,4 a t lli, 18 at 111, 45 at 12, 69 at 12£,207 at li, 3C2 at 122; 79 at 12 7-10, and 152 bales at 121 cents- We vuote as foilows -■ Middling 12! Strict Middling 12! Good Middling 125 it Middling Fair 12* Montgomery, Sept. 21,— Cotton—The market was very active to-day, all ollering was readily taken. Principal sales before lire advices per North America, was made at 11 l-4c.; since then holders are still", and askingjhigher prices. Macon, Sept. 20,1858. Favorable reports of the health of Savannah, combined with other causes, have improved our market since Saturday, about a quarter cent, and we quote extremes 10 to 11 3-4, with an active de mand, The Receipts are large, and must liavo been upwards of 2000 bales last week. At Harde man Sparks alone, they amounted to 1050 bales- APALACHICOLA, Sept. 16—COTTON— On Monday last 12th inst., our cotton market was openod by the sale of fifty three bales of the new crop—quality,strict Middling—at 11! cents. Our latest foreign advices, prior to this sale, were those per steamer Asia, with dates to 28th ultquoting i d advance lor the week, and market closing with less buoyancy. Wo are now in possession of la ter accounts, per steamer Vanderbilt, to Ist Sept., reporting sales of cotton for the last three days 19,000 bales, with market closing quiet and steady, and state of trade in the manufacturing districts fa vorable. Late telegraphic advices from the interior report heavy rains, and the river rising. A steamer was to leave Columbus on the 14th for this place.— We may now’ look for uninterrupted river naviga tion, and early and heavy receipts of cotton. Our Bank agencies are prepared to aflord the usual fa cilities, and all cotton coming forward would command a ready sale, at prices current in the oth er Gull ports. Stock on hand Ist Sept., 1858 53 bales. Received since 112 “ Total 165 “ [Richardson, Spence & Co.’s Circular.] LIVERPOOL, Sept. 3.—The arrivals this week consist of 415,386 bushels Wheat, 14,838 barrels and 4,008 sacks. Flour, from the United States and Canada; 796 quarters Wheat from France; and 4,024 quarters Wheat, and 2,981 quarters In dian Corn, from the Mediteraneati. Farmers’ deliveries of Wheat for the week end ing last Saturday, were 84,399 quarters, at 425, 6d. against 92,646 quarters, at 60s. 4d last year. During the week there has been a good demand for choice sweet Flour, which is comparatively scarce ; the bulk of the stock is heated and out of condition. At our market to-day Flour was not so active ; Wheat in lair consumptive demand ; In dian Corn quite neglected- We quote—Wheat, Red, Chicago, 5s 8d ; Mihvaukie 5s lOd to 6s; Indiana, 6a 3d to 6a 5d ; White Western, 6s 3d to Gs 6d; Southern, 7s. to 7s. 4d. per 70 lbs. Sweet Flour—Philadelphia and Baltimore, 21a to 22s 6d. Extra Ohio 22s 6d to 22s ; via New Orleans, 23s to 25s per barrel. Indian Corn—Yellow 32s to 33s 6d, White 34s to 34s 6d. Rosin. Common steady, at 4s 2d. to 4s3j. COTTON—The dullness noticed at the close of last week had continued throughout the present, and towards the close the market has been so free ly supplied, tbat prices ol the middling and better qualities have declined 1-lGd per lb„ and the low er grades id per lb. Sea Islands are still difficult ol sals, and the tendency ol prices rather down wards, although spinning has slightly improved in the last tortnight. In Manchester they continue to have a sound healthy business. COUNTRY PRODUCE. BUTTER.—Country 20 to 25e. “ Goshen 30 to 33e. CORN —SO to 60c. EGGS.-— 15c. CHICKENS.— 15to 20c. FEATHERS.—4O to 50c. FODDER.—6O to 75c. MEAL.—7Oc. PEAS —7sc. POTATOES.—4Oc. BEALLWOOD INSTITUTE. #^l! IK i :xerci9e9 of this School willle ed M , onday the 4th day of Oc tober next under the charge, as hereto fore Miss A. BAILEY. Lessons on the Piano will be Oven by a competent Female Teacher. Boardcan-be obtoined in the immediate neighbor hood. Beall wood, Bept 7, 1838. did. Tri-weekly Enquirer copy MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, SEPT. 23, 1838. M &. YV P R R, R M Aldworth, Mob. &, G R R, F Wilding & Bro., Allen V. Camaa, E B Young &.Son, S Rothschild 6; Bro., Hughes Daniel & Cos. E.tes & Bro , .1 Harris, A C Gordon A Cos, Hunt 65 Cos, Hull Duck &. Cos., S L & R A {Solomon, .1 Ligon, Mcßae & JoQes. Van Marcus, H P Adams, .1 H Daniel &Cos, (3 B Garwood, Diamond G. 24 Boxes Tobacco. J S 6f W J Wood. ARRIVALS, September. 23,1858. AT THE PERRY HOUSE : M M Glenn. M Alexander, B H Elsberry, Ala. Penn Bedell, Fla.; J Lee, Ga-; .T Clarke, N. Y.; II Bryan, N.C.; J H Bryan, T D Bertody, A TANARUS; Candler, W B Harvey, Ga , M C Williamson, Miss M Clayton, MissC Clayton, Miss L Clay ton, Master A Clayton, Ala ; A Frederick,S. W A Hardaway, St. Louis; A Phillips and family, Ga ; Miss P DeLaunay, Columbus; Mr. De- Launay and wile, W H Owen, John Frazier, W S Torey, N D Guerry and family, J W Echols, L McDonald, A D Sibley, Ala.; Dr A O Stanley and servant, Hariiscounty Ga., W Paiks, Greens-- boro, Ga.; J H Harralastine, N. Y.; Miss E Clayton, Ala- AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: T R Scott, J G Singer,.! M Scott, W C HilJ, J W Orr, H D Hill. A Fort,’ M R Holliday, .1 G Davis, Stewart, Cos. Ga ; M C Sparks, H YV Hagerman. R B Persons, C Adams, Talbot, Cos, Ga ; F H Sapp, Miss. M A L Sapp, J M Sapp, M is3. E D Sapp, Jamestown, Ga ; A B Evans, Chattahoochee, Cos, Ga ; J A Reynolds, Miss.L Reynolds, Columbia. Cos, Ga ; H llubner, Savan ■ nan, I F Simmons, Muscogee Cos, Ga.; L Fawk, M Alexander, D H McElrov, W Curry, lady Ac serv’t, M Curry, &, son, Barbour, Cos, Ala.; J Stallings, B M Ware, B G Owens, N Lewis, T W King, S Whitaker, Russell, Cos, Ala.; A L Griggs, Auburn, Cos. J 11 Turner, 6f'son,L Penick Midway, J O Zciglar, Perote, Ala.; W Martin, SC. RAN A WAY fiC*- On the evening of the 28th of August, Jra® my boy William, commonly called Bil, “Tjr some 30 or 35 years of age, about 5 feet 11! inches m height, his complexion not -itAi. quite black, wears a pair of whiskers, and also a moustache, the first joint of his left thumb is cut off, and the back of his right hand recently hurt by machinery. He is rather spare built and stoops as he walks. The subscriber thinks he is about the City. He will give SIO,OO reward for his apprehension and sale delivery. WILEY E- JONES. Sept. 17,1858. dtf CASKET BURIAL CASES. r pilE CASKET BURIAL CASE, reprensent- JL ed by the above engraving, is beautifully fin ished in imitation of polished Rosewood, and is the most tasteful and appropriate metallic case now used. It permits a view of the entire body after it is enclosed, the top being composed ol thick plate glass, protected by elaborately orna mented caps, one of which may bo seen in its place in the engraving. All sizes from 27! to 75 inches in length, constantly on hand. NAME PLATES furnished, neatly engraved. N. B. —No Charge for Drayage or Delivery. DILLINGHAM &, DENSON. Sept. 15th, 1858. dltwtf HARRISON & PHI’S, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 5 9 and Ol Broad street ,oolnmbu9| Ga. WILL stiil continue the above line at our old stand. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally extended to 113 by our lViemls and the public, we hope by renewed exertions to merit its continuance. No efforts will be spared to aive entire satisfaction to those who may confide their business to our care. We will give our personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandize and Pro duce. Having houses fitted up expressly for the purpose ,we are prepared to board, purchase and sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advances will be made as heretofore on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. A Stock of LIKELY NEfiRGOESof all classes will bo keptconstantlvonhand. Oil AS. S. HARRISON, GEORGE I. PlTl’S. Columbus, Sept. 2,1858. —wtwly BY HARRISON k PITTS. SUNDRIES ATTRIVATE SALE. /* A lIHDS. BACON (Extra Clear Sides,) OH tiOßarrels Rectified Whisky 25c per gallon. 20 “ Old Burboun Whisky* 10 ‘ “ Monongahela “ 2,0 Boxes Virginia Tobacco. 100 Boxes Star C ndles. 100 Cases Cognac Brandy. 160 Cases Chestnut Grove Whisky. I Qr. Cask fine French Brandy. 5 Obis American Brandj. 50,000 Cigars -assorted brands. Persons in want of any of the above goods will find it to their interest to give us a call. HARRISON & PUTS, Auct’rs. Sept. 1, 1858—u&wim. FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. igt# HAVING made our arrangements for jKiy, the Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting of yonng men, w r omen, plough boys,and girls, for whom the hignest marketprieo will be paid. Pers:ns ha ving negroes for sale willfind it to their interest to give us a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efforts will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may place their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Call at the Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, aug2l—wtwtl 50 & 61 Broad Street. W- W. ROBISON, * Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellent selection of all the articles usu ally kept in the Grocery line. His itock consists in part of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Flour, Salt, Rice, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Tobacco, Nails, Soap. Crockery, Ac. Together with eve ry article usually demanded by the city or country trade, ail of which he offers to his friends and the public,at the lowest market prices. Call and see. Sept. 4, 1858. d&w3m. Dissolution of Partnership, THE firm of KING i* SjRSBY is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Those haviug demands against the firm as well as those indebt ed to it, will please call on B. A. Sorsby for settle ment, at the Alabama YY arehouse, who is hereby authorized to settle the same. JOHN W. KING. June 25 —wtwtf. B. A. SORSBY. DISSOLUTION. r pilE co partnership heretofore existing between A WATKINS & COBB is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to the concern, must settle L P. WATKINS, Sept. I—lm J. N, COBB. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ani 3 HUMS &. No. 135 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, OA. Are now opening a large and extensive stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, all of theirown manu facture, and made up in the most desirable styles worn this season. Most of the stock having been purchased lor CASH, it will enable us to sel the same for CASH at lower prices than any other House in the city, lor the same quality of goods. Goods sold at this establishment will be iound as represented. \Y T e would call particular attention to our stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, it is extensive and embracing every variety. BOYS AND YOUTH’S CLOTHINGS, a full assortment in Store. Large lot of TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS LADIES BONNET BOXES, and TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS MUFFLERS, COMFORTS, RAIL-WAY RUGS. 400 Suits Blue Satinett for Traders. 000 “ Kersey for Servants wear. A s this is the Only Cash Clothing Establishment in the City, Buyers for Caffi will find it lo their interest to give ns a call before making their purchases. POSI IIY ELY NO MEMORANDA M ACCOUNTS kept against purchases made. Thankful ior past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance ol the same- ROSETTE, MELICK & CO Mr. S. E. LA WHOA, Having taken an interest in the above establishment would be pleased to see his old friends and acquaintances, and will be ready at all times to serve them. Sept. 20— dw6m. P. LANDQN, FALL fjJII STYLES hats:JllLtApi -102 Broad SI., €olunU>ii§, Has on hand an elegant assortment of Fall and YY'inter Hats, embracing SILK, GASSI MERE, and SOFT HATS, ol every variety, color, size and shape. For sale C H E A. 1\ Columbus. Ga., Sept 14. 1858. w&dtf tm. PROFESSOR OF MUSIC THANKFUL for past and present gggmßfluror., would respectfully give notice If U ®I 17 If I * iat he continues to give instruction ‘o w u * in Vocal and Instrumental music. Applications received at Carter’s music Store. Sept. 7—(l3tn* posses soaiLi mi® HORSES. IYVILL be in Columbus at the stables of Ivey, Wilkins.tfc Cos. by the 20th inst., with a lot of fine Horses, some 10 pairs of well matched Broke Horses, also a lot ol line single Horses. LARRY HOWE. Columbus, Sept- 14th, 1858. dlw ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA, ALLEN & CAMAK having purchased the interest ofß. A. Sorsby in the above well known FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE, would be glad to see their old friends and patrons at their new place of business, where they have formed aco partnership with J. YV. King, under the name and stvle of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for the transaction of a general STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS Spocial attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Marchsndise consigned to our eare. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store or for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Charles ton, New York or elsewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to merit it. J. W. KING. A M. ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, takes great pleasure in re commending to his friends a continuance of their favor and patronage to the new firm. (Signed) B. A. SORSBY. Columbus, July ff, 1858-d6m. TO RENT. SEVERAL TENEMENTS-one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding House- L. T. DOWNING. Aug. 19—twtf. TO RENT. FROM the Ist of October next, the City Hotel, near the Market House. Apply to P GITTENGER, July 3 tw3m. At Rankin’s old Stand, TO HEM OK LEASE- A Chartered Female College with all the necessary buildings and other conveniences. A gentleman, with a wife competent to teach Music,could make handsome salaries For further particulars apply to Rev. T. C. STANLEY, Flat Shoals, Merriwether eo., Ga. Aug, 21—w<fctw4w. Southern Christian Advocate and Savannah Geogian copy weekly four times and send bill to this office. TO RENT. rT'HE Stove on the corner of Broad and Randolph A Streets, at present occupied bv E Barnard &Cos <, is for rent from the Ist October next. Apply to sept 13—dtf PER RY SPENCER GREENWOOD & GRAY. WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GA. N\\ y\ THE undersigned have formed —““7 a Co-partnerehip under the firm tor the transaction of a general Ware-House and Commission Business in this city. From the long experience of Mr. Greenwood, (in the late firm of Greenwood 6* Cos.) and Vlr. Gray (iD the late firm oi Stewart, Gray V C 0.,) they flatter themselves they will be able, by giving their undivided and personal attention to ail busi ness entrusted to their care, to give general satis faction, They will be regularly supplied with the latest foreign and domestic intelligence, which will always be at the serivee of their patrons. The usual CASH ADVANCES will be made, and Bagging, Rope and other goods furnished when desired. E.S. GREENWOOD, YV. C. GRAY. Columbus, July 13,155S —wtw3m. OUR CUSTOMERS YY 7 HO !< (/uf like to be dunned ,” will please ” save themselves the mortification and us the trouble and expense,by paying up, or ice shall sue out our claims, and close all business connec tions with such parties. \Y T e did believe,your promise, Now believe ours. REDD, JOHNSON & CO., Columbus, Ga., Aug. 7, 1859 wtltjaa dim. , E. BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AJND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS ip.]?; HAVE on hand, and will constantly keep, ICiXjj a large and well selected Stock, embracing SEX every article in their line, which are offered to their friends and the public, at the lowest market prices Come and see us. Columbus, Sept. 29. 1857. w&tvvtf. To Our Customers! ROM and after the first January next, we shall ’ adopt, as neariy a9 possible, the CASH SYSTEM. Necessity Compels 11s to Hus i oui>e. From that day all articles will bo priced as cash. Where credits are given (winch will on ly be extended to those \yho have promptly paid us) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time required bv the purchaser. E. BARNARD, & CO. Dec, 31,1857 —w&twGm. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, I A A BOXES Havana Cigars of various brands 1 A nj tor sale at small advances for Cash by Jan 19—wtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. STEAM ENGIN E FOR SALE. LO W FOR CASH OR GOOD PAPER ONE Steam Engine, 8 inch cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with tubular boiler, smoke stock, 12 feet turned shafting, all complete. Everything is new and warranted perfect. Any person wishing to purchase can call and see the engine work at any tune, and satisfy themselves that she is a No. 1 engine. Call on or address HENRY McCAULEY, Columbus, Ga. Sept. 3, ISSB dim A GREAT BARGAIN! r |'*H E Subscribers, having now purchased the JL entire pro petty of the Coweta Falls Manu facturing Company, ofler tho same for sale. It is ore of the best situations for Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. Titles of YVarrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, RAUL J. SE VI VIES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, JunelO, —wtwtf JA.YIES YY’. YVARREN. FF EDuM FROM FEVER AND AGUE TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS! THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South American Antidote for Malaria! Is a sure Cure and Perfect Route to Ague and Fever, Chill and Fever, Dumb Ague, and all Bilious Affections ! IT has been thoroughly tested in thousands of cases, some of years’ standing, where Quinine and all the most popular remedies of the day had failed, but the Elixir has met with the most tri umphant success; never failed to cure the most obstinate cases. The unanimous testimony of all who have used or witnessed its operations, declare it to be Ihe most extraordinary medicine ever dis covered for the quick and permanent cure of Fe ver and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and stimulant, gradually but surely; eradicates every vestige of disease, and restores the system to health arid vigor. It imparts new vitality to the blood, and wifi soon induce the glow of health to return to the pale and swarthy complexion. The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that a cure must be radical and complete ; not simply breaking the Chill, by producing a “new impres sion” upon the nervous system, without reference to the operations of the malarious poison, which is allowed to remain unchanged and renew its at tacks, immediately after the nervous system has ceased to ieel the artificial disease—induced by Quinine and many other preparations generally resorted to. The GRENADA ELIXIR acts di rectly upon the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Pores of the Skin, and produces a radical cure. It contains no ingredient the least injurious to the system, and can be given to an iritant with perfect safety. It is warranted to cure every case when taken as directed. All who need such a medicine, will do well to try the Grenada Elixir. It is not only the best but the must economical medicine ever introduced for Fever arid Ague and is a Southern Remedy. Prepared only by J. S. PEMBERTON & CO. Chemists and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the city and country. July 24,1858 —w&tw3m YJlFjy r. ‘1 HORNE, by Antony A Poor Fellow, by the author of YY hich the Right or the Left. Alan upon the Sea; comprising a detailed ac co ,nt of Remarkable Y T oyages, Ancient as well Modem, by Frank B Goodrich. Titcomu’s setter to Young People, Single and Married, by Timothy Titmouse, Esq. The Art of Beauty, or Science of a Lady’s Toi let, by Lola .Ylontez, The Family Aquarium, by H. D. Butler. The American Horse Tamer and Faurier, showing how to cure the wildest aDd most vicious horse in the world of kicking, balking, and other bad habits. Also, anew supply of other books. Mary Derwent, by Mrs Ann S Stephens- Debit and Credit, a Novel. Lord Montague’s Page, by James. A YY'omansThought about YVomen. SeweJ. Guy Livingstone. Lena Rivers. Quitts; a Novel. Just received and for 33 1 e by septß—dwtf J. YV. PEASE & CLARK. ToBACtU ‘GLNCY, COLOIBIS, GEORGIA. ELLIS & M A T II 18, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TCBACCO, HAVE on hand and will continue to receive di rect pFROM FIRST CLASS MaNCFACTCRERRS a large supply of ail grades > *• lucii they will sell to the t ade at Factory Prices, expenses only added. rr” iraderswiil do well to cal! belore buying elsewhere. sept?— w&dSmmis THECARTERFACTORY CORA MICC, fSnowin lull operation, turning out the best 1 quality of Meal- Bring on your Coru. The highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal always on hand and tor sale Feb. 11—wtwtf HAMILTON BOLAND. LOST. 4 BREAST PIN in the shape of a bunch of grapes, near the Methodist Church. The lioder will be liberally rewarded by calling at dtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN. STFJVART COUNTY F INDS FOR SALE. a OWING to mislortune, I offer lor sale my farm, lying si> six miles cast of Lumpkin, containing 500 Acres,—4(Hiin cultivation On the place are good negro Cabins, over seer’s house, frame gin and press. The land is red land—growth oak and hickoiy. 1 prefer letting the present crop spe ik for the productiveness of the land. I will sell a bargain If applied to soon. J.O.C. BLACKBURN. Lumpkin, Sept. 9, —d6tw3w. A CARD. HA V 1 N G withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL <Sr, CO., I cheerfully recommend them to ail our former patrons, and the public generally. ’ JOHN R. EASTHAM. nnHE Subscribers will continue under the same J. name ancKstyle—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thanklul for the past liberal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out individual exertions to please all who may entrusr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual facilities to our customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wm H. Hughes, Wm. Danjf.l, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf. w. F. LEE, D. D. S. ’ fffb DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE corner of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus, Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twtf J. FOGLE & SOM, DENTISTS, Oftico on Randolph Street, near Broad, t olum bus, Ga. Columbus, May ‘J, 1857. wtwtt THE LIVEI 1 N VIG O R A 1 O R , PREPARED £BY 1) R. S A N D F O R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. JS one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicine now beiore the public, that acta as a cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known Itis not only a cathartic, but a Liver Remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter then or. the Stomach and bowels t$ carry off the matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful ree lings experienced in theoperation of most Cbathar tics. It strengtheusthe system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusuai rapidity. The Liver is one of JfjF} ’he principal regula tors ot the human bo-(, > ly; and when it per forms its. functionswel. he powers of the sys tem are lully develo) (r t and. Thestomachis ai - most eniirely depend- nt on the healthy ac tion oftheLiver lor tin roper peformance oi itsfunctions, when tb* stomach is at fault the oowelsare at iault, an- sWj he whole system suff ersiu consequence ot(\Juue organ—the Llv er—having ceased to f l_j( doits duty. For the disease of that organ . me of the proprietors has made it his study. in apractice of more than twenty v,ars, t< some remedy wherewith to counter iLjMCtthe many derange ments to which it is JrTl: To prove that this re- , medy is at last found, any person troubled (pH* with Liver Com plaint,in any of its (w* forms, has but to try a bottle, aud convictioi is certain. These gums remove all morbid or bad mat ter fiom the system.: t supplying intheirjpiace a healtny flow of bile. i vigorating the sto mach, causing food to j digest well, purify ing tlie blood, tijj'i/ing tone and health to the whole machine-ry, removing because ot the disease effec- ting a radical cure. Bilious attacks ) are cured, and, wliat is better, prevented, by the oc asional use ol the i[Tj! Liver Invigora tor , * One dose after eating (rHj is sufficient-to relieve the stomach and pie ihe lood from rising and sc uring ( ! Only one'dose taken before retiring, pre vents Jilghtmare, )lJi Only one dose .taken : X! at night, loosens the bowels gently, and l | cures Cost! ve ns. One dose taken after s each meal will cure Dyspepsia. ( 83f"Onedose of two (lj! tea-spoonsful will al ways relieve Sick Headache. One dose taken obstruction re move the cause of the IH-G disease, and makes a per ect cure. Omyonedose imme-s'w'j diately relieves cholic, while One dose often repea f I ted is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, U J aud a preventative of Cholera. 4®“i>nly one bottle sr; is needed to tlno-v out ! of the system theeffeeff jij! of medicine altera long | sickness. bottle tak- (en for Jaundice re movesail sallowness or ( • innatural color trom the skin. fij! One dose taken a)rH;short time before eat ing gives vigor to the J, ; appetite . and makes food digest well. One dose oftej repeated cures < hronlc Diar rhoea, in its w'orst forms, while S 1 M M ER and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose One or two doses cures attacks caused by W orms in Children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it neverfails. %3T” A few bottles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbants. VVetsfce pleasure in recommending this medi cine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, < hills, Fe ver, and all Fe vers oi a Bilious Type, It operates with certainty, and thousands I are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues All who use it are giving their unanimous testimo ny in its favor. Mix waierin the mouth with the Invigoratoi and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGOR ATOR, Is a scientific vledical Discovery, and is daily wor king cures almost too great for belief. It cures as it by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle isbequired to curejany kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst jaundice >r dyspepsia to a common headache, ail ot which are the result of fi diseased liver. Price Ono Dollar per BottJe SANFORD &00. Proprietors,34s Broadway New York WHOLESALE AGENTS. Barnes & Park New York; T. W. Doytt & Sons, Philadelphia; M.S. Burr A- Cos. P.nston; HH. Hay & Cos. Portland; John ft. Park, Cincinnati: Gaylard & Hammnd; Clevelaond, Fahnstock & Davis Chica go; O. i. Wood & Cos. St. I ouis Geo.H. Keyser, Pittsburg: 8. S, Hance, Baltimore. Aud retailed by all Druggists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. S.PEMBEKTOa 6l CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DANFORTH 1* NAGEL, MaySO’-trtwly and all Dniggsista. su aa & to.’i inn ii :i Triumphant! SWAN & LU. CONTINUE TO DRAW Afc USUAJ WITHOUT INTERRUPTION ! BYVAA & CO’B Lotters are legal and authoriz ed by the Btateol Georgia OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN that our lotteries are draw FIARLY ; THAT OUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY, AND THAT OUf SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTIIE LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following schemes will bo drawn by 8 SWA fc CO. Managers oi the Sparia cadcmy Lottery, each oi their single number Lotte, it s for Septemb 1858, at Augusta,.Geor. ia, to which city they ha removed their principal office. Class 32 draws Saturday, Sept. 11, 1851 Class 33 draws Saturday, Sept. 18, 1851 Class 34 draws Saturday, Sept. 25, 185 On tlie Plan ofSlngle Numbers. 50,000 TICKETS—S,4BS PRIZES NEARLY’ ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKET jHagiiiiiceßit Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in Sept. 1 Prize of $70,000 1 * 30.000 1 “ 10,000 1 “ 5,000 1 “ 4,000 1 3,000 1 1,500 4 “ 1,000 4 “ ” !M0 4 “ ... SOO 4 “ 700 4 >i 000 50 ‘t , 500 50 “ I I II 1 300 UK) 12511 ‘.'3o 100 A PPOXIMATION PRIZES. 5 Prizes of $ ‘OO Approx’g to $70,0(0 Prize are;l,C 4 “ 300 “ 30.0(0 “ i,V j 4 “ 2110 “ 1“,(K)0 ” 8 • 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 “ 4 “ 100 “ 4.100 “ 4 *• 75 “ 3,0(10 “ 3 50 “ 1,500 w S 4,000 20 are SIOO,O 5,485 Prizes to $320.1. Whole Tickets $10; Halv s $5 Quarters A Circular showing the plan oi the Lotteries, w forwarded to any one tit sir* nsol iectivu t. it Certificates of Pachages will be solo at tlie folio ing raffs which is the risk. Ceralicaiee ot Packagt sol 10 Whole Tickets. .$ “ “ 10 Half “ : *• “ 10 Quarters “ “ “ 10 Eighths “ IN ORDERING TICKETS,OB LERIIFICAIES j Enclose the money to our address for theTickt i ordered on receipt ol which they will be forward’ j by first mail, t'urcnasers can have Tickets endi i in any figure they may des.guale The List of drawn munbt rs and Prizes will be eg to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. ~,1 Purchasers will please write their signatures pit I and give their Post <’fllce, Co-imy „<i State. | Remember that evtry Prize isdiawn and payat j ill tu I Without dedU loth. All Pi iz* s o’ SI,OOO and under pa id immediate alter ihe drew in*. —t.tiitii prizes ai the usuai time ; ihirt-, oays. All communications str’etiy conflden isl. Ad*ir* as orders io tickets oi i ertitichtes to 8. SV\ AN m Cu , Augusta, Ca. Persons res ding i ea M uigoni ly. Ala or Allan j Ga,can i ave Iheiroid is fined, aim sav< time! \ a*idi>ssing 8 riwansti.o at either o’ those places. A list >t ti.e numbers that are and awn iro t the wneel, wiih the amount oi ibe Pr'Ze that eai j one is enlitieil to, will he pub isln am mj drawing in the following pai tis- Aujlus ab< nslii j tionatisi, New Orleans Leila, Mobi e btf-isii | Charleston Standard, Nashville <-azi lie Ailaita telligencer, New v ork Weekly lay Hoot.Sa am j Morning ws, Richmond ,D’ spucn,Nev> York il | patch, Paulding (VI **s) Olarrion, and l.m e no | ( *rk ) rle Democrat sept.l •&* t* | -4 V * -J . * * * *• . I THE CKLERRATKD HOLLAND REMEDY FOR STSFItStJU DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ml LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KINDI FFVFR AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon adi 1 eased STATE OF THE LIVEE Buch as Indigestion, Acidity of the stomach, Col icky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despont ency, Uoßti veil ess. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In a Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, ‘■ has in numerous instances proved highly beueficie and in others effac ed a decided cure. This is a purely vegetaole compound,prepared c strictly scientific principles, after the manner of tl celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave, Becaut of its great success in most of tae European State its introduction into the United States was intende more especially for those of our f .therland scatter* here and there verthe face of this mighty countr Meeting with great success among them, I now oi i feritto the American public, knowing that its tru ■; wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledge! 5 It is particularly recommended to those persoi 1 whose constitutions may have been impaired by tl I continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms < | dissipation. Gen < rally instantaneous in (fleet. 1 finds its way d'rectly to ihe seat of life, thrilling an ij quickening every nerve, raising up the droopir | spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor ; Jj the system. Notice, —Whoever expects to find this a bev F rage will be disappointed ; but to the sick, weal and low spirited, it will prove a grateful arorrat cordiai, possessed of singular remedial property CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful aroma h? induced many imitations, which the pub ic shoul guard against purchasing Bg net persuaded to be anything else until you have given Boerhave’s Hof land Bitiers a fair tiial. One bottle will couvinc you how infinitely superior it is to all these imita tions. jfir sold at $10!) per bottle, or six bottles foi sf>.oo, by the SO L E PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JB.& CO. MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, ; PX TSBURGH, PA. For sale in Coin busby Brootsfc Chapman, an Drug istsg- nerally throughout the State. April 24. ’SB, lydwis TWO months after date 1 shad a, t y to the h>n< * ruble Court of rdinary o; ty, Ga., t< r leave to sell the lands beouging to tb estate otGr en Ben'ley. deeeaed oo io-jo ~IMAN ,; R1 vLTTON, Adm> ; A Vlfir 30. 18 - ** l —2 n PRICK 84,500 in two payments The plartJ tion on w ich the reside* -ituar< oi the south sid otßlueC e. k. n the c u ity ..f K a adjoini g I an 1* nf Judge ‘ olte, Win. 1 o-.per. an Beni, tolfi r. co'>t;Miiinif >O3 •••res It Is well on- r®| ed. an has ill t'.e baldt g~ onal 011 a oitonnai tation; all new and in g >od trder Tu c p wit 1 the be*i of *ts f rt Iby. t\>ri. Pia st o utensils, and stock ol all kinds can be uchased 0 the place. Bept.3o—wOt A* H. McLAWS, Biakaly®