Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, September 29, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES, ri i E CITY. Health of Columbus. Recapilulating then ; there has been during the months of July, August and September,--the most unhealthy season of every year—only thirty in terments, all told, in Columbus. Taking into consideration that the population of the city is be tween nine and ten thousand inhabitants, that more than hall the deaths are confined to children, that the heat ol the summer has been almost in tolerable, end we think we present an extraor dinary showing ol a healthy city. —Columbus (Ga) Times. I hat is showing a pretty “clean bill,” and we are gratified that it is so. Columbus i9 almost as healthy as Montgomery, the citizens of which, who want to “shuffle off this mortal coil” in a natural way, have to go to Mobile and New Orleans,thi3 season.— Montgomery'Confederation . We are indebted to our cotemporary of Mont gomery for this Kind notice. We might have ad ded, that among the thirty interments during three months in Columbus, we know of several persons who died at a distance, whose remains were in terred in the city. We are gratified to hear that Columbus shows a pretty “clean bill” lot health, and would understand the compliment of our co temporary, who says it is “almost as healthy as Montgomery,” if he would make a showing of the Sexton s report of that city for the last three months Lef us have it and Jet the question bo decided ! Men, women and children, black and white, for three months ? Target Practice -Ihe City Light Guards, Capt. P. H. Colquitt, paraded on the evening of the 27th inst., for target practice. We learn that most of the shooting was very skillful and creditable —the target being rid dled by halls, and five of the shots in the “bull’s eye,” Private, Alexander Laugh averaged, in three shots, 3 1-4 inches ; Private Thomas Aber crombie, 4 inches; and Private John Burch, 5 inches. This excellent company is almost fault less in its aim as in its performance of military evolutions.— Enquirer, 28th. Erratum. In the editorial of yesterday, under the head ol “Persecution for religious opinion,” the word stacle should be substituted for the word object in the following sentence : “certain decapitation was a great object to the conversion of Mahomcdans to Christianity” Large Potatoes. We saw yesterday two large potatoes—each weighing 5 lbs—from the faun of Mr. Thomas M. Clower of Harris county. Who can beat them l S. H. Hill, the active and efficient Agent of Hamden’s Express, will please accept our thanks for his repeated acts of obligingness. 8@ w We are indebted to an esteemed lady friend in the country, fora collection of beautiful flowers, arranged with oxquisite taste in a bouquet of no moan dimensions. It reached us in a state of per fect preservation, looking as fresh as the early dew and bright as the blushes on a maiden’s cheek.— An attempt to describe it would soon exhaust our floral vocabulary and w'ould convey but a very inadequate idea of our appreciation of its charms. The fair donor will please accept our thanks. Mr. E. W. Moise offers for rent two comfort able residences. Also, for sale a good washer and irotier. Call on him soon. Persons desirous ol renting a comfortable residence in the neighborhood of the Opelika Depot, can be accommodated by calling on Ellis and Mathis. J. H. Daniel &. Cos. are offering a valuable Stock of Fall Clothing at their extensive empori um 123 Broad Street. Call on them immediately and fix yourself up. They will undoubtedly give you bargains. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Tiaif.s Office, Sept. 29. COTTON—Arrived treely yesterday, by wagon and Railroads, and the last European accounts imparted to tho market a considerable degree of activity. Sales were freely made at lH(o)ll-93, One or two small lots, we understand, sold for 12c. Principal Sales 11*011$, Receipts 1150 bales. Sales 284 bales. MONTGOMERY, Sept. 27—Cotton.—To day the maiket was active with a brisk demand. \ The steamer’s accounts caused an advance of L to v on previous rates. We quote Middlings 111, Strict to Good Middlings life. Sales 821 bales. Charleston, Sept. 27.—Sales of Cotton for tho past three business days 2,400 bales. The mar ket is firm and prices full. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES,. SEPT. 29, 1858. M & W P R R, Barringer and Morton. Mob. &. G R R, E A Smith, McKee R & McKee, E B Young &Son, J J McKendree. Hughes Daniel Cos., Carrikee and Newton, J B Jacques and Bro., J Lig°ii, N .1 Bussey, D Walbaum, J Fr s ienbure; B Grinin and Cos. Harrison &, Pitts, NY Clark, D \ Reese, King Alien & Camak, Dillard P &Cos Dantorth N & Cos. A 11 DeWitt, Gunby &00., H Grosstnayer, [JJ A Hunter Van Marcus, Hall, Moses and Cos. Mcßae, A L McKay, F W Dillard, J A llai rison, A Brummer and Cos., H F Williams, Allums & Barbee, D B Thompson & Cos Estes & Bro., R E & YV J Ward, M Padgett, White M f* Cos., E Barnard & Cos., J M Scott. W E Saulord & Cos. .1 Ennis and Cos., W S Needham, J Sand YV J W T ood, Jones and Beil, Bedel! &> YVeems. Cowles and Cos., Redd, Preer & Cos Blum & Frank, YVeils Curtis and Cos., Nance and Rentroe, E E Walton. B N F. A B and Cos., Barnett and Ellison. J \Y r Sappirmton, H Middlebrook and Cos. Allen and Camak, Jordan & Darnel, J Kyle and Cos.. Mills, Justice and Barnes, A C Gordon and Cos. Ragland and B, w i Co -’ W K & B L Briers, JW*w d ‘ ’ i , Smith & Daniei, Hunt YV are and Cos, Thweatt and Cos., | mP 3O ” C & Cos., J N Webb, Wf? wS.H Ward ’ W 11 LoWt? - M ]Lobi bb ’ A C MONTGOMERY ,Y\lMv7p. r 1? CONSIGNEES, (SEPT. 28/58. Ivey and Wilkins, J Banks, Dillard 1 and Cos., C M Losve Cos, Muscogee R R Clements B and Cos T r smirh, R I p \[i|p *’ BY Martin. YV TSturk” Hughes Dand Cos., Moody and P A Gumel. B M Moultrie* G h R * Camak. Ragland and B, Hull D and Cos., ARRIVALS, September. 29,1858 AT THE PERRY HOUSE: D M Ross, Ala ;J R Hudson,S C.; W J Hud son, F B Sapp, Ga.; W J C’avin, Ala ; R Turner, Hamilton, A Lexaoder, Atlanta; Mrs. E M Brown, fifJJserv’ts, Ga.; S Binezn, Apalacbc.ola. Ha ; J L Baker, W F Russell. Ga , J M Sprawe, Ala.; Mr. aimichael. Ga,; Mrs Willhite, child •A. serv’t, Mrs. Taylor, Wm A Grant, L L Hill *la ; J Price.SC.; J R Fullrnore, Cass, co Ga’ T I li Lawrence, Miss. E R Lawrence, Miss. ;YJ H Bell, Ala ; Mrs. Simmons,Ga.; A H Rickett. Montgomery, Ala.; E R Harden, Dalton R A Mathewe, Ta 1 botton,. G a •; J L Daniel, ‘Glenville, la; 1 A n M A Iu) l’, C T olllrnbus ; A 11 Holloday, A II •Inchel I, Ala.; H Long. LaGrange,; G T Gun ter Montgomery A'a,; J J Cox, family, Capt. ot the Steamer St. Nicholas Ala River ; R H Mai ton, L L Hansford, Mrs. Cocke. Mis .Cocke f ° b , nil ffi. Montgomery Ala.; Mrs. .L F Nixon fyserv t, Colnmbus. AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: \\ M Mines, John B Gilbert, Isaac Clyatt, Stewart co., Ga; J V\ Parker, J J ftockm >re,F B Adams,Upatoie, Ga; Edward P.owden &. servant, Miss Fannie Plow den, Calhoun, Ga; N B Roberts. IJ B Robert , Harris 00., Ga; Me Jormick Seal, Govington, Ga: H D Will iaras, Box Springs, Ga; L 8 Johnson, GW Long, Ucbee, Ala; Cary vV Allen, J Wright, Barbour co., Ala; PT ?ullis, P J Johnston, Macon co., Ala; Mrs. G A Gardner, B M Smith, Russell co., Ala; J R Berry, chunenuggee. Ala; J R Collier, Opelika, Ala- J G Key, i W Williams, A II Rowell, Ala; S S Alexan der, W D Street, A A Hulsey, J P Dismukes, Term. The Last Dollar.—By the roadside in the village of C lay a wounded man; not a friend was near to minister to his wants. A poor young man who was pas sing hastened to the side of the sufferer, raised him up, and supplied his wants. He had but a dollar in the world, but he cheerfully gave that to the sick man as he left him. A year passed, and this same young man was wrecked at sea. When the* ship went down he seized a plank, to which he clung all the long night. When the mor ning had dawned,he beheld a sail far out on the deep ; it halts ; a boat puts out and comes towards him ; on the top of a wave he hears a voice cry, “Hold tighthe goes down between the waves and rises the next i billow; the voice shouts, “Cling fast; I am ; coming.” lie goes down again, and as he mounts the next surge, who does he see guiding the helm but the very man to whom be had given his last dollar—Aw. Mes. Death of Wm. L. Calhoun.—The Abbe ville Banner communicates the mournful intelligence of the death ofWm. Lowndes, youngest son of the late John C. Calhoun, i He died on the 19th inst., at his plantation* ! in Abbeville District. P. P. ELLIS. B. H. MATHIS ELLIS & MATHIS, Auction & Commission Merchants, CO L UMBUS, GA. VVfLL give prompt attention to tne sale of Merchandize, Country Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real Estate, &- c. &-c. Will also give particular attention lo Renting Rea! Estate, Hiring Negroes, Ac. Ac. Administrators’ and Guardian’s sales will be con ducted on reasonable terras. LIBERAL Al)'/ANCES will be made. AH goods n store will be insured, unless otherwise diiected. Columbus, Sept. 7 —w&d3mis A LARGE STOCK OF FAIM WINTER DRV GOODS. ./. KYLE CO., OTAVE now in store the largest and best select- JLJL erl Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ever offered in Columbus. Also a fine assort ment of Carpets, Rugs, Shoes, Hats, &c., ail at ! their usual low prices—with additional induce ments to cash buyers. Columbus, Sept. 18,1858. wGtdtf PINE GROVE'ACADEM Y. “ Tho exercit3s ol ff* s School will .& |||r commence on MONDAY, 4th of October next, and end July 1, 1859. ’Tuition for the year (®sso. Columbus, Sept. 23 d—lit. JOHN ISHAM. LINWOOD ACADEMY, j THE exercises of this School will be resumed I on Monday, October 4ih, and closed on the ! Ist ol July, 1859. Full and thorough instruction ! given, in the English, Classical, and Mathemat- ‘ ical branches of study. Tuition S4O. Sept. 20—dtw. 11. MITCHELL. WYHHTOH MALE ACADEMY ~ #The exercises of my School will be resumed Monday, September 27th, and continue nine months. Tuition Forty Dollars, one half in advance. „ 11. 11. TAFT. I Columbus, Sept. 2d, 1858. w&dtf. MRS. MARBLE'S SEMINARY. fThe exercises ot this institution will k commeuee on Monday, October 4'h. Terms and studies the same as hereto lljgsfore, ard it is confidently hoped the pFsame liberal patronage will be be- Enquirer copy—twtd. Columbus, Sept. 17, 1858. dtd NEW SCHOOL FOR BOYS. DR. J. P. HOYT, having had several years experience in teaching, and being j favorably known by many citizens of | Columbus, will open a school for i jj*r|j§p‘ boys at the corner of Forsyth and Thomas Streets, on Monday, Oct. 1 4th. Every exertion will bo made to deserve a liberal patronage. Equirer copy—twtd. Columbus, Sept. 17, 1358. dtd MH. FLYNN US SCHOOL. he exercises of this School will be i resumed on Monday the 27th Sept, i inst., and will be continued to the J 30th June 1859. TERMS. SSO, Sept, 23—wfrd--3w. j BEALLWOOD INSTITUTE. rcises of this School will l.e i resumed on Mondry the 4th day of Oc tober next untlor the charge, as hereto- j fore Miss A. BAILEY. Lessons on the Piano will be given by a competent Female Teacher. Board can be btained in the immediate neighbor hood. / Beallwood, Sept 7, 18'8 dtd. Tri-weekly Enquirer copy COLUMBUS 111 Gli SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADI3S. A Southern gentleman who offers testimonials from prominent literary gentlemen of South Car oliua and this State, will open a school for young ladies, on the first Monday in October next, in this City. Parents desirous of sending their daugh ters to a school where every facility for acquiring a classical education will be afforded, and where they will be under their own supervision, can leave their names with Wm. A. Mitchell, James C. Cook, A. G. Redd, or at the residence of John Johnson. Columbus, Sept. 18,1858. dtt J. H. DANIEL & GO., Have now in More and will be constantly receiving during the Fall months, Fashionable and approved styles of HEADY MADE CLOTHING! entirely of their own manufacture, which they claim to surpass any brought to the Southern Market. A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF G MAT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Huts, Caps, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bans, Traveling’ Blankets, Shawls, &c., &c. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTH'S CLOTHING, of their own manufacture, ranging from 10 18 years. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest styles and greatest variety, manufactured to order in styles to suit patrons. A large Stock ol SUBSTANTIAL GOODS for laboring men. Sept 29, 1858—dwtf. J. H. DANIEL & CO. 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. WANTED by the day or month, 8 or 10 ab!e ---* ‘ bodied LABORERS- J. L. MUSTIAN, Supt. Columbus Sept. 24, 1858 lw P. LAND ON, FALL ljjj| STYLES iiatsiJHL gifs. 109 Broad St., CoiimiUmK, Has on hand an elegant assortment of Fall and Winter Hats, embracing SILK, CASSI- ! MERE, and SOFT HATS, ot every variety, color, size and shape. For sale CHEAP. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 14, 1858. w&dtf FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. fq HAVING made our a-rangements for £ the Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, 2, of good character, consisting of yonng men, women, plough boys, and girls, for whom the hignest marketprice will be paid. Peis, ns ha ving negroes for sale willfind it to their interest to give us a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efforts will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may place their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Call atthe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, aug2l—wtvvtf 50 & 61 Broad Street. LOS T. ABREAST PIN in the shape of a bunch of grapes, near the Methodist Church. The finder will be liberally rewarded by calling at • dtt* BROOKS & CHAPMAN. TO RENT. ~ SEVERAL TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding House- L. T. DOWNING. Aug. 19—twtf. TO RENT. FROM the Ist of October next, the City Hotel, near the Market House. Apply to P. GITTENGER, July 3 t\v3m. At Rankin’s old Stand, THE CARTER FACTORY CORN* MILT., IS now in full operation, turning out the best | quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn- The highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal always on hand and tor sale Feb. 11—wtvvtf HAMILTON BOLAND. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH OR GOOD PAPER ONE Steam Engine, 8 inch cylinder, 12 inch stroke, with tubular boiler, smoke slock, 12 feet turned shafting, all complete. Everything is new and warranted perfect. Any person wishing to purchase can call and see the engine work at any time, and satisfy themselves that she is a No. 1 engine. Call on or address HENRY McCAULEY, Columbus, Ga. Sept. 3, 1858 dim i ~R ANA WAY t” On the evening of the 28th of August, j 1 my boy William, commonly called Bil, I some 30 or 35 years of age, about 5 feet lli- inches in height, his complexion not quite black, wears.a pair of whiskers, and also a moustache, the lirst joint of his left thumb is cut off, and the back of his right hand recently hurt by machinery. He is rather spare built and stoops as he walks. The subscriber thinks he is about the City. He will give §IO,OO reward tor his apprehension and safe delivery. WILEY E. JONES. Sept. 17,1858. _ dlf FOR SALE. \ THE residence at present occupied by the Rev. Mr Walt, opposite Mr Slade’s, rl"-i-iyL possession given the Ist Jar., next. Also two vacant lots adjoining, with the store on Broad j street No 34, at present occupied by C. Michael ! as a Furniture store, possession given the first of 1 October. The above property will be rented if not sold. S BOYKEN. Ex. Sept 24, d—til or T G HOLT. ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA, ; A LLEN & GAMAK having purchased the i interest cfß. A- Sorsby in the above well | known FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE, ; would be glad to see their old friends and patrons . at their new place of business, where they have j formed aco partnership with J. W. King, under the name and style of KING, ALLEN Sc CAMAK, for the transaction of a general STORAGE AND i COMMISSION BUSINESS Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and j | Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding 1 j Marchandise consigned to our care. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store or 1 for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Chirks- ; ton, New York or elsewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at ; market prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and i pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to merit it J. W. KING. A M. ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, takes great pleasure in re commending to his friends a continuance of their , favor and patronage to the new firm (Signed) B. A. SORSBY. j 1 Columbus, July q, 1858-d6m. BACON. 35,000 lbs Tennessee Clear Sides, 40,000 lbs. Tennessee Shoulders, On consignment and t r sale at HUGHES, DANIEL & CO. Sept. 20th, 1658. dtw DISSO jUTIOJXF, J'HC co partnership heretofore existing between A WATKINS & 0088 is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AII those indented’ to the concern must settle immediately. L P. WATKINS, Sept. I—lm J. N. COBB. I AGE AM GE FEMALE C OLLEGeT WILL open its next session the 24th of Sep tember, with the following faculty. Rfv. WM. J. SASNETT, A. M., D. D., Pres ident and Professor of Moral Science and I Belles-Lettres. ! Rev. JAMES R. MAYSON, A. M., Professor S oi Mathematics WM. A. HARRIS, A, M , Professor of Nat ural Science and French. JOHN W. AKERS, a. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Liteiature. Mrs H. P. JUDGE, Instructress in Engiish Lit erature. F, X. WURM, M. D., Munich University, Prc* fessor of Music, instrumental and vocal. Miss SARAH CORRY, Assistant in Music. Miss MARIA BROWN, Instructress in Painting and Drawing. P. G. BESSENT, Steward. This institution oilers advantages which few, if any, in the South can claim. For the characte and completeness ot its Faculty, for elegance of buildings and general facilities of learning, for accessibility, beauty and health of location, the LaGrange College of Georgia has no superior in the Union. It is in sight of the Railroad and i of the great Southern route from New Yord to New Orleans. Expenses in College, including board, washing, fuel, and literary tuition, SIBO per session of ten months. For Catalogues address the Faculty, or WM. A. HARRIS, Sec. Sept. 20—w&dlm Lagrange, Ga. i STEWART COUNTYLANDS FOR SALE. *.OWING to misfortune, I offer for sale my farm, lying si* six miles cast, of Lumpkin, i gs'aii containing 500 Acres,-400i cultivation | the place are good negro Cabins, over | seer’s house, frame gin and press. The laud is red ‘ land —growth oak and hickoiy I prefer letting the | present crop epe k for the productiveness of the land. 1 wiiiseii a bargain if applied to soon', j ~ J.U.C. lIL.4OKBCRN. Lumpkin, Sept. P, —dGtw3w. BY HARRISON & FITTS SUNDRIES ATThIVATE SALE. i* - j HIJDS. BACON (Extra Clear C idcs,) i Uv <>dßarrels Rectified Whisky 25c per gallon. 20 “ Oid Burboun Whisky, lo ‘ Mor.ongahela “ 1 200 Boxes Virginia Tobacco. 100 Boxes Star O ndies. 100 bases Cognac Brandy. 100 Oases Chestnut Grove Whisky. 1 Qr. Cask fine French Brandy. r > Uhls’American Brand}. 50,000 Cigars—assorted brands. Persons in wans, of any of the above goods will find it to their interest to give us a .’all HALIRIS JN &. PITTS, Auct’rs. Sept. 1, 1858—o&wim. ! OURCUSTOMERS ~ vyflO “clout like to bs dunned,” will please 1 save themselves the mortification and us the I trouble and expense,by paying up, or tee shall sue out our claims, and close ail business connec tions with such parties. % We did believe your promise, Now believe ours REDD, JOHNSON & CO., Columbus, Ga., Aug. 7, 1858 wtltjan dim. _ Dissolution of i artnership, I r T*IIE firm of KING 6j SoRSBY is this day 2- dissolved by mutual consent, Those having demands against the firm as well as those indebt j ed to it, will please call or. B A. Soreby for settle- | rnent, at the Alabama Warehouse, who is hereby authorized to settle the same i JOHN W. KING, j June 25 —wtwtf. B. A. SOiiSBY. MMIISOi & PIfSS, i AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEGRO BROKERS, 59 anti G! Broad street ,Coliimlms, Ga. \\7 ILL atAil continue the above line at our oid I Vi stand. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally extended to ns by our friends and j the public, we hope by renewed exertions to merit j ’ its continuance. No efforts will bo spared to give I entire satisfaction to those who may confide their • business to our care. We will give our personal attention to the j sale of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandize and pro- i duoe. Having houses fitted tip expressly tor the ; purpose ,we are prepared to board, purchase I and sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advances will be made as heretofore on I Negroes anti Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to ‘ on reasonable terms. O’” A stock of LIKELY NEGRGOESof all i [ classes wiii be kept constantly on hand. OH AS. S. HARRISON, GEOKGE l. PITTS. Columbus, Sept. 2,1858. —wtwly VALUABLE Chattahoochee Elver La^ds. FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. j THE subscriber offers for sale 3200 acres : iLAsI of laud lying and fronting two miles on ! : fEff* the River in Henry county, Ala.. 15 miles below Fort Gaines, Geo. (to which place lhe ; South Western Rail Road is now beingextended) j and 5 miles above Columbia, Alabama. The tract is susceptible ot division into two very desi rable settlements —iies very level, iswell watered, the location remarkably healthy, and the purcha i ser could have the corn, fodder aud stock at a low rate. Being determined to sell, those desiring a i bargiin, will not be able to find one more d"is- ! posed to give them one than I am. I shall keep this advertisement standing until I sell. Come and I look for yourselves, or tor particulars address me ;at Columbia Term; easy to the purchaser. Angus Mcallister. i July 20, 1858—wtf. Augusta Coßstitutienalist copy weekly till forbid. TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. E L L I S & M A T H IS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO HA VE on baud and will continue to receive di rect .FROM FIRST CLASS MAN 17 F ACTlfi KEKS | a large supply ot ail grades Tobsce >. which they will I sell to thet ade at Factory Prices, expenses j only added. fTj?” i raders wiil do well to call before buying !se where. sept?— w fed 3min is A carijT HA \ 1N G withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DA NIEL & CO., I cheerfully I recommend them to all our former patrons, and | the public generally. JOHN R. EASTH AM. | r jPHE Subscribers will continue under the same J. name and style—a general ; STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out ; individual exertions to please all who may entrusr their business to us. YVe are prepared to grant usual facilities to our customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wm. H. Hughes, Wm. Daniel, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf W. F. LEE, dWYsT DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE corner ot Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus, Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—vw&twtf msm 3 - FOGLE & son, dentists, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1857. wtwtf W. W. ROBISON, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep, an excellent selection of all the articles usu ally kept in the Grocery line. His stock consists in part of Bacon, Lard, Flour,Sugar, Coffee,. Syiups, Flour, Salt, Rice, Cheese, Bagging, Hope, Tobacco, Nails, Soap. Crockery, Ac. Together with eve ry article usually demanded by th ; city or country trade, all of which he offers to his friends and the public, at the lowest market piices. Call and see. Sept. 4, 1858. d&.w3m. ” GREENWOOD & GRAY WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERC IT A. NTS. COLUMBUS, GA FY\\ V \ THE undersigned have formed YqcA a Co-partnerehip under the above firm for the transaction of a general Ware-House and Commission Business in this city. From the long experience of Mr. Greenwood, (in the late firm of Greenwood fis Cos.) and Mr. Gray (in the late firm of Stewart, Gray N. C 0.,) they flatter themselves they will be able, by giving their undivided and personal attention to all busi ness entrusted to their care, to give general satis faction. They will be regularly supplied with the latest foreign and domestic intelligence, which will always be at the senvee of their patrons. The usual CASH ADVANCES will be made, and Bagging, Rope and other goods furnished when des-ired. E.S. GREENWOOD, W. C. GRAY . Columbus, July 13, 1858—wtw3m. !L BARNARD & 00. CGLUFGBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS pfia HAVE on hand, and will constantly keep, |Lup a large and well selected Stock,embracing every article in their line, which are offered to their Iriends and the public, at the lowest market prices C< me and see tis. Columbus, Sept. 29, 1857. w&twtf. To Our Customers! FROM and after the first January next, we shall adopt, as neariy as possible, the CASH SYSTEM. Necessity Cotni eF us to this < curse. From that day all articles wiil be priced as cash. Where credits are given (which will on iy be extended to ihose who have promptly paid us) an addition will be made to the price named according to the time required bv the purchaser. E. BARNARD, & CO. Dec, 31, 1857 —w&tivGm. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, 1 A A BOXES Havana Cigars of various brands i IUU lor sale at small advances for Cash by Jan 19—wtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. FFtEDUM from fever and ague. TRIUMPHANT SUC GESS! THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South American Antidote for Malarial Is a sure Cure and Perfect Route lo Ague and Fever, Chill and Fever, Dumb Ague, and all Bilious Affections ! IT lias been thoroughly tested in thousands of cases, some of years’ standing, where Quinine and all the most popular remedies of the day had failed, but the Elixir has met with the most tri umphant success; never failed to cure the most obstinate cases. The unanimous testimony of ail ; who have used or witnessed its operations, declare ! j it to be lhe most extraordinary medicine everrih | covered for the quick and permanent cure of Fe | ver and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and | stimulant, gradually but surely; eradicates every | vestige of disease, and restores the system to health j and vigor. It imparts new vitality to the blood, ; and wifi soon induce ihe glow of health to return 1 to the pale and swarthy complexion. The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that | a cure must be radical and complete ; not simply breaking the Chill, by producing a “new impres sion” upon the nervous system, without reference to tiie operations of the malarious poison, which is allowed io remain unchanged and renexv its at tacks, immediately after the nervous system has ceased to feel the artificial disease—induced by Quinine and many other preparations generally | resorted to. The GRENADA ELIXIR acts di ■ rectly upon the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Pores i of the Skin, and produces a radical cure. It contains no ingredient the least injurious to tlie system, and can be given to an infant with perfect safety. It is warranted to cure every case when taken as directed. All who need such a medicine, will do well to try the Grenada Elixir, it is not only the be*) but the mu-t economical medicine ever introduced for Fever and Ague and is a Southern Remedy. Prepared only by J. S. PEMBERTON & CO. Chemists and Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the city and country. July 24,1858—w&tw3m I SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES | Trl limp hunt! SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL, WITHOUT INTERRUPTION ! SWAN & CO’S Lottcrs arc le<ial and authoriz ed by the State of Georgia OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUIt LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIARLY; THAT OUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY, AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD. The following schemes will be drawn by S SWAN & (JO. Managers ot the Sparia cadeni} Lottery, in each of their single number I-otte.ies for September 1858, at Augusta, (Jeer.ia, to which city they have removed their principal office. On tlie Plan of Single Numbers. £O,OOO TICKETS—S 435 rKIZfJS. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS Mag'iiificcsit Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in Sept. 1 Prize of $70,000 i•• 30 000 1 “ 10,000 l “ 5,000 l “ 4,000 1 3,000 1 1,500 1 “ 1,(100 4 k ‘ tt >0 4 “ tOO 4 “ 700 4 k ‘ 000 50 6UO 5(1 “ 300 100 u 125 j 230 100 APPOXIMATION PRIZES. j 5 Prizes of S- 1 00 Approx’g to $70,0(0 Prize 4 “ 3(0 “ 30.0(0 “ 1,200 4 li 200 “ 10,000 K 800 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 “ 400 4 “ v 100 “ 4,<00 “ 400 4 75 “ 3,000 ‘ k 300 4 ‘ 50 “ 1,5(0 “ 200 4,00020 are SIOO,OOO 5,485 Prizes ..amounting to, $320,000 Whole Tickets sio; Halves 35, Quarters $2.50 A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries, will forwarded to air, one desirous of receiving it. Certificates el Packages will be sold at the follow ing rates which is the risk. Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets.. SBO “ ‘ k 10 Half “ 40 “ 10 Quarters “ 20 “ 11 10 Eighths “ LO IN ORDERING TiCKI TS OR Cl RTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The liist of drawn numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will piease write their signatures plain and give their Post < Ullce, County and Stale. Remember that every Prize isdiawn and payable i:i bi I without deduction. All Prizes of SI,OOO and under paid immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictiy confiden ial. Address orders io< t ickets or Certificates to S. SWAN .V. CO., Augusta, fia. Persons residing t ear Montgom ry, Ala.or Atlanta Ga.,ean have their ords is filled, and save time by addressing S. Swan fit Cos at either of those places. tffT A list .f the numbers that are drawn from tlie wheel, with the amount oi lhe Prize that each one. is entitled to, will be. pubiishto alter every drawing in the Inflowing payers—Augusta Conatitu tionaiist, New Orleans Della, Mobile Regisler, Charleston Standard, Nashville Gazette. Atlanta in telligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Morning News, Richmond Despatch,New Yorkirig patch, Paulding (Miss) Clarrion, and Litt'e Hock (\rk.) Trie Democrat. septl—d&wti ‘-a -■L XA X £* aa a 2‘i jii 3 JOrb {( X% V A # 3a. Jp % THE CKLKHRATRD HOLLAND REMEDY PGR X e-> A-. *V; DISEASE OF “HE KSDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, rr<s?r*? Amo acus. And the various affections consequent upon a dis eased STATE OF THE LIVER. Such ac indigestion, Acidity ot the Stomach, Col icky Pams, Heartburn, Coss ot Appetite, Despond ency, Co&liveiuss. blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it basin numerous instances pro\ed highly beneficial, and in oUers (flee ed a decided cure This is a purely vegetable compound,prepared on strictly scientific principles, alter the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave, Because j of its great success in most of the European States, I its introduction into the United Slates was intended J moro especially for those, of our f theriand scattered ! here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, 1 now of fer it to the American public, knowing tba: its truly wonderful in ■ dicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons ; whost constitutions may have been impaired by the : continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of ’ dissipation. Centrally instantaneous in ffect. it finds its way directly to ihe seat of life, thrilling ami i quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping j spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in - the system. N‘ iTiCE, —Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak, and I tw spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic j cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful aroma has indtn-ed many imitations, which the pubuc should guard against purchasing Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhave’s Hol land Bitters a fair Dial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is toall these imita tions. r?"-'old at SI 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SO L E rROJ* R i ETO RS , BENJAMIN PAGE. Jit. & CO., MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PI TaBUHGH, PA. For sale in‘loin busby Brooks & Chapman, and Ur g isisg aerai'.y throughout the State. Aprii 24, ’SB, lydwis TO RENT. rpHF, Store on the corner of Broad and Randolph _ Strests, at present occupied bv E Barnard &Cos ~ is for rent from the Ist October next. Apply to sept 13—dtf PERRY TWO months after daf<“ I shall appy to the houo ruble Court of • irdinary ot'Chatthoocheecoun ty, Ga., for leave to sell the lands beonging to the estate of Gr -en Bentley, deceased. HIM AN BRIALTTON, Adm’r Aug 30,1853 —2rn . FOR SALE -pPJCF §4:.500 in two payments. The planta i tion'in winch the subscriber resides, situation the south sid? of Blue Creek, In the c >unty of Ear y adjoini-g bands of Judge Wolfe, Wm. Cooper and Beni. Colli r. containing .-,03 acres. It is well improv- and has ail the buildii gs usual Oi a coitnn p’an tation; all new and m g>od order. Tie crop will be ihe best evidence of its fertility. Corn, Plan-ation utensiis, and stock of all kinds can be i uchased on the place. Bept.3o—wfit At H. MJLAWS, Blakeley.