Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, October 06, 1858, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. yy Onr readers will oot forget that we rf* ceive telegraphic dispatches every day at an im mense expense, and that they will always be lound in another column. Whatever ot interest transpires throughout the United States, is pub lished in this Journal simultaneously with the pub lication in New York. Yellow Fever. The yellow lever is abating somewhat m Charleston. In New Orleans, however, the d.s ease still continues to strike down its hundre s, and the month of September has passed away, leaving the shadow of death in many happy home holds. Savannah, too, in our own native state, is etiil infected, and the Sexton’s bier conveys to their resting place, the remains ot one or more, eve ry day who die with this disease- Still, there is no panic and no flying from the city to avoid the epidemic. Northern ports seem to have escap ed this pestilence ihe present year. Mobile and Galveston report every day deaths from this much dreaded disease* we not hope soon to hear the gratifying intelligence of the disappearance of the epid mic and the complete revival of trade and business. Free Schools— * * * Bat we desired, in this connection, to put in a word or two which we think due to our and every body's friend, Peterson Thweat:, our popular State Comptroller. From a conversation with him upon this subject two or three months ago, we are satisfied that he has had his attention turned earnestly to this proposition to appropriate the proceeds of the State Road to the free ed ucation of the children of the State; and we are of the belief that he has been collecting iolorma tion and statistics bearing upon this question, which will be of much service to the Legislature should it favorably considei the proposition. What his plan is in detail, we are not able to say, for he is a “dyed-in the-wool” Democrat, and would hardly be after entrusting State secrets to a politi cal opponent. But he couldn’t help letting out enough to satisfy us that he warmly favors the ap propriation of this fund in this way, and that he could give some pretty accurate inlbrrnation rela tive to the educational necessities of every section of the State. Perhaps his forthcoming Report wil* be more ex^iait. — Enquirer- py A Washington correspondent says intelli gence has been received there verifying the fact that the yacht Wanderer, which was temporarily detained by the United States Marshal at New York, a few months ago, under suspicious circum stances, went to the coast of Africa, and is soon expected in Cuba with a cargo of slaves. Capt. Corrie, of South Carolina, purchased her with the proceeds of a claim allowed by the War Depart ment. “Quitman Monument” Meeting.— A meet ing of the citizens of Adam3 county, Miss., was held on ihe 28th, to adopt measures for the erec tion ot a monument on the Blufl in the city ot JVatchez, to the memory of General John An thony Q itman. A“Quitruan Monument Asso ciatiou” was formed, with Wm. J. Minor, as Piesident, and a committee appointed to take such steps towards accomplishing the object ot the meeting, as might be deemed advisable. JgP’ The Nashville Union says that a novel in cident occurred at the Marshall county Fair, which wa9 not laid down in the programme. A couple presented themselves and weie married in the amphitheater, in the presence of thousands of spectators. Though no premium was ollered for such an exhibition, the parties went their way looking as if each had just obtained a priza above all price. is a town in Michigan where the church bell is rung every day at twelve, for the people to take their quinine, as they have the ague all round. Mortality from Consumption. —The Lon don Times says, that of the 420,000 people who died in England and Waleslast year, 100,000 were the victims of Consumption. i The Christian Spiritualist —This is the ti tle of a bi-monthly paper published in Macon, Georgia, by L, F. W, Andrews, Editor of the Georgia Citizen. The first number fo before us, ar.d presents a neat typographical appearance. As its name indicates, it will be devoted to the publication of messages from the spirit world, and to the exposition and de'ense of the doctrines of spiritualism. We have never had any faith in the latter, but we are not therefore unwilling to give the subject a consideration. Teims of the Spiritualist $1 50 in advance. Cowhided by a Woman —An irate lady, a Mrs Lyons,inflicted a corporeal punishment upon the ed tor of a flish sheet in Cincinnati, a few days ago. The Town Talk having made her the town talk, she flogged Mr. Henry Frost in thestieet, and made him the talk ol the town. Mr Dickens— A correspondent of the Wash ington Union advises Mr. Dickens not to pay his intende J visit to this country until he has in some manner given proof of repen ance for the scurvy return he made to the attentions shown him when he was here before. The “Middle-Aged Man” winds up his remarks thus: The Archbishop of Cantebury will please furn ish Mr. Dii-kens with a hair shirt and some peas to be worn in his shoes, and much oblige the Middle-Aged Man. Statue of Henry Clay. —The N. Y. Times says that the sculptor Hart has finished his model of the statue of Henry Clay, orCerd by the Clay Monumental Association of New Orleans. The likeness is said to be perfect. The m ydel goes from Florence to Munich, where it will be cast in bronze, : and the inauguration will probably take >1 ace in New Orleans on the anniversary of Henry Clay’s birth day in 1869. Late from Havana. New York, Oct. 4.—The steamship Cahawba has arrived from Havana, whieh port she left on the 29;h ult. The Health of Havana was improving. Sugars were firm and molasses dull. More Saved from the Austria. Quebec, Oct. 4.— The Norwegian ship Catarina arrived at this port on yesterday, with sixteen of the Austria’s parsengers, including StopelolCar o.iaa or Alabama, and six of the crew. The oth* •n are mostly steerage passengers. For the Columbus Tlmej. W A- Sam ford’s Letter- Eyrie, (near Auburn Ala.) ) Sept. 25th, 1858. ( George W. Chatfield, Esq.: I do not stop to criticise the action of the Administration in Central American Af fairs ami its bold arrest of Gen. Walkers proceedings which might have resulted in Southern expansion. I have not a word of comment upon Judge Campbell’s extraor dinary conduct in his trial —conduct I sup pose agreeable to the Administration, as most of the presses in its so zeal ously defended it. I say nothing of the latitudinous views of the President about a Pacific Railroad—nor his late action in Ihe case of the Africans captured with the Echo, except that I doubt the power of the government, (I mean the right, tor the gov ernment has grown to have any power , 1 believe, it may desire) to educate them. But I call your attention to the fact that at this moment, the Administration is wiel ding Jits whole power to disorganize the Democratic party in the West, and what is worse, to defeat Judge Douglas, and elect his Black Republican opponent, Lincoln. to the Senate of the United States fiom Il linois! I give it£no credit for the transparent device that Judge Breese may be elected.— All the bellows-blowing of the Union newspaper can never raise a freeze in such a storm as is raging in Illinois, and the Ad ministration is obliged to know’ it. Whatever may be truly said ot Douglas, he has never avowed a policy to make Kansas a free State, and in comparison with this Administration is greatly unex ceptionable to me as a Southern Rights Democrat. He is a brave man, and is standing bolt upright in defence of that doctrine upon which the w’hole South has acted , and I have seen nothing that he has said or done to be compared with the doctrines and action ot the Administration for anti-Southern effect. In whatever may be objectionable in his course, the Admin istration is as guilty a9 he. More than I preler this Administration to a Black Re publican one, do I prefer Douglas to Lin* coin. In all frankness, I have never com prehended the war in the South against Douglas, and never participated in it. So far as it has involved Gov. Wise, 1 have stood as Ido to-day stand, and shall stand in stern, determined defence. I will never give up such a man as Henry A. Wise,— “seamed all over with glorious scars,” re ceived in the wars ot the South, at the dictation of an Administration, whose poli cy is moulded by Howell Cobb. Never!— lof purpose do not enter into the question of governmental expenditures. They are great, and I am not prepared lo defend them. I do not look to the general Government for the protection ol’ the South—for the maintainance of those “great piinciples of strict construction” which you so justly laud —but as “of yore” and ever, to the States alone. Hence, and lor all ibis and a thousand times more, I am a “ Southern Rights' 1 —“ States Rights' ’ Democrat , and neither an “ Administration ” nor a “Na tional” Democrat. I care nothing about the Conference Bill. Ido not think anybody else does, unless certain Representatives, otherwise discredited and fearful of re election, on old merits and issues, or in competent and uninformed, in view of vi tal ones, desire to keep it alive with a view to make political capital out of ir,and so, in the only w’ay it can be done, to secure another term in Congress. As I have else where said, “it is dead and stinks —let it be buried out of our sight.” As to the slave trade, I refer you for my view’s to current letters I am publishing in the Advertiser & Gazette on that subject, directed to the Hon. Henry W. Hilliard.— I think the prohibitory laws of Congress unconstitutional, abolitionary and impo litic. One word as to the “treachery” of the Democratic party and its “policy.” Let us step a little beyond the limits of Buncomb; and “talk” a little, not as mere partisans , but as patriots , as we are, if we do our selves justice. The “danger to the Democratic party” is that there is no harmony in it. its great thinkers and heroic actors are dead and discredited, and it has, to an unfortunate extent, ceased to be a party of principle, and become a league of factions with con flicting parties and local expedients. The work of harmonizing the Democratic party presupposes the work of reform. To this work, in my humble measure, I am heart and hand committed. Gloomy as the pros pect is, I am so encouraged by the zeal and intelligence of those who agree with me, that l do not now despair of their success. I doubt if the Democratic party can “tri umph over them or without them.” I mean that compact body of “Southern Rights” “State Rights” Democrats who, whether members ot the “League of united South erners” or not, agree with the Leaguers, that the time for compromises on tba Slav ery question has forever passed, and are determined that there shall be no more harmony , at the expense of open, fair-deal ing, justice and equiiy. The shadow of the Presidential contest of 1860 is upon us. I put it to you; I put it to every old Southern Rights friend in Georgia and Alabama; 1 put it openly to all Southern patriots of all parties, if we are ready for its issues and its momentous results ? For myself, I shall go, by my represen tatives, to the Charleston Convention, in the spirit of a free man, and there tender to the assembled Democracy of the States of the Uoion, the harmony of justice, of ex act equality of Southern States and prop erly, of State Rights, of stiict construction of Federal powers and of Federal economy. I think and feel with Mr. Calhoun, that“to entreat would be degrading, and would but aggravate the evil. The higher and bold er the tone the better.” I will demand jus tice and equality. I will say to the North ern Democracy, I suspect your fidelity ; I w’ant securities for the future. I will say : “Here are we of the South, in the Union, and discharging all our duties in it; ful filling the obligations our fathers covenant ed for us. You of the North refuse to ex ecute the law’ and the constitution for the delivery of fugitive slaves. You agitate the question of slavery to our injury, and the distraction of the peace of the Union. \ou exclude us from the common territo ries ; you denounce and insult us as slave holders; you threaten to abolish slavery in the Federal district ; the trade between the States,” 4* c * & c * From time to time, we have compromised with you ; the Supreme Court finally, when it was too late for many practical results, has decided several im portant question* in our favor, and you threaten to tear dqtvP the Court and re model it to suit yourselves, &c. Now then, lam for no more compromises. I do not consent to be degraded and insulted longer. I demand Democratic harmony on this basis, that your leaders and factions “unite and agree to make the defense ol our rights, the paramount question, overriding the Presidential and ail others” as Mr, Calhoun said, both parties must do, or that “for us and the whole Union, slave-holding and non-slave-holding, there is a gloomy tu tu re.” This would I say, and if I am alone, whether my representative say this or not, I shall act it, so fa. as I may. Twice in my short day has Ihe democratic party been saved by accessions of gallant State Rights and Southern Rights men from the opposition—in 1840 —'44 and in 1856. Thousands of these men stand ready to day for the summons of patriotism, and if the democratic party will do its whole duty to the South in 1860, they will save it again from the inevitable defeats that awaits it, if it persists in the blind policy of parli zan and petty expedients. Let it lift its head up to the crown of glory which the Divinity of Justice prepares for it, or lay its brow in the dust, and bite the dirt.” I w’ould spread the spirit and organiza tion of the Southern Leagues through the land. I would call a Southern Convention without distinction of party —I would w’arn and arouse the sleeping South, and the too confident democracy revelling in spoils. I would be ready for 1860, and do our whole duty. Once more I invoke the gen ius of Calhoun. In his language more ap plicable to our present day than ever to his own “I have Pom the first and throughout this whole question (of slavery) been actu ated by one f cling; to save the Union and our free inmitutions, if possible, but if not to save our selves at all events. “The great difficulty “he says” which I had to encoun ter” (and it is now the difficulty)— “has been from the prevalence on all sides of the spoils principle. The desire to participate in the spoils , has been so prevalent for near sixteen years (now twenty seven years and it is unabated) and the desire of keeping the parlies togeth er, in order to be able to participate, that the great business of itiost of the leaders has been to urge all questions in the Pres idential election in order to avoid party dis traction ; and that I fear will prove an in superable difficulty in taking the high and decisive stand that only can arrest the evil that threatens to engulph ail.” I have written in great haste and subject frequent interruptions and have not preten ded to do more than throw up on the float ing sea “the tops” if ideas, which have a firm foundation in the great deep, and will ere long rise into mountain ranges and spread out into continental plains. I think we do not essentially differ as to men or measures. Certainly we shall not separate upon a question of “ quo modo ism.” As ever your true friend A veto! WM. F. SANFORD. A Case of Kidnapping, It is a fact honorable to the South that no partv is surer of ready justice m the Courts of the Southern States than a negro, bond or free. This is an opinion formed from long observation of judicial trials in the Courts of the South where the colored man has been a party, and we think the following, which has just been communica ted to us by a friend in Guilford county, North Carolina, is corroborative of our be lief. Frank Jackson a free colored man, had been kidnapped several years ago in Pennsylvania arid carried to the South. He was lately found in Guilford county jail by Mr. George C. Mendenhall, a benevolent gentleman of the country', confined as a runaway. Mr. M. heard his story, took him out, broughtsuit for his freedom, ‘sent to Pennsylvania for Col. George C. Morgan as a witness, tried the case be lore the wor thy Judge R. M. Saunders, who.’on hear ing the evidence, immediately declared the negro free, and forthwith sent him back to Newcastle, Pennsylvania in charge ofCoU onel Morgan.— National Intelligencer. Cotton Growing in Algeria. —The cotton plantations of Algeria for the present season are 2058 hectares (the hectare is 2£ acres) iu extent; and of them 1082 hectares are in the province of Oran, 895 in that of Constantine, 81 in that of Algeria. The number of plantations in the three provin ces, exclusive of those made by Arab iribes in common, which, however, are inconsider able, is 460. Unfortunately several planta tions have suffered from drought.—Galig nani's Messenger. Alabama State Fair. The next State Fair, says the Spirit of the South, commences at Montgomery on Monday, the Ist of November, and will con tinue five days. Extensive preparations are being made by the executive commit tee to make the approaching exhibition more interesting than any that has preceded it. Among the other novelties we notice that arrangement are being made for three grand tournaments to come off on Wednesday, the third day of the Fair. The first for youths under fifteen years of age. Premium—a Silver Goblet, worth S2O. The second, for young gentlemen under twenty-one years of age. Premium—a Silver Pitcher, worth S3O. Third, for all persons over the age of fif teen years. Premium —a Silver Pitcher, worth SSO. Those who enter the Lists, will be re quired to pay a fee and have their names, age and dress registered. The committee will appoint judges for the occasion, to decide all points and award the prizes. A Rich Legacy. —Mr. Dermot Dempsey, supposed to be the most wealthy man in Macon died on Sunday last, leaving an es tate of $500,000. We learn that he was a ; Roman Catholic in religion, and having had i afpriest of that faith with him during his last illness, it was found after his death that ; his will divided $5,000 between his two children and gave the remainder, $495,000 j to the Catholic Church.— Griffin American Union. Mr. Dempsey’s estate, we have been in formed is valued at somewhere about $250, 000 and all goes to his children —not a cent “to the Catholic Church” as we have been informed and believe. — Georgia Tel egraph. 1 Telegraphic*. REPORTED FOR THE COLUMBOS TIMES. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP H AMMONIA. COTTON ADVANCED 1-16d. New York, Oct. sth.—The Steamship Ham monia, has arrived from Hamburg, which port she left on the 18th ult. She brings Liverpool dates to the 20th ult. Liverpool Cotton Market —Sales on the Twentieth 10.000 bales, at an advance of 1-I6d. Holders, in some instances demanded a further advance. London Money Market. —Consols were quo ted at 97i Augusta, Oct. 4th, 1858. Yellow Fever —There were no deaths to-day from yellow fever in Savannah. Cotton Market.— Pricetorjcottonjremains un changed. New York Market.— The sales of to-day were 2,000 bales. Market is firm. Charleston Market. —The sales of to-da were 1,000 bales. Market firm. ARRIVAL OF THE ~ STEAMSHIP NOVA SCOTIA. Quebec, Oct. sth.—The Steamship Nova Sco tian has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 22d instant. Liverpool Cotton Market . —The sales of Cotton for three days 30,000 bales, of which speculators took 3,000 and exporters 3,000. Cotton had advanced 1 I6d for the three days. Middling qualities improved most* The market closed firm. London Money Market.— Money was decided ly easier, and more abundant. Consols quoted at 97f to 971. I Liverpool Breadstuffs Market.—Flout was | very dull, with a declining tendency, i General news unimportant. Another Arrest of a Slaver. New York, Oct.—United States Marshal,Ryu ders has captured Cap'. McComber, his mate and for rof the crew of the brig Haidee, that lately landed nine hundred Africans at Cardenas, and afterwards scuttled her off Montank Point. The brig belonged to New York, and Captain Mc- Comber resided at New Bedford, Mass, where the crew had been taken. News from Trinity Bay. Trinity Bay, N. F. Oct. 4.—Affairs with the cable line continue unchanged. The electricians are trying anew system of telegraphing. Examination of the Slaver Captain. Boston, September 28. —Captain Town send, of the slave brig Echo, was again be fore Commissioner Loring this forenoon.— His costume was as fashionably unexcep tionable, and his demeanor as gentlemanly, as usual. Lieut. Charles C. Carpenter, ot the Dol phin, was first called upon, and testified that he examined some of the negroes aboard the Echo They were marked with ; different letters, some on the arm and some on the back. The letters were about an inch and a half long; they were rough, badly defined letters, and appeared in the form of a sacrificatioti of the skin. Captain Maffit, ol the Dolphin, identified : a document headed “muster roll,” which | he found on the captain’s table on board 1 the brig Echo, 27th ol August last. It con tained a dozen names, probably those of the j crew of the Echo. Mr. Prince, for the defendant, here signi fied that they should not raise the question of jurisdiction before this Court. His associate, Mr. Train, said they did not mean by this to assent to anything. The Commissioner then stated that on the evidence which had been presented, he should certainly bind the defendant over to the Circuit Court. Anew complaint ot misdemeanor under the fourth section of the act of 1818, was then preferred against Captain Townsend, in connection with the previous charge.— The reading and examination were waived, and on this charge the defendant was order ed to recognize in SSOOO for his appearance at the Circuit Court on the 15th October.— Boston Journal. The Athens (Ala.) Herald says there has been frost in ihe vicinity of that town every month this year, except in July. DARBY’S PROPHYLABTIG FLUID, AND ©MOOT) (BMMMRMIg. The most powerful Disinfectant known. Purifies Dwellings vnd Ships. Removes all offensive odors; Invaluable iu the sick roomr, Cures B urns,Biles Carbuncles,an and Running sores Clauses the Teeth; Destroys Foetid Breath; Prevents Decajed Teeth provinginjurious .Mitigates trie most alarming symptoms of SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS; Cures Tetter and Scald Head; Used in Bathing, keeps the Bkin heathy,soft andwhite REMOVES STAINS AND MILDEW; Destroys all Animal or Vegetables Poisons; Cures the Bites of Insects and Stings of Bees; Removes Rancidity from Butter and Lard; More powerful than auy other agent in preventing the Spread of Courageous Diseases. Manufactured only in the Laboratory of J. DARBY, Auburn, Ala. From which, or Harrel, Risl9y & Kitchen, No. 76 Barclay Street, New York, it may be ordered. FOR SALE IN COLUMBUS BY BROOKS & TH *PM.4N, J. S. PEMBERTON &l CO. DANF-iRTH, NAGEL & CO. D. YOUNG. Professor John Darby is so well known as a scien tific gentleman throughout the South, that it is only necessary to know that he is the preparer of this Fluid, tojeel assured there is no quackery about it. Sept. 9—■w&.Gfim HAIR RESTORATIVE. Many kinds of Tonic are advertised that we are assured will strengthen the hair and prevent its talliog out, but none that we have seen used does all that it promises, save that of Professor O J Wood’s. This we know is good from hav ing tried it, and witnessed in several cases its truly beneficial effects. Dr. Wood was kind enough to send us a couple of bottles, and after finding that it prevented our hair from failing out, we presented a bottle to a friend who had been bald for at least thirty years; it has restored Ins hair end ely, and it is now as thick and glossy as when he was twenty five. This we say in all sincerity and we shall be glad to have our friends try it for themselves, as we believe it is just what it profess es to be For real worth, Wood’s Hair Restora tive is undoubtedly the beet preparation now in use for ret’oring hair on bald heads, changing gray hair on bald haade, changing gray hairs to [their original color, and for a cosmetic or oure for pim* /les, it id fast taking the place of other prepara tions. No toilet now-a drys is complete with out it. If any odo should ask us what in our opinion, ; arrived at by an impartial test, was the best and ; most honest compound remedy tor preserving and | beautifying the hair,and restoring gray hairs to I its original color, and the locks to the bald headed i we should, without hesitation say, Professor O. J. , Wood’s Hair Restorative. See advertisement in ; another column.— Louisville Journal. Sold by all druggists in this City and by drug’ gists and dealers in medicines generally every w here • sept— 28,1858. —w&tw2w. HEADACH AND DEBILITY. Mr. Silas Lipscomb of Birmingham says: “I have found in Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a remedy for Headache and Debility. My wife has 1 also used it with the greatest benefit.” Mr. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, also re marks that he has experienced much relief from its use for headache. Take a half a teaspoooful ihree times a day au hour before meals. Eat moderately, and then ot wholesome food, and you will find this really a remedy for Sick and Nervous Headache,Weak ness of any kind, Costiveness and Piles. Being perfectly simple in composition, it may betaken without fear by the Invalid. Possessing a fine aromatic flavor, it is very grateful to the debilita ted stomach. See advertisement elsewhere. oct6—lw FALL STOCK OF Carpeting AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING- AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 6, 1858. dw3m. TO RENT, A Convenient Residence in the up. ft\ Sijjyi P er P art the City, near the orphan iI2SHiII Asylum. Possession given immedi- J&yygSl atelv. Apply to oci6—dtf iW. T. OGLETREE. TWO mouths alter date I shall appy to the hono rable Court of ordinary of Talbot county, Ga. for j leave to sell j the real,, estate and negroes of El dridge Adams, late of said county, deceased, JOHN E. BARKSD.4IE Adm’r Oct 6,1858 —Uni. Notice to debtors & creditors.— All persons holding demands against the estate of Eldridge Adams, de’d, late* of Talbot County, Ga. are hereby notified,; to present them, fc properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons s indebted to said estate will please.make immediate pavment, JOHN E. BAKKEBDALE, Adm’r. October 6th, 1858—w40d temperaiThlll. ~ S'®! A WEW BAYS ©H [LY. COMMENCING TUESDAY NIGHT OCT. 5 DR. BEALE'S ENTERTAINMENTS. Consisting of River and Falls of Niagara: AND THE MAMMOTH CAVE OF KENTUCKY. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Each Exhibition to conclude with THE WORLD RENOWNED AND ORIGINAL MARIONETTE FAMILY. Exhibition every Night at, 8 o’clock, and on Tues day and Friday afternoons at 3 o’clock. Admission 50 cents Children and Servants 25c. octs—dot DR. G. D. BEALLE, Proprietor, POTATOES, POTATOES! JUST RECEIVED a large ‘quantity of Nor thern Potatoes, to be sold low, for cash. 3 BACHLE & BRASSILL. P LAN DON, IS STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE i where may be found all ! kinds, sorts, sizes, de scriptions, qualities and quantities of HATS AND CAPS,and the prettiest Children’s Hats <sr. Caps. C H E Jl F. Columbus, Ga.,Oct. 5, 1858. w&dtf MUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIGN OF THE NEGRO !, MORTAR, COLUMBIA'S, GEORGIA. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a large and well selected stock ot DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DENTAL AND SURGICAL IN STRUMENTS, PAINTS, OIL, DYE STUFFS, And all other articles pertaining to their busi mess, which they offer at the lowest prices, and warrant them fresh and genuine. FAMILY MEDICINES, As well as Physicianjs bill3, put up with neatness and dispatch. Presciiptions accurately prepared at all times of the day and night. FANCY GOODS, LUBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fine Cologne Waters, fine Soaps and pomades, also Hair and Tooth Brushes of English and French manu facture. Sold by BROOKS &, CHAPMAN. Sept. li3. d—tf. BRANDIES AND WINES. FOR Medicinal and culinary purposes. Sold by BROOKS CHAPMAN. Sept. 23 d—tf. “PORTER AND ALE. SOLD by a no J BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept, 23. d—tf. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 23. d—tf. LEAD AND OILS. Union White Lead, Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Whale Oil, Lard Oil. Neatefoot Oil, Train Oil, &c. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Stpt. 23 d-tf. BURNING FLUID. ~ SOLD by BROOKS i* CHAPMAN. Sep.. 23. d —tf. GREY POTASH. TN jar* or otherwise. Sold by 1 BROOKS & CHAPMAN. COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL f©e Y©im® iMsam Hr HIS .School will be .opened Monday the 4th Ir - For the present the will be conducted bin a house *ou the lot ot Mr. John Johnson, immediately east of the Meth - odist Church. Mr. Lee is a South Carolinian by birth and education, ueing a graduate of Charleston College. He brines with k bim testimonials of prom inent gentlemen in South Carolina and Georgia as to character, scholarship and efficiency In imparting instruction to .others; which’all arv invited to call and examine for {themselves at the school room or at the residence of Mr. Johnson. Terms per Scholastic Year SSO €0 Incidental Expenses *2 do oct2—dtf, TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, situated on the corner of Baldwin and Mclntosh sts. Re 150. Ao, the house adjoining the above with five rooms. Rent $l5O. Apply to this of fice or to * E. W.MOISE. sept29—d3teod FOR SALE. AGOOu Cook, Washer and Ironer, 35 years old. Apply to sept29-d2t __ E. WJVIOISE. DRS. GRIMES & WINGFIELD, HAVE a ssociaied themselves logetht r in the ora lice of Medicine and Surgery.— Lh Calls left at Ware & Sou’s Drug Store duriug the day, or Perry House at night will be promptly answered. Patients from a distance confided to Ihe'rcare J,willreceive ev*ry necessary attention. eepl2B-d3m MANLEY A HODGES. ARE now in receipt of one of the best and most carelully selected fall stocks, they have ever J oftc red to their customers, puces low, andstyles choice | Robe ales Silas in great variety. Robe ales Defaines Robe ales Merinoe’s Plain w orsted Dechines Blk Silk Robe ales. 7-8 and 10 4 TABLE DAMASK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide, Pillow Linen 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, Doylies, &c. - . A Superior Lot of GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIERY. 10 11-12 and 13-4 MARSAILES QUILTS. Superior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. WOOL HATS; &c. VELVET, BRUSSELLS. 2 and 3 PLY CARPETS, RUGS, 4-c. Our stock of WHITE GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better. MANLEY J* HODGES. Sept 24, d—tf. [MIPS® FOR SALE! A DEMOCRATIC PAPER io S. W. Geor gia, is offered for sale. _ Price, sl,ooo—ssoo cash *SOO on twelve months time,secured by mort gageon the Press and materials of the office. The Oflce is well supplied with type,fixtures, one years supply of job paper, has a country circulation oi 400, an advertising patronage of SIOOO per year, offered for eale only because of the continued ill health ot the present proprietor. For further par* ticulars apply to theproprietors oj this paper. N. B—lf not sold by the first of N ovt rnber, it will be withdrawn from sale- October Ist, 1858. d2wfcw4w. EPPING’S COMPOUND FLUID. Extract of Buchu. “ BAROSMA CRENATAJ” A sovereign remedy for diseasesos of the BLADDER, SPINE J t & KIDNEYS, UNIRA RY ORGANS, GRAY j j EL, STONE in the BLADDER, CHRON-j J IIC CATARRH of the BLADDER, MORBID j 2 j IRRITATION tf the BLADDER and IRE j diseases of the PROSTATE, and KE- ) j TENTiON and INCON TINENCE of URINE) ft f from a loss of tone in. the parts concerned, | jAI so, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC, RHEUMA- a )TISM and AFFEC TIONS of the SKIN. 5*5 | t Ihe above medi cine is earnestly re-1 Jjh commended to Physi cians and practition-j Carers of medicine and the public generally, j ft as it can be used by persona of all ages and j £ j habits, is pleasant to the taste, and can b j readily taken by any patient no mtitter howadverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce & Cos., blown upon each bottle- MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, C OLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable Druggists through out the country. Sept 27 dw—tf. S2O REWARD. A SMALL black mare, blind in the right eye, and having the mane upon S'*- TA-the left side, strayed from the wagon of subscriber, on Wednesday night last. The above reward will be given to any one, who will re turn the same to me. Address me at Halloca Poet Odice, Chattahoochee county, Ga. Oct. 4—wtf M. D. WALL. LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE. WILL open its next session the 24th of Sep-i tember, with the following FACULTY. Rev. WM. J. SASNETT, A. M., D. D., Pres ident and Professor of Moral Science and Belles-Lettres. Rev JAMES R. MAYSON, A. M., Professor of Mathematics WM. A. HARRIS, A. M., Professor of Nat ural Science and trench. JOHN W. AKERS, A. M-, Professor of Ancient Languages and Liteiature. Mrs H. P. JUDGE, Instructress in Engiieh Lit erature. t , A. WURM, M. D., Munich University, Pro* fessorof Music, instrumental and vocal. Miss SARAH CORRY, Assistant in Music. Miss MARIA BROWN, Instructress in Painting and Drawing. P. G. BBSSENT, Steward. This institution offers advantages which few, if any, in the South can claim. For the charade and completeness of its Faculty, for elegance of buiiding9 and general facilities of learning, for accessibility, beauty and health of location, the LaGrange College of Georgia has no superior in the Union. It is in sight of the Railroad and of the great Southern route from New Yord to New Orleans. Expenses in College, including board, washing, fuel, and literary tuition, SIBO per session of ten months. For Catalogues address ihe Faculty, or WxM. A. HARRIS, Sec. Sept. 20—vv&dlm Lagrange, Ga. LOST. ABREAST PIN in the shape of a bunch of grapes, near the Methodist Church. The finder will be liberally rewarded by calling at _dtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN. TO RENT. SEVERAL TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, eligible as a Boarding Aug. 19-twtfi