Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, October 22, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. THE CITY. Phrenology. Professor W. H. Barker, the distinguished phre nologist, will deliver a lecture at Concert Hall to-night, on the above subject. Let all go to hear him. Admission tree. New Advertisements. Merchants, Warehousmen and others wishing to purchase scales, wil End it to their interest to address Fairbanks and Cos., New York, or their agents, Beil, Prentiss & Cos. Savannah, Oa Tde superiority of the Fairbanks Scales needs no com ment from us. Read the advertisement. We again call the attention ot our readers to the advertisement of H. of Barbour county Ala. by which it will be seen that he is still offering his large and valuable Plaotion for sale. The lands of B especially those on the Cowikees, where the place of Mr. Bass is located, cannot be excelled for fertility, pto iuctiveness and dura bility by any in the State of Ala. Those in want of bargains, should examine tl is place. Teachers looking out for a pleasant location, Would do well to confer with John S. Means, Secretaty of the Board ofTrustees of the Pleas ant Grove Academy, at Stamperville, Early Cos. Georgia. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office, Oct. 22. COTTON.— Our market yesteiday was rath* r dull, although no positive decline The principal sales were mado in th< streets at 10 1 4 to 10 3-4, though we heard of small lot3. fancy, selling higher. R-*ce pts 1191. Sales 1128. Mobile. Oct, 17 —COTTON—The demand was goo i and general, factors offering freely and accepting Siturday’s rates The market closed quietly, vith sales of2oGO halos sod middling quo* ted at— (3>\ ki Montgomery, Oct. 20.—COTTON—The mar ket was active to-day, and a large business done at 104 to He. Auagusta, Oct. 20—6 r. h. COTTON—There was a good demand to-day, atslightlv imnroviag prices. The sales reached abont 1,500 bales. New York, Oct. 20.— Sales of Cotton to-day 1,000 bales. The market was heavy and prices easier., but quotariorw? are unchanged. Arrivals at Savannah October 21-t.—The steamship Augusta, Capt, Woodhull, from New- York ; and State, of Geor gia, Capt. (iarvin. from Philadelphia, arrived at their wharves yesterday afternoou. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, OCT. 22, 1858, M4WPRR, J W Wakefield, Mob. & (J R R, T McKenna, Hughes Dst Cos., Estes and Bro King Allen & Camak, Jordan and Daniel, Ddlard, P and Cos. J tl Merry, Greenwood and Gray, R A Ware and Son, Hull, Duck. 65 Cos Gettinger and S. Pease an I Clark, J F Burrus, McKee fe R, S A Stovall, H McCauiey, Hoinaman and Son, 1 A Brokaw Cos, D L Booher, G W Atkinson and T E igle M’fg Cos J S Pemberton if Cos. Wynn and Park, Wells, urns &Cos R Lllis and Cos. Cowdry and Cos, L 11awain r-, J Ligon, J Mcßae, J Rostran, R M Aldworth, A Brumtner and Bro E Barnard aud Cos, Hall Vloses 6c Cos, J B flicks, A Velati, J WThomas, F Wdbehn, Col. Iron Works, W McCosehart, D B i'nompsou & Cos Allen and Caimk, Vau Marcus, Bedell and Weems, W H 11 Phelps, C B Loyd, It Bokm, S Hemenway, J B Strupper, J J .vicKendiee, D B and Bro. J vV Sappington, A McK-iisie, WC Wright, DYomg. [ S. W] VV& M Cos, Harriion and Pitts, C Ogletree, Saimms &. Rooney, VV T Ogletree, a P Rood, B <fc M R. Davis aud W. Guuby and Cos. M Jacobi J P and A Illges, hagtaiid and Birch D Wallbihen, W B Bryan, J Moseman, RIM ills, W H Webb, J N Webb, BF Coleman, VV and tl, [W r ] F Landon, W C, J Kyle 4* Cos, 11 P Adams, T Mdrunam, J J McKenan, W H Youug. P Spencer, Smith and D VV B llaivey, J A Cnapman, J 11 Hauson, Dillingh m al D H Sternberg, P J S.-mmes, J Ko.-s, VV S Neednarn, C 11 McCali, R 11 Ellis, 11 Hawthorn, J Ennis and Cos Brands and K, J Howard, C-.atiia and J, W W Robison, Brooks and C, MONTGOMERY AND W. P. R. R. CONSIGNEES, OCT. 21 ? 58. Rock Island mil's, Williams, J Ennis and Cos, E B and Cos. Summers and ti, Col. Factory, P Brady, ‘Tyler and Snorter, F A Goodwin, B and W, Clark and J, Gunny and Cos, Dillard a.,d P. M W oouruff, ARRIVALS, October 21, 1858 AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: C R Ztchery, Eatouton Ga; Aliaz Jones. Ha’ch ecnuuUce Ala; l> L) Massey, Tm.tna&ville, Ga; J Harragan, udgefi-ld, Dis. G; S M Gnaprn n, Ala; B F I'ayior, ivri Valley tia; R caldweil, Joues co Ga; B F .viaibews, wile aud ciiiid, Ala liou co Ga ; M Tatum, Macon eo Ala; A Buch auan, Ala,’ E and Jones, C^laUan*oche•- , Cos Ga, M A CuambiioS, Macuu us; J Stanly Raud* lphco Ga; L F Howell, Americus Ga; J O Goss, L'uiou Spuugs Ala; J B Cocoran. Ala; B M Smith, f Perry, Russeil co, Ala; J F .Vloees, Va; AleCor nuck Neal, Coviugiou Ga; F Tate, A VVaiker, • Russ 11 co- Ala; L D William*, VV Williams, Chi.tahoochee Ga; J T W iilhrght, Warrior J>tand i Aia; vV A Letter, 1) S.u kie, J S Colbert EJonu ■ eon, Russell County Ala, A A Rive s, Barber co. Ala; J H Berry, Ala; A1 A Browning, Cl.; D W ] Avery. J Willitord, Stewart co i Ga; C L R.ce, J T Rice, Webs er co. Ga; M N E ey, Union Spring , Ala; 11 VV Hatnimli Gleun ville Ala. AT THE PERRY HOUSE: Robert Raiford; Philip Rai ord, Miss; VV B Lumpkin, Ga, Win P Hudsoo, John VV Son.h Hamilton, Ga; CAL Lamar, wile, two children, 3 terrains, Savannah,* A A Coleman, C dumb s; J hn H Davis, wife, 2 children and j. servants, Warm Springs; W C Johnson, J R Copeland, Valley Plains, Ga; Jas VV Warren, Colum >us; A R Lamar, wile, 2 children an i gervan., Savaunah; ,\lr* John L Vluatiao, Colutn bu*, R A Crawford. Quito, Gh; Jesse Carter.'l’al boi co Ga; J L Willis, Va; ti Delniayer, Fia;C B Leaner, Ga; J H Weeks, Taibotton, Ga; D W Averitt. D ACarrik©-, Ga; C G Hackeit and family; B R Barefi Id, Macon, Ga; Jas Wooten. Coluinous; E M King, Ala; Dr VV G Hay, U SN; W tl Wood, Eufaula, Ala; J R Berry, Ala; Ja Price, lady,Chi and and servant, Charleston; Misses Tooinera. do; Barnard Hugnes aud lady, Aia; Wm C Price. Gle nvilie, Ala; Thoa P Spratt. Augusta; A B Scale, T J Gunn, Hamiton, Ga; O • L Peas, Atlanta; Jas M Russell aud lady,Colum bo-; M C ALwo, Rithiaud, Ga; Chat Bobeth, Bftltimor* COLUMBUS GUARDS. Appear at the Armory, on Saturday next at 2 1-2 o’clock P. M. armed and equipped for dress parade (Blue pants.; J. W. HODGES O. S. Oct, 18 dtf FURNITURE. I JH. SIKES, respectfully reiuma hia thanks to nis frit-mis tor past favors ’/jT~ and begs leave to remind them of the SSdPpfea fact that he at his old business and stand, 36 Broad street, where he will be glad to See hia old customers, and as many new ones as are w lling to him a trial. Mattrasses in ary quantity for sale cheap Re pairing ot every de-cnpiion f Furntture done at once, and in the neatest style. Particular attention given to upholstering Church Pews, Chairs and Cushions of all kinds. Oct. 8, wd tf. FOR SALK ! ■ q THE residence at present occupied by ! fjpliS H.ev* Mr Watt. ODoosite Mr Slade’s i J- P l ?*., possession given the Ist Jac. next. Also | two vacant lom adjoining, with the store on Broad ; street No 34, at present occupied by C Michael : as a Furniture store, po session given the first of j October. The above property will h** rented if! not sold. S BOYKIN. Ex. Sept 24, and- tf. or T G HOLT. REMOVAL ! I” HE Sheriff’s office has b°en removed from j the Court House to thentfico of Kobeit E. ! D xon. Esq., opposite the Post Oifice, where the j Sherifl or his Deputy cai. always be found unless ■ otbcially engaged. 0ct20..d5t F. M. BROOKS, Sh’ff. MILLEDGEVILLE HOTEL. . IS ?iTILL OPEN for the reception of! Members ot the Legislature and transient ! SJJL-i. victors. The Proprietor is determined j to reserve ample room for the accommodation of ladies; and also lor the entertainment of gentle men and lad 63. He has engaged *the services ol one of the bsst Bands of Music in the State ; and intends tiving two Cotillion Parties per week du ring ihe Session , and no pains will be spared to render his guests cr mturtahle. E. D. BROWN, Proprietor. Oct 21, dim. NOTICE. TMIE Coparnership ol t'larke 4$ Ivereon, in the X Drug Business in this city, was dissolved on the 18th inst. by the death of Samuel D Claike. The business will continue to be carried on by iha undersigned on his individual account, at the Eagle Drug Store, 93 Broad Street. JOHN F. IVERSON. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 21, 1858. dtf trustee’s sale. I WILL seUto the highest bidder (if not disposed ofprlv&tely be ore tha* ttme)on the Ist T lesday in December next, at tha ‘Market llou*ein the city ol Columbus, that valuaolo property known as ‘ De Qrafft nreid’s Cirner.” T rms, one hi If cash —bal- aneeiu twelve monihi ithi p.iroved security. It. B. D r.RAti ENHKID, Trustee, oc’2l—dfflm Harrison &. Puts, Auc’rs. OLD MAGNOLIA WHISKY. a THE undersigned offer for sale the above I standard brand oi PUnE RYE WHISKY, of tneir own distillation in Banels and Ha.l Bar- i rels. Tne q ialiiy ofihii Whisky, known so | lavurably intbe 9 >utb, icrtiie past eignt years, will ■ alwy ue kept up to its former high standard, and | : purchasers and consumers can grely upon its being a j p t.*e Rve vVhisky, distilled under our own personal supervision, and ‘entirely free from delete rious substances, which often render Whiskies so objectionable. In addition to the above, we have on hand in New Yoik, aswellas Pn.ladeiphla, pir hapa the large.-t stock of fine Rye Whiskies in the United States, and are enablodto ship goods irorn either city direct to any Southern p >int. Tne above Wliiskya are all from our own distilling from selected grain, and arecomfamly improving by age} and we offer them to the trade from flrsthands upon the mn*t li >eral prices aud terms. FhEF.M ’SAN. Phoenix Distille-y, No. 109 South FrnnS re t, Philadelphia, ami 96 Wall Street, New York. Oel29—dly DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIGN OF THE NEGRO If MORTAR, i COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a large and well selected stock ot DRUGS. ME 10INF.S, CHEMICALS, i)ENT\i. AND SURGICAL IN STRUMENTS, PAINTS,OIL, | DYE STUFFS, [ And all other articles pertaining to their busi.- j > mess, which they offer at the lowest prices, and | | warrant them fresh and genuine. FAMILY MEDICINES, | Aa we!l a? Physicianja bills, put up with neatness i and dispatch. Frescriprions accurately prepared . at all times of the day and night. fancy"goods, \ T ÜBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fine Cologne JLf Waters, fine Soaps and pomades, also Hair ; and Too h Brushes of English and French manu- , j facture. Sold by BROOKS <sl CHAPMAN, j iSept. ii3. d—tf. BRANDIES AND WINES. FOR Medicinal and culinary purposes. Sold by ; BROOKS & CHAPMaN. [ dept. 23 d—tf Torter^nld"aleT SOLD bv BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept, 23. and —tf. TOBACCO AND~SEGAtCS. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. ! Sept. 23. d—tf. BURNING FLUID. SOLD by BROOKS 4* CHAPMAN. sep.. 23. d—tf. GREY POTASH. I rN jans orotherwbe. Sold by I BROOKS & CHAPMAN. ! i A : LEAD AND OILS. Union White L ad, Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Whale Oil, Lard Oil Neatsfoot Oil, Tram Oil, &c. Sold by BROOKS <fc CHAPMAN. Spi. 23 and —if. NOTICE, W. N. Hutchins is my authorized agent during my ab e.n-e from ihe city. J. A. FOX. oetl9-dlw 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 j J. H. MERRY r HAS removed his store to No. West side Broad Street, 1 door north of Redd, Johnson & Co.’s, where he is now receiving a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! For GENT’S, YOUTH’S and Children’s wear Also, a large Assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS! Together with every article usually kept in a Cl nhing Store. All of which will be gold on as , good terms as are afforded in the City, Colttjnbrit, Qa. Oct. li* dw§m Just Received, By VAN MARCUS, NEW BUCKWHEAT; Stuart’s Extra Syrup. Hiram Smith’s Flour Fresh Goshen Butter. New Stale Lht-ese. English Dairy and Sap-Sago Cheese.© Beans and Bg Hominy. ALSO —Raisins, Currants, Citron, Almot ds, Pecans, ParacLe Nu.s, Presrrv-'d Gmgt-r, Candied Ginger, Chow Chow, Pickltd Oy.-teis and Lob s ers, Fiesh Salmon, Codfish, .Wackrei and Lol sters iu Cans, Sardines, and all kinds of Pickles, and Preserves,and Pure TuikitK Smoking Tmac co, Genuine Murschaum Pipes, Havana Cigars, Genuine. Chewing Tobacco, best quality. Oct 16 dtf TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. E L L I IS MATHIS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, H\VL oil hand and wtl. continue to receive di rect PROM HRBT CLASS M ANCPACTL*R KRRS ! a targe supply ot all ersiles T >r> cc cu iht-y will ; sell to the t ade at Factpry Prices, expenses ! only a tided. vr raders wiil do well to call baioro buyin | !sewi.ere. sept?— sv&d-imaiis IIANLEY A HODBES~ ARE now in receipt of one ol the best and most carefully selected tall siocks, they have ever offered to their customers, prices low, and.-ty les choice. Robe ales Silks ip great variety, Kobe ales Delaines Roue a lea nlerinoe’s Plain worst.d Dechines Blk Siik Robe ales. 7-8 and 10 4 TABLE DAMASK, Lmeu Sheeting lOu inches wide, Pillow Linen 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, Do) 1 tea, &c. A Superior L'lof GERMAVA.nD ENGLISH H ‘SIERY. 10 11-I*2 and 13 4 M AKSAILtS QUILTS. Sapeiior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. V\ O >L H v IS, &.c. VELVET, BRUSSELLS. 2 and 3 PLY CARPETS, RUGS, <f*c. Our stock of WHITE GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better, MANLEY HODGES. Sept 24, d—tf. DRS. GRIMES A WINGFIELD, fH AYE associated tbemwlres toarethpr in the pratice of Medicine and Surgary.- Calls left at Ware St •>ou’a D - ug rii-ira duriug the day, or Porry H >U33 at nisht will be pr >rapily answered. Parients Ir >m a distance confided to the rcare wilt rec.ive ev*ry njemry attention. scpiS-i—(l3 n COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL K®Y®TO® ILAMm TH 3 School will be opened on M >uiay the 4th mat by Mr. VV. S. LKl£, Jr. For the presell’ i theScho and will be conducted in a house outfielot or Mr. John Johnson, immediate yeast oftheM<sth ; odist Church. Mr. Lee is a S>uth Carolinian by birth and education, ueing a graduate of Charleston College. brings with him testimonials of prom inent gentlemen in South Carolina and Georgia as to character, scholarship and efficiency in imparling, instruction to others; which all ar. invited to call and examine for themselves at the school roomer at the residence of Mr. Johnson Terms per Scholastic Year SSO 00 incidental Expenses $2 00 oct2 —dtf, ~1I!E. ®. W. OTAS®, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC —i THANKFUL for past aud present would respectfully give notice •n™jjTr that he continues to give ins'ruction • 9c u Hin Vocal and instrumental music. AppiicatiOts received at Carter’s music Biore. Sept. 7- d3m* MIL FLYNNE’S SCHOOL i he exercises of this School will be resumed on Monday the 27th Sept inst , and wll be continued to the 30th June 1859. TERMS. ©SO, Sept, 22- w4sd- 3w. New Fall & Winter Goods. TT7E are now prepared to offer, at reduced VV prices for Gash, one of the largest and most varied assortments of S'aple and Fancy Dry j Goods over exhinited in Columbus. Our stock [ comprises the most choice and best selected varie | ty of English, French and Swis; Dry Goods of our ‘ own selection, many of whicn were imported ex pressly for our house, together with our usual stock of Staple and Domestic fabrics. Also fin© Bed Blankets, Negro Blankets, Brogans, Kersey, 6cc., &c. We below name a tew of our leading , styles .* LADIES’DRESS GOODS: Rich Silk Robesa’Les, S4O to 830 each ; Plain Silk Dresses,Kobe a’Lessty'e; A variety of Fancy Silks fro.n sll to 828 per i pattern; Chintz Figured French DeLaines ; Rich Figured ‘ merican DeLaines; French Figured Cashmeres; Black Alpacas; French Merinos : Two Jupes, Rohes a’Les, SSO io Sos each ; N-w style Fancy Silk Dre?s, at 811 each ; French Printed DeLaine Robes a’Les, very rich; French DjLame Robes Armenienne ; Rich Printed Foie Chovers , B ack Bombazines ; English, French and American Gringham9 ; French, English, and the best American Prints, i Ac., Ac, ; Owing to tho fact that Shawls are to ba the pre- ) vailing Btvie for Ladies’ wear the coming winter, I we are well prep ired to exhibit a large stock, in 1 great varies of colors, styles, among which is the Circular Shawl. We aiso have our usual ; stock ot Cioth and Velvet Talmas Biollis’best Black French Broad Cloths, Black French Doeskin* Beaver Cloths, real French Fan- Icy Cassirneree, Satioets, Sheeps Greys, Tweeds, Jeans, See., Arc. New style ( heuille Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, ’ French Flow’rs Vel Kinbons, S’k Bells, best Kid ; Glove 9at 75c , Ladies’Co*ton, Wool and Silk | Hosiery, Head Dresses, Starts, Ladies’ Silk and Cashmere Gauntlets, <Vc., \ c. We keep a 9tock of Embroidered Sleeves, Col lars , Bauds, Edgings, &c., second to no house in Georgia. Our stock of these goods is now very complete. w e are well prepared to offer inducements to buyers of Osoahurge. Kerseys Lindsays, Sheetings Shirtings. Stripes; Ticks, &c., and have a veiy complete stock ot LadDsand Gent’s fine Shoes j Negro Brogans, Kip Brogans, Fine Call Boots, Ladies’ Heel Gaiters, Children’s, Youths, Boys, and Mi-ses Shoes. Also a large stock of Negro Wool Hats Gent’s Bengal and Soft Fur Huts together with a complete stock ot Hats and Caps tor Beys. READY-MADE CLOTHLYG. On th<* second floor, over eur stock of Dry Goods, we keep a good assortment of ready made Clothing. We buy our goods mostly for cash, and sell ex lusively for cash at short profits, thus sav ing lor ourpatroQ9 at least a difference of fifteen to twenty-five per cent, from the usual Credit svsiem We earnestly solicit a call, believing t >at we will I in every case, be able to GIVE ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION. GEO. W. ATKINSON TAYLOR, Broad street, one door south <>t Randolph street, below the Post Qtfie#, Ceiumbas, £a. Be WITT’S JEWELRY STORE, At the Old Stand, next Door to J. Ennis &. Cos. 00 Broad St., Columfaus, G-a. WHERE can be found a Miperi of W-i’ches, J \vel Pistols, best quality of Gold Pens, and eve y description of goods llfe!\z usually kept in a first class estabhslimei t, for Cnsli or approved xG I -jipta Credit. Every article sold will be warranted as represented, a-d vv ** l n °t be allowed to be sold any other way., Mr. J H. BRAMHALL, a prac’ica! Watch-maker, and Manufac turer of tine Chronometer Duplex Lever and other Watches, is in charge to do the Watch Work. I will add that Mr. B‘s reputation in New York as a first class Workman is beyond question. He will be happy to see all who have good Watches, and desire them kept so by having them properly repaired, also those who hoe been unfortunate in having had their watches injured by incompetent workmen, and desire them put in as good condition as when first made, and at reasonable rates. Samples of his new work will be shown at any time. | Mr. GOLDSBECK is on hand at his post, ready to set diamonds, make new Jewelry, | engrave neatly, all kinds of Hair Braiding, in a neat and artistic st\le. Thankful to my friends and the community at large for their liberal patronage lereto ore, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. • O <9 u&!sm A. H. DkWITT F. LA IS! DON, lie STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG jjj| HAT where may be found all kinds sorts, sixes, de scriptions, q ihlitk-s and quantitiesnf ** A1 S AND CAPS,and the pu-tuest ChildrenV Hits k Caps. C H EAP. Columbus. Ga.,Oet 5. 1858. w&dtf FALL SIQCK j OF FURHITURE, CAEPETTIN Gf. AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING- AT SAMMIS & ROONEY'S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga., Oct 6, 1858. dw3m. D. P ELLId. . B.II.MATHk- ELLIS & Auction & Commission Merchants, COLUMBUS, GA. WILL give prompt attention to tne sale of Merchandize, Country Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real Kstate, &c. <fcc. Will also give particular attention le Renting Real ; Estate, Hiring Negroes, &c. <*o. Administrators’ and Guardian's sales will be con ducted on reasonable terms. LIBERAL AD/ANOES will be made. All goods n store will be insured, unless otherwise directed.. Columbus, Wept. 7—w&d3mis HARRISON & PITTS, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 99 and 8L Broad Street Columbus, Ga. is ll.Ls 11c mtinue the abo v e line at our old V v stand, t'ha kful for the patronage heieb - lore so liberally extended to us by our friends and the public, we hope by renewed exertions to mer t j its continuance. Noeiforts will be spa r eil to aive entire satisfaction to those who may confide their business to our care. We will give our personal attention to the sale of Heal Estate, Negroes, Merchandize and Pro duce. Having houses fitted up expressly lor the purpose, wo are prepared to board, purchase an x sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advance* will be made as heretofore on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. A Stock of LIKELY NEGRGOESoI all classes will bo kept constantlv on hand. CHAS. S. HARRISON, GEOKGE 1. PITTS. Columbus, Sept. 2,1858. —wtw 1 v Dissolution of Partnership, THE firm of KING S >RSBY is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Those having demands against the firm as well as those indebt ed to it, will please call on B A. Sorshy for settle ment, at the Alabama Warehouse, who is hereby authorized to settle the same JoHM W. KING. June 25—wtwtf. B. A. SOKSBY. FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. HAVING made our a ranjements for the Fall trad-, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting ol yonng men, women, plough boys,and gi’ Is, for whom the nig iest maiketprice will be paid Peis ns ha ving negroes for sale wilifind it to their interest to give us a call. We wiil receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efioits will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may pi ce their negroes in our charge. I Liberal advances always made on negroes wheD desired. Call atthe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS. aug2l—wtwtf 50 & 61 Broad Street. LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE. WILL open iis next s-.->ion the 2-iih of Sep tember, wiih the following Rev. WM. J SASNETtJa.’M., D D, Pres ident and Professor of Moral Science and Belles-Lettres Rev JAMES R MAYSON, A. .VI., Professor of Vlathemarics YVM. A. HARRIS, A, VI, Professor of Nat ural Science and French. JOHN VV. AKERS, A. \l-, Professor of Ancient Languages and Literature. Mrs H. P. JUDGE, Instructress in Engiish Lit erature. F. .. VVURM.M. D., Vlunich Univer=ity, Pro fessor o‘ Vlusic. instrumental and vocal. Miss SARA r CORRY, Assistant in Vlusic. Miss MARIA BROWN, Instructress in Painting a: and Drawing. P. G BESSENT, Steward. This insiiiution offer* advantages which few, if any, in the South can clajm. For the charac'e and completeness of its Faculty, for elegance ol buildings and general facilities of learning, for accessibility, beauty and health of location, the LaGrange College of Georgia has no superior in the Union. It is in sight of the Railroad and of the great Southern route from New Yord to New Orleans. Expenses in College, mcluding board, washing, fuel, and literary tuition, SIBO per session ol tea months. For Catalogues address the Faculty, or wm. a. Harris, s ec . Sept. 20—w&dlm Lagrange, Ga. TvVO mouths alter date I shan apjy . - the hono rable Court of • ‘rbinary of Talbot county, Gh. for leave to 6ell the real estate and mg.os ot El dndge Adams, late of 9aid county, deceased. JOHN B. BARfcfißJL* Ain't Oct iBo ATTORNEY A T L A VV, II A 911 L. IO Ai GA. W’i l prac ice ithe countie-of ilarti*, Vlusco gee. Talbot, Meriiwetl er and Tr up. Particular uten’iou wiil be paid to collections. Oeioheiß—w kd ly ~cunoN, cunw, cuiTuiCr COT 0 is now ,ot)d iice, and if the u. tes and accounts p:ist dne t*J Ennis & <’o are not soon paid, sint- w | be msi,it i'e l indscrin** ! inattly. A word to the wise it Mill! tent Oct 14—w&dit. J E\M*4;rO lvli* lIV G’i Ct M OIJND F.o <D Extract of Buchu. ‘ BAUOSMA CIiLNA I A.” A sov nigi remedy l< r dheasese* oi the RLADB R, £PIN( ) 4 KIDVI YS UNIRA-’ RY OGAFS (R V ’ EL. STO * E in the D .ADDER, .HiOv jpajllJ c T RRH of tie HL DDi R. MORBID J lgRiT vl .ON f the l-L <UI)i R and ORE ) Jt IR vs disease, of the PR STvIE, and I- j I TENT ON and IN-OS TNiN.Eof UR N ) (tom a toss ol tone in the parts cm erne* . | O RO'UC, 1 Hh-UviA-j l IM-M and AFFE ; T 1 ON B of tin. SK tN . j The above medi cine is earnestly re- j ™ commended to Physi cians and practition- ( r S u f m-diciieand the | üblic get ei'nlly, i ft j js it can he used bv persons ot all ages ana j ££ j al its, is pleasant to the laste, and can b j read ly taken by any patient no mailer how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce &. Go., bluwn upon each bollle* MANUFACTURED ONLY BV BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable Druggists through out the coui try. Sept 27 dw if. TO THOSE INDEBTED. WE hereby give notice that all claimsdue us, and not paid or satis aciorily arranged, prior to the uext returnday ol the reipectivecoiimies in which the pa>ties reside, will be sued. i\one shall be sligh ted. mar2o—wtwtf E RtRNARD&GO. W. VV. RuBbUVT Wholesale. Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Coiumbii , r^ia* HAS now on hand, and Will constantly keep, an excellent seleoiion ot all ihe arnc es usu [ any kept in tne Grocery line. 11 is tock cont-isU in pait ot Bacon, Lard t* lout .Sugar. Coffee, Syuns, Flour, .Salt, >- vr Ct ei*>e, bagging, Rope, Tobacco N*ils, Sap. Crockery, &c. ‘Pogeiber with rve ly ai ncle usually and m .nde-i by ih • ciy or c u dry trad*-, a I ol wtneri he ofie st-> rus irieuds and the public, at ihe lowest market piicrs. Call ads- e. Sept. 4. 1858 d.Yw3m. II LLA a y b§ k kLii S THE CELEBRATED HOLLA vp REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDXEVS LIVER COMPLAINT, VKAKNESS OF AXY KLNi) AKD AGUE. And the various aTections consequent up'n adi easd STATE OFTHE LIVER. ■-iicn as Indigestion, Acid ty ol ibu .-loniach. i <> icky Pams, Heartburn, l oss oi Appetiie, i espoi and e.icy, JosD venee-s . Blind aid Bleeoing Files. Ii a 1 Nervous,Rheumatic and Neura'gic Affeciiors and “•as in numerous instances proted higblj bei tfccial. and in otoers tffoela decided cure This is a purely vesreiaoie compound prepared on strictly sci-’-nfic principles, after the manne of he ceieora'ed Hoiiai and • r .fessor, Boerhave, Re.-ause of its great success in most of tue Kur p-an Stales, iis introduction into the United Slates w ts intended more e-pec ady for those of our t th r and ,-catierec here and there • ver the *a em this ruig ny countrt. Meeiiug with great succes* amour them. 1 now of fer itto the American pubiic, kuowmg ii ai iis truly wonderful in dicmal virtues raufu be acknowl-dgt and. lets particularly recom-nended to those pe-son> whom consti'ntions may have tieeu impaired by ibe continuous use of aiden : spirits, or o her lorms oi dissipation. Gen* rally insiauisneou9 n <C t. ii Buds ts way and re-niy to ihe *eat o‘ Itf , thrilling and quickening every nerve, ralsine np ihe dr. oj.ii t spirit, and, in fact, tuiusing new health and vigor in I the s'.stem N iTICK,' —Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disao jointed ; but to tne sick, weak, aud 1 >w sprited, it wiil prove a srr&teiul aw fti cordial, possessed ol s'n.'ulir remedial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this deMvrht r ul aroma has induced many nutations, which the pub ic should guard against purchasing Re nrt | ersuaded to buy anything else ultd y>i nave given Boerhave’s ]ii land Bit J ers a fair trial. One bottle will convince i you how infinitely superior it is to all the9e imita- I tions. at $1 03 per bottle, or six bottles for ! sri.OO, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JIL & CO., MANUFAOTURING Pharmice~tists and Chemists, PI TSBURGH, PA. Foraaleln Golunbus by Brooks Jr Chapman, and DmiMstagenerally throaghaut the BtfttS. ApfUfttj’Sl, Ijdvrli SWAN & CO.’S LOTI£RI£S Triumphant! SWAA & uu. CONTINUE IO DRAW AS USUAL, WITHOUT IN 1 ERRUPTION ! SWAIN & CO’cJ Lotters are legal and authoriz ed the Mate of Georgia OUK FI KM HaSSHoV\N I HAT OUK LoT’l LhILS AUL DRAWN FIAKL\ ; THAT OUK PKIZfcS aKF Paid PUNCTUAL! Y, AND THAT OUR St URMrS ARE MORE LIBLRaL TH AN ANY OTHER Lo'ITLKY IN THE VV OhLD. The following scLetceswill b* diawn ly t* BV\‘AN Ai rU. Managi rs oi tne Bpa’ a cadeiuy Lottery, m eacn oi tbcii single iii.inbt r I *tie is loi 1 18-8. t Augu-ta, (eor la, to whicn ciiy they i.ave r m >veu tlie r | r nci| al U.ce. Cla.-.- 35 draws -Sa urday, Oct 3, 1858. Cl 37 ifraus S.iiuiday, Oc . 16. 1858. j Cia.>s 38 draw:- S.iurday, Oc . 23, .858. ! Cl. 39 draws Saluul .y, Oi l 30, 1858. On the Plait of Sing e Number*. £O,OOO T CKUTci— 5 435 raiZiS. NEARLY ONE PKIZK TO EVEKY NINE IIOKETS lUagnificeat Scheme! To b di hivu evuy sutunluy in t c. 1 Prize ol s>.u.obo 1 ~ mi non 1 • It non I “ a.iajii 1 “ .......... 4,MK I ‘ ‘ * 3,000 i ;; ,•> 4 1,100 4 9 u 4 ... tOO 4 7iu 4 I!!!!!!!!...!!!’!..!...!.... so .L‘**.‘* stl “*OO 1-0 *> 23J “ . . 1 AH ROXLMATION PRIZES. 5 Prizes Cl S(OA PI rox’g to $70,M0 rite are 1 POO 1 4 - 3(0 “ 30. (10 “ 1,-00 4 “ 2"0 “ 1",I8,0 ’ 800 4 is “ s,ui u 4 0 4 1-0 “ 4, 00 ‘ 4bo 4 75 “ M 300 4 y i 0 “ 1,510 “ 210 4imo - ‘ 20 are J!00 o‘o 5.4*5 Prizes amountiig to $320.1 00 Whole Tickets S.O; Halv e $5 QnmU r.- ® A f jrculer fhcwiiu the plan cl ihe Lotteries, will lorwan td to any oi edßir< nsol jicthm h Gen States oi P..csagis will be solti at tht lollo*- iug rat s which n .ht iik. Cer ifica ea tl Packag 80l 10 V\ hole Titkets. tPO “ t‘ 10 all’ “ 40 *• “ Hi Quarters “ VO “ “ lOEighlbs “ 10 IN ORDERING TIGKIIB OK tl KTIFHAIIS F ncloee the uiorey to our address lor li e 1 it k* l ordered on receipt oi wiicn tl ey wilt be lorwaroid by tut mail, i urcuaat rs can have Tickets ending in any figure they may des gnale The List ol drawn imrnbtr* and Prizes w,ll be rtnt to purchesrrs inimtdittieiy alter ihedrawii g. Puichasers wnl p t ase write iLeir fifii aimte plain and give their Post * fllce, Coumy atm Slate. heinember that eveiy Piizt isdiawn m c payable in tu I without dedu-tioii. Ail Prizt 8 oi SI ,000 and under paid immediately alter the drew ins. —ether prizes at the usual Line oi ihirtv tlays. All communications str’etiy coLfiden ial. Adcre&a orders tor Tickets oi ft rtificates to 3. SV\ AN & CO., Aunusta, Ga. Persons residing i eai M ntgem ly. Ala.or Atlanta Ga.can nave iheiroidtis flbtd, ami save time by addressing 8. Bwan &ho at either oi those places. rr* A list of the numbtrslhat are diawn trom the wheel, wiih the amount ot the Pr ze that tach one is entitled to, will be pub its) to aii ooy drawii g m the lollowing pai eib— Aunus a G< nstitu nous list, New orltai s leila, Mobi e h|.ißitr, G'hai lesion Standard, Nashville < az< He Ailuta'ii lelligenct-r, New l)a> Book, Savaonah Vlorniiig Nrws, Richmond Dispvtcn,New York cis paich, Pauidm-g ( Ciarnon, and Litt e Hock ( trk ) T r it 1 em-tiat octl-< fcwtl BEDELL & VJEEM3 Wholesale aud Ketall GItuCEUY DEALERS, ®®Q,ISIEIIBie \yILL veep constantly unhand a well ,selec ** ted sioek comprising all aiticles in their line, which are offered to tlv lr nends and the public generally at the LOW LSI MARKET PLI m LES. Give us a call. LOCK WhEMS. A Q. BEDELL. Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22 wtwtf A LARGE S I OUK. OF FALL&VIHTBR DRV GOODS. J. KYLE <Jr CO., HAVE now in store the Jargef t and best select ed Siock of Staple and Fancy Diy Moods ever (ffend in Columbus. Also a fine*aKgort uient of Carpets, Rugs, Shoe-, Hats, <Vc_. all at thtir u ual low prices—with additional induce ments to cAsn buyers Columbus, sept. 18 1858 v6tdtf E. BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS, aA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL a aoc SR s & pa _vi sion and balers @H AVE on hand, and will constant v keep, a laige aud well s-dected Sto k.embraci. g every article o their line, which aie off -red *~‘ l ‘ to their irierid* and the the lowest market p'it es C m- ad *ee us- Columbus. Sept 29.1857. w&twtf. To Our Customers! Ff> OM and after the fl st Jai u uy nexr, weshall adopt, a* nea'iy a* possible, the * A Nil - V'TE.H IVeci-s- ly <’om el n- oih m our e. From ibai diy iI article- will be priced as cash Where re tits ate g.veu (which will on ly be extended to h >*e who have pr< m tly paid u-) an addition will be made ro the puce named according to the time required by the purchaser. E BARNARD, & CO. Dec, 31. 1857 w&t6 n. CIGARS DIRE ’T IMPORTATION. f A A BOXES Havana Cigars ofvarious brands 1 *or sale at .-mall advance- * *r tla.-h by Jan 19—wtwtf E BARNARD At CO. COTTAGE FARM. £ae..a, Simated if r** miles and a halfeast fr m *so= the Ci'v i* now offered lor sale. It con teiis 200 acres, about lab of which is cba r ed aid Weil enclosed, the balance finely lim bered. and is one ot the most, valuab e and pleas-* ant fences in the county The owe iig has four c< m ortahle rooms wnh fire place- in eai h, a wide pisrage with pantries attar htd A large ki’chen, smoke house and servant rooms; also ban, s able, cow sheds, cribs and carriage house, all in a tew rods of a line spring; al.-o a Urge garden and young ore It; rd. On ihe premises is a neat school house, beautifully situated near anoth er fine spring. Prisons in want of a de?iranle place, near the City, will find it to their interest to examine the above Possession given first January next. For Teims. Ac., apply *o AUG. L*• K A NT, Trustee or HARw ISON &. PITTS. Columbus, Ga., Sept 18,1858. w&dlm BACON. 35,000 lbs Tennessee <’ ear S : des, 40,000 lbs Tennessee Siould-rs On consignment and T sale at HUGHES, DANIEL & C# Sfpl. Boib 2809. dtw