Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, October 23, 1858, Image 4

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Administrator's gale.—Agreeablj to an order ot the honorable Court of Ordinary ol Chattahoochee co.,wiil be sold on the let Tuesday,lt> November next,between the legal hours of sale, be fore the Court Housedoorm tnetowu of CHSBcta,lii said county, ail ot Lands, together with the Crist and Saw Mills situated thereon, lyingin the county aforesaid, belonging to the estate of Lemuel W. Cade, dec’d., containing seven hundred acres more or less, a large portionjof which Is open and in a high state of cultivation. Theplantation is well watered, in almost every part, and Is highly produc tive. Theplacehas a comfortable dwelling house, and all necessary outbui dings thereon, Is situated in a beautiful, healthy locality, in i.he midstof an ex cellent neighborhood, two miles south ol Jamestown and within six miles of the county site, and posseses many other advantages altogether desirable. Persons wishing to purchase are requested toc illand exam ine the premises previous to the day of sale. Terms made known on theday of sale. A. J. PRATHER, f Adm’rs H. M. JENKINS, (Admrs. July2o, 1858—wtds. GEORGlA—Muscogee County. Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1858. RULE NlSl.—Whereas Timothy a McCrary ad ministrator on the estate ol Wiley W Todd, deceased, having applied lor Letters of Dismission: It is therefore hereby ordered, That all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said administratpr should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to behel 1 in and for said countv on the first Monday in Jantv-v next, and that this Rule be published in terms ofthe law. A true transcript from the minutes, oi said com.. June is.l^sß—wfim JOHN JOHNSON, Ord’ry GEORGIA—TaIbot comity: RULE NISI. Court of’ Ordinary, July Term, 1858. TITHEREAS, John S. Duncan, admin strator of Franklin Duncan, petitions this Court lor let ters of Dismission from said administration: Beit ordered,That all pers ns concerned be and appear at the February term next ensuing of this Court, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true ex tract from the minutes of this Court, July 24th, 1857. July26th—wfim MARION BETHUNI2,Ord GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County. Court of Ordinary July Term, 1858. RULE NISI.-—Whereas Hamuel D. Harp and Henry J King, administrators on the estate ol Joshua R. McCook, deceased, apply for Letters ol Dismission from said administration: It is therefore Ordered, That allpersons concerned shew cause,!! any they have, why said letters should not be granted at the Court ot Ordinary to be held in and lor said county on the 2d Monday’in January next,and it is furiber ordered, that this Rule be published in terms of the law. A true transcript from the minutes f said Court July 7,1858 July 13-~w(>in E. G.RAIFORD, Ordinary. Stewart &. Fountain,") scehu facias, for use ot fee. 1 to remove judgment GW. McDuffie, Adm’.r, tin Marion Inferior de bonis non of Benjamin j Court, at May Ad- Storv dec’d, and Enoch , journed Term, 1858. Stoiy. J IT appearing to the Court by the return of ihe Sheriff that Enoch Story, one of the defendants in the above stated case, is not to be found in said county of Marion: It is on motion, Ordered, by the Court, That said Enoch Story he served by a publication of this Order once a month for three months before the next term of this court, in ihe Times £* Senti nel a public gazette of this State, published in the city of Columbus. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this June 17, 1858. GEO. W. McDUFFIE, Clerk. July 27,1858—w3m. - GEORGlA— Meriwether County. Administrator’s Sale.—By virtue of an order from the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Meriwether county, will be sold on the first Tues day in December next, before the court house door in the town oi Greenville said ounty,-Ga. be tween the legal hours of sale, three hundred acres of land more or less, (the Widow’s dowei except ed) the same] being ?the premises on which the late John F Itriiins, deceits and last resided, and consists of parts ql’ Lots numbers 52, ‘53, and lot number 75, and of eight acres of lot numner 54 all lying andbe in? in the Ist district of said county. It :s weil improved and possesses the advantage of adjoining the Chah beate Springs place. Also, at the same time and place will be sold negroes towit—Pate, 22 yea's old; Jane, 20 years ol age, and her two ‘children, one two years the other two months old:,Si Ivey, 18 years of ug ; I.orana, 15 years of agt; Betsey 40 years of age, ami her child 2 years 01d.,’ Sold as ihejproperty of the John F Rol lins deceased. Termsof sale, twelve months with approved secu rity. M A LIND A ROLLINS, Adin’x October 9, 1858—wtds. Notice to debtors & creditors.— All persons holding demands against the estate of Eldndge Adams, de’d, late of Talbot County, Ga. are hereby notified , to present them, properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment, JOHN E. B ARKESDALG, Adra’r. October 6th, 1858 —w4od GEORGIA Chattahoochee County. B. P. Rogers, applies to me for letters of Administration on ihe estate oi Josiah Pollard, late of said county, deceased: These are therelore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, .then and there to show cause if any thoy have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Oct.4th, 1858. E. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. Oct. 7, 1858—w30d. GEORGlA—Chattahoochee Couny. Court of Ordinary, October Term 1858. WHEREAS (.Hilliard J. Williams, administra tor on t he estate of John tF Williams,dec’d, petitions this Court to. letters of diemission from said administration: 11 i 3 therefore ordered, that all persons concern ed, be required to shew cause, if any they have) within the time presclibed by law, why said Letters should not be granted. A true transcript from the minutes of saidlCourt. this October 4th. 185 J , Oct. 7, 1858. w—6m E. G. RAIFORD, Ord. Administrator's Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door fn the town of Blakely, Early county, Ga„ou the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, all the lands, consisting of Lot number one hundred and twenty six (121 V) known as the Bartlett lot, and let number one hundred and fifteen (115) known as the Matthew Lewis lot, both in the sixth district of Earliy county, (each lot con taining 250 acres more or less: a large portion of whicn is under Together with all the negroes belonging to the estate ol Robert G. T. Taylor dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. made known on the day of sale. And on the day lollowing will be sold on the pre mises, all the perishable property of said est te, consisting of corn, fodder, mules, horses, wagons, household furniture and plantation utensils of all kinds.. Sale to continue from day to day until the propertyi sail |sold. Soldfor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. RICHARD D. B.TAYLOR, Adm’r. October 2,lßsß—wtd. GEORGIA — Talbot County: WHEREAS, John S. Duncan applies to roe ‘for letters of administration on the estate ot Eliza beth Duncan— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ,office within the time pre scribed by law. then and there jto shew cause, (if any they have) why*saidleUers should not be granted Given under my hand and official signature this 30th September, 1868. MARION BET HUN E, Ordinary. Oct. 2 ,1858—w30d. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE CO. WHEREAS Samuel D, Harp, Guardian, for the per son and property of John C. F. McCook, applies for letters ot dismission from the same. All persons concerned, arc hereby required to appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, and show cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, the 2d day of August, 1858. „ E. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. Aug. 7,1858. wGm GEORGlA—Stewart County. npw O MONTHS after date application will be A made to the Court of Ordinary to sell the land belonging to the estate of Mahaia Welch, late of •Ha county deceased. fipt turn m E F KIRKSEY, Adm’r 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands, for Sale. THE undersigned being desirous of wind wggEUng up their business, offer for sale, on any to suit purchasers, a valuable settle mentof One Thousand Acres of Land, lying on the West side of the Flint River, ten miles north.*! Oglethorpe, and ten miles r southbof Rey nolds Two hundred acresol this settlement is num ber onepine land, the balance (PtKi acres) entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be innun dated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from BO to rObushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs ot cotton. There are 80 acres ot pine land, andlSof Fwarap cleared and in a state of cultiva tion. Water, healthand society cannoibeexcelled in South Westerr Georgia. Apply to COOK 6l MONTFORT, Julvil—w&twtf. at Ogietliorpe.Ga. CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. AND FOR THE RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVE PATIENTS IN ADVANCED STACKS OF THE DISEASE. We need not speak to the public of its virtues. Throughout evory town ami almost every hamlet ofthe American States, its vvonderlul cures of pulmonary complaints have made it already know’n. Nay, lew are the famlies in any civilized country on this continent without some personal experience of its effects: and fewer yet the commu nities anywhere which have not among them some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the throat and lungs. VV hile it is the most powerful antidote vet known to man lor the formidable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest aud safest remedy that can be employed for infants and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe Cherry Pectoeal saves more lives by the consumption it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you, and cure your colds while they are cur able, nor neglect them until no human skill can master the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. Ail know the dread ful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy we need not do more than to assuro them it is still made the best it. can be. We spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the best agent which our skill can furnish for their cure. ay Prepared by DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, and SOLD BY Dr. David Young and Danforth, Nagel & Cos. Columbus, and by nearly all Druggists in the South. July 24, 1858.—wJ*tw3m. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. THORN’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF COPAIBA AND SARSAPARILLA, possesses advantages not enjoyed by any other medicine foi the cure of sexual diseases, which must with an enlightened public render it assuredly highly popular, and a desideratum long sought tor in the medical world. It needs no confinement or change of diet. In its approved form, that of paste, it is entirely tasteless, and causes no unpleasant sensation to the patient. It has acquitted the utmost fame in almost every part of Europe: it has been examined, approved of,and sanctioned by the faculty of medicine, and recommended by the most eminent of the profession. Prepared by J. B THORN, Chemist, London, and for sale, wholesale ant! retail,by John A. Tarrant & Cos. Agents for the Uuited Slates, 278 Greenwich street, New York As the above valuable preparation has been ex tensively counterfeited by unprincipled parties in the United States, the proprietor has adopted, as a precaution against imposition on consumers, a Label, of which the following is a tac simile, and which will be found burnt in upon the bottom ol bach pot of the genuine intended for sale in the United States, Canada, British Provinces, West Indies, and South America. / chemist.tX n LONDON \ j! JOHN.A.TARRANT •] l? NEW YORK. zj \<i SOLE AGENT. 7 W. FOR THE /V The stamp around each pot will also bear the names of the proprietor and of the United States agents. Druggists and Dealers will observe on each do zen packages the following label: Important Caution. The increased reputaion and grea c T.nna , .ior.i s R.xtract of Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, have been induce ments for others to offer imitations of this valuable medicine. Venders are particularly warned of this fact, that they may be on their guard, and not dispose of any impure article, calculated to injure their reputation, and destroy the merits of the original preparation, to obviate which the Sub scriber (successor to James Tarrant, by whom it was first introduced into the United States) has attached his signature to this caution, to counterfeit which is forgery. John A. Tarrant. Address orders for the above article, with full directions for shipment to JOHN*A. TARRANT & CO., Druggists, No. 278 Greenwich, cor. Warren St.. N. Y Oet 7 1857.—wtwiy. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. NORTHERN AND EASTERN MAILS ar rives 35 A, M. and 3.45 P. M. Close at2and 7 P. M. WESTERN Mail arrives at 3A. M. aud 2.50 P. M. Closes at 2 and 7 P. M, EUFAULA Mail arrives at 9i A. M. Closes 12 M. STEWART Mail arrives" Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 P. M. Closes Mondays, Wed nesdays and Saturdays at 7 P M. WHITESVILLE ANDELLESSLIE Mails ar rives Mondays and Thursdays at 6 P. M. Closes same days at 10 A. M. HAMILTON Mail arrives Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 6 P. M. Closes same days at 10 A. M. CRAWFORD Mail arrives on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 11A.M. Closes at 11 A. M. same days. BUENA VISTA Mail arrives Tuesdays, at 6 P, M. Closes at 10 A. M. same day. OSVVICHEE Mail arrives Tuesdays 6 P. M, Closes 4 P. M. KINGS Mail arrives Tuesdays at 11 A. M. Closes Tuesdays at 11 A. fli. OSANIPPA Mail arrive* Wednesday* at 6 P. M, Cloiei at 10 A. M. THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. ONE OF THE CHEAPEST PUBLICATIONS IN THE COUNTRY. TWO VOLUMES A YEAR. Each containing at least 480 pages, in neat stylj, with fine Cover, and Advertising Sheet. THF. TWO VOLUMES FURNRISHKD FOR ONLY THREE DOLLARS A YEAR For the year 1858. Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Volumes . IN issuing the Prospectus of the twenty-sixth and twenty seventh Volumes of the SOUTH ERN LITERARY MESSENGER, commencing with the January Number, the Proprietors beg to assure (lie public that no exertions will be remit led on their part to maintain the high character of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For twenty tiiree Years, the xMessenger lias endeavored to re flect faithfully the Southern mind, while disdain ing all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthly periodicals of America in defence of the Peculiar Institutions of the Southern Country. To ihis office it w ill be de voted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature as their most po tent weapon of attack, the Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their defence. The MESSENGER will, as heretofore, present its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biograph ical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy, and other National Subjects. With a view to insure a large circulation of the Messenger, the proprietors have reduced the price of subscription, which is now only Tiiree Dollars per annum in advance, DOLLARS JF NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY TEAR. CLUBS—Remitting us Fiiteen Dollars in one letter, will be <■ milled to Six Copies. The Editor il and Critical department of the Messenger w : i 1 continue under the charge of JOHN R: THOMPSON, Esq. And will embrace copious notes on current litera ture and reviews of all new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor’s opinions will be always fearlessly aud honestly avowed. The business department is conducted by the undersigned, to whom all communications of a business nature must be addressed. MACFARLANE, FERGUSON & CO.. Corner of Bank and 12th streets, Richmond, Va. Ang. 20. RUSSELL’S MAGAZINE. A Monthly Organ of Literature and Criticism. Devoted to a Free Discussion of all to pics EMBRACED IN THE RANGE OF A MAGA ZINE, AND PUBLISHED IN CHARLESTON, S. C. ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. IT is designed to meet a commonly felt want, and to give utterance and circulation to the opinions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of the South especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of a sound American Lit erature, free from party shackles or individual prejudice. Agencies will be established a soon as possible, to supply all sections of the country, and mean while, orders from booksellers, periodical dealers, postmasters and others, disposed to extend the work, are respectfully solicited, and will be sup p ied on the most liberal terms. The work will be supplied at Three Dollars per annum: or 25 cents by numbers. Specimen numbers will lie sent free of postage to applicants who cannot conveniently reach any agency yet announced, on forwarding to “Russell’s Magazine” eight postage stamps. Communications and contributions designed for the work, should he addressed, “Russell’s Maga zine, Charleston, S. C.” July 22. BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE. AND THE BRITISH REVIEWS. L SCOTT <fe CO., New York, continue to • publish the following leading British Peri* odicals, viz: odica 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (Whig.) 3. THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW,(Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBUBCII MAG. (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical, —but politics forms only one feature of their character. As organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand,as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being consid ered indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, wdiile to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, through out the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the Bri tish publishers, gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the orig inal editors. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews.. $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all lour of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price, will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above vvorKs. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent lo one address for $9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for S3C ; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal citie9and towns, these works will be delivered free of postage. When sent by mail, the Postag-* to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for “Blackwood,” and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the pub. Ushers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO , No. 54. Gold street, New York. RELIGIOUS LIBRARY” Triumph over Death 75 Living to Christ 85 Methodism iu Earnest, the History ot a Great Revival $1.50 Light on Little Graves, 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding Siar 65 Marshall on Sanctification 75 The Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thought; 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story of Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 .Missionary's Daughter 35 Christian Prayer..... ... 40 The Hannah's 40 Scripture Portions 85 Last Hours ot Christ 40 Plain Thoughts S 5 The above, with maay other valuable book®, or sale by mrlB-wtwtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK. I Scientific American PROSPECTUS OP VOLUME FOURTEEN, BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1858. Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmers, THE SOIENTIFIi! AM ERIC \N Las now reached its fourteenth year, and will enter upon a ntw volume on the 11th September It i9 ,be only week ly publication oi the kind now issued in this coun try, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the States oi the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on tech nical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct eve ry one. If the mechanic or artizan wishes to know the best machine in use or how to make any eub stance employed in his business —if the housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &c. —if the inventor wishes to know what is going on in the way of improvements —if the manufacturer wishes to keep posted with the times, and to employ the best facilities in hisbusiness—if the man of lei sure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the progress madein the chemical laboratory, or in the construction ot telegraphs, steamships, railroads reapers, mowers and a thousand other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—all these de siderata can be found in the Scientific American, and not elsewhere. They are here presented in areliable anil interesting form, adapted to the comprehension ! of minds unlearned inthe higner branches of sci ence and art. TERMS One copy, one year $ 2 One copy, six months I Five copies, six months 4 Tvu copies, six months 8 Ten copies, twelve months 15 Fifteen copies, twelve months 22 Twenty copies, twelve months 28 The money must in all cases be paid in advance. Specimen copies sentgratuitouslv tor inspection. Southern and Western money or Postage Stamps taken for subscripts n. Letters should be directed to MUMN &. CO., 128 Fulton street, New York. Mnnn Co.are extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and wilt advise im enters, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug 21—twtf COURT CALENDAR FOR 1858. REVISED BY THE SOUTHERN RECORDER. SUPERIOR COURTS. JANUARY JULY 2d Monday, Chatham Friday before ) w FEBRUARY. 2d Monday s v> a * ne Ist Monday, Clark 2d Monday, Glynn Floyd AUGUST. Lumpkin Ist Monday, Floyd Friday before ) vv Lumpkin 2d Monday \ a * n ’ 2d Monday, Clark 2d Monday, Dawson Dawson Glynn 3d Monday, Forsyth 3d Monday, Forsyth Meriweth’r Meriweth’r Walton Walton* 4th Monday, Baldwin 4th Monday Baldwin Chattahooche Chattahochee! Glasscock Glascock i Heard Heard j Jackson Jackson ! Monroe Monroe j Paulding Paulding 1 Schley Schley Taliaferro TalliaferV SEPTEMBER MARCH. Ist Monday, Appling Ist Monday, Appling ! Chattooga Chattooga j Cherokee Cherokee ! Columbia, Coweta Coweta Columbia j Crawford Crawford Madison Gwinnett i Marion Madison Mitchell Marion Morgan Mitchell j Webster Morgan 2d Monday, Butts Webster Cass 2d Monday, Butts I Coffee Cass Elbert Coffee Fayette Elbert Greene. Fayette Gwinnett Gr< ene Pickens Pickens j Sumter Sumter ! Washing’n Washing’ri! Friday after Pierce Friday after, Pierce ;3d Monday, l.obh, Thursday aft Mont’gy Hall 3d Monday, Cobb Hart Hall Macon Hart Newton Macon Putnam Newton Talbot, Putnam Terrell Talbot Ware Tatnall 4th Monday Campbell Terrell Clay Ware ‘ Clinch Friday after, Bulloch ! Emanuel 4th Monday, Campbell Lee Clay Twiggs Clinch j Wilkes Effingham i White Emanuel OCTOBER Lee Ist Monday, Carroll Twiggs j Dooly White ! Early Wilkes Fulton APRIL Gilmer Ist Monday, Carroll j Gordon Dooly Taylor Early Warren Fulton Wilkinson Gordon Tuesday aft Pike Pike ! Wed’day aft Rabun Rabun 2d Monday, Charlton Taylor Fannin Warren Hab’rsham Wilkinson; Hancock 2d Monday, Charlton Harris Hab’rsham Laurens Hancok Miller Harris Seriver Laurens 3d,Monday, Burke Miller Camdei Scriven Franklin Tuesday aft Mclntosh Harralson 3d Monday, Burke Henry Camden Jones Franklin j Murray Haralson Oglethorpe Henry Pulaski Stewart Union Murray Worth Ogieihorpe Thursday aft Montg’ry Pulaski Friday after, Wilcox Stewart 4th Monday, DeKa|b Worth Decatur Thursday aft Bryan Houston Friday after Wilcox Irwin 4th Monday Decatur Jasper DeKalb Lincoln Houston Polk Irwin Tatnall Jasper Towns Lincoln Whitfield Polk Thursday aft Telfair Whitfield Friday after, Bulloch Thursday aft Telfair Monday aft Effingham MAY’. NOVEMBER Ist Monday, Berrien Ist Monday, Berrien Gilmer Milton Randolph Randolph Richmond Richmond Upson Upson 2d Monday, Baker !2d Monday, Baker Bibb Bibb Catoosa Catoosa Chatham Muscogee Fannin j3d Monday, Spalding Muscogee Tro-’P 3d Monday Spalding, 4th Monday Calhoun Troup Walker Union Thursday aft Mclntosh 4th Monday, Calhoun Monday aft Dougherty Tu " ns fe'St Waiker j Colquitt Monday after Dougherty; Monday after Liberty Last Mondav, Colquitt DECEMBER** Ist Monday, Dade Ist Monday, Dade Jefferson Jefferson Milton Thomas Thomas Lowndes 3d Monday, Lowndes 1 ♦After 1858, on 2d and 3d Mondays in February and 3d Mondav in August. Tvvo months after date, application will be made to the Court o* Ordinary, of M uscogee county, a* for leave to sell {the Real Estate of James L. Garrard, dee’d. B. BARNARDAdm’r. Sejrt.S, l§3-wBo, J. H. DANIEL & GO., Have now in and will be constantly receiving during the Fall months, the most Fashionable and approved styles ot‘ READY MADE CLOTHING! entirely of their own manufacture, which they claim to surpass any brought to the Southern Market. A LARGE AND CAR EFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps , Umbrellas , Trunks., Valises , Carpet Bags , Traveling Blankets, Shawls, &c., &c. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTH'S CLOTHING, of thei own manufacture, ranging from 10 L. IS years. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest styles and greatest variety, manufactured to order in styles to suit patrons. A large Stock ol SUBSTANTIAL GOODS tor laboring men. Sept 29, 1858—dwtf. J. 11. DANIEL & CO. 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. CLOTHING! “CLOTHING! ~CLOTHI.VG! !©iisii„ mas & Wo. Broad S4ree4, COLUMBUS, BA. Are now opening a largo and extensive stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, all of theirown manu facture, and made up in the most desirable styles worn this season. Most of the stock having been purchased lor CASH, it will enable us to se 1 ihe same for CASH at lower prices than any other House in the city, lor the same quality of goods. Goods sold at this establishment will be found as represented. We would call particular attention to our stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, it is extensive and embracing every variety. BOYS AND YOUTH’S CLOTHINGS, a full assortment in Store. Large lot of TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS LADIES BONNET BOXES, and TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS MUFFLERS, COMFORTS, RAIL-WAY RUGS. 400 Suits Blue. Satinett for Traders. 300 “ Kersey for Servants wear. A s this is the Only Cash Clothing Establishment in the City, Buyers for Cash will find it to their interest to giv > us a call before making their purchases. POSITIVELY NO MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS Kept against purchases made. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance ol the same. ROSETTE, MELICK & CO Mr.'S. E. UAWHOIY, Having taken an interest in the above establishment would be pleased to eee his old friends and acquaintances, and will be ready at all times to serve them. Sept. 20—dw6m. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, President, i JohnC. Breckenridge,ot Kentucky, Vice-Presid’nt j Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of Slate. Howell Cobb, of” Georgia, Sec’y of the Treasury. Jacob Thompson, of Miss. Sec’y of the Interior. John B. Floyd, of Va., Secretary of War. Isaac Toucey, of Conn., Secretary of the Navy. Aaron V. Brown, of Tenn., Postmaster General. Jeremiah S. Black, of Pa. Attorney General. JUDICIARY—SUPREME COURT. Roger B Tanev, Baliimore, Md. Chief Justice, appointed 1836—Salary §6,500. John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate Jus tice, appointed in 1829—Salary §6,000. James M. Wayne, Savannah, Ga. Associate Justice, appointed 1839—Salary §6,000. John A. Campbell, Mobile, Ala., Associate Jus tice) appointed 1852—Salary §6,000. John Catron, Nashville, Term., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1837 —Salary §6,000. Peter V. Daniel, Richmond, Va., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1841—Salary §6,000. Samuel Nelson, Gouperstown, New York, As sociate Justice, appointed 1845—Salary §6,000. Nathan Clifford, Portland, Me , Associate Jus tice, appointed 1857 Salary §6,000. Robert C Grier, Piltsbnrg, RPa., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1846—Salary §6,000. Benj. C. Howard, Baltimore, Md. Reporter, ap pointed 1843—Salary §1,300. The Supreme Court is held in the City of Wash ington, and has one session annually, commenc ing on the first Monday in December. STATE OF GEORGIA. J E Brown, Governor. J II Steele, Secretary Executive Department. John B Campbell, do do M W McComb, do do L J Aired, Messenger. E P Watkins, Secretary of State- John B Trippe, Treasurer. Peterson Thweatt, Comptroller General. James A Green, Surveyor General. John F Condon, State Librarian. John E Ward, President of the Senate. J W H Underwood, Speaker of H. Representatives Alex M Speer,Clerk House Representatives. William Turk, Principal Keeper Penitentiary. Benjah S Carswell, Ass’t. do do H J G Williams, Inspector of Penitentiary. Wm A Williams, Bonk Keeper do Dr Tomlinson Fort, Physician do Dr T F Greene, Sup. and Res. Phy. Lun Asylum. Dr T Fort, B P Stubbs and Dr L Slrohecker, Trus tees Lunatic Asylum. SUPRExME COURT FOR THE .CORREC TION OF ERRORS. Joseph II Lumpkin, Judge—Term expires 1863. Charles J McDonald, Judge— do 1861. Henry L Benning, Judge— do 1859. B Y Martin, Reporter. R E Martin, Clerk, First District —Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, at Savannah, on the second Monday in January, and June in ea ii ‘year. Second District— Composed of the Macon, South Western and Chattahoochee Judicial Cir | cuits, at Macon, on the 4th Monday in January, < and 3d Monday in June In each year. j Third District Composed of toe Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge, and Cherokee Judina Cir cuits at Atlanta, on the 4th Monday m March and second Monday in August in each year. Fourth District— Composed of the Western j and Nor i hern Judicial Circuits, at Athens, on the fourth Monday in May and fourth Monday in | November in each year. Fifth District— Composed of the Oemulgee i and Southern Judicial Circuits, at Milledgeville, on the second Monday in May and November in each year- *Note. —The Patanla Circuit is attached to 2d Supreme Court District; Brunswick, to the Ist; Tallapoosa to the 3d. — 7 ——- Muscogee county. TWO months after da e. application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee County, for leave to sell the real estate of Eliza beth Worsham, deceased. J, M. Adm’r. Sept. 14th, 1853. sep2ow2m. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court o{ Ordinary of Muscogee County, for leave to soil a negro woman bv tho name of Columbia, belonging to George C. S. Slack, orphan,and Mrs. Mary A. Jordan COLUMBUS M. JORDAN, ot. 4,llsß—wsm Guardian. j UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. I. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT, OR {MILITARY COLLEGE. j J BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M D.,D D., Chaa j cellor/d the University, and Professor ol Chemis i try and Geology. j Col B. K.. JOHNSON, Superintendent ofth( i Military College and Professor of Engineering. JAS. F. HAMILTON, A. M., Professor o Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Astrono my. J. H. STEWART, A. M., Professor of Gres* and Latin Languages and Literature. F. L. J. . HYSSENS, A. M., Professor o ! French and Drawing. G. S. BLACKIE, A. M., M. D-, Professor o: Botany and Natural History | Rev. J. W. HOYTE, A. M.; M. D., Profeasoi i of Mental ar.d Moral Philosophy, and Biblical ; Literature. i C. K. WINSTON, M. D., Surgeon, j The First Term of the next Academic year com ■ mences on the 20th of September, and the Sec* 1 ond Term 14th of February. 1 Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Fuel, Rooms Servants’attendance, and use of arms, §IOO pet term. Matriculation Fee, §5. Students are re quired to furnish their rooms, which can be done at a moderate charge, by rent or purchase. En- I gineering, French, Spanish, German, Drawing ; Book Keeping and Fencing, each §lO per T erm ! of twenty weeks. I In the regular Collegiate Course, theancie*! 1 reputation cf the University tor Scientific and Classical Scholarship will be maintained,and at the same time, every facility afforded those who desire to pursue a partial course. Besides the I lour regular College Classes, there is also a pre paratory class. Students under 14 years oi age | will not beadmitted. j By the aid ol Military Discipline, effective gov | ernment is established, and health, physical cul | ture, good order and industrious habits are promo ; ted^ For Catalogues, or additional information, ap ply to any member of the Faculty. II MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. i QES3ION 1858-9. —The 7th Annual Course of j O Lectures in tins Institution will commence on ‘ Monday the 2d of November next, and continue \ till the first ot the ensuiDg March, i Thomas R. Jennings, M. D., Professor of An j atomy. i J. Berrien Lindsley, M. D , Professor of Chem ! istry and Pharmacy. C. K Winston, M. D., Processor of Materi * Me : dica and Medical Jurisprudence. A* H. Buchanan, M. D., Professor ofSugical ’ Anatomy and Physiology. John M. Watson, M. D., Professor of Obstet rics and the Diseases of Women and Children. Paul F Eve, M D., Professor of Principles and Practice ol Surgery. W. K. Dowling. M. D., Professor of Insti tutes and Practice ol Medicine- Win. T. Brtggs, M.D. Adjunct Profiresor and Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for stu dents oil the first Monday in ctober, Uhesth.) A preliminary course of lectures, fiee to all students, will be given by the Professors com mencing also on the first Monday in October. The Tennessee State Hospital under the Di r- ction of the Faculty is open to the Class free of charge. * A Clinique has been established in connection with the University, at which operations are per formed and cases prescribed lor and lectured upon in presence of the Cla^s. Amount of Fees for Lectures is §105; Matricu lation fee (paid once only) §5; Practical Anatomy, §10; Graduation Fee, §25 Good boarding can be procured for §3 to §4 per week. For further information or Catalogue apply to W. K BOWLING, - Nashville, Tenn., July 1858 Dean ol the Faculty. August sth, 1858 —wtw2i* OKOItGIA, Chattahoochee County ■ Court of Ordinary, July Term 1858. KILE NI-xI. yTTHEREAS, William J. Mcßride, T.*omas H. Me YY Bride, and M.C. Ward law, Executors ol the ast wi!l and testament of William Mcßride, deceased having fully settled the business of the estate ol said deceas.d, apply to me for Letters ot Dismission from the same. It is therefore orde"ed, that all persons con cerned shew cause it any they have, why said Letters should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in and lor said county on tbe second Mon day in January next. And It is further Ordered, that this Rul be published in terms ol the taw. A true transcript from the minuteaof this Court, JU July l£?wO E. E. EAIFOED, Ordinary.