Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, November 15, 1858, Image 3

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THK DULY TIMES. TH K UTV. A Luxi uv.——lo those who can, appreciate a good cigar we recommend the Regalias of Van Marcus. An experiment of no mean extent, en able! “ns to speak with positlvencsa and confi dence of their excellence, and to challenge the doubting to a trial. Georgia Annuai* Contehenci!.—We arc re quested to call at lent ion to the fact that the Annu - al Conference ol the Methodist. Episcopal Church for thin State, will begin its next session in this City on the loth of next month, it is expected that more than two hundred ministers will be in attendance. Deputy .M.vbhual.— The election on Sat urday last for Deputy Marshal of this city, resulted in the choice, by a plurality vote, of Mr. Henry Riley, he leading Mr. J. ?. Howard, his competitor, eight votes. Death i;y BunjriNo.—About the hour of 11, on Saturday night, a fire was discovered in the extreme lower portion of the city, proceeding from a house occupied by a Mrs. Eliza Mein-ham (or Minchen.) The house was entered, when the dead body of said occupant was found upon the floor, literally burnt to a crisp. Various eotijec turoft are"entertained in relation to the cause of her death and the arson. vv new arrangement. The “South” anil “The States” to he Consolidated. An arrangement has been concluded between It. A. Pryor, editor of the Richmond (South, and the proprietor of this paper The States, by which the South and the States are to be consolidated into one paper, to bo published in this city, in an form and to be under the editorial con trol of Mr. Pk von. The paper trill he the organ of no perron or rhipie , hr! iterated to the general ‘interests of the Drmnrriili<- part;/ in accordance icith the principles oj St at'•-right* JJepiocracu. Mu. L'uyor will undertake the editorial control of the paper between the 20th of this mouth and the Ist of Dec. Lt will be continued under flic? name of “THE STATES,” and published on the following terms: daily: One copy per year, - $6 00 Two copies per year, - - 10 (JO semi-weekly : One copy per year, - -3 00 WEEKLY: One copy per year, - 2 00 Eivo copies to a club, - - - 800 Ten copies to a club, - - - 15 00 Twenty copies sent to one address, - 20 00 [ W ashington States. T yde-Sktting Machine. —According to the New York Evening Post, the machine for setting type, invented by Mr. Timothy At. den, of Earrc, Mu -'s., has been so far improved that the problem of setting type by machinery appears to be solved. For the information of the craft, we copy the description of its mode of operation: “Composition is performed by the agency of keys, of which there are one hundred and filly four. In the interior of the apparatus is a “regis tering wheel,” capable of holding sixty ems, upon which the types indicated by the compositor are first arranged, and are transfered from it to the iaav/> iu front of the keys, thence to be taken, justified, Ac. This wheel, revolving live limes a minute, enables a skilful compositor to set up thir ty-six thodsahd ems in ton hours —thus doing the work of three men. The distributing process is performed at the same time. The type are selec ted by conveyors from a stick at the right- hand of the compositor. The selection is directed by the nicks in the type, into which they are fitted, no two ha ving a similar nick. Thus the letter a can be taken by only one arrangement of conveyors, and the other cannot possibly take it up. For bookwork Mr. Aldcn’s invention is admirably ad apted; and it may be applied to a considerable ex tent in newspaper offices. But where a great va riety of letter is employed, it could not be adapted to so-much advantage.” Kansas Emigrants. —From all accounts. Ka nsas must be steadily filling up with emigrants. The Journal of Commerce, of October Ist, pub lished at Kansas City, Missouri, states that over fifty wagons left that town the day before, for dif ferent suctions of south Kansas. Among them were nineteen families from the States of Wiscon s in, lowa. Illinois, and Ohio. It states, also, that the land emigration for the past two weeks has been larger than at any other time this year, and adds: Our city is every day crowded with do tachmcnts of this immense emigration, 2nd there is one feature about this moving multitude that we cannot fail to admire—it is an emigration of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, with all their household effects, and their stock and implements of agriculture, to provide for their maintenance through the cultivation and bounties of the soil. European Nh’ws —Telegraph Meeting mt Bos ton.— Boston. Xov. 8. —*A meeting of the business men of Boston interested in receiving European news via Halifax direct, was held at noon in the Merchants’ Exchange, for the purpose of taking into consideration the importance of constructing a line of telegraph from Boston to Halifax, via Cape Ann and Yarmouth, X. S. F. X. Gisborne addressed the meeting, which was presided over by the Mayor. Mr. G. stated that he had arran ged with the Nova Scotia Company to take their lines at the par value £l2O per mile, and further intended that his line should finally terminate in Europe. He requires, in order to make success certain, a capital of SIOO,OOO. Certain Boston merchants generally express themselves favorably with reference to the matter, and a committee was appointed to report at another meeting to be held next Monday. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. Columbus Times Office,Nov. 9, COTTON.—The last week’s operations in Cot ton wor e comparatively light, at fluctuating pri ces. The declines received during the week caused a depression in prices, which induced plan ters to store more freely. Saturday but little was done on a basis of 9Tj @lO cents. Receipts 1343. Sales 620. S wan xa ii. Xov. 12. Sales of Cotton to-day 431 bales. The market was quiet. Middling Fair to Fair 11 cents. Charleston, Novl2.—The Cotton market was quiet to-day, with sales of only 500 bales. Montgomery November 12th.—COTTON. This article is feeble—very little demand from shippers. We continue our quotation: middlings 10c. ; good middlings, 10De. ARRIVALS, November 13, 1553. AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: James Abbott, W K Abbott, Stewart county. Ga: J F: Simmons, Muscogee county, Ga; J M Gran berry, Harris county; Guilford M Cade, Ala; ‘William F Kelley, William Lawson, A J Lawson A J Stevens, B 1 Stevens, Macon county. Ala: E F Mitehenor. Shcltonviile. Ga: W Winn, Lobe lia; J Fogle Columbus; A 11 Foster, Union Springs, Ala: J T MeNorton, Cusseta, Ga: Wm G Porter, Apalachicola: E R Gooldsbee, Lady child and servant, Russell county, Alabama; S V Strong. Salem, MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, NOVEMBGH, 15, ,5 s M A W I K % P Spencer, Mob. * G R R, J B Hill, J Han seed, . Sarumis Rooney, fB 4B j * J Ennis &Cos ‘ H Middlebrook ACo Van Marcus, i 3 W, D Bussey St Bro, ITarrisou A Pitts, nr<rol£ & Chapman, W E Sanford A Cos. T H Malison, iNLitSfiev A Hodges, Gittengcr & Springer, Dillingham & D, McGebee A Wilson, W L Clark, H BerastcinG Clemons, BroWn & Cos. VV A 8,20 bxs Marble. Hall A M. King, Allen A Camak. H CJ/eKee, PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. By Joseph E. Brown, Governor of said State. Whereas Official information has been reeived at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Harris, on the 25th day of Dec ember last, upon the body of John C. Gazaway, by Celestia Gazaway, and that said Celestia has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation; hereby offering a reward of one hundred dolltars for the apprehension and delivery of the said Celestia Gazaway to the Sheriff of said county and State. And Ido moreover charge and require all officers iri this State, civil and military to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Celestia Gaza way, in order that she maybe j brought to trial for the offence with which he lands charged. Given under my hand, and tile great Seal of the State, at the Capitol iu Miiiedgc ville, this twelfth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the 83d. JOSEPH E. BROWN, i By the Governor: E. P Watkins, Sec’y of Slate. DESCRIPTION. ‘"Celestia Gazaway is about 19 years old, five feet 1 or 2 inches in height, black hair and eyes, dark complexion, good looking and quick spoken. Her maiden name was Merman, and it is reported that she lias since married a man by the name of Huff in Texas, and that he has since died sudden ly. novl5 —wit. — —r *— We are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election in January next. novll —dwtd The friends of Edmund O’neal, Esq., announce his name as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattahoochee county at the January election. i\ovl2 —wtd FOR SALE ON accommodating terms, several desirable dwell ings. Apply to. JOHN McCARTY. Columbus, Oct. ‘2O. d2in . FOU SALE OR RENT, -Vial FROM the 25th of December next, tbTi ffrrilgrj House and Lot at present occupied by Dr. Boswell, on Troup Street, fronting the Baptist Jp* JfcjL Churcli Lot. Appiv to Nov 10—dtf * JAS. M. EVERITT. ’ itTs. swraiMiT” £Vt Being a Graduate of Law of the University of Vir ginia. respectfully tenders bis services in all the branch es of the profession. ip=-Office up Stairs, over No. 28 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga. November (i, 1858. dly For Sale. , . A comfortable Dwelling House and Lot, containing one acre of land, situated on the ’ : £>lij Alabama side of the Chattahoochee River, on the road leading from the New Bridge towards Salem, Ala., and about one half mile west of said Bridge. Any person desiring to purchase a comforta ble and quiet home, will be ottered a bargain in this place. Apply to MOSES & LAVVES, nov. I—dtf Columbus. Ga. W. H. SAYRE. A. 11. WHITE. LsAYRE & WHITE, Commission Utmjrants, AND DEALERS IN Pork, Bacon. Lard, Flour Butter, CHEESE, DRIED FRUIT, &c. €5 O AXxx'u.'i; et ©JM©Q[?3!im c iF[} { , Particular attention will be given to the Purchase and Shipment of all descriptions of Western Produce, and articles of Cincinnati Manufacture. November 9, 1858. dlniwfiin. CARRIAGE EMPORIUMr J. B. JAOTES & BROTHER, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY* HOUSE.” COLUMBUS, GA. Ijr- sf? THE subscribers have on hand and will constantly keep a large and well selected stock of Carriages of all de v£y 0.-i-iptimta embracing CALECHES, MOCK CALECHES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS, Shifting Leather Top and No Top Buggies, Wagons, &c. We feel confident in stating to the Public that we can oll'er as Good Work, and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to dispose of our present Stock, at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor us with a call may rely on being fairly dealt with. All work sold at this Establishment w arranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the KE j PAIRING Business and its branches. Persons indebted to the above firm by notes or ac counts past due are requested to call and settle imme kiately. Columbus Nov. 1 1858.—dly SITUATION WANTED. A LADY experienced in Teaching the usual Eng- A li<h Branches, with French and Drawing, wishes a situation as Governess. Smith preferred. Address S. L. P. Box 3518 New York Post Office. ’ Nov. 1, 1858—d\v2w* DRY GOODS A.T AUC’rJDX, BY HARRISON & PITTS. \T7E now have in store, and are daily rcceiv \ V ingtrom New Y ; *rk, a fine assortment o! first class STAPLE A FANCY DRV ROODS, AND FANCY ARTTCLE3 Which we vviil oiler at Audio:}and Private Sale through the season, and to which we invite the attention of our friends and the public generally. The stock consists in part of the following arti cle , viz: l Prints of every style, White Brilliante, Muslin do Lames, Robes a Les, de Laities t obes a’Quilie* ; Valencia Flounced Robes, Cashmeres, Flam and | Figured Alpaccas, Ginghams, White and Red ! Hanneis, Li >dseys* Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets. I weeds, Kentucky Jeaus, Keystone and Morse Plaids, Allenda e Sheetings, Irish Linens, Blank ets, ried Ticking, Bleached Domestics, Towels, Linen Table Cloths, Linen and Cotton Table Diaper, Linen N.ipkins, Linen Cambrie and Bor dered ti’d kis, AproD Checks, Hoes and Half Hoes, Shirts, Merino, and Cotton Net Shirts, Razors, Table and Pocket Cuttlerv, Needles, Spool Thread, Fancy Soaps Perfumery, Percus sion Caps, Letter Paper, Envelops, and a great many article? too tedious to meution. Our first first sale of the season will take place at 7f o’clock on Tuesday Night next, the 12th inst., to he continued every night throughout the winter. We will also have one or two day sales each week. Ail goods offered at Auction guarantied as rep resented or no sale. HARRISON & PITTS. E’ J. Pinckakd, Aucttoner. 59 and 61 Broad Street, Columbus, Oct. 8,'58 aif, NKV BOOT & SfiOK STORK. A. C. SAUNDERS &, CO. V” j WOULD respectfully inform ‘he citizens of Columbus, and the J fc|L' 4BJ^^,coun,r *‘ surrounding, that they ip*®* ’have taken the Store recently occupied by Merry & Laruj m,and are now ope ning the largest, i>efct made and cheapest Stock of BOOTS, SHOES & BBG3ANS lobe found n the City. j HAVING EXTENSIVE FACTORIES OF i OUR OW N, and having made arrangements with the best factories in the United States, with 20 experience in Memphis, Tennessee we are warranted m saying our stock will be SECOND TO NONE IN QUALITY, STYLE, AND EC ONO.YIY TO THE PURCHASER. Our rt*_k comprises in part— Men's i hick Boots sizes from 6 to 14; “ Kip “ MUf welted and double soled, Water Proof Boots; “ Napo'eon Boots; “ Cavalry do. ” Extra fine Water Proof Boots; “ Cork sole “ “ Finest peg’d pump and half welt’d Cf Boots “ French Boots of superior style; “ Plantation Boots; “ Fim-st stitched French Call Boots; “ Pump “ “ “ Arctic Booi; Also, Men’s Oxford Ties sewed and pegged; “ v < (iaiters “ “ “ Calderons; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Call i’egged Brogans, pumps and i welted; “ Sewed “ ** half “ “ Seal, (ioat and Buff Brog&nn pegged; “ Army and Plantation echoes Men’s Wax, Kip 6; Buff Brogans pegged, Pumps & Welted. Men’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid & Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin soles, with and without els. Finest silk warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berre, do do do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English. do do do French and GL-v. Kid, do do do “ Xid Heel Slippers. English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait ers. English Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet T ilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo rocco, Seal and Goat. Spring Heel ues and Buskins- Goat, Calf, Buff, Seal At Kip lace Boots prggr?,d and seved. Kip & Calf Oxford Boots laced and strapped Spring heel Kip Peg red lace Boots. FOR BOYS. Boys Thick Boots, sizes 1 to 5. do do Brogans, do L to 5. do do Kip and Caif, do do pumps and half welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double soled. FOR, YOUTHS. Youth’s Thick Boots, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do K;p do do do do Boots half welted and double soled. Youth’s Calf, do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and half waited. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Bull Bootees thick and this sole, witti and without heels. Pegged Call, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees, thin and thick soles, with and with’ out heels. Fine Kid Ties and Buskins ; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties. Silk Lasting, Kid and Morocco Gaiters with and without heels. Kid, Morocco and silk lasting-laee Boots, do. do. Strapped Slippers. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO COLUMBUS, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braced, Double Soled Brogans, from 1 u> 15. Round Seam Triple Stitched Iron Nailed Bro gans. Round seam, Three Soled Brogans. Oak Bottoms, Russet's and other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards. If any of our goods do not prove as represented by us, we will make the deficiency good to the purehaser. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS,TRAD CHS, PUDDALRS, &c., We can offer goods at Boston and New York prices, By giving us a call you can save from 15 to 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our goods into considera tion, we are to be undersold by no one North, South, East or W ed. We have made arrangements to receive all new styles from factories of any note in the United States as soon as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week from our own Fac tories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO.. Oct 15.. w&dtf 102 Broad Street. BARBOUR COUNTY LANDS FOR SALE. HAVING purchased land in the West, I now offer lor sale both my p antations, lying on the North Cowikee Creek. The place on which I now reside, known as the Barna ivev Plantation contains 2,475 acres, with a large proportion of fresh and Hammock land. Th re are on the plan tation 1,400 acres cleared, and in a tine state >f cultivation, thoroughly drained, with a large num ber of well located ditches. The dwelling is commodious, having 6 large rooms, neatly finish ed,and is situated within the corporate limits o Glennville, convenient to the Colleges and Churches, ihe out houses are in good repair and sufficient for the accommodation of 100 negroes. On th s place, are two new gin houses, one of which is propelled by water power, to which is attached a grist mill, all in good order Lying broads'de this place is mv other planta tion, recently owned by < 01. W H- Owens, con taining 9dl acres. The dwelling, out houses, gin house and screw are all new and vvell finished, and equally convenient to Gh-nriville. Being de termined to sell, 1 would not object to dividing my lands to suit purchasers. To tnose acquainted with these iauds 1 need not say more—to those at a distance, I would say that they cannot be ex i celled in point of health or productiveness in east Alabama. Glennville is noted for the morality, intelligence and refinement of its citizens. It is situated 12 miles Irom the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 6 miles from Jernigan, a s'eamboat landing on the Chattahooehie river, and 16 miles from Eufaula, to which point the South-Western Raiiroal cf Georgia will soon be completed. For further par ticulars, address meat Glennville, Alabama. P.S. As 1 am axious to carry out my plans west I propose if I can find a purchaser tor ;be above named lands, to let them go at the low price of twelve dollars and a hall per acre, cash. And if not sold before Saturday the twentieth of November next, I will have them divided into two or more tracts by a survey, and offer them on that day at public outcry to the highest bidcL-r. Land buyers might do well to examine the lands beiore buying elsewhere. H. BASS. Oct 22, 1858. and Vwtf TO THOSE INDEBTED. WE hereby give notice that allclarms due ns, ami not paid or satis ac.oril v nrranged, prior to the next relurnday of the re,psetive counties it- which the parties reside, will be sued. None shall be sligh ted. mar-20—wtwtf. e BARNARD & 00. “CIGARS DIRECT IMMtTATiON, 1 A A BOXES Havana Cigars of various brauds AwV H’ sa e at small advances for Cash by Jan 19 —vrtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. FOR SALE. AN ACCOMPLISHED COOK. \N EGRO Woman, very iikrly. baa experience as a Plain and Fancy Conk—good house servant, and a good Washer anil irom-r. For sale by nvO—d3t * ELLIS & MATHIS. MATRESSES.” A N excellent article of Cotton, or Shucks and C-ot xA ton mixed, and all Shucks for under Mntresses. — Call and see them before purchasing an Inferior article else when;. For sale by J. H. SIKES, nov't—dtf 30 Broad Street. MAULEY & HOB6ES. \ RE now in receipt of one of the best and most -A carefully selected fall stocks, ttiey have ever offered to their customers, prices low, at.d^ivies eh<> ce- Rohe ales Silxt* in great variety. Robe ales Delaines Robe ales vlerinoe's Plain w oral-d Dechines Bik Si:k Robe ales. 7 -8 and 10 4 TABLE DA M ASK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide, Pillow Li I en 40 Aid 45 inches, Napkins, Doylies, 6lc. A Superior L tof GERM VS A ll LNGLHH H OSIERY. 10 11-12 and 13 4 VIARSA ILD S QDILT3- Supeiior Bod Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. U O <L II x i S, fac. VELVET, BRUSSKLLS. 2 and 3 FLY CARPETS, It Li (r S, LjfC Our i toek ot WHITE GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better. MANLEY v\- HODGES. Sept 21. and —tf. NOTICE. DON’T FAIL TO LOOK AT THIS ! \ LL persons indebted to the subscribers, whose 1 V notes ami accounts were line on the first of Janu ary, 1858, are respectfully requested to come forward and pav up- as longer indugence will not he given. ii. MI DDL LB ROOK -a CO. Columbus, October 2b. vvillm. FOR BAAS. PLANTERS, NOTICE THIS! TWO GOOD ROAD WAGONS, for Plantation use. 1 Also, 100 Pairs of good NEGRO SHOES. These articles will be sold at a bargain to close them our. Apply to 11. MIDDLE BROOK & TO. Oct. 20—dwlm. 04 Broad Street. Columbus. NO W~ OPENING. AT DILLINGHAM & DENSON’S FURNITURE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETINGS ETJGrS, AT A TS, BASKETS, &c- Columbus. Or,tofier 23. d&wtf. ” .FALL STOCK OF AND . CURTAINS, NOW OPENING- AT SAMMIS & ROONEYS, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 6, 1858. dw3m. BY ELLIS & MATHIS. GRAFTED FRUIT TREES, i AAA Grafted Apple Trees. J .U'JfJ 1,000 Grafted Peach Trees. 1,000 Pears, Plums, Apricots, &c. &x., together with various other Shrubbery and Plants, which will arrive here about the tirst of November next, from the Nursery of Mr. Titos. H. Fentriss, of North Carolina, whose reputation as a fine. Fruit grower is unsurpass ed. Orders for Trees will be promptly attended to and filled as soon as the trees arrive. THE GOIIDY GRAPE. 1.000 Vines of this superior native Grape for sale.— This Grape is well and favorably known in this com munity. Ellis & mathis Columbus, Oct. 26, 1858. Imdw TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUJHBUS3 GGORdU. E L LIS & M A T il IS ? AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, TT rVfi on hand and wilt continue Jr.o receive di- H reel FP.OX FIRST CLASS MANUFACTURiCRRS a targe supply of ail grades To trace •. wlucu they will sell to the t aua at Factory Prices, expenses ouiv added. s raders will do Swell to oak before buyin Isewuere. -epl?—w&dSmmis Jti PIAG’-ir COMPOUND FLUID Extract of Bucliu. • *• BAltonMA CRENATA.” A soverrigQ remedy for diseaseses oi the B LADDER, SPINE, j KIDNEYS. UVIRA RY ORGANS, i.R vV J j EL. STO *>; in the BLADDER, ( HRQ I j£ J dTvERH of the BLADDER, MORBID j J IRRITATION • f the BLADDt R and UUI j ) Tilß \ 3 .disease- of the PR ST \TE and Mi- J f TESTiON : id iNOON TLN'ISNUE of rR’.N; j£*jf om a U of tone F. the parts com erned, j iss (A1 so, DYSPEPSIA, O: R NIC, RHEUM A-j j HBM nd AFFEC TIONS of the SKIN. !) f The above medi cine is earnesiiy j ) commended to Physi cians and practiiion-j ) ers of medicine and the public geier.tlly, ) as it can be used bv persons ot all ages and ; j riabits, is pleasant to the taste, and can b * *5 | readily taken by any patient no rnaiter how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce 6c. Go., blown upon each bottle* MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & .CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA . And sold by all respectable Druggists il.rough out the coutitry. Sept 27 dw—tf. S. BARNARD & CO. COLUMBUS, GA, ‘WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GHOCER3 & PROVISION DEALERS j£=J2j HAVE on hand, and will constantly keen a elected Slot k, embracing every article in their line, which are offered to thetr Inends and the public. at the lowe-d market prices Ct me and see us. Columbus, Sapt. 29. 1857. w&twtf. trustee’s” sale7~ I Wfi.L seUtu ihe highest bidder (if not disposer; A r ? r lrlva.eiy be ore jha- time) 1, the Ist T msJay in December next, at the Market House in thecitv * Coin tubus, that vaniabie property known ;-s 1 p GraJen.-eid’a orner ” Terms, one halt cash-bai aaejia twelve months wftn pnrovH neuritv 0 . , . B.B.DdGRVFFESREID, Trustee, oc;2l—dwlm Harrison & Puts, Ano’r AMERICAN WATCiiMS! -30 IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, Ok At Purple's uiti Stand, Jouo's New Building, [i-4 TbCohimhus, Gewgia. - . „ gk'..C Oct. 30—riwU T. S. SPEAK. h, f. . Eli?. i>-u - ELLIS & Malkin Aiidioii A: Herchant^ COLUMBUS, GA. WILL give prompt attention to tr*e sale of Merchandize, Country Produce, Ne groes, Furnltnre, Vehicles, Stock, Kent bistate, dfec. dfcc. Will aho give particular attention o ReniQg Real T’.sia'e, Hi ■•iter* < roes. c. ,\o VUujiii!"i r ore” and Una dian’s sales ‘■t*.’ be con ducteii on re sonable erins LIBEKAL AD/ANi’-ES wil. be made. A*f goods n jture wii be insured, unless cufeti w istt dicttKt., < ’oiiimbUr.rept ~ w&dtrais 1553 FALL STOCK. 1353 ,J. 11. MERRY (""'j 'T"y'Wi HAS removed ms store to No. • 87 ‘'.-s’ side Broad Street/1 *lo-r ortho. Redd, Johns,>o At, v -i.’s, where rie i* uo v ree-evaig a large supply o f Fall and Winter Cioihiag ! ForGi:.N 1 ’B, YOU I'ti’S ad umi Iren's wear • Also, a large Assortment of GENT’S FURNISHING -0 Together with evory aitiele UMiallv k.n iu a doming Store. All of which will be sold on as good terms as areali-.*rded m ily. | (’ lumbos. G l . < )ei 15- dw3 o n- IV. its >[>!>()V, Vv hoi <:>!.- Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &e„ WXSI’ SIDE Of BROAD -STREET Cos ItJUBII hi’ ■- I • TTAS now on hand, sid will constantly Keep, 1.1 an excellent sele.iPion ; all the artu: es usu ...iy k|>t in the Groceiy hue. •.* io^:coh>h in pan -of Bacon, LI. u- Sugar- Collee, Sy-uos Flour. Salt, >. r< ( e- ( . Bagging, Hop*-, Tobacco N il', S•■ap. Crockery, Ac. Togoih. r with wo iy ai :c 1• • usuai y and in ude bv h cpy or c u try era:-,a lot wtnh h*‘ otibis ins Bends and Ihe public, at iiie lowest marker prices. (Jail ad see Sept. 4, 1858. dA w3m. F. LAKDON, lb STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG 11111 HAT jQx: where may be found all kinds, sort?!, sizes, de scriptions, qualities and quantities of 11A ISAN D CAPS, and the prettiest Children's Hats A Caps OILEAP. Columbus, Ga.,Oct. 5, 1858. w&dtf A LARGE STOCK OF MILMIMISDItV GOODS. J. KYLE of CO., Largest and best select ed Stock of Stanl(Tat?ftLf a ' u ‘-y Pry <*oods ever offered in Columbus. A L~> a _ inent of Carpets, Rugs, Shoes, Hats, V.c., all at their u uai low prices—with additional induce irieiits to cAsn buyers. Columbus, Mept. 18,1858. \v6ldtf OLD MAGNOLIA WHISKY. ‘,/ %• THE undersigned offer tor saie the above standard brand 01 PUoIC RYE WHISKY, ot, tKTjS their own distillation iu Bar-e Land Han Bar- Mi TUB I’els. Toe quality of thi j vV.risky, k.iowu so fa. ziubij in the S mill, .on lepist years, will always be kept up to its former high standard, ana paujrasers and consu a ers can rely upon its toeing a perac.iy pure i/e .Vaisty, distiiie ! under our own persuual supervision, and entirely free from delete* nous substances, which often reader Wmsxics so uiaole. In addition lo the above, we have on i. ami in New York, as w ril as P.i lvU p.U, pr mps >he largest stock of fine Rye Vhisaios in the United States, and are enabled to ship goods ron. eit ter city direct to any Southern p dot. Tae above Whisky's are ail from >ur own distilling from selected gram, and are constantly iaiproving by age} and we offer them to ihc trade iro.ll first hands upon the most li ,eral prices and terms. FREEMAN SM’SdN. Pfioe -i;x Distillery, No. 109 S mm Fr mi S P.iiladeiphia, and 95 Wail Street, New York. OctdS — ai y fur sale. a THE residence at p;ese;it occupied by ffeiafs the Rev. Mr -v'au. oooosite Mr Slade’s possession given the Ist Jai.. next. Also fwo vacant lots adjoining, with the store on Broad street No 31. at present occupied by U. Michael as a Furniture store, po-session given the first of October. Tne above property will be rented il not sold. 680 7K I Si. Ex. Sept 24, d—tf. or I’ G iiOL I’ Just iieceiyed, By VAN MARCUS, NEW BUCKWHEAT; Stuart’s Extra Syrup. li;rani Smith’s Flour. Fresh Goshen Butter. New Siaie Oil e-e. English Dairy and Sap-Sago Cheese. White Beans and Bg iiominy. ALSO Raisins, Currants, Citrdu, Alrnoad-, Pecans, Paraoise Nina, Pres rvH Ginger, Ca died • ringer, Ciiow Chow, Pickled Oysters and Lob s e:s. Fresh Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel and Loo ters in Cans, Sardi .es, and all kinds of Pickles, and Preserves,and Pure Turkish Smoking Tobac co. Genuine iurscuaum Pipes, Havana’ Cigars, Genuine. Chewing Tobacco, best quality. Oct. 16 dtf NOTICE. of 1 Dike cf Iver-on, in the . Drug Business in this cay. vas dissolved on the lStii lust, by the deu h of Samuel D. Claike. Trie business will continue to-be carried on by the undersigned on his individual account, at the Eagle Drug Store, 93 Broad Street. JOHN F. IVERSON. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 21, 1858. dtf Wo (smxm, PROFESSOK OF MUSIC -ate--, , THANKFUL io r past and present would re.-pec give notice TTjj *j he contuiaes to lustrilction J V ll *iu Vocalaul lustrum music, tpp: cat ocs received at Gar.erN uiasicStore. Sept. 7—* MILLEDGEVILLE HOTEL. | alb S I ILL OPgN for (he reception of Members of the Legislature and transient | vAtors. The Proprietor is determined to reserve ample room for the accommodation of; ladies; and also for the entertainment of gentle- I men and lad es. He has engaged the services of one of the bnt Bands of Music in the State -and intends giving two Cotillion Parties per week du ung the Session , and no pains will be spared to 1 render Ins guests comt rtahle. E. D. BROWN, Proprietor. Oct 21, dim. DR3. GRIM3S & WINGFIELD, fU L. e i th^m a elvß-it'v*hr in tao 1 •ri'ice 01 Medicine a;*d Surgery. • -•alls left at vV'nre & S.u’s Dug 8 >rc and iriug i tne day, or Perry H mse at night wiil be I >r unptiy answered. Pineal* ir >n a di- r 3nc ■ confide! to the rcare will rejdve ev-ry neaes, rv altentten. #ep*,gß-d3ai •’ SWAN & CO.’S LOU KBITS Tiiiimpliant! Tie following selnwue will be drawn by 8. BWAN tt CO.. Managers of the Sparta Aiudeiny G>terj, n *ach tf their Single Nuitfber Lottr-rb s for Noueiit!r, ISA?, at Arm vr*. Ga.. hi fiublir under the mi perm o n di>nce of Commissioners. ILas.” 4u dra u s {Sa Qrdiif, Nov. 6, 1858. Class 41 draws iSaturda), Nov 13 1858. Gluts! 42 draws JSalttrday, Nov. 20, 1858. On the Plitli of Mng-e .Numtieri. 50,000 TICKETS-5.485 rttlZBS. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS To be drawn every Saturday in November. I prize of © j . v.*.y. iu,ooo I it O,UO j 4,'MI . 3,000 t “ iiiiEE.-irrrrrn c* 0 '’ . .. l,t Oo , .. .... y-o i .... buy 4 “ ■ ;h ’ mi “ .... riiiiriimrr’ii— ■ t .. .Bill Ow ............ aperoxiration fkizfivs, 4 P ( so. Sor vopr-z\ *• s7 i,0,0 rrizu t. e 4 *. .uo “ ‘ ,00 4 -. -geo “ l“,neu “ Wi 4 4, pg-j 4‘ u 5 0 4 44 li-o “ t. O’* * • 0 4 44 75 •* 3,0,41 *’ ,u<t 4 ‘ NO ” . 1,.00 “ Vi 0 5,00(1 *■ 20 (C .. v . OO 0-0 5,4 > P‘iz"< .-itnouuti ‘> s* o l Whole Tit kets s 10. Halves B*s. Quarters ‘ A Cirt iiLir slunving the Plan of the lAdiencs \\n o*’ sent to any one desirous *>t nueivirg it. • , of i'a* kapes win be so*u at >le i.fl.i \vn - r rates u in. li is the risk: Cemlka.e.s ot Pa, kage ot !0 M Inue T uf-ess ‘.M if* iiiut m • _ 1 ;• ; _ (D’ wo *. the money to.our aihlresp for file tickeiTlir ilHP), on re eipi o, w in, ii they wm be u.tti nnl*d by 4 iiist ni-:i.. ! or. iias’is an li-tvi* iukcas ending in any ttgiire they may designate. -a , i.isi of Drawn Numbra's and Prr<es will be scrirto pure base isi immedintt *y a tier il:e Drawing. Purchasers will please write iheir signatures plain, and give iheir nos uttn e, countj and dune. K'.uember that even pr-zc is drawn, mat payable in lull without deduction. Ail-prizes of si,ooo and umk’r. payable immediately alter the draw ing. other prizes at the usual lime ot au days. Ail communications strictly confidential. Address oiifenTfor Ti. kc:s or C’ertitii ates to 8- .SWAN A CO., Augusta, Ga. * Persons residing near Montgomery, Aia., or Atlanta, Ga., can have iheii orders filled and save time by ad dressing 8. Swan A Cos. at either of these cities. A iist of the numbers dial are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to. will be published every drawing in the follow ing papers: —Jiuousla (Ga.) Uminltstj j\ nr Cr lettitx lJcltn; JL thir Register; JWishrille (i'a-ette. Jitliintn Intelligencer; J\ew I <>rk H eehhi Day Root,; Savannah Paihi Jietrs; Richmond Diayahh; J\etr Yvcli Dis ftilth; I’aofding (Miss.) Clarion, and Little Rock (Jirk.) ‘Jute Democrat. BEDffl’L & WEEMS, Wboltaale nod Ketatl GROCERY DEALERS, tsr I veep constantly unhand a well selec ted fetoek comprising all ai tides iti iheir line, which are offered to rh- ir rieuds and the public generally at the LOVyMS'I MAHnE D I‘U - CES. Give us a call. LOCK WEEMS. A O. BEDELL, Columbus, Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. GO'rroJi! CtOTiO'i is now selling at a good j < be_; J m-tesaiul acer-unts past due t**j. Ennis &. co. are not soon pidd, suits wi.i be tnsfltiite.j indiscriin inatelj. A Lord lotbev.ise i fiuileient oJli4—w&dil. J FiRiIITiJR£. JH SIKEb, respect tally returns hin ZTT ‘H tiiunks to n is Irhndstor past favors and t>egs le.ive to remind them of ihe S&3&M fact that he is-suli at Ins old business and tiauu, 36 Broad street, where lie wifi be glad to .-e Ins old customers, and as many new ones as are vv llmg to ~.r e film a trial. Matirasses m ary quantity for sale cheap Ke pdinng of every de-enp-.iou t l urnlune done at once,acid in the nea'esi style. Paitu-ular attention g'Ven lo upholstering Church Few.-, Chairs and Cushions ol’ali kinds. Oct. 8, wd if. 3? fr n. 1. X t and i, s , 7. D K .’_M <> 4i Wf ;if * £ t £+ y if W J Skknt- ‘'■ far; a • A- 1 f ig&St 2 A. .'ysr/t L Tsfe l?v \ yfo _ THE OK LK BRAT El) HOLLA Nil KEY RUT POR **’ Jr -v iw /► 4-X \ msEAPK or TRK L. i V£. R CO M PL. Arv * vkakkkss ok any k ink >: f r V •f* /- f Ard the various afftefions consequent ™"e eased STITF.OFTHE LIVEIF ... • c Uiry .lithe stomach. Col icky P in. Heartburn, Loss 01 Appetite, 1 espoj <j eacy, loetiveness. Blind and Bleeding; l iles. *ii aq >ervors. Rheumatic and v i • fleeth.i-s basin numerous Instance* proved highly bei tlicial dud in o tilers rff-.: ed a decided cure ’ T b :f 18 * P i,r ‘> Yeveiaftle crap Lund, prepared on strictly principles, after ihe njanne ofihe cetefira’ed Holland 1 rofeesor, Boerfiave, Because ol li a great euccets in m.-st of tae Pur p.-an States its introduction into the United States was intended more espr-c aiiy for those of onr i ther.and scattered here and ttH.*reo vr the lace o‘ this mighty country* Meeting with great success thddj, I now of fer it to the American public, knowing that i.s truly worderCul dtcihsl vinu-srsust be acknowledged. I * l!8 par’ c ; lariy recommended 10 those persons who. coustmuions may have been Impaired by the j ard spirits, or other terms 0® I Dissipation. Geri.rufly instontareous in iflUt. ii : finds t way and recily to ibe scat ol thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising n P the dr. oping f rpifit, and, iu fact, in'usingnew heaithaud vigor in the system Nil 1( I*., Whoever expects to find this a beve> rage will be diaanooioted ; but to the tick, weak aud low rp rited, it wij! p.ove a grateful aromatic oor.l'Hk n i , r „,.],r r r> nropert'ps r 'CA uYTcTNIfi “—~ The great popularity of this de'ightful aroma n-w induced many rn. tat ions, which the pab.ic shoo'd guard against purchasing Be not persuaded to h-v anything else until you have given Boerbave’s if,, land Bitter* a fair tiial. One bottle will >■= * ‘“'* J soperior it „ ...Sl ,'bUfim ?f e S.STbx.'b? 1 a ' o, ' s '’ r bMIe ’ * r.r SO li Sf M* K O P R 1 g -j’ (y [{ s BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & CO., M ANUF AOTU RING FbarmAce:tist3 and Chemista, Pa TSBURGH, PA. Forsale in Coiiitnbii* byßrooksAt Chapman end gene afi\ tbroujhooi the Slat*. Apr 11 24, 00, lyuwis