Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, November 20, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. MU OOLUAIBLf j DAILY TIMES la published every morning (Sundaysexcepted.) at Six Dollars per annum, in advance. Sev en Dollirsif not paid before the expiration of the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is published every I’UESDA Y MOKIM INt at Two Dollars per annum,strictly in advance. OJireoit Randolph. Street, opposite the Post Ofllce, ADVERTISING RATE3. Advertisements of five lines or les-* in either the Daily or vVeekly Tunes, will t>e inserted at 50 cent-i tor the first insertion aud 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. A ivertisements exceeding five line3 will be charged 10 cents for the first, and five cents per line tor each subsequent insertion advertisements will be charged lor the space thev occupy. The following are the contracting ratesc hange aole at pleasure: WEEKLY RATES. I W W O 13 No. of | : 3 j 3 3 3 a o o o o o and a ; a sqra. er ; ~ 5. £ £ rjj (fl CB tjj 1.. .. 2 50’ 400 55010 00 15 00 20 00 2 500 800 11 00 2> 00 25 00 30 00 3.. 75>11 00 14 50 25 00; 33 00 40 00 4.. 10 00 ‘5 00 ; 19 00 30 00 40 0l)i 50 00 5 12 00 17 00 20 Of) 40 00; 50 00 60 00 6 15 00 20 00 I 25 00 50 00; 60 00 7o 00 7 17 00 25 00 j 30 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8.. 20 003 00 40 00 70 00 80 00 90 ()0 10 25 00,40 00 J DAILY RATES. H-. I* M c* O i Ml No, of 3 3 15 3 3.3 O O 1 w o o 5 3 =5 3 < 33 sqrs. ~ £ £ £ £ t S j <p j w l . 500 700 900 13 00 17 00 2 00 2* 9 On 12 00 14 00 18 00, 25 00 30 00 3. . .. 12 00 15 00 13 00 25 00 33 00 40 00 4 15 00 19 0 22 00 30 00 40 0i 50 00 5 . 18 00 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 GO 00 G.... 20 00 28 00 35 Obi 50 0 60 00| 70 00 7 25 00 33 00 41 00! GO 0 70 00! 80 00 8. . .. 30 00 38 00 4G 00 70 00 80 00 90 00 20 4> On 50 O 0 60 Oo’ 80 00 90 00 100 00 Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administra tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in'he county in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales inu-it be given in a public gazette lorty days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be giveu at least ten days previous to the day of Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or tinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, must be published weekly tor two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days-for Dismission from Ad ministration, monuiiy six months —tor Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules tor foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—tor estab lishitig lost papers for he lull space of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv m by the deceased, the lull space ol three months. Publications will always be continued ac cording to tnese. the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TIMKS PRINTING- OFFICE. Randolph Street, Cos umbus, Georgia. Having in successful operation one of HOE &CO’S CYLINDER PRESSES RUNNING BY sTEAM, We are prepared toexecute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in unsurpassed styl-*,as cheaply as can be done anywhere in the South. We have on hand a large variety of N E W JOB TYPE, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, &c. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, wi’h promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DIIAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. Also RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give ns a call. This Department of onr office is under the su perintendence of Mr- D. S. Porter, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Primer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed withei **tgy and faithfulness. We have now in connection with the office a complete and having recently secured the services of Mr.E M. Clark (lateof Philadelphia,) in this branch oj our business, we pledge ourselves to give the most periect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledgers, Account Books, Dockets, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, &o. We intend not to Ire outdone in the style and finish of “tir work, in either department, by anv establishment South, and that we maybe able to make onr prices satisfactory, we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. _ Bept. Itt, R. ELLIS & CO. iiliwtte Jail iimek ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, OA, ALLEN & CAMAK having purchased the interest of B A- Sorsby in the above well known FIREPROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE, would be glad to see their old friends and patrons at their new place of business, where they have formed aco partnership with J. W. King, under the name and style ol KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, for the transaction of a general S FORAGE AND CO M MISSION BUS I N ESS Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and Produce, aud the Receiving and Forwarding March** ndise consigned to our care. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store or for shipment to our triends in Savannah. Chirles ton, New York or el ewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to merUU ’ J. W RING. A M. ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, lakes great pleasure in re commending to his friends a continuance of their favor and patronage to the new firm (Signed) “ B. A. SORSBY. Columbus, July 6, 1858 dGm. A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. r pHE Subscribers will continue under the same JL name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out individual exertions to please all who may entrusr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual lacilitiesto our customers HUGHES, DAN lEL & CO.. Wm. H. Hugiies, Wm. Daniel, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf. 1000 ACE ES OF Flint River Lai ds, for Sale. THU uudersigneu ut... r desirous ol wtnd ajygffifalng up their business, offer for sale, on any to suit purchasers, a valuable settle -f-JL- raentof One Thousand Acres of Land, lying oa the VY’est side of the Flint River, ton miles north ol Oglethorpe, and teu miles r ‘south ol Key nolds Two hundred acresot this settlement is num ber one pine land, the balance (800 acres) entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be innun dated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to sObushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs oi cotton. There are 80 acres 01 pine land, andlsof Bwamp cleaved and in a state of cultiva tion. Water, healt h and society cannoibe excelled in South Westerr Georgia. Apply to COOK & MONTFORT, Julvll —w&twtf. at Oglethorpe.Ua. HARRISON & PITTS, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 59 and 61 Broad street Columbus, Ga. WILL stul continue the line at our old stand. I’ha-.kfal for the patronage hereto fore so liberally extended to us by our friends and the public, we hope by renewed exertions to mer t Its continuance. No efforts will be spared to cive entire satisfaction to those who may confide their business to our care. . We will our personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Nexroes, Merchandize and Pro * duce. Having houses fitted up expresi-ly lor the purpose , e are prepared to board, purchase 1 an 1 sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advance* will be made as heretofore on j Negroes anrt Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to i r of’- LISI3LY NEGRGOESof all c>a„<, S iH 0, kep.eou, l auUo„h, U( d AßK|so[(i GEOKGE I. PITTS. Columbus, flept. 2,1858- —wtwlv FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. HAVING made our a-rangements for ST® the Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting of young men, women, plough boys,and gi l Is, for whom the big ie?t marketprice will be paid Pets ns ha ving negroes for sale willfind it to their interest Ito give u- a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efforts will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may pi ice their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. Call atthe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, aug2l—wtwtf 50 & 61 Broad Street. A GREAT BARGAI N! I'MIE Subscribers, having now purchased the entire pro perty of the Coweta Falls Manu facturing Company, otter the same for sale. It is one of the best situations tor Milling and Manu facturing purposes iu the whole country, and will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. Titles of Warrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. SEM VIES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, June 10. —wtwtf JAMES VV WARRF.N THE subscriber is now manufacturing the real Irish Poteen Whisky, at his place one and a half miles from Columbus, winch he warrants to be pure and genuine, aud equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground in Ireland Apait from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it is an excellent remedy for Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c For sale by the bottle at Brooks & Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassill & Co’s by the drink or and by the gallon at the distillery. marfi—wtwtf A. BRANNAN TOPPI NEWS PIPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR S j. LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. I TERMS CASH. iuo#lwtwtf THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. SATURDDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1858, 18. , ATTORNEY|AT LA VV, HAMILTON GA. Will practice in the counties of Harris, Musco gee, Taltrot, Merriwether and Tr up. Particular attention will be paid to collections. October B—w fcdly. HOWAKIJ & WxbiLiliS, attorn eysatl aw , CRAWFORD. ALA. ROHVRT S'. \IZ 7/atiD. WALTER H* WEEMS. Crawford, Ala.,June ß— wtwtt. JAMES A. CLEfIDINEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, ABBEVILLE, HLury County, Ala. July 20, 1858.—vvlv. GRICE & WALLACE, LU TLER, GEORGIA. tITILL give prompt attention to all business eii- VV trusted to them. W, L. GRICE. WM.S. WALLACE December 16—wtf T- J. GUNN~ ATTORN E Y AT LAW, HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busineess entrusted to him. January 26, 1858—vvly. R. A. TURNIPSEED, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , CVTHBERT, Riindoiph County,Ga. HAVING removed trorn Cusseta, toCuihbert, Randolph c. utity, will give prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to his care. ap27—wtf. W. ©DM, ATTORNEY AT EAVV, PKKSTON, rt ebster County, Ga. WILL practice in the counties of Clay, Chat tahoochee, VV ebster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particular attention giv en to collecting and remitting. January 27, 1857—wtf. \V. S. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CUSSETA, Chattahoochee County, Ga. Dves hißentire attention to the practice in Ohat ttahoocheea n adjoining countieß. ap 26—wtwly* WILLIAM TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuihbert, Randolph County, Georgia. cxrlLL practice in the counties of Randolph, ** Calhoun, Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. refers to Wellborn, Johnson & Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. All business intrusted to his care will receive immediate attention. June 6, 1858—wtw ti MARION BETHUNE~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, i'ALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga. ‘ fetober 24th, 1856. wtwtf. BAUGH &SLALE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL practice law in Muscogee and the adjoin ing counties of Georgia and Alabama t3T Office over Bank of Columbus, Broad St. ROBERT BAUGH J. J. SLADE. Columbus,La. 3larch 27 1857. wtwtf MOSES~& LAWES, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. tty Office next door to the Post Office. R.J MOSES, WILLIAM A LAWES. Sept 21st— tt. Land Warrants Wanted- THE subscribersare payingthe highest market price tor Land Warrants Cali and see us. J.KNMS <V. CO W. F. LEE, D. D. S. DEHTAL SURGEON, OFFICE cor’ er of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbu3Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twtf J. FOGLE & SON, DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1857. wtwtf S.S STAFFORD, attorney at lav, BLAKELY, EARLY COUNTY,GA. api wtt. ELAM & OLIVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY, GA. \ STILL practice iu me countiesoi Marion “a \Y co 1, ievr*rt, Taylor, Chattahoochee- and any of the aljoining connties when theirvervirp* m a\ b*-required. Aiso in ihe District Courtoi the UnHtd stat s lerthe ULiriet ot Georgia. WM D. KUM. THArDICS OLIVER. September U l —wtf FOR -ALE. THL Subscriber nas on hand a ‘ew STILL? rot mauuu luring Peacli Brandy or V Iti* | *>' which he wtl” ’erylow. ALSO, I Tin, Sheet and Japan Ware, every lescription, w ,cf can be bougbi at the iowee rates one msh t noth* and’ libera‘terms. J. B. HiCKfe, Agent, juivlS vt Next iaor oejow “San* tJouci” Broad-ttreet. Di.UGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIGN OF THE NEGRO MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a larga and well selected stock ot DRUGS. MB ICINRS, t HCM I ALS, i-F.NT > L \ND BURGIC \L IX feTIUM NTB, PAiN IS,OIL, DYE STUFF3, And all other articles pertaining to their busi mess, which they otter at the lowest prices, and warrant hem tresh and genuine. FAMILY MEDICINES, As weil as Physicianjs bills, put up with neatness and dispatch. Piesciip ions accurately prepared at all times of the day and night. fahcy"goods, LUBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fine Colognt Waters, fi e Soaps aud poina 1 s, also Han hi id Too h Brushes ot U.nglis'i and French manu facture. Sold by BROOKS &CHAP.VI AN ept. u—tf. BRANDIES AND WINES. IT'OR Medicinal and culinary pnrp >ses. Sold by j BROOKS & CHAPM aN. Bept. 23 d—tf. ” PORfER AND ALE Cl OLD by fe BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sipt. 23. d—tf TOBACCO AND SEGAaS. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Bept. 23. d—tf. BURNING FLUID. SOLD by BROOKS {{CHAPMAN. .rep. 23 <t—t. f GEEY POTASH. [N jars orotherwi e. Sold ov BROOKS & CHAPMAN. LEAD AND OILS^ Union White L ad, Linseed Oil, Sp°rm Oil Wr a'e Oil, Lard Oil N-atstoot Oil. I'ram uil, &c. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN, bip.. 23 t t LOoT. ABREAST PIN in thefhaae of a bunch o’ grapes, near the Meihodi t Church Phe tinder will be liberally rewarded by calling at dif BROOKS & CHAPMAN. NOTICE TO CO I TON PLANTERS, WE, the undersigned, invenlois of tho Iron Screw Pres-, take pleasuie in catling at temion tn thi~ Pres-, for vvnich we have ontaii ed Letters Pattern From ixp rienee we are satisfied that this Pr. ss is not only capable ot pios-ing co - to the u u M size, nur wnb asmah addnional cost ol Corn e sion at the Gin to a size suitable tor shipment by e i g”i gvesseis ‘!’• e cost now for comprO'S ngis from 70 to9o centsp.-r bale, which indirectly comes out ot the p anter. Th.s Press is durable, as ai! ol its bearing and s'raining parts are ot Iron.simple and suitab'e tor rregr manage ment. We aie making arrangements to put up the Press at all su table points for inspecti >n For further information,address us at Selma, Ala., or D. A Hobb e, Journal Office, Montgomery, Ala-,or E. C. Corbett, Columbus, Ga W. F. *v C. J. PROVOST. August 8, ’57-wtf. i\ew Fall & Winter Goods. WE are now- prepared to otter, at reduced prices for Cash, one of the largest and mosi varied assortments ot S aple and Fancy Dry Goods ever exhi ited in Columbus. Our stoat comprises the must choice and best selected varie ty ot English, French and Swis? Dry Go ds of our own selection, many ol whic were imported ex pressly tor our hout-e, together with our usua stuck of Staple and Domestic fabrics. Also fine Bed Blankets, Negro Blankets, Brogans, Kersey fi{c,&c. We beL.w name a few ot our leading sty Its; LADIES’DRESS GOODS: Rich Silk Robes a’Les, S4O to SBO each ; Plain Silk Dresses, Robe a’Lessty'e; A variety of Fancy Silks fro nsfltos2B per pattern ; Chintz Figured French DeDairies ; Rich Figured ‘ merman DeLaines; French Figured Cashmeres; Black Alpacas; French Merino-* ; Two Jupi-s, Rohes a’Les, SSO 10 SBS each ; N- w sijle Kancv Silk Dre.-s, at $l l each ; French Printed DeLame Robes a’Les, very rich; French DeLaine Robes Armeuienne ; Rich Printed Poie Chevers , B ack Bombazines; English, French and American Gringhams ; f rench English, aud the best American Prints, &c.,&c. Owing to the fact that Shawlsare to be the pre vailing stv le for Ladies’ wear the oimrig winter, we are w r ell pr-p red to ‘Xhibita large stock, in great varies of colors, styles, {{c*, among which is the Circular Shawl. We also have our usual stock of Cloth and Velvet Talmas Biol I i*’ best Black French Broad Cloths, Black French Doeskin- Beaver Cloths, real French Fan cy Cassirneres, Satinets, Sheeps Greys, I’weeds, Jeans, &c., &c. New style < henille Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbon*, French Plow’rs Vel Ribbons, S’k Belts, best Kid Gloves at 75c , Ladies’ Cotton, Wool and rsilk Hosiery, head Dresses, Scarls, Ladies’ Silk and Cashmere Gauntlets, Ac , c. . We keep a stock of Embroidered Sleeves, Col- 1 lars, Bands, Edgings, &c., second to no hou?e ir ! Georgia. Our stock of these goods is now very J complete. • e a e well prepared to ofTer ioducernents to huyersot Osnaburgs. Kerseys, Linds ys, Sheetings Shirtings. Stripes; T cks, Ac., and have a very comp'ete st->ck o? LadDsand GentV tine Shoes Negro Brogans, Kip Brogans, Fine Call Boots, Ladies’ He-1 Gaiters. Children’s, Youths, Boys, and Mi-ses Shoes. Also a large stock of Negro Wool Hats tient’s B j ugil and Soft Fur Huts together With a co 1 pieie stock ol Hats and Caps tor B^ys. READY-MADE CLOTHING. On the second floor, over rur of Dry Goods, we keep a good aiso.tment of ready made CL'thir.g. We buy our goods mostly tor cash, and -el! ex lusively lor cash at shor profks, ihus sav* mg tor <ur patrons at 1-asta diff-rence o’ fit een to twenty-five p r cent, from thr u>ual Cr uit system. We earne-tl v solicit a call, h- li-ving t a r we w-nl in everyct--e. be able oGIVE ENTIRE SAT ISFACTION. GEO W. ATKINSON & TAYLOR, Broad street, one duor south t Randolpa ttieet, cel w the Post coiumbtu, Ga. Sept 94th w *tf THE LIVER 1 N VIGOR ATOR, PREPARED BY D It. S A JN D F () R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. is oue ot i.ue best and Liver MeUicuu no w be ore the public, that acts as a Galbarlic, easier, imlUer, anti more vffeciual than anj other medicine known. It is not only a cathartic, but a Liver Remetiy, acting firstou the Liver to eject its morbid matter theu on ih Stomach ana Kowels t carry on ttie matter, thus accomplishing two purposes ettec'uallj. without any of the paiuf il tee lmgs experienced in theoperatiou of most Ghathar tics. 11 stiengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; aud when taken daily in moderate do ses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one o the principal regula tors 01 me unman bo-f j !\; and ivtien it per forms its lunction&weii powe*’ the sys tem are lutly deveioi )r ( aestomachis ai must euiireiy depend- y-4 { en on the healthy ac tiou ol iheLiver lor ttu ix 1 ! i per pelormance o its functions, when tb ‘| ’) -tomacb isat tault the ooweleareai lauli,aii< liHHj ne system sutl ersm consequence <• I me organ—the Liv er— having ceased l loits duty. Fo 1 Uit disease oi that yrgr.i | |r Ajf -no oftne proprietorf has made it his study / a in apractice of inert tiian twenty t and some remedy wherewith to counter 1 /VJ ictthe many derange ments to which it i! JTij .able. fo prove that this re-uedy is at last foam! a y person troub e. | vitn Liver Com plaint,lll any lit \ onus, Qua nut to lly oo<tie and couvictio sceriaio. I’hese aums iemov IT’ iti morbid or bad man ter Hum tne systtn 1 ) supp.ying iuibeirpiac a healiny flow 01 nil. j) v.g..ruling the i mach, chits.nv ‘ooe i ugest well, purify ing <lie ;i mg tone au 1 uca.i t > .tie whole inacnin. - # *•. y, removing tie caws >1 ih. dMeasu - t*ff< • -).mg a raiiical cure BiDous r.- cured. and, what is beuu prevented, ‘•) . ■ astoiial use 01 m. j[Tj) invlgora tor SbJi . me dose alter eatin; (mi s sufficient-to reiiev the stomucb and pie /cut the lood Iron, rising and s< uring j J Only one < nee take 1 icforo retiring, prt veuts Mglitmart Lj) Oniy one u.-st lake- \ jT.) it night, loosens tli towels gently, a. arcs Costivei *ne d* s taken atu ( vac 1 meal will cu< Dyspepsia. J \j( ig >.i dos -of 1 w ( ( --i-spoonstiil w'.lia* vays r lieve Sick ) t'| Headache. no dose la ei. .. |ui ~e < uciion r. noveihe cause ol tn J liscase, and make* erect cure. nly ouedose imm. -( w) lately relieves ch >ii >v h m y ■ M e <lose oben reoe c l is a sure cure !> holera Morbus,) ‘ wid a preventative • hot era my one boitl jr ! s needed to thiox o .1 uie system iheeffectt *f icedicmc altera io. ickness. 1 Ji bottle tak m for Jaundice 1 uovesail saitowiiess 01 ( > .nuaiura. cotor fro die skin. *Oie dose taken at short time before er ng gives vigor to and mat. ood digest well. 1 *ne dose oito.i repealed cures < liroitic Dial eiteea, in its worst .orms, while S l M t’< Ra* liowei complaints yielo aln osi 10 tl 1- first duse >iie or two cures attacks caused by V\ orm n Children; there is no surer, saler, or remedy in the world, as It never fai s. \ tew b .‘tiles cures Dropsy, by excitii the absorbants. vVe tae pleasure in recomme<idii g tfiis me<) cine as a orevoniive lor Fever and Agn* hills, Fe ver, and all Fevers 01 a Bi tu Type, It with certainty, and tbousar. ..-o wiping to testily 10 its wonderiui virtues All a'no use it are giving their unanimous testirn uy in its favor. Mix water .11 the mouth with the luvigoratoi an swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGOR YTOR, Isa scientific vlediotl Discovery, and is daily w'or king cures almost too great lor beuei. it cures as >y magic, even the first dose giving benefit, ai. eidnm more than one bottle is'required to cure ai kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst jaundice ijspepsia to a common headache, all ot which ai the result 01 a diseased liver. Price One Dollar per Bottle -S/iNFOitif ac 00. Proprietors, 34s Broadway,Ne’ York WHOLESALE AGENTS. Barnes &P;irk New York; T. VV. Doytt &• 80m Philadelphia; M.B. Burr A- <Jo. Boston; H.H. 11a Cos. Portland; John i>. Park, Cincinnati; Gaylar &. Hamnind; Clevelaond, Fahnstock & Davis Chicb go; O. I. Wood &. Cos. Bt. Louis Geo.H. Keyset t’ittsb irg: S S, Hance, Baltimore. And retailed by all Druggists Sold Wholesale and Retail by J S PEMBERTOin & CO., BROOKS & CHAPVIAN, DANFORTH tf NAfiEL, May2b—wtwly aud ail Drugggists. NOTICE, ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thos Davis,late of Muscogee county, ei her by note or account, will please call and settle tuem. and those holding notes or account will presen :hem. THOS. J. DAVIS, Agent. October 23 18>8...w40d Stewart & Fountain, 1 sceiri facias, for use of &c. to remove judgment GW. McDuffie, Adm’,r, lin Marion Interior de bonis non ol Benjamin [ Court, at May Ad Story dec’d. and Enoch journed Term, 1858. Stoiy. J IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheritt that Enoch Story, ot e of tho defendants in th y staled case, is not to bo found in said coum v ot Marion: It is on motion, Ordered, by the Court, Thai said Enoch Story be served by a publication oi ihis Order once a month lor ihree months bel*r< the next term of this court, in the Times if Senti nel a public gazette of this Siate, published in the city of Columbus. A true extract from the minuies of said Court, “this June 17,1858. GEO. W. McDUFME, Clerk. July 27,18’8 —w3m. VALUABLE Chattahoochee River Laxids. FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. THE subscriber off*rs for sale 3200 acres °1 laud lying and fronting twomiies on the River in Henry county, Ala., 15 miles below Fort Gaines, Geo. (to which place ihe South Western Rail Road is now being ex tended) and 5 miies above < oiumbia, Alabama The tract is susceptible of division into two very desi rable settlements—lies very level, iswell water, and the location emarkubly healthy and ihe purcha ser could have he corn, fodder and stock at a ioA rate. Bei"g det rmmed toeil. those desiring a bargain, will not be ahfe to find one more fits posed to give them one than f am. I shail keep this advertisement standing ur til I sell Come ana look for your.-eUes, or for particulars address mi at Columbia Term to the pm-cha-er A A G U 8 Ale ALLIS TER. July 20 1859 —wtt. Augusta Con9iituiionalist copy weekly till forbid Bacon! Bacon! \xrE Lave now unhand and willbe constantly re ceiving, Prime Tennessee Bacon —Hams, rfidt and Shoulders, amich we will sell at tbeloweMComt m s ion House prices. MarAJ—w&twtf E. BARNARD k. CO. PEYTON H. COLatJITT, t Editois . JAMES W. WARREN. < MU NUMBER 70 YIUSCOGhE Li AIL LiOAD. Change of Schedule- ON audalter!'lie 15ib July, 1858 the Lmi tug Aall Traiu . leave Columl*u* at P- ®*. autl ar * rive at Ma a 9.18 i‘ JM* . . ot Heave Macon it 9.45 A M. arrive at Columbus at ‘•*•4s PM a a a k* The Morning Mail Train will leave at 4XO A. M. and arrive at Macon 9 50 A.RI. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Columbus s:isA * A ’ # J. L. MUSTIAN ,Bupt. <)olurobus,E Juty 15—tw4t CHANGE OF SCHEdUIF. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. fiHftflßfl MONTGOMERY AND V\ ESI POINT KAIL HOAD COMPANY* iVIuNTGOMLK V, Nov. li>, 1657. ON and alter this date the BAftfC-NGUR iiw>iNß oil i ut. mao Hi. ■ be ,nverueu uy lutionuHUis • oHEDULb : DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery b.3( a. m. Arrivin', VWbi Point 3.30 p. in. .arrive at Pjiuiubua x.o*> p- nr. cteturinng —Leatt tVesi Point 9.30 a. m. Heave olumouß it/.oi a m. Arrive at Montgomery 4.t0 p. in. NIt.HT rtvAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. ni. Arriveat West “ ooiumbus u>. keturuiug—Leave VYest P0int....... 7.31. p. in. ueave oolumhuts 7.30 p. m. Arrtvt at Montgomery 2.30 a ni. fhrougn tickets can be obtained (to Don bit Daily innocuous; to Atlanta GhaUunooi.a and Nasnv.lie, jd daily connections to HuiUstiiie McU-pEib and ,uoxville. S.G.JONES Eug’f a Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT ;EI \V LEJS ATI.AJVI A &CULIMDUS. , > an arrangement beivnn me haimae Ciin ) puiue.’ ooii-p.-sing Hit lw> rouitt iroin ALunta •JouiuioUb,Oui.c-uUc at iUe.ii uil.uuh t ai &u ---. .man on uRu instant, 1. tvas agieetl mat lliO Bowing rales neiYtccn nlianta anu G-luinbus aii govern, taking elitet 111 n lie liiki uay ol ay lco7. VIA WEST P<>|NT. Corn per buabei, lie. VhLeat,si. Oats 8. Bacon /aisij p'lour lnoacksoi Oa.ieib, pel >OO Iba. übc igging, ii pe naiu lii cans oi ooie., per 100 Ibu .1C >.oal, Pig iron, by oar loau, per ion ol 2000 a. $3.75. VIA MACON. oorn per busel 14c. V\ Heat Inc. Oats 10c. Bacon, >'uiaay, r tour in sacks or Libia., per 100 lbs, -14 c. igglug, nope Guru, in cans or bnla.. per luoibs. o coal, Pig iron, oy car mail, per ion ol 200 U • s. $4.06. .1. MUSTIAN, President and Supennieiiueni Muscogee R. R GEU. M • itDrtftlfc, Suporiutcnuem Southwestern Railroad. E'.iEliSt'N FUOTE, iuperintendem Macon and Weoiern Railroad. GEO. G LULL, Superintendent Atlanta ana LuChauge R.R. SAllUl.ti G. .KN I S, igineer and .superintendent M.&IW.P. Railroau. May 30,1837 —wauwti. ffiOEILE AND GIRARD R. £. tIG assengei <■ i reign. Tram wu> leave uirard A. ai 4 P, ,u aatly connecting ai onvu Gun w nil daily nun ol .siaget te V timia, vjieuuvnle,Lulatua, >ri ..anies, and Mar auna,rla. mu at G aery tou uly, w no tne biages Tor UoneeOlivet, Lnun, uiuu n.uggee, ivndway, iiaruavvay, Peru ulu Union prtn s. u lying Guerytonat 4 A. M., daily, tlie Care will uc Girard at 7 A M., connecting with tin Ope* ia ana Muscogee Trains. , Receipts must accompany Freight upped. t gr” All Treight must be paid before goods will be sonar*ed. vuigttt delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock ’. M. win be sutnped the toiiowing duv. Fieights lor stations No. t (.Fort Hitcbeli,) aud u.:> tr oi sous’; must be prepaid. •Vay .reigui must in uncases oo paid in advance a ohN no vt aud, •nar2s L857-w&twti. Eugmeei Ai. sup, CHAGK OF SCHEDULE. SAVANNAH & CHARLESTON STEAM PACK E T LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE iMorth Eastern E. R. of South Ga. _ jp. TIIF SPLENDID AND FAST RUN &TLA.UEH GORDON, F. Harden, con.mantle), itaut Savan* ,ii i. tVir i Iharieston every bun day and. iL cants uay .j leritoont at 3 o’clock, anti connects at charleston with the morning Hum if the North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8 Vctock, (after the arrival oi thecarson theN.L. K. R.)and arrives at Savannah next mornings. By this route passengers can obtain through tiefr etsioaml irom savannah,Ga. aud W iJinington. N O. tiaviug a througn freight arra igement wiih the Central rt. itoacl aud its connections, all freights b..- : ween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia, con. signed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded vith despatch and free ol charge. J. P. BROOKS, Agent Savannah. E.LAFITTE A.GO, Ag’ts Charleston Jan 15—w&twi l Lands for Sale. A.ndrew S. G irr and others, “| State of Flori vs. | da, Middle Cir- Lewis Curii3 Ac Naih’l Thurs- tin Leon to. ton, Trus'ee-of the Apaiachi- i In chancery, cola Land Company aud others J PURSU iNT to a Decree reuderedi n this cause the snb-criber will se 1 by auciou at the pla ces and time.* herein specified, a I the lands be longing to said Company embraced in the“Foibr*a Purchase,” and lying in >1 e counties ol Leon, Wakulla, i and Libery viz: the lands lyirg in the first two named count es wiil beso'd at l a lahac.-ee, on the seventh i7ih) day oi De cember. aid triose lying in the last two, will be M • Q • --v on the louileemh (14th> day of December next. l .. . , comprising ut a million ©f acre^,ex'eoded liom ihoSi. Mark’ to ih A;ia- Uch cola rivers-th y ex’ ibii • v ly v.tii iy of timber i idiginous to that 1 liiuie meluding, of lO r-e, live oak,cypress, cedir rtiid j imp. r; the soil is adapted iu me grow h id g'uiu, lotion long and shori sia le, iob*ceo, ad rugircane. The waieis abound in ti-h, aud lhd h re&t with m iternds for ship buildn g a„d naval stores. I ER dS— 0.. e third i t tlie puicha.-e money io I © pa id in cash, 1 1 e bul mce in one and two y ears n tqial installments, w ih eight ter eit inter esi Ir m ate ol pure ha e; ‘me ibt ma"e >/ •I e Receiver when all the purchase mom y paid. l ne sale will be p tsitive and without reserve. JOHN BEARD, Receiver. asc. Taiiahu**, A,<g. 26, lioß. 6ep.2--w3m