Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, November 27, 1858, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES. TH)j] CITY. Oar Office. We call theatteDtioa of business men of all clas ses, warehouse men and others, who have been in the habit of procuring their Stationary, Books, 4c., at the North, to our facilities for the rapid and neat execution of all such work. We have recent ly added extensively to our Jobbing department We have in successful operation one of Hoe’s celebrated Cylinder Power Job Presses, and are enabled to execute all kinds of Job Printing in time and style not to be surpassed. Attached to our Job Office is a thoroughly appointed Book Bindery, supplied with a large and selected stock of Stationary and other material, under the su perintendence of a skillful workman, in which every description of Binding, in all its branches will be done with promptness in any regular manner. Give us a trial. Wo guarantee satis faction. New Advertisement*. Those of our readers desiring to supply them selves with a valuable lot of grafted fruit trees, bulbous roots, 4c., are invifed to attend the auc tion sale of Ellis & Mathis, on Tuesday next, where they promise to offer an assortment of the choicest varieties. Every farmer, and in fact every one else, who has land enough to plant a fruit tree, should not let the opportunity slip. See also, the notice of a house and lot in this city, to be sold on the first in December at tho Market House. Circus Company under Arrest. We learn that on Wednesday night last, while the company of Messrs. Orton 4 Olders was at Loachapoka, Ala., a difficulty occurred between a citizen of that place and a member of the Company in which the former was killed. The following day the Company came on to Auburn and waa exhibit ing there on Thursday night, when a posse of men, about sixty in number, from Loachapoka came up and fired some twenty shots into the pa vilion. Fortunately, and strange to tell, no one was hurt. The Company made no resistance They gave up at once, and wero escorted on the same night, under arrest to Tuskegee, for trial. Tkeatriejl. It gives us much gratification to state that Mr. W. M. Fleming will reach this city on Monday next, with his dramatic company, and, on Monday night, will begin a series of performances at Tem perance Hall. At the same time, wo regret to learn that his engagements will not allow him to extend his performances here beyond the number of eight. We feci authorized by the favorable mention made of the efforts of this companyin our sister city, Savannah, to promise the patrons of the drama, a rare treat. Of the dramatic talent of Mr. Fleming, himself, some idea may be formed from tho following tributes by the press. Speak ing of his personation of llamlet, a cotemporary Bays: “Mr. Fleming appeared, last night, in his groat character of Hamlet, which was rendered by him with all that power, pathos, and naturalness which has given a charm to all his histrionic efforts. — He is certainly an actor of uncommon merit; this he has abundantly proved during the short time that he has been among us. It requires something more than mere talent, to portray harrowing grief, hatred and stiong resolve, in the masterly manner in which Mr. Fleming portrays them. Another paper says: Mr. Fleming in our opinion, stands in the very front'rank of American tradgedians. He has nut merely a nice and critical appreciation of the nat ural and beautiful, but he has the talent to em body that appreciation and give it vitality and force. DAILY - COMMERCIAL RECORD. COTTON,—The demand for cotton continues good with an upward tendency. Sales to-day 822 bales at 10 to 10; jj. Receipts 973 bales. Blew York Dry Goods Trad*. The dry goods trade continues dull and irregu lar though there is no important change in prices. There is more demand from the South than usu al at this period of the year, owing to the fact that Southern trade was delayed many weeks in consequence of the prevalence of yellow fever in the principal cities. Western orders are becom ing small, and the near-by trade is seemingly Smaller than usual. Heavy brown sheetings are quoted at S 1 * cts. Fine goods aro in better supply, but not material ly accumulating, and prices aro maintained. Fine Shirtings are selling steadily at fuil prices; 7-S and 3-4 are inquired for at previous rates; 9-4 and 10-4 Sheetings find buyers. There have been moderate sales of Brown Drills for South America. China Drills are quoted B >2 cents; Rleached 8%; Osnaburghs are quiet. We hear of the sale of a few thousand pieces Printing Cloths at about previous rates; we quote 56 by 60 4%@ 5 cents. Fancy goods aro quiet. The Calico and DeLaine Printers are busy in gretting out styles for the Spring trade. In foreign goods there is nothing new calling for special notice.— iY. Y. Shipping List. ARRIVALS, November 26, 1858. AT THE PLANTERS HOTEL: i J L Walker, Barbour county, Ala; Carry Cox. do; J W Bledsoe, do; Thoms H Reddick. Ran dolph county, Ga; Henry H Hicks and lady, Ma con county Ala; J F Almond, county, Ga; AC ‘Morrison, do; John T Palmer and daughter, Lumpkin, Ga; Robert Bickerstafi’ and Miss M Bickerstaff. Russell county, Ala; A W Bateman, wife and 2 children, Henry county Ala; James H Harris. _ MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, CONSIGNEES, NOVEMBER, 27, ,58 M <k W P R R, Dillingham A D, Mob. & G R R, Wells, Curtis A Cos, Ala. A Fla. R. R. J P A A Illges, Van Marcus, Muscogee Railroad, A Velati, Hill and Orr, Estes & Bro, H C J/cKee, Lowe A Cos. [L £] Gunbv A Cos, D B Thompson, J W Sappington, Brooks A Chapman, Danforth, Nagle Cos, A Stow, J S Pemberton, King, Allen. A Camak. J H ‘‘lo half bbls rice. T Kenney, W W Garrard, EXECUTOR'S BALE —Will be sold on Monday the -isAh msiani. at 12 o’cloclL in Iront ot Harri •on A Pitts’ Auction Room, the Rouse and Lot in the city of Columbus, belonging to the late Mrs. E. R Crook. Tins house is delightfully situated on Bryai Bireet, and is on part of tot No 343, with eight large rooms; haiis above and below, and coilonaded on ai sides. Sue positive. Terms: Credit of one and two year*, with 7 per cent, interest. Nov. Id, 185tf-dl2 wit M. J. CRAWPORD. Ex’r rp,Vj uionlim alter date I shau apj.y t*> the b -n** 1 rable Court <>f. >roinaryoi oouLty Ga. for eivetosell the r<al ea ate and tugto.s ui El 4ridge Adams, tale of raid oouutt, dwj and. JOHH £. WAAKAD-aL* Adm*r Oet 6, ÜBD~Om. FOR MAYOR. WE are authorized to announce WILLIS S. HOLSTED, a candidate for Mayor, at the ensu ing nov 25 dtd. FOR MARSHAL. WE are authorized to aunounoe WILLIAM MAHAFFEIc, a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov. 25, dtcL TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce ISAAC T. BROOKS a candidate for the office cf Receiver of Tax Returns for Muscogee county, at the ensu ing election. nov23dwte TAX COLLECTOR. WE are authorized to announce A. C. MOR RISON a candidate for Tax Collector of Musco gee county, at the ensuing election. nov23dwte We are authorised to announce JORDAN L. HOWELL, a candidate for Tax Collector of Mus cogee county for the ensuing year. Election first Monday in January next. CITY SEXTON. We are authorized to annnounco JAMES G. SMITH as a candidate for the office of City Sex ton at the election in December. nov23. We are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate for re-elect ion to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election in January next. novll—dwtd FOR DEPUTY~MARSIIAIT WE arc authorized to announce GEORGE A. HUCKEBA, a erndidate for Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov27dtd. WE arc authorized to announce JACOB W. SHOUP a candidate for Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing election, 11th Dee. nov.27dtd. WE are authorized to announce JAMES M. HUGHES a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov27dte. NEW BOOT & SHOE STOKE. A. C. SAUNDERS &, CO. Ip! WOULD respectfully inform J citizens of Columbus, and the country surrounding, that th* y have taken the Store recently occupied oy Merry & Landon.and are now ope ning the largest, nest made and cheapest Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES & BRO3ANS I o be found in the City. HAVING EXTENSIVE FACTORIES OF OUR OWN, and having made arrangements with the best factories in tho United Stales, with 20 years experience in Memphis, Tennessee, we are warranted in saying our stock will be SECOND TO NONE IN QUALITY, STYLE, AND EC ONOMY I O THE PURCHASER. Oar stocK comprises in part— Men’s Thick Boots sizes from 6 to 14; “ Kip “ half welted and double soled, “ “ Water Proof Boots; “ Napo'eon Boots; “ Cavalry do. ** Extra fine Water Proof Boots; “ Cork sole “ “ Finest peg’d pu np and half welt’d Cf Boots “ French B -o s of superior style; ** Plantation Boots; “ Finest stitch id French Call Boots; “ “ Pump ** “ “ “ Arctic B ot-; Also, Men’s Oxtord Ties sewed and pegged; “ Gt n'tress Gaiters ’* “ “ Calderons; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Call Pegged Brogans, pumps and 5 welted; “ “ Sewed “• half “ “ Seal, Goat and Buff Brogans pegged; “ Army and Plantation (shoes. Men’- Wax, Kip Buff Brogans pegged, Pumps &, Welted. Me .’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid & Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin soles, with and without n els. Finest silk warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge dc Berre, do do do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do do Freuch and Glove Kid, do do do “ Kid Heel Slippers. English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait *rs. E iglish Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet Toilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo occo. Seal and Goat. Spring Heel ties and Buskins- Goat, Calf, Buff, Seal x Kip lace Boots pegged and sew ed. Kip &• Calf Oxford Boots laced and strapped Spring heel K p Paired lace Boots. FOR BOYS. Bovs Thick Boots, Mze.s 1 to 5, do do Brogans do Ito 5. do do Kip and Call, do do pumps and half welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double FOR YOUTHS. Youth’s Thick Bo >ts, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double oled. Youth’s Calf, do do do and dodo do do Brogans pumps and half welted. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees thick and thin sole, witn and without heels. Pegged Cali, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Bufl Bootees, thin and thick soles, with and with out heel-. Fine Kid Ties and Bu kias ; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties. Silk Lasting* Kid and Morocco Gaiters with and without heels. Kid, Morocco and silk lasting lace Boots. do do. Strapped Slippers. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO CO .UMBQ3 Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Doubli Braced, Double Soled Brogans, from l*io 15. Round Seam Triple S itched lion Nailed Bro jans. Round seam. Three Soled Brogans- Uak bottom-*, Ru-set sand other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards. If any of our goods do not prove as represen tent by us, we will make the deficiency good to the purchaser. MERCHANTS,TRAD ERS, PEDDALRS, &c., We can offer goods at Boston and New York j prices. By giing us a call you can save from 15 io 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our g"ods into considera- j tiou, we are to be undersold by no one North. Sou'h. E st or V\ ect. We have made ariangements to receive all new j -tyles from factories ot any note in Hie United i -tatesassoou as introduc-d, and shall be receiv- i <ug f esh goods every week from our own Fac lone3 ’ A. C. SAUNDERS & CO.. Oct f log Broad Street. FOR SALE ON accommodating terms, several desirable dwell ings. Apply to john McCarty. Columbus, Oct. 26. 42m HITE AND YELLOW ONION SETTS, Jutt received and for sale by „ Nov. 15-dwtf BROOKS 4t CHAPMAN. LOOKI LOOKI Startling Intelligence for Vox Popnli I WILLIAMS’ PICTURE GALLERY IN FULL BLAST. THE undersigned announces to the citizens of Co lumbus. and in fact to aii Georgia, that be is now taking Pictures in as good style as they can be taken in the “Empire State,” either by a foreign or natne ar tist. His prices range from that much despised sum— fifty cents to ten denars. And although he does not pretend to say that he is the best artist in the United States, yet he fears not the result of a comoanson with those whose reputation is brnstered up by long adver tisements and puffs of their own manufacture. He prefers that ladies and gentlemen should judge for themseives. And if those in want of a good Picture will call and give him a trial, he will convince them that he fully understands the modus operand* of picture taking. All he wants is a fair and impartial trial, and he fears no competition from any quarter. His Gallery is over Barnard’s Store, Broad Street, where he will be happy to receive visitors and show them his specimens at ail times. G. T. WILLIAMS, Nov. 6—4md Photographic Artist. XA CORDS WELL SEASONED PINE WOOD, t/U Appply at tills office. oct3o dtf NOTICE. DON’T FAIL TO LOOK AT THIS ! ALL persons indebted to the subscribers, whose notes and accounts were due on the first of Janu ary, 1858, are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up, as longer indugence will not be given. 11. MIDDLEBROOK & CO. Columbus, October 26. wdlin. “* FOR SALE. PLANTERS, NOTICE THIS! TWO GOOD ROAD WAGONS, for Plantation uee. Also, 100 Pairs of good NEGRO SHOES. These articles will be sold at a bargain to close them out. Apply to H. MIDDLEBROOK & CO. Oct. ‘26—dwlni. 04 Broad Street. Columbus. NO vV OPENING. AT DILLINGHAM & DENSON’S FURNITURE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETINGS, BUGS, MATS, BASKETS, &c. Columbus, October 23. dfewif, FALL Si OCK OF FURNITURE, CAEPETTING, AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING- AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbus, Ga., Oct 6, 1858. dw3m. BY ELLIS & MATHIS. GRAFTED FRUIT TREES, If iflA Grafted Apple Trees. .uUU 1,000 Grafted Peach Trees. 7 1,000 Pears, Plums, Apricots, &c. Ac., together with various other Shrubbery and Plants, which will arrive here about the first of November next, from the Nursery of Mr. Thos. 11. Femriss, of North Carolina, whose reputation as a fine Fruit grower is unsurpass ed. Orders for Trees will be promptly attended to and filled as soon a3 the trees arrive. ;the gordy grape. 1,000 Vines oi this superior native Grape for sale.— This Grape is well and favorably known in this com munity. ELLIS & MATHIS- Columbus, Oct. 26, 1858. _ lmdw TOBACCO AGENCY, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ELLIS & MATHIS, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCD, avVE on nand& id >vil. continue to receive di rect FROM MRST CLASS SiNITACTI; KKRRS narge supp yot a l Iss r<nc; ic i they will yell to the t a.le at Factory Prices, expenses only aide 1. tr tadera will do well to call beiorp H-yln Isewi-ere. opt 7 w&< WL is EPPIiYG’B Ct Mt OUND fui IDp Extract of Buchu. LfAKUoMA CUE NAVA” A sov. rag i remedy for diceaseses ol the B L \L)D R, SPINE J <c KID* KY3, UNIRA RY O-iGANS, iR-V j 1 EL. STOMK in ,he ttLVJDER, HiOM { J 110 CAT RRH of the oL DDtR, MORBID j lt f a.T tr.ON if the -LtDDtR a.d UKi> J 1 T.IR la disease* of the PR ST ifE, and T.Nr.N ;E ot’ UR N.. I ftL orna lose of tone in tue parts cm ernetl. | psj ( lls o, DYSPEPSIA, 0 ROUIC, hHEUMA- s j TISM and AFFEJ riONSofthtSKIN. ! 2a) , .. { Ihe above medi ciae is earnestly re-j JJ | commended to Physi cians and practition-) G era of medicine and the public generally,} jas it can be used by persons of all ages and j j habits, is pleasant to the taste, and can b j readily taken by any patient no mailer how adverse he may be to taking medicines, CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce <& Go., blown upon each bottle’ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGI\. And sold by all respectable Druggists through out the country. Sept 27 dw— tf iikmtikb:. TH. SIKEs, respectfully returns his thanks to nis friends for past favors and begs leave to remind them of the fact that he is still at his old business and stand, 36 Broad street, where he will be glad to see his old customers, and as many new’ ones as are w iling to give him a trial. Mattrasses in ary quanti y for sale cheap. Re pairing ot ivery de-cop io i •-f Furntture done at once, and in the nea'esi style. Particular &it ntion given to upholstering L lurch Pews, Chairs and Cushions of all kiuds. Oct. 8. wd tf. To Rent, TWO BTORES. now fitting up at 34 Broad Street. Apply at tins office. nov2o dtf. W. H. SAYRE. A. If. WHITE. SAYRE & WHITE, Commission Ulrrcbants, AND DEALERS IN Pork, Bacon. Lard, Flour Butter, CHEESE, DRILD FRUIT, Ac. 69 Walnut Street ©Q33©aS;]Kl^ , ?3p i Particular attention will be given to the Purchase i and Shipment of all descriptions of Western Produce, and articles of Cincinnati Manufacture. November 9, 1856. dlmw6m. CARPENTERS WANTED. TXT ANTED, on or before the 25th of this month V V eight or ten good Negro Carpenters, for whom good waee* will be given. Apply io the undersigned. \ H. YARI.NGTON. Union Springs, Ala. .Nov. u ntWlot F. LANDON, IS STILL AT THE SIUN OF THE where may be found ali kind:*, sorts, sizes, de - acriptioiu'.qualiiies ani quantities of HA l S AND CAPS, and the portliest Children’s Hats Sc Caps CHIEAP. Columbus. Ga.,Uct 5. 1858 w&dtf COTTON, COTTuN, COTTILN! COT 10 * ie now soiling at a wood j rice, and if the inrlesand accounts past dne toJ Lunin & Cos are not soon paid, su.ts w • 1 be instituted ind.scrim ii>&tely. A word to the vise i: sutii'-ieni o~ti4—v\tdil. J ENMSfcfO MANLEY & HOUSE sT ARC now m receipt ot oue ol the tesi and most Carefully selected tall stocks*, they have ever otic red to their customers, prices low, and.-tyles ehoice- Robe ales Bi!ns in great variety, Rohe a lea Deiaiues Rohe ales uterinoe’s Plain worsted Dechines Bik Silk Robe ales. 7 -3 and 10-4 TABLE DAMASK, Linen Sheetiug 10U inches wide, Pillow Linen 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, Uoylies, See. A Supenor Lot of GERvIYN AixD US • LISil rt >S[GRY. 10 11-W and 13-4 QUILTS, feupeiicr Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. WO lL H i !S, &C. VELVET, BRUSSELLS, Sand 3 PLY CARPE I S, rug a, 4-c. Our stock oi Will l’E GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was uever better. MANLEY 6s HODGES. Sept 24, d—tf. A. YELATI, Candy Matulaciuier & Confectioner, ‘WHOLESALE AND ItETIAL DEALER IN GREEN & DRY FRUITS, IMPORTED AKD.COMESIIG CIGARS. No 20 Broad st-, Columbus, Georgia. ORNAMENTED PARTY CAKES—Country orders will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 3, 1858. dl3m. AMERICAN WATCHES! IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, At Purple’s old Stand, jone’s New Building, Jr”* JEColumbus, Georgia. Oct. 30—dwtf T. 8. SPEAR. D. P. ELLIS. B. H. At il'Uir ELLIS & MATHIS 7 Auction A Commission Merchants,” COLUMB’US, GA. WILL give prompt attention tmtue sale of HerehandUe, .Country Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real Ustate, die. Ac, Will afto give particular attention to Renting Sea Estate. Hiring searoes, Ac. c Administrators’ and Guardian’s sales will be con ducted on reasonable terms. LIBERAL AD / ANCES w II be made. A'’good in store will be insured, unless otherwise and rrjled Oolumh®.Sept 7 w&dttnis W- W. ROBISON, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, &c., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Coiumbti’, Georgia, HAS now on hand, and will constantly keep an excellent selection oi all ihe articles usu ally kept in the Grocery line, tiis .tock consist in pait of Bacon, Lard Flout Sugar. Coffee, Syun a . Flour Salt, •. •** (<t*eee, Bagging, Rope, Tobacco Nil-, S >ap. Crockery, Arc. Together with rye ry article usually and m mde I by tha ci*y or c u.trj trad*, a 1 or winch he off?,s to his friends ami th public, at the lowest market prices. Cal! and ser Sept. 4,185.4. d<Vw3in. FOR I-Ala OR KENT, FROM the 25th of December next, the House and Lot at present occupied by Dr. Boswell, on Troup Street. fronting the Baptis. J"JLi Church Lot. Appiy to Nov 10—dtf JAS. M. EVERITT. 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 J. H. MERRY tfcTj 3 V) HAS removed hia store to No JmM Mln 87 West side Broad Street, 1 door north ct Redd, Johnson 6c Co.’s, wnere tie is now receiving a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! For GEN 1 ’S, YOUTH’S and Children's weat Also, a large Assortment of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS! Together with every article usualv kept in a Clothing Store. All of which will be sold on a? good terms as are afforded in the City. Columbus, Ga. Oct. 15- dw3,n DRS. GRIMES & WINGFIELD, HAVE assonla’e I themselves to /el her in the £5mS praiice of Medt ;lne and Surgery.— \W .alUleftat Ware & ■’ ••i’aD ug Si-nra Ouriug lae day, or Perry H usd at night w.ll b. pr -inptly answered. Patients lr >rn a distance confide i to the'rcare will receive ev-*ry necesss ry sttention. sepl2d—d:ttn NOTICE. THE undersigned invites proposals until the 15th December next, for the building of a BAPTIST CHURCH in this city. Plan and specifications can be seen by bidders, at the office of Thomas J. Nuckolls in Jones’Building. For any information on the sub ject, address N. NUCKOLLS, Ch’n Columbus, Nov. 16, 1858—dim. Columbus Races ! Wvik the fall meeting of the Coiumhus Jockey Club will place over the ciiee Course, Luminous, Ga. on the 30th November, and continue five days with two Races each day. From the number of fine horses that are certain tr. attend on that occasion, the public generally, and the lovers of the Sports of the Turf particularly, may res; assured that they will have an opportunity of witness ing as good, if not the best week’s Racing, tnat has ev er fallen to their lot to en.oy. Then we say to even body and the rest of mankind, who are desirous to spend a pleasant week to be sure and conic- to the Co rn mbus Races. f***-W. P. PRYOR, Proprietors, p. S.—For particular* of Race Week, see handbills Oct. 30 dwtd C. 8 & P, \V. P new books. r=-—-i. THE Courtship of Miles Standishbv Longfellow; Jfe-kysi mJßW Vernon Grove, or Hearts as they are. bv a Southern Lady. TheK. N. Peppers;; Bessie Melivme. a Sequel to the Little Episcopalian; Lectures to Children, by Rev. JohnTood; ALSO, A7EW SUPPLY OF 1 Quits; Initials; Timothy Titcnmb’s Letters to young Peoples True to the Last or Alone on a wide, wide Sea, by A. S. Roe. At aT&--wdtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK'S Book Store. MATRESSES. j A N excelient articia of Cotton, or Shucks and Cot* c\ ton mixed, and an Shudts for under MatreaMe.— : Cali ands ihern before purchasing an interior article : e*aewhere. Forsa 4 e by J. H. SIKES, I aovs—dtf * 3o Broad SitmL If. 8. STiIKEGMfS, Attorney at Law, Being a Graduate of Latv of the University of Vir ginia, respectfuuy tenders his services in an the branch es of ilie profession. lijr”Otlfte up Stairs, over No. 28 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. November o, 1&56I. dly CARKIAGE .EMPOKHJIi! J B. J AGUES & BROTHER, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY HOUSE.’* COLUMBUS, GA. .-ctr, 5-j THE subscribers have on hand and win constantly keep a large and well selected stock of Carnages of ail de ’ =. ripii.uia embracing CALECIIES, MOCK CALECHES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS, Shilling Leather Top and No Top Buggies, Wagons, Ac. We feel confident in stating to the Public that we can ofler as Goon Work, and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to dispose of cur present Stock, at a very smali advance for Cash. Ail who favor us with a call may rely on being fairly dealt with. All work sold at this Establishment warranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the RE PAIRING Business and its branches. Persons indebted to the above firm by notes or ac counts past due are requested to call and settle inline kiately. Columbus Nov. 1 1858.—dly RICHARDSONS IRISH XjI3STE3ST3, DAMASKS, DIAPERS &c. CONSUMERS of Richardson’s Linens, and those de sirous of obtainingthe GENUINE GOODS.shoitld see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, BQ©MAsa2>9©;i3, 3©K© & as a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary, as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON, by Irish Houses, who, regardless of the injury thus indicted alike on the Ame rican consumer ami the manufacturers of the genuine goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable while purchasers can be imposed on with goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, nov. 16 —dly. Agents 3b Church Street, N. Y. a THE undersigned < fiVr roi sale the above standard brand ot PUnE RYt. WHISKY, ol their owu dtotillatiou in Bartels and Rati Bar rels. The quality ofihu Whisky, known so avumb y inthe 8 uth, icrtue pist. eight years, wiil 1 way a be kepi up toils former high standard, anu pui chasers and consumers can rely upon its beluga pernctly p ire live vVinssy, distil ter* uudor our own personal supervision, and entirely free I rum deftft rious aubstaciCt-s, wlucli olteti renuer Whiskies so n inab'e. In addition to the above, we have n and in New Yoik, as well as Pu.iade p:da, pu mps the largeri stoca of tine Rye Whiskies in ofct United States, anfi are euabiedto ship goods irou. iP>er c ty direct to any Soutberi p int. Tue above VVhiskya a r e all rom our own distillim rom teUcied grain, and arte mtantly unpr< vine bj m sand we otf< r then, to the trade from first hands pou the ni“i li .era* prices mid terms. FbEFM N iSM'SiS Pb® i x Distillery, No. IOU 3 atn Fr m S re t, P .iliuleiphta, and 96 w ail Street, Now York. FUli SALK. THE residence at p esent occupied by .'iussa the Rev. Mr vVatt, oojoeite Mr Slade’s Hi. possession given the l?t Jan, next. Also ‘wo vacant lorn adjoining, with the store on Broad treef No 34 at present occupied by G Michael ma Furmiure stcue, po session given the first ol October. Toe above property wfl bn rented if iot Buid fc> BOYKIN. Ex. Sept 24. d—tf. or T G dOLT. For Sale. „ , A comfortable Dwelling House ann Lot, containing one acre of land, situated on the Alabama side of the Chattahoochee niver, on • Juu. the road te.idtng from the New Bridge towards Salem, Ala., and about one half nine weft of said dridge. Any person desiring to purchase a fcomfona ue and quiei home, will be ottered a bargain in this place. Apply to MOSES & LA-YES, nov. I—dtf Columbus, Ga. Notice. rllE Copar’nership of larke if Iver-on, in the Drug m this coy. vae dissolved 0” • e 18th iust. by tne d-*a h of Samuel D Cla ke Tue business* will continue to t>e carried on by h; u on his individual account, at the .vigle Drug Store, 93 Broad S:rce'. .lotiN F. IVERSON. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 21, 18 >B. dtf Ml. . W. (BIEIASffiT” PROFESSOK OF MUSIC , THANKFUL for pan and prosem I '■* ~ favorß. wOuld refptcllully give nonet iaTrl 1^81 he continues to give lusiructioL J U Sf \J U !U Voca.anJ instrumental music. \pp.ioai.o..s received at’a music Store. Sapu 7- -drtm* MILLEDGEVILLE HOTEL. IS STfLL OPEN for the reception ol Members of the Legislatuie and transien ! visitors. The Proprietor is determined ! o reserve ample room lor the accommodation ol adies ; and also lor ihe entertainment of gt rule men and ld es. He has engaged the services ol me of the b si Bands ot Muric in the State; and mtends giving two Cotillion Parties per week du ring the Session , and no pams wiil be spared to leuder hi? guests ccmLriahle. E. D. BROWN, Proprietor. Oct 21,dim. ~DRY GOODS A.T BY HARRISON & PITTS. WE now have msiore and are daily receiv ing from New York, a fine assortment of first class SFAILE&. FANCY, DRY GOODS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Which we will offer at Auction and Piwntt Sate .hrough the reason, and lo which we invite the attent'on of our friends and the public g -nerally. The stock consiMs in part U the following arii cle-, viz: Prints of every style, White Biliiante, Mu-lin de Laines, Robes a Lee, de Lairies ‘riobesa’Quiiie* Valencia Flounced Robes, Gashmereti, Flam and Figured Alpaccaa, Ginghams, White and Red Flannels, Li dsevs* Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattinet-. I'weeds, Kentucky Jeans, Ktws’one aud Morse Plaids, Ailenda 9 Sheetings, I ish Linens, Blank ets, Bed Ticking, Bleached Domestic-*, Towels, Linen Table Cl >ths, Linen and Cotton Table Diaper, Linen Napkins, Linen Cambric and Bor lered H’d’kls, Apron C h-cks, Hoes and Hall Hoes, Shirts Merino, and Cotton Net Shirts, Razors, Table and Pocket Cuttlery, Needles. Spo >1 Thread, Fancy Soap , P< r urneiy, Percus uon Caps, Letter Paper, Envelops, and a great many articles too tedious to mention. Onr first first sale of the s -ason will take place at 7ioclock on Tuesday Night next, the 12ih met., to be continued every night throughout -ho wir’e-. We will also have one or two day saleseach week. Ali g rods u tic red at Auction g; arantied as rtp resen ed or noeaie. HARRISON &. PITTS. E’ J. Pinckard, Auctioner. 59 and 61 Broad Street, Goluaboe, Oct- 1, dtf. SWAN & CO.'S LOTIEBIES Trlumpbamtl The following •cham* will be dt-mwn by S. SWkN &. CO., Managers of Uis Sparta Aa4tuy L*ury, in each of their Mingle Number Letumas lur Nvuiulr, le>sß, at Avousta, Ga., in public anker Uis superman- Uence of Cyminisaioxisrs. Class 4U draw* JSEturday, Nov. 6, 1868. Class 41 draws Saturday, Nor. 13, 1868. Cuss 42 draws Saturday, Nov. £O, 1868. Class 43 draws {Saturday, Nov. 87, 1668. On the Plan of single hambsrs. £O,OOO TICKETS- 5,4£5 rrKIZLS. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS jflagnificent Scheme! To be drawn every Saturday in November. 1 Priae oi f<u,odß I- - * 10,000 1 s^oo 1 “ 4*oo* l “ 3,000 i “ 4 “ L.IAM* 4 “ *OO 4 h MW 4 “ 7ve 4 ‘i 600 50 w * , ........ 500 jo ‘ lnU “ 12S g3U “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prise s of B*oo Approx’gto $70,000 Prise are 1,600 4 “ 300 “ :).o(o “ i,voo 4 “ 200 “ 10,000 “ SOO 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 •* 5 0 4 “ 4 “ 75 “ 8,000 “ 300 5 ** 50 *• 4,0>i0 *• 20 are.... SfOO,OtW 5,445 Prizes amounting to. s:bto.oOt Whole Tickets 810. Halves 85. Quarters $2.50.“ A Circular showing the Plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages w ill be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificates of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, SBO •* ** 10 Half “ 40 “ “ * ,10 Quarters “ SO “ “ 10 Eighth M 1* IN ORDERING [TICKETS OR Enclose the money to our address for Uie tickets or dered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the Drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of 81,000 and under, payable immediately after the drawing, other prizes at the usual time of 30 days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates to| H. SWAN & CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga., can have their orden filled and save time by ad dressing S. Swan &. Cos. at either of these cities. A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every'drawing in the follow ing papers: —Augusta (Ga ) Covstitutknaluit; Aetc Vr letms Uelta; Jiivbile Register; Jn'ashviile Gazette, Atlanta. Intelligencer; A etc York Weekly Day Book: Savannah Daily A etc a; Richmond Dispatch; \eic Jerk Dispatch; Paulding (J\liss.) Clarion, and Little Rock (Ark.) True Democrat. BEDEI L Sc WEEMS Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, tBOMEBSHEie, ©IS®. VtflLL teep coueiantly on band a well seleo ’’ ted Stock comprising all aiticlesin their Une, which are offered to their iriendsand the public generally at the LOWJiS'I MARKET PEI* LES. Give ue a call. LOCK WEEMS. . A. Q. BEDELL, Oolnmhii*. Ga Dec. 22. wtwit. it o i,i,riA i> dii i TH* CKIJSBRATRD HOLLAND REMEDY YOB STS w mit A, DISEASE OP THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. Aril Iheilvarloue affection./coniequeot upon a 4m. eased STATE OF THE LIVEB. Buch as Indention, Acidity of the Stomach, CoU cky Pams, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Lespond ncy, Josti veness. Blind and Bleeding 1 ilea, it al >erv*nß, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affectlore, t nas in numerous instances proved highly beneficial and in others effec od a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared ou strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave, Because of Its great success in most of the European States, its introduction into the United States was intended more eepec ally for those of our t therlsnd scattered here and there verthe face of this mighty country. Meeting with greatsuccess among them, 1 now of fer itto the American public, knowing that ft# truly wonderful mi diciiml virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons wbog< constitutions may have been impaired by th* continuous use of ardent spirits, or other lorms of dissipation. Gem rally instantaneous in ffect, it finds ts way and rectiy to ihe seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health aud vigor in the sjstem. NoTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disappointed; but to tho sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed ot singular remedial properties. CA UTION a The great popularity of this delightful aroma tss induced many imitations, which the pubne should guard against purchasing Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhave’s IhU iand Hitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinite y superior R ts to ail these imita* tions. ttgTVald at SIOO per bottle, or six bottles for $->.OO, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & CO. MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists aad Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. Fo sale in Oolunbus by Brooks & Chapman,rad dr- sr gene l ally throughout the 3ute. Apr it 24, MS, lydwie 1 VALUABLE “ Chattahoochee Eiver Labels. FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. TH*fc subitcriber offer? for **le 3200 acre* of land lying and fronting twomilea on the River in Henry county, Ala., 15 milee Fort GaineP. Geo. (to which place the South Western Rail Road is now beingextended) <tnd 5 milea above Columbia, Alabama The tract i# of division into two very deei rabie settl^menta —lie a very level, iewell watered ■he location remarkably healthy, and the purcha >er could have the corn, fodder and stock at a low rate. Being determined to sell, those desiring a bargain, will not be able to find one more (im posed to give them one than I am. I shall keep this* advertisement standing until I sell- Come and look for youraelve9,or for particular* addrese me at Columbia Term- easy to the ANGUS MoALLISTEE July 20 1858—wtf. ... . ... Aogueta CouedtuUonalist espy wreekiy ull wwi.