Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 02, 1858, Image 1

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R. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, ’ volume vi. Tilt) OitLUilßUj DAILV HAULS Is published every morning (Sundaysexcepted.) at Six Dollars per annum, m advance Sev en Dollars it not paid netore the expiration of the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES is published every TUESDAY MO itlV AJN'G at Two Dollars per annum,stric iy m *>-* ra!lce - Office on Randolph opposite the fbst Office . ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements of five lines or less in either the Daily or VVeekly Times,"wilt he inserted at 50 cents tor the first insertion and 25 cents t<r each subsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will be charged 10 cents tor the first, and five cents per line tor each subsequent insertion. Displayed adveitisements will be charged for the nplce they occupy. The following aio me contracting rateschnnge aole at pleasure: WEEKLY RATES. 3 ts ! CO I V 5 i t* No - of § 33 3 13 aoo o l o —a a a a nqrfl. =. iS. 2 •* . a* i CO cc CO (£ [ m 1.. i 250 4 01) | 550 10 00 15 00 ! 20 00 2.. ! 5008 00 11 0l) 2 00! 25 00 ! 30 00 3.. : 75011 00 14 50 25 00| 35 00’ 40 00 4 j 10 00 15 00 j 19 00 30 00j 40 00 50 00 5 1 12 00 17 00 20 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 6 1 15 00 20 00 j 25 00 : 50 00! 60 00 7o 00 7 17 00 25 00 I 30 OOi 60 00* 70 00 80 00 8.. .20 003 JOO 400 C! 70 00 80 00 90 00 10...25 00 40 00 j 50 00 80 OOi 9d 00 100 00 DAILY RATES. I- ■ i . _ i” T c ~>-‘ hi to W O o to No.o I 3 i 3 5j 3 i33 o•o2 ■ £ ° c 6 T*- j | . | f -3- 1 I I j to U* I CQ to to 1 5 00, 7 00; 9 00: 13 00 17 00il> 00 2 & 0 < 12 00 14 00 : 18 00 35 OOi 30 00 3 12 00 15 00 18 00; 25 00 33 00! 40 00 4 15 00 19 0 82 OOi 30 00, 40 0-j 50 00 5 18 00 25 00 30 00! 40 00, 5u 00| GO 00 6 20 00 28 00 35 001 50 o ! 60 00 ! 70 00 7 25. 00 33 00 4) Go| 60 * i 70 00 ! 80 00 8.... 30 00 b 8 00 46 00 70 0“ hO 00 90 00 10 4> 0 5) 00 Go Qnj 80 OOj 90 QbjlQO 00 Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administra tors, Execuors and Guardians, are required by Jaw to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in orenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in he county in which the property is situate. Notices ot rhese sales mu it be givei in a public gazette lorty days previous to the day ol sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must bo given at feast ten days previous to the day ol sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notfce that application will be made to the Court of Or tinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, mast be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of .Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ministration,moiuniy six months —for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules tor Foreclosure ot Mortgage must be published monthly tor four months—for estab fishing lost papers for he tuil space ot three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv >n by the deceased, the full space of three months Publications will always be continued ac cording to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TIMES mm to® PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Cos umbas, Georgia. 1 . AVING in successful operation one ol HOE Li (fcCO’S CYLINDER PRESSES RUNNING BY &TEAM, We are prepared to execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, In unsurpassed stvlfi, as cheaply ns can be done * anywhere in the South. We have 011 hand a large variety of N E VV JOB TYPE, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, &c. Our lacilities for turning off this kind of work, whh prompiness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every Cescription, &c. &c. Also RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give us a call. This Department of our office is under the su nerintemlence of Mr. D. S. Pouter, whose lone experience am! Acknowledged repmanon a a Job Primer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed wither rg| and faithfulness. . , , We have now m connection with the office complete BOOK bzndbry, and having recently secured the services of Mr.E M. Clark (late of Philadelphia,) in this h.anch oj our business, we pledge ourselves to give me most perlect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledgers. Account Books, Dockets, Court R'cords. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank B.oks, &o, We intend n<>t to he outdone in the style and finish of * ur work, in either department, hy an\ establishment South, and that we may be ab* to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopte. the CASH SYSTEM. Sept, Ist, 18id. R* ELLIS A CO. ■ ——— ii—i i ‘ ir\o 180 {JS ? ATT O R 1 s A T L A GA. Will p<aciice in the countie* of Harris, Musco gee, Talbot, Memwether iid Tr up. Particular .Mention wiil be paid to collections. Octetefd— w fcdly. HOWARD & WEEMS, A T T ORNEYSAT LAW CRAWFORD, ALA. ROBERT N. HOWARD. WALTER H- WEEMS Crawford, Ala., Juneß—wtwtf. \V. S. ATTORNEY AT LAVV . C ITS S E T A, Chattahoochee County, Ga. Dvee his entire attention to the practice in Chat ttahoochee n adjoining counties. &D .2* WILLIAM HAYLUII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cathbert, Randolph County, Georgia. YV ICC practice in tho counties of Randolph, Calhoun, Terrell, E*riy, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson &, Sloan, Attorneys at Law, 1 Columbus, Georgia. All business intrusted to his care will receive immediate attention. June 6, 1858—wtw tl MARION BETH UN E~ A TTO RN E Y A T L A W , TALBOTTON, TaJbot County, Ga < fetober 24th, 1856. wtwtf. BAUGK& SLADE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA . WILL practice law in Muscogee and the adjoin imr couuttes of Georgia and Alabama. I3T Office over Hank of Columbus, Broad St. Robert bm'<ib j. j. slack. Columbus,Ga. March 27 1 857. wtwtf - MOSES & LAWES[ ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 03* Office next door to the Post Office. R. J. MOSES, WILLIAM ALA WES. Sent. 21st— tt. W. F. LEE, D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE corer of Broad and Randolph Streets, Colu mbusGaorgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twtf J. FOGLE & SON, ■iWgvf? DENTISTS, Olfice on Randolph Street, nesr Broad, Colum bus, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1857. wtwtf FOR -ALE. rHIS Subscriber nas on hand a few STILLB foi uiaiiuu luring Peach Brandy or WIGa fcy, which hewil"’ ALSO, Tin, Sheet Japan Ware, every iescription, w icl can Oe bought at thi lowea rates oDeon eb t uot’.c and <.u liberal terms. J. B. HICKIS,Agent, iilly 1H v 1 Wxt oor below “Sana Aouci’’ Rroad -treet. Bacon! Bacon! tITR Lave now onhand and wiilbe constantly rt-- VY Prime I'euuessee Bacon —Hams, Side tnd Shoulders, wmcb we will sell at (held weiCorns uiisaior. House prices. MarJO —wSilwtf E. HAHN ARE* & CO. A GREAT BARGAIN! npHE Subscribera, having now purchased the JL entire pro party of the Coweta falls Manu facturing Company, otier the a;ne for sale. It is o. eof the best situations for Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, an.d will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal term? Title? of Warrantee will ne made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. SEM VIES, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, June 10. —wtwtf J A VIB SW. WARK F, \ TOPPISG & MS PIPER, OF ALL SIZES AXB ‘ifJALITIES, i POR Si LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TRHWS CASH. innelfiwtwtt A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and ,he Pab "° * r ° e ' h " y - JOHN R. BASTHAM. THE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general^ 1 STORAGE*& COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE * FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, Thankful for the past liberal patronage of onr friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out individual exertions to please all who may enirnsr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual facilities to our customers * HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wm. H. Hushes, Wm. Daniel, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug, ft. tf THE subscriber i9 now manufacturing the real Irish Poteen Whisky, at his place one and a half miles from Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground mlreland Ads t from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it is an excellent remedy for Colds, Dtarrhoea, Worms. &c For sale hy the bottle at Brooks & Chapman’s Drug Store, at Bramll & Go’s by the drink or otherwise, and by the gallon at^wt l A. BRANNY THE UNION OF THE STATES. N rm SOVEOEIf.NTY OF THE STATES. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 2, 1858 UHUGS, DRUGS, Dill G\ BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DRUGGISTS;- SIGN OF THE NEGRO if MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a larg- and well selected stock ol DRUGS. ME ICIM 8, i H EMI. ALS, DENT AG AND SUril.lC )L IN tTaUd NTB, kA*N fS, Oil, * DYE riTUFFA, And all other ardclcs periaining to t''eir busi~ mess, which they offer at the lowest prices, aud warrant hem ire.-ii anu genuine. FAMILY MKDICINES, A9 we 1 a? Physicitnjj fiills, put up with neatness and dispatch. Piesci ip i. >ns accurately prepared : at all limes ot the day and night. FANCY GOODS, LUBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fine Cologne Waters, tie Soaps aud pom a u-s, also Hair aud Too h Brushes ot b.nglisii and Frem b manu facture. Sold by BJ&JOKS &. CHAPMAN, oepi. 2a u—tf BRANDIES AND WINES. FOR .Wediciuai and culinary purposes. Sold by BROOKS &IHAPMaN. Bept. 23 d—tf. PORI'ER AND ALE~ SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept,23. d—tf. TOBACCOAND SEGARS. QOLD by O BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 93. d—tf. _______ BURNING FLUID. SOLD bv BROOKS 65 CHAPMAN. ssep. 23. d—tf GREY POTASE. IN jars or otherwise. .Sold bv BROOKS & CHAPMAN. LEAD ANlTorLs! Union White L ad, Linseed Oil, Sp rm Oil Whale Oil, Lard Oil N.atetoot 4 ‘it. I'rain Oil, &c. Sold by BROOKS Al CriAPM AN. 8. p 23 it id 1000 ACRES OF Flint Eiver Lands, for Sale. i THE uudersigneu being deairuu.- ui winG up tiieir business, otter fur sale, on am to suit purchasers, a valuable settle men: of One Thousand Acres of Land, lying on the West side of the Flint River, ten mile uorth u Oglethorpe, and ten miles’’south 01 iiey uoicis Two hundred acresot this settlement is num t)et<i" r ‘- : “ v 0..,; ,h w Hai-,,,... , -'*■ swamp, the swamp lano is less liable to be mnum dated by the River than any lauds on said Rive in ill aeon county, and wili doubtless make Iron 60 to Obushels of corn per acre, and from 1500't* 2000 tbs 0! cotton TbereareSO acres 01 pine lanr. and ISol rwairp cleared and in a slate of cultiva tion* Water, healthaud society cannobe excel id in South Westerr Georgia. Applyto UOOK &. MONTFORT, Jhlvll—wfctwtf. it ‘-4etho>ne. >a* FIFTY NEGROES WANTeE v* HAVING made our a ran.iements to the Faii we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, ol good character, consisting ol yotui*. men, women, plough boys,aud gi’ls, for whon the hig test maißetprice wili be paid Peia ns fin ving negroes b>r sale willfind it to their interes to give u-a call. We wo 1 receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efioits will be spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may pi ce their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes whet desired. Call atthe Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PUTS, aug2l—wtwtf 59 v 61 Broad Street. Sale of Keil Estate and Negroes AT the Market House in Columbus will be sold, on tne 21st December next, 13 likely negroes, and 300 acres of land, lying on the road from Columbus to Talbottun, seven miles from Columbu-, 25'J actes cleared and balance in wood A two stoiy dwelling house, 111 good order, anew gi 1 house ad sciew, and all necessary outhou~e iu good repair, ai© on the premises. Good water, healiy locaiion, and a good ueighborho and. The property residence ot uie late ! homas D.ivis, and needs no iccmmendatiou t > th se who know it li is sold lor division among the he rs, and terms will be made known at the Dine ol sa |... - THOMAS J. DAVIB, O t2o..wtds Agent u>r Hu- liTs. A Valuable Residence and Planaaiion for sale S tuaied 14 miles east of Column is 4w§iLkuown as the Widow “tliower in the ..igmal Llltrslie tam, or the the gSggj residence of Iho late General UKUrIeS Puiiu,s,ot’ Harris county, Ga., comprising 52 > a'cres of as aood farming lands as tnere now are iu sa.d eo., 27>ae<e-weli tunoerel woodland, the open land is have laid out mostly tor 10 or 15 ,ears. >ru e Dremis es is a splendid, ‘arjrt,, convenient and commodious Brick L>Veiling H >use, the sm ken .use and kitchen areboth ot brick, the outbuildings are somewhat dilapidated. The location is healthy, water -mod an a i ij.c.'dileut nei i hborho >I, co timious jto chinches, schools, tec., tour miles trim the Muse gee Kaiiroad It is in ever, respec one oi the mos. desirable lanns and residences in vVestern Georgia. Terms will be liberal and time accommodating- . . Apply to Mnj Henry Moffett, or P. J. Pm ipsof Columbus Ga October 9, w2m . . p w,U oe Boii private y, if desired, Ti ma te'iidi pu Utile ___ TB. &W. A. ROSS, Wholesale and Retail MY 80 JB i & BRO3ERY MERCHANTS. lacon, eo r § s a. Also Agents tor Wheeler’s and Wilson’s Sewing Machines. odll—w f. Li;Mi KIN’ HOUSL LUMPKIN, STEWART CO. GA. MTHE subscriber, having purchased the ab. ve resolved to m ke it one worthy the patronage of the travvll i-g public If good fare and attentive servants should entitle a Hotel to custom, the u.-ddrsigued Hauers himself, that those who try him once, wid come again < onnected with the Hotel, are com mo - i dious Star les with trusty stlers I gat 19. wtf. JOHN YARBROUGH, ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, <1 A, Allen Sn, CAMAR having the interest of B A- Sorsbi in the atwive known FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE would be glad to see their i*lu friends and pamm? at their new place of business, where they ha*e form, da co parmership with J. W. King, uuder ’ the name and style of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, tot the transaction of a general STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS S,.©t-ial attention paid to the Sale ot Cotton and Produce, and tbye Receiving and Forwarding Marchendise consjgneaio >ur care. Line al Advances made on Cotton in Store or for shipment to our Iriends in Savannah, Ch.rles toffflSievv York or el ewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market puces. _ We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to bu-iness to merit it J. W KING. A M ALLEN, THOS.CA.UAK. “ipHE undersigned, in reiiring from the Ware -1 house business, takes great pleasure in re commending to bis tiiends a conii uauce ot then favor and patronage to ihe new Him. (Signed) B. A. SORSBY. Co !umbush’ g. 1858 06m P. LAN DON, IS STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG i|m| HA T where njay be found all kinds, sorts, sizes, de scriptions,qualities and quantities of 11A ! S AND GAPs, and the prettiest Children’s Hats 5c Caps CHEAP. Columbus. Ga,,Oct 5. 1858, w<frdt.f MANLEY & HODGES. VIIE now in receipt of one of the beat and most Carefully selected fall stocks, they have ever otic led to then custom trt, prices lo\, ai.U. i) it!< eho'ce- Rube ales SDks in great variety. Robe ales Delaines Roae ales Merinoe's Plain worst’ and Dechines Bill Siik Robe ales. 7 -8 and 10 4 TABLE DX.M aSK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide, pillow L...UJ 40 ano 45 inches, Napaius, etc. A Superior Lot of GERMAN A.U> ulNGuHff fl >SIMRY. > - ■ ’ - 1 > \l> , T rp O Lupeiior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. VVOoL H HS, &c. VELVET, BRUBSELLS, 2 and 3 IJLY1 J LY CAR PE IS, RUGS, cs'C Our stock of WHI PE GCODSI aud EMBROI DERIES was never better. MANLEY &i HODGES. * Sept 24, a- tf. HAMISOI & Pii'i'a, IUGIIOxN & GOMISMOS MERCHANT ANU NEGRO BROKERS, 59 aud 61 Hroacl lia. % li.LiS U c ttuiiiuc Hie abo u e nuo at one old Vt stand. ilia tvl'al l-.-jr tiiu pittr>>uage tieiet - oie so .iu rally extended hi ut ov oui n lends and ne public, ve ao,)e by renewed exertions to iner t its cominu mce. boed'rts win be spa'-iu to -ive ei.tire sHbisiactioa to those who nuay confide u.tir .msluess to oar care. We will 41 ve oar persona! attention to the iaie of deal listato, Netr*es. Merchandize and Pro duce. Having houses fitted up expie>jy lor the put pose ,we are prepared to board, purchase ana sell Negroes on Uoi,.mission. b'berai advance? wiiloe iad as heretofore on Negroes aim Merchandize. Administrators aud Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable term*. A S.ock of LfREUY NEGI.GOESof all classes win bv on hand. UliAr-. si. HARRISON, GB'LtlJt; 1. Ftflri. Columbus.Pept. 9.1858.—wvw lv Great Inducements to L Aftil> B6J YiiliS! 1 oiler the lollowing genn.i: n u j.vm iiif&g, to those wh ► Wih buy nand ia Barbour |1 HlSral con ty, a.a, 1, .wh I sell my home place, equaled ‘* ’ miles ‘‘outhoft:e town 01 t'ayioi, at -S'* per ai"- r ®* This place contains Out Thousand’ Acres 6JO are cleared, ■£><> t'res i, lies ell, and is one of the handsomest p aces in-tne country ‘lhe grtvv imr crop, which purchasers are invited to exa mine, wili speak lor the productiveness ot the land. The woodland is heavily umbered with oak and hickory. The imp ovementsare or tru bos- character, einhrac intr a two story house, with einhi, rooms, well buiit and in good repair TfrpUtulUi oi the jia e is ex cel ent bevoiid al 1 doubt; and there is an abun dance of the best water fences in excellent order, and he plantation improvemtnUas good a s couid be desired. . . .. , 2 in immediate connection w ith this pace, i will sell a body of 500 acres, 3 0 acres open, first rate fences and th-. other improvements pretty good. Price pe _ aero Bo.d separate or in coauecuon with the homep ace as pretened 3 Also 0 acres ot iauo three miles distant from the other places, known as the mid tract, ‘*n this P'ace iher< are 3)0 acres *a. and open, balance wen ‘itno-red. H-ahh and wa’e exceiienl aud Ihe ami strong and productive Piiceeix cioi ais pe; acre. 4. Ai <, several Lesirau.e Hui ding Lots, in the town of Clayton 6*^"Come soon and buy bargains. *'■* j hs u. .wilder. Clayton, Ala. Aug. 20, 1853 wti. \v. W. KoBhO.V, Wholesale Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, Sic., WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Columbn-, Ge rgia. HAS now on hand, mid will constantly keep an excellent selection ot all the -jpu ally kept tn the Groeery line, tlis toek consisi Bacon, Lard Horn Sugar. Coffee, Sym®. Flour Salt, i*<’ ('*e** e, Bagging. Rope, Tobacco Nail', Soap. Crockery, &c. Together wnh -ve ry ;i r;iele usually d> m .ndet by th • cty or countiy tra t- a I ot which he ode sto his triends ami ih. public, at ihe lowest mantel ptices. Call ad see bept. 4,1858. datw 3m, r. ‘p. U.l 13. i- K H MYTHI*’ | ~~ ELLIS &MaiHTs^ Am* Iso ii A Jlcrefcaiits, .COLUMBUS, GA. Wll.T.give prompt attention totne sale of Merchagdiie, Couatry Produce, Ne groes, Furniture, Vehicles, Stock, Real test ate, fcc . <fcc. Will afio give particular attention to Keeling Real Hi'iuir Aeicroes, xc. ‘*c. Adniinisirviors’ md Guirdiau’s sales will be con ducive on reasonable terms. IjIKKKAL* AD /ANCES wiilbe made. A’lsjoods i 1 store wif l>e insus-ed. unless otherwise <1 rroted. Columbus, Sept 7 w&tHm is EPI’IAIG’S Cl Mi OUND FLL ID. Extract of Suchu. ‘ BAROS MA CR ENA 7V1.” A suv r ig 1 rermdy for ol riia BL\I>D R. SPINE. [Si CK !D V!■ V3V'UNI R-\. RY ORGANS. CR V j ( EL. STOvC j,, the Bf.ADttKK, Hjo |J) [T(f-T RRH of the IiUDDi R, MORBID j ) t iilfT Y HUN f the t'L \IH) tRa .and I ti f ) T diseas*n of the PR ST ;TE, and I-) ss f TcINT O \ and INuON- T Ni-.N Eo’ UR N T < jtom a loss ot tone in the pans on erno. pes S \ Iso, DYSPEPSiA, 0 RO'JIO, iH-.U'-lA- [l M and AFFE TIONS of t,hc SKtN. ai : ’ j The above medi cine is earnestly re- j j ‘ommended to Pliysi- | eiacs and p-act uion- J J . rs 0 f medicine and the public gmorally, | -j, ( . an l(e used by perrons of ail ages and | SE| ( lialdts, is pleasant to Die taste, and can b > *!) readily taken by any patient no master how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping & L Pierce & (-0 , blown upon euun bottle- M AMUFACTURKD ONi.Y B Y - BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COL UMBUS GEORGI A . And sold by ail respectal>le Druggists inrough* oui th< cou try. Cicpi 27 and v\ if THE LIVER INV IG ORA I* O it, PREPARED BY DR. 8 A N D F O It D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. is one ot itm best Purgative and i.ivcr Medicine now be ore the public, thai acts as a Oatna.nic, easier, milder, m.d more effectual than a*.\ other l.ivir ltUmedy, acting first on the Giver to eject us morbid matter the Stomach and Kowels t!> entry oil the matter, thus accomplishing two purposes eltec’ually. without any of the pauif il ‘ee liugs experi“hted in theopsratiou of m ist Obathar tics. 11 sl-engthens the system a; the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate do ses, wib strength 1 n and build up with uuusual rapidity ihe Liver is one o fj the principal regula tors oi Hit nun an b< t | dy; and .vtieu it per torms its lunctioi.-we. ll!e P a M’ -• the sys tem cue iuily tieveiOi tf* J ..estumachia ai m at eiu re.y oepeLi -<1 t~j fen on the healthy ac tlon Uieuiver ioi u |j .ii per oi UniunciUiks, when t*. •loinaoh isat iau.t the eviweisaitai -e whne svsiea; sutf train c uicequei ce > IN*/} >ue < rgan—the L 1 v er having ceaseti ■< |mi lO'ta duty. Eui me disease oi that <>r*Ki # me of toe proprietors has made it hissuidj j j.u apractice 01 more luan twenty v aib, i } (md some remedy wnerewith t-> j ji mitne many derange ments to which it n J’jTj] tab.c io prove that this u-uedy is at last found, a y i ers-'ii troub ei frH -vitn Liver Losn plaintpii any tit VJ{ onus, n-ta nuL to tiy a i ooiue and convictm J i'iitse tiuois iciiiov- 1 f * u m u&id or bad mat ter 11 ctu me tysli n J I -upp yin* in heir* a healthy flow o. oil. Vig-rating me to macii, ci its i t <•(•< i .tKost well, purify iag tile blood. ,i lug lone au. liw.i.. 1.. tK- wi.oie tnucmio • i™* y. rein >viug he cause os nit and i seas - cfj, -! VJ.iuga radical cure. Biltouv t cured. and, VC lint is oy me oc asional o. u.. elver invigora tor ( ; ■ me (iosealter eatinp s sfltaeient to relieve the stomach and pr t the lood from rising ands< uring J { uniy on.- i osi lakei JhHff'dbre retiring, pre vents* nightmare If-J* On:joKa. se lake; it night, loosens tho bowels gently, ai o s it cures Costlveo One dose taken aftei eacS meal wiil cure Dyspepsia. r e gr w.,e dos- oftw. ‘ea-spoonsful willai ways r lieve Sick ] [ IleaCaclie. < *ne dose ta-.e:i n> cinaie o.*.iuciion re movethe cause ci toi lisease, and make# a per ect cure. < mly onedose immt-t V'j iiately relieves cholic, while ( | tine dose o’ten repe- | Jj! led is a sure cure for Lolera Morbus, ) r (md a preventative o! ; . lioiera 1 J i.iy one boiti* Jr >is needed to thio-v out ol me system theeffecn of medicine altera long sickness. ( ’ J) one bottle tak •; for Jaundice re movesail sailowness oi f > uiuaiurai cuiof troth the skin. One dose taken eJAU! short time before eat ing gives vigor to tLt ). w ; i.ipetite and makee food digest well. one dose oite.i rep-eatedcures < liroivlc Dlar rlioea, itiits warsl oriue, while 8 i 5! M r. H niul Bowel complaints yield almost the first and .e One or two do ies cures attacks caused oj XI ornu in Children; therjis no surer, e-ier, or r -medy in the world, as it never fat s. a tew b mles cures Dropsy, by exciting the absorbants. iVetPKe pleasure in recommends g this medi cine as h ••reVntiiive for Fever and Assue, hills, Fe ver, a> and ail Ft vers x B 1 luui Type, a • peratos with certainty, and th .u*a.-.ue arc wmiug to testily to its woudcrJui virtues. All who use H arc giving tboir u..a ri .mas tostuuo ny in its lAvbr. ttix waierm the ra-- uth with the Invigoratoi and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGrOR ‘sa cisutiilc delicti Discovery, aud is daily wor king cures aimosttoo great ior oe te-. it cures asil oy magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and eidoni more than one bottle .s’required to cure any k uU hi LiverOoinpiaim, from the worst jaundice ir bspepsia to ac > uto n n-ia iaehe, all ot which are he result os a diseased in-er. Price One* Dollar per Bottle k ANFOKDs. Jo. Proprietors.34s Broadway,New if ork wholesale agents. Barnes fc Psrk New York: T. %V. Doytt & Song, P ilaitelphis; M.S. Burr v lo Breton; H H. Hay t 00. Portland: John i>. Park, Cincinnati: Kaydard <i HanunndiOleielaond, Patinst-acK &. Davie Cbica :o; O. i Wood te (Jo. Ar. i ouis Ueo.H. Keyser, ’it sh ire: 8 S, Hance. Baltimore. Aud retailed by di Druggists Sold Wholesale and Retail by J S PKMBBHTOn & CO., BRO< >KS tk, CHaP'*UN, DANFORTH fit N.xGfcL, May3ft ‘’Vtwiy and all Drugwista. PEYTON H. COIOUITT, I ~i (m JAMES W. WARREN. \ Edltor *- VIUSCOGKE HAIL ItOAD. Change of Schedule. ON and after* tie 15th July. 11*58, the Evening A/all Train w<> leave Goluu hu* at S.-5 M. and ar r;v at Macon at 9.18 P jn. * Leave Macon U 9.15 A -W. arriveat Columbus at 3.43 P M* The Morning Mail Train will leave at4.t.O A. M. and arrive ai Macon 9.5 h A.M. Leave Macon at 11.45 P. M. arriveat Columbus 5.55 A .A.. J. L. MUBTI AN,Supt. Ooiirmbus,’ July 15—twfcwi CHANGE OE {SCHEDULE. ~ * DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY AND IVESI POINT KAIL itOAD (JUiMPAWY, MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ON anti utter this date tne PaSjseNGLR 11a.,1NS ou lu.. , t>au w. ue,uvuiUßti oy 100 iiiiiue iuk JcHLDULt: U A V TRAIN. Loavt Montgomery t.Dla.m. . Arnvta; VVeat Point 3.30 p.m. Arrive at t'jiuuL'Ub 2.0 p. m. Uoluru ng—Leave Wed Point 9.30 a. in. Leave oluuibus ‘lb.poa in. Arriveat Montgomery 4.0 U p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.V!0 p. m. Arriveat West Point llß “ Columbus 1. Returning—Leave West Point 7.3<ip. cu. Leave Columbus.. 7.3 U p. m. Arrivt at •loingoniery IJUa. m. Through tickets can be obtained (jo. lioubit Daily Connect toiißijto Atlanta Ci.attanoopa and Nasov.lie, aud daily connection? to Huntsville Memphis and Knoxville. S.GiJONES Eus’ra Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT KE I'D LEA ATLANTA & C'OLU ill BUS. ;>i an arraugeuieiit between me nuilrcac. com* L.i jiruic. o.ijjjt.suit ilu-Uo ionics ir<>m Atlanta too nuaioUs,c j.iCiuUtn at convention at ea va.Ktan ou tiie id.u iiouat, i, *vac> agreed tnal the toiiowiitg rules oolWcen .-it Junta anu LoluiuLus i ali govern, taking clicel nca the Ural day ol ■H ay loo?. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per busuci, He. Wheat lit, Oats 8. iiacon V itsßji V'toU' 1 ‘in sacksor tiuireis, per lUOibs. 35c nagging, ttipe c.aiu in cans oi onia., per lot* lbs 4jc ‘-out, Pig iron, by car loan, per ton ol XUOU ilia, -io.rj. VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. W neat Inc. Oats U)c. Bacon, vVuisny, Flour in bacbv or bbis., per 100 ihs, i4c. bagging, mope i.aru, in cans or Ools.. per luo lbs. one Loal, Pig iron, by car ioau,ptr urn ol liObll lus. s4.lid, J. MOST!AN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R. ft GKO. W.aDAMB, FOOTE,” Buperiuiemient iVlacon and vv estern Railroad. GKO. G LULL, Superintendent ntlunta anu null range B.R. SAMUEL G. „OM 8, Engineer and nuperilitendent M.&. vV. P. Railroau . May 30,1837—w&twti. MOBILE AMD GIEAEL it. Jt. hi. ut r reign. frain wio leave oirard JL at t .u uaiiy coMuecung at oiivti nun with - cl ic V UlUia, o>emiViiie,iJuiaUia, . or, -<<uuet>, aud .rlarianha,rra. aitu at Oueryicu flatly, Wiiumo ciag.a tor dcuet oitvei, Lnou, Utuu* uo. uggee, midway, Hardaway, leio and Lmon spriti a. u .vtng n ueryton at 4 A. M., dally, the (Jare will roac oaaruat, < a fti., connecting witn tin Ope aaa aiiu Sluaoogee Trains. t Duplicate iieoei c .tß must accompany f reight sntppeu. I'jf Ail freight ixiustbe paid before goods wili be iiscnargeu. reigu. ieiivered at the Depot beiore 4 o’clock t'. M. Vu: oo outuped me louowiug day. ac i eignM/or stations iVo. i Uitcheli,) and No..> i., o.siins'y must oo preuA’d. -v'ay uiustiu an eases Oo paid in advance * uti ft non Aim, nar'2s 1857-wfittwtl. dUgmeei Atoup. CJIAGK OF BCIiGOLI.i:G SAVAxNxNAIi & CilAKL£feiO^ B TEA.H PACK ET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE fvioxUi iiidbtera K. K of South Ca. ~ I’tlf SPLLNDID AND FAtTRIi’N NlftL sTEAii.Ei. GOUIiUN, f. Hna? 1 .iaruiii.. non.niai.oei. ittvo Ha van .... ii„- i ;na.riMU>ti every Aunuay and o ui/uj.j ~j ik mount at .f o’ciock . ai.U connects at Uharicaun wnh me r.n rmng tiau.o/ the North Eastern n .iiroad, going Norm. U< turning leaves Oiiarieston every jMuuday and Friday night al o ciocf:, (alter the arrival oi thecarsou UicN.L.k. U.j and arrives at Savannah next mornings* oy this route passengers can obtain through tick ets to aud irom savannah,<>a. and V\ ilmington. N C. llaviug a torougn freight arra .geoieut with the ventral •. Road aud ila couuoclioiis, all freights bo tweeu Uhariesionand the interior oi Georgia, con signed tome agents Oi this line, will be forwarded v tin despatch and free oi charge. J. f. dtdJuKß, Agent Savannah. E. liAt iTTL s. t.O, Ag’ts (JnarlestOu fan i5 w&i wll E. BAHNARS & CO. COLUiIBIJ3, GA. WHOLESALE AISD RETAIL r G-ROCHRo & PROVISION DE SILBRS jj; '•'* HAVE on hand, and will eonstant'y keep, a iaige and well selected Sto k.embraciug eveiy article u iheir line, which are otlered 2 To iheir iriebds and the public,at the lowest puces C inr a"d see us* Columbus, Sept 29. 1857. w&twtf. CIGARS DIRECT IMPORTATION, | i , / V BOXES Havana Cigars of various brands lUv ‘or sale al small advances tor Cash by Jan 19—wiwtf E BARNARD & CO TU 1 HUSt INDEBTED. ’ t T E hereby give notice that aliclalmsdue us, and W no paid or satis aetoril v Hrranged. prior to the ■ext return da\ oi the respective counties in which a. pa ties resale, wili be sued. None shall be sligh "mar-'O—wtwtr F P ‘kVAif) fr QO, NOTICE, \LL persons indebted to the estate of Thoa. D-tVis.lare of VI county, either by ■ote oi account, w;li please cal and settle ‘he n, md ihf-e holdn g uu|-*s or aCC >U d J will p 69 nl THUS. J. DAVIo, Ag at. Ociober 33 1858... w4od NUMBER 79