Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 10, 1858, Image 3

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the plant—and yet is made by chemical composi tion from the Hydro-carbons in tar! His process is, to analyze the substance and find the exact ul timate atoms of vrhich it is made, then recompose them in the same proportions which exist in na ture. — Christian Advocate. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. 1 his Restorative for making the hair grow, stopping its failing out, restoring gray hair to its original color, is becoming more celebrated. All the quack nostrums are giving way before it.— Three fourths ox the mixtures for restoring and beautifying the hair, do it more injury than good. J hey burn it up, destroy the life at its rootsjmake the hair fall ofi, and produce premature balduese. But Prof. Wood’s Restorative may be relied upon as containing nothing which can in any manner be injurious to the hair, while its success in ac complishing what it pretends to do, has been ver ified in hundreds of eases. We advise gray heads and heads getting bald, all who wi3hto save their wool or ohu, u anew stock, to get a bottle of Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative.— X. Y. Democrat. Gold by all Druggists in this city, and by deal ers and druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. nov24 wd2w. DARBY’S Tlie Great Premium Disinfectant ! A MAGNIFICENT PITCHER was awarded it at ii. the Alabama Stale Fair at the recommendation of a special s .ientifie committee, who pronounced it supe perior to any similar agent bow in use. Besides it* strictly disinfecting uses, it may be rnoet advantageous ly applied as a therapeutic agent in the following cases: All putrid diseases, salivation, sores, ulcers, burns, fresh wounds, removing stains, destroying had breath, curing stings, softening and whitening the skin in bath tug, and especially in limestone countries, where the water is hard, in making it soft, by pouring a few drops into a basin full of water. Read what is said of it: You would confer a general good by using means for its general introduction and use— .Mure Ilian fifty citizens of Auburn. The best and most efficient preventative of conta gious diseases now in use.— Auburn Gazette. We advise our friends to try it, by all means —Mont gomery Mud. So one who has used it once will consent to ilo without it.— Tuskcgct Republican. We have used it about our premises with entire satis faction.—Savannah Re/rubUinn. _ Superior to Labarraque’s French Liquor.— Corres. ATatiunal ftUellio-cnccr. Has recei\’e2 the sanction of medical men in tilt leading cities ol the South Atlanta American. These things Prof. Darby assures it has done, and we believe he would not even think, much less say so, were it not the case. Southern Christian Advocate It is a most effective and powerful combination. Tt should be used everywhere. It will not disappoint vou as a disinfecting agent.— Holmes Steele , M. D. Endorsed by Physicians in Charleston and Colum bia, 8. C.; New York, Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta. Macon and Columbus, Ga: Montgomery, Selma and Mobile Ala; and New Orleans, La. Hospitals, corporations, ship masters, manufacturers, planters, physicians, furnished by the gallon nt reduced rates. For sale by druggists and country merchants gener ally, from whom orders are respectfully solicited. Try at least one bottie. Price 5o cents. Follow di rections. only in the Laboratory of J. DARBY, Auburn, Ala. 5 FOR SALE IN COLUMBUS BY DANFORTH, NAGEL & CO BROOKS CHAPMAN, J. 8. PEMBERTON A CO. dec! -dvvtf DAVID YOUNG. ELECTION NOTICE. I hereby give notice, that in conformity with a late Act of the Legislature, an election for Mayor and Aldermen, and other City officers usually elected by the poopie, will be held at the Court House, bn Saturday, the 11th inst. The polls to be opened at 10 o’clock, A. M., and Closed at 4 o’clock, P. M., under the superintendence of John Quinn and James Lloyd, F. G. WILKINS, Mayor. Columbus, Doc. 8, dte. ■VTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII ■is persons indebted to the estate of George Gullen, late of Muscogee county, Ga., deceased, are requested to mike immediate payment; and those holding debts, claims or demands against said deceased, will present them duly authenticated to ms, within the time prescri bed by law for pivment. Dec. 10—wtds * WM R. TURMAN, Adm’r. 4;000 GRAFTED FRUIT TREES, From Fentriss’s Nursery, N. C. Just received, ~ BY ELLIS & MATE IS. [ Enquirer and Sun copy. dec 10— d3; SELLING AND HIRING ISTIEGKEIOES ON COMMISSION, Either Privately or at Auction, BY ELLIS & MATHIS. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 9, ISSB. lmdw “The Campbells are Coming.” STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD! TEMJf&ANII RALL I FOURNIGHTS ONLY, COMMENCING OX WEDN7FDAY EVENING DEC. S, TiIE <fat ‘wiginal RUMSEY .Sc NEW ttOMB’S \v or id renowned and only - Ts Campbell .i-lnstrth and Brass Band, Remodeled and improved for ISSS and 1839, with 18 Star Performers The Brass Band, consisting of ten talented musicians will play nightly in front of the Hall previous to the opening of the doors. Admission 50 Gents. Doors open at 7 o’clock ; performance to commence at ~Vo. DeoG—btd P~. A. CLARK, Agent Just Received, A TRESH SUPPLY of GARDEN SEED, and On- J\. ton Setts —White and Red at the Eagle Drug Store. ACEE fc IVERSON. ~ A FRESH SUPPLY OF DR. JAMES WILLIAMS’ Anti Dyspeptic Elixir, Just received bv Express, and for sale bv ACEE;*c IVERSON, Eagle Pure Store. Perfumery and Fancy Goods THE MILLION. Bazin’s new Spring Per fumery ‘’Kiss-me-Quickly.” exquisite in fragrance —distilled from the well known Flower Forget-me- Not. Also Wright’s new perfume ‘Kiss-rae-Sweeth.’ the Double Extract of Sweet Two (tu) Lips; together with a great many other kinds too tedious to mention. For saie at the Eagle Drug Store, bv ACEE V IVERSON CORN BY THE EAR. EARLY Sweet or Saxon, and Early Tuscarora Corn by the ear, for sale by ACEE & IVERSON, Eagle Drug Store. 9S Broad Street. Columbus, Dec. 8. d4t. SIGNOF THE RED FLAG. GARDEN SEED. LANDRETH’S NEW CROP Just received by W. 3. K. PHELPS, 88 Broad Street, Red and White Onion Setts, Garden Seeds, ali sorts. Kentucky Blue and Mixed Lawn Grass Seed. Canary Seed and Cuttie Fish bone for birds. PIRB WORKS ! FIRE WORKS: Fire in large or small quantities to suit buyers. Candies, Nuts, Dates, Oranges, Apples, Banannas Lemons Pickies, Preserves, Jellies. dec, A .so. a large supply of Superior Cigars, and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes and Smoking Tobacco. TERMS CASH. No memoranda kept, dec?—dtim. HOtfSEANDLOT FOit Si LE. MTHE Dwelling House on Oglethorpe Street, ateiy occupied by Mrs. Anna Spencer is for sale on u idral terms. Ifnotsoid by Christmas it will bt rented for the next year. For particulars enquire of K. P. Spencer or LAMBERT SPENCER. November 24, IWB. dl. JUST RECEIVED, Choice goshen butter, Best quality Cheese - all kind*; Breakfast Bacon, Smoked Beef, Pickled Beef; Pickled Pork, Smoked Tongues. Pickled Tongues; Smoked Salmon, smoked Halibut; Whtte Beans New Mackerel, y a K’ and y. bhls; New Shad % bbie. Fresh Salmon and Lobsters in cans. ALSO, Raisins, Currants, Citron -all kinds; Nuts, Candies, Sardines, Pickles Preserves and Sauces; FIRE WORKS, of every description. _ . . _ _ VAN MARCUS.- Colnuibus, Ga. Dec. 9. 1555. dtf COLUMBUS Saddlery, Harness, and leather store. H. MIDDLEBROOK & CO., 94 Broad Street, f; V-JV MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS I Hk 2 . u U'* ! ® cl<lles ’„ ltar,M ‘ 1,,5 A. Leaf tier, “jwhich the following comprises a pari —lanish Quilted Saddles, overlaid; Eng- Jish do; Planters’ Plain do; Youth’s and Boy’s do: ‘’ a E° n an Plantation do; and Ladies Saddles.—varte ty of styles. Bridies, Martingales, Saddle- Bags, and Medical do. HARNESS. Fine Silver plated Carriage Harnes>—U qualities. “ Rockaway “ “ “ Double Buggy “ “ “ “ Single do “ “ Plain black Harness, all styles and qualities. LEATHER, Skirting Leather, Bridle do, Hog Skins, Pad Skins, Harness Leather, Oak and Hemlock, Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Lining Skins, Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Thread and Findings, Ac. Nlaoliine Belting. Leather and Rubber Belting, all widths, Light Rubber and Canvas Belting, for Plow Back Bands. Just the thing for Planters. Belt Rivets, and Lace Leather. JTTJii ladies and Gmtltmen’s Dress and Traveling Trunks, all quali i-LiJrfties and styles. Bonnet Boxes, Valises and Carpet Bags. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. : Enamelled Leather, Pat Bash Leather an- Enameled Cloths, all widths and qualities; On Carpet., Laces, Fringes, Head Linings. Leather Cloth Bootings, Nails, Tacks, Ac. Stirrups, Bitts, Buckles, Harness Mountings, Haines Collars, Whips, Wagon Breeching, Anti Blind Eridles. All the above goods are of our own manufacture; made of the best material and by experienced work men. We invite all those who are in want of articles in our line to call aud examine *our stock, and we as sure them that they will be well satisfied with the quality of goods and the prices; as they will be sold on the very BEST TERMS N.B. New Work made, and Repairing done at the shortest notice. heel—dwtf. SILKS, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE ONE PRICE CASH DRY GOODS STORE. 140 Broad Street—Masonic Building JAMES HmiULUM Has just opened a magnificent assortment of SILKS, SHAWLS and FANCY DEESS GOODS. purchased at recent New York Auction Sales for Cash at an immense sacrifice: 5,000 yards Fancy Dress Silks at 50c. worth SI. 5,000 “ Biack Suks—ail widths; 50 pieces Primed ali wool Delaines of the very best quality, at 50 cents per yard; 50 pieces French Merinos—all shades; 20 “ Union Marino Plaids, splendid quality; 100 Rich French Robes a’Le9—beautiful Goods; 50 Rich French Valencias and Poplin Robes—very choice. axsa A Largo A'isortmsnt cf FANCY DRESS GOODS, Bought at a reduction of 25 per cent., on the price usu ail paid for such goods: 25 Pieces ARABIAN CROSS OVERS— Heavy quality and beautiful colorings; 30 pieces POILE deCHEVRE, high colors— New and choice designs. 13 pieces VALENCIAS—very handsome. 20 pieces COLUMBIAS BAYADERE— Of highest lustre -5 pieces ELVIRAS—a new and beautiful article. 10 pieces Plaid LASTINGS CHENE— Superior quality and coloring. Together with other styles of Goods APAPTED TO A FIRST CLASS TRADE, Also, A LARGE STOCK OF FINE BED, SL.-A.IsTSZE'TS, White and Colored Flannels, Xjl ixrierarss, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS IN GENERAL A Large Stock of Calicoes and Homespuns, Of every description at very )low prices. CLOAKS, SHAWLS £ ND TALMAS, In great vaiietv. Buyers are invited to examine, compare and iudge before making their purchases. Remember the address James AlcPhillrps. 140 Broad Street. k Two Door 9 below J. B. Strupper’s. ONE PRICE ONLY. Every article marked at the lowest. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 10, 185 b. d<fcwtf md &LWM, A full assortment of Bajou’s Kid Gloves, open* ed this mornine. JAS. MePHILLiPS. 140 Broad street. Masonic Building. IMPORTANT TO Planters & Country Merchants. J. MePHILLiPS Would call attention of Buyers to his large stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, As he has a buyer raiding in New York, he will at a 1 times be prepared to offer goods to the Trade for Cash only) at the lowest New York Cost pi ices by the baie or package. Plamers will rind they can save monev bv buy ing their KERSE VS, NEGRO BLANKETS, &,c.,from him, his stock is extensive and his pri ces n uch below that of any other store in the South. . Call and see his <rooas and prices, and thus po9i yourselves upon what you can gel for your mo ney and what goods are worth. Remember the add ress, JAMES McPHILLirs. 140 Broad Strest, Two doors below J. B. Strupper. Oct. •o..dfrw tt. COLUMBUS DRUG STORE, , THE subscribers take pleasure in informing their customers and all interested in the purchase Vs of Drugs, Mrdlcin.i, v% hire Lead, Eel Oils, Ate., to their large and varied assort ment of articles usually sold by Druggists, which they are now offering on as reasonable terms, as can be found in this city; end to those who prefer buying for cash we would say, call, and they will find it to their inteisst to purchase from us. Ever}’ article sold by us warranted to be as represented. DAN FORTH, NAGLE &. CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Sign of the Golden Mortar, No. 107, Broad St. Columbus, Ga. New I#, 1858. iwif The Peoples’s Ticket for Aldermen. FOR MAYOR, Ist Ward—J J McKENDREE, EDW'D CROFT. 2d Ward—J W KING, WILEY WILLIAMS. 3d Ward—THOS. 0 DOUGLAS, A C KIVLIN. 4th Ward—M BARSHALL, C C CODEY. 6th Ward—D B THOMPSON, JOHN QUIN. 6th Ward—S OGLETREE, JOHN DURKIN. Columbus, Dec. 10,-dlt. FOR ALDERMEN. Ist. Ward. W. C. GRAY, E. BARNARD, 2d. Ward. JNO. A. URQUHART, J. F. BOZEMAN, 3d. Ward. JOSEPH KYLE, JNO. JOHNSON, 4th. Ward. J. S. PEMBERTON, JNO. LIGON, sth. Ward. J. L. MORTON, J. R. HULL, 6th. Ward. S. OGLETREE, WM. BROOKS, FOR MAYOR. WE are authorized to announce WILLIS S. lIOLSTED, a candidate for Mayor, at the ensu ing election. *K>v2sdtcL FOR MARSHAL. WE are authorized to aunounce WILLIAM MAHAFFEY, a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov. 25, dtd. WE are authorized to announce JAMES M. HUGHES a candidate for City Marshal, at the ensuing election. * nov27dte. CITY TREASURER. JOHN LLOYD announces himself as a candi data for the office of City Treasurer, and will be thankful for the suffrages of his friends and fel low citizens. novSO dtde. The friends of ROBERT G. MITCHELL an nounce his name as a candidate for re-election as Treasurer of the City of Columbus, at the ensu ing municipal election for 1559. decl FOR, DEPUTY MARSHAL. WE are authorized to announce GEORGE A. HUCKEBA, a erndidate for Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing election. nov27dtd. WE are authorized to announce JACOB W. SHOUP a candidate for Deputy Marshal, at tke ensuing alection, 11th Dec. nov.27dtd. We are authorized to announce HENRY RI LEY a candidate for re-election to the office of Deputy Marshal, at the ensuing election. December 2 CITY SEXTON. We are authorized to annnounce JAMES G. SMITH as a candidate for the office of City Sex ton at the election in December. nov23. TAX RECEIVER. We are authorized to announce ISAAC T. BROOKS a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Muscogee county, at the ensu ing election. nov23dwte We are authorized to announce J. B. HICKS, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Muscogee county at the election in January next. covll—dwtd TAX COLLECTOR. WE are authorized to announce A. C. MOR RISON a candidate for Tax Collector of Musco gee county, at the ensuing election. nov23dwte We are authorised to announce JORDAN L. HOWELL, a candidate for Tax Collector of Mus cogee county for the ensuing year. Election first Monday in January nex*t. The friends of Edmund O’neal, Esq announce his name as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattahoochee county at the January election. novl2—wtd By ELLIS & MATHIS, ~ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary uJL of Muscogee county, I will sell in front of Ellis He Mathis’ Auction Room, in tlie city of Columbus, on Saturday the 18th inst, all the personal property of George Gullen, deceased, consisting in Bar Room Fix tures, Two Fine Billiard Tables, Chairs, Decanters, Li quors. Cigars. Mirrors. Oil Paintines. ice. WM. R. TURMAN. Adm’r. Ellis & Matthis, Auctioneers. dec:B—dtd3 SYDENHAM ACEE. JNO. F. IVERSON COPARraRSIfU THE undersigned having formed a Copartnership will continue the wholesale and retail _ Drug Business, ai their old Btand “EAGLE DRUG STORE,” 93 Broad Street, where they will be happy to serve their friends and the public generally, with a large, fresh, and well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Oils, Putty, Glass. Burning Fiuid;<of our own man ufacture) Alchohol, Pure Brandies and Wines, (for medical purposes! Fine Hair & Tooth Brushes, Combs. Perfumery, Fancy & Toilet Articles Chewing and Smo king Tobacco, Fine Cigars, and almost even’ article usually kept in a first class Drug Store. We solicit a share of the public patron age. feeling assured that a strict attention to business, and to the interest of our customers, will merit the con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on our predecessors. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, dav or night, by a competent and experienced Druggist ’ ACEE (Sc IVERSON. P. S. Persons in want of Medicine after the usnal hour of closing at night, will find Mr. Acp in the front room directly over our store, ready to wait on them. Columbus', Nov. 25—d6m A. & I. W. H. SAYRE. A. 11. WHITE. SAYRE & WHITE, Commission Utcrcbanfs, AND DEALERS IN Pork, Bacon. Lard, Flour Butter, CHEESE, DRIED FRUIT, &c. 69 W alnut Street Particular attention will be given to tbe Purchase and Shipment of ail descriptions of Western Produce, and articles of Cincinnati Manufacture. November 9, 1853. dlmwGm. FOR SALE. THE House and Lot on the north eaat corner i li'iiflE Trnnn and Bryan S.ree.s, fronting the House of I Mr, H W Nance, anddirectiv weal of the new Mttho ; die Church, at present occupied by M J Crawford. For 1 terms app.y to J M Rums, Esq.’ 4*3—42w Martin J- crawfqrd ! new boot & shoe stoke. AC. SAUNDERS & CO. \\ OULD respectfully inform , ’ e Clt kens of Colombo*, and the country pwri.unding, that they have taken the Store recently occopieu t>y Merry & Landoo, and are no* mng the largest, teat made and cheapest Stock of | BOOTS, SHOES & BROGANS lobe found in the City. ! HAVING extensive factories of OLR OWN, and having made arrangements with the best factories in the United States, with 20 years experience in Memphis, Tennessee, we are warranted in saying our stock will be SECOND TO NONE IN QUALITY, STYLE, AND EC ONOMY 10 THE PURCHASER. | Our stock comprises in part— Men’s Thick Boots sizes Irom 6 to 14; Kip “ hall welted and double soied, * “ Water Proof Boots; Napoleon Boots; “ Cavalry do. Extra fine Water Proof Boots; “ Cork 9ole “ Finest peg’d pump and half welt’d Cf Boots j ** t rench Boots of ruperior style; “ Plantation Boots; “ Finest stitched French Calf Boots; “ “ Pump “ “ “ “ Arctic Boot*; Also, Men’* Uxlord Ties sewed and peg"ed; “ Congress Gaiters “ “ “ Calderons; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Call Pegged Brogans, pumps and l welted; “ Sewed “• ** half “ “ Sea!, Cioat and Bufl Brogans pegged; “ Army and Plantation cohoes. = Men’s W ax, Kip 4{ Buff Brogans pegged, Pumps &. Welted. Men’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest Kid &. Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and thin soles, with and without heels. Finest siik warp lasting lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berra, do do do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do do French and GloVc Kid, do do do “ Kid Heel Slippers. English Kid and Morocco do and half Gait ers. English Silk Lasting, do do do Velvet Toilet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo rocco, Seal and Goat. Spring Heel ties and Buskins. Goat, Calf, Buff', Seal A. Kip lace Boots pegged ard sev ed. Kip & Calf Oxford Bcct9 laced and strapped Spring heel Kip Pegged lace Boots. FOR BOYS. Boys Thick Boots, *izes 1 to 5. do do Brogan-, do Ito 5. do do Kip and Call, do do pumps and half welted Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double 5-oled. FOR YOUTHS. Youth’s Thick Bo >ts, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13 do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double sole f. Youth’s Calf, do do do and Ho do do do Brogans pumpa and half welted. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewtd Calf, Kid, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff B .'otees thick and thin sole, witn ana without heels. Peeped Call, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and Buff Bootees, thin and taick soles, with and with out heel-. Fine Kid Ties and Binkins ; Common Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties Silk Lasting, Kid and Morocco Gaiter with and without heels. Kid, Morocco and silk, lasting lace Boots, do and >. Strapped Slipners. Children’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGRO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO COLUMBUS, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braved, Double Soled Brogans, from 1 to IS. Round Seam Triple S itched iron Nai cd Bro gans. Round seam. Three Soled Brogms- Oak Bottoms, Rii-sft sand other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards. If any of our goods do not prore as represented by us, we will make the deficiency good to the purchaser. £O% DUN TRY MEF CHANTS, TRA D fcilS, PEDDALR>,Stc., We can oiler goods at Boston and New York prices. By giving us a call you can save from 15 to 20 per cent on your bills. Tak'tng the quality of our goods into considera tion, we are to be undersold by no one North, South, East or West. We have made arrangements to receive all new styles lrom factories of any note in the United States as soon as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week from our own Fac tories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO., Oct 15.. w&dtf 102 Broad Street. NO VV OPENING. AT DILLINGHAM & DENSON’S FURNITURE STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETINGS RUGS, NIAITS BASKETS, &C. Columbus, October 23, d&wrf. 185S FALL STOCK. 1358 J. H. MERRY ‘UpFjVVTf) HAS removed his store to No. Ll\t\ 87 West side Broad Street, 1 door north of Redd, Johnson &. Co.’s, where he if now receivmg a large supply of * Pall and Winter Clothing ! For GENT ’S, Y OUTH’S and Children's wear Also, a large Assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS! Together with every article ueualy kept in a Clothing Store. All of which will be sold on as good terms as areaflorde! m the City. Columbus, Ga. Oct 15- dw3m BEDBIL & WEEMS Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, YI7ILL teep constantly on hand a well aelec ” ted Stock comprising all articles m their line, which are offered to th-tr riends and the public generally at the LOWESt MAKsiEf PEI CES. Give us a call. t.OCK WEEMS. A G. BEDELI,, Columbus, Ga Dec. 22 wtw-u CARPIWIERS WANTED. \ ’•"ANTED. on or before the 25th of thi month, V V eight or ten good Negro Carpenter!, for whom I good wages will be given. Appiv to the undersigned. A. H. YARINGTON. Union Springs, Ala. Nov. 11 nov2olm WANTED, A N Overseer/or a force of eighteen hands in South -7a. VV esiern Georgia. He must be sober, industrious and honest, and must furnish a recommendation of hie character in all three respect*. A married man would jbe preferred, but his mauiy must be small. Apply is I peeees tbie office. Nevl—W FRESH MA.LAGAR GRAPES. Just received by I. G. STRUPPER. New Figs, Raisins, and Prunes in Fancy Boxes, and Nuts of ail kinds, just received by I. G. STRIPPER. FIRE WORKS! A large lot of Fire Works including 100 Boxes Fire Crackers, Just received bv Nor. 23—d6t I. G. STRUPPER. To Rent, TANARUS” O STORE 9, now fitting up at 34 Broad Street Apply at this office. noviO dtf. ’“CARRIAGE EMPORIUM! J B JAQUES & BROTHER, OPPOSITE THE “PERRY HOUSE.’ COLUMBUS, GA THE subscribers have on hand and { constantly keep a large and well selected stock of Carriages of all de- Alr V scriptions, embracing CALECHES, MOCK CALECHES. BAROUCHES. ROCKAWAYS, Shifting Leather Top and No Top Buggies. Wagons, Ac. We feei confident in stating to the Public that *e can offer as Good Work, and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere for Cash or approved Credit Cash Purchasers will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to dispose of our present Stock, at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor us with a call mav rely on being fairly dealt with. * * 3 All work 9old at this Establishment warranted to be strictly as represented. In connection with the above Establishment we keep constantly employed competent mechanics in the RE PAIRING Business and its branches. Persons indebted to the above firm by notes or ac counts past due are requested to call anil settle imme kiately. Columbus Nov . 1 1659.—d1y ~I(. 8. OTiraißNS, Attorney ext Law, Being a Graduate of Law of the University of Vir gmia, respectfully tenders his services in all the branch es of the profession. [Ur-Office up Stains, over No. 28 Broau Street. Columbus, Ga. November 6,1856. dly DR3. GRIMES * WINGFIELD, si HA YE B‘O‘lne tth ‘onelve-! t w-* her in the prance of Medl ine and Surgery.— he &. -i’a I) u ‘ s. >ra tU'tuif tae day. or Perry H>us; at night will be pr ‘inpity answered. Pi touts ir >m a diaiauc o confide 1 to the'rear** will rec ive ev-rv tece-wwrj Bttei tion H p-2-i d3 n NOTICE. THE undersigned invites proposals until the 15th December next, for the building of a BAPTIST CHURCH in this city. Plan and specifications cm be seen by bidders, at the office of Thomas J. Nuckolls in Jones’ Building. For any information on the sub ject, address N. NUCKOLLS, Ch’n Columbus, Nov. 16, 1859—dim. MATRESSES^ AN excellent article of Cotton, or Shucks and Cot ton mixed, and all Shucks for under Matresses.— Call and see them before purchasing an Inferior article elsewhere. For sale by J. H. SIKES, novd—dtf 36 Broad Street. FOR SALE, A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE in JsFij Wynnton. Apply to -8 5 l Nov. 16—dtf. EIIW. T. SHEPHERD. ■stoves, MORE STOVES! JUST received and for sale, another large lot of tookl g, thc A Parior toves. I invite public attention to the following choice patterns IRON WIZZARD (for wood) { MELODEON (wood.) GOLDEN COOK, “ VIOLET, EASTERN PREM. “ OPAL, PATRIOT, “ WROUGHT Iron “ RELIEF, “ THEBAN, DOUBLE OVEN, (for Coal) Cottage Parlor, “ PERUVIAN, for wood, | New Cottage Parlor. Also, Sheet Iron Office Stoves, different patterns. Box Stoves for Stores. &c. “ Together with a full assortment of House Furnish ing Goods. My terms are reasonable, and all goods sold bv me are warranted to give saiisfactionor no sale ucv.u—dtf R. M. ALDWORTH. FALL SLOCK OF FURNITURE, C’ARPETTING. AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING! AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, COLUMBUS. GA. Columbuß, Ga.. Oct.6, 1858. dw3m. “ATLANTIC CABLE~ Suspended ! AND mos’s CYLINDER FQWER JOB PEESSES IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AT THE COLUMBUS TIMES OFFICE, Where all descriptions of JO B-W 0R K is neatly and promptly executed. BOOK BINDING, CjfekVflill IN AIjL ITS BRA N CH ES substantially and elegantly done at short notice, at the * TIMES OFFICE. Columbus, Ga. Nov. 27—dtf. S3OO REWARD. RANAM AY from the Subscriber in Ma rion county, on the night of tbe 4th inst., two negro boys ; “Wash a yellow boy about 25 years old, has a scar between his eyes and on his nose ; has one black tooth ; is very quick spoken; has lost one of his thumb nails, weighs about 160 pounds: and Bob about 25 or 6 years old, is of copper color, heavy built, about 5 and a half feet high, weighs about* 165 or ! 170 pounds; on the top of his bead is a white spot | of hair the size of a quarter of a dollar. I have good reason to believe that said negroes i have been stolen, and will pay a reward of S3OO for the apprehension of the thief with proof to con vict and the safe confinement of the negroes, so that I can get them. A liberal reward will be paid for the arrest and confinement of the ne groes alone. JONATHAN ROBISON. Pineville, Marion county, Ga., Dec. 7. w2td4t* Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Miscoogee County:—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said countv and State. I will sell at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the First Tuesday in February next a NEGRO WOMAN, named NANCY, SEVEN’ SHAKES MUSCOGEER. R. STOCK Twenty Shares Stock in BANK OF COLUMBUS’ A lot of old SILVER WATCHES and all other personal property belonging to the estate of Samuel B. Purple. THOB. J. NUCKOLLS, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Samuel B, Purhle HARRISON & PITTS. Auctioneer*. December 7, ISSB d4od. trustee's sale. IWTLL se'lto the highest bidder (if not o r pr va'eij oe'ore iha tinie) u th-* Ist Tneday tn Jauuary uex'.at th * M rket H u-ein he eitj of Cohimou-, that vaiuaom pr r p® sy known ■ •De Grafen eid’s (•Dmcr.*’ Te'm-. one b I’cas -bal ance li twelve mon h will po oved m.curit\. _ B.B.DeGB iYF£ .REID, Trustct. dwlns Earriews * Pius, Aac’rs. SWAN A CO.’S LOIIERIXS Trlum pliant I Capital Prixe k 550,000. TICKETS ONLY TEN DOLLARS Ttie follow mg scheme will he drawn by 0. SWAN k. CO., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, * each of their Single Number Lotteries tor De.emlr # 1958, at Auovm, Ga., u> public under the superinten dence of Coinuitfeiooens. Class 40 draws Saturday, D**c. 4,1868. Class 41 draws Saturdt), Dec 11. 1868. Cuss 4*2 draws Saturday. Dec. 18, 1868. Class 43 draws Saturday, Dec. 36, 1868 On the Plan of Sing la N ambers. fO,OOO TICKETS—S.S3O PRIZES NEARLY ONE PRIZE TV) EVERY NINE TICKETS Magnificent Scheme! J To be drawn every Saturday in December. 1 Prixe of ~.|5i.00U t “ *MMM) 1 ** IU,UOU 1 “ 5.000 1 “ 4,KiO 1 “ 3,UUU 1 “ 1,.00 10 “ |,i OS 10 “ L POO 10 “ NX) ( 10 “ 7uu 10 “ MM) bo “ hMI 50 “ * KH) ** 175 5 “ 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. i Prite fc of S<QU Approx’g to f5 \oto Prixe are 1,600 4 ** :<)** 21.W0 ** 1.200 4 ** t’so “ “ 10 H) 4 **, 2i ** 5,000 ** 0.(0 j 4 “ 210 ** 4,1 00 •• sue < “ l l ** “ a,OW) *• eoo j 5 “ 100 “ 1,5 U) * 4( 0 j 5,000** SUsre.... ....SIOO,OOO • 5,510 Prize* amounting to. sM2n.*>oo Whole Tickets SlO. Halves 85. Quarters $2.50. A Circular showing the Plan of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the risk: Certificates of Package of 10 Whole Tickets S6O “ “ 10 Half “ ’ 40 “ 10 Quartet* 14 SO “ 10 Eighth “ U) IN ORDERING TICKTIB OR t t ETIFK AH B Euciose tiie money to our address for the ticket* or dered, on receipt of tvhicb they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchaser* can have tickets ending in any figure thev may designate. last of brawn N umbers and Prifes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the Drawing. Purchasers will write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of SI,OOO and under, payable immediately after the draw ing, other pttzes at the usual time of J) .day*. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for Tie! els or Certificates to 8. SWAN A CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Aia., or Auanta, Ga., can have ’holt ordert fined and save lime by od dressing Sw an A Cos. ai enlter of these utiet. A list of the number* that are drawn from the whee. w ith the amount of the prire that each one is entitled to, win be published after very drawing in the follow ing papers: —JjtigiiSia iGa ) C oi,aUthtu.7.ulu>t; Anclr leans l/eltuf Mobile Jiegvster; AiuhnUt Caietu, Atlanta Intelligencer; J\ew ) urk h ukly Lay book; iarannah Daily A etes; Rirhvond Vis] atch; A cir } urk Lit] utek; l aulding [Miss.) Clarion, and Little Ruck ( Jlrk .) In* Democrat. TH* CRLKBRATKD HOLLA Vjt kKMEHT PO* BYBPEPSIA, niSEASE OF THE KIOSETB, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANT KIND, FEVER AND ACUE. And the various affections consequent upon a diseased STA TE OF THE LIVER. Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency,Cos tivenes, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numer ous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others ef fected a decided cure Tlii* is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bcerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its in troduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meet ing with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wondcrftil medicinal powers must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those person* whose constitutions may have been impaired by th* continuous u*e of ardent spirits, or other forms of dis sipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it find* its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening ever} - nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and in fact infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. Whoever expects to find this a beverag* will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak, and low spirited, it will prove a gratefitl aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial propertied. ca u no a ; The great popularity of this delightfttl aroma ha* in duced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given 80-rhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. Bold at SI per bottle, or six bottles for 85, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JI!,& CO. MANUFACTURING Pharmaceutists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale in Columbus by Brooks Sc Chapman, and by druggists generally throughout the State. April 24, 1 56.—lydwis. IHRimiRE, TH. SIRE**, respectfully returns his thanks to ni? tn-n<fllor past iav< iv srid t egF le*.ve to remind them of tbe fet that he is still a’ htsoln but- ntemand riano 36 Broad etre-t, wher-he will K- gl*d t> e hi?* old customers, and as mat y new om-s as are w Uing to gve him a .trial. Mattras-e- may quantity for sale cheap Re pairing of * ver> a- or p ion f Fomtture dou*- at once, nd in tr**- i ear-si Myle. attention 2 ven to uphoKtering Church Few-, Churn and Cui-h.on- of'ail kinds. Oct. 8. wd tf YT T HITE AND YELLOW ONION SETT 9, Just f v received and for sale by Nov. 15—dwtf BROOKS k. CHAPMAN. Book Binding in superior style at the office of the 111 *• Columbus Times.’* - IJ3O FOR SAL& ON accommodating term*, several desirable dwell ings. Apply to JOHN McCARTY Columbus, Oct. 26. WANTED^ rjf) CORDS WELL SEASONED PINE WOOD • f ’ Aonotv at this offire. oct3o dtf Fttß RFKT, THE Store formerly occup ed by B. & O. ‘Stent. der Warren's Arcade. Apply M this eftw. Her. tt—dtf