Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 14, 1858, Image 1

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E. ELLIS & Cos., Proprietors, VOLUME VI. THE COLUMBIA DAILY TIMES Is published every morning (Sundays excepted.) at Six Dollars per annum, in advance. Sev en Dollars if not paid before the expiration of the year. THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is published every TUESDAY MORNING, at Two Dollars per annum,strictly in advance. Office on Randolph Street , opposite the Post Office. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements of five lines or less in either the Daily or Weekly Times, will be inserted at 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cfcnts for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will be charged 10 cents for the first, and five cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for the space they occupy. The following are the contracting rateechange uble at pleasure: WEEKLY RATES. i g j *® | ®° 0 i [ S No. of. | 3 g g ! 3 i 3 nqrs. 5- S 5 B!S i I ’ F F Fi F 1.. 250 400 [ 550 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 | 500 800 11 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3.. : 75011 00 14 50 25 00 35 00 40 00 4.. .. 10 00 15 00 19 00 30 00 40 00: 50 00 5 ! 12 00 17 00 20 00 40 00! 50 00! 60 00 6 15 00 20 00 I 25 00 50 00! 60 00 70 00 7.. .. 17 00 25 00 ! 3000 60 00’ 70 00 80 00 8.. i200030 00 40 00 70 00! 80 00 90 00 10.. 125 00,40 00 :50 00 80 00’ 90 00100 00 DAILY RATES. t® ■ CO I 04 ! tO No ’ ot 3 3j s 33 3 o o o 00© sara I 5 2 2 2 : 2 0 * 1 sr 0- ~ cr i =r : sr • JD l/l U3 QD j f/) 1 500 700 900 13 00 17 00 ~20 00 2 9 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 3 12 00 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 00 4 15 00 19 00| 22 00 30 00i 40 OO 50 00 5.. 18 OO! 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 6 20 00 28 00 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 25 00! 33 00 41 00 60 0 ! 70 00 80 00 8.. 30 00 38 00 46 00 70 00 80 00 90 00 10.... 400 o; 50 00 60 00 80 00 ! 90 00 100 00 Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisira tors, Executors and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month between the hours of ten in forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House inthe county 7 in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of ale. Notice to Debtors, and Creditors of an Estate must be published lorty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lana or Ne groes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ministration, momnly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules tor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for estab lishing lost papers for the lull space of three months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been givsn by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued ac cording to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TIME3S MD® *o®© PRINTING- OFFICE, Randolph Street, Columbus, Georgia. BAVING in successful operation one of HOE & CO/S CYLINDER PRESSES RUNNING BY STEAM, We are prepared toexecute, atshort notice,every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can he done anywhere in the South. We have on hand a large variety of N E W JOB TYPE, and shall keep a constant sup ply of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPER, CARDS, &c. Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, wi’h promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to the interest of personsjin want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every inscription, &c. &e. Al'o RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blanks. Give us a call. This Department of our office is under the su perintendence of Mr. D. S. Porter, whose long -VDerience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Printer,are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed wither.ergy and faithfulness. . . . „ We have now in connection with the office a complete B®®X BOTIEY, and having recently secured the services of Mr.E. M. Clark (late of Philadelphia,) in this branch tj our business, we pledge ourselves to give the most perfect satisfaction in the manufacture oi Ledgers, Account Books, Dockets, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, &c, We intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our work, in either department, by any establishment South, and that we maybe a ie to make our prices satisfactory, we have adopted thi CASH SYSTEM. ~ Sept. lt| R. ELLIS & CO. Wiiilis ihiilu limes. attorney at l aw, HAMILTON GA. ge^ V T fI C t M eiathe L countiesof Harris > gee, i albot, Mernwether and Tr^uD Ssiwidir win be paw 10 co|iecti °° a - HOWARD & WEEMS, attorneysatl aw, CRAWFORD, at.a. ROBERT N. HOWARD. WA* TER H. WEFMS Crawford, Ala., Juneß-wtwtfT W. S. JOHNSON, ATTO RNEY AT LAW. c U S s E T A, Chattahoochee County, Ga. Sssar- ib oh °‘- WILLIAM TAYLOR, ATTORNEY at law, Cuthbert, Randolph County, Georgia. W IL ,^,F actic . e J n counties of Randolph, Calhoun, Terrell, Early, Clay, Baker, Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO Wellborn, Johnson & Sloan, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Georgia. • All business intrusted to his care will receive immediate attention. June 6, 1858—wtw tf Marion bethune, attorney at law, TALBOTTON, Talbot County, Ga. October 24th. 1856. wtwtf. BAUGH & SLADE attorneys at law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. V\T ILL practice law in Muscogee and the ad|oin- T V ing counties of Georgia and Alabama, r ir Office over Bank of Columbus, Broad St. ROBERT BAUGH. J. J. SLADE. Columbus. Ga. March 27 1857. wtwtf MOSES & LAWES, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. next door to the Post Office..£o R. J. MOSES, WILLIAM A LAWES- Sept. 21st—tf. /grass* w. F. LEE, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON, OFFICE correr of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—w&twtf J. ±UUrAiXs a ooxi) DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. Columbus, May 9,1857. wtwtl A CARD. HAVING withdrawn Irom the firm of HUGHES DANIEL & CO., I cheerfully recommend them to all our former patrons, and the public generally. JQHN R _ EASTHAM . THE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE FONTAINE & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thanklul for the past liberal patronage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge out individual exertions to please all who may entrusr their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual facilities to our customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. Wm.H. Hughes, Wm. Daniel, Wesley C. Hodges. Aug. 5, tf. , WRAPPING & PIPER, OF ALLSIZES ANDQUALITIES, FOR SiiLE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASK. ianelfiwtwtf TO THOSE INDEBTED. WE hereby give norice that all claims due us. and not paid or satisfactorily arranged, prior to [next return day of the respective counties in which the par ties reside, will be sued. None will mar2o-dwtf E. BARNARD & < Bacon! Bacon! WE have nowonband and will be constantly re ceivlng* Prime Tennessee Bacon—Hams* Slue*’ and Shoulders, which we will sell at tbelowesiComs mission House prices. Mar2o—w&twtf E. BARNARD & CO. at.a-ratwa WAREHOUSE. COLTJMBUS, <3-A, ALLEN & CAMAK having purchased the interest of B. A. Sorsby in the above well known FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE, would be glad to see their old friends and patrons at their new place of business, where they have formed aco partnership with J. W. King, under the name and style of KINGj ALLEN & CAMAK, for the transaction of a general STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. , Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and Produce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Marchsndise consigned to our care. Liberal Advances made on Cottoo m Store or for shipment to our friends in Savannah, Lharies ton, New York or elsewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at market prices. f ... , We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge ourselves, by close attention to business to raerU U J. W. KING. A. M. ALLEN, THOS. CAMAK. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Ware house business, takes great pleasure m re commending to his friends a continuance of their ft '°USir o, “* e “ “a A m SORSBY. Columbus, Julv 9,1858-d6m, THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1858, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS, BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIGN OF THE NEGRO i* MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Have on hand,and are constantly receiving a large and well selected stock ot DRUGS, ME ICINEB, CH EMI -ALB, DENTAL AND SURGICAL IN STRUM NTS,PAINTS,OIL, DYE STUFFS, And all other articles pertaining to their busi tness, which they offer at the lowest prices, and warrant them fresh and genuine. FAMILY MEDICINES, As well as Physicianjs bills, put up with neatness and dispatch. Prescriptions accurately prepared at all times of the day and night. FAHCYGOODS, LUBIN’S Handkerchief Extracts, fine Cologne Waters, fine Soaps and pomades, also Hair and Tooth Brushes of English and French manu facture. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 23. d—tf. BRANDIES AND WINES. FOR Medicinal and culinary purposes. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 23 d—tf. PORTER AND ALE. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept, 23. and —tf. tobacco"and segars. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept. 23. d—tf. BURNING FLUID. SOLD by BROOKS ** CHAPMAN. Sep.. 23. d—tf. GREY POTASH. IN jars or otherwise. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. LEAD AND OILS. Union White L-ad, Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Whale Oil, Lard Oil. Neatsfoot Oil, Train Oil, &c. Sold by BROOKS CHAPMAN. Sept. 23 and —tf. MANLEY & HODGES. ARE now in receipt of one of the best and most carefully selected fall stocks, they have ever ofic red to their customers, prices low, audstyles ehoice- Robe ales Silas in great variety. Robe ales Delaines * Robe ales Merinoe’s Plain worsted Dechines Blk Silk Robe ales. / -o atlU IV-.* 1 ADLIti vmiliioil, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide. Pillow Linen 40 and 45 iuches, Napkins, Doylies, &e. A Superior Lot of GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIERY. 10 11-12 and 13-4 MARSAILES QUILTS- Superior Bed Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. WOOL HATS; &c. VELVET, BRUSSELLS, 2 and 3 PLY CARPETS, RUGS, sc. Our stock of WHITE GOODS and EMBROI DERIES was never better, MANLEY ** HODGES. Sept 24, d—tf. fifty negroes wanted. HAVING made our arrangements for JKT& the Fall trade, we desire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, of good character, consisting of yonng men, women, plough boys,and girls, for whom the hignest marketprice will be paid. Persons ha ying negroes for sale willfind it to their interest to give us a call. We will receive and sell Ne groes on Commission and no efforts will bo spared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may place their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on negroes when desired. , . Call at the Auction and Negro mart of HARRISON & PITTS, aug2l—wtwtf 50 & 61 Broad Street. 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands, for Sale. THE undersigned being desirous of wind 4|||§Ling up their business, offer for sale, on any to suit purchasers, a valuable settle- ZJL— mentof One Thousand Acres of Land, lying on the West side of the Flint River, ten miles north ol Oglethorpe, and ten miles ’’south i.of Rey nolds. Two hundred acresof this settlement is num ber onepine land, the balance (800 acres) entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be innun dated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtle66 make from 60 to fcObushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of Swamp oleared and In a state of cultiva tion. Water, healthand society cannolbeexcelled in South Weatcrr Georgia. Apply to COOK & MONTFORT, July 11—w&twtf. at Osiethorpe.Ga. FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has on hand a few STILLS for manna .during Peach Brandy or Whis ky, which he wil ‘ very low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Japan Ware, every description, w .icl can be bought at the lowes rates, oneon eb -t nolle and ’ J. B. HICKS,Agent, julylß * rt Next loor below “Sans Souci’ Rroad-ftreet. _ Rpal Irish Poteen Whisky. THE subscriber is now manufacturing the real lrih Poteen Whisky, at hisplace one and a half miles from Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground in Ireland. Apart from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it is an excellent remedy lor Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c. For sale by the bottle at Brooks &. Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassill & Co’a by the drink or otherwise, and by the gallon A. BRANNY P. LANDON, IS STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE where may be found all kinds, sorts, sizes, de scriptions, qualities and quantities of HATS AND CAPS, ana the prettiest Children’s Hats &, Caps. O H E np. Columbus, Ga.,Oct. 5, 1858. w&dtf E. BARHAM & ®QJ., COLUMBUS, GA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS B HAVE on hand and will continue to receive a large aud well selected stock, embraeiug eve ry ariicle in theirline, which are offered to'their friends and the public at market prices- Come and see us. • sept 29 1857— dwtf SCHOOL NOTICE. The Femalo School at Waverly Hall, for the ensuing year, will be by Mrs. Foster, aided by Tuition per year of Ten Months. For Spelling and Reading, . . . $lB 00 The same with elementary Geography’ and Arithmetic, 20 00 Eng. Grammar, Geography and written Arithmetic, . . . . . 24 00 The same with Nat. Philosophy and Chem istry, .28 00 All the higher English branches, . . 32 00 Drawing and Painting wiith water colors, also, with oil On Canvass, . . 24 00 Music with use of Piano, . . . 4S 00 BOARD for Misses and young Ladies can be obtained of the subscriber at 8 to $lO per month, Lads under 11 years, can be sent to the above school if desired, school will commence Ist Mon day in January. W. FOSTER. Dec. 6, 1858. w6t* MARION HIGH SCHOOL. # BUENA VISTA, GA. This school will be re-opened for the reception of students on the third Monday in January, 1859, under J. R. PARKER, principal, assisted by B. W. KENNERLY, A. B. formerly of Tennessee. The subscriber takes plcasuro in announcing to the public, that there is no longer any necessi ty of sending young men to Colleges to have their morals and manners corrupted— educate them at or near home. • We are now prepared to give a thorough col lege course. Rates of Tuition per scholastic year of ten months; 18, 24, 30 and $36. Board at from $8 to $lO per month. J. R. PARKER. Dec. 6, 1858. w2m SOUTHERN FEMALE UULLEWE, LaGRANGE GEORGIA. FACULTY: 1 Proprietors. I. P. COX, j Rev. 11. E. BROOKS, A. M. PltOF. OF MORAL & MENTAL SCIENCE k MODERN LANGUAGES. I. F. COX, A. M., PROF. OF MATHEMATICS, AND ANC'IENTLAXGUAGES. 11. C. lIOOTEN, A. M.. PROF. OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Miss ELIZA R. STITT, PRESIDING TEACHER AND GOVERNESS. Mrs. H. E. B R 0 0 K S, LITERARY. BRANCHES, Miss ANN E. COOPER. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss EMMA E. DENTON. ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Prof. M. Stacy Johnson, Principal. Mrs. H. C. Hooten, J Assistants. Miss Emma E. Denton, j THE FACULTY of this Institution inHrlr i‘ s com P oscc * entirely of experienced teachers, most of whom arc favorably known to the public at large: and be ing furnished with the proper facili ties for imparting instruction in every department of study, it is hardly necessary to state that the advantage offered here are seldom found in a fe male College. Prof. Johnson is a popular teacher and distin guished composer of music. For six years previ ous to his connection with this Institution, he had charge of this department in a flourishing female college. His superior excellence as a vocalist, energy and tact in teaching, fit him especially for his position. Young ladies wishing to give the polish to a musical education, will find the proper advantages at this place. A neat uniform dress is worn by the young la dies of the College, on public occasions. Any neat, plain dress for every day wear. (For de scription see Catalogue.) The Spring Term will open the first Wednesday in January, and close first Thursday in July. EXPENSES: Board, (including, washing, lights, <fcc.) per month, : : : ■ : : , 50 Tuition in Literary Branches, and Music, (each) per month, : : : ; SO 00 Use of Piano, per month, : : : 000 For particulars apply for Catalogue to BROOKS & COX, Proprietors, LaGrange, Ga., Dec, 6, 1858. EARLY SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Blakely, Early county, Ga.,’ on the first Tcesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land numberjthree hundred and torty nine, in the ‘26th district of Early county, containing 250 acres more or less, levied on as the property of John E Babb, to satisfy one fi fa issued from; the Superior Court of Early county, in favor of Robt W Sheffield, Adm'r.— property pointed out by Plaintiff. Also lot of land number two hundred and twenty six, in the *26th district of said county, levied on as the prop erty of Charles Powers, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Stewart County Superior Court, in favor of Jacob Leonard, —property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Att'y uenna , u * ANTHONY HUTCHINS, Sh’ff. November 30, 1858.—wtds. EARLY MORTGAGE SALE. -|TTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, V\ before the Court House door in Blakely, Ear ly countv, Ga. the north east half of lot of land number one hundred and sixty six, in the 28th district of Early county, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from Early Superior Court"in favor of Thomas B. Andrews, vs. Isaac Lay ton—property pointed out in said Mortgage Fi Fa. nov 30—wn A. HBTfHfIS *, *berft EPFIMG’S COMPOUND FLUID, Extract of Buchu. “ BAR OS MA CREXATAT A Sovereign Remedy for Diseases of the BLADDER, SPINE.) Mt IDNBYB. URINA RY ORGANS, GRAY-) fcj EL, STONE in the BLADDER, CHRON- j j| IC CATARRH of the BLADDER. MORBID j £5 IRRITATION of the BLADDER and URE-j pj siJRA. diseases of the PROSTRATE, and RE j TENTION and INCON TINENCE of URINE) 0* f from a loss of tone in the parts concerned.) 1 Also, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC JRHEUMA- j j TISM and AFFEC TION'S of the SKIN. * £5 J“ C The above Medi cine is earnestly re-j jjj commended to Physi cians and practition- j 01 f ora medicine and the public generally, j ?as it can be used by persons of all ages and ) M r habits, is pleasant to the .taste, and can be 1 readily taken by any J j patient no matter how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping and L. Pierce & co., blown upon each bottle. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. sept 7 dwtf. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR, PREPARED by D R. SA N D F O R D, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS. IS one of the best purgative and Liver Medicines now before the publie,that acts us a Cathartic, easier milder and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a cathartic but a liver remedy acting firstym the Liver to eject its morbid matter then on the stomach and bowels to carry off the matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operation of most eathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity.^ The Liver is one of|f/}j the principle regula tors of the human bo-1, t s dy. .and when it per forms its functions well I the powers of tlie sys tem are fully developed | r ( As the stomach is al most entirely depend- \—J ( ent on the healthy ac tion of the Liver for the ,l/j proper performance of its functions, when the |, ,) stomach is at fault the bowels at fault, and M) the whole [system suff ers t in consequence of “w J one organ— the liiv er— having * ceased tofteJvdo its duty. For the diseases of that organ. -A] one of the proprietors has made it his study, i !ih practice of more than twenty years, to ; > find some remedy wherewith to counter- tj < actthe many derange ments to which it is ]Hn> bkble. To prove that this re- medy is at last lound, any person troubled t HH \ with Liver Com plaint, in any of its terms, has but to try a bottle. |and conviction j certain. These gums remove )(JQ( all morbid or bad mat ter from the system,! | supplying in their place mach. causing food to(f b digest we’ll, p’iitm-iij/i. ing tlie blood, giving tone and henlth to the whole machine- r'lv r y removing the cause of the disease— ting a radical cure. Bilious are cured, and, what is better, )|_J* prevented, fby the occasional use of the ]Wi Liver Invigora t°r. (ti). One dose after [eating (fTj j sufficient to relieve the stomach and v vent the food rrom rising and souring.j f, ,1 Only one dose taken )H { before re,mn S In vents” Nightmare. Only one dose taken /.) at night, loosens the bowels i ; gently, and s'!) cures Costiveness One dose taken after (5 each meal will cure Dyspepsia. M 13 r One dose of two J ( tea spoonfuls will al- ■ ways relieve Sick)'™’! Headache. One ! dose taken for l/vN female obstructions re move the cause of the j j disease, and makes a ner f e ct cure. j Only one dose imme- jw) liately relieves cholic, while (UpJ; , , , One dose often repea- f Uj ! ted is a sure cure for Cholera Morbas, F J and preventative of Cholera.; . , , 49‘Only one bottle ir )is needed to throw out of the systemthe effects °* me^c * ne atter a lo g hIC bottle for Jaundice re moves all sallowness or ( unnatural _ color from the skin. J L-j’ , . One dose taken aim; short tune before eat ing gives vigor to the j, ; appetite and makes food digest well. One dose ofren repeated eures Chronic uiar rheea, iff its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the. first ■ and? se - One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worm* in children; there is no surer, safer or k speedier remedy in the world as it never fails. . . A few bottles cures Dropsy* by exciting the absorbants. ~ . We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventative for Fever and Agne, Chilis Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type, It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving it their unanimous testimo ny in its favor. . Mix water in the mouth with the lnvigorator ana swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGOR *TOR, Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily work ing cures almost toe great for belief. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst jaundice or dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which are the result of a diseased liver, j Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFORD & CO. Proprietors, 345 Broadway N. i . WHOLESALE AGENTS. Barnes &. Park. New York; T. VV. Doytt & Sons, Philadelphia; MS Burr & Cos., Boston; HH Hay & Cos. Portland; John D Park, Cincinnati; Gaylard & Hammond. Cleveland, Fahnstock &. Davis, Chicago; O J Wood & Cos. St. Louis; George II Keyser, Pitts burg; S S Hance, ‘Baltimore’ And retailed by aIJ Druggists.J Wholesale tmd Retail by J. S.PEMBERTON & CO., BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DANFORTH NAGEL, May 20,1658—d&wly. and all Druggists, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold at Fort Gaines, Ga„ on Ist Tuesday in February next to the highest bidder, four Nqgroes to wit: Kitty a uo man 40 years old; Maria a woman 20 years old. ana her children John 8 years old, and a child 2 years old, as the property of Wm. Tonev. deceased. ROBT. G. RICKS, ) 4rtm ._ W. TONEY, j Admrs November 29,1858—wtds. Notice to Dehtori and Creditors.— All persons having demands against the estate of Thomas Bush, deceased, are hereby notified to render them in to me, duly proven according to law within the time prescribed, or they will not be paid; and persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make imme diate payment. HEPSEA ANN BUSH, Ex’x November 22, 1858—w40d. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS — All persons indebted to the estate of George Gullen. late of Muscogee county, Ga., deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those holding debts, claims or demands against said deceased, will present them duly authenticated to me, within the time prescri bed by law for payment. ...... . , , Dec. 10—wtds WM. R. TLRMAN, Adm r. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, i Edito rß. JAMES W. WAEREN. \ hailoT NUMBER 89 MUSCOGEE IR_ DR. ch a Woe of scned vl e. 1• j ij lj % ON and alter 15.h r Jul> 1858. the Evening Mail Train will leave Columbus at 3.45 p. in., and ar rive at Macon at 9.18 p. m. Leave Macon at 9.45 a. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.45 p. m. The Morning Mail Train will leave at 4.00a. m. and arrive at Macon 9.5# a. m. Leave Maron *11.45 p. nt. arrive af Columbus at 3.35 a. m. J. L. MUSTIAN. Hupt. Columbus. July 15—dwtf. CHANGE OF {SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. IHftflflA MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT RAIL KOAD COMPANY, MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ON and after this date the Passenger Trains on this Road will be governed by the following Schedule DAY TRAIN: Leave Montgomery at ni. Arrive West Point s>* p. m. Arrive at Columbus 2. Slip. m, Returning—Leave West Point 9)>4 a .. ni. Leave Columbus 10.00 am Arrive at Montgomery 4.00p.m. NIGHT TRAIN: Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. m. Arrive at West Point 12.20 a m. “ Columbus 1.00 a. m. Returning—Leave West Point 7X P- m. Leave Columbus ~..7Vjjp. iu. Arrive at Montgomery Jtffc a. m. Through tickets can be obtained (for Double Daily Connections) to Atlanta, Chattanoogu and Nashville, and daily connections to Hunlsville, Memphis and Knoxville. s. G. JON EH. July 16, —d&wtd Engineer & Hupt Freight Arrangement BJGTWJKJKN ATLANTA & COLUMBUS. BY an arrangenient between the Railroad Companies composing the two routes from Atlanta to Colum bus, concluded at their convention at Havannah onlhe 16th instant, it was ..agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Columbus shall govern, taking effect from the Ist day ot May 1857. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel 11c. Wheat I*2; Oats 8; Baron Whisky, Flour, in sacks or barrels per 100 lbs 35c: Bagging, Rope, I.ard in eans or bbls per UK) lbs 45c. Coal, Pig Iron, by ear load, per ton, 53.75. VIA MACON. Corn per bushel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon, Whiskey, Flour in sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs., 44c. Bagging, Rope, Laid in cans or bbls. per 100 pounds, 55cents. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton S>4.6Bc. J MIJSTIAN, President and Superintendent Muscoeee R R GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. SAM’L G. JONES, Engineer and M. dtW.P. R. 11. May 30, 1858 —d&wtf. aud tHRASD R. It. gg |£p ijjEgja^gg rpHE Passenger and Freight Train will leave Oi- A rard at 2p, in. daily, connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Viliula, Glennville Eufau la. Fort Gaines and Marianna, Fla. And at Guerry tovvn daily with the stages for Ucliee, Olivet, Elion, Chunneniiuggec, .Midway, Hardaway, Perote and Union Springs. Leaving Guerrytown at 4 a. in. daily, the cars will reach Girard at 7a. m., connecting with the Opelika and Muscogee Trains. }£/’Duplicate receipts must accompany all Freight Shipped. jjy All freight must be paid before Goods will bo discharged. Freight delivered at the depot before four o’clock, p. m. will be shipped the following day. Freights for stations Number 1 (Fert Mitchell) and Number 5 (Piersons,) must be prepaid Wav freight must, ill all cases, be paid in advance. JOHN HOWARD, marQs, ’s7—dwtf. Engineer A Supt. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE, SAVANNAH & CHARLESTON STEAM-PACKET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE North Eastern Railroad of So. Ca. *. THE SPLENDID ami fast running Steamer GORDON. F. Barden, Com mander. leaves Savannah for C'harles every Sunday and Wednesday af ternoons at 3 o’cloek, and connect at Charleston with the morning train of the North Eastern Railroad going north. Returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8 o’clock, (after the arrival of the cars on the northeastern Railroad) and arrives at Sa vannah early nextmoning. By this route passengers can obtain through tickets to and from Savannah, and Wilmington. N. C. Having a thorough freight arrangement with the Central Railroad and its connections, all freights be tween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia, consign ed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P. BROOKS, Agent Savannah. E. LAFITTE & CO. Charleston. Jan 15—dwtf. A GREATISAUGAIi\! THE Subscribers, having now purchased the euti re property of the Coweta FalJs Manu facturing Company, offer the same for sale. It is 1 one of the best situations tor Milling and Manu facturing purposes in the whole country, and will be sold on long credits, and the most liberal terms. Titles of Warrantee will be made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J.SEVI MEv, JOHN L. MUSTIAN, June 10. —wtwtf JAMES W. WARREN. HARRISON & PITTS, AUCTION & COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, 59 and 61 Broad Street .Colnmbai, Qa. WILL stiil continue the above line at our old stand. Thankful far the patronage hereto-. ’ fore so liberally extended to us by our friends and the public, we hope bv renewed exertions to men its continuance. Noetforts will be spared to gift entire satisfaction to those who may confide tbei: ; business to onr care. , , 4 .i i We will give oar personal attention to tin. < sale of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandise and Pro duce Having houses fitted up expressly for tb. } purpose ,we are prepared u> board, purefaas.. in j sell Negroes on Commission. , Liberal advance, will be made as heretofore o: - Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended t, on reasonable terms. tar A Stock of LI&ELY NEGRGOESof a 5 classes will bo kept constantly on bund. CHAH. 8. HARRIBON, i* GEORGE I. PITT*. Columbus, Bept. 2, lß*B.— wtwis