Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 15, 1858, Image 3

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THK DAILY TLMKS. the crTY. Crops. The Baton Rouge Gazette ..f Tuesday U ?T saya : The earh frost*, and the sudden change to aarm * and wet weather. wili. t - at the crops short in this parish fully ooe-fourth. The Natchitoches Chronicle of the *>7th ulu says: ’ Th* cotton crop of this parish is nearh all pick ed out. and although the very favorable fail has enabled our planters to make moreeotton than thev ex.pec ten about the middle of the season, wc still are of opinion that the crop of the parish will not exceed that of last year. Resccino a FroTTirE Slave Tkirty-gectu Indictment*.— On the ISth of September last, a slave named “Little John.** was arrested in Ober lin. Ohio, by United State* deputy mar-al L- we, of Columbus, by virtue of a warrant issued hv U oiled .-dates Commissioner Chittenden, of the Southern District of Ohio, at the instance of An derson D. Jennings, the deputed agent of the owner. John G. Bacon, both residents of Macon county, Kentucky. The same day a mob of the citizens of Oberlin, was raised to prevent the execution of the prove-- by the marshal, and the slave was rescued at Wilmington, a few miles from Oberlin. The citi zens of the latter place held a glorification meet ing, and determined to resist for the future, any and every attempt to urrest a slave at Oberlin. The recollection of the affair has mostly died away, but its history is revived by the recent act of the United States Grand Jury at Cleveland, who have brought their labors to a close, by find ing true bills against thirty-*even of the ring-lea ders in this affair, including the Rer. Henry Peek, Professor in Oberlin College, Rev. James M. i itch, formerly missionary to Jamaica, several theological students, five fugitive slaves, and thirty other persons, including seven free colored persons. Urcadfal Accident. On Monday afternoon lasr. while a party of y<>ung Ladies were at the steam sax Mill of (” apt. Holiday. engaged in looking at the machinery. Ac., an accident occurred to them, which has east over the mind* of this community, a shade of the deepest melancholy. While standing near some part of the machinery, the dress of Miss Jane Dupont became entangled in one of the band* and iu the effort* of Misses Maria Doggetr and Kate Ferris, to extricate their friend from her perilous condition, were themselves drawn down and made the victims also of this sad affair. Miss Ferris, we are told, is the least sufferer of the three, hav ing sustained no serious or internal injury. Miss Dupont and Miss Doggett unfortunately are •of ferers to a greater extent: the former having re ceived an injury of the back and spine, and the other, the loss of au arm. Painful indeed as must lie the circumstances of thi- unhappy affair, sympathy offers her willing will to quiet the -oh- of anxious friends and to breath still, the hope of life and joy around the be *Lride- of the gentle - offerer-. — Jetektonrille. i /?'.) Standard, 9/S mitt. Fat Men. Attention !—The editor of the Ohio Cultivator, whom we thus judge t-* be fond of huge jokes, proposes in go**d faith to bestow a premi um of a broadsword to the heaviest man who makes his appearance at the approaching Ohio >tate Fair. Each competitor will be equipped with a fan and handkerchief, and alter being proved upon the scales will parade as the “Falstaff Guard-.” The prize i- open to the world. DAILY COMMERCIAL RECORD. COTTON—The market yesterday was quite animated and li>6s bales changed hands upon a basis of ile for >trict Good middlings: there were a few sales of inferior cotton at ll I*. 1 *. The opera tions were confined almost entirely to speculators; Shippers taking but little, the receipts were 843 bales. We quote extremes 10fS 11 H- in<-*t sales New York, Dec. 13. COTTON —Sales of cotton to-day 1.000 baies. with a heavy market. Flour was firm, sales of 8.000 bbls. Wheat very dull. Corn was heavy : sales of 19,000 bush. Spirits of Turpentine was firm. Rice quiet, at per pound. Savannah. Dee. 13. COTTON —Sales of cotton to-day 102 bales, at prices ranging from 10to 11 ac. Charleston. Dec 13. COTTON —Sales of cotton to-day 1,100 bales. ’The market closed firm. Montgomery. December 12. 1858. COTTON —Since the receipt of the Liverpool advices this morning the market is very quiet, buyers are offering lower prices, while factors re fuse to yield or make any concession. We there fore continue former quotations. Middlings Di strict middling- to Good middlings If**’ * to 11 cents. Stock on hand Sept. Ist. . • - o&S Received past week. . . 5,487 •• previously, . • • 74. >44—80.331 80,899 Shipped last week, . - 3,970 *- previously, . - 16,394 —20.364 Stock on hand Dec.. 13. 1858. . • 60.5^5 Rec'd same time last year. . • • 35.314 Shipped. .... • i2.4f* Stock on hand Dee. 14. 1857. • • --.>-6 ErF.vriA. Dec. 13, 185?. ISSS. 1857. Received last week. . 1.>42 . • l.Ovsi . previously . . 13.1 o 7 . . 4.050 COTTON—Our market the past week was quite active. Wc quote 100.11 l ±et?. extremes. Arrivals of'>:sm'hips Savannah. Dec. 13.—The ship United States. J D Blanchard, from Valencia. Oct. 23d. Ship Amelia. Wallace. X. Y-. in ballast, t Jfvl ler A JLfiehels. Ship Scotland. JtfeCaan. LivetpooL with eoa and salt, to A Low A Cos. Dry Rot in Cotton. — The Lauderdale Miss Republican, contains a prize essay on the above subject, delivered by Dr. Peyton King, at the re cent fair of the Lauderdale County Agricultural Mechanical Society. He comes to the eoncln sioß? that: The drv r t primarily and mainly proceeds from disease! *ed; that .icy gather “much promote, it. aad seasonable e*ber checks or retards it: thirsty cx manures .and n favorable to it: and it will regmarly or lea , <0 i on - as the present diseased =ee-i are planted ; thaf the great body of seed n,ow y -anted disease-! : and that to eradicate me ret, -,ed mast be obtained free fr‘>m BALI) HILL HOTEL, CFSSETA. CHATTAHOOCHEE CO. C.A: . . THE euteenher- offer rhe N>ve for sale on reasonable term- I* • * ” iiSsl of it will be for rent the en- imz }<>*• W S Johnson. Esq , f u-” *”- 1 “ € ÜBbscnners’at .Columbus. BvRSHAIx . j. P. ILLGESJ Dec 13—dJtwt: L T DOWSING NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO. y “ respectfully iou-rfft u.l c ’’^ s,eo * °I Colombo*, and the countri surr uuding, mat they have taken the St: re* recently occupied by Merry A Landon. and are now one otng me hrgen, nest made and cheapest Stocked BOOTS, SHOES & BROGANS T o be found in the City. OUR OW* E S? KSiVE FACTORIES OF the kA, r % * SD<i hav iig made arrangements with me te>t **ctones in the United Sta:*s, with 2b years experience in Memphis, Tennessee we are wan-amed in saymg °ur stocs will be SECOND TOjgSeL LN Quality, style, and EC . ONOMY TO THE PURCHASER. Oar fto’k comprises in part— Mens Thick Boots sizes from 6 to 14; ** ** half weited at>d doable aoleJ, “ Water P r<_of Boots; Napoleon Boots; Cavalry do. Extra tme Water Proof Boots: Cork sole “ “ Ft®**- purrsp and half wek’d Cf Boots French Boots of stvie; “ Plantation Boots; Finest stitched French Calf Boots; - “ Pump “ Aretic Boots; Also, Men's Oxford Ties sewed and peg *cd; Congress Gaiters ** ** 4 ‘ Calderon*; “ Scott Ties; Men’s Cali Pegged Brogans, pumps and 4 welted; “ “ Sewed “ J half “ “ !, Goat and Buff Brogans pegged; “ Army and Plantation echoes Men’s Wax, Kip But! Brogans per trad, Pump? &. Welted. Men’s Gaiters, Slippers &c., of all the latest patterns. FOR LADIES. Finest K:d & Morocco lace and Congress Boots, thick and tom soles, with and without heels. Finest si k v- arp Isfeng lace and Congress, do do Serge de Berre, do dc do do Eugene, do do do do do Italian and English, do do do French and Glove Kid, do and do ** Kkl Heel Siippers. English K:d and Morocco do and half Gait ers. English Silk L?-ting, do ci do Velvet Toiiet Slippers. Embroidered, do Women’s Common Thick heel ties of Kid, Mo rocco, Seal and Goat. Spring Heel ties and Buskins. Goat, Calf, Buff, Seal A Ivp lace Boots pegged and sewed. Kmdc. Calf Oxford Boots laced and strapped Spring heel K;p Pegged iaee Boots. FOR BOYS. Boys Thick Boots, sizes 1 to 5. do do Brogans, do lto 5. do do Kip and Calf, do do pumps and half welted. Boys Calf and Kip Boots, welted and Double soled. FOR YOUTHS. Yomh’s Thick Boots, sizes 9 to 13. “ “ Brogans, do 9to 13. do do Kip do do do do Boots half welted and double soled. Youth’s Cail* do do do and do do do do Brogans pumps and haif weired. FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. Sewed Calf, Kid, Goat, Sea!,Grain, .Morocco and Buff Bootees thick and thin e. witn and without heeis. Pegged Cali, Goat, Seal, Grain, Morocco and But! Bootees, thin and thick soles, with and with out heel?. Fine Kid Ties and Buskins; Couimoa Kid Morocco, Seal and Goat Ties. Silk Lasting, Kid and Morocco Gaiter? with and without heels. Kid, Morocco and silk lasting lace Bools, do. do. Strapped Slippers, b'hiidren’s Congress Heel Gaiters. FOR PLANTERS. The largest, best made, and cheapest stock of NEGHO SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO COLUMBUS, Among them are, Round and Lap Seam, Double Braced, Doable Soled Brogans, from 1 to 15. Round Seam Triple S'itched Iron Nailed Bro~ gans. Round seam, Three Soled Brogans- Oak Bottoms, Ru??et:s and other kinds ranging in price from sl.lO upwards: If any of oar goods do not prove as represented by us, we wiU make the deficiency good to the purchaser. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS,TRAD ERS, PEDDALRS, Ac., We can offer goods at Boston and New York prices, By giving ns a cad you can save from 15 to 20 per cent on your bills. Taking the quality of our g ods into c’ nsidera tion,weare to be undersold by no one North, South, East or W est. We have made arrangements to receive a.i Dew stvles from factories of any note in the United States as sood as introduced, and shall be receiv ing fresh goods every week fivia ocr own Fac tories. A. C. SAUNDERS & CO.. Oct 15..wifcdtf 10-2 Broad Street. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Dr. JAMES WILLIAMS’ Anti Dyspeptic Elixir. Ji:-t received bv Expre—. and for sale by ACEE Gc IVERSON. Eagle Pure Store. Perfumery and Fancy Goods FOR THE MILLION. Bazin's new Sprinc Per fumery “Kiss-me-Quicsiy.” m fragrance —distilled “from the well known Flower Forset-me- Not. Ato Wright’s new perfume -Kiss-iae-Sweetlyy the Double Extract of Sweet Two tu Lips; together with a great manv other Kinds too tedious to mention. For safe at the Eagie Drug Store, by ’ A+EE A IVERSON Jiist Received, \ FRESH SUPPLY of GARDEN SEED. anJ On- A ion Setts—White Red r,: the Eagle Drug •ifore. ACEE ■> IVERSON. CCRIT BY THE EAR. EARLY Sweet or Saxon, and Early Tuscav ra < om b\ the ear. for sale by ACEE dc IVERSON. Eagle Drag Store. ‘> Broad Street. Columbus. Dee. -d4r COLUMBUS GUARDS. Company Weekly Drill from 7 to 5 -/clock Sat urlsv night. By order of the Cap-tain. ALLEN, Secretary. Novem+yr 2+. tf. MONTPELIER SPRINGS, FOR SALE OR RENT, To Teachers and Hotel Keepers. MTHIS Property consisting <>f extensive improvements of u.. kin -With garden.-, orchards, shrubbery, demand three hundred acres of land ( one half rich woodland i? now offered for sale or rent to a responsible purchaser or ten ant on very favorable terms. The place has been improved with great tu.-<.e and beamy, and to a gentleman desirous of estab lishing a select school, or opening a watering place it presents an opportunity rarely offered. The St rings Sne Caaybeate water iie miles west of Macon and seven miles from a de pot on the Macon and Western Railroad. Fwr terms, which shall be reas- nable both as to time and price, apply to the undersigned at Macon. Ga. Possession given at once. ’ ALEX. M. /PEEP.. December 13th —wl do'. house Xndlot FOlt SALE. ! Jv THE Dwelling House on Oxieifeorpe Street, iiiltP lately . <cu?ied to Mrs Anna Spencer is for sale terms. I: not sold by Christmas a will m ranted f.-the next Year For particulars enquire ot R. p SncerTr ‘ LAMBERT SPENCER. XoZSe"*. IS, ilo- COLUM H+LS Saddlery, Harness, AND LEATHER STORE H. MI DDL U 1 ROOK & GO., 94 Broad Street, e. A MA\CFACTTREBr* AND DEALERS £-■ Harncsi, t Leather, do; Planters’Plsm and ; Youth - ami agon an Plantation do; and La4 >•<•:+. s -L-var,- * ty of styj.. Bridles. Nlartinsales, Sadtiic- Basrs, and Medical do. HARNESS. Fine Silver plated Carriag- ilartu-ss—aa qua - ‘’ Itockawat “ ‘* Double Buggy Singie do ‘• *• Plain black Harness, all styles and quahr. - LEATHER, Skirling leather. Brake do. Hog in. Pad s-kiiis. Harness leather. Oak aed flemksck, Sole Leather. Calf Skins. Lining Skrir-- Bboe Peg*. Lasts. Thread and Finduits. Ac. ZNXacliine /Beltin Leather and Robbe r Belting, all w, i/r-. , Light Ritbfr r and Canvas Behmg. Car Plow Back Just the t-u .z r Pias re! Ben Rivets, and Lace Leather. TK.TJIKrZS.iS, Ladies and G+m It men’s and Traveling Trunks, ail nuaii- Ui * ‘i if sand stvie-. B. nio-t Boxe-. Vah .. - and Carpet Bags. CARRIAGE TRIMIIIXGS. J - F:>x:ae... and Leath -r. Pat Dash Leather asi y*r— = -~'Ena-:ne.e-i C wid:SiS ai i- ;a •*.. On Carpet, Lares. Fringes. Head Linings. Leather Cloth Booting-. Nails. Tack-, tt. Siirrups. Bins. Buckie-. Haro- ss M , . Ha&if-s Cellars. Whips. Wag >n Breeching. Au Bimd Bntlles. All the above_ goods are of our own raanufaftn.-t*; made of the G- materiut and : work men. We tnv-*v ah those \vh- af- ws: : *-f articles in oar line to call and euumne ’our stock, and we as sure them that they will be well with the quality of goods aad the pn •- : tii.-x w ; be- • and on me very BEST TERMS N. B New W- A and E -i- ;- a; e shortest notice 1 desl—dwn'. COLUMBUS XAX-LXJCA- STORE, THE übscnba - take- p'.easwr-* in lafirming tof Drugs, Medlelaes, White Lead. Oils, Ac., rn their large and varre-d assort ment of article- u>i;ally sold by Druggist-, via. h the-, are now offering on as reasonable terms, as cat, i-- found iu tins city; end to those who j>rt .--r but juj *v,. cah we w ould say. call, and they wi.i find it inter?st to purchase from us. Every arta-ie - -• mh warranted t> Is- as w^jresented. DANPOBTH. NAGLE A; CO.. Wiicdesaie nn<i Retah Druggists. > of ibe G ‘ ten M •-.. \- i T. Br I s> Columbus, Ga Nov. is. Ires. d-.-,- NOTICE. \ LL persons are hereby notified of tin- loss of a -1 note made by Charles P. L vy. ‘pay:/: to Berrv Rogers er bearer, and warned agam-t traan: for tire time. The principal of said note v, as thirty odd dol lar-. dec 11 d3r J. M. HUGHES. LOOK! LOOHI Startling Intelligence for Vos Popnli ! WIIjLIAMS’ PICTURE GALLERY IN FULL BLAST. TTIIE BndersfßTii snnonm - tlie <: ,-z C-v I ... • -.a.i. taking Picuurr-s in as good style as the; uu i-,.- taken iu the **E;:i!>!: star.-.-’ either !q. y - a.- ust. His prices range from that much ..Vs .->Ti fifty cents to ten doiiars And although lie - no; pretend to rev that he is the Vrs’ artist La the I'nited States, yet he fears aot the result * those whose reputation is bolstered up by i-st adver tisements ami puffs of their own matiuihcoire. Ire prefers that ladies and gentle m*. :i should judge or themselves. And if those in wan: of a good Pktxire will call and give him a trial, be wifi convince them that he fully understands the meev.s operr.nui of picture taking. Au he wants i- a fair and impartial trial, and he fears no competition from any quarter. His Gallery is over Barnard’s store. Broad -Street, where he will be happy to receive visitors show them his specimens a* ati times. G T WILLIAMS. N-’V. 6—laid IM-. v grap.. Art.-?. A. 4 EL ATI, Candy Manufactaier & CeniecToner, WHOLESALE AND EETIAL DEALER LS GREEN A- DRV FRUITS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, Ko- 20 Broad st-, Columbus. Georgia. ORNAMENTED PARTY CAKES—Cocnriy orders will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 3, 1858. dlZm. SYDENHAM ACEE. JNO. F. IVERSON ~ (01’' ’ L> . 11 ’. THE undersigned having : -rn:-•: a Cojnr,r-: -hip will continue the wholesale and retasi Drug Business, at their old Stan . “EAGLE DKT G -TOltL. 93 Broad Street, wh. re mey wia le har.vj -■ - e their frimes and th*‘ pubis-’ generally, with a large, fresh, and well selected stock of DRrGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OLis. Putty. Glass. Burning Fluid, of our own man ui'acTur- AichohoL Pur 1 Brandies at llt mes. . for medical purposes Fine Hast at i- ■ - h Brushes. Combs. Perfumery. Fancy St Toilet Articles.Cbewing and Smo king Tobacco. Fine Cigars, and almost every amcie nsa3lly kept in a r.rst < iass Drugstore. We solicit a share of the public patron age. feeling assured that a strict attention to business, and to the interest of our customers, will merit the con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on our predecessors. Physicians* Prescript: -n- carefully compounded at ail hours, day or night, by a competent and experienced Druggist. At EE A It ER--OA. pj i;. Persons in want of Meiic:ae after tr.-- hour of closing at night, will find Mr. Acre in the front room directly over oar store, ready to wan on them. Columbus. Nov. ‘2s—rent A. k I. ‘T'IIESE -cs.:re are cow 1 revs red as S sndsr i-ei 1 u-e ‘ey nci: -.j tve “ -V R ;:Ir>a<l ■ C23&6J, ”: n< • n ~wme c t free ; 8.-ales r ave >e*virei h* oeen of s: .ay zr -v b >y the <m n o cement ■“ • ;ne present rime, and s base/ upon' Tze princi- T- , TTT-> * x-wci le Ed 7by us. and l AIRBA.Nivb .-er C.v. red from, of nip, I owing none bat p -nect . >rsh fr-.-ji oar v*;xbi;sfc- FAIRBANKS n w b;r - m ‘.ret far. -ne dui-ired and ff.rer.i m w * * b-se S ‘u'■ s &r ---lvted t o the wants of eve -17 AIRRAYKN’ * ; f bu- X AXIIUA-NIVCI wh-rea c- rrect and dorg !StC3S€f w- -.aired. ‘ i bland - miae •: =ph>l j tor as illustrated nrtalar. Beil, Prentice & Co.Ag’t eairbanks & co Savasaah, Ga l’- y Bn^dway, Oct 22—d2aw +m. i rk. HALL. MUSLS 3. C - Agent* (fajHimbia. Ga. TWO months after dak*sppiieaSon w u be made to the Ordinary of Muscogae xowßy i- r leave to sell two negroes. Heiirv and he.- ‘ to the re late of John E. Diaharoon. late of sasl c - :;aty. T. J DAVE*. Adm'r. Dec *. IH?—w2m With the wfii annexed JUST RECEIVED. ( n HOKE GOSHEN BITTER. Bn-aktast Bat . re, Smoked Beef. pKkktd Beef- Port Smoked Toastie*. Pickled Testae*:* Smoked Salmea, sooted Halibut; ” Bean*. \‘ Marit-rei. U£ •. and l 4 bhls; \cw Shad H bbi* * dLjfireeh Salmon aad Lob • rs m can* ALSO, Raisins. Ciirmiji ( itrnn —all kiad—- Not?, t'andi--,. Sardines Po kU Preserves and Sauce?* FIRE WORKS, of every d*wnpti.-a , , VAN MARCUS. Coliha>i. Ga. 9. I=s- dtf F6 K SAFE. THE House and Ln* o the north east J ,Tr.H.r.and Bna, St**, >. :r ,* Ui; . sh , jj Mr. H W Nance,and directly west ofihe nfwSrtko! d.> fUnrclu at present occupied tv M J Crawford For tenri- apply to J MTiu-.E-; _ MARTIN J CRAWFORD F*or Sale. .jt foofertiti? Dwoliiß* House, ana Lot, ’ f'KnMuilir.* oae acre of land, situated oa the _*ji| Alabama -<oe of the Chattahoochee River, on -;■ * ■ trie roa.t teaiiis* from the New Bruize towards tsa.- in. Ala., and about one half mae west of -aid Bridge. Any person to purchase a eomferta oieaad quiet home, will be offerrd a barzain in this Apply to ft LA WES. J r ' x _ -y :if Oiambns. Ga. FOR SALE. AarrA Jtfo residence &; present occupied by the R • Mr S;„ r- ssioo 2 ;vea insist Jat. next. A a T° v \? ac: io;s adjoin: ;i£, with the store on Broad *tree: Nc 34. at preaem occupied by G. Michael ss a r urc:ture store, po.session given the Sm of October. The above property will h nested if *i<L s BOYKIN. Ex. Sept -24. d-ti or T G HOLT. /0 : W§& /&s%■ sSKI LVU<-^ w y A LARGE AXD FRESH SUPPLY Ur LAKE SETH’S GARDEN SEEDS. n-.-v27—iww BROOKS a: CHAPMAN, .■'nil ;iiiLaqutrer please copy. AMERICAN WATCHES! g?k At S .W E b\u,M :£ . £-4 *jbiy>luiin>. G.-.-'-reia. S&tfiS T > SPEAR. COTTON. COTTON, COTTON I pOTTOS is row selling ata good r rice, and if the V_ .vitts iiid accounts p*?t due t< •• Enn> ?St t to. ■ ! ae S - A -a •rd to the wise L salScieiit. Cc i 4 — w ftd •f. J . £>M? ft CO. DHIN-GOODS AT AUCTION, BY HARRISON & PITTS. IT'E new have in store, and are daily receiving from f ! N-w V<*rk. a tine assortment of first class STAPLE and FANCY DRY-GOODS, AND FANCY AHTICLDS Which will be ottered at Auction and Private Sale, igfa the season, and to which we uivite the atten- Prints of every style. Wh-.r Brihiante, Muslin de Lain -. Rcbes a and. Lames Robe-s a’ Qtiuie. V u: •!- cia Fic itn*. ed Robes. Cashmere?, Plain and Fi?isred Alparras. Ginehame. White and Red F.annei*. L;n*i seys. fin:its. Cassiuiere?. .Sartinets. Tweeds. Kentucky Jean?. Keystone and MtsePiaid®.Allendale Sheeunzs Ir.?n Liii- ;:?. Blarke:.?. Bed TANARUS, Beamed D>- tuesttc*. T->wel. Linen and C * n Table Diaper. Linen Napkins. Luie.i Cambric and Bordered Handkerchiefs. Apron Che'.ks. He sand Half He-.-. .Shirts. Merino. a:r.i C*on<!u Net Shin?. Razor?. Tabie and P>> i.rt t ut tierv. Needles. Spo Thread. Fancy S >&•>- perhime ry. Percusrion Caps. Letter Paper. Envelops, ahd a it manv nth-T articies tooti i:o;;s to mention. ‘Jr: sale* will centinne neariy ever mzbt durinz the winter. We v. n. also have one or two day sales in each week. A. a> offered at Auction warranted as represented or no sale. HARRISON 4: PITTS. 5d and r‘l Br iad Street. E. J. PnccKARD. Auctioneer. (.'■•iaaabus October s. ljj?-drf. lu FAMILY U'vrsrN-m ‘J 0IJ) § “OL3 MAGNOLIAWBISKTr THE undersigned offer for *ai-. the sieve standard . rand of PURE RYE WHISKEY, of their own distiiiation in baireis and half barrel-. The quality of this Whiskey, known so fav rttbly in yie S<u:h for the past eizht years, wiii aiways be kept np to us former high -tandaxd. and purchasers an-i cnztuc< rs can rely np-n it- i-einz a per - ct.y pure Rye Whiskey, distilled under our own personal snpervuuon. and entirely fr*e from de 4 esenous - • ?!*•:• - win h often render Whis kies so objectionable. Ia audition to the above, we have -ti hand in New York, as w*-Li as Philadelphia, perhaps the iarse-t stock of tine Rye Whiskies in the United State?, and are enabled to ship goods from eith er city direct to any Southern point. The above Whiskies are ail from our own di-isliinz. from selected zrain. and are constantly s: :i>r v ;iig by ale; and we offer 11 m to the trade fntm tirst hands upon the most itbera.l prices snd terms. FREEMAN k SIMPSON. Phcerhs Dist-llerv. No. 1 South Fro-.* Street. Philadf .phia. and’ Oct- 2tsdlv vvi Wall Street. New York. BE DEI L S: ‘ /SEMS Wholfsak and Retail GROCERY DEALERS, @Sl®33BiS3, SID* YVILL ieep constantly on Land a sa'ec te<3 Slock comprising all articles in *i r cc whka are tiered :o tn ;r_ rieads - “ -- general 7at the LOW ESI }lA‘,l z. L E i* El LES. G.veosscaiL j.oc3 wr=£ies. -as. eedell, Cc’umbus, Ga. Etec. 22. wtvrt£ CARFEDJTSRS WANTED, TT’'ANTED, oe or before the 25th of this n; 1 > eisivt or -a eood N-*?•••• outers, for whom ; good wages wih be given. Ap&iv t„ the ndere,%ned. , A* II YARINGTON Union Springs. Aia. Nov. II nordulm NOW “OPENING. DILLINGHAM 7 & DENSONS • FURNITURE STORE, A LA£jjE OF CARPETINGS, RUGS. IMATS BASREIS, ccc- Co 7 embus, October 23. d&wtf. ISSB FALL STOCK. 1358 J. H. MERRY TTYiTI HAS removed bis store to No. UT—. T\ S7 West side Broad Street, 1 doer i l l 1) aorth o’ Reed, J n-iscn oc Co.’s, where be is now recfe-triag a large supply of Fall and Winter Clothing ! For GENT'S, YOUTH’S and Chiidrea’s wear Also, a arse Assortment of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS! Toother w=thevery article ussa’y keptio a Ciothtßg Store. All of which wL oe soul oc as good terras s? areafiorded in the City. Golumb'js. Ga. Oct. 15- dw3m 3. Attorney a. * thaw, Bnz a Smicaw of Law of Uw tat ‘cr:;y f r.oia respevtlWtx teoderst his wNrrir*s , • branrb es of the prfQioa [LrO*ce op Suira. .W No. e- Br ad Street. < •'iambus. (.1. f b. 4536- ,ny NOTICE. rllF, undersigned revues proposal until the 15th 1 Dumber re vt. for tV batidiu* of aB V i Tlb V j JHI RCH in thw city. Plan asl can 1 ‘J* 1 * by bidders, at the office <:fTboaia* J. Nuckoii* ‘ GiiiMinz For art information on the wsb ject. a*toe-, N. NTDKOLLj*. < h‘n Catwafcus. Nov 16. I>A*>—dim. MATRESSES. VN exceliert article of Cotton, or ShotU and I<h k u nnvetL andU Shucks for wader Matres-e**— t id and *.•■ theai t^4oivpur.basing an interior article t -wht r. For sale, by J II S!K£tJ. * IF * Bmad tfTreel FOR SALE, A DESLRAIILE RESIDENCE in Wynn ton. Apptv to ifIEL Nov. 16—(itf. EDW. T. SHEPHERD. Administrator s Sale. f ‘ EORGIA. Mi scooGti Cot vrv -By 1 intiix of ai, vJT order of the Court of On! marv of ri>um\ ant: State. I will seil at ibe Market il’ i*e uw tin of Columbus, on the fir*? Tue*os* i* fcirrmmrm next, 3 NEGRO WOM AN, named XANt Y. SEVEN SHARES MUSCOGEE R R STOCK. Tw. ITT Shari s Stock in BANK OF COLCMBI S A lot of old SILVER W ATCHES and all other personal property helonzi&g to the estate of Samuel I B Purple. TWOS. J NUCKOLLS. AdmurDtrator with the wHI annexed, i of the estate of Samuel li Purple HARRISON rt PITTS. AwcUoaei-r- December 7, 1*0" —and u ti. TRUSTEE’S SiLE. IW ILLse’lto the h'qehesit bidder tif not disposed privately beiore tha - t;aie >n the Ist Tuesday i:,- Jauuar>-ticxUat th* Market Hoakein theetty of Ci iuo.f that valuable property known aa . .-aScareidV Odh.” T-rms. one fas?lf cash—bai- M.ce m twelve n: 1* ith approve- ‘ **reori!v. 8.8. LMiRiIi'ENRmD, Trustee, B'lrll—dwloi Harrio*> <s p. Auc*r. CAlililAGH KMLOIiIUmT J. B. JAaUES & BBOIEEP., OPPOSITE THE -‘PERRY HOUSE. ’ COLUMBUS, GA -a.-.--.jge --a THE jubschbeis haw ea baad and l will constantly keep a large and well | l - -L~ s* iected stock of Carnages of all de- Ad—-vripti-ns. embracing CALECHES. MO( KC VLEt HES. BAROUCHES. R(m KWWYrJ. Sfeifti - ; No Top Sana Wagon*. &c. \y e fire} confident in stating u- the Public tliat v,e \ can offer as Good Wolik. and a: lower prices than can he found eisewhere for Cash or approved Credit. Cash Purchaser- v. >ll do well give usa call, as we ar* ib rsitified t>> > —*• of • -tir i>r* --ut Sr.n Jc. at a very small advance for Cash. All who favor a- with a call but. rely on being fatriv dealt with. Ail vi ‘rk sold ai this Entabl.-hnteut warranted 10 be in connection with the above Est;ihh>|ii!ietH we keep ; cor.stacvv employed conije nt merhaii,. -in the RE- i PAIRING Business and its branch* - Perwns indebted to the above rimi by notes or ac- j counts past due are requested to call and settle mime- : kiateiv. Colnmbu- Nov. I isjs.—dly j STOVES. MORE STOVES! TU.MT received ami r- . another large lot of : tj Cocking, l lfiee & Parlor vtoves. I invite public attention to the folfowuig choice patterns 1 IRON WIZZARD for wood- (wood.) ! GOLDEN COOK. - VIOLET. EASTERN PREM ~ 1 OPAL. PATRIOT, ■ WROUGHT Iron- RELIEF. • j THEBAN DOUBLE OVEN, lor Goal Cottage Parlor. - PERUVIAN. fwwood. ■’ New t'ottae?- Par:..: Also. Si:'---: Iron Office S: -ve-. diff-rent u.\:v :n- Bo.\ Stove- tor Stores, Ar ;* \ T"2et!;er with a full assortment of House Furnish ing Goods. My terms arc reasonable, and ail goods sold bv me are w arranted 10 give -ati-factionor no sale ru>V;i.j—dtf R M A LDWORTH C^IHDS, In Plain and Fancy Colors of any sire, neatly printed at the TIMES OFFICE. > BINDING; IN ALL ITS BRANCHES —l i nir : substantially and elegantly done at short n-tiee. at the ‘ ‘ TIMES OFFICE. Colambus, Ga. Xov. 27—dtf. EICHAR2SG2TS hush iLiisrEisrs, DA3IASKS, DIAPERS &c. CONSUMERS of Richardson’s Linens, and those de sirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS ho uid see that the amcl s they pnrebase are sealed with the full name of the tina. TE.DY.AJIDzDEyym A 3Y7D235, as a guarantee of the soundne-s and durability of the Goods This caution is rendered essentially necessary, a large quantities of interior and detective Linens ar prepared, season after season, and sealed with the cajiie of RICHARDSON, by Irish Houses, who. regardless of the injury the- mth-ned alike on the Ame rican consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine goods, wiii not readily abandon a busme -- *0 prorital .e while pmrhasers can be imposed on with goods of a worthless character. J. BULLGf KE icJ B. LOIRE, p.-ov. IS—dly. Agents 36 • horcli Street. X V FALL STOCK OF FURNITURE, CARPETTING, AND CURTAINS, NOW OPENING- AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S , COLUMBUS. GA. Cos! am bos, Ga., Oct 6, 1853. dw3m. ATLANTIC CABLE Suspended! AND Ti'E'T/B'P'P Azmgffi CYLINDER POWER JOB PRESSES IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION AT THE COLUMBUS TIMES OFFICE, Where all de?- riptions of J O B-W O H E is 1 neatly and promptly executed. VT HITE AND YELLOW ONION SETTS. Jost % t received and for sale bv Nov. 15—dwtf BROOKS A CHAPMAN Book Binding I EXECUTED in style a: n-us ttff.ce of the j - Columbus Times.” jSS . u3i FOR SALE ON aceomm -daimz terms, severa. desirable dwell mzs. Apply in JOHN McCARTY Columbus, Oct. Si. d-im To Rent, TWO STORKS, now fitting up at 34 Broad Street A;>;f v ax tills office. ~ aov3b dtf. BtaXrsrK-s, Of every description used by Lawyers, or officer? of Court, printed neatlv and on superior paper, it th* ‘ TIMES OFFICE. SWAN ft CO.’S LOTIE&U , Triuni pliant! Capital Prize .550.000. I j ONLY TEN DOLLAj The dlllnwre* echeme will be draws bv S SvJ I ft CO- Managers of the .Hp*rt* Acadesiv l each of their ritnfie Number Lotterie* for, Deveifl 1 ik-’ at Atwifk. G*.. in public *nd#> r :be‘ -uperj ,_‘<uir of liMßiarinm t\ C, a% N| 40 draws Saturday, Dec 4. !■ 4 1 draw*. Saturday, Dc i. )■ U 4*J 4rawa Saturday, Dec.'ls, JW C ass 43 Saturday, Dec. 25, la| On tlie PunofSlnjjlt £O.OOO S RALLY ONE PE IRE TO y|Jp NINE TICK® Scheme! i Tdbie drawn every Satttnlay in i Pnu oi .... v .. g M ....... .., APPROXIMATION PRiZLS. i P.-7- •of B’!*’ Appro*** to fS%okJ>rue are M < * >.w* “ m 4 .■ .I*** “ m *~ ~ ■ 4 ** 150 S&R •* fl 5 ** “ MW “ Of . ** ’ i.WO 3u i-re <ai S^M* 1 Prizes imoOßtiut to $365 Whole * A Gfrrular who winy the Plan of ifee Lotteries wt —-at to any one desirous of wrirat a U. nitlrstrs of Uaetages will fee s*>W at the foiloi rates whirh u the risk: O-rtukjOes of Parkafe of U tV'hole Tickets 1 R> Half “ ** 14 Quarter- “ iu Etflj&g,. IN ORDER IKG TICKJ T 8 OR WTiFICHTi Endcae the money to oar address for the ncke! dered. on receipt of which they wui be forwanls first nwil. Purcnasers can have tickets ending !aj figure they may designate ‘ List of Drawn Nuoibc'r? and Prizes will be sei purchaser? immediately after the Drafting Parvha.sers ku: please write ibeir signaiun-s p and fhne thc-ir po?t oliiee. county and rfrete R-member that evetj prize is drawn, and pavali fall wnbont deductn.u. All pnzes aaddf. paya! e imt^Qu aft- r the draivm*. other prlceftat usual uinei days. All comauiuicftMb- -ln||| confidenttai Addro-s ot lers for Ti kets nr Cc-rti.'.i <Ui- r.. 4 U. ri\V AN ft CO, Aurusta. G Persona residinf aearWqfppiuierv, A;a.. or AtM (la., can have their orders’ tilted and sat e time M lin-sinr .s riwan ft Cos. at either of dHfce < it*es. i A its’ of the numbers that are <:rx* n from the w a ith th* 1 amount of the prize that each one t* Vnt to. will be published after every drat* inz m lice nd inz jtajier-’: —.J i lie ) Cec.-hriuuntah.-f,’ ,\"ei wsra.’ lJtAa; .Vf-flilr Regnstrr; Aftiriiir Gazette* .ft hcteUtfemetr; nr Ymrk HVc.-is />cy Smra fi®’ .'riry; Rirkwfmd /t. jalflq A>i- ) urk 1 t-ip Plututm* (A/o.) OantfH. amt ijtt- r i ..Irk.) 1 Democrat. ‘ ft. I DRS. GRIMxiS & WINGFLEJLD, q HAVE M*vi.r.-1 thessselvm fozetberts <^lpra : !cco! Medii-lue nml Snrgerjr lM all, left at Ware ft tria’iDra; stuire dS £d tae day, or Perry H .*asa at nizbt will promptly answered. Pa tents Irom a dists jsaadej to the rcare will rec.ive ivrj nwesi suecilion. septifi—tl3 I I KAITIRE. JH. SIKES, respectiDlly returns hts thanks to nis in-n ‘slot imt iavers Jjy |. aod t- - remilfi them of the SfisP Get that lie ts sail al his old buameae and -’aodH Broad street, where be will hi elad to <*>© hislfi customer?, aod a? many new ones as are w Hmw a give him a trial. Mattrs*e? in a y qaantuy for !•* cheap # patmig oi every dr-cnp KM and furniture .docJ once, and iu the neatest style. Particular .. tenf givtn to uphoiste.u'ig Ch irch Pews, Cushions of ail kinds. Oct. 8, wd tf. L ii S THR CYLSBRATITD HOLLAND P. EM Eli I tof* | DISEASE OF TEE KIDNEYS, | L‘VER COMPLAINT, ft it KAKNEBS OF ANT KCT*! FEVER AMD AGUE. ] And the various affeeuons corueqoent upon a di3el STATE OF THE LIVE! riuch as Indizestion. Aridity of the Stomach. Coifel : Pams. Heartburn. Lose of Appetite. tivenes. Blind and Bieedmjr file-. In all N*rWi RiieumatK and Nrnralztc Affortfons. it has in nwft - ous instances proved bizhiy beneficial, and in ->thej2 1 focted a decided cure Tin- i? a paieiy vegetable compound, prepare*®! KhdiTKwnfib principie?. after the inaaneroff celebrated Holland Protestor. Iferrhave. Ifi cauaKJ rts zreat success in most of rhe EartMnp ikae- iwl trod tiction into the l rrred States wa? intended nml I especially for thce of our nwheriand scattered J t and tlH*re over the fore of this imzhfy country. JT§ j me with zreat success amonz them. I now offer the American public, knowmzthat its truly vi.nikU medicinal power? mH-t be acknowledeed. , It is particularly recommended to those whose constitutions may have been impaired bym 1 continuous use of ardent spirits, or other form* m m) sipation. Gene rail y ihstantaneoßS in r fieri, it rituSß] w ay directly to the seat of life. timDinz and qutckeiK| every nerve, raisine up the and in fl mfiismz new health and vser.r in the ay stem. ■ NOTICE Whoeveretpeci# to find this a will be db*app<mxed; but to the sick. weak, and H spirtteiL :: will prove a zrateful aromatic eordiaL sessed of -inruiar remedial paopirrty-.- CAUT JON! The zreat popularity of this deiizhtful arc-tua fiasH dneed many iuiitatioj,s. which the public sfaouid azamst pertfcasiag. Be not persuaded to buy anytlßj else nntii you have riven 80-rhave'a Hoiiand BineaH fair trial. One bcittfo will convince you bow infiai® | superior it is to all these imitations rioid at *1 per bottle, or six bouies fiu *5. by the 9 , SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE. JR. & C® SI ANTF ACTURGKG Plvaxmace -tzsta and Chemists, PITTSBUHGH, PA. For sale in ( ■ Inminis by Brxks ft ( riapsan. >bv zeiieraiiv throoghaw the ritafe April ii 1-38.— Ivdwis. “W ANTED, ZA CORDS WELL sfA-oNED PINE WOfl JU* Apppiy at this office. oct3fi d3H FOR IIENT, jl THE rimre formerly occupied by B. ft G. Stern, <3 der Warren’s Arcade Apply at this office. Xov. 23—dtf SEED OATS. AI. ARGE ?rPPL Y constantly on band, framfl A Middle States- where the Rast did not prevail. B eriX w2m OUXBY at C®l