Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, December 30, 1858, Image 4

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CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Care of , COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING-COUGH) CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Brumfield. Alaßs., 20th Dec., 1855.—Dr. J. C. Aver —1 do not hesitate to sav the best reineily 1 have ever found for. Goughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, and ihe concomitant symptoms of a Cold, is your CHEItRV PECTORAL. Us constant use in my ‘practice and my family for the last ten years has shown it to possess superior virtues for the treatment of iliese complaints. * EBEN KNIGHT, M. D. A. B. MORTLEY, Esq. of Utica, N. Y. writes: “I have used your Pectoral myself and in my family, ever since you invented it, and believe it the best medicine fin ifs purpose ever put out. With a bad cold f should sooner pay twenty five dollars for a bottle titan do without it, or take any other remedy. OHOOP, WHOOPING tm'ftjX. INFLUENZA, SbrimcfiELß, Miss. Feb. 7. IfHUi. Brother Ayer: T will cheerfully certify, your Pectoral remedy we possess for the cure nf tP'!tuo;-h'y wimUiilllllMk Siiti iffiitillittift ‘- ‘ : apff HIRAM OONKLIN, M. D. Anifs Lee, Esq?; Monterey, la., writes 2d January lsfst>, “I bad a tedious influenza, which confined me in doors six Weeks; look many medicines without re lief; finally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and lungs; less than one half the bottle made Hie completely well. Ypur medicines are t lie cheapest as v#H as the best we can buy, and v. e esteem you Dr. and your medicines as the poor man’s friend. asthma or phthisic, and bronchitis. West Maitchesthr, I*a. Feb. 1, 1856. * Sir, Your Cherry Pectoral is performing, marvellous Coes in this section. It has relieved- several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who lias labored under an affection of the lungs for the last forty fears. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. Ramsey, M. D.. Albion, Monroe County,lowa writes. Sept. f>.‘ 1855: “Dining my prai tice of many years, J have found nothing equal to your Chcny Pec toral for giving ease and relief io consumptive patients or curing such as are curable.” We might add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof ofihe virtues oftiiis remedy is found in its effects upon trial. ■ SOLD BY Dr. David Young, and Danforth & Nagel, in Colum bus, and by Druggists and dealers in Medicines’ gener ally every where. octHO—wdlitn. BROWNWOOD INSTITUTE Near LaGrange, Ga. jff. aSk THE Session for 1859, will be op#ned */! On Monday lOfti January. It wil consist of two Terms-one of six montlp, the other of three. ‘ WILLIAM JOHNS. Priittppnl and Proprietor. nstructor in Political Economy,Moral it Men. Science. EDWARD R. DICKSON, Instructor in Ancient Languages and Physical Science, I> P. ULACRSTONE, Instructor in Mathematics Pure and Mixed. RODNEY BJsNNIS, Instructor in English Language and Literature. R. M. HEARD AND LADY, Boarding Department. It will be ihe policy of the Principal to employ none as Associate Teachers but the most able and efficient. He takes pleasure iiunteseiitingtlie names of the learn ed find accomplished individuals whose 1 serVfW” -have been encaged as co-wortcers in the great cause of E-i- j ucation. Mr. Dickaon, has bean, for years a devoted student ! of the classics. His scholarship in this department is ; unexcelled; while in other fieaL his researches have I beep Urorougii and an pie. Asa Christian gCullcnian, l an exceiian distiptraaiiftn, ami an able teacher, im is equaled by few. Messrs. Biackstone arid Dennis are men of ability, and much moral worth. As an evidence of ibis, it need only be stated that they taught their way through College and obtained its.degrees by their own unaided etibjis. io THE COURSE OF STUDY is ample, embracing the various branches of the ordinary college course. It is at the same tune’ designed to afford the highest advan tages to those who are preparing to enter any of the classes, It is progressive and systematic; but not sierrotyped to bep.tssed over by every pupil in a fixed period, ata given number of strides, irrespective ofPhpacny, sriudamhip ami mental habitude; but that presided tor Curb individual will be regulated according to Ins men.ah apat hies and contemplated futurecourse Acting on the theory that boys should icarn first those tilings which they are to practice when they become mbit, “They will be required to pay special attention to those hi audits f siudj'that are to lit them for business ami the duties of an active iiie. The mind is not treated as a mere receptacle; but as a thing of life,.growth, and action; the prime object is to develop its energies minute and train us expand mg powers; to mould and guide aright its various and com plex emotions; to “biing into active exercise ali its fac ulties; aud to present in full and just proportions an educated practical man. and not a graduated dunce or le trued automaton. The pupil is taught to think, to reason, to investigate. H 8 not only learns to compre hend what is said, hut lo examine the substratum and understand the reason of the proposition. In the study of the Latin and Greek languages, pu pi.a fire exercised in translating, both orally and in wri ting, from the foreign into tlieir vernacular and vice versa, until by frequent and repeated application, ev ery principle becomes easy, and every word is rendered Bv tins and a careftl study oft he idioms of the . ingaages, they become not mere rs, inele gant and inaccurate, but linguists. The institute, is furnished with ample philosophical and ibeaimti apparatus, Mathematical i. s,rumen.?, Miner.u Cabinet. Maps. Skeieton, Physiological Charts , and a wai. se,acted library of several hundj ed volumes, j .To these jddutons will be made'as me improve-*) merits if! science and the wantsufUie institution may demand. In addition to die familiar lectures and illus trations with which the re citations and e smses in I every department will be interspersed, ex.ended lec- 1 lures on various scientific subjects will lie delivered whenever the circumstances render it necessary or expedient. The discipline and rules of conduct will be such as j are recognized anti taught in the Sacred Scriptures - ! such as comport with reasou and propriety—and such : us are approved by experience and common sense, in short, every pupit will be required to do right. I Students from other institutions applying lor mem bership will be expected to furnish testimonials of their moral and student iike deport mem <. The buildings will be neatly liltpil up and thorough ly renovated, so that nothing in the outfit will be wan- | ting for convenience and comfort. By a division of labor, with an efficient faculty and j limtied number of students, Brownwood, it is believed, i will oiler advantages equalled by few institutions in the land—combining those of the higher Seminary with the best seiect priva.e school. EXPENSES. Tuition. Spring Term. Autumn Term. Primary Department 870.00 810.00 Intermediate 20.00 15.00 Cntleghte 40.00 “20.00 Boarding, washing and lodg’g 14.00 per month. I Payment by the term, half in advance; the balance at the close of the term. A i>ro rata deduction will be made from the board in cases of protracted absence -but not from tuition. For further particulars apply to the Principal. December 11, 1858 -d&wtf. SCHOOL NOTICE. #The Female School at Wavcrly Hall, for the ensuing year, will bo conductedby Mrs. Foster, aided by Tuition 2>?r year of Ten Months. For Spelling aud Heading, .’ . Jig 00 The same with elementary Geography and Arithmetic, . . . . .20 00 Eng. Grammar, Geography and'written Arithmetic, . . . . -. 2-i 00 The same with Nat. Philosophy and Chcm- [ Btr y> 28 00 Ail the higher English branches, . . 32 00 Drawing and Painting wiith water colors, also, with oil On Canvass, *, . 24 00 Music with use of Piano, . . .48 00 BOARD for and young Ladies can be* obtained of the subscriber at S to $lO per month. Lads under 11 years, can be sent to the above j . desired, school will commence Ist Aloti -7 IU January. W, FOSTER. LAGRANGE FESAJaE COLLEGE. 4i r ILL open its next session ttie~ <24\h o \V tember, with ihe following * faculty. Rev. WM J SA3NETT, A M., D D, Pres ident and Proie.-ror ot Moral Science -;.nd Belies-Lettrei- Rev “JAMbits R 31AYSON, A M , Professor of * aihematics j • W M A. H ARRiS. A. 31, Prof s?or of Nat ural Fcto- C<‘ a ; and Fie-cb JOHN W AKEiiS A -1 - r I*F ro’ Anc-n! Language,’ usd Lt e at. r Mrs H P. JUDi.E, InsLuctus- u En.-tsh Lit- | eratuie. F. . VVURVI, VI. 0., Munich F> ve.-i-v, Pro fessor o tlu-ic irndrutnemal an. vm- tl .ViusSARA CORRY, Assistant in Music. Miss MARIA BROWN, Im-trucirw-s in Painting aid Drawing. P. G BKsSENT, Steward This insiiiutiort offers advantages which few, it any, in tho South can ciairti. For the chaiacte and completeness .of its FacuUy, for elegance ol bu!dings and general facilities ol learning, for 1 acoesFibtlily, bcauiy and health ot location, the LaGrange GolFga of Georgia lias no superior in the Union It is in sight of the Railroad and ot the great Southern route from New Yotd to New Oileans. Expenses in College, including hoard, washing, fuel, and literary tuition, SIBO j (ter i-ession of ten months. Fot Catalogues address the Faculty, or WM./t. HARRIS, Sec. j gff-'U. 20—wiVdlm Lagrange, Ga. ! UMVfiKSiTY OK NASHVILLE. I. COLLEG-lATC DEPARTMENT, m: lit ah y” g o nisi. ; ‘iWJtVi p/AiPY. ICR,.® ! try and Geology. j <'ol B. R. JOHNSON, Superintendent of Ihe I Military College and Professor oi rJtrgniQpring j .!AS. F HAMILTON, A. M , Professor ol Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, pnd Aslrono my. J. H. STEWART, A. M., Professor of Greek and Latin Languages and Literature. F. L. J. 1 HYSSENS, A. M., Professor of French and Drawing. G. S. BLACKIE, A. M., M. D-, Professor of Botany and Natural History Rev. J. W 7. HOYTE, A M , M. D , Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Biblical Literature. C. K. WINSTON, M. D„ Surgeon. The First Term of the next Academic year com mences on the 20th ot September, aud the Sec ond Term 14. h ol February Tuition, Boarding, Washing, Fuel, Rooms, Servant*’ attendance and use of arms, SIOO per term Matriculation Fee, $5. Stndenie are re quired to furnish their rooms, which can be done a 1 a moderate charge, by rent or purchase En gineering, French, Spanish, German, Drawing, | Book Keeping and Fencing, each $lO per Term j of twenty weeks. 1 Io tho regular CoPegiate Course, the ancient I reputation ot tho Un.versity tor Scientific and j Classical Scholarship will be jjiaintained.and at | the same time, every facility affotded those who desire to pursue a partial course Besides the lour regular College Classes, there is also a pre paratory class. Siudents under 14 years o age will not be admitted. By the aid ot Military Discipline, effective gov eriiment 13 established, and health, physical cul ’ tore, good order and industrious habits are promo ted For Catalogues, or additional information, ap ply to any member of the Faculty. II MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. i vJESSiON 1858-9. —The 7th Annual Course of O Lectures in th s Institution will commence on j ‘Monday the 2d of November next, and continue j till the first ot the ensuing March. Thomas R. Jennings, M. D., Professor of An | atomy. J. Berrien Lindsley, M. D., Profgfsor olChetn- j i istry end Pharmacy. G. K Winston, M. D.,Pro f essor of Materi., Me- j ’ dica and Medical Juri-prudence. ! A. H. Buchanan, M. D., Professor of Sugical ’ f- At.auqny a.-.d Physiology. John 3*. Watson, IJ. D., FrOfbSsor of Obstet- ‘ rie- aud ihe Diseases of Women and Children. PaitlF Eve,’M D.,Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery W. K Dowbng. M. D , Professor of lusti totes and Practice ot Medicine Wm T. Briggs, vj. D. Adjunct Professor and Demoi airut-ar ot Anatomy. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for stu j dent-on tne first Voi day in etolwr, uhcslb ) A prelim nary riuine o. letmre-,‘neo to all students, wii b.e given by me Pmlessors com- | meneing also on Hi first'Monday “m October The Tenitessce s’aie Hospital tho Di- j •recuon ofihe Faculty is open to t:;e Class free of j charge A Clinique has been established in connection i with the University, at which operation- are per- I formed and cases prescribed for and lectured upon j iu presence oi rise Cla-s Amount of Fees for Lectures is $1 >5; Vlatricn ! a'ion feetpaid once onlv)ss; Practical Ar:a;<;rny, $10; Graduation Fee, $25. Good boarding can be procured for $3 to $4 per week. For fur.her information or Catalogue apply to W. K BOWLING, Nashville, Tenn., July 185S. Dean ol the Faculty, ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUR.e"oF MAILS. NOkl IJERJM AND EASTERN MAILS ar ri'e 535A, M. and 3.45 P. M. Close at2and 7 P M. w ESTE ‘N Mail arrives at 3 A. M. and 2.50 j P . Closes at 2 an-: 7P. M, SC PAUL X Mail arrives at 9s- A. 31. Closes j 12 vl. STEW ART Mail a rive Mondays, Wednesdays ‘ and Fridays qr 9 P v| ■ 1 .si-s Mondays, Wed ! ne-days m.d S.t uni. y- at 7 p VI WHI I’ESVILLE AND EL! EB-LHi Mails ar- j lives Mondays and Thureday-6 P VI Closes ! same days at 10 A. VI. HAMILTON Mai! arrives Mondays, Wod.ves days and Fridays at 6 P. M. Closes ranit/days at 10 A.M. CRAWFORD Mail arrives on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 11 A. Ai. Closes at 11 A. M. same days. BUENA VISTA Mail arrives Tuesdays, at 6 j P. M. Closes at 10 A. 31. same day, OSWTCHEE Mail arrives Tuesdays 6 P. 31. Closes 4 P. M. KINGS Mail arrives Tuesdays at 11 A. M.Closes Tuesdays at 11 A. 31. ON ANIPP A Mail arrives Wednesdays at 6 P. M. Closes at 10 A. M Administrator’s Sale Agreeably to an or der of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Cusseta in said county, on i the firs: Tuesday in January next, within the legal \ hours of sale—One Negro man Allen, about 30 or 35 years of age, as the property of Samuel C. Dodson, de- ! ceased. Sold for the bem fit of creditors. Terms made known on iiie dav of sale. JOHN S. DUNCAN, } ! W. J. DUNCAN*, S A | November 8. 1658. w4od < EARLY SHERIFF SALES. TYTILL be sold before the Court House door in the j v V town of Blakely, Early county, Ga., on the first j Tcesdav in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Laud muuberltltree hundred and forty nine, in the 20th district of Early county, containing 2.--0 acres j more or less, levied on as the property of John E Babb, to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Court of j Early county, in favor of Robt W Sheffield, Adiu'r.— i property pointed out bv Plaintiff. j Also lot of land number two hundred and twenty six, in the 20tb district of said county, levied oil as the prop erty of Charles Powers, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Stewart County Superior Court, in favor of Jacob Bonnard,—property pointed out bv Plaintiff's Au’v . ‘ ANTHON Y HUTCHINS, Sh’ff. . November 30, 135:*.—wtds. EARLY MORTGAGE SALE. \I7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, : v • before the Court House door in Blakely, Ear- ; lv county, Ga. the north east naif oflot of iauu number one hundred and sixty six, iu the 26ih district of Early ! county, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from Earlv Superior Court in favor of Thomas B. Andrews, vs.jsaac Lay-i ton—property pointed out jtt cqjd Mortgage Fi Fa. F nT 30—wtd A. WBTOHIN*. Sheriff. ta-—--. 1 THE A SOUTHERN Lrr.KA.RY MESSENGER. O'E OF THE CHEAPEST PUBLICATIONS IN THE COUNTRY. H O VO! U3J t S A YEAR. Fad. o.ntainir.g at least 480 pages, in neat styl*, with fine Cover, and Advertising Sheet. TUB TWO VOLUMES FUItNR ISIIF.D FOR j ONLY TIIhEE ITOJLLAUn A YEAR For t!:e year 1853. Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Volumes ! N issuing the Prnsp wiis of tlie twenty-sixth and twenty seven'll Volumes of the SOI I II CRN LITERARY -MESSENGER, commencing : will) tbe January. Number, the Proprietors beg to 1 assure Ihe public that no exertions will he remit ted on their part, to maintain lit- high character of Ihe work, and to challenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For twenty three Years, the Messenger has endeavored to re flect faitlriu ! ly 1 lie Southern mind, while disdain i ingall narrow-and sectional views, and has b-en ; alone among the monthly periodicals of America in defence of the Peculiar Institutions of the Southern Country. To ihis office it will bede- I voted, and will be prompt to repel assaults npom the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our | enemies are employing literature ns their most po~ ; tent weapon of attack, the Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a ; work whose aim il shall be to strike blows in iheir j defence. The MESSENGER w ill, as heretofore, present | its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biograph ; onl sketches, wi.v^l, ‘Jj|ravels, Eesayp, i and other National Stihjecis. I VVith a view to insure a large circulation of the Messenger, the proprietors have reduced the price of eiihscription, which is nmv only Three Hollars per anmtin In advance, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE TIIE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. CLUBS Remind <x us Filtcen Dollars in one letter, wiii he end ‘ i to Six Copies. The Editorial ad Critical department of the 1 Messenger will . ontinne under the charge oi JOHN THO3IPSOJV, Esq. ! And will embr ce copious noles on current lilera | tme and reviews of all new American or Foreign i works of general interest and value. The Editor’s I opinions will Le always fearlessly and honestly | avowed. j The business department is conducted by the I undersigned, to whom all communications of a ! business nature must lie addressed. MACFARLANE, FEli .ÜBON&CO.. j Corner of Bank and I2th streets, Riclimorid, Va. j Aug. 20. : * RUSSELL’S MAGAZINE. A Monthly Orgsa ol Literature and Criticism. i Devoted to a Free Discussion of all to pics EMBRACED IN THE RANGE OF A MAGA ZINE, AND PUBLISHED IN CHARLESTON, S. C. O-V THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. TT is designed to meet a commonly felt want, ] j and to give utterance and circulation to the ; opinions,doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of (he South especially, and to promote, in i ins sphere, ihe progress of a sound American Lit ! eratnre, free from party shackles or individual j prejudice. Agencies will be established as soon as possible, i to supply ail sections of the country, and mean while, orders from booksellers, periodical dealers, : postmasters and others, disposed to extend the. i work, are respectfully solicited, and will be sup i p ied on the most liberal terms. Ti e work will be supplied at Three Dollars per annum : or 25 cents hy numbers. |. Specimen numbers will be sent free of postage i to'applicants who cannot conveniently reach any | agency vet announced,on forwarding to “Russell’s j ‘Magazine” eight postage stamps. ! Communications and contributions designed for the work, should he airn'res'sefl,’ •‘ltusseffw Maga zine, Charleston, S. C.” ■ July 29. BLACKWOOD'S MaGAZLNE AND THE BBITI H RLVISWS; J SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to Jte publish the following leading Rritisli Peri odicals, vz: ouiea ‘ 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY,(Conservative) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (Whig.) 3. THE NO. BRITISH REVIEW,(Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAG. (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties ol Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical,—hut politics forms only one feature of their diameter. As organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand,as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being consid ered indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, through out the world, than can he possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the Bri tish publishers, gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the orig inal editors. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Review5..........5-J b 0 For anv two of the f or Reviews. 5 00 Fir any three of the lohr Reviews 700 For ril tour of lit*- Reviews 800 For Blackwood’s Mog-zme 3 00 For Blackwood and iti’iee Weviews....... . 9 00 For Bat Uwood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to he mule in ail cases in advance. .Money current in the State where issued will be , received &! par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the j above price, will be allowed to Clubs ordering jour or rnote copies of any one or more of the above woras Thu<; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review , will he sent to one address for ,§9 ; four copies of iiie lour Reviews and Black wood for $3 ; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the. principal cities and towns, these works will he delivered free of fostage. When sent by mail, the Postag ■ to anv part of the United States will he hut twenty-f< ur cents a year tor •‘Blackwood,” and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO . No. 54 Gold street. New York. ‘-RELIGIOUS LIBRARY. Triumph over Death 75 Liviug to Christ 85 Methodism m Earnest, the History of a Great Revival .'....51.50 Light on Little Graves-.. .. 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding Star 65 .Marshall on Sanctification 75 Tito Martyr Lamb 50 Dying Thought: 50 Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer 50 Story of Grace 35 Thought for the Thoughtful 50 .Missionary's Daughter 35 Christian Prayer 40 The Hannah’s 40 Scripture Portion? 85 . Last Hours of Christ.. 40 Plain Thoughts t 35 The above, with many other valuable books, or eale bv maylS—wtwtf J. W. PEASE & CLARK. Scientific American! PRO £ PECTUS OF V 0 LIJM-E-E0 Ufi TEEN, BEGINS SEPTfTMIIER 11, 1858. * —— # Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farairrs, THS SrffKM TIPI i.VIisHIO \N has do* reached its lourtecmii year, anil will e: ter upon anew Volume on the 11 li September ills .he only week y publication o! Hie kaul now issued in this conn u-j, aud ii has a ven extensive circulation in all the .•Hatesot the Union. It is not, as some might suppose Jioin its title,a dry, abstruse work on tech nical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the sjtentifls, mechanical | and iudustria worlds, as to please and instruct eve ry one. It the mechanic or artizap wishes to know j the best machine <> use or how to make any sub- j stance employed in bis business —il ti e housewiie wishes to ;:et u recipe for making a good ‘color, &c. —if the inventor wishes io know what is going on in the way of improvements —if the mauutacturer wishes to keep posted with the times, aud to employ the best facilities in hisbusinass —if t he man of lei sure and study wishes to keep hiraseli I'amiiiui w ih the progress madein the chemical laboratory, or in the construction ol telegraphs, steamships, railroads reapers, mowers and a ‘housatnl other nuehinjjs and appliances, both of peace and war—al! these de siderata can t,e found in the Scientific American, and not elsewhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned inlhe Ligoer branches of sci ence and art. TERMS One copy, one year •$ 2 Ond copy, six months 1 Five copies, six mo'nths 4 T.n copies, six months 8 Ten copies, twelve months. 15 | Fifteen copie?, twelve munilis 22 ; Twenty copies, twelve months *” j The money musi hfi J f)kld u ii^ |i arir^{^'*. Southern and Western money or Postage S’amps taken subscript! n. Letters should!.i directed to MUNN & 00., 128 Fulton street, n , v - y'ork. (3?" Messrs. Mann A Cos. arc e- • i;sive).v engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and wiP advise inventors, withou* cuarge, in regard to the novelty of tl.eir improvements. aug 21—twit FEDEUAIGOYEENJiENTr James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, President. John O Breckenridge, of Kentucky, Vice Presid’n t Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of State. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Sec’y of the Treasury. Jacob Thompson, of Miss. See’y of the Interior. ; John B. Floyd, of Vit., Secretary of War. ; Isaac Touci-y, of Gorin., Secretary ofihe Navy. ’ Aaron V. Brown, of Ten., Postmaster General. | Jeremiali S. Black, of Pa. Attorney General. I JUDICIARY-SUPREME COURT. Roger B Taney, Baltimore, Mid. Chief Justice, appointed IS3B—Salary $6,500. i John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate Jus tice, appointed in 1829—Salary $6,000. James 31. Wayne, Savannah, Ga. Associate Ju-tice, appointed 1839—Snlary $6,000. John A. Campbell, 31- bile, Ala., Associate Jus tice) appointed 1852—Salary $6,000. John Catron, Nashville, Term., Associate Jus lice, appointed ‘B37—Salary $6,000. Peter V. Daniel, Richmond, Va., Associate Jus tice, appointed 1841—Salary $5,000. Samuel Nelson, Conperstowii, New York, As sociate Justice, appointed 1845—Salary $6,000. Nathan Clifford, Portland, lMe . Associate Jus tice, appointed 1857—Salary $6,000. Robert C Grier, Pittsburg, J’a., Associate Jus j tice, appointed 1846—Salary $6,000. Benj. C. Howard, Baltimore, Md. Reporter, ap ; pointed 1841?—Salary $1,300. The Supreme Court is held in the City of Wash | ington, and has one session annually, comraenc ! ing on the first Monday in December. STATE OF GEORGIA. J E Brown, Governor. J II Steele, Secretary Executive Department. John B Campbell, do do ill W McComb, do do L J Aired, Messenger. E F Watkins, Sectary of State- - John ft r fhip; e,'f'reiisnrer. Peterson Thiveatl, Comptroller General, j James A Green, Surveyor General, i John F Condon, State Librarian, j John E Ward, President of the Senate. | J VY IT Underwood, Speaker of H. Representatives : Alex M Speer,C-lerk House Representatives, j William Tinfc, Principal Keeper Penitentiary. | Bfiijah Si arswell, ass’i. do do : HJ G Williams, Inspector of Penitentiary, jWm A Williams, Bunk Keeper do jDr Tomlinson Fort, Physician do i Dr T F Greene, Sup. and Res. Phy. Lon Asylum. DrT Fort, B P'Stuhbsand Dr L Sirohecker,Trus ! tees Lunatic Asylum. SUPREME COURT FOR THE CORREC TION OF ERRORS. ■ Joseph II Lumpkin, Judge—Term expires 1863. Charles J McDonald, Judge— do 1861. Henry L Denning, Judge— do 1859. B Y iViartin, Reporter. R E Martin, Clerk. First Distract—Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, at Savannah, on iiie second Monday in January, and June in ea- h year. Second District—Composed of the Macon, South Western and Chattahoochee Judicial Cir cutis, at Macon, on t he 4th Monday in January, and 3d Monday in June in eacli vear. Third District Composed of the Flint, Coweia, Blue Ruige, and Cherokee Judicial Cir cuits at. Atlanta, on ihe 4th .Monday io .March and second Monday in August in each year. . Fourth District—Composed of the Western and Northern Judicial Circuits, at Athens, on the fourth .Monday in 3lay and fourth Monday in November in each year. Fifth District—Composed of the Ocmulgee and Southern Judicial Circuits, at Milledgeville, on the second Monday in May and November in eacli year. *Note.—The Pataula Circuit is at’ached to 2d Supreme Court District; Brunswick, to the Ist; Tallapoosa to the 3d. A BMINIBTRATOR’B SALE— Agreeable to an order A of Court of Ordinary of Muscogee eo., will be sold at the Market House in the city of Columbus, in said county, on the first Tuesday in-February next, a negro man by the name of George about 25 years of age be longing to the estate of John M. Russell, deceased;also Fanny and her four children, and Henry about 15 years ! of age,'belonging to the estate of Barah E. Russell, de ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES M. RUSSELL, Ad’ntr. of John JVI. and SaraliE. Russell. December 18,1658—w40d. Early County Mortgage Sales. TT7TLL be sold before the Court-house door in the VV town of Blakely, Early county, Ga., within the usual hours of sale oii the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: One negro woman named Galaly. sold to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of liemis & Prescott as the property of Nehatn H. Wood. Also at the same place, on the first Tuesday in March Two lots of land, numbers 119 and 120, in the sixth district of Early county, to satisfy two Mortgage fi fas, one in favor of H. O. H. Nesbitt vs. N. H. Wood; the other in favor of Thomas Nesbitt and Starnes, vs. N. H. Wood, Trustee for Mary L. 3Vood, said property pointed out in said fi fas. ANTHONY HUTCHINS, Sheriff. December 13. lftta w-tds A DMINISTRATOR S SALE.—WiII be sold before -TX the Court House door in the town of Butler Tay lor county,’on the first Tuesday in January next, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Catherine Daniel, late of said county deceased, being about ten or twelve in number, and consisting of men. women and children all young and likely. Sold fertile benefit of the heirs and creditors of said, deceased by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county of Taylor. T. J. Hi LEY, Adm’r. November 22, 1858—wtds. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—WiII be sold at lx. Fort Gaines. Ga„ on Ist Tuesday iu February next to the highest bidder, lour Negroes to’ wit: Kitty a wo man 40 years old; Maria a woman 20 years old, and her children John 8 years old, and a child 2 years old, as the property of Wm. Toney, deceased, ROBT. G. KICKS, ) _ W. TONEY, jAdmra* November 29,1858 —wtds. Vfotlce to Debtors and Credit tor a. —All lx persons having demands agaii 3. the estate of Thomas Bush, deceased, are hereby notified to render them in to me, duly proven according to law within the time prescribed, or they will not be paid; and persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make imiw diate payment. HEPSfiy ANN BUSH, Ex’* Nv#rob*i 22. iis§—w4od. J ‘ - Be WITT’S JEWBLRT STOBE, At the Old Stand, next Ooor to .1. Knnis & 00. && Broad. Columbus, Ga, WHERE can be found a'superb assortment ot Watchfts, Jewe. |PgF r y SjfVer Ware, Fancy Hair Pun?, Head Ornaments, Guns, Rifles Pistols, best quality of Gold Pens, aid every description of goods ffa V u*-u! 11 v kept ID a first class establishment, for Cash or approved jLU 3I > Credit. Every frt‘c’ will be warranted as represented, and 9\ will not be allowed io .c sold any other way. _ Mr. J. H. BRAMHALL, a practical Watch-maker, and Manufac turer of fine Chronometer Duplex Lever and other Watches, is in charge to do the Watch Work I will add that Mr. B’s reputation m New York as a first class VVorkman is bevond question. He will be happy to see all who have good H atches, and desire them'kept so by having them properly repaired, also those who hoe been unfortunate in having had their watches injured by incompetent workmen, and aesue them put in as good condition as when first made, and at reasonable rates. Samples o! his new work will be shown at any time. Mr. GOLDSBECK is on hand at his post, ready to set diamonds, make new Jewelry, engrave neatly, all kinds of Hair Braiding, in a neat and artistic style. Thankful to my friends and the community at large for their liberal patronage hereto fore we hope to merit a continuance of the same. Ti77>T s^ <lotU | A. 11. DkWII I. Xh. DlNffiL&Ca, r Have now in More and will be constantly receiving during the j Fall months, tlio momt u>ip't>votl aty los Oi EE JkBY MADE CLOTHING! entirely of their own manufacture, which they claim to surpass any brought to the Southern Market. A LARGE AND CAM EFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, i ~ Hats , Caps , Umbrellas , Trunks , Valises, Carpet Bags , Traveling Blankets, Shawls, &c., &-c. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, ofthei vvn manufacture, ranging from 10 years. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest styles and greatest variety, manufactured to order in styles to suit patrons A large Stock of SUBSTANTIAL GOODS for laboring men. Sept 89, 1858—dwtf. .1. IS. DANIEL & CO. 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. CLOTHiU! CLOTHINGS CLOTHING! l©ntsi 3 HIM®! <§ @©„ No, 1 25 Broad Street, GA. Are now opening a targe and extensive stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, all of theirown manu ! facture, and made up in the most desirable styles worn this season. Most of the stock having been j purchased tor CASH, it will enable us to se 1 the seme tor CASH at lower prices than any other j House in the city, for thesame quality of goods. Goods sold at this establishment wifi be tound as ! represented. We would call particular attention to our stock of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, it is extensive and embracing every variety. BOYS AND YOUTH’S CLOTHINGS, ! a fall assortment in Store. Larjre lot of ! TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS. LADIES BONNET BOXES, and TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS MUELLERS. JCOMFORTS, RAIL-WAY RUGS. 400 Suits Blue Satinett for Traders. 300 “ Kersey for Servants wear As this is the Only Cash Clothing Establishment in the City, Huyers for Ca*h will find it to their interest to givens a call before making their purchases. POSITIVELY NO MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS kept against purchases made. Thanklul for past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. ROSETTE, MELICK & GO Air. S. E. L.AWHON, Having taken an interest in the above establishment would bo pleased to see his old friends and acquaintances, and will be ready at all times to serve them. Sept. 20—dwGm. Administrator’s gale.—Will be sold on ihe first Tuesday in January next, the house and lot in the town of Lumpkin, known as the residence of Ma hala Welch, late of Stewart county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov. 17,1858—wtds E. F. KIRKSEY, Ad’mr. GEORGIA—TaIbot county: RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1858. WHEREAS, John .S'. Duncan, admin strator o! Franklin Duncan, petitions this Court lor let ters of Dismission from said administration: BBit ordered,That all perse us concerned be and appear at the February term next ensuing of this Court,then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Atrueex tractlrom the minutesol this Court, July 24th, 1857. July26ih— w6m MARION BETHUNE,O'd GiSOKGI.A, Chattahoociieo County. Court of Ordinary July Term, 1858. RULE NISI.- —Whereas Samuel D.Harp and Henry J King, administrators on the estate ol Joshua R. McCook, decease i applv lor Letters ot Dismission from said administration: It is therefore Ordered, i'bat aiipersons concerned abew cause, i! any they have, why said letters should uotbe granted at"the Court ol Ordinary to be held in aud or said county on the2d Monday in January next, and it is further oidcrcd, that this Rule be : published in terms of the law. A true transcript from the minutes said Court | July 7, 1858 | July i~- wOrj F.. G.RATFOISD. Ordinarv, WO months after date application wiil be made to the Court of Ordinary of Talbot county for leave to sell the land and negroes, belonging to the estate of Mrs Elizabeth Duncan, late of TalDot county, dec’d. JOHN S. DUNCAN, Administrator. Nov. 10th, 1859.—wtds. GEORGIA, CHATTAHOOCHEE CO. Samuel D, Harp, Guardian, for V V the per son and properly of John C. F. McCook, applies lor letters of dismission from the same. All persons concerned, arc heieby required to appear at my office, within the time prescribed ; by law, and show cause, (il any,) why said letters i should not he granted, _ . . , , Given under my hand at office, the 2d day of A " gUSt> Wsß ’ E. G RAtFORD, Ordinary. Aug. 7, 1858. wGm _ W-^-ZSTTED, nr\ CORDS WELL SEASONED PINE WOOD OU Appply at lliis office. ortSO dtf IHRiIITIJRE. JH. SIKES, respectfully returns his thanks to nis friends tor past favors and beg 6 leave to remind them of the fact that he i6 still at his old business and stand, 3G Broad street, where lie will be glad to see his old customers, and as many new ones as are w liing to give him a trial. . Maurasses in any quantity for safe cheap Ke pairing ot every description of Iturntture done at once, and in me neatest style. Particular attention given to upholstering Church Pews, Chairs,, and Cushions of all kind*. Oet. 8, wd tf. I GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County t . - 6'fry. .VV*MnTKafffc,n iM Court of Ordinary , July Term 1858. ki;le nisi. fTTHEREAS, William J. Mcßride, Tuomas H. Me ; V? Bride, and M.C. Wardlaw, Executors of the ast will and testament of Wiiliatn Mcßride, deceased having fully settled the business of the estate ol said deceasid, apply to me for Lottcrs ot Dismission from the same. It is therefore orde”ed, that all persons con- I cernedsbew cause il any they have, why said Letters j should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary to j beheld in and tor said county on the second Mon : day in January next. And it is further Ordered, ! that thiß Rult be published in terms of the law. A true transcript from the m,nuteaof this Court. ; July 7, 1858. July lit—worn F.. E-RAIFORD, Ordinary. CARROLTON j MASONIC INSTITUTE. JOHN K. LEAK, A. JL President. TIIIK Institution, under Masonic con tr°l, wn°w in successful operation, and ,a ‘ r t 0 °f extensive usefulness.— K. Leak, the President under whose care it opened, and has rapidly felsSP* prospered, will continue in charge of it. Mr. John W. Blunsell occupies the chair of Mathema tics, and all the other departments will be tilled with competent Teachers. The Institution is favorably lo cated in every particular, and affords superior advan tages to those having sons and daghters to educate. The discipline is excellent. The course of study is complete, embracing all the branches usually taught in Male and Female Colleges. An opportunity ofia king the regular ‘dale Course is afforded to all'young Ladies desirous of obtaining a thorough Education. Thefe are two Literary Societies connected with the Institution, and several Medals of considerable value will be annually awarded lor merit in Reading and Declamation. I We respectfully solicit a liberal patronage from mem j bers of the Order and the Public generally. Parents I and Guardians cannot commit their Children or Wards ! into safer hands. There is no chance for dissipation, as i in addition to the watchfulness of the Faculty, their ; conduct will be observed and reported by ihe Order, i The next term will open the first Wednesday in ; January, 1659, and close on the last Wednesday in i June. Students received at any time, and cha'rged j from the time of entrance. No’ deduction in tuition 1 save in case of protracted iilness. Board eight, dollars per month, in good families, convenient to the Jnsti ; tute. Students from a distance will .come by Railroad to Newnan, On., thence by private conveyance to Carrollton. A full attendance is desired at the opening of the Term. For further particulars address JolinK Leak,Carrollton. Georgia. RATES OF TUITION: Spring’ Term. Fall Term. Primary Department 810,00 @6.00 Intermediate T 16,00 y,OO Collegiate 25.00 15,00 Music (not including use of Instru ment 25.00 15,00 W M. MERRILL, W. M. J. T. MEADOR, 8. W B. M LONG, J. W. Carrollton, Ga. Dec. B—wst. GEORGIA Chattahoochee conntyt ■* IIEREAS. Seaborn W. Ellis applies to me for VY Letters of Guardianship for the property of hi* daughter Sarah A. Ellis: All persons concerned are required to shew cause within the time.fixed by law, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at offic*, tfc* 7tb Nov*mb*t 1856 E C. RAIFORD OfdtHWy. Nov 16. 1938—wtd*.