Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, January 24, 1861, Image 1

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COLftUITr & WARREN, Proprietors. VOLUME VIII. €i)c iDailji uTimes every morning (Sundays exeep- at l* i-V iu DOLLARS per annum, in advance, x Dollars if not paid before the end of year iOccklo Chiles is Published erery MONDAY MORNING, i'vn, Doillavjper annum, strictly in advance. .Mtlee on llandolpli Street,Opposite the Post Office. Advertisements ol fiy© linos and less ki either the Daily or Weekly Times, w ill be inserted at 50 cents lbr the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertiaments exceeding five Une3 will be 'harged 10 cents per lino for the first, and five tfor each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for space they oecupy. The following arc the contracting rates change ble at pleasure. WMfiK LY’RatBE .12 months, f! 9 months. I” "7“ 6 months. 3 months. 2 months, J I jl month. | No. of ;tqrs. i j 2504 00 55010001500 20 00 'l ! 5 00; 800 11 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3 75011 00 14 50 25 00 35 00 40 00 4 10 00 15 00 19 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 12 00 17 00 20 00 40 00 50 00 60 00 6.. 15 00 20 00 25 00 50 00 60 001 70 00 7.. .. 17 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 70 00; 80 00 8.. 20 00 30 00 40 00 70 00 80 00 ‘JO 00 10.... 25 0040 00 50 00 80 00 Os) 00(100 00 DAILY RATES. jl2 months. 9 months. 6 months. 3 months, 2 rneuihs. I month. No,ol sqrs. 1.. 500 700 9 00; 13 CO 17 001 20 00 *2 9 00 12 00 14 00, 18 00 25 00! 30 00 3.. .. 12 Os 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 COj 40 Ou 4.. 15 0C 19 0O; 22 00! 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 18 0( 25 00, 30 00 40 00 50 OOj GO n0 6.. 20 0( 28 00 35 00 50 00 60 00! 70 00 7.. 25 0< 33 00 41 00 60 0 70 00; 80 00 8 30 0( 38 00 46 00 70 00j 80 001 90 00 10 40_0( 50 00 60 00 80 00 90 00100 CO Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternooon, at the Court House in the coun ty in which the property i tuato. Notices of tLcsalomust be given in a public gazette forty £}t previously to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must bo given at least ten days previews to the day ofsalo. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application wiil. ho mado to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be oublished thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ninistration, monthly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—forestablish ing lost papers for the space of three months — for compelling titles from Executors or Adminis trators, where a bond has been given by the de ceased, the full space of three months. Publications will alwads be continued accor ding to these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. r T* T Ti/f wmK mm- mm PKINTiNG OFFICE, j Randolph Street, Columbus, Georgia, j HAYING in successful operation two of HOE i A CO’S CALENDER PRESSES RUNS IMG BY fcTEAM, vVo are preparedto execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, unsurpassed stylo, as cheaply as can be dono anywhere in the South. We have on hand a largo variety of NEW JOB TYPE and shall keep a constant supply of Plain & Fancy Paper & ards, Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, with promptness and despatch, will make it great- ; y to tho interest of persons in want of POSTERS, Handbills, CLRQfJLAES, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS* BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OE LADING, LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPT;^ blank notes, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &n, &c. ALSO, RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT BLANKS _ GtXATjB US a GALL; This Department is under tho management of Mr. D. b. PORTER, whoso long experience and acknowledgechreputation ac a Job Printer, are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will be executed with energy and faithfulness Wo have now in connection with the r&lco a complete book BINDERY and have in employ and young man who, under the votoran GRAY and others, has perfected him self in this branch of business; wo pledge our solvcs to give the most perfect satisfaction in the manuacturc of all styles of Lodgers, Account Soolss, Court HoccjtcLj, Sfccciiafcos.t rua* Hail Hoad Ela&k Bocks, , We intend not to be outdone in the stylo and finish of our work, in either department, by any establishment South, and that wo may be aide to make our prices satisfactory wo have udoptc J tuC CASH SYSTEM. Jan. 1. 1860 Md * * * * * % ** ** * * RAMSEY & LAMAR, ATTC RNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GA. Slice over the Bank of Columbus. t ALBERT It. LAMAR. March 3,1861)—d1y. Samwd Thatcher, ATT OR N.jE Y AT LAW, Georgetown, Quitman Cos. [Ga. VA r lL!.pracrice in the counties of Webster, Terrell rib rU„‘. U O M h .’ Chaitp.hoocee, Stewart, Quitman, J' Early, Miiler, and in Barbour county, Ala. May 23—dt.f. 1 11. 51. SAPP, xivc to at taw. < !o'urnbu.s, Ga. WILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and adjoining counties. Office on Rr*ti{olph street, a few doors n ost OftL Joseph F. POll, ATTORNEY .A.T LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Office on Randolph Street, over Ilolt and Hutchin’s April 16—wdly. Marion Bethime, ATTORNEY :AT LAW, TALBOTTON, Talbot Cos., Qa. October 24,1555. wAdtf. Moses & ILaws, AY.'X’ DOIt.ISrS'Y'S AT LAW, COL UMBUS, GEORGIA . U. J. MOSES. WM. A. LAWS. Office next door to the Post office„4t§^ r Sept. 1, 1858. dwtf. JNO. M. PHILIPS. WALTER 11. WEEMS. Philips & Weems, -Attorneys at Law, CRAWFORD, ALA. Will practice in the Courts of Russell County —in tho Supreme Court of tho State, and in the United States District Court at Montgomery. March 2d, IB6o—wJcdtf. E. W. POU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MEMPHIS, TENN. r'l" Office on corner of Main and Gayoso Streets, over A. B. Coffey’s Store. January 1, 1881—dwtf. w|: ; w J. FOGLE & SOM, u E NTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Bread, COLUM BU 8 . GA . ' oli mbus, Dec. 9, 1857. dA wtf. DISSOLUTIONS IN consequenee oftlie death of Mr. DANIEL, the firm of HUSHES, DANIEL & CO. was dissolved on the 6th February. The undersized as surviving partners, are ready to settle all claims against said firm; and those indebted to said firm, will please settle immediately as the business must be closed. The undersigned,in the name and style of HUGHES & HOH&ES, Will continue the Werehouse 3- sioil Business in all its brancliess Office at the Lowed Warehouse WM. 11. HUGHES VV. C. DODGES. Columbus. Feb. 13- dwtf. stock, Fall & Winter Clothing, 1860. J. H. MERRY, 87 Broad Street. W'OITLD Respectfully call attention to His New Stock of Gentlemen and Youths CLOTHING. Embracing all the latest styles of Manufactured Goods. ALSO, To a Complete Assortment of Gentlemen’s FVBIVISBqtJVCt GOODS. Travelling Trunks, Carpet Rags, Valises, Cano, Umbrellas, &r„, &c. 87 BROAD STREET, One door North of Redd, Johnson k. Cos. Nov. 1.- d3m. I AM now prepared to contract for Carpenter’s Work, either in town or country, in large or small jobs, on aa good terms as any shop in the place, and to execute itas well and .promptly. janlS—dJv JOHN S &.LLEN 1860 FALL TRADE, iB6O SHERMAN & CO. II: ve on hand the largest and best assorted stock o Saddles, Bridles, Harness, TRUNKS, WHIPS, COLLARS, HOKSE COVERS, LEATHER. OF ALL KINDS. Machine Belting, &c. &c. Ever brought to this market, which are offered to their friends and the public generally upon reasona ble terms. We would return our thauks for the patronage that has been bestowed u pon us since we have been es tablished iu Columbus, and hope by fair dealing and attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. Sherman &Cos., Next Door to the Bank of Columbus. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 22—dwtf. Ayer’s Ague Cure. THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THURSDAY JANUARY 1861. Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. Heimbold’g Buchu for tlie Biailder' Helmbold’s Buchu for the Kidneys. Heimbold’s Buchu for the Gravel. Helmbold's Buchu for Dropsy. Hehnbold’s Buchu for Heliiibold’e Buchu for loss of Memory, llehubold’s Bucliu for Dimness of Vision, iielmbold’s Buchu for Difficult Breathing. Helmbold’s Buchu for Weak Nerves. Ilelmbold’s Buchu for General Debility. Helmbold’s Buchu lor Universal Lassitude. Helmbold’s Buchn for Horror of Disease. Helinb ild’e Buchu for Night Sweats. Helm bold's for Wakefulness. Ilelmbold’s Bucliu for Dryness ol the*'Skiu. Hehnbold’s Buchu for Eruptions. Helmbold’s Buchu for Pains in the Back. Heimbold’s Buchu fbr Heaviness of the Eyelid, with . Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight. Helmbold’s Buchu for Mobility and Restlessness,with Want of Attention and Horror of Society, Helmbold’s Buchu for Obstructions, Helinbold’e Buchu for Excesses arising fir ms Indiscre tion, and all Diseases of FI LM A I.EA-FF.M AT.L: TV.V \ L TL OLD OR YLUNn; SINGLE, MaRSIKD et’ '■‘■'ms TEMPI;ATTNG MARRIAGE, TAKE NO MORE FILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OR BUCIFU IS THE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD For all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits of dissipation, or in the DECLINE Oil CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no more Balsam, Mercury or unpleasant Medi cine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. UELMBOLD*S’EXTUAOT OF BUCHU CURES SE CULT DISEASES. In all their stages, At little expense, Little or no change of diet, No inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. Use IIEI.MBOLD’S BUCHU for excesses arising from habits indulged in BY YOUNG AND OLD, And for all diseases arising from habits of dissipation. It removes all improper discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time to health and purity. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU for dis eases and affections oftlie most distressing character. Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU loral affections and alldiseases of the URINARY ORGANS. Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause they mav have originated, and no matter 01 HOW LONG STANDING. All the above diseases and symptoms admit of the same treatment and may originate from the same cause. READ! READ! READ! HELMBOLD’S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally appeared before me, ail Alderman oftlie city of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helmbold, Chemist, who be ing duly does say .that his preparation contains no narcotic, mercury «»r injurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. 11. T. HELMBOLD, Bole Manufacturer. Bworn and subscribed before me, the 22d day ol November, 1854. WM. P. IIIBUARD, Aid. Price !$1 per bottle, or six for ©5, delivered to any address. by H. T. IIELMBPLI. , Practical and Analytical Chemi t, 104 South Tenth St., below Chestnut Pinla Bewaie cf Counterfeits, AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose “of their own” ai.d “other” Articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparation. “ “ Extract Buchu, “ “ “ Sarsaparilla, " Improved Rose Wash. SOLD BY J. W. BROOKS, And all druggists everywhere. Ask for Ilelmbold’s —take no other. Cut out the advertisement msd send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. J. W. Brooks, wholesale and retail agent, for Colum bus. Ga. Aug 17—dtvffm. Flisrii] Cloths, Oassimeres, Vestings Shirts, Coliars, Cravats, HALF-HOSE, GLOVES SUSPENDERS, UMBRELLAS HATS AID CAPS. Traveling Shawls, Blakets, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, C&?C3n StJOa All of the latest styles and best qualities, are now ready for the Trade at the old established stand of JJL DANIEL & CO., 1*33 BROAD STREET, lOLOUtn, GA. Every variety of Garments made ujtto meas ure, in the latest and most approved styles and warranted to please. J. Id. D. & CO. Coiambus, October 5. dwtf. TO Country Merchants & Planters JAMES MoPIIILDPS, In calling the a/fention of buyers to his stock of FAINTOY AND STAPLE begs to say that he is now prepared to offer for C ASH alarge assortment ofgaods just received,by the Piece, Bale or Package, at Northern Jobbing Frioes As he has a resident buyer in New York, lie v. nl receive by every steamer, invoices of such goods as he can sell the trade at a reduction of i0 to 1%}4 per cent. on regular prices. ID" An inspection cf the stock is respectfully rn’ic ited. JAS. 140, Broad street, MASONIC HALL BUILDING. Columbus, Sept 20, 1860. cU wtf. CUBA HOUSE, THE subscriber having taken charge of the Ig&iffiT above hotel, and entirely renovated and fitted Hffil || up the same for the accommodation ot tlie _®dULpublic, solicits a share of their patronage. lie vvTll spare no pains to please; and having had considerable experience in catering for the appetite and comfort of the public, feels confident of snvinir sat isfaction. . C. C. BONNARD. September 3 d&wtf. Bools; Binding F EXECUTED in superior ?tvl at ■ •” l “ Ls 1 GoUunbug Times. ’ v -’9 £. t. WILMS’ GALLERY. G T \vy LTAM« has ji;st ?>*nrnvi( fr*»m the north vthtii all the new and laic improvements u» the PHCTCCRAPBIC ART, Embracing quire * vm- ty.'of NVfMHec end Curiosi ties, making - . ; , .V, XTI3 GALLERY one nf»h« rao-‘attractive and fUihimtahle recnirtc iff the cinf ; - **f*reoscops»;Tlnd many« s Pictures of Di-tincuisheu Persons and Scenery now on tihiintioß. The public is respectfully inviled to call and examine the abeve styles of Picture* at WILLIAMS’ GALLERY OF VARIETY, No. G 7 West Side Broad St. I am now better than ever prepare 1 to erorute tho*e beautiful Photographs, Amhrotypes, Stereo- SCOPES, and all other styles of Pictures known in the. Art, and on account of my increased facilities will do my work as low, and in most case* lowerthan any Gallery in the city, and in a superior style. D n’t fail to give me a call. G. T. WILLIAMS, Sept. 3—Jtf Photographer. Thom.: misjire daily speaking in the praise of E^.TOISr’S INFANTILE 00R9IAL, *.nd wnyl because it newer fails to ajj’urd. instantaneous relief when given in^-time. It acts like magic, and one trial alone will convince you what we say is true. It contains 80 PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings of your child, in toad ol deadening its sensi bilities. For this reason it commends itself as the on ly reliable preparation now known for Children Teething) Biarrhcia, Dysentery, Gri pingln the Bowels, Acidity oftlie Sto macH, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croisp, also/or softening the gums, redudng iu floatation regulating the boicils, and. relieving pain, it has no equal— being an anii-spasmodicn is used in unfailing success in allcases’of Convulsions or other Fits. As you value thi life and health of your children, and -wish to sure them fro si those sad and blighting consequences which are certain U> result from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies fir Infantile Complaints are composed, take none but Dr .Eaton’s Infantile Cordial,this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicateinfunt. Price 25 cents. Full direction® accompany each bottle. Preoared on ly! t ISIKPH A BITOM, m No 409 Broadway, New York. Heai.thv human Blood upon being always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Anal lyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consump tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c- and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made w eli. Tlie Hlood Food is founded upon this Theory—lieiice its astonishing siiccsss. There are F!¥B PRSFAIATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colds, Broncliitis or any afleciion whatever of the Tixroat or Lungs, including Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Depression of Spir its, Loss of Appetite, and for allciironic compJaixr ts, arising from over-use, general debility, aid nervous prostration. No. 2, for Liver complaints, No. 3 for Dyspep sia. Bring already prepared fur absorption it is Taken Dy drops and carried immediately into circulation, so that, what yo 1 gain you retain. .The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Ily stevla, and Wealtnesses/iStc. See special directions for this. For Sait iilieum, Eruptions, Scro fulous, Kidney and Bladder complaints take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strict ly followed. Price of the Blood Food, $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH Sr DUPONT, Druggists', No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York. For sale by Acee & Iverson, Pemberton &, Car ter, J. A. Whiteside 2 Cos., Ur quit art <fc Chap man, and J. W. Brooks, Columbus. March 2S—dwtj Great Reduction in Prices ! FURNITURE AND WOODEN WARE. The Troy Manufacturing (’O. IN orde re luce mir large stock get money, we are now offering Furniture & Vv T codon Ware at greatly reduced prices for Cash, to-wif: Cottage Chairs at SI; Bedsteads at £4.5 ' to *ls. Pine Tubs at S4 to si 50 per ntsf. Pine Buckets at 82 to 83.25 per dozen. And other articles at a proportionate redaction in prices. We make a liberal diseoumto dealers. Give us a call as.we are determined to sell. Ware Rooms No. 40 east side of Broad sf. Columbus. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. C . -iambus, Ga , Oct. 25—dwtf. WATCH-MAKING. & LADIES and. Gentlemen, if you wish to have your Watches nicely fixed and gkh,*.£4put in good running order, yon must go to THE SWIKGI3TG CLOCK, SI BP.OiAD STREET, A large Stock of first class Watches for sale. WILLIAM SMITH, Practical Watch-Maker.. N.B.—Observe the long Clock swinging in 1 the window. may 24 dly. Change of Schedula. 11,. MOBILE t GIRARD RAILROAD, T Girard, Ala., Nov. 5, 1500.- S TA ROM and alter this date, the Mail Train will leave X 1 the Girard Depot daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:40 p m., ami arrive at Union Spring* at 0.28 p. ju.; leave Union Springs daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:35 a.m„ anJ arrive at Girard at Jihik a n>. The Freight Train will leave Girard every day, ( Sundays excepted,) at 6 o’clock am., and arrive at Union **prin?» at 12 m. Leave Union Springsevery day (Sundays excepted) at 12:4p p. in., and arrive a» Girard at fi:2sp. m Nov. 12 —dwtf 15. E. WELLS, Sup’t. Chimp ol .Schedule. msmmSmk ’•*n]?T6OMERY AKD IVESTPOIkT If All. HO At i 9 COM P A N \ , OrkiCK Montgomery West Point R, R. COLUMBUS, Aug. 15,1859 CLOSE CONNECTIONS. r I UIKOUGM to MeaiphiH, Nashville amiJS'ew V orn A (via Knoxville) per accomniodation Train, leav ing 9 45 p. m. Mail Train* Leave Columbus.. (>.lsa. m. Arrive at Montgomery 12 m. Arrive at West Point 2.25 p m. Leave Columbus , 3.45 p *u Arrive at Montgomery 10 45p.m. Arrive West Point ....‘2.45a. in. Leave Montgomery at 8 30 a. m. Leave West Point ..6.15 a. m. Arrive at Columbus ~.2.45p. n», Leave Montgomery.... ....8.45 p m. Leave West Point.... . ,3.50 p.m. Arrive at. Columbus 3. a. in. Freight Train leaves Columbia ;u 4 P. M. Arrives at 12.08 P-M. Freight Arrangeraent SISxT.Vi JK.fiN ATLANTA A COIiUMBUS. BV an arrangement between the Railroad Companies composing the two routes from Atlanta to Colum bus, concluded attheir convention at Savannah on the I6th instant, it wa3 agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Columbus shall govern, taking effect from the Ist day ot May 1857. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel lie. Wheat 12; Oats 8; Bacon Whisky, Flour, in sacKs or barrels per 100 lbs 35c: — Bagging, Rope, L-ud ir. cans or bids, per TOO* lbs 45c. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per t0«,5?.3..75. VIA MACON. 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats IGc. Bacon, Whiskey,Flour in sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs., 44c.- LjMtgmg, Rope, Lard In cans or bids, per 100 pounds 55cents, Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per tons4.6Bc. J. L. MU rill AN, President Muscogee K Ii GEO. W.ADAMd, SuperiiitemlentSouthwestpni Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad IM U, Superintendent Atlanta and La Grange Railroad, SAM’L G. JONES, Engineer and Superintendent M. & W. P. It. Aug. 17, 1859 —ditwtf. Photographic MUSCOGEE jRL JR OHA Na E 0 F HCHED UL E. ON and after 36th Feb. 1800. the Evening'Mail Train will leave Columbus at 3.30 p. m,, and ar rive at Macon at 0.05 p. m. Leave Macon at 11.30 p , m. arrive at Columbus at 5.35 a. m. The Morning Mail Train wiWTeave at 3.15a. in. and arrive at Macon 8.56 a. m. Leave Macon 0.45 p. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.30 p. in. W. L. CLARK. f*npt. Columbus, Feb. 27—dwtf. SAVANNAH k STE A M-PA C K V' T LINE. The Steamer WM. SEABKOOK, Capt. F. HARDEN, will shortly take her place on this Line, leaving sSavan W&tx&g£s^i&& nali and Charleston twice a week. Having a through freight arrangement with the Centralliailroad and its connections, all freights be* tween Charleston .and the Interior of Georgia.consign edto the agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P BROOKS, Agent Savannah. E.LAFITTE &. CO Charleston. Nov. 55 dwtt GENTLEMENS’ - ANI) FURNISHING GOODS, BAUGH XMAS’S, No. 119 Wcst Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. arC li,>A ro ‘ Laving been man ufactured expressly for our trade, we flatter our selves that we shali be able to pie*se ail who may favor U3 with their patronage in price and styles. Vfe don’t profess to do business on a CASH SYSTEM, but we arc determined to ?dl as CHEAP as can be purchased elsewhere. We have also a large and complete assortment of Youths & Childrens’ Clothing Suitable to supply between the ages of 5 and IS years of age. Call and examine and judge for yourselves, as we say just what wc intend doing. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Cloths, Casslmercs & Vestings of the latest importations, which we are prepar ed to SLAKE UP TO ORDER, in the latest styles and at the shortest notice; all of which we warrant to give satisfaction. EDWARD BAUGH, JEPTHAF. TILLMAN. September 1.4 th, IB6o—dwtf. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. PEYTOff H. COLQUITT, )„ V 4. JAMES W. WARREN. < Euitors. #5 PER ANNUM. USTE'W I Ladies and Gentlemen, AT HOME AND ABROAD, ASSURE V-$ THAT Tffß DA^IORTH’S HAIR fiISTORME, PREPARED ONLY BY URQUHART &CHAPMAN I* ukiug the piaee 01 EVERY’ OTHER PREPARATION KNOWN FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR 81PKEDILY AND CEIIT UNi i color, «... Giving it the roost bcautifil! "In*# end oi)oir PREVENTING IT FROM FALLING OFF, Removing and 'preventing AND AI.L Humours and Eruptions ON THE SCALP IN A FEW DAYS MCE IISED, IT WILL*HE FOUND AN INDISPENSABLE AN POSITIVE REMEDY For the numerous’irritations of the scalp which PRODUCE SUPERAIIUNDANT DANDRUFF. [lTFrice 15 cents full Pint Cottle. only hy URQUH ART & Oil A I’M AS. DRUGGISTS, Aug:;- .lwtf COLUMBUS, (lA. ALL STYLES. HATS 35N J-.AMrJONT, Would inform his friends and the public generally * that he is now receiving his Fall Stock of Hats, con ststing of ail varieties of Cassimero, Moleskin & Felts, Ol every color and quality, and of the VERY LATEST IMPORTATION, at prices to suit all. CAPS of every kind, and also a great variety of CHILDREN’S HATS AND CATS, And a goo;l assortment of Umbrellas ami-Walking Canes. We have always on hand our superior WOOL HATS, Made expressly for us. „ C iambus, Ga., August 23. dwtf iw liiSi! TILE subscriber lias now in store, and is constantly receiving from New York a large ■JIuL. and well selected stock of MENS AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING, Embracing all the latest pfyltsof Business, Plain and Fancy DRESS SXTXTS, MOIIAIft, SEALSKIN, CLOTH AND REAVER O Y I S PL C O A T S, Also, a full and complete assoitment of GEN TLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS Comprising Linen IJojojii Shirts, of die best materi al ami make, and warranted to gibe satisfaction.— Merino, Cashmere and Siik Fndeishirts; t^i!k. Ties ami Scarfs, Collars, Glover, Sospcm.V'i.-, Ac. 4c. — Also, a good simply of JTOTHM Lilia Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Walking Caries, &c. Also, a full and complete msortment'of KBITS AMS S KBiS* For Grntieineri’s wear, and a large astori jarifk.a memos Ladies’ Shoes, Roots and Gaiters of f iftAUf the very best material anil workmanship,and ***** very variety of Ciri! imn’s S. oo ami Root*: \ Iso, a full iad v.oil «♦!• < tint stock of IkCEdSTS <sc. BOYS’ JJHATB a GAP Os t lae * cry est Style . Tiiea ii zens of Columbus ; ;fti yistrrucf og ccun try are respectfully ■: licited t giv<* me a >. :il bejom purchasing f-lsew hero,as lam ilormim and to .->e!l mv goods lower ihan any other esm Mi-lum .it in the city. 1 have Good- riiul good Goods and am deternrined to sell them. M\ stoic is Mnmediately under t (tide’s Hotiil, It oad - in *•:, w here I will take great plea me in \v .tio.' if eoi all uho niav favor mewit ti a call. . M. BROOK**, i Judei* OookV I lot el. Celsu>bus, Ga., Oct. 24.—fwl-Sm Important to Mill Owners ! Gk Xj. IPvQiBXJSrE'X'XU GOLUMBUS. GA Practical Machinist, Boiler Maker, Mill Iron Fnrni-hcr. and satisfactory * erector of S tea in. Water and Station ary Mills,‘(Baw or Grist,) cn the be.-t known and approved styles, and warrant and to perform in every respect. Orders for repairs in the mechanics! dej>art ment of any kind of the above Mills, done cheaply and carefully, and with dispatch, by ad- ‘ dressing as above. Reference—Golden A Stanford Columbus Iron Works. jan7—dlfwSm & CAPS.