Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, February 26, 1861, Image 1

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COLQUITT & WARREN, Proprietors. VOLUME Viil. dli)e iDailji Cii HCO Published every morning (Sundays exccp *a) at FIVE DULLARS per annum, in advance. ? \ Dollars il not paid before the end of year. <Hi|e Ukekly crimes Is Published every MONDAY Two Dolllars per annum, strictly in advance. Ollice on Randolph Streei,Opposite the Post Oilict. Advertisements of five lines and less in either the Daily or Weekly Times, w ill bo inserted at 50 cents for the first insertion and2s cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertisments exceeding five linos will bo ihargod 10 cents per lino for the first, and five efur each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for space they occupy. The following are the contracting rates change oleasure. WEEKLY HATES. 12 months. I 9 months. 6 months. ' 3 months. ' 2 months, ijl month. No. of eqrs. ! 1 250 4UO I 550 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 I 500 800 11 00 20 00| 25 00 30 00 3 7 50 il 00 j 14 50 25 00 35 00 40 00 4 10 00 15 00 l‘J 00| 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 12 00 17 00 , 20 00 40 i>o 50 00’ GO 00 G 15 00 20 00 | 25 00, 50 00 60 00 70 00 7 17 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8.... 20 00 30 00 i 40 00 70 00 80 00 90 00 10 25 00 40 00 ! 50 00! 80 00! 90 00; 100 00 DAILY ItA’I’ES. 12 months. jj . - ■ 1 9 months. < \{ H 6 months.- || |j 3 months, i 6 2 months. !! I month. « No.oi sq ra. I 1 5 on! 7no 9 00! 13 00 17 00 20 00 . 900 12 00 14 00 18 00 25 00 30 00 3 12 0< 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 On 4 15 00 19 00 22 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5 18 Os 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 f,O f.Q (5.... 20 0( 28 00 35 00, 50 01? 60 00 70 00 7 25 0( 33 00, 41 00 60 0 70 00 80 00 8 30 0( 38 00 46 00 70 00 80 OOi 90 00 10 400( 50 00 60 00 00 00 90 00 100 CO Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, arc required by law to bo hold on the first Tuesday in the month be tween the hours often in the forenoon and three in the afternooon, at the Court House in the coun ty in which the property i tunto. Notices of liesalomust bo given in a public gazette forty ' eyspreviously to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must bo given atleast ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate m istbe publisliodforty days. Notice that application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ninistration, monthly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—-for establish ing lost papers for tho space of three months— for compelling titles from Executors or Adminis trators, where a bond has been given by the de ceased, the full space of three months. Publications will alwads be continued accor ding to these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. ME) 3(OJ'M PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Columbian, Georgia, g | AVING in successful operation two of HOE .11 & CO’S CYLENDER PRESSES KUIIHING BY STEAM, \Ve are prepared to execute, at short notice, every description of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can be done anywhere in tho South. Wo have on hand a large variety of NEW JOB TYPE and shall keep a constant supply of Plain & Fancy Paper & arils, Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, with promptness and despatch, will make it great ly to theintorest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &e. ALSO, RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT BLANKS SITE TTB A GAXX,. This Departmentis undor the management of Mr. D. S. PORTER, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Printer, are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will'be executed with energy and faithfulness We have now in connection with the office a complete BOOK BINDERY and have in employ and young man who, under the veteran GRAY and others, has perfected him self in this branch of business; we pledge our selves to give the most perfect satisfaction in the saanuacture of all styles of Lfldgeis, Account Books, Court Records, Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, We intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our work, in cither department, by any establishment South, and that we may be able to make our prices satisfactory we havo adopted the OASII SYSTEM. Jan. 1. 3SW. RAMSEY & LAMAR, ATTORNEYS AT LAV/, COTjUMBUS, GA. J&&**Gffieo over the Bank of Columbus.. J. N. RAMSEY. ALBERT R. LAM AR. March 3,1860—d1y. Sasmie! Thatcher, ATTO RN E Y A T LAW, Georgetown, Quitman Cos. [Ga. WlLLpracriceiathe counties Webster, Terrell » t Randolph, (Jhattahoocee, Stewart, Quitman, Clay. Early, Miller, and in Barbour ceunty, Ala. May 23—dlf. If. M. SAPP, ax 1 x,aw. Columbus, Ga. WILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and adjoining counties. Office on Randolpli street, a few doors west of the Post Office. July26—dwtf, Joseph F. Fon, ATTORNEY .A.T Xi-A.'W, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Office on Randolph Street, over IToltand Ilntchin’s Office, April 16 —wtliy. Marion Ikih tseic\ ATTORNEY “-A.T X--A.W, TALBGTTON, Talbot Cos., ©a. October 24,1863. w&dtf. Moses & Laws, a. xa 1 o TtTd" i-; 'sr s -/yt COL tJMBUS, GEORGIA . U. J. MOSES. WM. A. LAWS. Officennxt door to the Post Sept. 1, 1858. dwtf. JNO.M. PHILIPS. WALTER 11. WEEMS. Philips & Weems, attorneys at Law, CRAWFORD, ALA. Will practice in the Courts of Russell County —in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the United States District Court at Montgomery. March 2d, IS6o—wJfcdtf. e7w.ipotj, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MEMPHIS, TENN. Office on corner of Main and Gayoso Streets, over A. B. Coffey’s Store. January 1, 1801—dwtf. J. POGUE & SON, ***%&?& DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, COLUMBU S, GA . Columbus, Dec. 9, 1857. wtf. WATCH-MAKING, £ LADIES and Gentlemen, if vou wish to have your Watches nicely fixed and j§put in good running order, you must go to THE SWINGING CLOCK, 8i broad street, A large Stock of first class Watches for sale. WILLIAM SMITH, Practical Watch-Maker- N. I».—Observe the long Clock swinging in the window. may 24 dly. (FIRST CLASS HOTEL,) Comer ISroad and Crawford Street*, C OLUMBUS, GA. HATCH COOK, march—dwtf. PROPRIETOR CHEAP AND PLAIN FURNITURE AT «T_ H.SIKE 3 S, N0.42 BROAD STREET Columbus, Dec. 24, IS6o—dtf. Moray WANTED, :at J.K. SIKS’S FURNITURE STORE, IN SMALL BILLS OR OTHERWISE, in exchange J_ (or good, plain and substantial Furniture. Janlt—dtf J. 11. SIKES, 43 Broad sr. 10 RENT, A com f° r t a Ul° House, eon m"t venient to the busincsse portion all«rlrii'lnoa ifr °f city* Apply to J. F. . at Aoee <£ Ivorson’s Drugjßtore. DISSOLUTION^ IN consequence of the death'of Mr. DANIEL, the firm of HU6HES, MNIEL & 09, was dissolved on the 6th February. The uudersiged as surviving partners, are ready to settle all claims against said firm; and those indebted to said firm, will please settle immediately as the business must he closed. The undersigned, in the name and style of HUGHES Sic HODGES, Will continue the Wnrelionse &. Coiiainis slonßnslness in all its branches? Office at the Lowell Warehouse WM. U. HUGHES W.C. lIODGES. ftolumbus. Feb. IS—dwtf CUBA HOUSE, jrjTTJMCFKLXISr, 0-J&-. TIIE subscriber having taken charge of the ||J| above hotel, and entirely renovated and fitted ({! up the same for the accommodation of the lilLpublic, solicits a share of their patronage, lie will spare no pains to please; and having had considerable experience in catering for the appetite and comfoTt of the public, feels confident of giving sat isfaction. C. C. BONNARD. September 3 d&wtf. BINDING ALL ITS BRANCHES withdespateh and elegantly done at short notic TIMES OPFICE Columbus. Nov. 2T—dtx THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26. IBGI. * THE 01V DISCOVERY Worthy of any Confidence so HFSTORMG THE BALD AIsD GRAY. MANY, since the greatdi^eovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his Restora tive, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results identical; but they have all come and gone, being carried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its resistless sway. Read the following:' Bath, Maine, April 18th, 1859. Prof. O. J. Wood & Go.—Gents.: The letter I wrote you in 1556 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, and which you haye published in this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enqui ries are, first, is it a fact of my habitation and name, as stated ia the communication; second, is it true of all therein contained; third, docs my hair stillconlin* ue to be in good order and of natural color? To all 1 can and do answer invariably yes. My hair is even belter than in any stage of my life for 40 years past —more soft, thrifty and better colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablution of the face, when if care were used by wiping the face in close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair. 1 have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England; asking me if my hair still continues to be goods as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has no doubt been basely imitated and been used, not onlv without any good effect, but to absolute injury. 1 have not used any of your Uesto rative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with susprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on ;my ,lace; and to prove tiiis fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken off the past week. , 1 received your favor of two quart bot tles last -umiuer, for which 1 am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby’ induced "them to try it, many were skeptical until after trial, and then pur chased and used it with universalsuecess. 1 will ask as a favor that you send me a test by wit ch I can discovef fraud in the Restorative, sold by Jnanyl fear without authority from you. A pure "article will in sure success, auu I believe where good effects do not follow, the failure is caused by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the ’good I deem it my duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the con tinued effect on my hair, as 1 assure all who en quire of me my unshaken opinion of its valuable re sults. I remain, dear sir, yours, Arc. A. C. RAYMUND. Aaron Run, Ky., Nov. 33, 1858. Prof. O. J. Wood, Dear Sir: —I would certainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, tiie wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using one bottle of your f iair Restoratiye. After using every kind of Restoratives extant, but u i.hout success, and finding my head neatly destitute of lour, I was finally indu ced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now candor and justice compel me to announce to who ever may read this, fbat I now possess anew and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomerthan the original >vas: I will therefore take occasion to recommend this invaluable remedy to all who may tee! the necessity of it. Respectfully yours. REV. S. ALLEN BROCK. P. S.—This testimonial ot my approbation ior your valuable medicine, (as you are aware of it) is unsolic ited —hut if you think it worthy oi a place among the rest,insert if jou wish; if not destroy andsay nothing. Yours Ac. Rev. S. A. B. The Restorative is put up in bottles Jof 3 sizes, viz— large, medium, and steal!; the small holds 3-4 a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least.twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retails fortwo dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion and retails for three dollars. O. J. WOOD fe CL)., Proprietors 444 Broadway N. Y. and 114 Market Bt. Louis, Mo. And sold by-all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Fcb.l—dwSro Thousands’are daily speaking in the praise of ID Hi. EATON’S INFANTILE GORBIAt, and whyt because it never fails to afford instantaneous relief when given in time. Itaets like magic, and one trial alone will convince you what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing- the sufferings of your child, instead of deadening its sensi bilities. For this reason it commends itself as the on ly reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri pingin the Bowels, Acidity of the Sto mach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup, also for softening the gums, reducing injlamation regulating the boicels, and relieving pam, it has no equal— being an anti-spasmodic it is jised in unfailing success in all cases of Convulsions or oilier Fits. As yon value the life and health of your children, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints are composed, take none but Dr. baton’s Infantile Cordial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price 25 cents. Full directions accompanv each bottle. Preparedon ly by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives of course the True Standard. Anal lvze the Blood of a person ‘suffering from Consump tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, See- and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Pood is founded upon this Theory—hence its astonishing succsss. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Conglxs, Colds, Broncliiti3 or any affection whatever of the Tiiroat or Lungs, including Consumption, use No. 1, which is also the No. for Depression of Spir its, Loss of Appetite, and for all chronic coinplairtS) arisingfrom over-use, general debility, and nervous prostration. No. 2. forLtver complaints, No. 3 for Dyspep sia. Being already prepared for absorption it is Taken toy drops and carried immediately into circulation, so that what yo i gain you retain. ;The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, and Weaknesses, «fcc. See special directions for this For Sait Rheum, Eruptions, Scro fulous, Kidney and Bladder complaints take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strict ly followed. Price of the Blood Food, SI per bottle. ’ Sold by CHURCH Jf- DUPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York. For sale by Acee & Iverson, i emoerton tx. Car ter, J. A. Whiteside & Cos., Urquhart & Chap man, and J. W. Brocks, Colunious. March 2S— dwtf ___ T NOTICB. ALL persons indebted to J. ENNIS Sc CO., eithe by Note or Account, past due are requested come forward and settle, without delay. Columbus March 1. 1660—wtf G. T. WILLIAMS’ GALLERY. G. T. WILLIAMS has just leturncd from thenorth with all the new and late improvements in the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, Embracing quite a variety of Novelties and Curiosi ties. making HIS GALLERY one ofthe most attractive "and fashionable resorts in the city Photographs, Stereoscopes, and many other styles o Pictures of Distinguished Persons and Scenery now on exhibition. The public is respectfully invited to call and examine the above styles of Pictures at WILLIAMS’ GALLERY OF VARIETY, No. 67 West Sid* Broad St. I am now better than ever prepared to execute those beautiful Photographs, Ambrotypes, Stereo- SCOPES, and all other stylfes of Pictures known in the Art, and on account of my increased facilities will do my work as low, and in most cases lowerthan any Gallery in the city, and in a superior style. Don’t fail to give me a call. U. T. WILLIAMS, Sept. 3—dtf riiotograplier. SPOOL THREAD! SPOOL THREAD! MANUFACTURED FROM PEABODY 3 S Celebrated Lons' Staple Upl’d Cotton. fUIIE subscriber having purchased of Mr. CIIAS. i- A. PEABODY, the bulk of,the Thread maim aclured, bv way of experiment, from his very Supe rior Cotton, will be happy to show it to his custom ers. This thread is superior to any heretofore offer ed in this market, front its greath strength and even ness. The manufacturers say they have never before sent out so good an article; and so great is their ap preciation of the value of tins cotton for making spool thread, that they offer Mr. Peabody 25 eents per Il>. for his whole crop this season. Call, ladies, and ex amine for yourselves. oct3()—dtf J. W. WARE. KEPfOVAL. St Dr. DAVIS has r moved his office over the Drug Store of Urquhart & Chapman, on .Broad street. Orders left at the Drug Storeor office above will be attended to. Dr. D. attends strictly to all cases of Surgary entrusted to his care. Columbus, Ga., Nov 1. dtf. DISSOLUTION. nPHE firm of MANLEY, IIODGES & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. An early settlement of their business is earnestly solicited. Call at our Store and Como as nearly up to your obligations as possible. Pay us all the money you con. January 1, IS6O. GEORGE MILLER, TNretiring from the firm returns his sincere thanks to the old friends and customers, and earnestly desires a continuation of thoir liberal ity to the new firm. MANLSY4 HOBBES, WILL continuo business at the old stand,and will be happy to serve their friends and ustomers. Jan. 1, 1861. HEADY MADE Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings Shirts, Collars, Cravats, HALF-HOSE, GLOVES 1 SUSPENDERS, UMBRELLAS KM'S MB CAPS, Traveling Shawls, Blakets, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, cfcc. All of the latest styles and best qualities, are now ready for the Trade at the old established Ih, DANIELS GO., 183 BEOAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. Every variety of Garments made up to meas ure, in the latest and most approved styles and warranted to please. .T. 11. D. A CO. Columbus, October 6. dwtf. LcVert Female College, TALEOTTON, GA- THE Exercises of this Institution wil be resumed on the Monday in Jan jary next- During the prerent year the College has been underlhe charge of Mr. W. B. SEALS, and we do not hesitate to say, that a more gentlemanly and efficient ..Teacher is not to be found anywhere in the State. In our opinion lie possesses rare talents for conducting a Female College. lie maintains excellent discipline, preserves admirable oreer, and advar.ces his pupils with a [ra pidity we have never before seen surpassed. Mr.S. is a native Georgian and a Graduate of the Georgia University. It is his purpose to devote himself exclu sively to the noble occupation in which he is now en gaged. He merits the paironage of lie public, and we trust *hat a generous people will sustain him. E. 11. Worri 11, Judge SC. Win. Stf. Brown, Dr. T. B„ Turner, Thomas A. Brown, A, F. Owen, Win. J. Weekes, John T. Blount, Dr. A. Wynne, Talbotton, Ga., 26th Dee.—wtf. AMERICAN WATCHES! jCtt IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, At Purple’s old Stand, Jone’s New Building JS-sColumbus. Georgia. fjybusl Oct,3o—dwtf T. 8- SFEAR Ayer’s Ague Cure. Change of Schedule. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT HAIL ROAD COMPANY. Ornc* Mortcomery West Poiht R. R. COLUMBUS, Aug. 16,1859 CLOSE CONN ECTIONS. upHROUGH to Memphis, Nashville and New Yoik A (via Knoxville) per accommodation Train, leav ing 9 45 p. m. Mail Trains LeaveColuinbus..., 6.15 a. in. Arrive at Montgomery 12 m. Arrive at West Point 2.25 p m. LeaveColuinbus 3.45 p Arrive at Montgomery... 10 15a.m. Arrive West Point 2.45a.m. Leave Montgomery at .8.30 a. m. Leave West Point 6, 15 a. hi. Arrive at Columbus . ..... ~,, Leave Montgomery ~.,8.45 p m. Leave West Point..., *.*.3.50 p.m. Arrive atColumbus. 3. a. in. Freight 1 rain leaves Columbus at 4P. M. Arrives at 12.08 P.M. Photographic Freight Arrangement BETWEEN; ATLANTA &COLUHKISUK* B\ an arrangement between the Railroad Companies composing the two routes front Atlanta to Colum bus, concluded attheir convention at Savannah on the liiiii instant, it, was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta ami Columbus shall govern, taking effect from the Ist day ot May 1657. VIA WEST POINT. Uorn per bushel 11c. Wheat 12; Oatsß; Bacon Whisky, Flour, in sacks or barrels per ! W il»s 35c; — Bagging, Rope, Lard in eans or libls. per 100 lbs 45c Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per ton, 8? 3.75. VIA MACON. Jt 0 ™ Per bushel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats 16c. Bacon, Vt nis key, * lour m sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs., 44c. Rope, Lard in cans or bbls. per 100 pounds ascents. Coal, Piglron,by carload, per »nj*4.6Bci .1. L. MTTSTIAN, President Muscogee It Q GEO. W. ADAMS’, rUtpenutenden t Sou 111 western Railroad EMERSON FOOTE, fluperir.tendent Macon and Western Railroad GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad. SAM’L G. JONES, Eugineei and Superintendent M A W P. B. Aug. 17, 1859 d&vvtf. Change of Schedule. MOBILE & GIRARD RAILROAD, > Girard, Ala., Nov. 5, 1,860. ] FROM and after this date, the Mail Train wilPeave the Girard Depot daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:40 p. in., and arrive at Union Springs at 6:28 p. in.; leave Union Springs daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:35 a. m., and arrive at Girard at 10:10 a. ni. The Freight Train will leave Girard every day, (Sundays excepted.) kt 6 o’clock am., and arrive at Union fp'Hnps at f2 m. Leave Union Rpringseverv day.(Sundaysexcepted) at 12:4© p. m.. ami arrive at Girard at 6:25 p. rn. Nov. 12—dwtf B. E. WELLS, Sup’t. MTTBOOG-EE 351. 7A ahajv a e or sahsd ui e. SM«ssn rasra ni g vv W --“VI (4N and after 26th Feb. 1860, the Evening Mail J Train will leave Columbus at 3.30 p. m., and ar rive at Macon at 9.05 p. m. Leave Macon at 11.30 p , tn. arrive at Columbus at 5.35 a. m. The Morning Mail Train will leave at 3.15a. m. and arrive at Macon 8.56 a. m. Leave Macon 9.45 p. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.30 p. nr. W. L. CLARK, Supt. Columbus, Fe!). 27—dwtf. SAVANNAH k rHAEI ESTOF STEAK-PACK 1- T UN E. The Steamer WM. SEABROOK, !a P t - F. BARDEN, will shortly take her place on this Line, leaving Savan nah and Charleston twice a week. Having a through freight arrangement with the Centralßailroad and its connections, ail freights be tween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia,consign ed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P BROOKS, Agent Savannah. E.LAFITTE & CO. Charleston. Nov. 25—dwtf GEN KVA A GADEMY. yg&fr The Exercises of this school will js?H§kL commence on the SECOND MON- IN JANUARY. rjalr'J&s The Principals of this School have mEFaP gone to a great deal of troable and expense to build up a school on an equality with the best, and no effort will be 'spared to make everything agreeable. French, Latin, Greek, and ail other branches usually taught in our Colleges will be taught in the above. Music will also be taught in full. Board can be had For any number of pupils on the most reasonable terms. The Principals are fully capacitated for their business, and will do all in their power to make the school take high rank. Principal Male Dep’t L. R. McNAMAR, “ Female “ Miss L. STOKES. Gevcva, Dec. 2S—wtf SPRIM VALE INSTITUTE CUTHBEIIT, GA. #TIIE next Session of this new and popular School will open ON MONDAY,JANUARY 14 and continue five months. Competent Teachers will be in attendance. Board can be had with the Principal and private families of near residences on reasonable terms. For farther particulars send for a catalogue. There are seven reasons why this School com mends itself to public no»ice in preference to many ofonr popular schools. Ist. The heaitlifulness of the location. 2d. Its freeness from all the vices which tend to allure the mind from deep and curncsi application to study. 3d” The thoroughness and diligence to winch the student is subjected—being taught that lie has no time to waste 4th. Vocal music is a daily exercise, free of charge in which the whole school join in the sweet accents which arouses the tired intellect, and k stores elas ticity to the drooping imnd sth. The efforts made to dex elope the mind by the use of practical Instruction at the expense of the impractical 6th, The deep interest manifested by the Teachers, Trustees, and Citizens, gives it that social and lively aspect,— so harmonious to the youthful mind —ren- dering tlm school-house a pleasant resort lo the stu (fentinstead of a house of dread and hatred. 7th. The systematic manner in which the school is conducted. .“Heaven's .first law” is adopted and practiced. A. 8. EDGERLY, Principal. Cuthbert, Ga , Dec. 24. wtf. PEYTOS H. COLfttriTT. ) JAMES W. WARRER. { Edltor *' $5 PER ANNUM. ALL STYLES. ft HATS LAJNDO3W, W ould inform his friends and the public generally that he is now receiving his Fall Stock of Hats, con sisting of all varieties of Cassimere IMoleskin <fc French Felts, Os every color and quality, and of the VERY LATEST IMPORTATION, at prices to suit all. O-A-iPS of every kind, and alsoagreat variety of CHILDREN’S HATS AND CAPS, And a good assortment af ‘Umbrellas and Walking Canes. We have always on hand our superior ■WOOL HATS, Made expressly for us. C hi 111 Inis, Ga., August 23. dwrf Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. Helmltoltl’s llttckvt for the Bladder. Helmbold’s Bin hu for the Kidneys. Helnibold’s Bnchu for the Gravel, llelmbold’s Buchu for Dropsy. Ilehnhold’sßucliu for Nervousness. Helmbold’s Buchn for loss of Memory, lleliubold’s Buchu for Dimness of Vision. Ilelmbold’s Buchu for Ditficult Breathing, Helmbold’s Buchu for Weak Nerves. Halm bold’s Buchu for General Debility. Ilelmbold’s Bucliu for Universal Lassitude. llelmbold’sßachu for Ilorror of Disease, llelmbold’s Buchu for Night Sweats, flelmbold’s Buchu for Wakefulness.” - Helmbold’s Buchu for Drynessot the'Skin. Helmbold’s Buchu for Eruptions, lleliiihold’s Bucliu for Pains in the Back. Ilelmbold’s Buchu for Heaviness of the Eyelid, with Temporary Snllusion and Loss of Sight, llelmbold’s Buchu for Mobility and Restlessness,-with Want of Attention and Horror of Society, Ilelmbold’s Bucliu for Obstructions, Helmbohi’s Bucliu for Excesses arising from Indiscre tion, and all Diseases of FEMALEB—FEMAI.ES—FEMALES OLD Oil YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED OR CON TEMPLATING MARRIAGE, TAKE NO MOKE PILLS. THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU IS THE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD For all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscretion, habits ofdissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no more Balsam, Mercury or unpleasaut Medi cine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELM BOLD’ S.EXTRACT OF BUCHU CURES SE CKET DISEASES. In all their stages, At little expense. Little dr no change of diet, No inconvenience. ANI) NO EXPOSURE. Use IIELMBOLD’S BUCIIU for excesses arising from habits indulged in BY YOUNG AND OLD, And for alldiseases arising from habits of dissipation. It removes all improper discharges, and will restate the patient in a short time to health and purity. Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU for dis eases and affections of the most distressing character. Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF BUCIIU loral affections and alldiseases of the URINARY ORGANS. Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. All the above diseases and symptoms admit of the same treatment and may originate from the same cause. READ! READ! READ! IIELMBOLD’S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally appeared bell)re me, an Alderman of the city of Phiiadeiphia, 11. T. Helmbold, Chemist,who be ing duly sworn, does say,that his preparation contains no narcotic, mercury orinjurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. 11. T. HELMBOLI), Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, the 22d day of November, 1854. WM. P. HIBBARD, Aid. Price SI per bottle, or six for #5, delivered to any address. Prepared by 11. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemi-t, 104 South Tenth St., below Chestnut Phila Bewaie of Counterfeits, AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose “of their own” and “other” Articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’sGenuine Preparation. “ “ Extract Bt chu, “ “ # “ Saua^ariila, u “ Improved Rose Wash. SOLD BY J. W. BROOKS, And all druggists everywhere. Ask for Ilelmbold’s —take no other. Cutout the advertisement and send for it,and avoid imposition and exposure. J. W. Brooks, wholesale and retail agent for Colum bus. Ga. Augl7—dwffm. SILVER RUN HOTEL. Seal’s Depot. THIS well’known house is stil '” > L kept in its usual good order, and MS ~ i,has accommodations for all who jßrfapliHgljjLa ' The present Proprietor will spare no oains for the comfort of his customers. Juu3o— tvly R. R, GILBERT. TiltitS, TRINtf t EUGENIE Tranks, Saratoga, French, *ol Leather, and various other Trunks for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Also Bonnet Boxes, Leather Bags, Pollisif Bags, Valises, <£c. For saile very low at A. l\ SANDERS A CO'S Boot and Shoe ctore 102 Broad St. Columbus, .1 u y 4.1859. dwtf Sihon hi ev, / Rule to er-'ab -!i Lost Note*, vs. / .fustffiis Cos IP 4th Dtst. G M. John O. Austin j Cliatta: .'tee County. IT appearing bv the return of the Constable, that the Defendant, John C. Austin, cannot he found in this State; It is ordered that said defendant take notice and appear before said [Court, at the April Term 1861. and show cause why a copy should not he established inlteuof'h* original, shown to he lost or destroyed. Further ordered that this rule be published one month- Given tinder my hand and «eal this Fehruaiv 16th, 1861. A C. HUDSON, J P [L, «.] Feb, 2'th, 1->SI —w3(td (li*X)ii(ilA, Fhattahooeiiee Fount*. W' HEREAB Geo. W Morgan applies for I et ers oi Administration de bonis non on the estate o' - Jacob Lamb late of said connty,[deceased: These are tocite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to appear at my office and file their objections, if any they have, otherwise letters will be granted to said applicant on the Ist Monday in April next. Giveri under my hand and official signature, Teh 16,1061. JOHN F. DANIFL, Ex' Olticio Clerk of Ordinary. Feli2 r > 166 j— w3od NOTICE. MR. H.C. McKEE having disposed of his Carriage Repository' and Stock in the Carriage business in Columbus,lias located his office at the store oi Messrs. Chaffin & Johnson, Broad Street, where all parties indebted by note ti account w ill find their claims in the hands of John G. McKee for settlement, and parties owing oid claims are particularly reques ted to call and settle bv renewal or otherwise. July 14 —wtf H. C. McKEtr. & CAPS.