Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, April 12, 1861, Image 1

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CGiaUXTT & WABEEN, Proprietors. V >iJ |j iVi. lit V ill. ailje CDailjj QTiaics Published every morning (Sundays oxcop jVa) at FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance. \ * Dollars if not paid before the end of year. ifee ißeeklg ‘limes [j Published every MONDAY MORNING, Two Dolllarsper annum, strictly in advance. on Ilrmiiolpli Street, Opyo*si ie the Post Office. AiaWßaTTllSlira®' K^ITS.Sa Advertisements of five lines and les3 in either *ho Daily or Weekly Times, will bo inserted at 60 cents for the first insertion and2s cents foreaeh. subsequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines will be ’lurked 10 cents per lino for tho first, and live Ifor each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will bo charged for space they occupy. gales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, areroqulredby law to bo held on the first Tuesday in the month be tween the hours of ten in tho forenoon and three in the afternooon, at the in the coun ty in which the property : tuate. Notices of he sale must be given in a public gazette forty ' ays previously to tho day of sale. Notice of tho sale of personal property must be given atleast ten days previous to the day ofsalc. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must bo published forty day 3. Notice that application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad ninistration, monthly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. llules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for establish ing lost papers for tho space of three months— for compelling titles from Executors or Adminis trators, where a bond has been given by the de ceased, the full space of three months. Publications will alwads bo continued accor ding to these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. The following are the contracting fateschange vleasure. RATES. 12 months. 9 months. 6 months. 3 months, 2 -nosihs. I naonth. «No, ol sqrs. 1.. S(X 7 o<> 900 13 00 17 00 go 00 2 9 (X 12 00 H Co| 13 00 25 00 30 CO 3 12 Oi' 15 00 13 00 25 00 33 00 40 Ot> 4.. 15 01 19 0v( 22 00 30 00 40 00 50 CO 5.. 13 Ot 25 00 30 Oh 40 00 50 00 GO qO 6.. 20 Oi 23 00, 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7.. 25 0( 33 00; 41 00 60 0 70 00 80 00 8.. 30 01 38 00 46 Go| 70 00 80 00 90 00 10.. 40 Ot 50 00 60 00: 80 00 90 00,100 CO WEEKLY RATES. M q IS moath3. \ 4 9 months. iS months. i— h | 3 months. ;| j -I 2 months, | il I 1 month. ] •! JOLrli No.ol jq rs. ],... 2504 00 5501000 15 00; 20 00 2.. 5 00; 800 11 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3.. 75011 00 14 50 25 00! 35 Oo! 40 00 4.. j 10 00; 15 00 19 00 30 CO| 40 OO! 50 00 5.. .. 12 00 17 00 20 00 40 00; 50 00 60 00 6.. 15 00 20 00 25 00 50 OOj 60 00 70 00 7.. .. 17 00 25 00 30 00 60 00; 70 00 80 00 8.. 20 00:30 00 40 00 70 00! 80 00 90 GO 10.. 25 0010 00_ 50 00 80 00| 90_00 100 00 H T® I TT'IMT ®@®[K mm PRINTING OFFICE, Randolph Street, Columbus, Georgia, <! t AYING in successful operation two of ITOE JIL & 00’S CYLENDEIt PRESSES RUHHIMG BY STEAM, lYeare prepared to execute, at short notice, every cscription of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, unsurpassed stylo, as cheaply as can bo done anywhero in the South. We have on hand a large variety of NEW JOE TYPE and shall keep a constant supply of Plain & Fancy Paper '& arils, Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, with promptness and despatch, will make it great y to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILLHEADS, dray receipts, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. ALSO, RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT BLANKS GXTTB XJS A €AXX. This Department is under the management of Mr. D. S. PORTER, whoso long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Frinter, are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to his care will bo executed with energy and faithfulness We have now in connection with the rffee a ’ ample to book BINDERY and have in employ and young man who, under the veteran GRAY and others, kas-perfected him self in this branch of business; wo pledge our selves to give the most perfect satisfaction in the Hianuacturc of all styles of Ledgers, Account Books, Dockets, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, &c, We intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our werk, in either department, by any establishment South, and that we may ho able to make our prices satisfactory we have adopted toe CASH SYSTEM. J&a. 1, 1860. mwrnm §wl| l«w. W. B. WOOD, attorney at law, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, GLEKNVILLE, AJL.A. W Practice in all tlic Courts of'ilia couuiies of Barbour, Pike, Coflee, Dale, Henry, Ha* or. and Russelil la all cases entrusted to Ins charge lie will be assisted by Pugh & Bulloch, when they Ve not employed a3 opposing counsel. inarWly.* MMSEY & LAMAK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GA. Office over the Bank of Columbus. J. N. RAMSEY. ALBERT R. LAMAR. March 3,1860 —dly. Samuel Thatcher, ATTO RN E Y AT LAW, Georgetown, Uuitman Cos. [G>. WILL pracrice in the counties.of Webster, Terrell Randolph, Chattalioocee, Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Miller, and in Barbour county, Ala. May 23—dtf. M. M. SAFF, ATT* 0 38L2XT3B1T AT LAW. Columbus, Ga. WILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and adjoining comities. Office on Randolph street, a lew doors west of the Post Office. July2s—dwif, Joseph F. Foil, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Office on Randolph Street, over Holtand llutchin’s Office. April 16—w'dly. Marion Hcthmie, a.ttornby:at la*w, TALBOTTON, Talbot Go., ©a. October 24,1858. w&dtf. Moses Sl Laws, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS , GEORGIA. R. .T. MOSES. WM. A. LAWS Office next door to the Post ofiice..dg3Sf Sept. 1. 1853. dwtf. JNO. M. PHILIPS. WALTER 11. WEEMS. Philips St Weems, AAtornevs at Law. CRAWFORD, ALA. Will practice in the Courts of Russell County —in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the United States District Court at Montgomery. March 2d, 1860—w<£dtf. E. W. POTJ, ATTORNEY AT |.AW, MEMPHIS, 'IT.NX. JSt®*' Office on corner of Main and Gayoso Streets, over A. B. Coffey’s Store. January 1,1861 —dwtf. J. FOGLE & BOH, r> E 1 N T I B T B , files <}u Randolph Street,near Broad, COLUMBUS, GA. Colum bus, lice. 9, 1855. and A wtf. DM LEE & PHELPS, DENTISTS, OFFICE Corner Bread and Randolph Streets COLUMBUS GEORGIA . December 31,1861. wAdly CHEAP AND PL AIN FimisriTim k AT «T_ IOC. N0.42 BROAD STREET Columbus, €5 a. Dec. 24,1S60—dtf. ©©©(TO (FIRST CLASS HOTEL,) Corner Broad and Crawford Streets, COLUMBUS. GA. HATCH COOK, march—chvtf. PROPRIETOR HOTEL, OGLETHORPE GA, THE subscriber 'having entirely renova ted and refitted the above Hotel for the | r «?! accommodation of the public, solicit a hare their patronage. lie will spare no pains o please, and feeis confident that a single trial will convince all of that fact. Feb4—d6n» W. W. STILES, ALBANY HOTEL, JOHN W. LESTEII,Fro ALBANY, GrA. DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE. Stages leave this House Daily for Thomas ville, Bainbridge and Tallahassee. February 9.—d6m. PIKE I-IOTJSE, Union Springs, Ala. TIIIB new and commodious A House, at the terminus of the &L* A, Mobile and Girard Railroad, is now in complete order for the reception fcfcf f customers, and Is not surpassed by any in this section of country for the convenience ofits accommodations. Give us :a call and prove what we say. JOHN M.FI^tZIEB, Jan2o—dlv. FRANK JAekfcON. B. sTsANtIHII®, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah, Georgia, BEING connected w’ith a wealthy and influeatia house in the Island or Cuba, as well as in Charleston, S. C., every lacility is secured forthe pro motion of a legitimate importation of West India pro dune, to which special attention will be given. R. L. SANCHEZ, Matanzas, Cuba, > PATJJAND & SALAS, Charleston, S. C., $ Special Partners, March 15 —dt t THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, C. S., FRIDAY APRIL 12, 1861. G. T. WILLIAMS' GALLERY. G. T. WILLIAMS has just returned from tlienorth with all the new and late improvements in the PUOTOGRAPIIIC ART, Embracing quite a variety of Novelties and Curiosi ties, making HIS G-ALLER'2' oneofthe most attractive and fashionable resertsin the city Photographs, Stereoscopes, and many other styles o Pictures of Distinguished Persons and Scenery now on exhibition. The public is respectfully invited to call and examine the above styles of Pictures at WILLIAMS’ GALLERY 0E VARIETY, No. 07 West Sid* Bread St. I am now better than ever prepared to execute those beautiful Photographs, Anih/otypes, Stereo- SCOPE3,and all otherstyles of Pictures known in the Art, and on account of my increased facilities will do my work as low, and in most cases lowerlhan any Gallery in the city, and in a superior style. Don’t failto give me a call. G. T. WILLIAMS, Sept. 3 —dtf Photographer. SPOOL THREAD! SPOOL THREAD! MANUFACTURED FROM PEABODYr 3 S Celebrated Lang Staple Upl’tl Cotton. rpilE subscriber having purchased of Mr. CIIAB. 1 A. PEABODY, the bulk of the Thread manu actured, bv way of experiment, from liis very Supe rior Cotton, will be happy to show it to his custom ers. This thread is superior to any heretofore offer ed in this market, from its greath strength and even ness. The manufacturers say they have never before sent out so good an article; and so great is their ap preciation ofthe value of this cotton fonnaking spool thread, that they offerMr. Peabody 25 cents per lb. for his whole crop this season. Cali, ladies, and ex amine for yourselves. octSb—dtf J. W. WARE. FREE FORWARBIM Private Bonded Warehouses &z Custom House Brokerage.] _npHE3 undersigned has, with Messrs. Brigham, I Baldwin & Cos., Messrs. Wilder & Gallia aaul Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, formed an Assoiiation for the purpose of entering at the Custom House and Storing in Bond, in accordance with the Reve nue Laws, any goods arriving at this port which may be entrusted to his custody. lie being tile managing and active partner, has bonded, wait the approval ot the Secretary of tlu Treasury, commodious Warehouses, where all Mer chandize coming to this port can be stored, every attention paid to its pieservation, and for.ita prompt delivery when entry ha3 been made at the Custom House, at the lowest possible tariff charges. Merchandize uestii.ed to the interior will he enter ed for payment of duties, or in bond as may be re quired by the consignees. AM goods consigned to him to be forwarded, will receive the greatest de spatch at the lowest rate of charge, and in such man ner as may be directed. If the duties are to be paid in this port, funds must be provided for that pur pose, but it to be forwarded in bond, the requisite bonds will be given. Goods entrusted to the care of the undersigned, consigned to points in tho .interior,wi’Lbe forward ed by Railroads or oilier conveyance, as directed, free of Commission. An experience of nearly twenty years in the de tails of Custom House business, and a thorough acquaintance with the Warehouse laws, in every detail, will enable this copartnership to give the greatest despatch consistent w ith the safely oi’ the revenue. CHAS. €. WAJYDEN, Office in Ciaghorn 4* Cunningham’s Building, Read of Drayton St. Savannah,Ga. Savannah, March 1861. marl2—dint DISSOLUTION. THE firm of MANLEY, IIODGES & CO-, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. An early settlement of their business is earnestly solicited. Call at our Store and come as nearly up to your obligations as possible. Pay us all the money you can. January 1, 1860. GEORGE MILLER, IN retiring from the firm returns his sincere thanks to the old friends and customers, and ’ earnestly desires a continuation of their liberal ity to the new firm. HOBOES, WILL continue business at the old. stand.and •will be happy to serve their friends and cu stomcr3. Jan. 1, 1551. AMERICAN WATCHES! j -so IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, j At Purple’s old Stand, June’s New Building , Columbus, Georgia. j Oct-30—dwlf T. 3, PIPFAI? ~~TAK! IGTKE !' j rpIIAT for all Repair Work on Cotton Gins X this date, the Money or City Acceptance will be required on delivery of tne work. Parties forward - in® their Gins by Riilroads or Boats are also required to prepay the freight, or the Gins will not be received by us. JYb dem lion will be made from tbis ndc. 3 W. G. CLEMONS, lIItOWN & CO. Columbus, March 2fi—dw3m. Tor Sale or Bent That eiligible House in Wynn ton', opposite Hi residence of Mr. Ilanson Estes, and next to Mr Thos. Ragland’s. Apply to E. AY . MOIdII. jan. 5- —ts or 1, C. MOSES. It will bo fold loir for tlic ,asb. W RENT, _. A comfortable House, eon yenient to the businesss portion son. at Aeee & Iverson’s Drugstore. jan 15—dtf^ BOOK BIND IN (x jlllljito ALL its branches withdespatch and elegantly on Columbus. Nov. 27—dti •gsrir_.A.:DJ 3£S. £3 , Os every deecription used by Lawyers,or officers ,f Oj-Urt, printed «U, “ViMeToWlct” DISSOLUTION. IN consequence ofthe death of Mr, DANIEL, the firm of HUSHES, DANIEL & 00. was dissolved on the 6th February. Tho undersized as surviving partners, are feady to settle ill claim* against said firm; and those indebted to said firm, will please settle immediately as the business must be closed. The undersigned, in the name and style of HUSHES A HOUSES, Will continue she Warehouse Commis sion Business lu all its branches* Office at the Lowell Warehouse WM. IT.HUGHE** W.C. HODGES. Coin mb us. Fell. 13 dwtf Land, Stock, Corn and Fodder FOR SAJLE. A, deuce and Plantation in Russell co iffigSlfcffigakzL Ala., 23.-2 Miles f roni Columbus, Ga. I he place consists of 500 acres—2so which are in cultivation. It lies remarkably well for cultivation, the greater portion being almost level. The residence is a framed dwel ling with 6 rooms, pleasantly situated in as healthy a region as there is in the State. The improveinements are ail good and substantial. Framed negro hous es, stables and barn, and an excellent new gin house and screw. 1 will also sell all my present stock ol Corn and Fodder, Mules. Hogs and Cattle with the place. Persons desiring further information, are referred to John A. or Thomas J. Lewis, whe live adjoining, ami they will take pleasure in showing tho place t purchasers. ,SARAH A. LEWIS. November s—s3wtf. ' OR, SmHS -IMPE3BIAL WMB BITTERS. Photographic Are composed op a pure and ttnadijl iterated Wine, combined with Barbary, Solo mon’s Seal, Comfrey,. Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Camomile Flowers and Gentian. They are manufactured hy Dr. I)ods himself, who is an experienced and successful Physician, and hence not to be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, ana h the M ediial Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly val uable bitters have not been before the public for one year, and yet there is a heavy demand for them from ail parts ofthe Union. Dr. Frink No. 30 West 35th Street New York says “I have been greatly benefitted by using Dr. Dods’ Wine Bitters, and am now using them freely and successfully in my practice. Asa medicine for Fe males I consider them unequalled.’ Dr. Guernsey. No. 18 West 23d Street, says: ‘•Pharve used Dr. Dods’ Wine Hitters in my prac tice and in all cases where a tonic is required, I con sider them unsurpassed, and cheerfully recommend them as a valuable Family Medicine.” Dr. Meacham of Florida says: “Forseveral years 1 suffered all the horrors of Chronic Dyspepsia. I used all other remedies with out avail I discarded prejudice. and used Dr. Dods’ Wine Bitters, which have greatly benefitted me, and I believe will cure me.” Mr. G. S, Weave'* - , of N. Y. “My wife Was sinking rapidly with consumption; the Best physicians in Albany and New York Citv pronounced her case hopeless. She used Dr Dods’ Wine Bitters, and is cured.” Mr. J. E. Swats ofNewatk, N. J. says: “My daughter was extremely ill; she had been at tended 1 y four of our best physicians; her disease was inflammation ofthe bowels, which had produced extreme debility. Her case was considered hopeless hy all who , saw her. A friend recommended Dr, Do da’ Wine Bitters; she used them ami is well.” Mr. Brittai:;, editor of the Banner of Light in Bos ton, says: “Dr. J. Bovee Dods’ Wine Bitters have cured me ofthe Piles, in the w'orst, and most obstinate form.” A distinguished lady of Mobile Ala., writing to a female friend,says: “I would advise you to use Dr. J. Bovee Dcd*’ Im perial Wine Bitters. I have used them and consider them a blessing to our sex.” We might write a small volume and then would not give one one fourth ofthe testimonials in our posses sion, as to the vrtue of those valuable Biters, but we will only say that they are approved of our best Physicians, are doing much geod in ail parts of the country, and earnestly entreat . the afflicted to try them CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & GO. Proprietors, 78 William Street, New York. And sold by Druggists generally. Sole Wholesale and Retail Agents for Georgia. PLUMB ft LEITNER, Augusta, Ga Sola ‘ir< Solumbus bv ACEH &YVERSON June 22—f’Scwlv. Hamilton Female College, Hamilton, Ga. The Session of this institu . tion will commence on Tuesday the day of January, 1801. The College is- furnished with a well selected Chemical and Philosophical Ap paratus,and with good musical instruments. The Course of Instruction is thorough and complete, embracing all tne branches usually taught in the best Collages. For Catalogue, address J.FI, LOVELACE, Pres’t December 31 _____ ____ AT THE OLD STAND 58 Broad Street, Great Seduction in Prices of GROVER <& BAKER’S FAMILY SEWIie MACHLYES, I am authorized to sell these Machines at a re duction on former prices of from 10 to 15 per cent.; according to style of pattern. All Machines warranted. The Greyer & Baker Company is one oft he oldest an - most successful of the originator* and directors of the business. It entered the field at an earlyday, when Sewing Machines were almost in their iirststa ges—when their manufacture was more of an experi ment thananythinselse. Step by step it has progres sed in the development olthe trade and the perfect ing of its Machines; taking advantage of all posi ble improvements in the make, adaptation and modi fication ofihe machinery, it has enjoyed the exclu sive benefits of the inventive genius of one person of the firm (Mr. William O. Grover) by which it lias been placed in possession of privileges and patents that have given its Machines peculiar amtexchiaive excel lencies. The mechanism of the linker Machine is exceedingly simple, durable andeasily understood by any person old or young; there is nothing in its man agement that the simplest mind may not grasp, and it is merely a question of time and memory with some —most ladies will learn at once showing, while oth ers will require two or three lessens; frequently we see little Misses, only ten years of age, operating the Machine on straight seams without assistance. Families who are about to purchase, are repectful ly invited to call and examine for themselves, we take the liberty cfsaying. it is better for von to pur chase of a local responsible Agent, than from Ped dlers wlio are traveling through the country with cheap Sewing Machines. D. KEITH, Agent. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. Gnlurrtbiifi. Nov. 1. I?So—ciwtt. PAINTER TO HIKE. \NY person wishing to hire a good house Fainter can find one by making application at the TTMES OFFICE. March 15—dtf &c. LET IT BE REMEMBERED i THAT SHERMAN & CO, ; Are still on hand and ready to give good bargains n j SADDLED, HARNESS, Leather, &c., &e. For the Cashlor Approved Credit!! We earnestly request of those who are rn debt to us to settle theiraccounts as soon as possible. SHEII.MAhi & CO. No. 114Broid Street Columbus, Ga. Columbus, February 7, 1861.—dwif Papers with whom we advertise please copy. THE ONLY DISCOVERY Worthy of any Confidence so KESTOMING THE BALD AND GRAY. MANY, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his Restora tive, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results identical; but they have all come and gone, being earned away by the wonderful results ol Prof. Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its resistless sway. Read the following:J Bath, hlaine, April 18th, 1859. Trof. O. J. Wood fit Cos. —Gents.: The letter I wrote you in 1856 concerning your valuable Ilair Restorative, and which you have published in this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts m the case. The enqui ries are, first, is it a fact of my habitation and name, as stated in the communication; second, is it true ol ail therein contained; third, does my hair stillcontiu* ue to be in good order and of natural color? To a!) 1 can anddo answer invariably v es. My hair iseven better than 111 any stage of my lite for 40 years pa 1 —more soft, thrifty and better colored; the same is tr-u« of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablution ofthe face, when if care were used by wiping (lie face in close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair. 1 have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all partsof New England; asking me if mv hair still continues to be good; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has no doubt bten basely imitated and been used, not onlv without any good effect, but to absolute injury. 1 have not used any oi your Resto ru.ive of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with susprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair inmy head or on my face; and to prove this fact, 1 send you a lock of my hair taken off' the past week. , 1 received your favor of two quart bot tles hast ummer, lor which 1 am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced 'them to try it, 1 many'were skeptical until alter trial, and then pur chased and used it with universal suecess. 1 will ask as a favor that you send me a test by wli ch 1 can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many 1 fear vvithoutaotlionty from you. A pure article will in sure snccess, ano I believe where good effects do not follow, the failure is caused by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the’good 1 deem it my duty as heretofore, to keep you apprised />f the con tiuuaa effect on my liair. as I assure all who en quire alme my unshaken opinion of its valuable re sults. I remain, dear sir, yours, &c. A. C. RAYMUND. Aaron Run, Ky., Nov. SO, 1858. Prof. O. J. Wood, Dear Sir: —I would certainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using one bottle of your Hair.Restoratiye. After using every kind of Restoratives extant, but wi.hout success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally indu ced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now candor and justice compel me to announce to "who ever may read this, fiiat I now possess anew and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomertlian the origiiial> as: 1 will therefore take occasion to recommend this in valuable remedy t.o all who may teel the necessity of it. Respectfully yours. REV. 8. ALLEN BROCK, P. B.—This testimonial ot my approbation ior your valuable medicine, (as you are aware of it) is unsolic ited—but if you think it worthy ot a place among the rest,insert if you wish; if not destroy andsay nothing Yours &c. Rev. Si A. B. The Restorative is putup in bottles jof 3 sizes, vis.— large, medium, and small; the small holds a pin', and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium hol< s at leasttwenty per cent, more iii proportion than tie small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large hob s a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion and retai s for three dollars. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors 144 Pro ad Way N. Y. and 114 Market St. Louis, Mo. Andsvld bv nil good Druggists i.nd Panov Goods Dealer.* I cb.l civv.-op. book: In capable and faithful hands, where can he fur nished every variety of BOOKS* Court Records and Dockets, Hotel an Livery Registers, &c., &c. Magazines, Music, Law Books, <£c., hoar and n ly and with dispatch. Old works repaired or rebound a? they a need, substantially. We warrant satisfaction in every case, and trust our old friends will not be decoyed away. july IS—ts. WATCH-MAKING. gxi LADIES and Gentlemen, if you wish to have your Watches nicely fixed and in good running order, youxnust go to THE SWINGING CLOCK, SI BROAD STREET, A large Stock of first class Watches for sal a. WILLIAM SMITH, Practical Watch-Maker- N.B.—Observe the long Clock swinging in the window. may 24 dlv. Ayer’s Ague Cure. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, JAMES W. WAKREN. $3 PER ANNUM. Change o 1 Schedule. PiPpA ‘fONTGOMIRY AND WEST POINT ’I All, IJOAO COMPANY. {Jfjtue Montgomery West Point. R. R. COLUMBUS, Aug. 16,1850 CLOSE CONNECTIONS. to Memphis, Nashville and New Tor* A (via Knoxville) per accommodation Train, leav ing 0.45 p. m. Mail Trains Leave Columbus. 15 a.m. Arrive at Montgomery....lS in. >_■ Arrive at West Point 3.25 p w , Leave Columbus ; 3.45 p » u Arrive at Montgomery., * . .."io 45 p nr. Arrive West Point 2.45a.m. Leave Montgomery at ..8.30 a. in. Leave West Point 6.15 a . m. Arrive at Columbus ~.5.45n.m, Leave Montgomery.. ’.8.45 p m. Leave West Point.... V.3.50p.ui. Arrive atCoUirefcwnv.,. ■ 3, a. t n. Freight I rain leaves Columbus at 4P. M. Arrives a*........;« 12.09 P • M. Freight Arrangement BETWL EJN ATI, A NT A & tOtU»BUN» an arrangenrentbetween the Railroad Companies composing tire tw o routes from Atlanta to Colum bus, concluded at their convention at (Savannah on the lt)th instant, it was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Columbus shall govern, taking effect from the Ist day ot May 1857. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel 11c. Wheat 12; Oats 8; Bacon W iripky, Flour, in sacks or barrels per 100 lbs 35c:— Bagging, Rope, Lard in cans or bbls. per 100 lbs 45c Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per tan, #3.75. VIA MACON. Corn per bushel 140. Wheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon, VMuskey,Flour in sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs., 44c. — uaggmg, Rope, Lard in cans or bbls. per 100 pound!* iicents. ( -oaJ, pig Iron,by car load, per tonSl. 6Bc J. L. MUSTIAN, President Muscogee R R GEO. W. ADAMS, SuperintendcntSoulh western Railroad EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendsnl Macoii and Western Railroad GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad,. SAM’L G. JONES, Eugineerand Superintendent M. & W.P. R. Aug. 17. 1850— d&wtf. Change of Schedule. MOBILE & GIRARD RAILROAD, ) Girard, Ala., Nov. 5, 1800. \ IT’ROM and after this dale, the Mail Train willleav** 1 the Girard Depot daily (Sundays excepted) at 2:40 p m., and arrive at Union Springs at 6;28 p. m.; leave Union Springs daily (Sundays excepted) at 8:35 a. m., and arrive at Girard at 10:15 a. in. The Freight Train will leave Girard every day, (Sundays excepted.) at 0 o’clock a in., and arrive at Union springs at 12 in. Leave Union Springsevery day (Sundays excepted) at 12:40 p, ni., and arrive at Girard at 6:25 p. in. Nov. 12-dwtf B. E. WELLS, Sup’t. MUSCOGEE IR. ZR OIT ,1 iV a F OF FCTfED UL S. ON and after 516th feb. 1800. the Evening ! Mail Train will leave Columbus at 3.30 p. in., and ar rive at Macon at 0.05 p. in. Leave Macon at 11.30 p . m. arrive at Columbus at 5.35 a. m. The Morning Mail Train will leave at 3.15a. w. and arrive at Macon 8.50 a. in. Leave Macon <MS p. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.30 p. m. W. L. CLARK, Supt. Columbus, Feb. 27—dwti. bAYANMi! & GHAHI mtib STEABI-PAUfi KT LIN E. The Steamer WM. SEARROOK, Capt. F. HARDEN, will shortly take her place on this Line, leaving Sava n tiah and Charleston twice a week. Having a through freight arrangement with the Central Railroad and its "Connections, ail freights be tween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia,consign ed to the agents of this line, will be forwarded wo I despatch and free of charge. J. I* BROOKS, Avent Savannah. E. LAFITTE in CO. Charleston. Nov. 25—dwtf. IJRQIIRT & CHAPMAN, AT THE OLD STAND OF DANFORTH <&> ISTAGrKIj DEALER)* IN DRUBS, MEDICINES, Paints, THE friends and patrons of the Co* LUMBUS TIMES, and the public gen erally, are remind ed that -there has always been and is still attached to this establismont, a thoroughly appoin ted Oils cf all Kinds, Am tin’s. White Kerosene Oil, L&ndr„etlTs> Freili Garden Seeds, Epic s, Soda, G. >.tme, White anu. C Per fit.a ./j, Soaps and Toilet Articles of all Kinds, Fishing Tackle, &c, VW will I#* happy to ct rve as usual all of. our old customers arid is many new ones as- may favor u> with tio ir patronage. TO CASH CUSTOMERS, At wholesale or Teiail, weortbr equal inducements to those of any house iu theiity A CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FelirtiaryHlh. 1851—du-1 v Baker & Jarvis’ Island Guano. BEING the Agent at Columbus of the American Guano Company, I am prepared to offer their excellent Manures to Planter* and others, in any qncmtrtv and at Savannah prices, actual expenses added- A good supply always on hand. Feb 13....dwtf E BARNARD. Book Binding EXECUTED in superior style at tb« office of tb * Coluiubu*Times. * .U Editors. We have a large ami complete stock embra cing the best articles)! 'English', French and ; A mericart manufacture. among 1 which are