Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, April 12, 1861, Image 3

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the daily times, City Official Journal. Vote‘of Thank At a meetiug held by the members oi tho • •Franklin Rifles,” [from the city of Apalachico la,] at their camp in tho city of Columbus, Ga. t on the ninth day of April, the following preamble and resolutions, was unanimously adopted : Whereas, The “Columbus Guards” have, by their kindness and courtesy in tendering to us the use of their tents and implements of cooking, made us comfortable, and taught us that although “strangers in a strange land,” the soldier always finds in tho hearts of his fellow soldiers a warm place; and as wo will always remember with much kindness and respect each and every one who wears the badge of the “Columbus Guards.”— Therefore be it Resolved, That tho “Franklin Rifles,” a3 a small return for the many kindnesses shown them by the “Columbus Guards,” hereby tender them their hearty thanks. Resignation! in the Anny Reported since March 26th, IS6I. Captain L. McLaws, of Georgia, Seventh In fantry. Captain It. 11. Anderson, of South Carolina, Second Dragoons. Captain Charles S. Winder, of Maryland, Ninth Infantry Captain Josiah Gourgas, of New York, Ordi nance Department. First Lieutenant Thos. Williams, of Virginia, First Infantry. First Lieutenant H. B. Kelly, of Louisiana, Tenth Infantry. Second Lieutenant Fitahugh Le?, of Virginia, Second Cavalry. Second Lieutenant Charles W. Phifer, of Mis sissippi, Second Cavalry. Second Lieutenant S M. Cooper, of Virginia, Second Artillery. What a beautiful comment the following is up on a good housewife: ‘To hear her converse, you would suppose she did nothing but read ; to have looked through the department, you would have supposed she never read.” It is the opinion of a cotemporary that wood goes further when left out of doors than when it is well housed. Fie says some of his went half a mile. If a man could be conscious of all that is said of him in his absence, ho would probably become a very modest man indeed. “Havo you read my last speech 7” said a vain orator to a friend. “I hope so,” was the reply. Presumption end self conceit will overshadow tbo brightest attainments. A Troublesome Church Member. —Tho fol lowing story, in regard to a class of exceedingly troublesome church members, is related by the celebrated John B. Gough: A man had migrated from ehurah to church, breaking up each as ho passed-. At length he found himself in the Presbyterian church, where ho was making great progress. The preacher, in great distress, said to one of the elders: “What shall wo do with him?” “Oh roplied the eider, “I have been praying to tho Lord to send him to hell!” “Oh, brother, what do you mean?”— “Mean what I say; I hope he will get to hell; he would do good there; he would break up the es tablishment in six weeks.” During the past three months four hundred and seventy persons have been killed nnd woun ded by the Indians in Texas. OBITUARY- Heath has again invaded the ranks of our com inanity, and stricken down one of our most nsoful and valuable citizens, Samttel J. llatcheb died on the 10th inst. He was born in Chester field County, Va., on the ISih September 1812, and removed to this city ia the year 1836, where he has ever since resided, commanding the re spect and confidence of all our people. If Samuel Hatcher ever had an enemy he nev er deserved one, for his integrity and purity of character prompted lrm to the full and faithful discharge of all tho duties of eitizm, friend, hut band, father and master. The death of such a man is at all times a loss to an entire communi ty, but how inconceivably great is such loss to his more immediate circle of friends and family, lo his bereaved wife and children, this cornmu— t'ity can only offer the most heartfelt sympathy, and commend them to the God of the widow »nd the fatherless. * jZSJ'Richmond, Va., papers please copy. Coiambus, Ga., April lltb, 1861. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment.— Pleurisy. Do you wish to curtail your medical expenses and retain sound health? Use these medicines— they are adapted to every disease—for all in dauimatory affections of the chest, as pleurisy, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, Ac. The san ative properties of the Ointment have never been questioned by all who have used it—the rills materially expedite the operation of the Ointment. Sold by all druggists at 25c., 02c., and $1 per pot or box. aprilS—dwlw J 5- TIIE VICTIMS OF DISSIPATION “nd Vico can be brought to a conviction of the ®rror of their ways, and saved from a world of Rental and bodily suffering, by heeding the ad vice contained in that popular work, “HUMAN FRAILTY or PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEAR CHES.” It ia sound in its doctrines, plain but inoffensive in it3 dictates, and being beautifully illustrated with colored engravings, it brings eve rything home to the conception “that he who runs may read.” Price 25 cents. Sent free everywhere, on receipt of postage stamps to the amount. Sold by the author, Dr. fi. A. BAR ROW, 194 Bleeoker st. (four doors below Me- Dougal st.) New York. Sold by, J. W. BROOKS, Agent, Columbus, Ga. Feb. 6-d3m. To Consumptives. r p.llE Advertiser, having been rertored to health i- ina few weeks by a very simple emedy, after “living suffered several years with a severe lung i'Feetion,and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the ••leans of the cure. To all who decireit, he will send a copy of the Inscription used (free of charge) with the directions ; F°r preparing and using the same, which they wil a sure cure forj.CoNSCMr-rioN, Asthma, Bron vuitis, ,fc. The only object of the advertiser in sen •Dng the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and •‘pread information, which he conceives to be invalu kle, and he hopes every sufferer willtry his remedy 4s itwillcostthem nothingand mayprove ablessing. Arsons wishing theprescription will plcascaddress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willi imsburgh, SctU—diy Kings County, New York R. STOCK WELL. boot and shoe manufactory. |?jn The subscriber has taken store k I room opposite Cook’s Hotel where gsflbnJtej is prepared to accommodate all are in want of a good article of BOOTS AND SHOES, of r,J. ABINQ atten( led to with dispatch. A share Bolicted. R. StOLKWELL, awrefa 12 -dim. ». P. ELriß, L. MTOTMTOH. ELLIS & LIVINGSTON, Auotion and Commission Merchants, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. By lilllis AUCTION SALE OF Furniture, Bedding, Table Ware, &c., AT THE FINE KNOT 2PBINGS. ON WEDNESDAY FIRST MAY fsasila next, we will sell without reserve, at the 311iiAkj Pine Knot Springs, Chattahooel ee Coun- J/AJUraa t y» 'be Hotel Furniture,cor sisting in part of 60 Cottage Bedstead*; 70 Mafesses, 140 Cottage Chaim, 7 Dining Room Tablet*, 40 Wash Stands. 40 Side or Dressing Table*. 2 Large and Fine Cooking Stoves, 1 Set Parlor Furniture (complete.) A large lot offine Crockery, and Glassware of eve ry description, a large portion of which has not been used. Britania Steak and Chaffing Dishes. Best quality of Knives and fine Plated Forks. Plated Table and Tea Spoons, Castors, Cake Bas kets, &.C. A Good Iron Safe. Bed Clothing of every description, suclr as Quilts, Spreads, Sheets, Pillow ■ ases, Blameta, Bolsters, Pillows, Towels, and in sho t everything that per tdius to house and hotel keeping, all ofwhichia near ly new, and a large potion has not been in use; and every article of the oest quality purchased from firs! hands. Will be Rented at the same time, the Hotel and Spring, for the Year, TERMS—Allsums under S2O, CASH; over that amount, A LIBERAL CREDIT. No postponement on account of the weather, as there will be ample room to sell under cover. ELL S#LIVINGSTON, Auc’m. pZ7“Box Spring, Muscogee Railroad, is the p'ace for railroad passengers to stop, where they will find con veyance to the Springs. Aprils, 18til.—wdlm. AT PRIVATE SALE. 600 Sacks Salt, 75 Barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 20 “ Old Bourbon and». 15 Hhds Choice Sugar, 20 Hhds Bacon Sides, 1000 Lba. GOOD FEATHERS 75 Superior Matresses, 250 Boxes Tobacco—all grades. a 50 BBLS. IRISH POTATOES. Just received and for sale by ELLIS & LIVINGSTON. Fine Durham Bull For Sale. About 7 years old, in good order, pedigree A No. I—will be sold very low. Apply to Dr. E. C. HOOD, Mulberry Grove P. 0., Harris Cos., or to ELLIS to LIVINGSTON, March 28—ts. Auct’rs. ..ii ii.LMi.j i .. jl , » wjm. ■ nil i ■.in i . in Price List of Manure. PERUVIAN GUANO $70.00 per ton. Mapes’ Phosphate, 56.00 “ Swan’s Island Guano, 50.00 “ Hoyt's Phosphate, 56.00 •* Manipulated Guano, 60.00 “ Bone Dust, 44.00 “ American Guano, 44.00 “ Land Plaster, 18,00 '* Blood and Wad, 40.00 “ Poudrette, 35.00 “ mar. 12 I. C. MOSES CO. 132 Broad Street, Columbus. What is the best Manure for Cotton ? A/TAPES* PHOSPHATE. -I>J- What, fa £ijg best Manure for Corn? Peruvian or Swan’s Island Guano. Where can I get them? At I. C. MOSES Jb GO’S. marl 2 132 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. To Cotton Planters! DIRECTIONS FOR USING MAPES* SUPER PHOSPHATE—THE BEST MANURE FOR COTTON. Ist. Bed out with Turn Plows; scrape out wa ter furrow with Straight Shovel; drill cotton seed and Phosphate together in the furrow; cov er with double Bull-tongues. 2d. Break out middles with long Scooters. 3d. Work surface with Horse-Hoes or Sweeps; run shallow; keep grass out, and the crop is made. Plant four feet by drills and thin out to one foot apart; use 100 ibs. of Phosphate to sere. — The Mapes’ Phosphate to be bad in any quanti ty at $56 per ton. i. C. MOSES A CO. m&rl2 —dtf 132 Broad St. To Com Planters! DIRECTIONS FOR USING GUANO. Bed out with Turn Plow?, six feet apart; open water furrow with straight shovel; run subsoil plow or long scooter in water furrow; drop corn and one spoonful of Guano alternately one foot apart in the furrow; that is let the corn be two feet apart and the Guano midway between the corn; cover with long scooters running down one side and up tho other side of water furrow; then break out middles with long scooters, and afterwards keep down gras3 with sweeps or horse hoes. All kinds of Guano for salo at. I. C. MOSES & CO’S. Marl 2 dtf 132 Broad st. Columbus, Ga. To Plant Potatoes. Open a trench 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide, put one inch deep of Blood and Wool Ma nure in the bottom; cover with about one inch of the surface soil; on that plant your potatoe slips eight inches apart, cut sido down; cover with surface soil about eight inches. Get your Blood and Wool Manure from marl 2 I. C. MOSES & CO. New Potatoes, New Potatoes ! ■JUST ARRIVED. OAABbs. Barrels Choice Irish Potatoes for -£UvJ ga } e i n to suit merchants and Plan ters. Call and see them—they are fine. marl 2 I. C. MOSES & CO. TO HINT, well adapted fora Boarding House. To a Sisar i good tenant an induement will be offered. mar2l dtf E. BARNARD. Seed Peas, "VfOW is the time to purchase seed for this indis i.\ pensable crop, and we have a jirime lot of 125 bushels for sale. Call early. mar 23 GUNBY, CROFT A CO. Extra Fionar. 1 a A BBLS. Double Extra St. Louis Flour; Cream J. U U of the West, and other choice brands, at mar 23 GUN BY. CROFT & CO’S. NEW ARRIVAL. MACKFURLj in kits and % bit's, all Xos IIAMS, cnoice Country smoked. MESS BEEF, in half barrels SUGARS, Ground, Pulverized, Crushed, als* StewaH’s A. No. 1. N. O. BYRUP, in bbls. and half bids, all at low est market rates by marl2—dtf GUN BY, ©ROFT 4c CO. Old Apple Jack, AND j QLD PEACH BRANDY, Bisde at Stone Meuataiu I CHAMPAGNE emlelj 1 JinudPlt Wm, fWFT* %% COMMERCIAL. Montgomery, April 10. Cutton—There was somo inquiry to-day for article,'this at lower prices. Very little doing. Charleston, April 10. Sales of cotton to-day 222 bales, at prices ranging from 11% to 13%©. Market firm. AUGU3TA, April 10. There was a good demand to-day, at unchang i ed prices. *The sales foot up 447 bales, as fol lows: 2at 10%, 1 at 11, 108 at 11%, 33 at 11%, 80 at 12, 17 at 12%, 53 at 12 7-16, 22 at 12%, IS at 12%, 17 at 12%, and 86 bales «t 13?. The receipts wer 272 bales. Couldn’t doit. —An exchange paper tell* a story of a man in London who determined to spend all he made during tho fir3t year in ad vertising. Ho soon found that it was impossible, for the simple reason that the more ho advertised the more he made, and after a strenuous effort to get rid of hi? money in advertising ho had to give ?► sip. If you do not believe it try it. CONSIGMES PEP. 51. E. R„ April 11. M >nt & W P K E Msnaphee & J, Mobile d(-G. R,R. F O Tillman Lewis & M. J A Green $ Bro. Gun by. Croft Cos. Hall. Moses & Cos. Clemons 4* Cos. H V Meigs, T. Brass;!!, ILidd. Freer & Cos E igle M’f’g Cos, W II dp D E Wiilla'ns, J L Celia. Hunt© & Danie!. Gas Works, John Lee, N O Glover, L Namier, VV B Johson, McK dp Cos. TARIFF ! J. M’ PHIL LI PS, Parchaied the Goods he is new receiving in time to avoid duty. This perhaps, with a single exception, is the only store at which you can purchase New Goods at old rates. Yes *aa now save 15 to 25 per peat. Vy Lav ing at 140 Broad-gtreti. MASONIC IS ALL BUILDING, Columbus, March 25, 15CJ. iLtwtf SPRING STYLES! HATS IF*. LANSok, Would inform his friends and the public generally that he is now receiving his Spring and Summer styles of Hats, consisting of all varieties of Panama, Legem and Straw, For men and children’s wear, erabracing.thc hand' sourest patterns ever brought out. ALSO, Oassimere, So French Felts Os every color and quality, and of the VERY LATEST IMPORTATION, at prices to suit all. of every kind, and also a great variety of CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS, And a good assortment of Umbrellas and Walking Oases. Give me a call. March 1A HOME INSURANCE ! FIRE. MARINE AND RIVER RISKS taken at lowest rates, by THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. All claims for losses promptly adjusted .end paid »——» d6 “ , u.°F. *«•„. fTT” Office in the rear oflhe Bank ot ( olnmbus. Columbus, Feb. 16 — dw*f _ BANK STOCK FOR SALE. ANY person desiring to purchase 50 or CO Shares Columbus Bank Stock can be accoimnod—ed •aHing at this office. • Columbus. April 3—dtf. _ MEDICAL NOTICE. n DR3. W.K. SCHLEY ic J. A. PEASANTS Aidjup have associated themselves in the practice ot W Medicine and Surgery, „ ~ .. fSm Their office is in Odd Fellows’ Hall on the first floor, where they may be found either day or night when not absent on professional service April 4th, IWI-<Uy. To Cotton Planters! (IXWW AS the prosppet is 'food for 15 CENTS ynggPER POUND FOR TBE NEXT CROP OF y 1 -lOOTTON, now is the time to Double Your Crops ard Restore your Lands by the use of Jarvis & Baker’s Island QTJA.2STO, Ibis Guano is SUPERIOR to any which baa eve* been impnrt?d, having produed results which have never been equalled by any other manure or Fertilizer.'; With ordinary £«?eons 200 ib-j of thia Guano per acre has seldom failed ta DOUBi .E A COTTON CR 'P and in many instances exceeded it. TheGuanomaybeapp.iedto Com or Cotton suc ces fully AFTER THE PLANT IS UP. Terms will be made with Merchants For agencies in all of the interior towns where they are not aleady ea'&bluhed For sale, payable oat of tbe next Crop, bv O. A. L. LAMAR, Savannah, and E. BARNAItD, Colnuibus. April 2-dw2m The Tariff Question Settled! J. KYLE * CO. Have now in store a full Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DDY GOODS, Embracing every nrti< le in their line, “ogether with a great variety of Spring and Summer DBESS GOODS, OF NEW FABRICS AND DESIGNS, All of which they offer at their usual low prices as THEY WERE IMPORTED FREE OFDUTY 3. KYLE & CO„ dwim No. 100 Broad Street. WAJR ! ATT EHITIOiI IILITAK ¥! RECEIVED THIS MORNING Swords, Pistols, Sashes. :o©ltss, A host cf Buttons, ALABAMA & GEORGIA LACES &c, And for sale at the lowest prices. Jan26—dtf A. H. Da WITT. tPiii a iiia GOODS, (lIHIV.FLEMM & SWIFT’S, fUNDER COOK'S HOTEL,) VOItIIMB UB, GA. VI K would inftumour friends ami tlie public geii- V craily that we have a very desirable stock of STAPLE ATSTD FANCY DRY*>6OODB Cousistingin part of Fine Dresss Goods for Ladies, Rich Dress Silks; Grenadines; Zenobias; Bareges; Anglaise; Organdie Muslins; Printed Lawns and .lac xnets; All the lausl styles of’Lace Mantles; English, French an-.i American Prints; Goods for I?i ding White Dregs Goods and MaurniaJ Goods iraituigim Lace, Jaoonet. Linen, and Marseille®Seta. Fine Fsnbro derod Handkerchiefs. Hemstitched and Watirdo. HGSIEBY, GLOVES, &c --( tewei Knitting Yarn; Split, single and double Zephyr and srii.tianU Woo!; Crochet Oeri and Nee dle*; "Em brokering H sses, 4e. STAPLE, DOMESTIC and PL t XTATIOS COOIW. Osss*T ISO?!*■». i ruloitnd* si. LilitrlU Mill Gentle «•*» S Famishing ri» *. lionaett, Ukgw* Jaa. BOOTS & SHOES A PiNfi STOCK. For both Talus and Gentlemen; aim, a g*«4 stack of negro shoes. Satis, Castings, Hardware, Crockery Ginsswrre, Saddles, &o, ali of which we propose to sell on the most srrflmtn#- dating terms. IALSO. We keep a fine fiiovi; af U R 0 C E li lES, Sugar, Coffee. Salt,Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar*. Flour, Rico, Bacon, Lard, Fish Caauleis, Pickles, Extracts, Preserves Ac. Which we will sell at the lowest prices lor CASH. Purchasers in search of good bargains and good ar ticles. are invited to examine oarsiock before buying elsewhere. CODY, FLEMING A SWIFT. Columbus, April 1, IS6l—dwtf. Troy Manufacturing i'o. We would have it remembered that we imnjgt* are still manufacturing largely for whole sale and retail the following articio. vie— aSSSChairs, Bedsteads, Wooden Ware Matrce es, &c. &c. we are selling at low prices tor the CASH, regardless ofthe Tariff Dealers will find it to their interest to call on us before sending their or ders to foreign markets. Cash orders will receive prompt attention: JEFFERSON 4’ HAMILTON. Oolumbus, Mareh idth—dtf. All papers in wMbto we aiffiertise e»py per i haage & CAPS TAXES, TAXES! THE Books are now open for Receiving Tax * Returns. All property Gwned on tho Ist insr., jj will have to be returned, including all wild lands in any part of the State, with No. District and county. Office at Redd, Johnson, & Cos. ISAAC T. BROOKS, Receiver Tax Returns Mnecogee O. April 9—dwtf. PAY YOUR CITY TAXES. I am required by Council to furnish them with a list of aU defaulting tax payers on the 10th inst., and also to turn over the tax books prior to 1861, to the clerk, with instructions to issue executions against all defaulters. I can’t call on everybody, but will be at my office at the Council Chamber to attend to any calls. i J, D. JOHIISO3T, Cfolombus, April e. I*. WKI«HT Ac CO., DEALERS IN Mm. COM, FLOUR, &e. &c, 163 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GAI. marSd -divr (Orr*»iT« Coo*'a Hotel.) The Cash Drug Store! J. A. WHITESIDE, DBUQGXST, 185 BROAD ST.' COLUiUBrS, G£ORCM. G| The following named arti. eles and quantities constitute u P art °* u, y large stock -A which I ant otfering to Mer cfl chants at truly low prices.— E IMHffIP Those desinus to know niy prices will be informed on application, in person or by letter; and also that lam still deducting from 12J4 to 25 per cent for Cash from the Credit Trices. 800 Gallons “Kerosene” or Coal Oil. 400 •< 9i per ct. ALCOHOL, 200 « BURNING FLUID, 6000 lbs. BEST WHITE POTASH, 17a «• PRIME NUTMEGS, '€G Dax. MUSTANG LINIMENT, 70 “ Vials Asserted YERMIFVGK. 70 “ boxes PILLS, 1500 lbs. EPSOM SALTS, 1000 “ COPPERAS, 100 Bottles SULPHATE QUININE. An investigation of nay good* and price* is re speetfally solicited. tnarO- dwtf J. A. WHITESIDE. STOVES, TO-WARE, 4c. L. HAIMAN & BRO., 7B Broad Street IMPROVED IRBX Wit** dtaras.-ihabeit Soak ing Stove in use. Parlor, < >tQee, andßox Stoves,of all the latest styles. Tin Ware of every description on IvKnd.or made te order. Sheet Tin and Tmnere’ Materials on hand and sold to the trade on slight advance on cost. Roofing, Guttering, tfc.. done promptly and cheap. Columbus, Ga. Deo. 21—<Uf, STEAM REFINED CANDY! “Southern Confederacy” Brand ! In (iuantnie* 'to Sait Purchasers l t Encourage Home manufacture BETTER LATE THAN NEVER !!! J. J. Bli AN CHART, 8* BROAD STREET, CODDMBDS,. O-Ak. A V last 1 have succeeded in having my es'ab- Bailment completed, and am fully prepared in every branch for the manufacture ot all sorts, styles and qualities ot STICK CANDIES, also tine Can dies o* all Brands. I would respectfully inform the public ‘that I superin end my business, and will pay especial attention to afl orders with which 1 maybe favored. COCOA-NUT CANDY, GEGKGXA TAPFA & CAKES. ; lam dcismined to keep a renh supply of these arriolca always on hand. Times are hard I know, but industry must succeed; so if y»a want ta buy CHEAP, come to .1 J. HI. AN CHART'S, March S—4<f. st> Brond Street. A.F. 0. 0. ? . A. JUST KiCEIVED BY. “W"- T-I - PBIEIaPB T A mil Rasins in whole, saU sad M hexes. *- J Shoft Shell AlumnD; Filberts and Brazil Nuts. New Fig and Seedless RaUinn I’terJ* ostt*h. Fresh Currents, extra trice. Kiliiekioniek Smoking Tobaec*. Nice Butter, Wine and Soda Cracker* Anderson’s Solace Tobacco, in targe and juiftli paper*. OAKES—Another nice int ai tresh baked Cakes in varieties. M\ H. H, PHELPS, “Mareh24—4tf Under Cook’s Hotel, "TAKEIfdTioE! 4 x.L indebted to the late firai of MANLEY, A HODGES A GO., will please come forward and settle WITHOUT DELAY. They must have money and that fiora those indebted to said firm. MANLEY. HODGES A CO. CoiUfliku* March iO—fit! JUST RECEIVED A LOT OP fob’s New Patent ;also. A N’EVV I.OT Or COLT’S NAVY PISTOLS. ALSO, SIX SHOOTER S mitli & Wesson’s 7-Shcoteis, Allen’a Cartridge 5 Shooters, x LOT€»f BOWIE KNIVES, MUSKET CAPS, fee. at small advance. OKDEES, TAKEN To supply Horse Companies with Adams' or Holt* a Navy Pistols, or any other kind of Military Ojo&Js wanted, aad filled at the shortest notice. A.H. BeWITT. • tiuuiiiua Niv. 20—dwtf. JUST RECEIVE!’ BY ■XTrt-n Marcvts 2 • Fresh 3oshen Butter, 200 Extra Country Cured Horn*, Fresh Crackers, English Dairy Chee»-, Best quality State Cheese, Extra Large Smoked Beef Tongue*. Smoked Beef, Pickled Beef, Pickled Pork, Pickled Herring*. Planting Potatoes, 10 Bbls. Choice Appier. <Joitrmbus, March s —-dtl. ORDERED, That an election be held on the 20th day of April in the 665, 773, 771, 675, 772, 921, 1128th Districts of Muscogee county, for a Captain in each of the several militia com panies in said Districts, at which election all persona subject to military duty between the •get of IS and 45, will be qualified to vote. The said election to be held in eaeh of'said district at the piaee of holding the Justice* Court. % J. MOSK3. A*t£! Majfr Wfblog't Q. M. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS & SHIPPERS IN THE [Southern Confederacy. A R lf»H\hS TsL vp been perfected by the iA * f ARNI»EN*B EXPRESS CO . ty which un usual facilities are offered its patron* and the public generally for entering and clearing goods at the Custom llous‘B, and for the speedy transmission ot the same either by EXPRESS or FREIGHT TRAINS to their destination. U Goods w ill be entered in Bond in Savannah if re quir and. GOLD 8f SILVER only received for duties and Custom House tees Any in formation required in relation to Custom Hoiur requirements on application to S. H. HILL, Agent, SO Broad Street A Li SO, Tickets sold and Keiths secured mb any of the regular steamship ' lines from Savannah to New Votk. and any information given in relation to the same on application to S H. RILL, Agwit Columbus, April sth, 1261. €oilee, €oiiee! let af Ilia, * M 50 Bbls. Fresh Meal, A FINE ARTICLE, for sale by lbs Darrel at U« lowest market rates, by ! uar«K UHNBY, CHOFT L. O© im'mm defence OF THE Confederate States. rrUIE undersigned have been requested by the -L Secretary oftheTreasury ot the Confederate States of North America, as Commissioners for the Stale of Georgia, to bring forward in said State five millions of the loan of fifteen millions of doliarw recently authorized by enact of Congress. For the Eurpose of affording an opporturity to all who may u willing to take partin this loan, we propose to have hooks opened on the 17th day of April next, at the following points, and at such places as we may hereafter designate, viz: Savannah, Augusta, 'Macon, Columbus. Atlanta, Mtlledgevilie, Athens and Rome. Special notice of the place where the Books will be opened, and of the persons appointed for this purpose, at each of those points, will be in due time given. Below we submit a statement from the Sec retary, which, in connection with the act, is plainly e\ planalory of the nature and character otlheloan And we express the confident hope that our fellow citizens will approve ot this direct appeal to the peo ple, rather than to foreign capitalists, tor the means of carrying on our new Government; and that all poseened of the means will feel it their duty to avail themselv< s os an opportunity which will enable them to make an entirely safe and profitable investment, and at the same time, contribute aid to the cause of patriotism and their country. GBENEZER STARNES, JOSEPH MILLIGAN, WM. B. JOHNSON, Qmwriaamttrx Loan lor the Defence OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. FIVE MILLIONS of this most advantageous in vestment will be offered to the public on the ITtli of April ensuing, and every citizen throughout; the Confederate States will have iho opportunity of ta king a share of the benefit, and. at the same time, of sustaining the cause of his country. Bonds with coupons will be issued in sums Bout SI,OOO to SSO, and. where ii is preferred, stock cer tiffcatcsin the usual form may be had. The inter est is at EIIHT PER CENT per annum, payable every six months at all our principal cities. The debt has the very unusual and important se curity of a duty of one-eighth of a cent per pound, or about G 2 cents per hale, on all cotton exported.— This duty, under all circumstances, of peace or war, secures the punctual payment of the interest, and furnishes a sinking fund for the redemption of the principal. The coupons, w hen due, are receivable iu payment of the duty on cotton, and are thus made available as coin, everywhere in country. la order to enable allportious of our people to take a part of this valuable investment, and to exhibit then common interest in raising funds for the common da teuce, books of subscription will be opened at th« cities and principal interior towns; five per cent, ruust bo paid iucash at the time ot subscription, and the remainder on orbefore the Ist ot May—in teres to run from the date of such .payment. Persons de siring to secure their subscriptions, may pav in cash the whole amount,and take a receipt for the delivery of bond® ot stock. To equalize the rate of subscrip tion at al’. points, and to enable ail persons conven iently to subscribe, current bank notes of ihe place will be received at their market value in coin. in ease of an over subscription, preference will be ffiven first to those who pay down their wbolesuh serin ior; next to subscribers ot *SO; neit to subscri GwofSoO. C.G. MEMMINGER. Secretary ot tne Treasury Montgoinesy, A ii., Match 10, lafil. For more com Mete Information to all concerned a copy of the Act of Congress is subjoined; AX ACTv>rcaaemoney for the support of the Gomem mmt, and to provide for tUe defence of fAs Confederate Unites cf America. Ssc 1. '1 he Confederate Stales of America and» enact, That the President of the Confedetale States be, and he is hereby authorized, at any time within twelve months after the pissageof this Act, to boi row, on the credit of the Coulederate States, a sum not exceeding fitieen m.llions dollars, or so much thereofAs, in hi' opinion, the exigencies ofthe pub lic may require, to be appied to the payment of ap oropnations made bylaw for the support ofthe Gov ernment am! lor the defences ofthe Confederate The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author ized by the consent of the President of the Confed erate States, to cause to be prepared certificates ot stocks or bonds, in such sums as are hereinafter men tioned for the amount to be borrowed as aforesaid, to be signed by the Register of the Treasury and sealed with the seal of the Treasury ; and the said certifi cate9of stock or bonds shall be made payable at the expiration of ten years from the first day of Sep ternber next; and the interest thereon shad be paid semi-annually, at the rate of eight per cent, per an num, at the Treasury and such other p ace as the Secretary ofthe Treasury may designate. Andto the imnd* which shall be issued as aforesaid, shall be st-ached coupons for the semi annual interest which mavacCTU 4 *!* which coupo- a may be signed by officer, so be apSrinted for the pu-pos-r by the Secretary of foe Treasury And the faith ofthe Confederate States ia hereby pledged for the due payment of the princi pal and inter *t of the said Hocks and bonds 3 At the expiration of five years from the first day of Sep ember next, the Confederate states may pay up any portion of th* bonds or stock®, upon giving three months pitvieuspub’ie notice, r.t thereat ot Gov ernment oi the particular stocks or bonds to be paid, and tile time and place ct payment; and troaiand af tor the time sa appointed, no further intereat shall be paid on said stocks or bonds 4 The certificates of the. * "U and bond, sha'l be r irzTnV.z’ti -aresva ■»™ *•»,sssuskt foe rate V.t>,hicl, the loans may have VTU, moA. ~nd all attenjit'g the same: b r!um and alter the first day of August. Ib6l, then* be levied,eol ected and paid.aduty ofone-eighlt. of one per cent per pound on all cotton In the raw state exported from the Confederate States, which du n is hereby special’>* y'edged to the due payment of jj,, er p-t dml prior pai. *»f the kan provided for in this act, and the Secretary of the Trea.-ury is hereby a a thonzed Had required to establish a sinking fund to carry into efleet the provisions of this section: Promo Jed, horneter, That the inte esi of coupons, issued un der the second section of this act, when due, shall b«- recaivable in payment of export duty on cotton : FVe ruled also , That when the debt and interest thereon, herein authorized to be contracted, shal be extinguirti ed, or in sinking th; fund provided for that pu>po*< shall be adequate to that end. the *aid export duty shall cease and determine March, 25,—dli Apll Loan for the Belenceot the Confederate States. TIIE undersigned Le’.ng appointed iCommii sioners to bring forward the above authorized loan iu Colu inbus, Ga., give notice that the books for subscription will be opened at the Bank of Co lumbus on the lTth inst., and kept open for tv? » l j? av j from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. each day. HENRY L. BENNING, Wm. H. YOUNG, DANIEL GRIFFIN. Commissioner*. Columbus, Afril B—dtlSwlt