Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, July 15, 1861, Image 1

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OOLftUITr & WARREN, Proprietors. VOLUME VIII. Cl)c Hlailg tiroes . Published every morning (Sundays excep **a) at FIVE DOLLARS per annum, in advance. V'X Dollars if not paid before the end of year. €l)e Ifiwklg 'Stmes Is Published every MONDAY MORNING, Two Dolllarsper annum, strictly in advance. OJRce on Randolph Street,, Opposite the Post Office. A-I9W(ZGI l ii > 0&BM& Advertisements of fivo. lines and less in either the Daily or Weekly Times, will be inserted at ft J oents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each s ibaequent insertion. Advertisements exceeding five fixes will be eharged 10 oents per line for the first, and fire sfor each subsequent insertion. Displayed advertisements will be charged for fl jacethey oocupy. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Bxeeutera, and Guardians, are required by law to b* held on the first Tuesday in the month be tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afteraooon, at the Court House intheooun ty in whioh the property i tuate. Notices of the sale must be given in a public gazette forty days previously to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day cf sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate n *st be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Oe irt of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne gr >es, must be published weekly two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Dismission from Ad m nistration, monthly six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for establish !ng lost papers for the space of three months— f>r compelling titles from Executors or Adminis trators, where a bond has been given by the de ceased, the full space of three months. Publications will alwada b® continued accor ding to these, the legal requirements, unless oth erwise ordered. The following are the contracting rates change oleasure. DAILY RATES. 12 months. | 5 months. j 6 'months. 3 months, 2 mouths. I ro-onta. No,o! j sqrs. j 1.. 500 700 900 13 00 17 00 00 *.... 9Oi IS 00: HOO 18 00 25 00 30 00 3.. IS <X 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 40 Ok 4.. 15 Oi 19 00 22 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 5.. 18 0( 25 00 30 00 40 00 50 00 60 oC 6.. SO 0 28 00. 35 00 50 0*» 60 00 70 00 7 25 O' 33 00| 41 00 60 o 70 00 80 00 8.. 30 0 18 00 46 00 70 o*’ 80 00 90 00 0.... 40 0 50 00| 60 00 80 00 90 00 100 CO -!.'t ■ ■■- r. . *~t - -■=. WEEKLY RATES. IS tKOQlfea. 9 fnoatha. 6 raoutha. 3 moßthß. 2 rnontha, 1 month. No.olj «qra. | 1.. f 50 4 00 6 50 10 00 15 00 20 00 500 800 11 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 3.. 75011 00 14 50 25 00 35 00 40 00 4.. 10 00115 00 19 00 SO 00 40 00 50 00 5.. 12 0017 00 20 00 40 00 50 00 00 00 6.. 15 0020 00 25 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 7.. 17 0025 00 80 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8.. 20 10 25 00(40 00 50 00 80 00 90 00100 00 TIMES ©©©lK ABO© PRINTING- OFFICE, Aandolpk Street, Columbus, Ceorgia. I_A AVING in successful operation two of HOE li A 00'S CYLENDER PRESSES BUNtfIUG BY STEAM. ffo are prepared to execute, at snort notice, every ascription of BOOK AND JOB FEINTING, unsurpassed style, as cheaply as can be done anywhere in the South. We have ou hand a large variety of NEW JOB TYPE and shall heap a constant supply of Plain & Fancy Paper & ards, Our facilities for turning off this kind of work, with promptness and despatch, will make it great j to the interest of persons in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BONDS, DECLARATIONS, BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES. CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &e. &e. also, railroad a steamboat blanks GrlVaS ITS A 6ALI,, This Department is under the management of Mr. D.b. PORTER, whose long experience and acknowledged reputation as a Job Printer, are a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to hi* oare will be executed with energy and faithfulness We have now in connection with the ofScc & s emplete BOOK BINDERY and have in employ and young man who, unde? the veteran GRAY and others, has perfected him self In this branch of business; we pledge our selves to give the most perfect satisfaction in th« manuacture of all styles cf Ledgaia, Account Books, Dockets, Court Records. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank Books, fire. We Intend not to be outdone in the style and finish of our work, in either department, by an* v establishment South, and that we may be able t -make our nric 8 satisfactory we have adopted t> UASH BYBTFM. Jan. 1. 1340 iofttniiil liit- W. D. WOOD, ATTORIN7ET -A.T X..A.W* * AND HOL « I TOE 1% CHANCERY, GLGMVILLR, ALA. WILL practice in ail the Courts ol the coua’ies of ’ Barbour, Pike, Coffee, Dale, IDnry. Macoi and Russelll In all cases entrusted to h s charge, he will be assisted by Pugh A Bulloch, when ;hey a*e not employed as opposing counsel. mar4dly. Samuel Thatcher, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Georgetown, Quitman Cos. [da* YATlLLpracrice in the counties of Webster, Terrell » V Randolph, Chmttahoocee, Stewart, Quitman, Clay. Eariy, Miller, and in Barbour county, Ala. May 23—dtf. e. M. SAPP, ATTOB.33iT3SX AT I,AT&T. Columbus, Q-a. WILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and adjoining counties. Office on Randolph street, a tew doors west of th« Post office. JulySG—dwtf, Joseph F. P©u, ATTORNEY X..A.W* COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. office on Randolph Street, over Iloltand Hutchin’a Office. April 16—wdly, Marion hethime. attornbt:at TALBOTTON r TalbotCo„, ®a. 0 itobor 24,1858. w&dth Moses <& Laws, ATTOKNBYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, e' j" MOSES' _ WM. A. LAWS. noxt do*ti to the Post Sept. I, 1858. dwt£ JNQ. M. PHILIPS. WALTER H. WEEMS Philips & Weems, A.ttornevs at Law, CRAWFORD, ALA, Wili practice in the Courts of Russell County —in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the United States District Court at Montgomery, March 2d, IB6o—wAdtf. 8. W. JONES. A. MONBOE GILLESPI® JO>ES & GILLESPIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. UNION SPRINGS, ALA. VET ILL practice In the several Court* of the State, v v and particularly attend to any business in the counties of Macon, Rue ell, Barbour,. Montgomery and Pike. fJjP Office in ureen’s Brick Bu iding, Main Street. Aprii 1, 1661.—w1y S. S. Stafford, BLAKELY, EARLY, Blakely Ga., April 2, 1856. wtl M D. RCGEIS ESQ. S Attorney and Counsellor atLaw, Gilmer, Texas. MD. ROGERS, Esq , Attorney and Counsellor • at Law, and General Land Agent—will also attend promptly to the collection of Claims. All’com munir-ations answered without delay. Address, Gib uer, Texas. febd—wtf. J. H. TAYLOR, WM. TAYLOR TaYLOR & TAYLOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Cutlibcrl, Ga. WILL PRACTICE in the Countissof Baker,Olay, Calhoun, Early, Randolph, Stewart A Terrell, and will give prompt attention to all business entrus ted to them. novSl—wtf. Shorter, Chambers & Shorter. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EUFAULA, ALA, Will practice in Barbour and fci® adjoining oounties of Alabama and Georgia, E. S.&HOSTER. W. B. CHAMBER!). B. R, SSOBTHB. May 27, 1559. ts CULLENS & TURNIPSEED, ATTORNEYS -A.T FORT GAINES, GA. Willpractioein Clay and adjoining counties in Georgia, andin Henrv county, Ala. Apr!’ a 1869—-wtf Thomas W Cobh, attorney at law, PRESTON, Webster County, Ga, Will praotioe in the counties of Clay, Chatta hoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart and Sumter. Particular attention given to collecting and remitting. Jan 23 1857—wfcf. 'SSjsgfe j. fogueT& son, dentists, os Randolph Sire®*, near Broad, COLUMBUS, GA, Columbus, Doc. 9,1857. dAwtf. DitS. LF.E & PHELPS, DENTISTS, OFFICE Corner Broad and Randolph Street# COLUMBUS GEORGIA. December Sl.lß#l. wAdiy REMOVAL. ,r * DAVIS has r moved his office evei WSF the Drug Store of Urquhart A Chapman, os OR Broad street. Orders left at the Drug Storeor offioe above will be attended to. Dr. F. attends strictly to all eases of Surgary to his care. Columbus, Ga. Nov 1, dtf, MEDICAL NOTICE. a DRB W. K SCHLEY A J A PEASANTS have associated theniselv*-* inib practice \W Medicine and Surgery, Ffk Their ota<« isin Od Feiiows* ll** 11 oa the Irst floor, wnev they may be found either day m light when not absent on professional service. AprJ 4th, .861—dly. THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. QJLUMdUS GEO tGIA, C. MONDAY JULY I.*, 1861. mca ALBANY HOTEL, JOHN W. LESTER, Pro Wmggik ALBANY, GA. DOOR TO TUE POST OFFICE. Stages leave this House Daily for Thomas* ville, Bainbridge and Tallahassee. February 9.—dfiin. PIKE LI OUSE, Union Springs, Ala. TIIIB new and commodious- House, at the terminus of tin Mobile and Girard Kai road, is non g aßSgfPS|ljß| in complete order for the reception n f... a tnm»ra nnrila not surpassed by auy in this section of Gountrv torthe convenient ofits accommodations. Gi eus a 'all and prove what we say. JOHN M.FRAZIER, Jan2o—dlv. FRANK JACKSON. (FIRST CLASS HOTEL,) Corner Broad and Crawford Streets, COLUMBUS. GA. HATCH COOK, iaarch~dwtf. PROPRIETOR SILVERETJNHOTEL. Seal’s Depot. THIS we’l known house is etil A kept in its usual good order, and ha® accommodations for all who AlHjttfig|2L.m&y call. BTTrrTTraSgh: The present Proprietor willspare aoo ins to tu« comfort of his customers. Juu3C—wly R. R, GILBERT EAGLE HOTEL, OGLETHORPE GA, THE subscriber having entirely renova accomuiod tion of the public, solicit a hart JL,JL®Lof heir patronage. He will spare no paim o please, and "'eels confident thata single trial will convince all of that fact, Feb4—d6.-n W, H, STILES, Havana Cigars, Havana Cigars Havana Cigars! DIRECT IMPORTATION OF CIGAEB. El Figaro Regalia, Ei Figaro fiord". pren&ados, Cabanas Brevas, Cabanasfiorde prenaadas, H. Clay Reg. t’e Londree, and other brands, . At whoissaie and retail. Moderate pricas. No.Mßroad St. Ooiumbus,Ga. Feb .-dtf St. P, DURAN, DISSOLUTION. /PHI firm of MANLEY, HODGES & CO., h * e - this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ai early settlement of their business la earnest!) solicited. Call at our Store and corns as ueariv up to ycur obligations as possible. Pay us all the money you can. January 1, 1880. GEORGEIIIILLER, | N retiring from the firm returns his sincere thanks to the old friends aau customers, and earnestly desires a ooatiauatioa of their liberal* ity to ths nsw firm;. MANIEYA HOSSIS, TIITILL continue bu Iness at the old stand.aad V\ will be happy to serve their friends and ©uitoEters. Jan. I, 1861. NOTION TO IERGHANTS & SHIPPERS IN THE Southern Confederacy. Arrangement** hive been perfect'd by the HARNUEN’S EXPRESS CO, iy which m. u-uai facilities tre off red its patrmaaud the pub'i eenerally for entering and charing foods at tb< Custom lions 3, and for the speedy transmission <>t the sime either by EXPR'iSd or IREiUlil TR.V NS toth-ir destination. Gcod* will be entered >n Bond in Savannah if re. -uir and. GOLD SILVER only received for duties And Custom House tees Any inforii at| >n required in relation to Custom House requirements on applica'ion to e}. H. HILL, Ag^nt, 29 Broad Street. also, sold and Be ths secured on any of the refill it e'eams-bp lines from Savannah to New York.andnnv information given in relation to th* same on application to S. H. HILL, Agent. Columbus, April sth, 1861. BOOK EXISTXSEFt~ST. In salable and faithful hands, where can be fur* nished every variety of 3BU -A.3STB: BOOKS, Court Records and Dockets, Hotel an Livery Registers, &0., &c, Magaxin cs, Music, Law 800k5,4c., bound seat ly and with dispatch. ' Old works repaired o? rewound as they shall need, substan ially. We warrant satisfaction ia every case, asd trust our old friends will cot be ueooyed away. July 18—if. White and Mised Seed Com ti a iA BT SHELB in .-tore and to arrive fer »a * c)* /* *Uata smal: advance tor Cash. Fen!*— dwtf E- BARNaBD Strayed? teFrola my placs near Cotton Valley, Ala., s tail Buy iior e six years old bub tailed, with cne whits bind foot aua ankle. A suitable reward will b 9 given for his delivery to me, or any information concern, ing him will be thankfully received. m*s2Q—wtf*lm S. J. BROWN. El Mono Conchas, | Ei Mono Miliar, i Ei Pagaro Londree, | Coferencia fior and preiPe, Tviariu Antoineta flor do- TKE friends and patrons of the Cos LUMBUS TIMES, and the public gen erally, are remind :ed that there has always been and is still attached to this cstablisment, 8 thoroughly appoin ted G. T. WILLIAMS’ GALLERY. G. T WILLIAMS has just returned from the north with all the new and late improvements in the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, Embracing quite a variety of Novelties and Curiosi ties, making ELIS GALLERY one of the most attractive and fashionable resorts in the city Photographs. Stereoscopes, and many other styles o Pictures of Distinguished Persons and Scenery now on exhibition. The public is reepectfu lv invited to call and examine the above styles of Pictures at WILLIAMS’ GALLERY OF VARIETY, No. 67 West Side Broad St. I am uow better than ever prepared to execute those beautiful Photographs, Ambrotypes, Stereo- SCOPES, and all otherstyles of Picttirea known in tire An, an don account of my increased facilities will io my work as low, and in most cases lowerthan any Gallery in the city, and in a superior style. D n't tail to give rae a call. G. T. WILLIAMS, Sent. 3—dtf Photographer STOVES, TIWARE, £c. L. HAIMAN & BRO. T 6 llroad Street* ;• ’ •••: ‘ • >- y* >. ' ' ~ •** < % t IMPROVED IRON Witch Stoves, thebest Cc-c-k* mg Stove tr. use. Parlor, ffico, and Gos Stoves,of all tiie lateet styles. Tin Ware ofdverydescnption on hßad.ov Kiida to onrer. Sheet Tin and Tinners' Materials on hand and sold to the trad'* o on cost. Roofing, Guttering %•.. done promptly and cheap. Coiumbus, Ga, Dec. Sl—dtl. VALfABLE PROPERTY FORBALE. THE Splendid and Commodious Residence of the late Mrs. Boykin, in the upper part of the City of Co mmWmlumbus. The Dwelling House and ill the outhouses are in good sepair, on the premises, whi< b complies fear city lots, or t« teres of ground tnereis a eaperior well of wa oer, and largo quanuaes c r oaoiee shrubbery, dowers and abado trees. Also, her summer residence situated about two miles from the city of Columbus, adjoining the lands of Col. Seaborn Jones. This lot is well improved, has excellent water, healthy, and is a most desirable place, and has attached on® hundred acres of good pine land, heavily timber ad, Possession given immediately. For terms apply to the undersigned, or to J and. Cooler, Esq. T. C. BOYKIN. Columbus, Ga. Jan. 23—dtf. Enquirer and Sun, please copy. CHEAP AND PL UN FURNITURE AT ‘ JT- N0 ,4:2 BROAD STREET Coliaintms, Ga, Deo. 24, 1860—dtf. S4O REWARD RAN A WAY from the subscr aer, a min Wilse ab< ut 4.*>years of age, stout, broad»?houidt‘ri and uiulatto, with very distinct f ecKles all over his face and h indsi lie ia ta-her Intel isent looking and wi i f»lk ireely He professes to be a preacher and can read: he may pr«» afey hate a pass Also, my man Rill about the same age, a dark mulatto in color and is ve-y fall and slim, an * in cline 'to st- op so ewh ii in walking Toe aojs are sipposedtobe ab ut ft limbus or itb vi inity. will pay S<o each f r the delivery of ssid io,a to me in Harris Couuiy or in >h- jail atCoiumb s BE <N J 4 MIN T LOWE, Cataula, Harris ty, Ga. June 24,1S6I—wti SPOOL THREAD! SPOOL THREAD! manufactured from PEABOD^B Celebrated Long Staple Cpl’d Cotton« THE subscriber having purchased ot Mr. CHAB. A. PEABOuY, the bulk oi the Thread manu re uied, bv wav of experiment, from his verv Supe dor t’otton, will be happy to show it to hi- custom ers This thread is superior to any heretofore offer ed in this market Ircai ivS reatn strangle andevea- Qees The manufacturers say they have never before sent out so good an an cle; and e great is their ap preciation of the value ot this cotton tormak ng spool thread, thauaeyoflerMr. Peabody 26 cents per lh fbi his whole crop this season. Cal!, ladies and ex inline for yourselves. occ3<>—dtl J. W. WARE B. §. siiiPFiNG & Commission MERCHANT, Savannah, Georgia. BEING connected with a wealinv and influentlt house in the Island cr Cuba, as vrell a* it Charleston, S. O , every facility is secured fnrthe pro Tiotion ot a legitimate importatior of West India pro luce to which snccla! attention will be given, n. L. SANCHEZ. Matanzas, Cuna, i FAUJ AND & SALAS Ch.rlefton 8 C,y special Pa nr. era, March 15—dtf RUMP & MESS PORK." ;n BARRELS for SALE BY >KJ marS!—dtf F. BARNARD Book Binding LpSSCUTED in superior style at the Attlee of ti Iw * Columbus Thu**. at. PLANTATION AND STOCK FOH SALE, I have come to the conclusion to return to North Carolina, as my relativeaare all there. Therefore 1 wish to sell all that I posses* tn JL Georgia. 1 have a beautiful little summer residence 14 miles north of Columbus, Ga. and near the Troy Factory Three hundred acres of good Land, vvellimproved; about 150 in a good stateoi cultivation; good dwelling house, negro bouses,barn, i ab ee, gin house and icrew; farming utensils ofnll kinds; r.o tvs, hogs, mules, wagons, household and kitchen furniture,corn and fodder, and variousother •rtides too tedious to mention. In a first rate neigh borhood.good neighbors and good society. Pieaae call and look at my land and stock B. B. BRINSFIELD. May 7th—wtf. .NOTICE To Farmers & Planter?, REESE’S PHOSPHO PERTJVI AN OE‘ Manipulated Guano;! THE universal successthat has attended the use of the above Suable fertilizer in this section has already orompted large orders from our Planters *ot the coming season Our Farmers and Planters sre requested to send in their orders immediately to insure delivery in time sot use, We are now making arrangements for a largt suoply OUNBY 4- CO. Columbus, Dec. I‘ r —dltwtf LeVert Female Oollege, TALBOTTOX, GA THE Exercises of this Institution wi dtTSjfifa be resumed on the Monday in Jan -ary next- During the pre-entyew tlie CVdleg* b9 * n underthe charge of Mr. W. L, ismSgSr SEALS, and we do not hesitate to say. that a more gentlemanly and efficient Teacher is no. to t>e found anywhere in the State. In our opihioi he p ssesses rare taients for conducting a Ferns!* College. H maintains excellent discipline, preserve admirable order, and ad vat ees bis pupils with a re pidity vve have never befor s**n surpassed. M* 8 is & native Georgian and a Graduate of the Georg)- University. If Use s purpose to devote himself excic siveiy to th** noble occupation in which he is now ei gaged He merits the pa ronage of he public /ni we trust *hat a generous people will sustain him E H t-Vorrilll, Judge SC. Wm. i. Brown, Dr T B. Turner, 'lhomas \ Brown A F. Owen, Wm.J. Weekes, J -Sin T. Blount, Dr. A. Wynne, Talboto n,Ga., SSth Dec.—wtf. SFiUND VALE INSTITDTI CUTHBERT, GA. .x«fes THE next Beseion of this new an- popular 3 hool will open ON .VIoNDAI,JANUARY 1-i and continue five months. Cos j.erent Teachers will be in attendance. Board can be had with ihe Principa sand privai ffimilies of near residences on reasonable terms. For f rther particulars send for a catalogue. There are seven reasons why this School con mends ireell to public no ice in preference to mar* of our nopulai schools. Ist. The heaithinhieas of lha locatioa, Sd. Its freenessUom a i the vices which tend >* allure the mind troia deep and earnest application t study. Sd. Tb ehoioughnc: sand diligence to which tb studeE* 4 eubjeetsd*-* e*ng taught that be baa r. tlmetc waste th. Vocal music is a all? exercise, free of chars to which the whole echo i join in the swe»t accent —which arouses the tired .ateßect, and . eatorea eia: ficity to the drooping mind £ta. The efforts made to dare ’ope the mfeaby th use of p actical instruction at the expense ©f th impractical 6th. The deep interest manifested by the Teacher* Trustees, and Citizens, gives it that social and live aspect, KJh&’-monious to the youthfttl mind—rei dering the achooi-bouse a pleasant resort to the stn dent instead of a house of dread and hatred. 7th. The systematic manner in which the school i* conducted. “Heavsn's first law” is adopted an« practiced. a 8, SUGESL’ Priuctpai. Outhbert. Ga,, Dec. 24 wtf Photographic lie. j. WEE DOE’S IMPERIAL Are composed o* a pure and unadul terated Wine, combined with Barbary, Solo mon’a Seal, Conafrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark.. Spikenard, Camomile Flowers and Gentian. Tfce> are manufactured by Or. Dods himself, who is ai experienced and successful Physician, and bene* not to be classed amorg the quack nostrums whici flood tbe eottutry. and h the M ed u> Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly val uable bitters have not been before the public for out year, and yet there is a heavy demand for them fron ail parts ofthe Union. Dr. Frink No. 30 West 33th Street New York say.- “I have been greatly benefittsd by using Dr. Dods Wine Bitters, and am now using them freeiy asm successfully in my practice, Asa medicine for Fe males 1 considerthetn unequalled.' Dr. Guernsey, No 16 W’est iSd Street, says* ‘*l have used Dr. Dods’ Wine bitters in my prae tioe and in all cases where a tonic is required, 1 con aider them unsurpassed, and cheerfully recommeuti tnem as a valuable Family Mediciae." Dr Meacham of Florida says: ' “For several years I suffered ail the hoirors oi Chronic Dyspepsia. I used ad other remedies with out avail Id acerded prejudice, and used Dr. Dods' Wine Bitter?, which have greatly beaeflited me. aur> * beiieve will cure roe." Mr. G. S. Weaver, of Alb-awy, N. Y. “My wife waa sinking rapidly with consumption, the best physicians in Albany and New kork Cit> pronounced her case hopeless. She used Dr Dods' Wine Biuers, and Is cured." Mr.J E. Btaata of Newark, N. J. sayei “M> daughter waa extreme y ill; she had been at tended < y four ol our beai physicians; her diseasr was inflammation of the bowels, which had produced extreme debility Her case was considered hopeles> by all who saw her A friend recommended Dr Does’ Wine Biuers; she used them and is well.’’ Mr. Brittain, editor of the Banner of Light iaßcs ton, says: “Dr. J. Bovee Dods* Wise Bittere have cuped nw of the Piles in the werst and most obstinate form " A distiaguished lady of Mobile Ala., writing to t female friend.says: •I would advise you tc use Dr. J. Bovee D< ds* Im perisl Winr Bitters. I have used them and conslde them a blessing to our sex ’* We might wr tea smad volume and then would so give one one fourth of th- testimonialp ia our posses •lion, as to the v rtue of these valuable a tars but w* will only say that they are approved of bv oui be* Physic ass, are doing nu«;h geod In al! parts of th» country, and earnestly entreat tbe afflicted *o tn rhea CHARLES WIDDIFIELD& CO Proprietors 78 William Street, New York kndeold by Druggists generally. Sole Wholesale and Retan Agents for Georgia. PLUMB u. LE TN R, Augusta, 6a Sold in Columbu * by ACEH A IVERSON Inns 98—dAwlv AMERICAN WATCHES’ IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES, jfytk At Purple*s old Stand, Joue’s New Boflding X? «•Columbus, Georgia mum o«t.2s—dwtf t. s. speab PEYTOR H. COLQOITT, JAMES W. WARREN $3 PER ANNUM. Change of Schedule. fTrrSFn IT' "'ill ii i'iii'imTT MuBlLE*. GIRARD RAILROAD, { Girard, Ala., May 1, 1661. $ FROM and after this date, the Mail Train will'eave the Girard Depot daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:45 p. nr., and arrive at Union Springs at 8.-M) p. m.| leave Union Springs daily (Sundays excepted) at 6:00 a. nr., and arrive at Girard at 4 :li a. in. The Freight Train will leave Girard every day, (Sundays excepted,) at 6:50 a in., and arrive at Union-print's at 11:10a. m. Leave Union Springs daily (Sundays exrepted) at 13:00 p. m., and arrive at Girard at 5:5 >p. in. May 4 -dwtf B K. WELLS, Sup't. Change ol Schedule. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT KAIL ROAD COMPANY, OrpiOß Mohtgombbt Wist Ponrr R. R. COLUMBUS, Aug. 16,18*6 CLOSE CONNECTIONS. THROUGH to Memphis, Nashville and New Yon (via Knoxville) por accommodation Train, leav ing 9 45 p. m. Mail Trains ia. Arrive at Montgomery 18 m. Arrive at West Point.t.*s p tn. Leave Columbus J,45p •*> Arrive at .ie 45n.m. Arrive West Point. .1.45a.m. Leave Montgomery at. _ 8 30 a. in. Leave West Point „6.15a. m. Arrive at Columbus ..... ~.8.45p.m, Leave Montgomery., ... s.4sij m. Leave West Point *.50 p. m. Arrive atColumbus _ S. a. m. Freight Train leaves Columbus at 4 p\ M. Arrives at 18.08 P M. Freight Arrangement 5 FTW fc fc; >AiL4 > | ,i av/« * I,IJ »! If lie | BY an arrangement between the Railroad ompantes composing the two routes from Atlanta to Colum ns, concluded at their con ention at Savannah on the oth Instant, it was agreed that the following rates etween Atlanta and Columbus shall teirnf fleet front the Ist day o» May 1857 VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel Uc Wheat 18; Gate o, iiwi vtiieky. Flour, in aacas or barrels per 100 it.* .*•« tgging, Rope, Lard in eans or bbls per too :h* ta« oal. Pig Iron, by carload, per ton. *3 75 VIA MACON. Lorn per bushel !4c Wheat 15c. Oats lIK Hr on v&iskey, Flour in sacke or barrels, per 100 lbs , 44 •-••gaing, Lani in cans or bbls. per 100 pm, and» scents. Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per mn«4 J L. MUSTIAN, President Muscogee R b GEO W- ADAMS. SsporintendentSouth western Ka>ir»» EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Knin., GEO G HULL, SuperintendentAtlantaand LaGrang ««• SAM’L G JONES. Engineer and Superintendent MS'*. Aug. 17, 1850 d&wtl. VtUSCOOEE Et i O BASSE or BOBS 1) V l t ON and after 80th Feh. 1860, the Evening Mat Train will leave Columbus at 3.90 p. m„, and ar <ve at Macon at 8.G5 p. m. Leave Macon at 11.30 p , tn. arrive at Columbus »i 35 a. in. Toe Morning Mail Train will leave at 3 15 a m. tud mre at Macon 8.56 a. m. Leave Macon 0.45 p. m. arrive at Columbus at 36 p. m. W. L. CLARK, Supt. Colttsshas, P&b. 87—dwt». SAVANNAH A OHARLESION «TliM-P4CI KT Lift E. The Steamer WM. SEABROOK, Capt. F. BARDEN, will shortly take her place on this Line, leaving Savan «RkMKhe3» nah and Charleston twice a week. Having a through freight arrangement with the Centralßailroad and its connections, ail freight* be* ween Charleston and the Interior of Georgia,consign 4 the agents of this line, will be forwarded with iespatch and free of charge. t J. P BROOKS, Agent Savannah, E, LAFITTE A. CO. Charleston. Nov. 85—dw«. To Cotton Planters! KWW AS the prosp**ct Is good for 15 CENTS POTJM) FOR THE NEXT • HOP OF 3S£9c TTf )N now is the time to Don t>lg Your Grope ai a. Restore your Lauds br Uie use of Jar?is & Baker’s Island GKUAJNTO, This Guano is SUPERIOR to any which has ever been import-d. having produed results which have never been equalled by any other manure or PerUiiser, With ordinary 3€”a«B3 SfKJ lb« of this Guano per icre nas &c dom aiod t« U iUB E A COTTON CR P and in many instances exceeded k. The Guano may bpnpp tod to Coni or Cotton sifcv cea fully AFTERTH,. PLANTISUP Term* will be iLadewith Merchants Fo> agencies in all of the i-terior towns where they -irenor ai e&dv ahli»' ■<*<> For sale, payable *# tof the next Crop, by C. a. L LAMAR, wavaniiah, and E. BARNARD, Columbus April 2»d wlm iD RENT, s . A comfortable House, oon |h veaient to tbe business* portion I of the city. Apply to J. F. Iverson, at Aoee jt fverson> Drug Men »an!6—drf M. J. PARKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Colquitt, Miller Cos., Q a. November stb, 1360.—wti ALL T TS BRAN* Hf> wltudespatcb and elegantly done at short noti TIMES OFFTff Columbus. Nov. 87— dt> BL.ANB.S. 0 eviry leeenptioD used by Lawyers .or officers of C »trt,urinted eatly and on auperiot pater in. TIMPF OFFICE j Editor)