Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, January 04, 1864, Image 1

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Yolrnne 11. VsiSAMGE OF S( UEDII;E, MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD, 1 Superintendent’s Office, > Columbus, Dec. 3d, 1863, J ON and after Dec. 6th the Mail Train on this Road will run as follows : Leave Columbus •a •*•««•»•)(• o-e e-e 7:45, f. M. Leave Macon.6:3o, P. M. Arrive at Macon 4:18, A. M. Arrive at Columbus ...5 A. M. Faeeengers can now go through to Charleston, via SavannM, without delay, as the Mail Train on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad makes close con neuiouTjfch the Central Railroad at Savalinah. f W,L CLARK, j) cc j*oL Supt. Museogee R. R. 7 cc \tf —i Cha^S e of Schedule. . PT r;t December 6th, the Passenger 0 N on the * West Point Railroad hlaVe Montgomery a ~ 2°.30 P U West Point,. M ’ ’Arrive at Cos umbua,.. 2 . 30 A M "Isoave Columbus. ••• nO7 A TLf i m Maki'^ vlirou ß“ connections to an* from Atlanta. w r _fc,iii leaves Columbus 8,40 A, M. , “ Arrives at Columbus, „.8,00 P. M, A v ID. H. CRATI, Dffc_4 tf_ _____ _ Supt. &■ Engr^ \ Notice. MOBILE 4- GIItARD RAILROAD, ) \ Superintend* ill’s Oliice, Dec. 4, 1863. > ALL WOOD delivered on the'right way of the road after this and ite will be considered the property ot the Company, to be paid for at the advertised rate at the time if tlciiveiy. Patties wishing to ship Wood on their own account are hereby notified that it must be delivered at some one of the regular Stations on the Road, and subject to rules g verning ether freights. Dec 5 2w B. E. WELLS, Sup’t. ■ LaSw FOK HXUBn I WILL sell 610 acres level LAND in the county of Russell, convenient to Uachatltubbee Depot, 340 acie- cleared, in fine state for cultivation, with corn and iodder on the premises. For particulars c 11 on the undersignea, seven miles west oi Giennville. E. R. FLEWIiLLEN, Nov, 21, ts Bun copy. JV x>Bisrr A.I-. oma.dkx>. JoSifl Clark, !>, I>, 8 7 Professor of “Theory and Practice -h THE NEW ORLEANS DENTAL COLLEGE, CAN be found at his rooms, over Dr. Ware’s Drug Store, No. 106, Broad street, Columbus, Ga Nov 24 lm* _ __ Police. QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, / Oolumbus, Ga., ifec. 2, 1863 $ TT|TANTED TO CONTRACT FOR a large lot ot W HORSE SHOES and HOUSE SHOE NAILS. Appiy without delay. 1. W. Dl 1 LARD, Dec 4 Isv • Majoi and Q'r. TaSlow Wanted. rnALLOW AND BEESWAX wanted, for which JL l will exchange Macon Sheeting. R. B. JONES, dec 9—ts <4O, Broad St. JREUEUJATS Am r s El> FOJK IMfiODEN’S tOMMAND. H AVING bern autlioriz- and to recruit for the above . command, t am now raising a Company of M juntad Riflemen To>erve in this celebrated Corp?.„'lhis command as is weh known, possesses advantages over any ether Corps lliPt lias ever been in seivict, while the repata tion i fils CoiuniaiiUi r asa brave, skil ful and humane officer, go ranieesthat its mem. ers will always occupy themosi u notable posui ‘ii, and at the s.meiime have every comfort possible A Bounty of SSO is Given, While all the property taken from the enemy be longs to the party ctp uring. Everything is Furnished! Including Clothing, Horses, Ac,; in fact, a complete outfit for imniedi te service. Any information wanted ran be obtained by ad dressing me at Columbus, Ga , >r applying to me at Camp Montgomery, near the city, where I can al ways be found or n presented. lam recruiting thrr ug nut every part of the Corn, federate *ta e F. I*. CRUTCdFIELD, Doc 4 t COLTJSwdIBXJS ANNO UNCEMENTS, j JAB. A. BRADFORD i< a candidate for of Museogre County. Election first Wednesday ini Januatjr heat. Dec IS Me Clerk of Superior Court, We are authorised to announce the name of F. M. BROOKS as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior CTourt ot Muscogee county at the ensuing January election. Dec.ll For Tax Collector. Wo are authorised to announce T. G. Me- CR ARY, for Tax Collector of Muscogee Coun ty at the ensuing election. dec22—dte. I will say this much for T. G. McCuaey, the Can didate for Tax Collector of Mnpcogee County. He has lived in this county for 29 years, is 53 years of age; has served as Justice of the Peace in the 6th District for 13 years; has furnished six sons as volun teers in the Confederate Army; one was killed at Gettysburg; one maimed for life at Murfreesboro, and one seriously wounded at Chickamauga. He is truthful, punctual, competent, and can make any bond that may be required. A Friend. Becimber 28—Ate To the Voters of Museogee County. 1 announce myself a candidate for te election to t ofpceofTax Collector of Muscogee County. Than ful for the confidence reposed in me ia the past, 1 hope to it merit in the future. Election first Monday in January newt. JORDAN L. HOWELL. Deo 12 tde* For Tax Collector. The friends of Capt. Wm. H. H. PHELPS an nounce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Col lector of Muscogee county, it is due him to remark that he was among the first to buckle on his sword in defence of liberty and our homes and continued in the service of his country until disease drove him from the field of battle. Dec 19 id _____ _ ___ __ For Sheriff. Wc arc authoiixed to announce Col. H. R. McCOY a candidate for the office of Sheriff oi Muscogee Coun’ ty. Ho is not subje- tto conscription, <• nd his quali fications for the office are well known. MANY FRIENDS. Dec 7 tde _ For Sheriff. We ere authoiieed to announce JOHN B. WRIGHT as a candidate for Sheriff of Mu&cegee County at the en uing election in January. Mr. Wright is over conscript age, audit elected will ap point a competent ffioqeued, or uttierw ise unfitted for oeivice, soldier to act as his deputy, Dtc 4 tee . /. A * Suu an Lntpirev ee£y. For Sheriff. We are authorized to announce GEORGE W HAYNES, os a candidate for Shenfi of Muscogee County, with W. P. Sewell as hie Deputy, by selici utious of many friends. Nov 10 id H3*.We are auttiovieed to announce the name o jourr wo.* . nandidaie for re-electiou to the office of.Sheri iff of Muscogeo County at ine ensuing election ia Jauuaqr next, wtdi W. L. CHAFFIN as his Deputy* nov.-•■tc'-pA. To tie Voter* ot Muscogee County. ' I am a candidate for Treasurer of Muscogee county. I have held the office nearly two years, and no man has ever ended on me for a dollar the second time, nor hive 1 ever oftetod to die holder of a conniy or der a less„ rastfnt tUan it called for, nor did I ever employ or ask any one to do so. I am now as usual, alwayn read* to pay ady debt against the county, if ms id doe. If£o3. CHAFFIN, Sen. Nov S3 fd _ To the Voters oi* Mmscogee Couaty. Lieut. Wm. L. ROBtNSON, of the 12th Georgia Regiment, having boon disabled by wounds received at the battle af StirfpWbttrg will be supported for TAX COLLBCTOR of Muscogee Couaty, at the en suing election in Jaan&qr nett, by MANY FRIENDS. Nov *6 tfltT WM. WILLtAMSCIIU is announced as a candidate for Tax Cos iectef o t Mndcoyee County, at the ensu ! «ut election. %\ MAN 7 V«TK«S. ov If. Os tic®, Citafti of Stewart Ccamty, Gr, ire take great pleasure in annauidng the name of J. a aanf id ;te for Sheriff .at the en g elepuoo, we ftirthet sfcf that he has been m the PS of our epiintfo sihse time, and hi* health is y impaired, so aauch so that he can Hot do us \el4 service, ami we therefore urge hie claims tfeuiog eletMot. •do * IIA.NY CiTIZBNS, itKh.rieed To snaanact the name of VIN- SftiOMKSy, as a candidate tor Judge of Yeffor County, at the eiec’toa i* January 'Kod to onuance the name of SE s*Mstt*y* as a Candidate for U for Taylor Cooaty. if eleo ' eodre safory ta the Soldier’a foWJ. ILi_A_l l'■" LL J_|j» «'''‘*UWWB otic*. MMAftYEft’S OFFICE, ) fol*, «*., Dec *, 1868. i hesratg, by order ot Quar ■t to me forduty, U hereby Past Quaitermaater at this F. W. DILL ARB, sit Chief Quartermaster. ICEI iRAB RAIL ROAD, { hoe. Dec« saber Ist, l9t& > a Situ re wtl be required to reßce of their namea being kept at my ctice. No de al thb sale, <• be required from parties de rood, that the same win bo re <mr hrere after its detveryoa the «id to the pareoa whose name Aft. , J. M. DILLON, Agent. MCF3O9QBB RAILROAD, } EwraauiTßfißßNT’s Orncs, v Oommbhr, Ua., Not 80, lt»8. J Dob. it, the rates for tmasportatioa ram and to ALL potato oa this Road, bmtCrsf pntet®. W. L CLARA, Superintendent Notice UIS CM ASTER'S DEPARTMENT, I Coamabu*. Oa , Bt-c, ft 1*«8. | 1 for floods for the Army of Tennessee r oraifoMe yard of Cloth manufactured, *4ew to any one for aojr goods on any r S’. W. DILLA&O. Skyer tyod Quartermaster. Colombns, Georgia, C. S„ Monday January 4, 1864. m Ut ntnifis in mmis tiwuu, y Baedquabtexs 3*th Reg’t Ga, Yolo. ) |L Near Dalton, Ga , Dec. 17, 1863. j E, P. Dußose of Cos. K,, and Serg’t Geo. C of Cos. B.37thGa. Reg’t having been de teMror the purpose of collecting clothing, blankets, sboesfwocks and provisions for the use of their re spective companies, are now in the city for that pur pose. If those at, home desire to contribute to the comfort of father, son or brother, they will never have a better opportunity thtn the present. Contri butions will be most gratefully .received with many thanks by needy soldiers. All articles for Lieut. Al ston’s Company <K.) will be left at the store of Messrs Estes 4c fin., and those for Capt. Brad ord’s Com pany (B )at the store of Bradford 4* Boxes wi l be kept open at the above mentioned stores until die 19th inst. All packages should be plainiy marked for whom they are intended. Lieut, P. H, ALSTON, Com’dg Cos. K. Lieut, JOHN SCHNELL, dec2l—dtf Com’dg Cos. B. OFFICIAL ORDERS. Headquarters Def’t of 3. C., Ga . Fla; > Char.esion, S. C., Dec. 15, 1863, > [Special Orders, No. 273 ] Owing to the numerous details made upon the dif ferent commands in this Department, the follow -03 Ordei is published for the information of all con cerned: I. All Staff, Engineer or Line Officers, Provost Marshals, Commander i of Camp-*, Arsenals or Posts, CoiKiaciors, {superintendents ot Railroads,Manuiac iureis, or any parties whatever requiring details for any period during the coming year, will file with Headquarters on or before first January, 1864, obligations sot such details, stating the Company ad Regiment of eacijnan required, period for which the detail is needed, for what purpose the de ,ail L asked, and, if for extension, how long the in ii has already been granted. 11. All details made prior to the Ist September 1863, [except those of the Signal Corps) by any autho.ity whatsoever, except the order of the War Department are hereby revoked, to take effect the 3ist December, 1563. * * 111. District Commanders will see to the prompt re lurn to duty with their respective.,command,after 31st December, 1663, of all men detailed pitor to Ist Dec emoer, 1863. IV. Any Officer or person whatsoever, desiring the return to his Company of any detailed man or men, will signify the same in writing to these .Headquar ters. By command of Gen. Beauregard. decSt —d3t JOHN M. OTfcY, A* A. G. Wanted Immediately. Irvwo WHITE BOYS, X 4 to 6 years of age at the L Novelty Woika of A. D. Brown & Uo-. for which steady employment and good wages will L-e given, CHARLES ELLIS, Dea 23—3i* Agent, Coupons Wanted. A premium will be pai l for Coupons past duo and b coming due, on Ist January 1861, on Bonds of the Siatesof Ucorgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and North Carolina, Cities of Memphis and Savannah, also. Charleston and Memphis and South Carolina Rail ivoad companies. Apply to E, J. MOSES, at L. G, Scheusler’s. Dec 23 2t u.A»,»,uTttM Viculant Fire Guards, > Celumuuo, a., 10.0 -ju. { Appear at C ompaiy Room for .drill next Thursday the 24tn, at 3 o’clock, p. m. By order of the Captain. . A. B. PATTERSON, * Dec 23 2t ~* O S. ISOREWARD WI I.L be pa: ; d lor the recovery of a Boy ’a Saddle winch was stolen from ra\ premises in tile city, on :he night of the Btu inst. dec22—now D.B. THOMPSON. ~~JVOTICfi. Parties holding receipts approved by Maj. J.F. Wsddel for horses purchased or impressed, can re ceive piy for the «atne upon applicaiioa at this office, H. D. COTHRAN, Capt. and A. Q. M. Asst. Qr. Master’s Qfies, > Colmnbus, Ga., Dec, 7, ’63 ) Dee 7 2w; __ Shipping Notice. J MUSCOGEE RAIL Foa», ) SURERIIIfTEHDBNT’a OFFICE, > . Columbus, Dec. 22d, ’63. ) Owing to the want of sufiSc ent transportation for §frvenmentfraght, private freight will apt b? received f t depot until farther notice. .W. L. CLARK, Dee 23 if >. Supt. Wanted. • * MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD, i Superintexbeht’s Office. > Columbus. Dec. 22d ’BB. | WANTED to hir« fo r the ensuing year (1864) twenty-five tile Mud Negroes to work on the Muscogee Railroad. Apply to W. L. CLARK, Suit. . / or a. b. Bostick. Dee 23.1 m Confederate Bonds. Holders of my Certificates for all Bonds (ineiuding Cotton Interest Bonds) are notified that the Bonds are ready for delivery at aiy office. W H YOUNG, Dec 7 2w C. S. Depository. NOTICE. PERSONS having articles in our building undergo ing rtpaiis or on storage, will,make arrangements for their immediate, removal, R W. A S. R. JAQUES. Columbus, Ga , Dee 22d, ’6B lsv* FINE PIANO. IN good order and fine tone for sale. Apply to decS2 w4t QUINN < GRAY. PIVAO FORTES TUNED AND REP AI RED in the best style of the an bv PROFESSOR LOOMIS. No. 108 Broad street. Refer to J P Whiter M P Eifisar.dd N decemberSt w4t LOOK OUT BOYS! Here’s Another Chance! TETEhavs received authority to raise a Coaa f V pany for najor T. B. Howard’s Battalion of Non-Conscripts tubs stationed at COLUMBUB, GA, FOR THE WAR We invite at! vnung men ' etween the sees af 15 and 18 to join us. We shall have eomiortaoie quar ters and will receive the same pay, clothing, fe , (hat the regul =r Confederate troops receive. Tne duty is light and p'easant. Al. w sbing to join us will repott to Aeee A Col liei’s Drug Store, or to Maj T. B. Howard, or to Camp Humphrey’s, near Qolombus. For mrther In formation apply to J. B COLLIER, Capt. JOHN S. At EE !st Lieut. :d dec2l- d2u. L. DOZIER, B.’v. 2d To tke t rieadfi and Eelaiive* of Com pany “K”; 37th Ga., R*y. Tne under.-igned will be the bearer ot a Bex nr Boxfs to (he above named Company, These that wish to contribute Blankets, Mocks aad Clothing, of any kind wilt please bring them forward to A. Simp son's Store, on Front street, by the 4th in January. WILLIAM SIMPSON. •to SB-t Wood Yard For the Poor. D. L. BOOHER, Manager, W. H. Hughes. leads. W. W. Gan\<rd. ..........50 •* G. DeLauney, Pollar'and others, train load wood/ Mobile ;& Girard R. R, freight,on the above. J. C. Maund, Geneva, fifty cords wood.j M. J. Wellborn, two car loads wood. J. L. Cheney, 5 wagon loads wood. Rev. Benj.Clatk, 2 wagon loads wood, Asa Lynch,? car loads. J. B. Hill, 5 car loads. Early Hurt, $250 00, P. Ingram, 4 loads of wood . N. J. Bussey, S2OO. A Gamrael, 5 loads wood, J. Gammel, 5 loads woods. F. B. Nance, 4 loads. A. E. Faber, S2O. W. A. Bedell, $250. Eagle Manufacturing Company, 100 cords wood. James Kiviiin, SSO. Dr. M. Woodruff, S2OO. F. W. Dillard, $50.. Jefferson & Hamilton, SIOO. H. Fhhacker, 2 loads woods. S. B. Freeman, 1 car load, Capt. McAlister, S2OO, cash. Friend trom Lumpkin, $2. James Cook, Slot). Roihchild at Bro. SSO, Wm Brooks, 5 loads wood, G. W, Jones 5 cords, G. E. Thomas, 6 loads, uongicgaiicii Brtnei uiiurcn, C. C. Willis, 41 loads H. id, Eppiog, SIOO John Grant. 25 loads wood Sammis. Roonv &. Cos, SSO, Col. Bobt Myers, S2O, Col. B C. Freeman, Kefugee from Ky., S2OO, Charis Dean 4 loads wood, T. H. Austin, s>u. James ( ouier, 1 carload, Rev. K Ames, four loads delivered at Columbus; J Downer six do do do • Dean, four do do do J Cart edge, four 'do do do B Linch, four do put on Muacogee RR J Jenkins, four do do do Pfn eton, five do do do Capt B Heard ten do do do MrMagmder, four do do do A J Odum, ten do do do C C Willis, five do do do Making in all sixty loads. L, G. Bowers, $!0O tor wood. Friend, S4OO for wood. D. 11. Fowler, SIOO, Geo. Mooney, SIOO, Samuel J. Whiteside, SIOO, Geo. J. Golden, $25, Geo. W. Brown. 825, W, R. Brown, *2OO, Jno. McGluency, one car load wood, .delivered at M. R. R. T. P. Spear One Hundred Dollars. 8. 11. Hill, 2 loads, CONTRIBUTIONS For supplying the indigent families of GIRARD w th wood. Mr Wm Lowther, 4 loads wood ; Mr Drayton Nance, 2 loads wood ; DrJH Carriger, 4 “ * “ Mrs U Lewis, 2 “ “ Wm Dudley, 1 “ * f Mr C C McGehee. $lO in money ; Mr Geo Golden, $25 in money. I hope others will emulate the' praiseworthy example set by those eenerous contributors, and thereby aid in relieving the great suffering of the many n«*!iy of th« plam. slams friends, qo and do likewise. W. W. ROBINSON. Supposed Murdered or Drowned. On yesterday morning (Dec. 27) a young man by the name of Wm ELH J , entered the Barbor Shop, had his moustache shaved off aud his boots blacked, and has not been seen nor heard from since. He had some money and .it is supposed that he was eiiher murden and ordrowned- Any information concerning the above young man will be thankfully received and give great relief to his relatives. W, J. WARDLAW, or at tho Times Office, Dec 50—2 t LOST A LADIES’ GOLD CAMEO BREAST PIN. Sup*. posed to h«ve t een lost on or near Forsyth street. The finder will please leave it at dec iO 3t THIS OFFICE, Wanted TO HIRE, an intelligent NEGRO BOY, 12 or 18 years old. Apply tJ R C. FLOYD, dec SO 8t at the Times Office. Wanted. \ COMPETENT MaN without a family to attend I JAto* the Warehouse of J. R.lvey A Vo. Apply to J.R. IVEY. dee 80 lw FOR SALE A No. I HOUSE and BODY SERVANT, age 25 years. Apply to J. R, IVEY, decM) Iff ONE THOUSAND NEGROES Wanted for the War. C. 8. ENGINEER’S OFFICE. Savannah, Ga., Dec 28th. 1663. IN order to furnish a permanent laboring force for the defences of Savannah, and to obviate as far as possible the necessity of impressment, the undersigned has received authority from the Secretary of War to hire one thousand negroes tor the war, and it is de sired to collect this force without delav. The term, are liberal, and it is believed will be sat isfactory to the owners. For particulars, application must bs made ta this office. Papers throughout the State will please copy and send bili«, w tb copies cfadvertisemeut, to this office. JOHN McCRaDY, Captain and Chief Engineer, dec 30 ~7t State if Georgia. TO PRIMRs! I am prepared to turaiih a superior arti cle of made of the BfciSST OF COMPOSITION, if MOULDS and STOCKS are sent me and ship them neatly and •afeiy acked. Or I can furnish COMPOSITIO 3ST m quantities which only requires to be Melted and Feared, to insure good ROLLERS. All bills are cash oo delivery here, unless ship (ted by Express, then C. O. D. J. ZORKOWSKI. Nov 18 Im Stakiioifai ii the 6a,, lap, k Exp., ftspuj ARE, by order of the Directors, required on and immediately after the 4.h of January next te re turn to the Secretary Cotton Stock Certificates and receive in their stead monied Stock Ce tificates ; and also receive the receipts fur cotton turn and over by them respectively to the Company. After the date above named the dtff-rent lots (f cotton will be at the risk of thd respective Siockh dters who turned them over to the Company. Office over 109 Broad street M L. PATTERSON, dec 80 IQt Secretary. Webster’s Spelling; Books. WB sre publishing an edition of WBBST&R’t SPELLING SCOS Put up with Pasteboard Coven, and for sale to the trade on reaeembk- terns Address W. G McKINNB ' CO. Coiuabee, Os- KovOl* EVENING EDITION. RXCBIPTR, Tkt rutptton of tho Tutus, when ordered dy nunl,miU bs our receipt tor tho money ; etpecuU ly to those tub ter tiers for a loss time them * ystsr. Whon subscribers roeoioe the fsspor with this formgroph mmrhed, they will understand it eu in forming thorn thsU their subscription u about to •*pire,and that the paper will sertminly be stov pod unless thee metis a -emUtancs —’"•wliiimaw- i r-r 1 .WTO.e-jßir-w.».wi -.wn.—. A Freshet. The Augusta Constitutionalist says the heavy rains of Wednesday night and Thursday produ. ced a set ere freshet on the Savannah river.— During Friday the river continued rise in such a manner as to cause serious apprehensions of our city being .inundated. Fortunately, the river, after rising to thirty-four feet three inches, began to fall slowly this morning, and is still going down. The whole of the fourth ward, with the excopo tion of Dublin, and the rear of the city as far as Calhoun street, were oovered with water. Par* ties having goods stored in cellars had them re moved, but the loss to property, we are happy to say, is not material. In consequunoa of some damage'to one of the culverts on the South Carolina Road, a short distance from the bridge, the trains have not been able to reach the city. The streets of Hamburg were completely sub merged, and the oitizens were obliged to vacate the lower portions of their dwellings. The freshet of Friday has been the severest since that 0f1552. Cotton PnAHTiso in Florida. —Tho Lagis. lature of Florida passed an act to punish all per sons planting and cultivating in the State of Florida over a certain quantity of land in cotton and tobacco daring the continuance of the pres ent war. This act limits the amount of cotton that may be planted to one acre to the hand, and one quarter of an acre of tobacco. The penalty for violation of the law is one thousand dollars for every acre over the amount limited. The aot provides for the practical enforcement of this limitation. Lincoln's Message Denounced at the North. The New York Metropolitan Rsoord pitches into Lincoln’s message with all the zeal of a Southern paper. Here are are some of the points it makes upon that remarkable docu ments. The number of slaves who are now in the military service is, it appears, one hundred thousand, and of these “about one-half bear arms in tne raufcs”; nut we are not told how many of the helpiafts class have been taken from under the care and protection of their former owners, and how much the laboring classes of the North are taxed for their support. In this wa are informed, and we trust the white soldiers will bear it in mind, that “it is difficult to say they (the negroes) are not as good soldiers as any.” There, what do you think of that, ye War Democrats, who wero in favor of fighting this fight oat tor the restoration of the Union 1 What do you think of being told that the black sol dier is just as good as the white, for this is the amount of the President's statement? Waat next ? To what extent will the President's gen erosity toward the black race go? iShall we look*hmong them for hss successor ? What pre vents him from raising Frederick DougUaa to the dignity of Cabinet Minister? Pernaps, if he were tested, it “would," to paraphrase the language ot Mr. Liucoln, “be difficult to say that he would not make as good a Secretary of State, or of the Treasury, or of War, as any." The cool effrontery with which recent outrages upon the elective franchise are referred to can hardly fail to arouse the most unpleasant feel ings. When we remember through what frau s and, trickery, tbrongh what military terrorism and ohicanery, many of the Administration can didates were eleoted, we might well stand aghast at the depravity and utter disregard of truth which must character ze the mind that can de liberately point to the late elections as an en dorsement, by the people, of the infamous policy which dominates the country. But thid matter is so painfully familiar to the public that they will themselves -find an .answer to the menda cious statements so unblushiagly pot forth. But there, is, perhaps, nothing in the doca that is marked by more brazen audacity than iic manner in wmen nc refill !° the par doning power with whiuu hs claims to stitutionally inves ed. It is the despot's claim; it is pat forth in the spirit of a man who is so used to the exercise of arbitrary powei that he acts and speaks upon the presumption than he is addressing a nation of slaves. He who en tered upon the duties of his offices “with bated breath and whispering humbleness”—he, the fourth or fifth rate lawyer—and if there was a lower rate than that he might find place nader it—he, the back politician of a sectional, facuoits party, pretends to tell the freemen of this country that he will pardon them if ibsy bind themselves by an oath that no American citizen could take without thereby ignoring his own manhood and sinking himself to the lowest level of political de gradation and debasement. If this power which Mr. Lincoln claims, and which he now proposes to exercise, be allowed, then we may be constrained at any time to sub mit to every measure he may deem fit to iuaug*a rate, Let us look at .the matter a little closer, Mr. Vallandigham and his fellow exiler, or in fact, any man who, in Maryland, Missouri, Dele ware, or any of the States more completely un der the control of the Washington despotism, who has rendered himself ebuoxious to tho Ad ministration, who, to use ibe stereotype phrase of the tyrant's tools and minions, is a “traitor.' ’ can procure a pardon for his offense from His Gracious Majesty Abraham tho First upon tak - ingan oath “to faithfully support ell acts of Con gress pasted during the existing rebellion with reference to slavery," fee., Sic., and who will also ‘ abide by and failhtadj support all procla mation of the President, made during the exist ing rebellion, having reference to slaves, id long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision of the Supreme Court." Take eare, all ye who have the manhood to denounce this usurpation, this foul conspiracy against popu lar fpsedom, this stupeuduou? crime against the principles and purposes of the Revolution, this crowning iniquity of a despotic and insolent pow er—take eare how you place yourselves within its clutches, for if you desire to be released there from yao can only obtain you- release by an act of self-degradation eo vile, by an aet of de basement so low, that yon cannot be guilty of it without placing yourself on a'level with the great erin inal who now ooeupies the Presiden tial ohair. Chablestoh. — AH the signs iodioaie that the enemy design making their last attempt against Charleston by way of James Ulead, and that a movemant in that direction will take pia&e at an early day. To this rad facavj- batteries are be ing erected at points that will command the landings on the island, end they hope to get a foot hold under the cover of their guns. Oaee on this side, they will dig as Yankeee caly can dig, and thus attempt, by regular approaches, aa at Vicksburg and on Mrrns Island, to werk thetr way cveatuaiiy to the north end, where their guns w uld have complete command of the city, and at the same time enable them te assail out batteries in the rear. gaeh is no doubt the programme for the future —we shall tee how it works out—[Savannah Republican. For Three Months, $8 (Correspondence of the Mercury.) Richmond, Monday, Dec. 28. The Alexandra Decision—lntimations of a Yankee Winter Campaign on the South Caroline Coast—Averill Brags— No News in Congress—Silence of the Press—Exchange of Prisoners, etc , It is remarked that late advices from En* gland, contained in the Yankee papers which reached here yesterday morning, say nothing of the decision in the Alexandra case. This decision was to have been rens dered on the 7th instant, and as the Nora them dates are to the 24th, with foreiga advices to the 12th, it is plain that “some* thing is out” The Yankees say plainly that, while Meade must remain in enforced idleness, active operations will be carried on else where; but I do not learn that the Adminis tration is alive to the fact that this “else wheie” is, in all probability, the coast be tween your city and Savannah. It is not for the want of warning that the authorities are so complacent in regard to winter op erations in South Carolina, and so tardy and apparently reluctant to make the prop er dispositions to repulse the all-conquering Grant, advancing from Beaufort Island and other adjacent points simultaneously.— Perhaps something may bo done before it is too late.^ Averill* brags loudly over his raid, an* well he may, although he suffered greater loss than he admitted. Oar papers are full of letters, one ot them very humorous and sarcastic, in regard to this affair. It eeera* great preparations were made to entrap Averill, but luck was against us. Is it not always so in departments commanded by officers promoted, not for merit, but from favoritism ? After a pleasant enough Christmas and a cold 6nap which has ended in a contin uous warm rain. Congress met to-day.' I regret to hear people again complaining of a want of nerve in their representatives. Neither in the House nor in the Senate d* they find a leader. In the beginning of the session there was a show of firmness, but day by day an innate weakness and lack ot moral courage becomes more apparent. If a parry consisting of such men as Ham mond, Rhett, Toombs and Rives could have been brought together, we might hav* hoped for belter things. But the peopl* would not have these men, and the old trees continue to bear the old fruits. The silence of the press in regard to Mr. Seddon’s letter, touching the affair of Quartermaster General Myers, it quite re markable. So, also, its silence in regard to the appointment of Johnston in place of Bragg. Does it follow that the editor* have no opinion on these important maU ters ? The letter of Mr Seddon has given great pain, shame and alarm to Virginians. Judge Ouid told an acquaintance of mine yesterday, that a general exchange bad been effected—at feast this acquain tance so understood him. But to-day’* papers contain conflicting statements. Th* Yankees want us to refuse to treat with Butler. But end as the matter may, th* simple South will surely be tricked. Ses that down. HERMES. Murder. —Circumstances lead to the be lief that a toul murder hats been committed in our neighborhood. A letter, to Mayor Goodwyn states that two ladies from Abba* ville visited Columbia last week, that ons of them returned alone; that there were strange suspicions, which caused herarresfg that she then stated that her companion had been accidentally burnt to death, etc* A.n investigatiou has discovered the body*. a nd at our last accounts a coroner’s jure was in session on the case.—[Columbia Carolinian. POSER&L NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. William Lowiher, are requested to attend the fnneraf of thoir daughter, Mihnie, to-morrow (Wednesday evening at one o’eseck, from their residence in Btife sell county. Friend* in the city will meet the remain* at m Cemetery at the hour of 3 o’clock. _ MUSCOGEE SHERIFFSALi. WILL be sold bes ore the Court House door in tfcfc city of Columbus in said county of on ihe first Tuesday iu February next,. etwee n tril legal hours of sale the fallowing p opertv, to-wit: Fifty Share of the Capital Stoek of the Florida Hone Insurance Company and an interest of iw* thirtieths in tt.e Steamer Marianna, levied on as ths property of Charles Pratt. Also twenty-five Shares of he Capital •'tock of t e Georgia Home I nan ranee Company, and a negro w< man lave n.ined Polly ny a dark c«»mp exion, about twenty-five years of age, said 2a Shares ana said negro levied on as the prop* erty if Daniel K. Dodge. The wlnle of the abovß property levied on to satisfy a fl ft. issued irom the -uperior Court of Muscogee County, in lavor of AJ* kins k. Dunham vs PraiUf McKeceie. JOHN LIQON, , , „ shetlfi Columbus, Ga , Janaary sth, 1304. td HEADQUARTERS 3*" SECOND DISTBICT Gk. STATE GU \BD. > Savannah, December JO, 1863. f General Osdeks, No. 6 i. Ofiictra eoinma-iding Regiments and Battalions comprised in the 8 cond District, Georgia Stal£ Guard, will lorthwith rendezvous their respective coz«v mands at points most convenient for railroad trans portation to this point. 11. They will report to these Headquarters thfc imes and places of rendezvous and the number * men for whom they require transportation. HI The horses belonging to cavalry o< gaiuxstiofl* will bo left in their present localises until (urth«£ orders. By eoromisd of Brig. Gen. H. R. JACKSON, Cou.d’g Second District G. 8. Q. H, Jackson, Capt. and A. A. G. HEADQL • RTBRS DEP’T. ) or S. C 'Ja., and Flobida, J Charles to .8. c . Dec.»«, 1963. J [GENERAL ORDERS, No 137.) So much of General Oru> re No. 196, Current ey ries ftom those Headquarters as proHbHi the adt mission of Soldiers into Uo-pitaia without Deer rig* live Lata ir intended te apply on y to troops belong ing to oommands in the Department oi South Vmzm linn, Georgia and Florida. By command cf Gen. Bnalkeoaab, (Signed) THOMAS JORDAN, Chief of Staff Official: Jno. M. Orar, Assistant Adjutant Genera., Jan-2 it C. 8 Marshal sale, - WILL he sold on the flrat Tuesday in Pehmarp next, between the usq.l hours of see, hefo.* the Court House in Muscogee < ouaty. a fine four wheel carriage levied <>n to satisfy twenty-ait 8 .an vs Beall Sr Marshy, ao« & ta vs A A Beall and oat fi ta v* K A Murphy. g.rittah ?>-s ia f-troi of tho Can federate Kiste, of Ame tc « for due oa debt to siwf.n enemies to the 3>h August, Ml PHILIP A CLAYTON, C. and. Marshal. C’ituntoM, Dee. I*4. *4