Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1864, January 07, 1864, Image 1

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Volume XL CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD, ) * Superintendent’s Office, > Columbus, Dec. 3d, 1863,) ON and after Dec 6th the Mail Train on this Road will run as folldws : Leave Columbus 7:45, P. M. Leave Macon...,. ....6:30, P. M., Arrive at Macon 4:18, A. M. Arrive at C Gumbos 3 A. M. Passengers can now co through to Charleston, via Pavatmah, without delay,as the Mail Train on the Chariest ni and Savannah Railroad makes close con ne tlon with the Central Railroad at W, L. CLARK, Supt. Museogac R. R. Dec 4 ts ' ' Change of Schedule. i N AND AFTER December fith, the Passenger \J 1 rain on the Montgomery # Wes Point Eaihc and will Leave Mortgoiuery at ...• •«.»*«»«. 10.30 A M / “ West Point, .... .. . .3,30 P. M. Arrive at Cos nimbus, ..,.7,10 P M Leave Columbus,.■ 230 A M Arrive at Montgomery. ...11.37 A M “ •• Wi st Point 7,50 A M ■ M'kingthr >ns tcom ectionsto an front All-mta. Fo-if»ht leave; C .lumbts.... .....8,40 \, M. *•« a. Colu.r bus, .8,00 M, I). H CR M, Dec 4tf _ du(>t A Rngr, ISTotice. MOBILE 4- GIRARD RAILROAD, ) Superintendent’* Office, Dee. 4, D63. ) ALL WOOD delivered onffie righ’ way of the road after this date* will be considered the property of the Company, to be paid for at the advertised rate at the time « f ‘‘ehveiy. Parties wishing to ship Wood on their own account are hereby notified that it must be delivered at some oneof the regular Stations on the Road, and subject to ru'c g verning other freights Dec 52w BE. vELLS, Sup’t. " LAND FOR SALE. IW ILL sell b4O acres level LAND in the county of '.:u .jtll, convenient to Haehachußbee Depot, 340 acres cleared, in fine state for cultivation, with corn and fodder on the premises. For particulars call on the undersigned, seven miles west o! Glennviile. E. R. FUEWBLLEN, Nov. 31, ts Sup copy DENTAL C.A EL ID. John Eiasck, !>, U>, ’ Professor of s ‘Tlieory and Practice” in the Sew Orleans dfntal college, CAN be found at his rooms, over Dr. Ware’s Drug Store, No. 106, Broad.street, Columbus, Ga Nov 2a lm* Hotfce. QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, > Oolumbus, Ga., Dec. *2, 1863. J WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR a large lot of AXES, HORSE SHOES and HO t.SE SHOE NAILS. Apply without delay. F W DILLARD, Dec 4 4vv Mapr and Q'r. Tallow Wanted. fT*ALLOW AND BEESWAX wanted, for which A 1 will exchange Macon Sheeting. It. B. JONES, dec 9—if 149, Broad St. RECRUITS iVAiNTEtt iron IMBODEN’S COMMAND. HAVING been authorized to recruit for the above command, 1 am now raising a Company of Mounted Riflemen To serve in this celebrated This command as is well known, possesscsadv?>nt"ges over any ether Corps that tia-i ever been in service, white trie reputa tion ' fits Com nand' r as a brave, sail fui unci humane officer, guarantees that its mem eis will always occupy the mosi honorable posuim and at Uie seme time have every comfort possible A Bounty of SSO is Given, While all the property ticker, from the enemy be longs to the party capturing. Everything U Furnished! Including Clothing, Horses, &c.; -n fact, a cotnp'ete outfit for ini mediate service Any information wanted ran be obtained by ad dressing me at Columbus, Gi, r ap ; * yi“g to me a Camp M ntcomery, near the city, where 1 can al ways be found or represented. 1 am recruiting thr. ugh; ut every part of the Con feheraie States, F. P. CRUTGiiFiBLD, Dm: 4 ti aOX J XJ3VIj3TJ3 ‘ MEISG ESTABLISHMENT! Fr»HE SUBSCRIBERS having perfected theirar -1 riK'gemeots, are now prepared to u j all kinds of DYING iu Siiik, Wool and Cotton*. l)y«- Mouse on sonth-west corner of Bridge and Oglethorpe sireets. > »r<l» i s e-. at tin’ office ot the Sou:he n Express will meet with prompt attention Parlies irom the country can send any tirtide by Ex press. Address ' OIGIIT & HII L Nov Iff 3m. : NO r nOE. I HEREBY’ forewarn nil against trading for a N 'TE given by CoJ e A 8.-twe and myself to Timm is J. Nuckols. ■ f Columbus, Ga. -or I think, about Six Thousand Dollars. I have had ihe money deposited in .Bank at Columbus tor a; out five months past to pay said eo'e, but h.s has refused end •still re'ttses to talus Confederate notes for if and 1 am determined not to pay it in any "‘her kind of money. agent for 0. A, BATTLE. Tuskei'i-e, Ala. Nov. ?5 ; 'voN. N0v,28 3iv dun copy 3w and send hill c me LAW AND COIJ KOTION OiFi i K. IVT. T. HUGHES. Attomoj at Law &ud Nutery, RICEVTOXD, VA. ■ " .-..ii; »1 every description against tba (.'■-•luederate Stales settled with ac'ctuacy -.1 d-spat-h Legal hi. o .ll receive ’'i-‘ • f augl2 Jy wanted A Ito keep house mi a p?iv:ve family, Unques tionable references e to cum c-. ♦ required. Apply No 'M W. KING, it ;■ I: litur.a We rehouse, Dec nf _ _«on, House and Lot ia alsyfcoii, Alabaais, 1< *FFERmy residence -n Clayton, AU., 1/-r sale.— i: is.a very fine. Swiss Collage and coirams 1! commodious rooms. T. e:ei 50 acres of wood land attached. I will also sell w»tb toe h-mse 1000 bushels corn ct-tVI 00 per bushel Dec 18 1m JOHN ii 511: LUII 25 Gents per Pound for P*g3, FROM this'date until Vrher notes we will pay S5 cents per point.) to. clean < ouon ands men RAGB!. J. F. WIN TER. j Dec 17 ini i’res. R. I. P* Miils Co- j .j A VALUABLE BOOS ow rsr„ TELEGRAPHIC REPORCS OP THE PRESS ASSOCIATION, ! IN MONTHLY PARTS, and . CONVENIENT FOR BINDING. VOLUME I—AUGUST —DECEMBER, 1863. . . PRICE FIVE DOLLARS- ! FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. ADDRESS J. Sc THHASHER, SVPXBIKTXRDKRT P*B6S AsSOCIATtOK, t 8 ts ATLANTA, 9A ANNOUNCEMENTS^ y y,. - -Wt- ■ JAS. A. BRADFORD i« * candidate for Treasurer ot Muacogre County. Election first Wednesday in Januaty ned. Dee 16 Ue Clerk of Superior Court, We a: a authorized to announce the name of F. M. BROOK 1 a* a candidate for re- election to the office of Ca-rk of thr Superior Court or Muscogee county at the emaing January election Dec 11 For Tax Collector. We art authorized to announce T. Gv Me- CRARTf, for Tax Coilec orof Muscogee Coun : ty at the ensuing election dec22—dee. I will say this much for T. G. McObahv, the Ccn did-rte for Tax Collector of Muscogee County. He has lived ir. this county lor 9 years, is 53 years of age; has served as Jus ice of Lie Peria in the Sth District for 13 years; l as furnished six song ss volun teers in the Confederate Army; or e wis killed at G;tiysburg; one maimed for. . r c ai and 1 ope serious y wounded at Cbickamauga. He is truthfol, punctual, competent, aid can u ake any bond that may be required. A Friend. hw ro.ier 88—dte To the Voters of Muscogee County. 1 announce myself a candidate for te election to t office of Tax Colloctoi of Muscogee County. Than ful for the confidence reposed in me in the past, 1 hope to it merit an the tuture. Election first Mondry in January next. JORDAN L HOWELL. Deals trte* For Tax Collector. The friend* #f Capt. Win. H. H. PHELPS an nounce him as a candidate for the office of Tax Col lector of county. It is due him to remark that he w&? among the first to buckle on his sword in defence of liberty and our homes aad continued m the service of ills country until disease drove him if om the field of battle. Dec 18 :.K For Sheriff, We ate astth-niged to announce Col. IT. R. McCOY a candidate for the > ffice o( Sher (Tor Muscogee Counj ty. He is not to conscription, End his quali fications for ffte irtHue are well known. MANY FRIENDS. Dec T fde For Sheriff, We are authorized to announce JOHN B. WRIGHT tut a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee County at the ensuing election in Jaa&ary. Mr. Wiight in over conscript age, and if elected will ap point a competent wounded, or other He unfitted for service, soldier to act as ki» deputy, Dec 4 tee Suu au LtiqftpHref ccgig S?*r Sheriff. We are msfitorawd to anneutce GEORGE W HAYNES, ah a oandidMo for SMerif of Muscogee County, with W. P. Sewell a# km Deputy, by solici ts uons of fttmft*. Nov if) td in?- w„ m <*i»4»ofhMid to announce the name o JOHN LIGOfv , as a candidate (or rc-cfootiww to office of BherfiM of Mmscogeo County nt the ensuing election ia Jimwujr next, with W, L. CHAFHN as his Uepttff' nov. 9-44441 l To the VtWrft *1 Miscegee Gemntj. 1 am a cattdidote fog Treasurer of Muscogee county. 1 have held mo oslqs_«eafly two years, and no man Ihs ever calkfil on cue tor a dollar the second time, nor have 1 ever offeied to the holder of a county or der a leas ..UUMUii ti.»a it called for, nor did I ever employ ot ask al*y o*e floe t<r do ao. I am now as usual, t'lw&yp teaug w» pay debt tgaipsi. the county, ii ray D dtee. TOt>*S. CHAFFIN, Beu, Nov v3 td ?o th.© Voters of Muscogee Ccxnty. Lieut Wi.L. ROBWBtM, of the lfith Georgia Regiment, having been disabled by Wound* received at trie battle of l-jharjirfhurg wtl. oe supported for TAX COLLECT: ill oi Muscogee County, at the en suing election in JaHuuy ncsr, by MAN? j llßKitf Nov 55 wie WM. WILLIAMSON ia aH«caased u a candidate lor Tax Cos lector Muscogee fibuttfy, at ihe eneu ing elec/i'.a. bf MAN ¥ VOTERS. Nov IT. id« Notice, Citizens cf Stewart t-onaty, Ba, We take great pleasure hi announcing the name of W, J. OHESTMfT, a candid te tor Sherif* at she en suing election, we further say ifcat be has hoe* ut the service of our < \ uttny acute line, and his health is entire y impaired,so much so that he cannot «o us much field service, and we therefore urge h ; 9 claims in the ensuing eiectic»* k Dec 14 .do MANY CITIZENS, YVu „r.. auihoiMed to anaounc- the asms of VIN CENT b ; ONTuOMtR¥, as a cauui.-ate far Judge of ■ -rtUtixrv if fl»r Couarjr, cttA ; lec i»» in January next, Nov 18 idv We are aurhorifted to asao ace ihe name of SB BRON MONTGMMIi.K¥* as a candidate for TAX COl LECtkift fer-Tsyler Coanty. if elec :-•••« he give bis satire a.i ary to '.he atoidier’s families of Taylst Coswty. Nov 18 Urt Notice. iB MITBIt’d ASTEii’S OFFICE, ) Oulu u.bus, Qa,, Dec t, 1668 > Mr.j JOHN DAVIS having, by order ol ftuar te> master General, rep. Tied to me fordmy, : hereby ; s.-.igveu ■» thepssitioa *f Post Gusiieimaster at this Post. F. VF. DILLARD fttajor end Chief Guar*erm*ster. l>.ic 3 9w KTOTICE I * MOBILE fc GUURAD HAIL KG AD. / AgeuUs Office December Is:,lSfS. j Part es desiring wood in future will be required lo pav lo: .he same in advance of their naniss being entered ou the wood list kept at my office. No do-; viatica will be made from this tale* A guarantee wi t u!s <be required from pi flies de sni-'g single lo *<fs of wood, that the same will be re moved within twenty fiur fwttrs after its delivery on the yard, else ii will be sold to the p r?>* whose name appears urxl on the list. J M DILLON, Dec 4 *w Agost. Pun copy MU*O«GEH RAILROAD, ) PIJPBBtICTCMiiEStT’S IVFICK, > Oofumims, Gd., N v 3#. 1863. ) On and afie. Bee. Pae rates or *t'-R3ji&ti&tinn of o< -TTON from and to ALL prints an Rasd, will be SI per hundred pi#*is W. L CLARK, Dec I— >■ Supcfiatesdc*? GD AKY4BHHABTE«.*9 »EPARTHENT,» COHJBhS*. «a. »ec, t«. 18« t. { Tte demand f®r Good* tof the Army *f Tenressre requirifU; every avaifcideyuiefttatfc b»*»Q fiactu red, I ca< not g vp orders to any «ae tor *«y gaato an arty Factory herettiCr P. W. INAiKP, Dec 12 «t »*|af and flluartcmastdf. Colombns, Georgia, C. Thrusday January 7, 1864. w ti. ruins ui uunns «r ers i, 1 1, k Dabdqcabtbbs 37th Reo’t G*. Vols. ) Near Dalton Ga,Dec. 17, 1863. £ &rg’t B, P. Dußose of Cos. K„ and Serg’t Qeo. G MeGehee of Cos. B. 37th Ga. Reg’t having been de tailed for the purpose of collecting clothing, blankets, shoes, Bocks and provisions for the use of their re spective companies, are now in the city for that pur pose. If those at Inine desire to contribute to the eomfjitof fat Me r, son or brother, they will never have abe tter opportunity than the present. Contri butions will be most gratefully received with many thanks by needy soldiers. All articles for Lieut. Al ston’s Company K.) will be left at the store of Messrs Estes & Br-)., and those for Capt. Brad'ord’s Com pany (B )at the store of Bradford' £ w. Boxes wifi be kept •pen at the above mentioned stores until the ;'9th inst A 1 packages should be plaioty marked for whom tin y are intended. Lieut. P. H.A.LwTON, Com’dg Cos. K. Lieut, JOHN SCHKELL, deeSl— Jtf Com’dg Cos. B. OFFICIAL ORDERS. « Headqu htebs Dep’t of si. C.. Ga. &. Fla. ) Ch restoii Ss. (!,, Dec. 15, 1803, ) [Special Ordi rs, No. 873 ] Owing to tn< numerous details mad : upon the dif fcWlit COllllua darn thi» Oepartmfiit, the ing Order is published for he information of all con es rued: I. Ail Staff, Engineer or Line Officeis, Provost Marshals, C jnmandir : of Camps, Arsenals or Pests, Contractors, Superintendents ot Railroads, Manufac turers, or any par Lea uhAtever requiring details for any period during .he coating year, will file with these Headquarters on or before first January, 1864, applications for such details, stating the Company aid Regimeut of eac» man required, period for which tne detail is needed", for what purpose the de tail is asked, and, if for extension, how long the dejj tail has already b< en granted. 11. All details made prior to the Ist September 1863, (except tuose of UioSignal Corps) by any authority whatsoever, except the order of the War Department Are hereby revoked, to tako effect the 31st December, 1863. 111. District Commanders will tee to the prompt re turn to duty with their respective after 31st December, 1863, of all men detailed prior to Ist Dee ember, 1863. IV. Any Officer or person whatsoever, desiring the return to his Company of any detailed man or men, will signify the same in writing to these .Headquar ters. By command of Gen. Beauregard. decSt—d3t JOHN M. OTIiY, A- A. G. Wanted Immediately. r‘B <WO WHITE IsOYrf, 14 to 6 years of age at the A Novelty Works of A. D. Brown & Co-, for which bteady employment and good wages wili tie given, CHAULEB ELLIB, Dec >3—3t* Agent, Coupons Wanted. A premium wili be paid for Coupons past due and becoming due, on Ist January 1:61, on Bonds of the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and North Carolina, Cities of Memphis and .Savannah, also. Charleston and Memphis and South Carolina Rail uoad i ompames. ApuJy to E J. MOBEB, at L. G. Scheusler’a. Dec 53 St liEABQCAttTEES VIOILANT FIRE Ijladm, > Columbus, Ga , Dec. v3. ) Appear at f’ompary Room for drill next Thursday the 84t:t, at 3 e’clock, p. m. By order of the t aptaia, A. £. PaTTERisON, Dec 23 2t O and. $oO REWARD WI! L be paid or the recovery of a Boy’s Saddle winch was stolen from m» prent ses u: the «ity, in ihe of the Btn iust, dec9B—new 1). B. THOMPSON. motive. Parties heidin-g receipts approved by o uj. J. F. Waddel for horses purchased or impressed, can re eeive pay for me • ame upon applicaiioa at this office, H. D. COTHRAN., Capt, and A. Q. M. AsH. Qe Jf&aler’s Ojjitc. I Cthnmbus, G&.. Dec. 7, ’O3 ( Dec 7 2w. Shipping Notice. MUSCOGEE RAIL fois, ) L’PEfIIVTENDBXT’S OFFICE, > Columbus, Dec. 22d, ’63. J I Owing to the * ant of suffice ut transportation for (iwicriiment private f eigh : will *ot kfi received at this depot until further noth e W. L. CLARK, Dec-S't Supt. Wanted, MC»or GEE RAIL ROAD, )* ?ursatNTENDEMT’s Office. > Columbus, Dec. 2id ’63. ) WANTED to biie for the ensui ig yarr (* gft4) twenty-five nble bodied Negroes to work on the Muscogeb Raimoad. Apply to W. L. CLARK. Su >t. or A. B. BOSTICK. Dec S3 J in Confederate Bonds, Holders of uiy Certificates for all Bonds fine uding Cotton Interest Bands) ara notified »bat she Bonds are rasdy for r'e ivary si icy office. YV H YOUNG, Drc 7 2w C. S. Depository. ISS-OXIOS. PERSON P having articles in our building undergo ing r« pai s or m storage, wid sr.aice arrangelueuis for their immediate, removal, it W. <■>_ n. R. JAQUE*. Colmnbu >, Gs , l)c ; 22d, ’63 lw* 'FI-4MO. IN good order and fine tone fir sale. Apply to dec'22 w4t QUINN q GRAY. FliMO FOHTisS^ I'UNEDANI) REPAIRED in the bc?t style of the. A an by PRoi ESSOR LOUMB, vrniJ sittßl Refer to J F Winter M P E lis ad.) N B irne t. dccembert t w4t LOOK OUT BOYS! Here’s Another i feasiee i WJE have received au hoii y to raise a Com rV pany 1-r sj rT. B. Howards Battalion, of Non-Conscripts to bo siat.oned at COLUMBUS, SA. POK *3?m3 W^.3EA We invite ali ;oung men eiween the ages of 15 and 18 to join ua. We snail have c'-ro nr table quar ters end will r« ce vo the same psy, eiothir.g, 4-c , that the regul r Confi dcra e troops receive. Toe duty i« light and pleasant. Abwabiogto jom ua will reps.t to Aree & Ccl liei’a Drug Btcre, or to Mvj T. B. Howard, cr to Camp Humphrey’s, ne»r Columbus. Fcr further la fanaatior. apply T. B CDLLISR Cafrt JOHN S. At EE Ht Lxut. and decVt- sit L DOZtSH, B.’v IA ‘ To tke kn9 *d« tnd leU'ivfs of v«m paay °X”j37lh &»., The BSdcr.isncd will he f-e heater at a Box or Boxes ta tbc above stmsd Com.-sny. These that wish to eonfrifime Blsnkct?, Back? and C othing, sf any kiod will please hrtng them ferwvrd to M. Simp- K. n‘B Store, on Fr»n: .irem, by the 4th ,af January. WILLIAM SIMPSON. Dec * *ii Wood Yard For the Poor. D. L. BOOHBR, Manager. W. H. Hughes —36 loads. W. W. Garrard.... —....30 " G. DeLauney, Pellar'and other*, train load wood# Mobile [dt Girard B. R, freight on the nhove. J. C. M&niid, Geneva, fifty cords wood, j M. J. Wellborn, two ear lauds wood. J. L. Cheney. 5 wagon loads wood. Rev. Benj. i 'lark, 5 wagon load* wood. Asa Lynch,B car lords. J. B. Hi*l, 5 car loads. Early Hurt, @BSO 06. P. Ingram. 4 ;• ads of wood . N. J. Bussey, S2OO. A Gammel. 5 loads wood, J. Gammel, 5 .loads woods. F. B. Narce 4 loads/ A. E. Faber, s’o. W. A. Bedell, *;SO, Eagle Mauuf-.ifiring Company, !6D cords wood. J?mes Kivi in. SSO. . Dr. M. Wo .druff, SSOO. F. W. Dilbrd. 850. JefTereon &. Hamiltop, HIOO. H FLhacker, 4 luads woods. B- Freeni in, 1 car load, • Capt. McAlister, s‘2oo, c«sh. Friend from Lumpkin, $2. Junes C< ok, sli'o. Uothchild & Bro SSO, Wm. Bro ks, 5 loads wood, Q. W « Junes and corcts, G. E. Thomas, 6 loads, Congregntii n Bethel Church, C.C, Willis, 41 loads H. H, Eppii g, #IOO, John Grant t 5 loads wood Sammifl, Roony & Cos, SSO, Col. Kobt / yers, SSO, Col. B C. Freeman, Refdgee from Ky., S2OO, Charlts Dean 4 loads wood, T. H. Austin, sio. James Comer, 1 carload, Rev. K Amis, four loads delivered »t Columbus; J Dowuer six do do do C Dean, four do do do J Cartlsdge, four ‘do de de B Lnch, four do put on Muscogee RE J Jenkins, tour do do do P Haz eton, five do do do Capt B Heard ten do do do Mr Magruder, four do do do A J Odum, ten do do do C C Willis, five do do do Making in all sixty loads. L, G. Boweis, SIOO for wood. Friend, *4OO for wood. D. H. Fowler, SIOO, Geo. Mooney, $lO6, Samuel J. Whiteside, SIOO, Geo. J. Golden, $25, Geo. W. Brown. $25, W. R. Brown, $206, Jno. McGluency, one car load wood, delivered ait M R. R, T. t 3 . Spear One Hundred Dollars. 8. H. Hill, ‘2 loads, CONTRIBUTIONS ~~ For supplying the indigent families of GIRARD with wood. Mr Wm Lowther, 4 loads wood ; Mr Drayton Nance, 2 loads wood ; DrJH Carriger, 4 “ “ Mrs U Lewis, 2 “ “ Wm Dudley, l “ “ Mr C C MeGehee, $lO in money ; Mr Geo Golden, $ 25 in money. I hope others will emulate the' praiseworthy example set by those cenerous contributors and thereby aid in relieving the great suffimng of th« many nr ely of the place. Come friends, go and do likewise W. W. ROBINSON. Supposed Murdered or Drowned. On yesierday morning ‘Dec. 57) a young man by the iiameot Wm ELLI', eutt-red the Barbor Shop, had his moustache shaved off and his boots blacked, and has not been seen nor heani from since. He hac some money and jt is supp »std that he was either murden and ordrowoed. Any information concerning the above young man will be thankfully received and give great re ief to his relatives. W. J. WARDLAW. or at the Times Office, Dec S9—2! MUSCOGEE SHERIFF SALE. US7ILL be sold bes >re tbe Court House door in the VV city of Cos umiiiia iii saide muiy of Mua.iogee, cn the first Tuesday in Febru.irv neit, i etwe’ n ti.e legal fi'ours ofsileilie following p oi>eriv, to-wit: Fißy Share of the Capital Stock of the Florida Home Insurance and an interest' of iwi thirtie hs in t' e S earner Marianna. I vied on as the property of Charles i'ratt. Also twenty-five Shares of he Capital took of t e Georgii Home I.asu'ance Comp my. Bud a n-gro w. mao-lave u >med P Uv of | a dark comp exion, about twenty-five tea s ..f ige: raid 25 Shares an ! said nt gro levied on as th- pro?- erty rs D ;ni 1 K Dodge. Toe while tis the auove proper jy levied on to satisfy a fi fa issu-d rom the uperio l Court of Muscogee County, in favor o Ai kins fc Dunham vs I’ratt Sf Mr Ke zie. JOHN LIGOV, be iff. Columbus, Ga*, January sth, 1364. td Wanted, A COMPETENT M\N without a f miiy to attend toj the Warehouse of J R. Ivey & C'o. App y to J. R IVEiL dec 30 iw __ FOR SALE A No. I UOU'E and BODY SERVANT, Rge 26 yetra. Apply to J. R, IVEY, jicc 0 1 v ONE 'THOUSAND NEGROES Wanted for the War. C. S. ENGINEER’S OFFICE, Savannah, Ga., Dec 23th 1863. IN order to furn nh a permanent laboring force for tiie defences ot Savannah, and to obviate as far as nossi'ri the i».y of impre-sment, tbe undersigned has received au:hoiiiy from ihe Secretury of vVar la hire o> e thousand negroes (or he war, and it is is sued to coriect ibis force without deinv; ihe terms art- liberal, and it is t>< Ikved will fee ;-:at isfactory to tbe owners. For particuiais, appataiibn mast bs ma-e to this offi e. Papsr.; throughout the 3tate will please copy acd rend bill?, w h. copties ofadvertisenieut, to this office. JOHN McCft DY, Captain a:.d t hit f Engineer . dec 30 7: State if Georgia. lo nyaifiMi I ii.a\ jsrepsred to furnish a euyerirrr artl cte of made of the BfciST Ui*’ (X>MPOJSITIoN, if JftOVJLDS and STOi;K^ are sent me and ship litem neat’y sod sigfely acked. Or l ean iuroi«b ooMPosm asr in quaniiue» which only requires mbe j Helled and Poured, ia*ure gaod iiOLLEHS. Ah LiSb ar? ca»M delivery hern, unless bv Rx«r* si, ttieii C. O. D. J. ZORKGWBKL Nev 18 lw G. » Marshal Sale, TKTILLbe »«1« »b 'he firs: Tuetdsr in Fefcroary Yv next. b«twr>o the usa-1 hours *t sa e. bvfo.e thu Court Hm use m Muscegee .**10? y, a fine f*ui wh»«l carrisfe. levied 0* to oatiefv t»-er.iy-six fi >aa ▼s Beall 4* Ifurphy, os# ft fa vs A a Beall and »ie fi ta vs R A Murphy, farnfeh'ea in Ltvar 01 tbe Con federate State* of America for int?re*t dae oa debt to allien enemies t# ibe B**h August, 862. PHILIP A CLAYTON, C, *« jfetefeai C.GnmbD*. 29 a Dec. 1(43. td t EVENING EDITION. R.JBOJK.IPVS. Tk* rttfjrtton #/ ijk# Tun**, Wlm srA*r*4 ty ’nmti, wHI bt 0-u.r r***tfi for th* mo nf j tspoouu <V to thet* tisbsoriior* for m too* <MBi than * fomr. f Vhon svkk*t<rib*T* rooovo* th* pop** «r*fA this paragraph r/iMrh**. they anil understand ti os forming them inmi tksir w *i>*i'i if *»p%rt, and that thapapor mil s.ui pod units* they mad* e • smittane* - City Affair*. We have had the pleasure of beiog in at tendance upon two meetings of the new Board of Aldarme » since thtir inauguration, and; find them all anxious to dispose of business without the usual adenda of buaoombqspeeches. Having our seat, outside of (he bar amongst the balance of the lobby members, w® have had some little oppoitunry of studying the strength of the new Board. That it has a good share of braiu, none can deny, and a good share of pm* donee snd caution. Prominent amongst its members, are Colonel John Quin, of the sth Ward, and Judge J. J. M -Kendroe of th« Ist Ward ; both of whom have become veterans in the service of the city. The very best uoamsec tary upon their past services is the faot that none can beat them in their Wards. Having a thorough knowledge of the affaiis of the city as well as being largely interested pecuniarily, they are not apt lo go off half oooked, upon any new issues which may spring upon them. The other members of the Board, if wo except the solid captain oi tike Muscogee Railroad, are young members, from the' people, working for the laurel wreath, awaiting the attentive and industrious Aldermen. The King sits quietly listening to thejiparkling discussions, and profound propo sitions from the first, while on his left sits he who will see that all things are done at) Brown . Bat little has his oolhague of the fourth to say hut peering over his spectacles, one ean but ob - serve, that no idle faney can lead him into the general whirlpool of popular clamor. Like other bodies, and along side the veteran ot the fourth aits a Salisbury , net a Lord, but one upon Whose brow, sitsphinnest and even-handed jus tice. No double dealing finds a seat in that head. Passing on we come to John of the who cleans out all opposition. He has but little to say, but that little ia right to the point. Com ming back to tne First Ward we stopped at our friend’s, the Doctor of the Post Office, who gens erally keeps Coun oil strait on questions of order We set him down as a legislator who cannot be. swayed by popular pr.judica or public clamor. To his left sets our friend of the Drug Store, denominated by one ss the laziest man in tho Board, which however we do not believe, as he is generally always ready for all question?. His colleague, a true typ* of the Scots, though rather chary of his opinion and votes is gener* ally on the side of the right, while hid away behind the column ar.d on the right of the King sits the Printer of the concern, —not a printer now, but one who knows it well and has served faithfully and satislac’oriiy in that capacity Over this array ot talent and galaxy of industry presides the people’s friend, Colonel Frank G. Wilkins, and though ne bring? gome unruly member to hia.seaf rather unceremoniously when out of order, all however, feel that Frank is generally fright in hi* discussion. All things considered, we have a tip top board of Aider meD. One that will guard well the interests of the oitv, and see that its Treasury shall not be bankrupted. local. ARMY i ©RIUSSFOWDEMrCE OF THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. Sketches »f Office r* of the Army of Tcuueetee. GENERAL BRAGG. Thompson, Ga,, Dec. 36 h. 1863. Taking ifiu Generals in the Artuv of Tennessee in the order of their rank, I would remark that General Braxton Bragg, the late commander-in-chief, was born in the good old State ol North Carolina, about the year 1815, and i® consequently about lorty-eig it years -,f pge. He entered the West Point Academy in 1833, in the same claws with Major General W II T Walker, of Georgia, between whom and himselt j there has ever existed mutual friendship : and confidence The country is familiar with General Bragg’s career in Mexico, and with the distinguished services he rendered during the war with that country as an artillerist. Some time after the war and during Mr Pierce’s administration, he re i signed his commission in the army on ac count of some ruling by Mr Davis, the Secretary of War, and retired to hie plat * tiition m Mississippi. When the present war broke out, it. found | Gen Biagg engaged in ihe peaceful and j enoblmg pursuits of the planter, lie had i married after the •■r-xicau war, and was | the possessor of out o the fluent estates in ihe Southwest. Soon a iter his inaugura tion as President of tbs Provisional Gov ernment, Mr .Davis, overlooking past differ* ences, offered him the commiaHion of Brig adier Gen ral in the Provisional Army, which lie accepted without a moment’a ! hesitation. Tue i~ci here recorded is, creditable nhke to the Pf-aidioit and hie | n6 w Brica.dier, since it shows that neither of the c would allow private feeling to blami in the way of public duty. It prove', moreover, *int the President was not influ- . ! enced by motives oi personal friendship m | his support of General Bragg as the corns i mander of one of our most important ar- I naie-. It will net be inappropriate to add j in this connection, lhat 'he reports perslst | ently circulated to the effect that these two j eminent personages are related to each j oilier by blood “r 'Carriage, is without the j !ea*t foundation in fact. Their relations j are friendly and agreeable, but nothing I more. General Braga was assigned to the com mand of the forces at Pensacola, where he. remained until the Spring o! 1862, and then was order* a to Tennessee, a,.d finally to | Corinth 1 n the great ba tie of Stuloh, ! fought ou the 6 n and 7*h o'; Anni m that ysar, he and Harder 1 and fVik commanded the three lilies wbh which the <,raiy ad vanced to the &?s«gU, and -sch ou* greatly distinguished himseii ou diar field. The lamented Sydney Johns*.m having fallen ia tbs thickest *»» s he figh*, B-aag -.?»• im mediately pro-noted to tbs rao* of full General by the Preardsnh ae.j mads Chief of Staff, under £Daur?g*fd, who succeeded to the corn maud of the army. Subsequent* it, upon the svseuaiion of Corinth and the of Gr ssra! tfce co**j- For Three Months, SB maud of the army was turned over to Gea Bragg. But it ia not of Gen Bragg’e career so much as of his military character and qual ifications, that I propose to apeak. Look ing at him in this light, therefore, be may be fuliy and correctly described in the five following words: he is simply a soldier.— It is not meant to be asserted that he is not a gentleman of intelligence and culture, of polished manners in general society—for he is all this—but what I mean to affirm is that when he is at the head of an army, his whole being and character seem to be ab sorbed and merged in that ofthe soldier.— He is destitute of diolomacy, and knows neither friends nor toes in the discharge oi his duties. If one oi his officers has bee# taken from civil life where he occupied a lariie space in public estimation, as in th# case of General Breckiruidge, he shows him precisely the same consideration a* he does the least distinguished of his subal terns who has won his way with his sword to the same position—neither more nor less. He expects the one to know his place and obey his orders as implicitly as the other. That this stern military rule is founded in absiract justice, if not in wisdom, no one can deny, and yat, it with his earnest, per* haps austere manners, when occupied with business, has had the effect to render him unpopular with some of "his officers, who, lu their return have innoculated the aubors dinate officers in their respective commands wnh somewhat of their own teehngs and opinions. It is said, but with what truth I am not prepared to decide, that for some* time past Gen B. has been more conciliato ry in his bearing towards persons having business to trausact with him. Be this aa it may, it is certain that he ha 6 never turned aside irom h's duties in the field to court the favor of the public. He is the hardest worker I have met with in the Confederate army. Day and night, in sunshine and is fciorna, in cold weather and in hot, he ie ever at his post; and he allows no pleasure, however tempting, and in no society, how ever charming, to take him away from his duty. He not only works himself, but re quires every one about him to work. Hfe Staff officers, like himself, know not what i| ia to enjoy a day of relaxation. I havo thought that he remains too closely at hid quarters, and that it would be better for hit health and for the good ot the array if he would inspect hia line* oftener and see and judge for himself. Os his capacity fur command I need not atop to speak: the world will judge him by his oam* paigns rather than by anything I might say. As an organiser of forces and an administrative officer, he ranks deservedly high. There are as better soldierg in the whole d®my than his Pe#« sacola troops, of whioh he had the exclusive train ing and disciplining. He possesses unusual quickness and oapaoity of business, and is a man oi ardent patriotism and undoubted cQurage. If he did no: seek death in the iate battle on Mis* sionary Ridge, he was certainly indifferent to it. He is a member of the Episcopal church, and i# privaio life his habits at a as exemplary as those of any Christian gentleman in all the land. Hi§ loss of property has been very heavy, the enemy having taken everything he possessed except hi® land, and duven his wife from her home wlt& only the clothing in which she stood. black eyes, iron gray hair, and heavy eyebrow# that meet above the nose and impart to his fagft an aspect of much austerity. His stern manueis, unsociable habits and de> votion to business, have rendered him uupopd ular with many oi his superior officers, while his negect ot those arts by which ambitious men arc wont to win popular applause, ha® had much to I do m shaping public opinio# against him, in ihat it leit his opponents tre# to say and publish wbat they pleated concern ing hun. As & disciplinarian, be is very rigid, and has probably hal as many executed as any two commanders in the army; and yet he is ta§ more popular with his soldiers than those iut higher positions. Asa strategist and fighter, hit friends may well point to the battle of Cftickav niauga and the ojwraiioa which preceded it; an' 4 ! yet in a contest before the people through the public prints, the most commonplace of bispa* lit leal generals is more thin a match for him. When Hen Bragg was about to relinquish the command of the Army of Tennessee, I calico, as others till to bid him adieu. He spoke free ly and fcelingiy ol the recent di-aster, ant seemed to be tar more concerned for the soc« ces ; of our cause and the welfare of our tfoope than about his own reputation He reinarka4 thai ho did not know but that Sydaey John ston's rn/o, that a cotmn-.nder should bo judged by the results of hia campaigns was a just stan dard, and ihat -O' iar us Lra !aii was the result of his own conduct, be war prepared to accept ii and abide by i', but <n so far as it was th 6 result ot the incapacity, disobedience or perversity of others, he ttiougbi he ought to be rel cvcd, &s<J he behoved iniparrial history, when all the facts were brought to light, would do it. Hig own disgrace or destruction was a matter oi but lithe cunstquence; he had lost his proper* iy and his health in the service, and web ready lo give his life - nd reputation lor tae success of the oitast) ol which he eaten am .and no doubt whatever. | K. caning to mini how much ho had lost an# ! how much ae had buffered in health and reputa | lion, £ as I bade him farewell, that I j could not withhold my synapatny and a miratioA I from a man who was ao firm and unssifiuah ia the hour of adversity, »Gd iu whose resolute eye } there g-isieneci a tear, not for iiimseif but for ais | bleeding country. P. W. A, appears Ir.iu a recent report from the Conscript Bureau to Congress, that there aro on-* iy 040 employees ia all iho newspaper establish* meat*; m tug /uur Stales of Virginia, North Car olina, South Carolina and Georgia. In theStat® of Georgia are oajy one hundred and forty* seven men exempt by reason of employment in priming offices. liEAOtll) AttTEltS > SECO - D DISTRICT Gv. f IA s E u HD. > *-a.Vinn»h, December rO, lefl3. J General, No. 6. *. Oilie-rs comma : dng ttegim ‘n-s a*i*i Battalions couiprisad in the S c uui District; Georgia 3»ate Guard, will f-.rihwuhreidczv .us their respective com* irran-'s a-points .nog'coavs-iient for railroad trase pvrißtion to this point. 11. i hey wi i report « hese Headquarters the iiues a. r id plac sos render :* a..d ths i umber Os men for whom ihey requite transportation. HI The horse* belonging . > cavalry oganiz tione will he lefl iu taeir pie-eat localises until further or era. By c m .mviid of Brig. Gen. H. B. JACKSON, Cou.d’g H fe cond District G. 3 G. a. Jacksoj, Cap:, and A. A. tt. H^ADQU*RTER« PEF’T. ) of 3. C. Ga., asd Florida, > Charleston, 3. c, . Dec. a. IttM. j [GENERAL OaUKHr, No. 137.] 3o much of General Order* i*o. i?i, CurieM Se ries from these Headquarters as pr-t* - ! it- the a 4- msin ot anidiers into do pitas wi.hoxt Des cp< tive Dsis i intended te apply on y to irueps Belony ing to c- u.wands in be Department ot Ooutk Coro •In*, Georgia and Fb-rioa. By trim-car. e »1 Gc*. B*abib.»», THG«A« lOf»>AS. afdtair Official« J»- M Gtxv, Aosbwai AdiU.**» •rßer»L