Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, July 26, 1861, Image 1

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    BY W. H. HUNT.
Marietta Weekly Advocate
Is issned every Friday morning, at the follow
ing rates:
Sl* months - - 91 00.
Twelve months 00.
of* Advertising »
•j- Ten lines or less constituting a Square. “W
One insertion 11 {| o
Each additional insertion 50
One month 2 50
Each additional square 1 25
Two months 4 00
Each additional square..... 2 00
Three months 5 00
Each additional sqttafC 2 50
Six months 0 o<l
Each additional square 4 00
months 15 00
tdjtional square. 5 00
One square one year *’’’
Each additional square 10 uu
W Advertisements excee ling the space con
(acted for, will be charged for the excess.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
fa advance.
To Sub«e«thers.
fcach Subscriber whose time baa expired
Will receive a paper with this notice marked
With red pencil. If he wishes the paper on will please send us one dollar forsix
months or two dollars for twelve months,
otherwise We will consider that he desires the
paper to be discontinued.
Paulding sheriff s sale.—wm
be sold on the first Tuesday in August
next, before the Court House door in Dallas,
Paulding county, the following property to
wit: , „
One House and Lot in the town of Dallas,
bounded on the east by Villa Rica st., south
by W. C. Lee, west by G. W. Foote’s Stable
and occupied by E. M. Gimpton as a work
•hop—levied on as the property of Samuel
llart, to satisfy one fi. fe. in favor of H. Bras
well vs. Samuel Hart and Elizabeth Prewitt;
levy made and returned to me by a consta
ble. Julv 1, 1861.
30 ’ J. C. N. FOOTE, Sheriff.
WO MONTHS after date, application
will be made to the Court of Ordinary <>f
Paulding county, for leave to sell the reul es
tate of William Greer, late of said county,
-deceased. Julv 1, 1861.
30 ' R. Al. BRYANT, adm'or.
Adasiuis.ratrix’s Sale.—Postponed.
warlLL be said,, by virtue of an order from
■jgarv' the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, on
Tuesday in September next, before the Court
tii thc city of J/arictta. Cobb county.
AetiroHHvcJrgal hours of sale, one lot in the city
o f is a brick house, near the
W. k A. RailSßL.and opposite Glover s shoe store
present dZrs. Cier. Also, om^lo^i^^,
the eity of J/arietta, TticJybb'h is
dwelling house near the WXA. Railroad aod
adjoining s uth the above lot, sold as the-pruperty
«f Charles Cler. deceased, for the benefit of 'he
heir* and creditors of said deceased. I erms made
hauwu on the day oi sale. EH.Z IBETH CLER.
Juns 17, ISdl. td« Adm’x
Administrator Vs Sale.
WILL be sold, by viitue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in
August next, before the Court House door in the
city of Marietta, Cobb couuty, Ga., between the le
gal hours o sale, lots of land Nos. 160, 72,'and
the east half of No. 73, in the 18th district and
2d section, <.obb county. Sold as the property of
John Steward, deceased, for the benefit of the
iwurs and credit -rs of said deceased. Terms made
ktowu on day of sale. JOHN HA NN,
Aiim'r. de bonis non,
June 17, 1861 tds. with rhe will annexes
Cteargia, Cobb county.
WHEREAS, M. E. Green as the widow, and
Samuel l>awrence, as a friend of deceased,
apply to me in writing for Letters of- dministra
tionwn tha estate es Benjamin Green, late of said
county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to file their objections, if a y they have, in my of
fice, on or the first Monday in August next,
otherwise letters of administration will be granted
the applicant* at that term of the court of Ordina
ry for said county.
Given under my band, at Marietta, June 27. ISGI.
st-2'J JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. i
Notice to Debtor* and Creditors.
ALL persons having demands against the estate
of Mary Tinsley, late of Coob county, de
ceased, are requested to present them to the un
dersigned, properly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law; at.d all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment.
’ A. M. NORTHCUTT, I Adm - ors .
W. J. TINSLEY, f Adm orS * I
June 27, Wil. 6w ~ 2!)
gWNWO MONTHS after date, application will be
B made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb coun
ty for leave to sell the LAND and NEGROES, be
longing to the estate of Maky Tinhlkt. Ute of said
conntv, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. June 27, 1861.
A. M. NORTHCUTT,) Ad -, orß
»_9t W. J. TINSLEY. f A,lm ors ‘
State of Georgia, Cobb Count.
ALL persons concerned are hereby notified that
A. W. Holcombe of the 8118 district, G. M.
tolls before J. A. Tolleson, one of the Justices of
the Peace for said district, as an estray, a brown
mare, no marks or brands except a slight collar
mark on the shoulder and a wind puff on the in
side of the right hock, and about ten years old—
Appraised by John F. Perry and W iliam Kirkland
free holders of said county, to be worth one hun
dred dollars. Th owner of said estray is requir
ed to come forward pay charges and take said
mare away or she will be dealt with as the law
A true extract from the Estray Book.
May 31, U6l. V. W. CARRELL, C. I. C.
WTotleeTwo months after date, application
1 w will be made to the Court of Ordina y of Cobb
county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the
estate of John Pharr, deceased, for the benefit of
toe heirs and creditors of said deceased. This
May 30,1861. 2m A. N. DcPRE, Admr.
"WfOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate
1N of James Bird, late of Cobb county, deceased,
•re required to make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons having demands
•gainst said estate, are requested to present them
properly attested, within the time prescribed by
law. This 30th May, 1861. 6 w.
D. D. SC HBNER, Admr.
TW’OTICE,— AII person? indebted to the estate
AN of Allen T. Meacham, late of Cobb county,
deceased, are reqnired to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned, and all persons having
demands against said estate, are requested to pre
sent them properly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law. This May 30 1861.
6w JEHU O. HAYS, Admr.
TVOTICE. Two months after date, application
Iyl will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
county, for leave to seli the lands belonging to
the estate of Allen T. Meacham, deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditots of said deceased.
This May 30, 1861. 2m JEHU O. HAYS, Admr
wrOTLCE.—AII persons indebted to the estate
INI of John Pharr, late of Cobb county, deceased,
are required to make immediate payment to the
underagned, and all persons having claims against
Mid ertate, ar? requested to present them, prop
erty attested, within the time prescribed by law.
This May 30,1861. 6w A. N. DuPRE, Admr.
Georgia, Paulding Couuty.
A LL persons having demands against the estate
Ajut A. (L Brintla late of said county deceased,
are hereby requested to present them to th< tin,
dersigned properly attested within the time pre
scribed *.y law, au 1 all tho-- L
J Ijc lliirietta
gJrotaswnal (Sards.
Attorney, Counsellor & Solicitor,
Mnriettn, Georjffin.
PRACTICES in the Superior Courts of the fol
lowing cou ties:
Cobb. Forsyth, Flovd. Catoosa, Cherokee, Paul
ding. Whitfield and Milton.
Also in the Supreme Court of the St»t« of
Georgia at Atlanta ai d in the District Court of
the Confederate States for the D strict of Georgia.
may 1, 1861.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Marietta, ' Georgia.
February 22. 1862.
at law,
N. B> EX,
Attorney & Counsettelßt Law
Marietta, Cobb County,
WILL practice, an 1 give prompt attention
all business confided to his professional
care, in the District Court at Marietta; The Ju
pretne Court of Georgia at Atlanta; The Superi
or an ■ Interior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit,
and the counties adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits.
Special attention given to the collection of debts.
an«l the securing of all manner of claims.
Prompt and efficient attention will be given to
all manner of business in the ourts of Ordinary
n the county of Cobb and adjoining counties.
Marietta, Georgia.
NBTILL practice in Fulton, Paulding and all the
y y counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit, in the
Supr.uie Court, and iu the District Court at Mari-
Jan. 1. 1- V-
Marietta, Geotgia. :
March 0, ’6O.
at law,
Marietta, Georgia.
BUSINESS confided to theirprofc-si dial ma.-
age nent in the following coun'ies will be
faiihfuly transacted, viz: Cinnphcll, Pnuhnng, Poll-
Cobb, Cherokee. Forsyth, Lumpkin. Fulton and
Milton. Also in the District Court at Marietta,
and the Spreme Court at Atlanta. inn. 1.
A-ttorney at Law,
MaHetta, Georgia.
WlLfe';'" >ce in the Blue Bidg> ■ I
in the Supreme Court of Uifc..toi**te; also in
the District Court at Marietta. (Nov. 23.)
Marietta, Georgia
WI L give his entire attention to the collec
tion of all claims entrusted to his earc.
March If, 'GO
E. FA W.
Marietta, Georgia.
BBT ILL diligently attend to any business con
> ▼ fi led to his care in the counties of Cobb,
Cherokee, Milton and Paulding.
CLAIMS collected as soon as it can be done by
law, and the money promptly paid over.
Jan 20. 1861.
Marietta, Georgia.
OFFERS his services to the citizens of Mari
etta and surrounding country. 1
Office North side of the square over Page &, Ha
ley’s Store. Feb 8. ts.
llinillT TO iIHIST,
Marietta, Georgia.
GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi
cinity for a liberal patronage during the past
ten years is still prepared to perform all opera
tions either for preserving the natural, or insert-
I ing artificial teeth, in the most approved mann. r.
He solicits calls from those who have very bad
teeth, as he is using a prepnrution for filling the
most delicate teeth, no matter how badly, decayed,
if not otherwise diseased—and rendering them
serviceable for years. It is about the same color as
the tee h and will never change «r discolor the
iXSjL. Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom he
has operated during the past ten years.
i Terms— CASH, unless by -pccial contract —
' Offic.e South side of public square, over the Po=t
Office. Marietta, Ga., Jan. , 1861.
, North side Public Sqare
s rjIHE second session for 1861, will com
, I mence on Monday the Bth of July. School
e hours from Bto 114, A. M. and from 3to 6,
J P. M.
, During “the hard times ” the rates of tui
tion will be only two dollars per month for
the primary branches three for the interme
diate and four,for the highest, payable at the
close of the session.
- Boarders can be accommodated nt reasonable
? charge and furnished with superior advan
tages for prosecuting their studies.
T. B. COOPER, A. M. Prin.
Marietta, June 21st, 1861. 4t.
JMTi’s- jML. IE-
THE Tax Book of 1-61 is now open for the pur
pose of receiving city Tax returns; all persons
M> y/oflicc near Mr. I. N. Hoggins
Win ‘-.m «.I» m lhe
• I CM*. M. WALKER, t. u. *.
ANNOUNCE to their customers that they huvo
on hand a full and complete stock of
UR. U @ S
Our present assortment o’ nil the u-nal goods
kep in a Drug .-tore, is m.w offered at prices that
cannot fail to suit. Persons in want of any of the
following would do well to price them at our house:
Kerosene Burning Oil,
from 60 cts. to $3 75 each.
Turpentine, Fluid, Candles,
Alcohol, La rd aIM-Spe rm Oil-, Linseed Oil, White
Leads, '’’‘•'l
Putty, Windoty^f Glass, Druggists’ Vials,
<S*e.9 «i;c.
carefully put up. ■
Well Ropes,
Cedar Bucket, and Tubs,
Well Buckets and Wheels,
Sieves and Kiddles, Tea Kettles, Coffee Mills,
Cotton Twine and Factory Thread. For sale by
Mat ], 1861 WM. ROOT A SON.
Mai ielta, Georgia,
AVE their full susply of Staple and Fancy
together with a genera’, assortment of articles,
icliich the ■ are offe’injon the most favorable term*
Cal 1 and be convinced. [mar 28
Its Character Claims, &c.,
First. The Course of Instruc ion is extensive
and suited to the character and sphere of females -
Second. The Discipline is effectually maintain
ed. wirnout severity, or haishu ss
Third. The Rates of Tuition are moderate and
tne pavmcnts easy.
Fourth. The Buildings and Grounds, being
very mu' h impr "< d, are admirably adapted to
ploa-eut and healthful and exercise
I, 'rhe t’rii cif.u.l ie, by birth *lld education,
a Georgian; all his interests nud sympathies nr
empliatitallv Sou hern. and ho has purcba-ed the
property, under the above title for the purp. so of
estr lishiug a Sout’.ein female seminary, equal to
any other in txistence.
Sixth. The parents who send their daughters
here, may feel assured that they wi’l be exempt
from immoral influences; that they will have ex
cell nt. social and religious advantages; that they
will receive every attention necessary to their im
proven ent nnd comfort; that they will be eon
ducted regularly through a course of appropriate
s'udies and at the end of that course, wi 1 receive
diplomas, ns certi’icates of their scholarship.
Seventh, Student.- may enter at any time and
will be charged from the time of entrance to the
clone • f tbc Session.
Kigllth. The Principal is prepared to take
boarders at wodera o charges and to aft’ rd them
extra a ’vantages f r prosecuting their studies.
For particulars, asdrens
T. B. COOPER, Prin.
Marietta, Ga. May, 7, 1861.
THIS Yeast Powder is prepared of the best and
purest materials, and will make light, sweet
and nutritious bread ; an t for Buckwheat and oth
er cakes, bis uits. Ac., A., is just the thing. With
good flour these Yeast Powders arc certain to give
full satisfaction if u.-cd according to the directions,
and beina much cheaper, while tuFy equal to the
best No tbern article, commends itself to Southern
housekeepers It is put up in half and one pound
packets at Forty C nts a pound. Sold only by
Marietta, may 24. 1861.
1 0 0. 0 0 0 Feet On Hand.
THE subscribe! has on hand at his Steam Saw
Mill, two and a half p>iles from Marietta,
Plank of any kin I. or o her descriptions of lum
ber he is prepared ’o furnish
For the Cash,
at $1 par hundred at the Mill, or, $1 25 delivered
at Marietta.
ytHST' Orders may bo lo t at the Post Office, or
at T, Y. Atkinson's store.
Apr. 1-ts
< t f)O
From Marietta to Cumming.
"—4 >OO
THE subscriber has in the above line n splendid
Four Horse Conej,. with excellent stock und
careful drivers,by which passengers lire put through
in shorter time and with far greater convenience
than formerly. Ev ry attention will be paid t
th*i' comfort, and no exer ions spared to make this
line equal to any South.
I This lineconne ta wth he W. AA. Railroad at
I Mari-tt i, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
I rl>r Cumming ; nud return Tuesdays, Thursdays
iUle Hack to and from jjuuiouega."’"—- ■ l " v "
opened in the Post Office Building, a
in which will befouud every article in the Grocery
line, liquors < xccpted, besides a great variety of
other articles. They a ill sell for
O' Cash and Small Fronts. “’(Sa
If y< u want good
classes, Syrup, Tobacco, Yarn, or anything in
that line, give us a call, and we warrant satisfac
tion. '' e will also keep
Foolscap and Letter Paper,
Pens, T nk, and other articles of Stationery.
of all kindSvt'LUen iYY barter on liberal terms.
jfYftytf. 1860 ly z-'
THE undersigned, thankful for past favors, is
still manufacturing and repairing
And No.
Iron A. xle Wagons,
all of the Best Style and Finish,
And all Warranted.
Repairing done in all the branches, as hernto
fore. Alt accouute due oh p eeeutation. Those in
debted w If please come forward and settle.
Marietta. Jan. I. HUMPHREY REID.
At the stand of J. H. M’Clintock,
Has now on hand a large
and well-selected assortment ot
to which he invites tVt>r*the citizeSf of
Marietta and ttrp ONE PRH?®’
SYSTE’NI wil l bc strictly adhered to.
. His terms will be CASH- or equivalent, that
at Cash Prices, or short time to prompt paying
Bills Due on Presentation.
His deter iu in a? ion is to sell good articles at !ow
prices and will expect prompt payments.
ALL persons hiring Horses, Buggies or Carri
ages from the Livery Stable of the subscriber
a:e notified that the CASH must be paid at the
time of hiring. As I have to pay Ca«h for feed for
my slock, I cannot credit out from my stable.
The Justices < f the Inferior Court met for speci
al purposes June 15th, 1861.
IN obedience to the expressed resolutions of the
people of the county, the Court met this day
for the purpose of assessing and ordering to be
collected a certain tax on each individual Tax
payer of said county for the purpose of raising
funds for the uniforming and equipping "f Volnn
teers. It is therefore ordered by the court that
5-12 of 1 per cent be levied on the taxable proper
ty of the citizens of this county and it is further
ordered that one fourth of that amount be immedi
ately assessed and collected or so soon as practa
ble by the tax collector of this county and by him
paid over lo the provisional committee, or to A,
W. Holcombe Chairman of said committee for the
purposes aforesaid, and it is further ordered that
the Tax collector be and he is hereby authorised
and empowered to proceed to the collection of the
said amount of one fourth of 5-12 one percent, on
the taxable property as aforesaid, so soon as the
necessary Book shall be prepared and delivered
to him by the Clerk of this Court, and that he
credit all such persons as have made voluntary
contributions to the patriotic purposes aforesaid
and paid the same or any part, of the same on the
tax levied on them under this order if they desier
with such amounts as they have paid, and it is fur
ther ordered that the Clerk of this court do at once
and without unnecessary delay purchase & prepare
a book in which he shall enter the names of all
the citizens of the county liable to taxation with
the amount of assessment opposite
upon the returns to the tax Receiver for the year
Ls6l and deliver the said book to the tax Collector
to be used by h in in the colleetior of this assess
ment and to be placed on file in the Clerk's office
for record and reference for all future time and it
is further ordered that these proceedings be pub
lished in the Marietta papers.
T. H. MOORE. J. i c.
H.M. HAMMETT, J. i. c.
A. J. RIGSBY, j. i. c.
A true extract from the minutes of said Inferior
Court. W. W. CARRELL, Clerk I. C.
June 14. 1861.
FIN HE subscribers respectfully inform the public
| that they have commenced, in the city of At
A New Book Bindery,
Blank-Book*, Ledgers. Journals, Day Books, Blot
ters, Hotel and Stable Registers. Docket-, Record
Books. An., with or without printed Headings, and
Ruled to any pattern di sind, manufactured in the
neatest and most improved manner without delay.
Magazines, Music, N wspapers, Ac., neatly bound
at. slioit notice.
Ordcrt from any part of the State will
meet with prompt attention, and Books required
to be sent by mail. band, wag -n or railr- ad. care
fully cnvel- ped so ns to avoid the possibility of
injury by triinsp -rtation.
Jail (J, ’6O. J. P. MASON A CO.
rwqilE heirs of Abuer Dunagan, late of llubor
-1 .han) county, deceased, are notified that the es
tate of said deceased has been reduced to ca-h and
is now roidy for distribution, and they are hereby
notified to apply to too at Orange, Cberokco county,
Georgia, by the 25'b day of December next for
tboir shares of said estate, or after that time; I
shall proceed to vest the same for their benefit ac
cording to law.
June 7. 1861.
TWO months after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding
county for leave to sell the real eatate of John L.
Davis, late of Raid inninlv deocnsed.
„ MALINDA r. UAVJS, A«ln>’».
Jl£ .■/?/.. sew
Respectfully call the attention of the
public to their z
Staplo and Fancy
Dress Gr oo d s !
Cull and see our Stock before buying
elsewhere. Prices will be made to correspond with
the hardness of the times
Store next Door to D. M. Young.
May 1, 1861. to.
INDIGO, Madder, Coppora«. Logwood, Blue
Stone, Sulphur, Chalk. Wbitirg, Borax, Ac.,
mav 10. 1861.
Manufacturers and Dealcis in all kii ds Os
mms. imi
Looking Glasses, Plates Ac.
Peach Tree street,
Atlanta, Georgia.
OFFER for sale a large and well selected as -
sortment of
among which are choice Green and Black Tea,
Chocolate, Broma and Cocoa, Pickles and Pre
serves, »
Snrups anlr .illriasscs,
Spices, all kinds and best quality
Mackerel, Shad, White Fish, Soaps, a large assort
ment, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Ac.
May 1. 1861
Corn Meal and Hominy!
GROUND at this Mill, is acknowledged to bo
superior to that which is prepared by the
old style mills.
For sale by the Grocery and Provision
dealers in Mariella. March 21.
THE undersigned having permanently located
in Marietta with a view of carry ing on the
in all its has taken the Room
over the Workshop ch W R. McCown, on Decatur
He would respectfully call the attention of citi
izens and others to the same, and earnestly solicit
a liberal share of patronage.
Allwork done with promptness and dispatch.
Jan. 18, ly. I. N. HAYS.
TWO months after date application will he
made to the Honorabls Court of Ordinary of
Paulding couuty for leave to sell that portion of
the re/l estate which lies in said county, of Reu
ben T. Foot, late of Macon county Ala. deceased,
may 27, ’6l. JAMES C. N. FOOTE, Adm’r.
FINE Brandy and Wines for Modicinal purpos
es for sale by
MRS. Allen,sand Wood’* Hair Restoratives-
Ba’m of Savannah, Tricophorous, Katha,
■>n, Ac Fursaleby HAMMETT A GKOVES.
SUCH as Colognes, Handkerchief Extracts.
Bair Oils, Pomades, Ac. Toilet and Common
|N NE Green and Black Teas, Yeast Powders,
I’ Soda, Cooking Extracts. Ac., for sale by
A LARGE a"fortmett of Fine »ud Common
Chewing Tobacco. Fine an Common
begars for sale by HAMMETT A GROVES
A LARGE lot of Writing Ink, which is war
ranted. for sale by
may 10,1861. HAMMETT A GROTES.
WE are selling Goods as cheap ns ever for
Wholesale anjl retail Dealer in
Millinery and Fancy Goods,
Henl Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blondes,
Ruches. Perfumery. Ac., Ao.
Connelly'* Iren Front Building,
White Hall Street,
FINE Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, and a
general assortment of Toilet articles.
may 10. 1861. HAMMETT A GROVES.
THANKFUL for the very liberal patronage I
have received for the lost five years I am hap
py to inform the public and my friends that I have
set up a. Pi ture Gallery second to none in tbe
State lam now. prepared to furnish customers
with Picture* of all sizes end atylea, equal «o the
best produced by the Photographic art All are in
vited to eall nn 1 roe specimens. Prices low.
T..-l - sTMXbu.y cAsii.-w*
The Flag of the South.
On the morning of the 31st May, the Flag of the
Confederate State* was found grandly floating from
a staffupon the Custom-Houne in Jackson rille, Fla.
It was placed there during, tbe night, by some un
known hand-, creating an agreeable surprise and
naturally awakening emotion* in the beholder, as
it for the - first time met his view in the early morn.
The circumstance suggested the following lines:
Oh I say ffiiFyotr see through the data's early light,
The Flag of the South, no w so madly unbraided,
’Twas flung to the breeze in the silence of night,
And blazed when the star* of the morning all
faded 1
‘Twas the Flagcf the South.
Now unfurled to the sty,
As free as the breeze that lifts it on liigliq)
And, oh ! may the South when her night gloom is
Rejoice in her mor’hirrg, triumphant at last.-
Some Randi all onseww raised that banner in air,
Though Freedom Irefiielifit.low bending her form
And saw tlu? proud jewels that fell from 1 her hair
Undimmed on the Flag that was set to the storm.
’Twas tbe Flag of the South,
With its stars ever bright,
In the sheen of the day or the gloom of ttiC'nigllt,-
And, oh ! may the South, when tbc gloom speeds
Be pure as her Flag in the sheen of her dhy.
The Flag, Oh Columbia 1 we cannot forget
Thy stars that have gladdened the world’with
their light -
Thy stripes that with tears and with tomposts are
Seem to fall and to droop in the chaos of night,
While the flag of the South,
Like a night rising star.
Or a new bursting meteor, streams grandly afar.
Oh ! the “Star Circled Banner” the South has un
. May it stream ever on till it blesses the world.
Oh ! say can you see in the dim distant sky,
The stripes still aloft and the stars still aglow,
And feel not the sparkle of joy in your eye,
Or deep thrill of pleasure your bosom to know,
That the Star Circled Flag
Os the South will not drag,
Nor trail the old glories that cling to the rag?
For her sons have the “Star Circled Banner” un
And will bear it aloft till it blesses the world.
The correspondent of the South Carolinian,
writing from Fairfax, Va., reports:
The threat of confiscation is an induce
ment held out to the hungry freesoil senti
ment of the North. In victory, they will
hope for a free farm. Thus does this Gov
ernment embark with land piracy ns part of
itb-jirogramme. Is such robbers
viola - ive 'Bf the law of nations or of civil'zed
'- -7 - 'TT 1 ? ■ .»; r,,re , this war pro ’
ceeda much further, it will ne the most mer
ciless ever waged by two civilized peopl i A
few days ago, one of Col. Williams' picket
sentinels was shot at, the ball passing through
his bat. Yesterday, one of our independent
scouts shot a man across the Potomac,
above Alexandria. The woods here are well
adapted to independent scouting, and a few
thousand Texas Rangers would do good ser
vice in picking off their videttesand pieketts
These men come among us as robbers, and
should be treated as such. I met the other
d -y with a very respectable gentleman, who
lives between here and Alexandria, who nar
rates the following:
He was the owner of an old negro man
and two younger men. He left them on his
farm, having confidence in their fa thfulness
and in the honesty of the enemy. They, how
ever, visited his farm, and asked the old man
if he did not want his freedom. The old fel
low told him no; that he was living near the
line, and if he desired it, could have obtained
it at any time within the past twenty years,
by simply crossing over. They asked him
other questions, but as he was old and infirm,
they left him, but carried off the two boys.
Gen. Tyler, for it was he who asked them if
they did not want their freedom. “Oh yes,
sir,” said one of them. “Would you like to
fight for us ?” “Yes sir, and I would shoot
my old master the very first man.” This
gave them great confidence in the faithful but
artful respondent, so they put him in uniform,
mounted him on horseback, and treated him
with other marks of favor. He, however, had
not wavered in the slightest degree in his
fidelity, and was taking observations of the
After having possessed himself of all the
neco sary iuformat on, he started off before
day one morning and came to to this place.
His master carried him to Gon. Bonham, who
obtained from him very valuable information,
as he had not only ascertained the location of
the batteries, but the number and calibre of
their guns. The other boy remained in Alex
andria. The wife of the owner of tlie boy
called on Col. Wilcox, to know if she could
take him away. Wilcox was very polite;
answered her that she could, if she would
give him good bond nud security.' This, he
d ’ubtless thought, she could nut give, for
having obtained it and reported to him, be
read it over, and in a manner totally differ
ent from that first assumed, told her that tbe
bond was “not worth a damn.” She begged
him to inform her in whut respect it wasdefi
cient, so that the amendment might be made
Ho then told her that the truth was, be did
not int n I she s'lou.d have h'm under any
circumstances. Such is the character of the
enemy. It is unreasonable, therefore, to
anticipate that our struggle with them will
become one in which quarter will neither be
asked nor given. What we want here now
is, an army large enough to keep the plunder,
era back—to carry the war upon their own
-o;l—and strike terror into their covetous
hearts. Let us fill them with uneasiness con
corning the retention of what they now have,
and they will soon lose sight of plunder here.
.A foreigner nnmo l Haywood W* tjwrrcri
and cottoned in New Orleans; oti "aturday
last, for having joined several and
refut-hijr *'> 4*> the Cds* Stf WET.
VOL. XV 111-NO.
A Medal or Honor. —The Hichmoi.d Dis
patch says: A correspondent of one of our
lily papers hatfirg suggested that the g<ld
and silver medals usually awardeel at tfii’an*
nual examinations in female academies’ he
sent this year, by the recipients, to tho Sec
retary of the Treasury, to be converted into
coin for the use of the Coiei’inienil and
that the acknowledgement from tl.c Secre
tary would seive equally as well, as 4tu - -
earnest of merit, as the medal itself, Miss M.
T. Mayo, one of otlF most pi and
talented young ladies, daughter of the late l
Philip Mayo, cheerfully donated her valu
able testimonial for the pur|ore ibdicsted.
It will be gratifying to our citlzeis
out the Southern Confederacy to learn, as
they will from the admirable letter of the
. Secretary of the Treasury below, that our
finances are not in su straightened a condition
ar to require any such sacrifice on the
part of the young ladies of our land .
Treasury Department >
RicuttoND, July 6,1801'. p
Hfss —Richmond :—l have received l
the note which you did me the honor'to
address me, enclosing an article from tho
Dispatch, and a gold medal, (awarded you by
teacher,) as a contribution to tfa*
Treasury of our country. The pure and
elevated spirit of patriotism which prompt
ed tHw offering itself would be accept
ed, if the necessity existed, which is - present
ed by tbe writeriir the Dispatblu
I happy to inform-you tliut we are not
reduced so low in our finances, as to ask as
the hands of our daughters the* sacrifice!*
which you liave - so gracefully made, and I
take leave to return the inedul, with thia
Ufitll'diie respect,
DeaT# k SoHDier.—We again record rtfe
death of another soldier. Wm. A. Ingraham,
of the ClieVi'kce Brown Riflemen. He died
on Sunday night last, at fifteen minutes past
eleven o’clock. He was aged about 18 yearwi
His father and mother reside near Canton*
Ga., where his company is from. We under
stand that be was a worthy young man, a
good soldier raber, npright,juid.was Highly
regarded by all bis company, ilia remains
were interred in the Brunswick cemetery
with military honors.— Regimental Journal. :
’..<» ■ * , '
Editorial Courmisies.—The Montgomery
Post says: ; t ; ’
We have ever been at a lues to know why
the same social relations should not exist
tween Avfeirtporaries of the
or diversilj’orTpimon upon
subject, affords salfieient excuse for tho
heart-burnings andjealousies, the strifes and
animosities, the envy and hatred, that is
sometimes - indulged by the editorial depart
ments of newspapers.
NOMINATIONS;—-The following gentle'
men have been suggested in the public prints
as Candidates - for Governor of Georgia:
Joseph E. Brown, 0. Il W. Craw
ford, W. Akin, J. Gardner, E. A. Nisbet, 'lf,
W. Thomas, K. Tatum, Yk 11. Worrell, J. JL
Seward, S’. Burnett, A. Iverson, P. Thweuti,
■ J. W. Underwood, J. Billups, E, J. McGehee,
R. McMillan, J. M. Chambers, Wm. H. Stilt s,
A. Reese, John E. Ward, Gen. A. J. Hansell,.
A. Hull, D. W, Lewis,
And p obtibly many others.
There is a desire expressed by many of onr
Georgia exchanges, that the opening of the
new order under the Confederate league aud
government, should be marked by a total
suppression of all the evils and abuses and
trickery connected with the old system of
caucus and Convention.
In that desire we heartily concur, and trust
the reform will be extended to all the State*
severally in their own elections, and to Con'
federate elections. Let there be full and free
nominations, and a genuine election, but no
packing or forcing a choice
didates of caucus.— Chas.
Just.—lt is the practice in the British army
throughout the world, for each soldier to frank
his own letter, by merely putting on the cor
ner of the letter or envelope “Soldier’s let
ter.” This i» respected by all the British
Post Offices and mails throughout the world
as a free frank. In view of the sacrifices
made by our volunteers and soldiers, and the
small pay received, we would suggest that
some provision be made for carrying their
letters free cf postage.
Connally F. Trigg, the East Tennes
see Union candidate for Governor of the
State, has withdrawn his name on account of
ineligibility. The contest in that State is
now between Governor Harris and Col. Wm.
11. Polk.
Montgomery county, Ala , has done nobly
in subscribing to the Confederate States loan,
as follows: 14,000 bales of cotton; 18,000
bushels of corn; $31,000 worth of Merchan
dise; 100,000 pounds of flour ; $2,003 worth
of cannon balls. abs $83,000 in cash, making
in all about $850,000.
A bear jumped out of the Dismal Swamp
on the Norfolk Railroad the other day and
tried to outrun the. train. Failing in the am
bitious race, the cow catcher caught bruin and
soon made tiear meat of him for the next
Sunday’s dinner of the soldiers at Suffolk.
Had a Conversation with him.— A letter
from Harper’s Ferry to a Mississippi paper
relates the following I
Occasionally a merry burst of laughter is
heard os some ridiculoqp incident is related.
“See here, boys,” said one of tbc men tbe
other day, “I bad a conversation with Gen.
Johnston just now.” “Tho devil you did!
what did be say to youT’ inquired a dozen
voices, “Why, he told me if I din’t get out
of that garden, nnd let alone those onions,
he’d have me tied up behind a wagon.”
Memphis CannOn.—The Nashville Gazette
says casting of brass cannon has become an
established business in Memphis Messrs.
Quinby & Robinson have received orders fur
thirty guns, which they are now casting at
the rate of one a day. They will probably
have seventy more to oast. Tbe "bras* they
U 94 h trade entirely a? Tennessee copper.