Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, December 20, 1861, Image 1

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®ljc llatidta Itoftite. BY R. M. GOODMAN. She iUaridtn Advocate. The Weekly Advocate fa published every Friday Evenin ' at $1 50 a year in Advance, Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every vv riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest fcn t most approved style of the art. and at prices whi'-li cannot be -murmured at" by the •closest-fisted" in or out of this section of the jountrv. Give ns a trial. £ci]al Jldvcvt!.si'mrttts- Georsia Cobb County: WTHEiIH S. Kasberry Eason Adtninis rator ▼ ▼ otit.te e-t teof Elias S. Norton, deceased late of siii o inty. applies to me for letters ot dismission rem said Administration. These are therefore to cite an I admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions. if anv they have, in my office on or before the first M 'mday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb Conntv. <liven under inv hind, at office, in Marietta, this SJth September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct. 1.-Gm. G 'hrgia Cobb County: MMTHEd"\'. ElizabethCler. Administratrix ▼ v Oi (’r. ir'es Cier. deceased, late of said County, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. Thes • are th -refore to cite .and Admonish all and singu! ir those concerned to file their objec tions. if mv they hive, in my offi-eon or before th " first Mon lav in Anril next. <>th -rwise letters of dlsm’ss'.on will he grant'd the applicant it hit term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb Given unler mvhand at office, in Marietta, this 3J:h September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct. I.—Cm. Cobb Couity: WI "JEA'. 11. C. Jackson. Administrator of John Hull, deceased, late of said Conn tv. applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of di«mission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under myhand. at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct*. 1. —Gm. G jorgia Cobb County: WiIERJAS. Clayton Vuighn. Administrator of Moses Russean, deceased la’e of «aid Coun’v. applies to tn -for letters ol dis mlssion fr<>m said A<lraiii’stration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all •nd singular those concerned to fib* their ol>i<*c tiotis. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicintat that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under mv hand, at office, in M irietta. this 30th September. 1861. JNO, G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct. 1.--6:n. GEORGIA, Paulding County, WH -IREAS. Isaac O“bnn<l Administrator of th-* Estate of John (Isbond. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said Administration. These are therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all persons conc‘*rned to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday in March next to show (if any they havel why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be granted the applicant Giv -n under mv hand at office this September 2nd. 1861. ' MILES EDWARDS. Ordy. GEORGIA. Cobb County. WHEREAS. Parks Hardman, Admr. of Martha P. H.irdtn n. deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Admin istration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all •nd singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if anv th-y have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismission will be granted the applicant •t tnat lerm of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given nnd *r rnv hand at office, in Marietta, this Angust 29th (B’l. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Only. Georgia Cobh County: HEREAS. James Sneed as the son of de- V ceased, applies to me in writing for let ters ot administration on the estate of Elijah Sneed, late of said county deceased : Th.-.- are therefore to cite and admonish a 1 ! and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in mv office on or before the first Monday in Deeemb'*r next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said countv G'.v-n under my band, at Marietta, this 26th., d i v <.f ' Ictober. 18 >l. Oct 29 3Hd. JNO G CAMPBELL Ord'y. Georgia Cobb County: V~ ' s>-orge M. Daniell, as thebroth iw ( " v fd” ••• ■ .-d. his applied to me. in writ ing. for i.-rs of administration on the es tate of Wi.'i.i a IL Daniell, late of said county d’*ceased: These >re thcra'bre to cile nnd ndtnorlsh all and singii! ir t i> kin Ire 1 and creditors <.f -aid dece-is-"! to fie lledr obj-ctions. if any they hare a mv office on or b<*fore the first Mond iv in !•<•- remb -r -i'-Xt. o'herwite letters of dmini-tr tlion w'. .-riu'el tin* applicant at that term lif (hi: •:-t of >r linary of s lid county. (. > :i und**r my h ind, at .Marietta, this 2Gth dav of October 1861. Oct. 29 30<l. JNO G CAMPBELL. Ord’y. Ge.agla. Pautdi-g County. HENRY HOLDER) Libel f r Divorce in Paiild vs z ing -up rior Court, August RHODA HOLDER.I (‘erm. 1861. ft appearing to the Court by the ret 'Hi of the eheriff that the <lefe ulant is not to be found in said countv. and it further appearing that she resid, s without the limits of this State. It is ordered by the Court, that nervine ho per fected by put/ieatiou according to Law, in such c.tscß made, and provi lad. D. F. HAMMOND, J. S.C. I certify the above to ho a true copy taken from minuter of Court, Oct. Utb. te«». L. l'•n. r’’t, gtgal Georgia Cubb County: WHEREAS. F M Megarity. as the brother of deceased, has applied to me. in writing, for letters of administration on the estate of John W Megarity. late of said county de ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their .objections, it any they have, in my office on or before t se first Monday in December next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 2( th dav of October. 1861. Oct. 29—30 d. JNO G CAMPBELL. Ord'y. Georgia C_bb County: WHEREAS. Nathan W Smith, as the friend of deceased, has applied to me in writing, for letters of administration on the eslate of Samuel S Henderson, late ot said County, de ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be grante i the applicant at that term of the C'eurt of Ordin try for said county Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 26th dav of October Oct. 29 3t)d. JNOG CAMPBELL Ord'y. Georgia Cobb County : '.VHEREAS. Enoch Faw. as a friend of de ! V ceased, applies to me in writing for letters of administration on the estate of Isham B Har low. late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or be.ore tin 1 first Monday in December next—otherwise le'ters of admin istration will be granted the applicant at that term e.f the ourt of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand at Marietta, this 26th dav of October, 1861. Oct. 29 304. JNO. G CAMPBELL. Only A Ittiinisteitors ale. be sold under <n order of the Court of 'V Or linary o' '’o‘d> Countv, on the first ties day ih J unary nxtb -f ire the Court House t ia ■ e citv of ‘larietta. b-tween the le al hours <>f sa e the following property. One town lot in te city of M riet . situated on the Ros-ve'i road, with agood fr-ined dw •1 ng there >n t present oecu p.ed by Thos Brook. Also, lots of land Nos. 8 . 89 ,r d south h df of No. 93, in the first d 1 triet of second see ion, Cobb County, with :i <>d framed dwel ing mil all nec essary out buildings good wat *r «fce * There are on this place fifty acres of cleared land an exce ie .t fruit orchard.’ So’d as th-' property of li en T .Meacham, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decea-ed. Terms made on diy of sale. October 2"th 186'. t.d s. JOHN O. H \V~ V’nir PICKEX ' Sil tl Sai,.,. WILL be sold beiure the Court House tioof in the Town of Jasper, on the first Tues day in Jahn ary next, between the 1< gal hours of sale, atpiiblie outc y. the following propertv. Lot of land No. 215 in the 12th I‘’strict and 2 1 Section of Pickens coun y. Lev '■ I on by vir tue of a fi fa issmid from the Superior Court of Bibb county, in favor of Er .- 'ns iieivy. jr.. vs Clark S. Prrnatn. Levied e 1 as the property <>f the defendant. Pointed ot; by John E. Price as agent of Plaintiff. B. F. HANI A Dept. Sh'ff. November 16th. 18'1. .Notice. TWO MONTHS after 'l ife application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county for leave to sell the undivided half in terest of R.'Jf. .Montgomery, deceased, in one town lot in the city of Jf irietta. for the benefit of their heirs and creditors of said deceased. This November 3. 1861. ELIZA .MONTGOMERY. Alm'x Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John jTx. J. Hardman, lateof Cobb county decea.-e I, are hereby required to make immediate p iv ni'-nt : and -ill persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, pro perly attested, to the undersigned, within the time prescribed bv law. PARKS HARDMAN, Adm'r. Nov. 9. 18’C1—Gw. GEORGIA, Paulding County : IVHEREA a Jane Cooper and Nathan Cooper ’» applies to me. for letters of Administration on the estate of Moses Cooper deceased. These are therefore to cite and require all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice on the first .Monday in January next, to show cause ijf any they have) why said letters should not be granted the applicants. Witness my hand and official signature this Nov, 6th 1861. MILIIS EDWARDS, Otd'y.S. L. S. GEORGIA, Paulding C.-unty; WHEREAS Enoch Pink ird Administrator on the estate ot James N. Pinkard de •ceased applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite v.nd require all and singular all persons concered to be and appear at my office in Dal las on the first Monday in June next to show cause (if any they have) why said letters of dismission should not he granted the applieinf. Witness my hand ami official signature, this November (ite, 1861. MILES EDWARDS, Only. Nov. 12.1861. per S. L. Strickland. GEORGIA, Milton County. Whereas Wil'iam Morris of the county of Milton, claiming to be an executor of the nuncupative will of Shadrack Morris.' has filed sui<l nnneipative will in my office for pro bate at the regular term of the court of <lrdina i-v tube held for the county of Milton the first Monday in December, 1861. lon. 11. N. 1 lem ming. James Morris and the heirs at Law of Jo seph .Morris, and all others, next of kin. are leby cited and summoned to be an 1 appear at tho’Ordinary's olli'-e in tin- court house of s ii'l county, on the first Monday in December. 18GR then anti there to attest the probate of said will, and to Contes’ (lies une if you please. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hand and seal of office, this Ith day of Novem ber. 186'. O. P. SKELTON, [L S. j Nov. 12. Ordinary. Paulding County. WHEREAS. Enoch I’ink int. Administrator of the Estate of James N. Pink ant. de ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from s.iid Administration. These me therefore .to cite and Admonish all persons coneerned. to be and appear at my of fice. on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause (If any fliey have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applicant. Given under mv hand at office this September 9n,i. 19»’,| MILEH EDWARDS. Or’dir. MARIETTA, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1861. jlrtpl STATE OP GEORGIA. Forsyth County. MAIIALA V. HUMPHRY.) Libel for Divorce vs. -. ,- in Forsyth Superi- DAVID R. HUMPHRY. lor Court, August Term. 1861 It. the Conrt that the defendant in said case does not reside in said counsy. and it further appearing to the Court by the affida vit of the plaintiff that said defendant does not reside in Georgia. It is therefore ordered by the Court that service of the writ in said case be perfected on said defendant by the publica tion of this or er in the Marietta. Advocate, a public journal published in the city of Marietta. G;i.. and it is further ordered that said defend ant be and appear at the next term of this Court and answer said case or it will proceed as by default. ISAAC S. CLEMENT. Aug fist 1891. Att'y pro Libl't. Granted. GEO. D. RICE. Judge J. C. A true extract from the minutes of the Conrt. WILLIAM D. BENTLEY. Sept. 3t)th. 1861. ________ GEORGIA, Cobh Count; : —ln Cue Superior Court. Present the Honorable Judge of said Court. CASTLEBERY & ROGERS, ) Mortgage. &e. vs > September Term BENJAMIN F. BISHOP. ) 1861. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Mei rill T. Castleberry and John Rogers us ing the firm name and style of Castleberry & Rogers, (accompanied by the four promisory notes and Mortgage deed.) that on the sixth day of April. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. the defendantm ide and delivered to the'pliintitfs his four promisory notes, bearing date the day and year afores'tid. whereby the defendant promised, thirty d iys after the date of subl promisory notes, to pitv your petitioner or bear er the sa’dsnm: in said promisory notes, speci fic I io wit: bv two of said promisory notes the sum of Fifty dollars each, and by the other two of said promisory notes the sum of thirty-live dollars and B')cents each, m dting in the ag. re gate the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-one Dollars an 1 sixty cent-, for value received.— And t'nat afterwards on the day and year afore said. the defendant the better to secure the p I'. mi'iit of said tour promisory notes executed and delivered to the plaintiffs his deed of .’tort gage whereby the said de endant Mortgaged to the plaintiffs lots of land Nos. 1268 and 1253. in the ii'th District and 2nd .Section of said connty. containing sixty acres, more or less. ?.n 1 it further appearing that s.ii I four promisory notes rem tins unpaid, it is rherofore ordered that the efen I .mt do pay into Court on or before the first day of the iiAxtk Term thereof the principal interests and osts\liieon -aid four promisory notes, or sl.ow cause to the’ contrary, if any he can. an i that on failure of the defendant so to do. the e [iiity of redemption in and to said mi.rigaged premises, be forever thereafter bar red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be published in the Marietta A'l voenfe. a public Gazette of this Slate once a month for three months, pi^ibtt’ to the next Term of this Court, or served on the i > or his special agent or attorney at least thr e months previous to the next term of this Court. GEO. I). RICE. Judge Superior Court, B. R. C. I certify tint the nbov • is a true extract fr >m the minutes of this Court this September 25th, 18 d. DILL ARD M. YOUNG, Clerk. S. C. November Sth. 1861. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the firs' Tuesday in Jan n iry next, before the Court House door in the town of Dallas. I’aulding county, Geor gia. within the leg d hours oi sale. Lot of Land No 187. in the Ist District and :’>•! Seclion, and Town lots Nos. 3. 8 and It. situ ited in Drake Town i’aulding county. Ga. Sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of AVm. Green, late of I’atdding county, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. IL M, BRYANT, Adm’r. November 11th 1861. iKBEtOPESF TEN THOUSAND BUFF ENVELOPES. IO Ct M. ALSO, 3.500 Finest quility of Light ana Dark Buff Envelopes. A LSO, 5000 Very Fine White Envelopes. FOR LADIES USE. Os Writing Papers, we have 60 TfcEiXnrs!* Os Letter, Can. Rath Post, Fine Note and other qualities. Besides, all sizes of Ink, Load Pencils, Slates School Books and everything usually found at the Marietta, Boole Store. HAMILTO , . .EKLEY & JOYIVFR. November 29th. 1-861. MESSRsTp A3E&H AtLeY.” L) ESPEtFITTLLA’ call the attention of the V public to their stock of Fall and Winter &oods! Just re<*civcd from Charleston. Almost every article usually kept in a DRA’ GOODS STtIRE. may be found. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOD-, SHOES. HOOTS. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS CLOTHING, Crockery, Glass Ware and Cutlery ir»'t"(sill and see our Stock beloro buying elsewhere. Prices will lie made to correspond with the liar Iness of *he times. Store next, door to D. M. Young. Oct. I'Jlh. 1860-ts. PAGE & HALEY. SUPERIORI FLOCR. Any quantity in Sacks anil Barrels to be had at the lowest market price nt. A. GREEN A Cn\ BUSINESS CARDS. Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Alex. Gbaiiam, Pastor. Presbyterian,Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. James') Rev. S. Benedict, Rector Baptist, filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambav. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. ~ATNTsfA[ PSON Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6. ly. A. J. attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. ~JOHN~€L GARTRELL? - Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. July 29. ,yl 0. I). PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15iy G. wT EESTE k. ATTORN RY AT RAW Marietta, Georgia, practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit y V the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29. 1861ly. CICERO C. WIN N\ ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to ail claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. " j. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Cobh County, Geo. YXTill practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee, Mil- V v ton. Paulding and Fulton. Ilcferenc.os.— Hou. J. W. Lewis, lion. L. J. G irirelL Atlanta. N. A. G. S. Avery. Acworth. rft'Any information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. - Feb. 29-’6l WM. PHILLIPS. J. T. BURKHALTER PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, Attorneys XjCVW, IMfirict 1 si, <.4eorgia. Wil! praclice in Fulton. Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su preme court, and District court, April .5, ‘6O-ly. E. F A W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. WILL diligently attend to anv business con filed to his cure in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee. Milton and Paulding. CL AIMS collected ns soon as it can ho done by law, and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20. 1«61. W. T. PAY. J. W. HEATH. LJay e&j Tlcixtlx, at Lair, Jasper. Pickens County, Georgia. TXT’ ILL practice in the counties of Pickens. \ \ Gilmer. Fannin. Lumpkin. Dawson, Mil ton. Cherokee. Murray and Whitfield. The utmost vigilance given to collections, and moneys promptly paid over. ept: nth -y.' JNT. T 3. G-TmJRRNT, Attorney mid Coxmiselloi* at LuiVV, Marietta, Cobb county G-a. Will practice, and give prompt attenibm to all business confided to his professional care, in the District Court of the U. S at Marietta. The Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior and Infe-ior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the counties adjoining (bbb of oth er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection of debts, and the securing of all manner o? claims. Prompt and -fficicnt attention will Ite given to all manner of business in the Courts of Ordina ry in the county of Cobb and adjoining to mties. ’ Feb. H) ” one y Hamilton,Markley & Joynei D::RT:G"G:;i:STS:. HA VE just received from the West, and of for for sale for Cash Only : 1 200 Gallons Pure Lard Oil ; ISO “ Prime Alcohol ; 165 “ Tarnors Oil ; 90 “ Burning Fluid ; 120 ‘ Kerosene Oil ; 2 BaiTcLs Linseed Ooil ; 150 Pounds Pure Sulphur ; 1 Keg- Salt Peter ; 250 Lbs. Cooking- Soda For Sale for CASH Only. X. B.—Let no one lake oflonse. —we give fair notice that we will not now sell anybody goods on credit, Cash dem mile I on delivery of all goods M & J. May 31st, 1861. Wil ow Sprfif Nursery. A FINE assortment of the most popular va rieties of FRUIT TREES, GRAPE AMD STRAWBERRY PLANTS, For sale by N. B. HARDEN. Mrrietta. G:i.. Ont- Ith.J 19*»l - if MARIETTA, GEORGIA. Friday Mornins Wcc. 20, 1861. [From the London I‘iines, Nov. ».j THE LONDON TIMES ON THE BAT TLE Off LEESBURG. Those who have taken their views of the 2\rneti ten civil war from the repre sentations of the north, must now be gin to have some doubts of their own wisdom. Happy will it be, we believe for Amei-i.- I, th ty are a s:n ill mi r* orty; and that the great body of he na tion judged for itself in so important jj, matter Had our Government and people been led away in the early part of this year to cheer on the crusade of the North; to echo its assertions about the weakn ss of the secessionist move ment, and to join in piedieting the Union’s sptedy victory, what would have been our position now? Instead of standing in a decent neutrality be tween two powerful and incensed na tions, for so must they now be called; instead of being able, when the time comes, to speak with the calm of impar tiality and he confidence derived just anticipations we, should have h< en merely a set of partizlans, doomed to explain away our hasty en husiasm. V\ hatever may be the end be this A-. ericim contest, Englishmen will of happy that they counselled peace.— Siiould the Confederates establish their independence, they will not lie able to accuse us of trying t> strangle tieir nationality in the cradle. Should the present dilferences result in :i “trar.sac tion,” by which the Union shill lie s >l - t •(’■ether for a time, then neilnei party will have it c > say the burdens left by season of civil strife were increased byoiir counsels. 1 ('anything were needed to confirm th s countiyin it s policy, the present situation of affairs wotiid be quite enough. It is now plain that this must be a gigantic war. It. is but four or live mo.itiis since we were told that a single encounter w >ul«I decide mat ers. Those who professed to know the i hatacfeis of the Si utlit i ner and his opp nen ,assured us (hat lhe former was a mere nosy swaggerer, who might fight, pretty well for a s'n ;le day t»ut would be soon overthrown by the stern moral man of the North. How comple e has been the mistake of tiio e who took this 'view ol lhe combatants may be judged from the present state of the campaign. But event from which we can gain the b st insight in*-«» the course of the campaign is . the defeat which the Nortlvniers c jf‘.red at Lee*- burg, and which, if latter ru n »rs be tru ■ was followed by a still more important reverse a<liy or two afterwards. The well known it urative we g iv-s of it was taken from tly? N - v Y" irk Tribune which cannot be suspected of any favor towards the en uny, and i may ihere fore, be c mclti le i that thoie facts arc sufficiently accurate. In this bloody encounter one must really admit that no disgrace at acks to the Norf hern tionps, who scorn to have done all that can be expected of men But the les son should not l e loss on those who have inflicted on British c ilumni. Tic battle was the usual American, such ;:s has been fought in thr te great wars al ready, and is now likely to detenu n • he event of a fourth. In fact, the accounts we published yesterday might, with changed names an 1 number,apply almost accurately to the battle on the M mongah la, in in which Braddock deleate I m ire than a him bed years ago, and which first brought, the n i n i of >n in n itice. The ped mtic ve'eran, who with his head full of the art of war, marched through the wilderness as if it were Flanders,and had half his f irc i destroyed by sharp she lters from behind trees, was but lhe forerunner of a Burgoyue and a Packenh im, an I n >w he has a successor in a Federal com mander, One cannot read without pity lhe fat- 1 f these unfortunate men. lhe end was a perfect rout. 1 lie diowning of the men in attempting torccross the river wasdreadful incident. Ont of<?ig'i teen hundred men the loss, according t<> the official report, was -six hn i Ire 1 and eiglitv. The battle is important as being, perhaps, the type <»f those to come. What can the Federals hope I for in a country like Virginia b i a sue- j cession of Leesburg fought ag tinst. ene mies strongly pos cd, and en lie ■; in de feats or dearly piircli i< * 1 victories about as fatal al. defeats UTTER FROM COL'T.M IUS. On Thursday, the gunbi-’s Jackson and Polk went up to within a short dis' tance of Cairo, n-i 1 p »nred several rounds into Camp ilolt, oppoisite Cairo pep| ering the Federals, and compelling them to leave their tents and scamper off for their very lives. The Federals have no guns mounted at Camp Holt, and our gunboats occu pied such a position that they could not be reached either from Cairo or Bird’s Point. It is believed that these attacks will speedily bring on an en gagement —the very thing our boys I most ardently desire. Al Columbus, I on Thursday, it was generally rumored j and believed that an attack on Paducah! VOT. XVIII—NO. 5 would be made at an eaily d iy. The Federal force there is said to be reduc* ed to ab mt 3,000. Gen, Jeff Thompson is fortifying at New Madrid, and has no idea that the Federals are fools enough to attempt to disiurb him. He i« concentrating a very large army there, and- doing arf‘ efficient service for the means at his cointnaud as any one in the Confederate' service. At Hickman, we are informed, true' Southerners from Kentucky are arriv ing in large numbers every day, and going to Columbus with all possible dispatch. Indeed, so great is tlfc rush to Hickman th it is in contemplation te run a s’eamboat between Hickman and Columbus, for the special accotn' mode tion of the Kentucky sympathizers with the Southern cause.— Memphis (Tenn.') Avalanche, Oct 8. OBJECTS OF THE NAVAL EXPEDI TION. The London “Times’’ regards the movements ofuhe enemy against our Southern coast as intended for pol itical effect abroad. “In spite of the affected indifference of the Northerners to European opinion on the war, they must feel that, with the growing embarrabsments of our manufacturers, and the distress of our working classes, th -re must be an in crease of bitterness agains themselves, which mty produce inconvenience and even danger. It is desirable, therefore to show that not they, but their oppo nents, are tiie witholders of the cotton supply. If tiiey cm s ;ize a port and open it even noin n.rlly t> the trade, they thereby’tak . away the ground of complaint which Europe had against diem. They show that it is not they who preyeiic cotton from coining out but tiial it is the Sotithcriieis who keep it in. That they w.ll get. cotton in any large quantities no one can believe, for the Confederate or the State Govern ments will, of coins*, take care that every bale, and probably every negro, shall bo rem >ved frim Lc o‘hood of the enemy. But stdi the Federals will have sat’slic I to so ue extent the de mud- of foreign nulions, inasrniicli as they will be able to say to us or to the French: “Here is a port, enter it, and take all the cotton you can get; you are at full liberty to trade with all w.i >in yon can find io t.’adc with.” When the “Timet'” shows that the proffer of cotton which Lincoln thus proposes to Europe, is but a m ickery, I anil necessarily ho, ii. gives every reas on to anticipate that so far troin its conciliating l'< reign gov rnimn's, they will regard any such calculation as an insult to their intelligence. The South ern people stand ready to exchange their cutton for goods of the Old World so soon as they can do so honorably; blit to expect* them to surrender thu very object of their struggle tor that privilege, only shows what follies may possess men without destroying life.— Port Roy •!, in possession of Yankee ships, is, of course, as sealed a port to ns as B tsfou. To talk about the Con federates trading there under tribu <» to the enemy ami recognizing their au thority, is utterly idle; and he sensi ble world will so pronounce it. Nei Il er “the French” nor the English will be caj ded by any such trilling with a grave question. Ol the military results 11 lie expected from these expeditons, the “ i'imes” says: “Seldom in theliislmy of war has much good been done by the occupation of points on an enemy’s co is’, and on such an im nense territory litdo im pression can be made by an expedition ary force advancing from he sea, and having no base of operations except its vessel* anl s i nc halfs ru n d town.— The hope of weakening the Southern army on the Po <>:n ic by a diversion, h is no doubt, had mueli lo do with the dispatch of the expedition ” -‘fhe hope of weaking the Southern army” hrs already proved an illusion. , McClellan is still fast in his tracks near Washington. The Confederate legions I| unit tlu-ir battle flag in his face, and he is as afraid to move as ever In every respect these expeditions will prove failures. They will secure but li tie plnn le:. They divide the enemy’s force an I exhaust his resources more than they do ours. They give him many distantand scattered points to defend, at all of which he may at any . time meet with disaster if he fails to keep himself in strength. True, we shall have to endure such losses and inconveniences as pirates inflct Individuals will be robbed.— But the strength of the Confederates will remain unaffected. No people were ever conquered by predatory inroads or by thieving parties. Their spirits arc but madden not broken. They arc in furiated andvcnergiscd, not subdued. H. I'l. Linville has just com* pleted mounting a 32 pounder siego gun, which was taken from his es(ab-» lishment yesterday afternoon to be placed in position for the defence of the city. This is the first 32 pounder ever mounted as a siege gun in Georgia.— The carriage is of Georgia white oak timber, and tho iron work is of the best finish and most substantial character,--* Savannah Newt,