Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, January 10, 1862, Image 4

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THE FAMINE IN IRH1.1S1). We have distressing accounts Q'om Ireland. Our r’ports of the progress of the foo l and fuel famine in that country prove that the great bulk ol pcasntry of one ol the most i-riile coun tries on earth are actually in a state el starvation. A poor mm in Galway lias just cat ried a basket fi roCen potat es a distance < t four miles to his starving children, in hope that they •'might pick something out of th tn. ’ c gne je low po’n? t dos o! sullcrii'.x and tion th r come t > us fr m that unfortu nate country. (Galwar (,Nov. 19A Correspondence of the Dub lin Freeipan.) I bog io let you know a ease of inis erv that came within my knowledge last Sunday. As I was walking in from Saltbill. on last Sunday. 1 overtook a tall, able looking m in, «' .: iy ing a b i ■ ket on his back, which ho rested on a wall for a lew m-'nents, apparently much fatigued. I a<ked him what he had in his basket. 11 ' said some black (rotten) potatoes. 1 asekb h>w fat he had carried them. He said from !• ar bourg', a distance of four mile.-'-. I ask ed did he buy them. He said no, he got them from a friend. 1 asked wha, he was going to do with them. He said to boil them for the children, to see it they could pick anything out of them. If that be not misery, I do not know what is. I send you this that you may know the state of the laboring classes here without employment. Tuam. (Nor. 18) Correspondence of the Dublin Freeman. SCARCITY OF FUEL AT GALWAY. A meeting wiil be held in Tuain in order to make arrangements for provi ding the poor with fuel, the scarcity of which is so severely felt. His Grace the Archbishop (Dr. Macllale) has been foremost in the good work, having, from his private means, already opened a coal <lepot tor meeting the existing wants. Correspondence o p Saunder’s News Letter. The morning was ushered in with a black frost, and the wind blowing from the Northeast. So bitterly cold was the atmosphere up to noon to day, tlmt everybody anticipated a fall of snow.— About half-past twelve oclock the snow commenced to fall th’ckly, and contin ued so up to the h >ur of closing my dispatch this evening. From he more Northern directions, and from Navan and different parts of the county of Meath, parties have arrived in Droghe-ol this evening who describe tin? storm of snow and hail, with large flash s ol lightening and awful peals of thunder, to be such in those districts as was not known to have occurred so early in No vember within the memory of any liv ing man. The present state of the weather, they say, portends a continu ance of hard frost. 1 m grieved to be obliged to remark that an incredible amount of destitution prevails amongst the poorer classes ; and if something be not speedily done, by employment or otherwise, to ameli orate their condition, the consequences will be serious indeed. An Extraordinary War Steamer. —An Italian of St. Louis has invented a new elec lie war steamer, which promises to be the greatest invention of the age. This new steamer is proposed to be about 300 feet in length and 100 in di ameter from top to keel. The form of this new vessel is to be that of a large potato, or “more like a whale.” the large proportion to be in the water. The cir cular build of the upper part of the steam er, or covering, is to be on such an an gle that no cannor. ball can strike it square, but must fly off, doing but lit tle damage to the boat. The covering is to be made of certain metal that can be electrified from heavy batteries located in magazines in the centre of the ship, so that, on any at tempt to board the vessel, every person making the effort would instantly be thrown of by the shock into the sea. In her bow, under water, she will carry a stel screw, which, re volving with great rapidity, will bore into any steamer or ship that she can approach, and then by heavy charge of electricity induced by the screw, the vessel thus bored into will be blown to atoms. This new electric or galvanic steamer is to be made of the best ma terial, at a cost ol $1,500,000, and it is computed, with her full armament on board, will draw about five fathoms of water. The port-holes are to be opene Iby a spring, and after the discharge of the gun immediately closed. Her hull is to be constructed on an entirely new method, and is to be proof against sinking. Many other new ideae in the construction of the steamer are given by the inventor but the above is suffic ient to give the general plan of the ves sel. The inventor says that with such a steamer he would defy fleets of thecombined world, and could enter any foreign port and destroy their cities without hazarding any r j s k o f being injured by the firing of guns or board ing.of troops. The model will be com pleted in a few days, and will be for warded to Washington for inspection. of U. S. Naval Offickrh.- We are fully authorized by a gentleman of New Orleans, says the Bulletin, who was lately a prisoner on board the steamer South Gallina, lying in the Gulf, to state thdt' lapi aiu Alden, the United States Naval officer, in com mand of that vessel, declared unequiv ocally to him, oti informant, diat if the war now carried on against the South were a war upon slavery, lie, Captain Alden, would immediately resign bis TH E MA BIETTA WE EK L Y ADVOC AT E. ! commission, ami that eve-y officer on board his ship wou’d follow his exam ple. . Captain Alden Ind previously told the passengers that they were entirely mistaken as to the object ol the war ; that it is only for '.he pieservation of the Union, for the preservati n <-» the Constitution and the laws, that it is no war upon slavery, etc., etc , and t on. l;e added the remarkable declaration wo have given. - - A MIC’ABI.E FEELING OF THE BRIT ISH GOVERNMENT TOWARDSTHE SOUTH. We draw attention to the rational and friendly manner in which the South ' ern President; alludes to the attitude mantaiiff'd hitherto towards America by this country because we regard nr re . lat: ■•’.s with the Southern .states as bciieeiorward of very considerable im porianee. i hose States have now at tained such a position that we must bring' ourselves to believe in the perma nence of their independent Confedera tion. • e have differences with the North in which the Southerners are di ’ rectly interested, and we have just con cluded a treaty wit the .inarez Gov ernment ot Mexico for a settlement l of our long standing claims upon that j country, under the “Aidham Conven tion,’’and other recorded obligations. Our naval expedition to the Gulf of Mexico is charged with the execution of these terms ; and, probably, before Febuary next, the system of sequestra tion of customs revenue at Vera Cruz and Tampico will have been put into action and the proceeds be accumula ting for distribution under the Mixed i Commission between the despoiled re i sidents and the wronged bondholders. | We must look upon this intervention as j one that may be in operation during a j considerable period of time; and when the Northern Government is too dis tant to admit of its attitude entering • materially into this question, the South ern Confedrathm on theoth rhan 1 strut' chesagreat distance along the i rentiers 'of Mexico, so as to render its friendly disposition to the authors of the inter vention of no slight consequence. The Northern Government has invariably railed at our neu rality, but the Souths ern, witii stat, smanship and modern hm has r-’coguiz d in it all that we c ould u■> for either party; and whether with a view to our transactions in Mexico, or ito our rebitfcns with the Cabinet of Washington, the frien lly forbearance of the Sonth'-m Confederacy is an im : portant point in our favor.— London Post. .. _ _ The Atlanta Confederacy records the . following- rich im-ident which hu,pp->«p-l lately in Marietta. By the way we | think salt sellers would be a more appro priate name to apply to Gov. Brown’s mvrmidons than salt seizors, for they I - > , sell salt as well as seize it. Perhaps I salt cellars would be still better, or they ■ not only seize and sell but they hold salt, and the definition of saP/fellar, ac cording to the dictionaries, is “a small vessel for holding salt.”— Chron. d Sen. “NOW BY ST. PAUL THE WORK GOES BRAVELY ON.” Our quiet little neighboring city par i tially under the shadow of the Kenne -1 saw, has the true spirit of a mountain eer in her midst, and is quite plucky when need be. The other day, a deputy or agent, or ; dealer, or something else, of our “Salt Seizer-General Col. Whitaker,” opened up a brisk trade from a box car near the Depot in Marietta, in the popular, but somewhat scarce article of Salt-deal i ng : it out, a half bushel to each poor family ■of an absent soldier, according to the instructions of his Excellency the Gov ernor, in his last order to the “Salt Seizer General.” i The new “institn'.ion” attracted quite ' a crowd of speculators, among whom ' was the duly elected and qualified Chief j Magistrate o f the city—the lion. Sam uel Lawrence. After he had looked on 1 a few moments,it struck his Honor 'hat the proceedings somehow were not quite “reg’lar;” and that somewhere among the musty volumes in his office there was recorded a city charter, and various acts of the corp ration un der authority, conferred by the Legis turn of this State, which imposed a tax or license fee, upon all persons who set up a place of business or trade with in the city limits; and a moment’s re*- flection and examination,proved it to be even so ; and the said recorded enactments had annexed thereto a pen alty for non compliance on the part of any one undertaking to do business in the place. This point being clearly established, his Honor sent round to the land “speculator,” deputy, agent, dealer, or whatsrever he might be, a ceriain po ’ lite individual who. occasionally per . forms special jobs the Mayor, known all over the world by his carrying a baton or wearing some badge, as a mark of . his distinction.—who in the blandest I manner possible approached the specu ! later, dealer, deputy agent, or whaj not touched him politely on the should er saying, ‘ Look a h<‘r' ; hev your paid your tax, and got aci y license to ped- I die out this ere salt by the smalls to I folks?” The “deputy” said he hadn’t. Thu ■ polite individual then demanded of the ’said deputy or what not, that he at I once pay over the tax imposed on such ; trade by the city ordinances, made in pursuance of law. | The dealer said he would’nt. There- upon his Honor, <hc Mayor, r paired tbrlhwithto he Baid box car, where the said dealer was selling the salt, ami being' instigated thereto by a fearless discharge of his duty, not having the fear of God or Joe Brown before hi.. eyes, he incontinently and unceremon - iously seized the lot which he now holds and will continue to hold, until lull pay ment ol all taxes, and ample redress for ihe offended dignity ol the city shall have been made. For this bold act of the unscrupulous head of the city government of Mariet ta, setting at defiance the mandates and will of the Governor, it would secin that the Hon. Samuel Lawrence is some “Joeßrown” himself. But we set out to relate this incident to show that flic work of salt seizing, bngun by the Governor, “goes bravely i on.” ■ Where or in what simp.- it will ; next develope i self, we io not know. — i \\ e trust are people who need it will ! not imitate the example set them by I the Governor, of seizing it contrary to I law. — ! Lincoln’s Military Governors are do ing good service for the CorJcdctate cause. General Sherman, in hie South Caro inia proclamation, dispelled the very small hopes of a Union party which had previously existed, and General Phelps, in his Mississippi proclamation has, il possible, done more for the South thau Sherman Concerning I’helps’ proclamation, the New York “Times” says: “The proclamation issued by Gen. Phelps,on reaching the Louisiana coast ! will be subjected to severe criticism.— i That officer, declining to be guided by I similar documents promulga'ed by lea ■dersin preceding expeditions into re ; bel territory, has animunced his mis i sion t<> be the sut stitution by force of I free for slave labor; and has justified his conviet'ons of duty by cons.titii!ion al dis'iissions and historical precedents curiously out of place in a milit try an ; nom com nt. Io say that the allusion to tb.e ('hurch <-f France in conneefi;;, with the French Hevolntion is wise i;1 fori 'in am! ma-cur .to, is pern ips neidles.-i. B : certainly no act ol on gress, in no order; from the War f)e-> paitment, m>r in the practice of ihe Government in its conduct cf Hie war thus far c mb! G m. Pm-lps tin I aulh n" io, ibr he line of policy he prescribes for himself; and he can h rdly plead the ' absence of exp'icit instructions, as jus- I tifying this extreme license of iuterpres ; tation. The war, be must be aware, is not made for the, objects whi-'i(, !.><• ' names'. lie misrepresents the aims of the Governinen-, precisely . i s the most malignant Secessionist of ’ the South misrepresents them; a coinci i deuce which cannot but be productive ,of mischievous and embarrassing 're- I suits. Locally, the proclamation will j fall harmless. It is hardly likely to do the Union cause more harm than 1 good. — The Washington correspondent o i the Baltimore Sun, says that there ar : in England several elements that fav -lor a war with this country. The land ’ interest want a high price for corn, and ; tin* mannf.ietui itig interest desire a ! cheap and pientifn! supply of cotton.— ; Besides, the Canadas want railways _ and government expenditures, and cov . et the acquisition of Portland harbor i and that portion of Maine through I which the Grand Trunk Railway pas - ses Then, again, the present minis try has a watchful opposition, led by Lord Derby, and a popular clamor for war could not be resisted. INSURE Y3UR PROPERTY I INSURE YOUR LIFE! THE INSUrScE COMPANY of the Valley of Virginia—Capital $300,000 FLORIDA HOMEmURAHCE CO., Apalachicola, Fla, —Capitol. $150,000 GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COM pany—Capital $25000 Fire Dupirtm .nt —Columbus, Ga. LIFE DEPARTMEXT-SAV., GA. Lives Insured of white persons on the Mutual or stock plan at the 1* west rates. Call on W. T. BEALL. Ag't., Marietta, Ga. Oct. 9, ’6I-6m. D YSENT?RY^CORDI AL• OH Compound Blixcr of lilmbtu b. API. EASY! NT, safe, and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Marbus, Pain or /Sickness at the stomach, and for all Bowell aj lections, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM ROOT Fob. I*/, ’6O -ts. MARIE TTA FE MALE CJ <> O . FIIHIS Institution commends itself to the pat J. roiiage of the people of Marietta by its undisguised Southern character, its thorough instruction, its exemplary discipline, its. I permanent design, its admirable locality for I convenience, study and exercise, and its moder ate charges. r Particular information should be obtain ed. not from Rumor, tint, by direct application to T. B. COOPER. A. M.. Principal. Sept. 3. 1861. SCHOOL NOTICE. MRS. M .1. HUNT, and Daughter will open a school for girlson Monday, the 13th. day of'January. Pupils will be received at any lime and charged only for the term during which they may re main. The number will be limited to hcentij. Music and Drawing at the usual rates. Marietta, Dec. 19th. 1861. ts. JOHN 11. SANOES. M- T- CRIST. Xlariioss SJtLQip, AN I J SAT>DL LR Y . SANdES GRIST. ( /■last side Public Square, near Decatur Street.' rjllll’l would most respect,fnllj ! call th<' attention of the public to the above. 4 business which we intend carrying on in all its Various with neatness and dispatch, surpassed by few establishments in the South. Repairing; of all kinds promptly attended to. r-"'’'A line lot of Horse Collars made of Native Material kept on hand and made to order. Accounts will be due and collectable twice a year—say the first of July and January of eaet year. ACCOUNTS not settled promptly at those times, will draw interest for all the time they remain unsettled. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. —mar 8, ’6O-tf mftopEs f TEN THOUSAND BUFF ENVELOPES. IO Per ALSO, 3.500 Finest quality of Light ana Dark Buff Envelopes. ALSO, 5000 Very Fine White Envelopes. FOR LADIES USE. Os Writing Papers, we have GO Os Letter. Cap, Bath Post, Fine Note and other qualities. B -sides, all sizes of Ink. Lead Pencils. SI ates School Books aii'l everything usually found nt flic NFai'idta 1 >c-ok Stove. HUdILTO , ...UKLEY & JOYM’il. , November 29th. Mil. G-eorgia Cobb County: . V t '.CTilijBEAS. CI lyton Vaughn. Administrator y'V if Moses Busseau, deceased, laie of said Cotm'y. implies to me for letters of dis mission fi m lid \ ■' ration. 'i ;;re therefore to elie and A lmotf -h all id sin ■' >' ■■ ctmcevn *d to file their objec .ii >v fhev have, in my cflire on or before the fir-.- ?iond iv in April next, olhorwis > l .tters of d smi ■ ion will be granted the upnlic mt at that term ol the Court of Ordinaiy of Cobb I Given under my at ofilce. in Marietta, : this September. ISfil. J NO. (i. CAMPBELL. Ordinary, if-:. 1. -Cm. G-EORG-IA, Paulding County. Ttr:i Tv th’ Esfato of .Train Osbond. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said /> dministration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish al! i persons conc"rr.ed to be and appear at. my of fice on or before the first Monday in March next to show c.mse (if any they have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at oflice this September 2nd. 1861. ' MILES EDWARDS. Or'dy. Executor’s Sale. WILL lie sold by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, before the court house door in the city of Ma rietta,* on the lirst Tuesday in February next, i between the legal hours of sale. Lot of land j No. 219. in the 21st district and 2nd section of ■ Cobb cobnty. Sold as the property of John Tate, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and ere li'ors of said deceased. Terms m id." known i on day of sale. PICKENS TATE. Ex’r. Decen bor 13 liscl.. 10d. SUPfRiORfLOUT Any quantity in Sacksand Barrels to be had at the lowest market price at A. GREEN & Co’s (AT J. 11. MCCLINTOCK’S OLD STAND. Has now on hand a large and well selected astortment of FA M I T,Y SUPPLIES i'o which he invites the attention of the citizens of Marietta, and the oounty. The mu' price system will be strictly adhered to, His t"rms are cash, or eqnivolent, th it is coitiitry pi"diiee a! cash pr ees. or short time. I to prompt paying customers. Bills due on pre. ' sentation. His de .ernination is to sell good articles it low prices, and will expect prompt payments. CD tc' Songs for the Little Ones. THIS delightful little book by a Lady of Sa vannah is for sale at the Marietta BOOK STORE. All the proceeds of it are given by *lie patri to icauthor to the Soldiers Relief FUND. FRUIT TREE NURSERY. A tine assortment of the most popular TUi* u it Trees 1 . For sale by N.B. HARDEN Marietta. Ga.. Oct 28 1860 FAMILY SUBSCRIBER offers the public at his JL Store next to A. Green Aco Cherokee Street, a lull stock of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually kept in that line, such as SUGARS, all kinds ; COFFER, all kinds ; MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, <fec., &c., & (J on nt r y Procl uc e, taken in Barter, on liberal terms. Having purchased the store and goods of Mt. B. S. Johnson, he also offers a targe stock of GROCERf ES at that stand, on Cherokee Street, ami Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting on. seustomer October I'. ’6O. tf] E. PAGE. “ pßmrmomic FOR SALE BY 8. A. RANDALL & CO., Marietta, Geo. 1861. 1861. MEDICINES. HAMILTON MARKLEY & JOYNER. 4 NNOUNCE to the public that they have corn- A nienced the New Year with a full stock of Drugs & Medicines. They are also fully prepared to sell on terms diat will suit the times. Kerosene Oil, Kerosene Lamps ; riuid, Turpentine, Alcohol; Linseed Oil, Lard and Sperm : (his for machinery, White Lead; Ground Colors, Window-Glass; Putty —Druggists (Hass Ware ; and every other species of Druggists’ Stock. Prescriptions Carefully Pre pared. —January 1861. THE ALVRIETTA, BOOKSTORE. CALL AND SEE The Household of Eouverie, (Bv a Kentucky Lmh.' HAND-BOOK OF LITKRATUEIE i Mrs. Botta. NSEMESIS. M. HARLAND. I LOUIES LAST TERM AT SI. MARYS. The Literary V/omen the South. ! splendid Edition of tb< LRITISH CLASSICS oO All the fresh, new an 1 des. able Books received by HAMILTON, MARKLY & JOINER as as issued from the press. Our fall stock of Paper, Eh velopes, Bl a n kboolcs, Mitcillage, Inks, Quills, Port Monies, Gold Pens, ■ Writing Desks, d:c. has just been opened in groat variety. We are specially prepared to sell good Letter. Cap and , Note PAPERS much cheaper and better than eser. as W e buy from the Mills DIRECT ; -Xr Airents for Firth ? Pon is Popular Music. SJAMILTON. MARKLEY & JOYNER. I June 2d. 1861. TDzry Groocls, Heady-Made Clothing, .HITSs BOGTSr SiulES, riMIE subscriber at the North corner of the 1 square in Marietta keeps constantly on hand a well seL’ctcd stock of Goods in the above line ol trade, and respectfully invites the inspec tion of ids friends ami the public both with re gard to their QUALITIES and PRICES, as my customers can buy from Die as low as from any house in Georgia, IF’OZSI. And I only ask that the public in Cobb and the adjacent counties will satisfy themselves o! the fact. L. BENNETT. N. B. —My customers indebted to me are re quested to come forward and settle their ac counts. L. B. All persons indebted are expected to come forward and settle at once. Persons wanting Goods can get them at cheap for eash at mv Store as any where. L. BENNETT. Oct. 5, 1861) 6m Divio irwin. g::k:;m.;:k uvti.ei:. IRWIN & BUTEER, ATIORNE ES Al LAW, O-6L- BUSINESS confided to their professional management in the following counties will be transacted, viz : Campbell. Paulding, Polk, Cobb, Cherokee. Forsyth. Lumpkin, Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. The District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. Re turn 20 days before Court. —feb29-’tfl-ly. NEWPA 3NT Si 1 OP. THE undersigned having permanently located in Marietta with a view of enrrjing on the PAINTING BUSINESS in all its various deportments, has taken the Room over the Workshop of W. R. McCown, on Decatur Street. Ho would respectfully call the attention of citi izens and others to the same, and earnestly solicit a liberat’sharc of patronage. ®O~AII work done with promptness and dispatch. Jan. 18, Iy. I- N. HAYS. NV. T. MOORE. FASHIONABLE lAI LOR, Marietta, Georgia. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is permanent ly located in Ihe city where he intends carrying on the Tailoring Business, in al! its departments in the latest and most improved styleof the art, and earnestly solicits a continuation of that pat ronage heretofore extended to him Satisfac tion warranted. Rooms up-stairs over Wade White’s Grocery store -North side of public square. Nov. 9th. ly RESI DE N T DEN TIS T GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity for a liberal patronage dining the past ten years, is still prepared to perform ail operations either for preserving the natural, or nserting artifiicial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits cads from (hose who have veri/bud teM. as he is using a preparation for filling the most delicate teeth no matter how badly de cayed. if not otherwise diseased -and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never chang or discolor the teeth. Refers to citizens of* Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. Terms. —Cash, unless by special contract. Office south side of public square, over the I’ost VRm* od sf, yuan j DR. J. H. McLEAN’S Gtrenghtliening Cordial and Blood F=”Lii*iHer, THE GREATEST Remedy in the M /' World, and tiie most VS; 7 fimfk Delicious tats ’ ‘‘ sn dki.igiitfvl KKjfek Cordial ever taken. wSMi i W j |y The thousands up- MM , on thousands Before takh” are daily using Me After taking* Lean’s Strengthening Cordial, certify that it is absolutely an infallible remedy for renovating and Invigorating the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the Blood—re : storing the sick, suffering invalid to Health I and St:« nutiu THEKH i.i NO MISTAKE auout it. It will cure liver complaint, dyspepsia, Diar ’ iluca. disentery, headache, depression of spirits, j fever and ague, inward level. bad breath, or any | disease of the liver, stomach, or bowels. ; Gentlemen do you wish to be healthy, strong and vigorous ? '' jZSU Ladies, do you want the bloom of health to mount to your cheeks again? —then go and get McLean's titrentjlheniiuj Cordial & Blood Purifier, Delay not a moment; it is warranted to give satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the kidneys, womb, or bladder; fainting, obstruct ed menstruation, falling of the womb, barren ness, or any disease arising from chronic or nervous debility, it is an infalible remedy. For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny chil ; dren. to be Healthy, strong and robust?—then give them McLean’s Strengthening Cordial, (see the directions on each bottle) it is delicious to take One table spoonful, taken every morn ing fasting, is a sure preventive against chills and fever. Yellow ! -’ever, cholera or any pre vailing diseases. Caution. —Beware of Druggists or Deal’ ers who miy try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsaparilla (which ib-’y car. buy cheap.) by saving it is just as good. There are even men Base enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such infa mo'is pirate*; and their villainous compounds! Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cor- I • ■ l ip ."J Purifier. Take nothing else. It i is tne oniy iciiH ..y that will purify your Blood I thoroughly, and. at the same time. Strengthen j and Invigoiivtk the whole organization. It is ! put up in Large Bottles —sl per bottle, or six ' bottles $5. Do’. 11. -Mi LE.'vN. Proprietor, j Corner of third and Bine Sts., St. Louis, JLi. ! DR. McLEAI'T S UNIVEIiSAL PILLS. i for Liner Complaint Blliousne-ts, Headache. &c, I ’l'here has never bet n a Cat;'artic medicine, I offered tothe public. th:it has given such entire i sati.-f'ictlon a- l/eZ<?ii)i'.-.' U)iirer.:'il Pills. Jteh’g entirely vegelab’.e. they are perfectly I inn-—-P :>:vj •;n !*•■> t.A-n by tee most tender ji .- , .0111,.! ;.:.l .■.f'ti in removing .3 secretions, acid or impure feted , . ■ .er from the st om ich. Ir. fact, they are the ::iv pills should b -’iHi’d in malari ius dis t .fits. : I hey produce no griping sickness or pain at i >' e stomach or bowels, though very active and i s ■ treliing in their operation, promoting healthy ; s -eretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Who will ' sotfer from biliousness, headache and foul stom ‘ aeii, when <o cheap a remedy cm be obtained? i •'. •ep them constantly on nanrt: w stnete dose. ! t.iken in season, may prevent hours, days and | m .iiths of sickness. Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean's j I niversal Pills. Take no other, itei’.g coated | they are tasteless. Prie:’ only ?."> cenrs per box, j e..n be sent by mail to any part of the country. J. H. Me LEA V. .So'e Proprietor, j Or. J. H. McLsan's Volcanic Oil Liniment. 1 '/.’<<• Pest B.rlernal in the IPorldper Man or Beast | Thousands of human beings I ive been saved ; a life of decrepitude and misery by the j use of this invaluable Liniment, it will relieve ; ■••’.ix almost instantaneously, and it will cleans, • ourifv and heal the foulest so;n: in an incredi ble short time. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Lini ment will relieve the most inveterr te cases ot rhumatism. goute. or Neuralgia. Foi paralysis contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness in the Joints, muscles oi ligaments, it will never fail. Two applications will cure sore tl. oat. head ache or earache. For burns or scalds, or any p fin. it is an infallible remedy. Try it. ami you will find it an indispensable reme.'y. Keep it always on hand. Planters. Farmers, or any one having charge of horses, will save money by using McLeans Volcanic C’d Liniment. It is a speedy and in fallible cure for Galls, sprains, chafes, swellings, sweeney. sores, won ds. scratches, or any exter nal disease. Trv it. and von will be convinced. DIE. J, 11. ’McLEAN Proprietor SAINT LOUIS. MO. Wiu'eiam Root, Agents, Marietta. May 17th. 1861 --wly. maTrietVa PAPER COMPANY 7M:iiinfHet iiroi*** of BOOK, NEWS, MANILLA AND WRAPPING PAPER, Leiter, Cap, Sole and Envelope Paper Fur nished to Order. Our News and Book PAPER is as good as any manufactured and at reasonable terms. Cssh Paid For Cotton and. Linen Rags. Old Rope BAGGING AND COTTON WAS 18. Address A. S. EDMONSTON CO. Oct. 19th, I 860-ly. Marietta. Ga FOUII HOKSIIIOACH JLINE noo From Marietta to Cumming. ooo fIIHE subscriber has in the above line a splendid JL Four Hors? Coach, with excellent stick and careful drivers,by which passengers uro put through in shorter tiuio and with far greater convenience than formerly. Ev ry at ention will be paid t • hei comfort, and no exer ions spared to make this line equal to any South. This lineconne ts wth he W. Jc A. Railroad at Mnriitt i, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Frdays for Cumming : and return Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur ays: also connecting sumo days with the Hack to and from Dahlonega. STtRLING SILVER WARE. OGLID silver (sterling) spoons, forks, napkin I iiurs. cups and wee ling presents of all kinds jsut received at FRA2IEP. New Book Bindery. Ruliuo- and Book-Binding. HE subscribers respectfully inform the ”’ib I lie that they have commences, in the city of Atkwia, ii New Book-Bindery-- Blank Hooks. Ledgers. Journals, Day- Books Blotters. Hotel ami Stable. Registers. Dockets, Record Books, Ac., with or without Printed Headings, and Ruled to any pattern desired, manufactured in the neatest, and most durable manner without delay. Magazines. Music. News papers. Ac., neatly bound at short notice. from any part ot the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hand, wagon or railroad, carefully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility of injury bv transportation. J P. M ASCCf 4 CO. Aug. 3’ • 1 year.