Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, January 24, 1862, Image 3

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She /Marietta Advoratr. maRIL'ITA. georot a. Friday Mornin* Jan. 21, I MW. Printing Establishment WE offer for sale ample and new eurpa | material for a co nplete PRINTING ES TABLISIIMENT. News and Job. including Tw« Presse»—one Hoe’s Washington and one large Taylor’s. Most of the Type has never beet used—none injured ample in quantity and wel. assorted Apply at this office. August 23d. IS6I. The Advocate Office, With an abundance of the best materi al and good workmen is prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing on reasonable terms. Worthy of all Commendation. Dr. Thomas S. Powei.i., Professor of Obstetrics in the Medical College of At- i lanta, is making the most praiseworthy efforts to establish in this city a home i for invalid ladies, where they may be ; treated tor those chronic ills to which I the sex are peculiarly liable. To establish, furnish, and adorn this , Institution so as to make it what its ; name imports, will involve necessarily i the expenditure of a cous.derable sum . ot money. And the plan adopted by the • Dr. sot raising this money is most ad- , mirable, as it enables him to accomplish ; tiro important ends if successful in o te. I He proposes to bring out a work enti tled, “Moral Beauties from the heart of Woman,” which is to be mads up of. choice ar icles prepared by fifty of the most accomplished lady writers ot the South, and is to stand as a representa tive ot the highest order of Southern literature. From the nett profits aris- i ing from the sale of this work, a suffi cient amount will be realized to render i the erection ofthe “Invalid Ladies Home’’ , a ceitain achievement ; and herein the | “land of flowers,” afflicted woman will I have an asylum where will be found the . professional skill as well as all the fa- I cilities for the successful treatment of ; her maladies. And it is a most grati- j iving consideration that this < ntei prise ! is in the hands <;f a gen leman whose i high moral tone, Christian integrity, and ' professional standing, will give him I .he w irm sympathy and cordial support of the community, generally, as well as i oi the Medic il profession par icnlarly, ■ as m<y be seen from the utterances -of th- press, and such letters s tiiat which appe irs in this p ip< r fiom Prof. J. hn W Jones. \i. I). This enterprise must commend itself also to the heat ts of our ch > V:. J rl. t*. Ti'iin I*. I their country is nerved and sustained ’ bv the fact that it is the land of the no- ’ Jdest 1.-dies of which earth can boast. • In pivot of this one, at leas’, >f these ■ distinguished writers h s been for sev- j months a nurse in the Georgia Ifos- ‘ pi al. ministering to the relief of the ; sick and suffering soldiers And, indeed, the ladies all over t e j land have shown a devotion to the wel fare and comfort of our soldier boys which must give them even a higher place in their grateful and affectionate remembrance than that heretofore en- As a grateful tribute to self-sacrific ing woman many of them will buy the book and present it as a souvenir to their lady frien ‘s. I he fortunate friends of the enterprise cun also aid the Dr. by making voluntary cotributions for the object contemplated, of which he has already received assurance rom many sources.— Banner & Baptist, At lanta, Ga. The Romney Expedition.— Direct in formation was received here yesterday that, on Fiiday of last week, the Yan kees had abandoned Romney, and that at last accoun s General Jackson’s command had not invested the place, but had advanced witiiin some six or seven miles of it. The Yankee force in Romney was seven thousand men, under Genera! Kelly. Their fight was piecipitate, so much so that the papers oi the Yankee Adjutan General were captured, r vea » ’ ing their force and command, as stated above. A vast amount of military stores were abandoned. The sufferings of our troops on the expedition are said to have surpassed anything yet known in the history of the campaign. They were compelled at one time to struggle through ..n al most blinding storm of snow and sleet, and to bivouac at night in the forest, without tents or carnp equipage. Many cf the troops were frozen on the march and died from exposure and exhaust ion; and the hospitals at Winchester were filled with the returning sick. Ihe town of Romney is said to have been left uninjured by the Yankees} but many of the farm houses in the neighbouring country had been burnt. About thirty of their stragglers were taken prisoners by our troops. It is sai 1 that General Jackson has applied for reinforcements, with the view of an extension of his movements beyond Romney. Hichm-ndf Va.,y Dis patch Jan. With. IRON & NAILS. A GOOD assortment of Iron and Nails on hand ami for sale by WM. ROOT. January 17, ’C2. TELEGRAPHIC. Western News. Nashvh.i.i, Jan. 17 —TheSt. Louis Repub lican contains a dispatch that Senators John son and Polk, of Missouri, had been expell ed from tbo Federal Senate, on the 10th inst., by a unantnous vote A special dispatch to same paper from rai ro, on the 9th instant, says that the “Great Expedition” is ready to.and will start to-mor row. The Fleet it is understood will iiseond the Tennessee river some distance, but its fund destination is not known. At Cairo, on the 10th. several steamers, conveying a portion of the troops forming the "Expedition” left on the afternoon, and lauded the troops at Fort Jefferson, then re turned, and will go down this morning to car ry the rest of the troops, to fort Jefferson and Point Kentucky—a store five miles between it and Bird’s Point. Cavalry had previously been taken across to the Fort. Holt will join them this morning from Birds Point. A considerable number ot reg inients will bo taken at Paducha. About 600 troops marched from there this morning, and will join the Expedition at some point in the interior. From Richmond, Richmond, Jan. 18.—Ex-President Tyler died during the night. The flags at the Cap ital are at half-mast. l’he Examiner’s special Charleston corres pondent reports that all the Yankee vessels at Port Royal had left on yesterday; prob ably to co-operate with the Burnside Expedi tion. Richmond, Jan. 18.—Intelligence has been received at Washington from Portsmouth, N. C.,by passengers, on yesterday, that 32 steam ers and 3 sail vessels were at Hatteras. A majority of them had arrived a week ago.— Nothing new from that quarter to day. .A dispatch from Gol isborough, says, "nothing definite from the fleet.” From the North. Richmond, Jan 19.—The N. Y. Herald of the'l6th has been received Jiere. j A dispatch from Washington says that the : Conference of the Boards of Trade, the Cham | bers of Commerce, and the Banking Institu : lions of the North have finally agree ! to the i general views of the Secretary of the Trras ' ury. It has been determined that the banks sh< uld pay out the Federal Treasury notes freely, and sustain their credit. The Secre tary of the Treasury agrees, for two weeks, 1 .. > i:t: , j f ’n: ... ' and a ha f of d alars, to pay the further sum i of twenty millions, in 7.30-100th bonds, to ■ public creditors desiring t » receive them. — > The United States demand notes will not be i increased beyond the fifty millions now au , tlmrize I. If thought to be desirable. Congress will . enact a general law relating to currency and i banking associations. It is believed that action and this legislation, will render the U. States demand notes a legal tender. Washington. Jan. 19.—Gen. McClellan and staff have 20 wagons ready' to start for the field of operations. Sr. Louis, Jan 14 —Gen Seigel is at Rolla. The report of his resignation is premature. Reports from Sedalia state that the First Kansas Regiment had done wonderful things destroying the property of the Rebels, cap turing prisoners, &c. The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune says that Patnlico Sound is to be the field of operations of the Burnside fleet. Western News, Nashville, Jan. 20.—The Federal move ment up the Tennessee and Cumberland must have been feints. They fi.ed a few shells from their gun-boats into the woods below Fort Henry, but did not come within range of the guns of the fort. The latest in telligence is that no Federals are near. Federal gun-boats came within three miles ot Fort D melson, on Saturday last, but re tired after firing a few shots into the woods. News from Virginia and the North. Richmond, Jan. 20.—Tlio Martinsburg (Va.,) Republican, of the 18th inst., says that it is reported there were 7,C00 Federals at Green Springs, fifteen miles from Romney, and that an attack was made on them by the Confederates, on Thursday last. The result is unknown. Nashville, Jan. 21.—Passengers by to day’s train report that the Federals number 10,01'0 or 12,000 in Murray, Callaway county, Ky., about 22 miles from Paris, Tenn. It is said they will march in the direction of the latter place; but nothing definite is known of their irovemc ts or intentions. It is sup posed their object is to seize the milroad and burn the bridges to prevent coinmuntion be tween Columbus and Bowling Green. Memphis, Jan. 21.—The latest intelligence from Paris is to the effect that a large feder a' force is at Murray, Ky , threatening Fort Henry, and the Memphis & Ohio Rail Road, with the object of cutting off communication between Memphis arid Bowling Green.— There is great excitement in Paris, 25 miles from Murray. Several slaveholders have al ready come to Memphis with their negroes. An attack is momentarily expected. Not' ing new at Columbus. THE MARIETTA WEEKLY ADVOCATE. SPECIAL NOTICES. R. R. R. THE FALL MALARIA. TUB VKVKR OF TUB SEASON. ALL POTENT EFFECT OF KADAWAY's REMEDIES. Radawat's Ready Relief, a household requi site for all who would be forearmed against mortal disease. is absolutely imlispensible in tlie fall. Murk! One or two doses will break up chills and fevers, bilious remittent fever il tmb ague, or any other malarious complaint, at the commencement, as certainly as the dis order will break down the victim, if unchecked. The colics and other bowel complaints, so gen eral in autumn, are almost instantly checked by a single dose. It positively extinguishes pain, whether sharp or acute, constant or spas modic. and its blessed effect in neuralgia, rheumatism, tic doloreux, and tooth-ache, can only be conceived by those who have experienc ed KEEP IT IN YOUR HOUSE. It is important that every household should be furnished witli Radway's Ready Relief—its use on all occasions where there is fever will, in a few minutes secure ease to the patient. In attacks of Group. Sore Throat. Influenza. Radway’s Ready Relief will quickly cure the patient. radway’s regulating pills THE BEST PURGATIVE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Radawat’s Regulating Pills are never more ‘urgently needed than in the fall, ’l’he rich fruits and indigestible vegetables, of autumn, chills by which the circulation is thrown out ot balance, and the stomach. liver and lungs par tially paralyzed. To restore these functions winter, a course of this great aperient, altera tive and tonic, is absolutely necessary. It is the only cathartic in the world which equalizes the circulation of the blood. All the mineral pur gatives have a deadly contrary effect, and lienee he fearful mercurial diseases. Radway's Regulating Pills are the only vegetable substitute for Calomel. Mercury. Qui nine—a dose of from four to six will secure in tlie most urgent cases, where these drugs are used, all the good effects wtiicli the physician expects to derive, without entailing upon tlie patient the horrid results of the presence of of these pisons--one of Radway's Regulating Pills possesses more of the elements of health —and ten-fold the power over disease—than ten ofany other pills in use—3o pills in each box. radway's RENOVATING RESOLVENT Radaway's Renovating Resolvent arrests decomposition of the flesh, curing pruruient dis charges, all ronning sores, diseases oi the eye lids, nose and lips, and every type of scrof ulous. syphilitic, eruptive, and tubercular dis ease. Radwav's Remedies are sold bv Druggists everywhere. RAD WAY & CO. 23 John st. N. Y. Sold by ’Win, ROOT Marietta. Ga. September Ist-Im. The maxims of wises men are topreserve the body in perfect health, not to wait for the devel opment of disease. -Be wise in time:’’ check and guard against the first approach. Keep the stomach and blood .healthy and pure, ami the plagues of a poisoned atmosphere fall harmless. The only remedy tiiat will thoroughly purify the blood, and at the same time strengthen and invigorate tlie system, is McLean's Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. Try it. and you will be convinced. See advertisement. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue o'an order of the Court of Ordin ary of Cobb County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in M uch next beiore the Court House door in Marietta. Cobl, County, between the legal hours ol sale, twenty seven (27) ac es jn the South Ensr corner of lot, of laml. No. IL'. , tn the 20i li district and 3d sec-i ion. Colin ( e;in;y. Sold as the propertv of die estate of Eleanor .likins. dec'd.. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sai.i estate. Terms made known on day of sale. • JOHN MALONEY. A<l:nr. Jan. 20. 1802. TWO MONTHS after date application will b;> 1 made to tiie Court of Ordinary of Col.b county, for leave to sell tlie half interest of Isaac Howell, dec'd.. in and to Howell Green’s Ferry, on the Chattahoochee River, for tlie ben efit of tlie heirs ami creditors of said^lecea<e<l. H. P. HOWELE. Adm'r. January 20. 1862. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of William Green, late of C*>bb coun ty. deceased, are requested to present them properly attested, to tlie undersigned witiiin the time prescribed by law ; ami all persons in debted to said estate, are required to make im mediate payment. IL M. MAYES, Ex'r. January 24, 1862-404. Georgia, Pickens County. yVHEREAS. John K. Bozeman, applies to me II for lett' r» of administration on tie estat; ofCharles D« rby, late of said c uinty. deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file theirobjections if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in March next—otherwise letters of administra tion will be granted tlie applicant nt that term ofthe Court of Ordinary o f said County, Given under my hand, at office, in Jasper, this Jan 20th 1862. WM.TATE, Only Ex officio. ELIZA A. D. WESLEY, Libel lor Divorce vs -in Cobb Superior JOHN WFSLEY, ) Court. UPON the affidavit of the Libellant in tlie above stated ease showing that tlie Defend ant, John Wesley, resides without t’.ie limits of tlie State of Georgia- it is ordered that service of this libel in said case be perfected by pub lishing this order in tlie Marietta Advocate for thirty days, and that said J bn Wesly do appear at tlie Marell term next of su'd Court, to answer said case. GEO. D. RICE. Judge. S. C. At Chambers, Marietta, Ga., Jan. 18, 1862. "notice, IT is Ordered by the Court tiiat the Book of assess Tax be closed on and after tlie first Tuesday in February next, ami that fi fas be issued liy the Tax Collector against ill persons who have not paid, and tiiat. tlie Clerk of tlie Inferior Court make out a new Book for the a.- sesi-ment of Relief Tax for tlie year 1862. 11. M. HAMMETT, J. 1. C. A. J. RIGSBY. J. I C. SA ML LAWRENCE. J. 1. C. A tine extract from tlie Minutes of Cobb In ferior Court. “ W. W. CARRELL, Clerk. January 7th, 1862. Notice to Debtor* and Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given to all having de mands against Isham B. Harlow, late of Cobb county, dec’., to present them to me. prop erly made out.witl in the time prescribed by law. so as to sliow their character and amount. Ami all person* indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. E. FAW, Adm'r Jan. 21st, 1862-lOd. 3XTOt i 00. AFTER the first day of January 1861. we will sell for Cash or Barter at cash prices. Thankful for past favors we still solicit a con tinuance of the same. _. TT , . De: 23, 186 A GREENb .10l Read and copy advertisement FfcINTW IKK MANUFACTURED BY B. A. BANBALL & €O., Marietta, Georgia. BOOK, NEWS AND COLORED INKS, OF AN EXCELLENT QUALITY, ami war ranted equal to the best Northern make. BOOK INK at 90 cents to $4 il>, in cans of 1 to 10 pounds. NEWS INK at 50 cents lb, in kegs of 25, 50 and 100 pounds. COLORED INKS at $1 re $8 $ lb, in half pound ami pound cans. Every paper inserting this advertisement for one month and sending us a copy of their pa per will receive pay for tlie same upon purchas ing three times tlie amount of their bill from us. Jan. 17. 1862. ts. B. A. R & CO. The Georgia MILITARY INSTITYE. RESUMES its exercises on the 20/7t Feb ruary. Tiie Superintendent and Professors are all Gentlemen of unquestionable qualifications for their respective positions, and earnestly and faithfully discharge their duties. The course of study and training in the Institute admirably qualifies for usefulness and success b >th in civil and Military lite — as well in peace as in war. Tiie Board of Trustees unhesitatingly com mend it to Public patronage. TI2RMS : Cadets are required to pay in advance for each session of five months, slls in full for Tuition, Board, Fuel, Lights, Field Music and Contingent Expenses. Also, a Surgeon’s fee of S 5 in full for Med icine and Medical attention, (for the year.) Tlie cost of Uniforms, Books, &c., will av erage about S4O per session. The advance from $lO5 to sllu is owing to the enhanced cost of provisions—tlie board being raised from $lO to sl2 per month. Boar cL Gen. F. W. CAPERS, Superintendent anel Prrfisscr of Civil anti ATi I it.ll u Ei ty in eer ing Capt. JOS E. EVE, Commander and Assistant Professor es Aluth em dies Mu. J. M. RICHARDSON, ■’* r't- Rev. JNO W. BAKER, Chut lain and Pits ssor of Ethics, Rhetoric and Logic Moxs. VICTOR IL MANGET, Pfofe-'sc.r of French and Histo-y AUG. W. KING, A. M. P.0f.0) Geology, Mineralogy and Chemistry, MHitarv Staffs ALVO CONNELL, M. D., Surgeon, ELLISON A. DOBBS, Commissary. Gen. Capers is temporarily absent on fur lough in command of a Brigade of Troops on our Coast. During his absence Maj. Rich ardson. an accomplished and experienced instructor, as well as officer, wil discharge the duties of Superintendent. In behalf of the Board of Trustees. DAVID IRWIN, President Pro Tem. Andrew J. Hansell. Sect’y of Board. Marietta, Ga., January' 11, 1802. N. B. —For farther particulars address either the President or Secretary. Augusta Constitutionalist. Savannah Republican, Macon Telegraph, Milledgeville Union, Columbus Enquirer, and Atlanta In elligencer, publish weekly lor six weeks. 1 O 01., WILLIAM ROOT. DRUGGIST. HaVI.NO PIJRI HASED FHOM Messrs Hammett .t Groves my old estab lishment. 1 shall endeavor to keep on hand as full a supply of DRUGS S MEDICINES AS I CAN PROCURE. And will give my close personal attention to the business as formerly. No exertion, on my part shall be spared in order to give satisfaction As to prices they will be governed by the prices I have to pay and will be as low as Pure and Genuine Articles can be afforded. As 1 cannot buy on credit my terms are C A IT. WILLIAM ROOT. October 1861. I’HF. EXERCISES OF TIIE Marietta Female College. WILL be resumed on next Monday the 2<)Hi instant. January 17th. 1862. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE undersigned will open a School for Males <>n Monday Him 13th inst., at the A cadeiny lately occupied by 11. S. Williams. Terms Q f Tuhfan: For the ‘Primary Branches (a session of five months SIO.OO For English Grammar, Geography and His- tory, per session 15.00 For the Higher. Matematics and Latin .. 20.00 V. M. WHITE. January 10th. 1862. MISS J. R, SHEDDEN’S SCHOOL FOR Misses and Young Ladies. IS NOW open at Mrs. Wright's two storied Building on Gassville Streets. Iler terms are as heretofore from $3 to $5 per month, regulated by the studdies of the pupil. Having decided to Locate Permanently in Marietta, she solicits such share of public patronage as her experience, qualifications and fidelity may merit. Marietta. Geo.. January 9th. 1862. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE exercises of Miss C. Taylor’s School will be resumed on Monday tlie 6th of Jan uary. 1862. January 3d, 1862. St .Tames’ IMSTITTTTK. THE Fourth Session opens February 3d.— The Rector will assume tie duties of Prin cipal. Tlie services as Assistant of a Parisian Lady, have been secured, by which arrange mentsuperior advantages are offered in Hie study of tlie French Language. Bills f-ojn the time < f ektrance to tlie end of the Session, payable in April. SAMUEL BENEDICT, Jan. Ist.. L 62. Rector. MARIETTA HOTEL This fine pro erty has rece tly chan ed hands, MSI W. A. C RISTON having purchased from Mr. 11. G.t oi.E, the late p The House, in complete order, will be opened on the Ist, of January,-1862, un der the immediate superintendance of Mr. W. A. lER, whose experience in his profession is a guaran tee of ample satisfaction to tlie public. TIT 112 Is one of the most spacious in tlie State, located in its and iteaitny section. and under its present auspices, will afford to visitors from other sections accommodations J±jQ_vlcll to tlie Bsst. January Ist, 1862 ts. Du?. J. H. McLEAN’S Strenghtbcning Cordial and Blood ZR tx I‘ifie r, the greatest Zjv Wvrlil. ai„l Ibemu-.l O’ Dellcio-.s and DELIGHTFUL Cordial ever taken. The thousands up- <^jg . I’M on thousands t. hi. r "ti’i|wi I Before takill? are daily using Me 11CT Inking. Lean's Strengthening Cordial, certify tiiat it is absolutely' an infallible remedy for renovating and Invigorating tlie shattered and diseased system, purifying and enr'mliing tlie Blood -re storing the sick, suffering invalid to UcaEtii and Slrenstls. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. It, will cure liver complaint, dyspepsia. Diar rhoea. disentery, headache, depression of spirits, fever and ague, inward level, bad breath, or any disease of the liver, stomach, or bowels. Gentlemen do you wish to be healthy, strong ami vigorous? ./'it* Ladies, do yon want tlie bloom of health t<> mount to your cheeks again? —then go and get Ale. Lean's Strengthening Cordial £' lilood Puritier. Delay not a moment; it is warranted to give satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the kidneys, womb, or bladder: fainting, obstruct ed menstruation, falling of the womb, barren ness, or any disease arising from chronic or nervous debility, it is an infalible remedy. For Children. Doyon want your delicate, sickly, puny chil dren, to be Healthy, strong and robust ?—then give them McLean's Strengthening Cordial, (see the directions on each bottle) it is delicious to take One table spoonful, taken every morn ing fasting, is a sure preventive against chills and fever. Yellow ’-'ever, cholera or any pre vailing diseases. ( 'ai tion.—Beware of Druggists or Deal ers wlio may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsaparilla (which Hwy ear. buy cheap,) by saying it is just as good. There are even men" Base enough to steal part of my name to dub I heir vile decoctions, /.void sjueh inl'a pirates and their villainous compounds! Ask for Dr. J. IL McLean's Strengtlu'iiing Cor- ■ - ’ I’urifier. Take nothing eise. It is me oni-v ieiiie.,y tiiat will purify your Blood tliorougliiv. and. at tlie same time. >i iiENi. i hen ami Invigorate tlie whole organization. It is put up in Large Botiies I per bottle, or six bottles DR. J. IL MrLEAN. I’roprietor. Corner of Third and I’ine Sts., St. Louis, JIo. DR. McT.EAIT'S UNIVERSAL PILLS ior Liver Complaint liilhrtsne-m, ILad-tehc. &c. There lias never been a Cathartic medicine, offered Io the public, tiiat Ins given such entire satisfaction as McLean's Universtd Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly iimoceiit and can be taken by the most tender infant ; yet prompt ami powerful in removing all Bilious secretions, mid or impure feted matter from the stomach. li> fact, they are tlie only pills tint should be used in malarious dis tricts. Tliey produce no griping sickness or pain at tlie stomach or bowels, though very active and searching in their operation, promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and kidneys. Who will suffer Irom biliousness, headache and foul stom ach, when so cheap a remedy can be obtained? Keep them constantly on hand : a single dose. taken in season, may prevent hours, dayl.aad months of sickness, Ask for Dr. J. 11. McLean’ Universal Pills, Take no other. Being enrtted they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per boX. ' enn be sent by mail to any part, of the J. IL McLEA A, Sole Proprietor, Voldan’c Oil Linfihont. 1,1,. »k„rt dm,.. vS.'" went will relieve the mowt invett*rr+i rliumutism, goute, or Neuralgia. contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness in th Joints, museles ot ligaments, 'it will never fen Two applications will cure sore throat, hemjl ache or earache. For burns or scalds, or any pain, it is an infallible, remedy. Try it,and you will find it an indispensable remedy. Keep it always on hand. ' l‘i.anters. Farmers, or any one having charge of horses, will save money by using Volcanic OH Liniment. It is a speedy and in fallible cure for Galls, sprains, chafes, swellings, sweeney. sores, won >ds, scratches, or any exter nal disease. Try it. and you will be convinced. Dlt.J, 11. McLeAN Proprietor SAINT LOUIS, MO. Wh.ueiam Root, Agents, Marietta. May 17th. 1861 1-rom the Comptroller General’s Report. The Regiments of Volunteers in the So vice of the Confederate nt. dd bile reporting the expenses of oui Stale for Military purposes—althougli ifrit required by law, yet. I desired if it was possible to do so, to present the organization of the various Regiments of Volunteers received into the service .by the Confederate States Government —that is, to give the name of the Colonel, j Lieutenant Colonel. Major, and the Captains’ | and Lieutenants of Companies in each Regi ment, the counties from which each Company came, and, also the number of each Regiment as given the Confederate States Govern ment. As much of this information could only he obtained from the AVer Department nt Rich m >nd, I have used my best exertions to obtain the same from that point, without success. I have only been enabled to get an official state ment of the nuwbering of the various regi ments, reported or received at that Depart ment, up to the Ist of October, together with the stations of the Regiments named. A» tlie numbers of many of the Regiments are different from those given them when they left Georgia, and as in all reports of the Con federate officers, they will only bedcsignated and kdswn by tlie numbers given them by the Confederate Government, 1 have conclud ed to submit the information received upon his point,, which is as follows : J-Js/ of Regiments from the State of Georgia in the service of the Confederate Slates, and their stations, Oct. 1, 18G1. o. Regt. Colonel. Station, st (' J Williams, Manassas t 11. W, Mercer, » Savannah, st J N Ramsey, N W Army, Va. 2- Paul J Scmms, Manassas 3 A R Wright, Forfolk George Doles, do John K Jackson, I’ensacoia A II Colquitt, Yorktown, Vs L. J. Gartrell; Manas bus 7 WII Gardner, (Independent) do 8 E R Goulding, do 9 L MeLaws, (Indept) Yorktown, 10 G T Anderson, Manassas. U Ed Johnson. (Indept.) N W Army, Va. 12 W Ector, (Indept.)- Army ol Kanawha. 13 A V Brumby, N W Army. 14 T\\ Thomas, Manussas. 15 II Cobb. Yorktown. 17 HL Bennning, Lynchburg orders Army [Kanawha. 18 W. T. Woffard, Richmond. 19 VV. W. Boyd, Army of Kanawha, Va. 20 W. D. Smith, (Independent.) 21 J. T. Mercer, (Independent,) do. 22 Robert Jones, Camp of Instruction, Ga. 23 'J'. Hutchenson. do do 24 R. McMillan, Goldsboro. N. C. 25 C. C. Wilson, Savannah. 26 Not Reported, Camp of Instruction, Ga. 27 do. do. do. do. 28 do. do. do. do. 29 do. do. do. co. Georgia Legion—T, IL R. Cobb, Yorktown. Phillips’ do —W. Phillips, Army Kanawha Ist. Battlion —Lt. Col. J. B. Villepigue. Pen [sacola. 2d. do —Maj Hardeman, Norfolk. 3d. do —Maj Stovall, Lynchurg, orders [Army Kanawha. Besides several independent companies in Virginia not yet organized into Battalions or Regiments. Although in the above statement Col. Ben ning’s Regiment is put down as at Lynchburg, yet for several weeks past it has been at Ma nassas, and Col. Wright’s third Regiment has lately been at Roanoke Island. N. C. I have only added to the statement received, the word -‘lndependent” opposie those Regiments that were received by Confederate Govern ment directly, and not not through our Ex ecutive Tlie Regiment alluded to in the foregoing statement, as "not reported,” &c., no doubt are. Col. T. J. Warthen’s Regiment, “ Levi B. Smith’s “ “David J. Bailey’s “ “ Littlefield “ now in Camp of Instruction in Georgia. In addition to these, t.iereis another, more than full Regiment commrnded by Col. Cary W. Stiles stationed at Brunswick Georgia in tlie service of Confederate States’Government. Also three “ledependent Regiments” not tye full, but in camp in Georgia, viz: Col. Wm. 11. Stiles Regi’t, 5 Companies, Col. E. L Thomas “ 7 Col. Aug. R. Wrignt “ 6 “ Also, Col. C. A. Lamar “ 7 “ Receive I by the Confederate Goverrnment through State authority. Besides these there already three Regi ments in the service of the State, on or near the coast to be increased to six Regiments within tlie next twenty days, for the purpose of protecting the seaboard, of Georgia. Thus it will be seen that our State has at tl:istime thirty-four full Regiments, (some more than full) and four partially filled Regi ments, together with three Battalions, and other independent companies in Virginia and Georgia, amounting in all to ab >ut forty Reg iments in tiie C ntederate Governmen ser vice. And besides this there are three Regi ments now tlie State service to be increased to six Regiments within the nexttwenty days for tlie defence of her seacoast. Os tiie Regimeets and Battalions in tha Confederate Government service. Georgia Ims armed accoutred and equipped twenty cue Regiments three Battalions, and sever Companies attached to full Regiments a of which acccurtemetifs. equipments, Ac and a portion of the arms, hnve been pai for out of the $1,000,00(1 appropriation, a will be seen in the Abstract accompany! n this Report, and from the Reports of ih I Quarter-masters General.