Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, March 07, 1862, Image 3

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Me marietta ‘lto cate. MARIETTA. GEO ROT A. . Friday Mornins Feb. 28. 1862. PRINTING MATERIAL FOR SALE. TTTE offer for sale a quantity of new TYPE. • V embracing a large font ot MINIONETTE and of BOURGEOIS. the litter but slightly used. Also JOB TYPE. IMPOSING STONES. CHASES. Ac.. X . in.’ one large Taylor's PRESS ' Thr for a large newspaper establishment. Foulj miV" Au naidseparately. Feb. 7.1862. —ts. ~ ~ ~ ' The Situation out West. The Memphis “Appeal” of Sunday presents the following 1 upon the results of the Lite battles and the probable fu ture niovemeti B tithat quarter : The loss, temporarily, of a large por tion of Middle Tennessee and the State capital is certainly of great moment to us, but iis chief effect will be a moral one in tiie \ortli and in Europe. We can stand its immediate consequences nt home; however, without serious det riment to our cause. Th * character pf ithe country is such that Buell will ac •complish !i tie else by a further advance Ilian to endanger the safety ot his army, except it be made with ’he view of de stroying some of the large bridges along the lino of railway extending between Knoxville and Decatur. Ho may make forays with his view, but the great bulk ot his army will neve, vetrure Twenty miles south of Nashville. The seat of active hostilities tor the future is to be west ot the Tennessee river, in Kentucky and Tennessee— I Columbus and Memphis are the prizes which are now he’d steadily in view, And the full strength of the enemy will be put forth in the next thirty days for their capture. We had as well look these facts sternly it. the face, and con front them with a fearless determination and a wakeful energy worthy of our high at. I holy cause Buell has accom plished his. chief design, the dunking ot Bowling Green, which led to its evacu ation, and seenr* d tiie easy occupation of the capital ot Tenne-see. He will n w re| o-e emporarily upon his success until Halleck m ikes the movement on Columbus.which he at present has in contemplation. • Our military authorities should lose no time in expediting their prepartions to meet this attack. They may or may not have information that it is soon to I e made, but of this we are not advised.-! we cun tell them witii as much c mtidrnce and accuracy as we did re garding the attacks on Forts Henry and Donaldson, that indications which we find in the Not them papers—always infallible barometers of Federal war move... s—: :t almost certainly to a speedy at . i nn> at its execution. The order will, h ; been issued to the rail ways tn tne northwest to make prepar ations fur lite transportation of fifty thousand trm ps from the Potomac—the shipment of heavy mortar g:t s from Pittsburg to Cairo —and the gradual assemb'ti;.gof t: > >pc at the latter p.lace, in our a;:;. . so:.; ; v <i >s?tire proofs of wb t we r,.;v. The attack Columbus will be made by land, and water. Foote's flotilla of gunboats and mortar boats, under the direction of Halleck, will move down the Mississippi with the view of taking our batteries and driving our army from their entrenchments, by bombardment. Simultaneously, we may surmise, a movement will be made by land from Paducsa with not less than sixty thou sand men. The object of this column will be o penetrate to Union City and Hickman, so as to cut off communica tion betw -en Columbus and Memphis by both river and railroad. This feat acc .in, l.shcd, it is hoped that the posi tion will yield to a lengthy siege, even should it fail to succumb to a tei rific bombardment. Such we believe is the plan <>f the enemy, and only a few weeks will rest the correctness of our op nion. To resist this attack —we mean to discuss, not to dictate measures—two things will evidently be necessary : First, to make the heavy batteries at Columbus, and other places below, bomb-proof, a neglect of which alone has cost us Hatteras, Port Royal, Forts Henry and D •nelson, and Roanake Is land—our only disasters of th- war Secondly, to place large reinforcements in the rear of Columbus, along the Mobile aud Ohio Railroad from Cor-inth to 1 nion City, as to be readily moved to Gen Polk's relief when wanted. ihe contest for the Mississippi Vallye is thus to be decided in one or more tremendous Laities in this locality, within sixty days. We believe that the experienced and observant officer in command, who has recen 'y been trans ferred from 'he field of his victory and renown at Manassas to bring order out of chaos and confusi -n, fully appreciates the responsibility and peril of his posi tion, and will be equal to the eine • gency. Our Army Falling Back. --The army under General A. Sidney Johnston is falling L ick from Murfreesborough and Columbia, Tenn., ■<> Decatur, Ala., as we intimated diy before yesterday. We do not look upon this with any de gree of alarm, or special concern.what ever. It is not because we are unable to hold ur frees boro, or many other places between there and Dee-tur, bnt of choice, and predict the fruits of this judicious movement will be manifest 'o every one in due season, when all will acknowledge and approve it If the enemy will only attempt to follow, it is all wc ask. THE MA RI ETI' A WEE KL Y A ’ '/ CCA TE. TELEGRAPHIC. I Norfolk. Feb. 28.—The Paris correspondent ! of the New York -Herald" writing on the 7th February, says the distress at Rouen and Lyons is so great among the working population, that disturbances are seriously feared. The want ol cotton has thrown many thousand out of em ployment, and miles the Emperor interferes in * the American quarrel nui-t starve: a id unless ! McClellan speedily strikes a blow the Washing ton government will be exposed to a pressure from Franc* ami England. The people ot France are"fosiflg confidence in the ability of the North ern government to put down the revolution: and the cry for help from the manufacturing depots will soon be heard, headed by the Im perial government. ’ At New York, on the 26th, there was a spasm in the money market. The banks were lending all their money at 7 per. cent., and inquiries tor Federal and State stock were active. Missou ris and Tennessees were lower, and the leading railroads shares were lower. Virginia fi.s were 64, and North Carolinas ’2. No'thorn papers to the 27th are at hand. There was no movnient in the Federal army on the potamac on the 26th. A dispatch received at St. Louis. 2(>th. trom Donelson, says: A boat just from Clarksville brings the report of the evacuation of Nashville and that the Governor of Tennessee had burn ed all tho State Documents and retreated to Murfreesboro. Gen. Grant has declared marshal law over West Tennsessee. At Chicago the 26th. it was reported the Confederates would make a stand at Columbus. Randolph and Memphis, and that their forces were concentrating at the latter point, and the Streets there were being b rrica ded with cotton. The previously reported pacification of Ten nessee is denied. It is said now (among the Yankees) that the Governor made it patriotic spirited war speech. The great fleet has been finished. Cotton market at New York on the "Bth had assumed more tone and stability. The sales were I.ODO bales at 28c for Middling. The -Herald” says, in a very short time, they will be in possession of $2,000,000 worth ol cotton, captured at Charleston. Savannah and Memphis, and will be able to send to Europe I the usual supply of cotton for the year ; then the price will decline to the usual figures. At Washington the 26th, the Committee of Ways and Means were laboring on the tax bill | —its principal features were unknown. Secretary Chase says the actual payments of the Government amount to a million and half a day. and still arrearages have largely accumulated, causing serious trouble to the Government and distress to the creditors Payments are urgently required on unsatisfac tory requisitions. The several debts of this kind amount to $26,500,000. and the floating debt new exceeds $40,000,003 Certificates of in debtedness are to be issued where payments can't be made by the Government for want of money; and a general Bankrupt Law will be reported to Congress. Richmond. March Ist.—The Confederate war steamer. "Nashville” arrived at the port of Beaufort. N. C. The Federal blockaders tired 22 shots at her without effect. She brings about $3,000,000 worth of stores—principally for the Confederate departments; She destroyed, near the Gulf stream, a Yankee schooner, bound from Philapelphia to St. Domingo. The Nashvi.le steamed up to the blockaders in defiant style, although at one time within musket shot of them. She came by the guns of Fort Macon, and was soon beyond the reach of ' her chagrined pursuers. i Commander Pegrain and Paymaster Taylor. I of the Nashville, have arrived at Richmond, i and a part of her freight is now being delivered , in front of the Treasury Department. ’ I Pegram speaks in glowir.g terms of the hos ' pitalities of England, and thinks Belgium will soon recognize the Confederate States. Aflfairs’in Richmond. ' Richmond, March 2.—President Davis has is ' sued a proclamation declaring, martial law in . Richmond and ten miles into the surrounding country, suspendingall civil jurisdiction except that of the Mayor of the city; and also suspend ing, under the authority of Congress, the writ of Habeas Corpus; all distilleries are ordered to be closed, the sales of liquors of any kind have been prohibited, and the establishments for the sale thereof have been closed. Federal Congress. In th" House, on Thursday last, a joint resoln tion w is offered, to print Washington’s Farewell ‘ Address. Gen. Jackson's Proclamation on ‘ Nullification and the Declar ition'of Independ- I ence. for general distribution. The resolution was referred to the appropriate committee. Upton who claimed to represent Fairfax Con gressional District, of Virginia, it has been de cided, is not entitled to a seat in the House. The snow in the Northern section of New , York tate is five or six feet deep on a level. . Fears are entertained of an inundation in the | Hudson and Mohawk rivers. t Star’l'ng developments have been made by the i investigating committee of Ihe Federal Congress —they have exposed a number of swindling * contractors ; and report that many of the ves sels sold to the Government are old shaky boats. The New York "Herald” admits that the * Confederate armies of the Potomac and Shc-nan- I doah ii.list be defeated before anything decisive , can be accomplished. It says that the moral effect of the menace of the capital of the Uni ted States must be removed. ! Washington, Feb. 27.--Gen. Dix and Hon Edward J’ierpont have been appointed special t Commissioners to examine the cases of State 1 prisoners in the military custody of the United ’ States, and to determine, ex parte, whether they should be discharged or remitted to the civil : tribunals for trial. 1 Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, introduced a resolution in the Senate, on Friday, to extend aid to Maryland and Delaware to abolish sla very in these States. CtitetGo, lil . Feb. 27- A dispatch from Clarkesville. Tenn., states that the people there glorv in secession. T.arge quantities of rebel stores have been carried off by the Confeder ates. and the balance destroyed. The rebel leaders shipped 1.000 negroes last week from Cl rkesville. Ci.i:vi'.;.ixD. Ohio, Feb 27. Gen? Buckner and passed here this morning, en route for Fort Warren: Richmond. Marell I. Congress It is under stood that tho House passed a bill to d y au thorizing the creation of the office of Command ing General for the army an.l navy Mt-t'ti’iti.;. Fell I (hi Saturday the were reported within 30 miles of New Madrid, Mo. The advance guard was within 5 miles, but no fight had occurred. The Federals at Nashville are conducting themselves witii marked propriety. Two Federal Hags are filing, one on the court house and the other on lite Capitol. A few stores are open. No arrests of private citizens Reinforcoments are cottting forwaid for the defence of the Mississippi \ .alley. Gen. Johnston is falling back to Decatur, Ala. Gen. Lander of the Lincoln army is dead.— Gon. Shields ueeeeds him. The evacuation of Columbus is officially an nounced. Die report from Commodore Foote, that the stores, equipments, and. perhaps the' town, an l bnrnd. is contradicted. It is said that Andy Johnson will bo appointed Brigadier-General and will act. as military Gov ernor of Tennessee. Fortifications for the defence of Del.were Bay have been recommended at a cost of $.00,000. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS? iNTotice. A LL persons h iving demands against the es- ZA. tate of F.leander Aikir.s. decal., are reques ted to present them properly attested. t» tin undersigned within the time prescribed by law; and all those indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate pai ment. # JOHN MALONEY. Adm’r. March sth 1862. —404. aWwypFgallehyT lIROSI this date my Abrotype Gallery in thU 1 place will be open lor a F. r HW WEEKS, Persons desiring first class Pictures would do we I to avail tht'i.wlves of this opp irtanity. it being probable the last that will be offered un til the closing of the war. Those indebted to n; ■ by account will please make early settlements with E. Faw,. Esq., as I have uo lime myself to mi! <" collections. Marietta. Mar. 6. GivO. J. GABLE. ' COBB SHERIFF SAJLES. * POSTPONED. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the-City of Marietta, on the liv?t Tuyn day in Aptil next. One Necro buy named about 20years old and of 4 irk complexion: Jack, a negro boy of dark comps-Xi ■ • and ..'a-.-it J.; years old; Georue. miogro tn : a ■>f d irk complex ion and aliotit 65 years ..'d: a negro w unan of dark complexion and about dtyears old; Bet sey. a negro woman of dark complexion and about 20 years old. ami her boy V. esl. y. about 2 years old. nil levied ot; tis the property of Henry G. Dunn, t" s.cisfy a fl i t i--t|.’d Irani Cobb Nuperiof Court in favor of Washington Crawford vs Henry G . Dtinn. Ira .i. Rogers, and L. M. Rogers. JAS. F. McCLESKY. D. Sheriff. Paulding Sheriff's Sale* WILL be so.d bal'nre the Court-House door in the town of Da'.las. Paulding County. Ga.. within the I gal Loiir- of sale, on the lir-t Tuesday in Arril m xt. the following prop-rty, to-wit: One lot. of land. No. Zl> in tne ii.'-i ifist. and third Section of i’auldi.ig county—Levied on as the jn'.iperty of J. I*. Watson, to satisfy a cost. fi. fa. issue 1 fiam Danl ’ittg Inferior Court, for the use of officers of Court vs J. 1* Whitson. Ar.-*>. one lot of lan I. No. 301. iu the 2d Dist. and 3d Section of said eotinly Lei ied on by D. Campbell. Dept. Sheriff, mid defendant t ilting the illegality of said !i ft. in favor of Am is M. Hase for the use of IJ. M. Whitworth vs Litlie berry B. l. Said lot ol laud o',J to satisfy the cost o! the aboie m ‘nti'im-1 ii fa and another cost fi fa in mv ham! for the officers of Court vs Littleberry B. Land. W. U. ABNEY. Sh'ff. February 25th. 1862. GEORG I A, Pau Lt in" County. WHEREAS. Thomas J. Cooper applies to me for letters of Ailmidistrution on the estate of James M Cooper, late of the Confeder ate Army, deceased : These are therefore to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at the Ordinary's Office on the first Monday in April next, to showcanse if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. Tiiis 28th Februarv 1862. , " S.B McGREGOR.Ord y. LIST OF 4.ETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Marietta. March Ist. 1862. B Boling. Henry G M -Manley. -Dr. W J Brannon. Miss Mitchell. L M Barnes, William L Manning Win. Brooks, Miss Lucinda Moss. Cap! RD Barnett. Ita Isom Muir*. Dr W S C—• l impbell. Miss M E MeCiotld. John Uhamllei*. Arabella Markey. Harris Combs. Mrs Mary P -Pullea. Thomas 6 D—Dyar J II Priceard, James F—Freeman. Benj Patterson. John G—Green, Mrs C Phillip... C A II Hunt, E S- Simpsati. I. E Henderson. J T Thomas, Miss C Hanson. MissJnly Trabtie <t Lucas Heath. John W W W'alravcn, Mitchell. Hill. A J Wilson. J T J Johnston. J T Walker, Miss Mary Jones. II M Y—Young. James Jones. Mrs F z\ Young, Miss N L--Latmon, Charles W F. GROVES P. M. 19AA POUNDS LARD, For sale by low Wiu. ROOT & SON. To the Property Holders of Cobb. DO you believe that your property will be destroyed or confiscated by the success of the Federal arms? If you do, then in the name of common sense, why not give liberally of your means to advance the cause of the South ? There tire thousands awaiting your example waiting to see an evidence of the interest you feel in this war. If you will give according to your means for the support of the families of vo unteers, then our force will be adeqnatd to defeat the invasion of the enemy. Wid you do it ? Put your name to the circular and let our people see how far you prize your country above money. E. T. HUDSON. Marietta. Gfi., Feb. 14, 1862. STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 TTThhreas. here- COBB COUNTY. ( VV tofore to-wit on the fffth day of June 1862 the Inferior Court of said county did assess 5-12 of one per cent upon the value of all Taxable property given in upon the Tax Digest of 1861. and ordered and directed one fourth of sail! amount to be collec ted and to bo applied to the use of soldiers and the imligenl families of soldiers. The. same having been legalized by an act of the last Leg islature of said State.” It. is new therefore ordered by the Court that the Tax Collector who has been appointed by the Court for the purpose of collecting and dis bursing the same, do collect 2-4 of the above as sessment for the year 1862 by the fifteenth of May 1862 for the purpose of supporting the indigent families of soldiers that has gone in the service or that may hereafter go; and that the Collector be and he is hereby authorized to re ceive the same from the tax payers, in produce at the cash market price to be delivered at this place or where he may direct, and it is further ordered that the pole tax payers pay fifty cents. Burrell Kemv. J. I. C. A. J. Rigsby, J. I. C. H. M. 11. i inti: rr. J. 1. C. C. C. S.imckl Lawrence. J. I. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of court. W. W. CARRELL, C.I.C. To tho Tax payers of Cobb County. rgMte Books of asses.; tax for the year 1862 is " now opened and will be found in the Clerks office of the Inferior Court at all times and ready to receive the same by order of the Court. W. W. CARRELL, T. C. Feb. 26th 1862. IRON OAttS. A GOOD assortment of Iron and Nails on hand ami for sale bv WM. ROOT. January 17, "C 2. Wil ow Spring Nursery. A FINE assortment of the most popular va rieties of • FRyiTTRSES, GRAPE VINES AUD STRAWBERRY PLANTS, For sale by N. B. HARDEN. Mrriettn.. Ga.. Oct-tth.; 1861—ts DAVID IRWIN. GREENLEE BUTLER. IK WIN & BUTLER, ATIORNEYS Al LAW, JNzfa/riettcb,, G-eu BUSINESS confided to their professional management*in the following counties will be transacted, viz; Campbell. Paulding. Polk, Cobb. Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, ■and at tho Supreme Court at Atlanta. j?s@“Tlie District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. Re turn 20 days before Court. —feb2!)-'6l-ly. Pickens Coitnly.Goorgia. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, at the first regular term, after the expi ration of two months from tliia noiL--. r->- to sell Ute lands belonging to the estate of Hen tv Fitzsimmons, late of said county deceased. ELIAS W ALLRED. Fe'o. 'SJ. 1862. Ailtnr. de bonis non. AJ.torney sin-1 <?osxiisellor nt TjaW, Marietta, Cobb county G-a. Will practice, am! give prompt attention to •ill business confided to his professional care, in the District Court of the I’. S. at Marietta. The Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior ami Info’ior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the counties adjoining Cobb of.oth er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection of debts, ami the securing of all manner o ' claims. Prompt and efficient attention will be given to all manner of business in the Courts of Ordina ry in the county of Cobband adjoining :o inties. Feb.lo ‘ one v lIAMJI ETT DEALERS IN MILT OBSMS AND t» wo Vi sroxs, [At Young's Corner.) MARIETTA, GA. HAVING-opened in the Store formerly oc cupied by D M. Y’oung, we would be pleased to have our old friends call on us. We will try and keep up a good stock of Sugar, Syrups, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, Grits, Corn, Peas, Rice, Butter, Eggs, &c., &c., &c. Those indebted to us are respectfully reques ted to call and settle up us we are b und to have the monney. HAMMETT A- GROVES. Februarv 6th. 1862. iWlFWplies. GO THE SUBSCRIBER offers the public at liis Store next, to A. Green Aco Cherokee Street, a full stock of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually kept in that line, such as SUGARS, all kinds ; COFFEE, all kinds ; MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, &c., &c., & Country Produce, taken in Barter, on liberal terms. Having purchased the store and goods of Mt. B. S. Johnson, he also offers a large stock ol GROCERIES at that stand, on Cherokee Street, and Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting on. scustomer October 12.'60. tf] E. PAGE. eAmTallen, Resident Dentist CONTINUES the jn-actice of his profession in all its branches, and solicits the patron age of those who will pay their bills upon pre sentation. and consider them presented when the operations are finished. lam compelled to adhere more strictly to the cash system, in order to comply myself with the demands of others. OFFICE OV<»- H.n- •• Z'~- . W. t pot VIUUtJ* I marietta, Feb. 4th, Ikc?,’ ' I OUSIWKSS € 4 K ns. Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Ar,ex. Graham. Pastor. Presbyterianßev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. James) Rev. S. Benedict, Rector Baptist,filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambait. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. A. N. SIMPSON Attorney and Councollor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6. I.V- aFtThanselT;, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, Iy- JOHN 0. GARTRETJi, Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. July 29. .y 1 C. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta G eorgia. june 15ijr G. N? LESTEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, ■'TT'TILL practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit W the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29. 1861 ly. CICE R 0 ’ cT\V r I N nF’ ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta G eorgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. eTfaw? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. WILL diligently attend to any business con fided to his care in the counties of Cobh, Cherokee, Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS collected ns soon as it can be done by law, and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20, IS6I. TDz-y- Gr-oods. THE subt riber respectfully call the atten tion of the public to his stock of Fall and Winter Goods I Just received from Charleston. Almost every article usually kept iti a DRY GOODS STORE, may be found. RTAPT.F AVB L'AXOV- DRY GOOD\ SHOES, BOOTS, HATS. CAPS, BONNETS CLOTHING. Crockery, Glass Ware and Cutlery ®®“Call and see our Stock beloro buying elsewhere. Prices will be made to correspond with the hardness of ’he times. Store next door to D. \f. Young. Get. 19th. 1860-ts. E. PAGE Thei Georgia MILITA - Y INSTITUTE. RESUMES its exercises on the 20/Zt Feb ruary. The Superintendent and Professors are all Gentlemen of unquestionable qualifications for their respective positions, and earnestly and faithfully discharge their duties. The course of study and training in the Institute admirably qualifies for usefulness and success bath in civil and Military lite— as well in peaee as in war. The Board of Inspectors unhesitatingly com mend it to Public patronage. TERMS: Cadets are required to pay in advance for each session of five months, 8115 in full for Tuition, Board, Fuel, Lights, Field Music and Contingent Expenses. Also, a Surgeon’s fee of S 5 in full for Med icine and Medical attention, (for the year.) The cost of Uniforms, Books, &c., will av erage about S4O per session. The advance from $lO5 to sllu is owing to the enhanced cost of provisions—the board being raised from $lO to sl2 per month. Th© Gen. F. W. CAPERS. Superinten'tent and Professor of Civil and Military Engineering Capt. JOS E. EVE, Commander and Assistant Professor of Math ematics Maj. J. M. RICHARDSON, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Rev. JNO W. BAKER, Chaplain and Professor of Ethics, Rhetoric and Logic Mons. VICTOR II MANGET, Professor of French and History AUG. W. KING, A. M. Pt of. of Geology, Mineralogy and Chemistry. ALVO CONNELL, M. D., Surgeon, ELLISON A. DOBBS, Commissary. Gen. Capers is temporarily absent on fur lough in command of a Brigiule of Troops on our Coast. During his absence Maj, Rich ardson. an accomplished and experienced instructor, as well as officer, wil disehargc the duties of Superintendent. In behalf of the Board of Trustees. DAVID IRWIN, President Pro Tem. Andrew J. Hansell, Sect’y of Board. Marietta, Ga., January 11, 1862. N. B.— For further particulars address either the President or Secretary. MF* Augusta Constitute nalist, Sa«-, Republican, Ma«..n Telegraph, Milledgeville i '.Ju-has Enoitirer. and Atlanta In. PeW/AM PIPES. "g IST Received at the A ■tla Book and • J Drugstore. «5O POWHATTAN PIPES, -1 OO FIN FI {E F D EM S 1 UO lbs of fine Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco, 2000 EXTRA CIGAR'S, ALSO, INDIGO, MADDER, COPPERAS, BLUES TONE' EPSOM SALTS, COOKING SODA, CHIPPED LOGWOOD, &C.. &C., &c. million, & JOYNER. Marii t'a. Febru u v 7. 1862. ' d’-L J. H. MoLEAN'S Strenghtheniiig Cordial and ZDloocS. T ' LLi-i Uler, fTHE GREATEST Remedy in the' irt World, and the mostvlw'ij/'wivN Delicious ano ni:;.n;ii ft t l P° , ’ , 1 ,i, l ever taken. Tut': thousands up- z <>n thousands who Before taking daily u<ng Me After taking. Lean’s Strengthening ('ordial. certify that it is absolutely an infallible remedy for renovating and. INViGottATtNG the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the 8100d —re- storing the sick, sufti-ring invalid to HraltU and Strength. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. It will cure liver complaint, dyspepsia. Diar rhiea. disentery. headache, depression of spirits, fever and ague, inward feve; bad breath, or any di.sease.of the liver, stomach, or boweis. Ge’dh inen do you wish to be healthy, strong and vigorous ’ * Ladies, do you want the bloom of health to mount to your cheeks again? then go and get Me.l.ea.i's Strengthening Cordial d: /flood Purifier, Delay not n moment: it is warranted to giie satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the kidneys, womb, or bladder; fainting, obstruct ed menstruation, falling ol the womb, barren ness. or any disease arising from chronic or nervous deb'i'ty. il is :m inlalible remedy. Por Chi hl t en. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny chil dren, to be Healthy, stj’ong aud robust ?—then give.iheut McLean's Stkeni.ijiiiNiyo ('ordial, (see tho directions on'; it is delicious to take- y’Yt" One fable spoonful, taken ev fv morn ing fasting, is a sure jirei .-.itive against ebilla an I f.o. r •■it.-- -/ ‘/“J F™' vuiliug diseases. ■ ? Caution.--Beware of Dtt.igisls or Dealt ers who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsaparilla (which i!>sy car. buy cheap.) by saying it is just as good. There are even men Bask ettottgli to sn ;il part o! my name Io dul> their vtt.E decoctions. Avoid infa nio’is i'll:r:-:s an ' their villainons compounds! A«k for Dr. .1. II Mel can's Sii'cngthetiing <’or '' ‘ ' B' -'d Purifier. Take nothing else. It is me omy tetiir .y that will putil'y your. Blood thoroughly, and. at the same time. Sn; :n.:then and Invigorate the whole org inizalion. It is put tip in Large Bottles—-SI pm- bottle, or six bottles $5. DR. J. 11. McLEAN. Proprietor Corner of Third and Pine Sts., Si. Louis, Mo. DR. McLEAN S UNIVERSAL PILL - for Liver Co, 'Hilionsness. Headache, Ac, There has never been a Cathartic medicine, offered totin’ public.that has given such entire satisfaction as McLean's Universal Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly innocent and can be taken by the most tender infant,; yet, prompt and [lowerful in removing all Bilious secretions, acid or impure feted matter from the stomach. Ir> fact, they are the only pills that should be used in malarious dis tricts. They produce no griping sickness or pain at the stomach or bowels, though very active and searching it; their operation, promoting healthy secretions of (be Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from biliousness, headai-he and I’mil stom ach. Avhen so cheap a remedy’ can be obtained?' Keep them constantly on hand : a single dose' taken in season, may prevent hours, days and months of sickness. Ask lor Dr. J. 11. McLeans Universal Pills. Take no other. Being coated they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per-box, can be sent by mail to any part of the country. J. H. Me LEA .V. Sole Proprietor. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. 'the Best Kelernal in the World for Man or Beast Thousands of human beings have been saved a life of decrepitude anff misery by the use of litis invaluable Liniment. It will relieve I’ain a'mos! mstnntaneously. and it will cleans purify and heal the foulest sent-: in an iacredi tile short time. McLean's Volcanic Oh, Lint ment will relieve the most inveter;- te cases of rhnmatism. goute. or Neuralgia. Fot paralysis contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness in the Joints, mtiselos ot ligaments, it will never fail. Two applications will cure sore throat, head ache or earache. For burns or scalds, or any p lin. it is an infallible remedy. Try it. and you will find 'I an indispensable remedy. Keep it alw.ivs on hand. Planters. Faumeus. or any one having charge of horses, will save money by using McLean’s Volcanic Oil l.iahncnt. It is a speedy and in fallible cure lor < falls, sprains, cltafes. swellings, sweettey. sores, won ds. scratches, or any exter nal disease, fry it. and you wil! be convinced. f)SB. J, 11. McLEAN I’roprielor SAINT LOUIS. MO. ;E©” Wilueiam Root. Agents, Marietta. May 17th. 1861—wly. THE EXERCISES OF THE Marietta Female College. ILL lie resumed on next iVlenday tile 2Oth instant. January 17th. 1862. SCHOOL NOTICE. ITHE undersigned will open a School for . Males on Monday tho 13th inst, at the A cademy lately occupied by H..S. Williams. Terras Qf Tuitian : For the Primary Branches (a session of fiv« monthsslo.Off For English Gi’ttti , ., Geography and His tory, rev Session 00 For the Higher, Matematics aud Latin . . 20.00 V, M. WHITE. January loth. 186'4,