Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, March 14, 1862, Image 1

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The Marietta Advocate. BY R. M. <Thc 3i(hwtc. Tlie Weekly Advocate Is published every Friday Morning at $1.50 a year in Advance, Blanks I Blanks I Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every vv riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest and most approved style of the art. and at prices which cannot bo ••murmured at" by the •closest-fisted" in or out of* this section of the country. Give us a trial. sEtgal Cobb Sheriff Sale WILL be sold before the Court house door, in the city of Marietta, Cobb county, Ga. within the legal hours of sale, first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: One BlackWlorse about ten years old. One Rockaway and double harness, and one Saddle. Levied on by an attachment returnable to Cobb Superior Court, in favor ot A. Green & Co., vs. F. \V. Caners. Sold bv an order of Court JAS. F. McCLESKY. Cheriff. Jan. 25.1862. MORTGAGE SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, the following negroes to-wit: One Negro Boy named Jim. about 20 years old and of dark complexion ; Jack, a Negro Boy of dark complexion and’about 25 years'old : George a Nfgro man of dark complexion and about 65 years old : Selea. a Negro Woman of dark com plexion and about 30 years old : Betsey, a Ne gro Woman of dark complexion and about 20 years old.Jall sold under a Mortgage ft fa from Cobb Inferior Court, in favor of Wm. C. Dunn. Trustee, vs. Henry G. Dunn. Property pointed out in said Mortgage. JAS. F. McCLESKY. Sh’ff. February Ist. 1862. ELIZA A. D. WESLEY. ) Libel for Divorce vs -in Cobb Superior JOHN WFSLEY, j Court. UPON the affidavit of the Libellant in the above stated ease showing that the Defend ant. John Wesley, resides without the limits of the State of Georgia—it is ordered that service of this libel in said case be perfected by pub lishing this order in the Marietta Advocate for thirty days, and that said John Wesly do appear at the March term next of said Court to answer said case. GEO. D. RICE. Judge. S. C. At Chambers, Marietta. Ga., Jan. 18. 1862. # Notice to Debtor* and Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given to all having de mand- against I-'iam B. Harlow, late of Cobb conn . dec'., to present them to nr<* j ; v. 1 erly om&i*»■' j.--- ; li I" fT ’ey 1 :•■-: J so as to six >• their cbarae’-tr and amount. Ane * all p erson- indebted to said deceased are hereby i required to make immediate pavm-nt. E. FAW. Adm'r Jan. 21»t. 1862-404. .TV of i<»o. |d|O MONTHS t - da: ■ .ppikati- n will be to the •r iie .-y b for’eave ■> ;')■» half interest of “saacllow- i. deed.. inand to Howell 5-Green’s Ferry, oq Chattahoochee Hirer, for the ben efit of tin* ;s and creditors of <aid;decrased H. P. HOWELL. .*.dm’r. January 2A.*1862. I' • •poned Executor’s Sale, BY virtue of an order from the court of Or dinr.r of Cobb county, will be sold on the first Tue •• in April next, before court house door in if .awn of Alpharetta, in Milton coitntv b<u w ..... . . i C g a i hours of sale. Lot No 1260, in the 2nd district and Ist section formerly For - syth, now Milton county. The above Land, sold as the property of Har 'ly Mitcbell, decea el. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale JOHN MITCHELL. 1 „ . HENRY MITCHELL, f Exr s - 1862-104. Jasper Pickens County Ga: TO all wnorn it may concern, Joseph Byers Ji- Mr. A. F. Bruce having in proper form ap plied tome for permanent lettcs of Administra tion on the estate of Bruce late of said County. This is to cite all and singular thecred tionr an l next of kin of Baylis Bruce to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause if any they can why per mant administration should not be granted to Joseph Byers and Mr. A. F. Bruce's estate. Witness mv hand and official signature. W. 11. SIMMONS, Ord’ Febuary 21st 1862.—t5. NOTICE, TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Elijah Sneed, deceased, for the bensfit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. JAMES SNEED. Adm'r. February sth, 18622 m. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of William C Green, late of Cobb coun ty. deceased, are requested to present them properly attested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law : and all persons in debted to said estate, are required to make im mediate payment. H. M. MAYES, Ex'r. January 24. 1862-404. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Cobb County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the court house door, in the city of Marietta, Cobb county, be tween the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 250, in th" ]Bt.h district and 2d section. Cobb county, containing 40 acres, more or less, with a.good fiante 1 dwelling house, out buildings &c. Also. Lots No. 756, with reserve W one acre " in north eastcorn'T. and No . 757. 799. and pari of Nos. 830 and 87.'; ail in the I9lh district and 2d section, Cobb county containing in all 170 acres more or less, with a good log house, out buildings, good orchard and excellent water, &c. The above lands sold as the property of Wm. L. Summerlin, 'deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. MILTON J. MAGBEE, Adm’r. Executor’s Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. A. A. Nesbitt, dec’d., late of Cobb county, will present them legally authorized ; and those indebted io said estate will make payment to the undersigned, at Augusta, Ga. JAMES W. DAVIES, Ex’r. February 7th. 1862Gw. GEORGIA, Cobb County. WMTHERF.AS. Parks Hardman. Admr. of ▼ ▼ Martha I*, llardm n. deceased. applies lo me for Letters of Dismission from said Admin istration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all mid singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they liave.’in my office, on or beta the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at tuat term of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given tinder my hand at office, in Marietta, this August 29th. 1861. JOHN G. •’\MPBELTi, Ord’y. (YT>TRGI U Di( k. >Gocntv. -Tn all whom JT it may concern. Bethel Q. Disharoon. hav ing in proper form applied to me for Letters of Administr tion. <?r so;>is non. upon tjic unad ministere l portion of Henry Fitz-'n’monsest'Ai*' late of said county. This is to cite all and sin gular the creditors and next of kin of said Henry Fitzsimmons, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, if any they ca . why letters of dminis tration de bonis non should not be granted to Bethel Q. Dishroon on the unadministered es tate of Henry Fitzsimmons. Witness mv hand and official signature. ‘ WM. TATE. Ord'y. K.r Officio. December 28, 1861.—40 d. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS. Clayton Vaughn. Administrator of Moses Russeau, deceased, late of said County, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. — 6m. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS. 11. C. Jackson, Administrator of John Hull, deceased, late of said Coun ty. applies to me for letters of dismHssiqn from said Administration. The«e are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will bo granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO, G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct. I.— Cm •> GEORGIA, Pauldiut County; •' V I'niicVi u’«l • •” 1 ■> v nvit i ;ut t ▼ ▼ on James N. Pinkard de- ceased applies tn mr* for letters of dism’ssion from said AdmA 1 ' A : . Those -■ fori* . tn cite vnd require ill a" sins • .11 uersons concered to be and apve Pi: "co in Dal- , las on the first Monday in J'i;i“ • ■ to show cau-e (if anv tin l ” .1 ■vn wh . -:i bn-i'r- >f d'-mis-’or. shnn’d no* he ■ ••••*.nt,-*.> ’he inj" Wiino-s my hm l and official signature, this Novemh?.: 6te. 1861. MILE:' PPWARDS. Ordy. Nov. 12.1861. per S. L. Strickland. GEORGIA. Paulding County. ■ywTHEHEAS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator VV of the Estate of James N. Pinkant. de ceased. applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish till persons concerned, to bo and appear at my of- 1 flee, on or before the first Monday i;t March m-xt. to show cause (if any they have' why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office this September 'nd. 1861. MILES EDWARDS, Or’dy. Georgia Cobb County: W’ST'lli’.lli-’.AS. Rasberry Eason Administrator ! v v o:i tte e-tate of Elias S. Norton, deceased I late of sai i o inly, applies to me fpr letters of ; dismission Iro'u said Administration. These are therefore to cite m 1 admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec- l tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Mon lay in April next, otherwh ll letters of dismission will be grantdl the applicant at that-term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary, i Oct. 1.-6 m. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS. ElizabethCler, Administratrix of Charles Cler. deceased, late of sai 1 County, applies to me for letters of dismission 1 from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all j and ringnlar those concerned to file their objec- | tions, if any they have, in my office on or before i the first Monday in April next, otherwise.letter.-- of dismission will be granted the applicant at ; that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb j County. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. ; Oct. 1.—6 m. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS. Mrs. Mo Iha I). NeM.itt. Exec-' trix on the estate of 11. O. K. Nesbitt, ' iate of said county deceased, applies to, me for letters of dismission from th«,* adminis-I tration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all i and singular the kindr< d and creditors of said . deceased, to file their objections, if any they : have, in my office on or before the first Mond iy in July nest, otherwise letters -of dismis- ! sion will Tw •'ranted the applicant at that ' term of the Court.of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 34 da / of January, 1 862. January 3d. JNO G CAMPBELL. Only. Notice to Debtcrs and Creditors. A 1.1. persons having demands against the es talc of Elijah Sneed, deceased, late of Cobb county, ate requested to present them to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate paymAit. JAMES SNEED, Adm’r. February 4th, 1862. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. 4 ll persons having demands against the estate \ of William F. Mays, deceased, are reques ted to present them, properly attested, within th" Erne prescribed by law, to the undersigned and all persens indebted to said estate, are re quired 1.0 m ike immediate pay nent' i E. L. LITCHFIELD, Adm’r. January sth, 1862 . . 6 ' M.UWETTA, GA,. FRIDAY, MAIWHjjL 1862. ' Georgia Cobffcounty I ■yX/'IIEREAS. JiyHkVnderson applies to me v ' for letters over the ner - j sons and property W: Green and Al- I ice («reon minors, of Wm. C. Green : deceased. 1 These are therefore admonish all singular those file theirobj.'o ■ i lions in my office., on or before the first Tuesday lin March next otherwise letters of guardian ! ship will be granted the applicant at that term ; of the Court of Ordinary far said county. i Given under my hand, at Marietta, this Jan- I uarv 28th. 1862. • Jau. 29—30 d JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ord’y. Georgia Cobb Cour<t.y : yVIIi-'REAA Daniel Wright, as the friend of de i II ceased, applies to me in writing for letters s os a dm" ; oi on !ho>■tn te of Moses A lin.rts- liel.l. l ite of said county deceased. j These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said i deceased, to tile their objections if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in March next—otherwise, letters Os administra tion will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, as Ordinary, at Mariet ta this Jan. 30.1862. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ord'y. GEORGIA, Paulding County. ATT'HEREAS, Isaac Osbond Administrator ot VV the Estate of John Osbond. deceased, ap , plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said j Administration. These arc therefore to cite and Admonish all ; persons concerned tn be and appear at my of ! lice on or before the first Monday in March'next to show cause (if any they have' why said Let ters iHsmissory should not then be granted the i applicant. : Given under mv hand at office ties ,Sopt(?mboi’ I 2nd. 1861. MILESEDWARDS.Or'py Georgia Pickens County. _ ®jS7"ILL be sold before the court house door i ’ ’ in the town of Jasper between the legal | hours of sale on the first, Tuesday in March next j the following property to-wit; the life estate t' I i IV. G. Paul and Lucv Paul his wife in lot of i ! land No. 9 in the 13t'h District and second sec- [ i tion of Pickens County Levied to satisfy tL * | ■ cost iu a tl fa in favor of John A. Berry vs. W. I ' G. Paul, G. W. Harmon and Wm. 0. Searcy is- ’ sued from the Superior Court of PiekensConn- tp. Levied on as the propertv of W. G. Paul. Jan. 25th. ]I -,;2. ,t yjES BRUCE. Sb'if. CoxrenEKATE States of America. I NexTiTßx District or Georgia, f I Tn the Confe.-lerat' l States Court for the Northern j District January T rin. 1862. I Ordered ;'ie nex : •■i-.ular term >nf ihis \ Court be he’d .0 VnrieP < n the .-'econd Wed : nesd.t.;••. being ’he Iw !':'i .'.,v of March ;iexf at I that a eopj !*'■ 1 P'fflfflWA?*?w’'(’Sjt 1 ' ■ one n* wsp.iper in " ich of of Ath nsi .At’anta and Maricf i. EDWARD J. HARDEN. District Judge. A true exfr. ' from ‘lie Minutes. Feb. 5. 1-K2. W. H. HUNT. Adiu nistrat >r’s Sale. BY vlriue ofan or let- i 1 Uoiirt-i:'Ordin .■.•>■ o. obb •''•inn . will be sob! on the first fnesday in Mandi xt before the Court House dn >r in .Marietta. Cobb County, between • the legal hours ol sale, twenty seven 7) acres in the South llist corner of lot of land. No. 110. i in the ibili district and 2d section. Cob!) County. Sold as the property of dm estate of Eleanor I Aikin.-. dec’d.. for the benefit of the heirs and ! creditors of said estate. Terms made known on [ day of sale. I ' JOHN MALONEY. Admr. | Jan. 20. 1862. ~ COBB SHERIRb dAi.. : llijllT'l LL be sold bei >re the Court Ilon.'-e door ! ▼▼ in the City of Marietta, on the liist I’ues- I day in April next. One Negro boy named Jim. I about 20 years eld am I of dark complexion ■. Jack, j a negro boy of dark complexion and about 25 I year.i old: George, anegro m tn of d irk complex | ion and about 65 years old; Selea. a negro woman i »f dark complexion ami about 5 ) years old: Bet ! soy, a negro woman ot dark complexion anil ' about 2i) years old. and l:t*r boy child. Wesk v. I about 2 years ild. all levied on as the prop ■;■; . of Henry <l. Dun - ), t > satisfy ali 111 i<sni'<i I.' an Cbbb Superior Court in favor of Washington Crawford vs Henrv G. Dunn, 'r.i J. Rogers, and L.M. Rogers. J A.'. F. McCL .- a t . D. Sheriff. Pauldincy Sheriffs Sale* ! ‘TYTI EL bo'-o’<! beforetbe Com . 1 touse door I V V in th'' town oi’ D.'.i. ■•>. Paulding < 'i>unl j Ga.. within flit l legal hours of salt 1 , on Tuesday in April next, the following pro; orty. ; to-wit: Ono lot of land. No. 241 in the first Dist. ■ and third Section of Panldi.ig county—Levied : on as the property of J. P. Watson, to .-.atisl'y a | cost ti. f.i. is-'iied from Paul ling Inferior Court, j for the use of officers of Court vs J. P Watson. I Also, one lot. of land. No. 30 J, in th; 1 2<l Dist. j and 3d Section of. said county - Levied on by D. < '.!;■>libel I. I >epl. Sheritf. and Jei■: id ;n: ; tking th" illegality of said li ft. in favor ol Amos M. H.ise for the use id' H. M. Whitwor.h vs I.lf.tle- ; : berry B. L ind. Said lot til land sold to . ;i:i-i\ the cost o! the above mentioned fi fa and another ; cost fi fa in mv hand for the officers <4' Court vs ■ Li.’lelierry B. Land. W. C. AB.\EV, ShW. I February 25th. 1862. i G EOili; IA, Paulding County. W1I EPii.VS, Thomas J. Cooper applies to me for let Lors of Admidlstration on the estate of James M ('neper, late uf*the Confeder ate A:my, deceased: These are therefore to cite all persons con ' corned to b. 1 a id appear at the. Or.Jin.irv's Olli.-" i on the first Monday in April next, to shoivcanae I if any they have, why said letters should no■ be ! ! granted the applicant. Given underlay laind and official signature. ! This 28th February 1862. 1 S.B. McGREGOR. O-d'y. I _ _ I’ickens County Georgia, riAWf) months after date application will be I I made to the Court of Ordinary of said ■ county, at the first regular t••rm. utter the expi- ' ration of two months from this notic l '. for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate cd' llen iry Fitzsimmons, lute of said conntv deceased. I ELIAS W. ALLRED. j i Feb. 3d, 1862. Admr. de bonis non. JSTotice. ALL persons having demands against the es- ! fate of Eleander Aikins. dec’d., are reqiies- ! ted to present, them properly attested, ti :h" ’ undersigned within the time prescribed by law: and al! those indebted to said estate are reqiies- i ted to make immo liafe payment. - JOHN MALONEY, Adm'r. j i .March sfii 1862. —404. I BUNCHEAI actoi.v Thread, ’)vU 700 Yds. 4-4 Shoaling. j For sale by WM. HOOT &SQN, *| SWSINESS CAS?U>S. ’ ' Churc he.n in Marietta. M. E. Church ßev. Alex. Graham, Pastor. Fresh’- -ruin,Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor litii-’ ,1 'St. James') Rev. S. Bexeiuct, Rector Jh—if ■ filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath 'in un'i hr t|,,. »{ ev . Mr. Kvmbau. Ju i nrenos for the Blacks. Methodist and B-intist. ’> A. X. SIMP>SON ) • 1 Atto -hey and Councillor at Law ■ MipiETt 'Georgia. Qetoher ly. | t \..f. HANSELL, YToryey at Solicitor Chancery. i Mariei-tV Georgia. October 6. jy. JOHN OWARTRELL, Attorney and dbnncellor at Ln w ! j Marietta Georgia. • July 29. ,yl j C. P. PHILLIPS, j Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. : j" 1 " 15 jy i G. V LESTEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit •Y d e Supreme Court of Georgia, and the ’dstiiet Court at Mrrietta. February 29. 1861 ly. ’ CICERO C. WINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. M ill attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. • "'<! Oct. 12 • ly. E. F.HL ——— ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. YY/’HiL diligently attend to any business con- ‘ * ▼ tided to his care in the counties of Cobb, I • a. Milt'in rt-ntl I’n-Ultling. 1 4mw e»Bffl!tßffTrriiW>gxrtt Tfr ’ law. and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20, 1861. WM. PHILLn’S. J. T. BURKHALTER PHILLIPS & BCRKHALTER, Attornoys a,t Xafrop*. Marietta, CJ-eorjgia. Will practice in Fulton, Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit, in the Su preme court, and District court, April 5, ’6O-ly. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Cobb County, Geo. "yAT frj ' prance in Cobb, Cass, Cherokee. Mil- ' V ton. Paulding and Fulton. Jteferences.— ll<m. J. W. Lewis. Hon. L. J. ‘ G. rtrell. Atlanta, N. A*. G. S. Avpry, Acworth. | : •?■' Any information as to responsibility of I partio?, : promptly given. --Feb. 29-’6l St. • Attorney and Conri'sellor nt TjaNV, Marietta, Cobb county G-a. WsH practice, and give prompt attention to all business confided so his professional care, in the District Court of the U. S. at Marietta, The S'io -ri ir and Just- dor ( ourts ol’ Iho P'ue Ridtre ::i4 :’ie eounl’es adjoining ("obb of oth er. I, -aits. I. ;i< rial n iten I ion given to the collection of ili'li’-. and i'h 1 securing of all manner o:' claims. • mt •••,■ ! ■:!! ■■ I I't’ention will be given to al! manner of bu.iim .i.s in the Courts of Ordina ry In flic county of Cibband adjoining io inttes. Feb. 1.0 one y ; ti.'.vfo tuwix. aitEUNLi:;: butler. I9JWIN' & BUTLER, ATIO R KEYS Al LAW, ALcxrlottcU, G-ob. ,'Sl'xES.d confided to their professional A J aw’ragement in the following counties will bo trans-icded. viz; Campbell. Paulding. Polk. : "n r ikee. Forsvth. I.uinnkiu. l-’iilton and ’iiii. li. Als i. ill the iji.drict Court, at Marietta, and ..; die i-hipreui' 1 <'oar! a! Atlanta. ■•'•■'T’f Di-trii ’ O>'iii-t sits al. Marietta cn the see.ird '.fot.iday in March and September. Re turn 20 (lays before Court. -fe!>’.’9-'6[-1 r. SCHOOL NOTIO£;~ r '- ’T’f : '' I “I - MOs e. Tivlok’s School L w.J. •><’ resume.' on Monday the 6th of Jan uary. 1862. January 34. 1862’. LOS r 0 R MISL AlDb ’ " Tvo'y notes : One on Britt Fan nin ■. for Five D d 'irs. dll' December2sth iB6O, aid cn Joseph Britt, Thirty Dollars dated oiithe iii -'l. Tiled iy in November, iB6O, and pay ib'e out 1 day iil'.er date. Ail per on are forewarned from trading for ti; ' ('.hove notes as they have not been paid to m •. I. N. HEGGIE. iSIETTAHOTEL IIS FINE PROPERTY has 4 J recently chai ged hands. ii a w. a. cu reton JbWwlSjE i> 'ijg purchased from Mr. 11. G. Cole, the he p>oprietor. The House, in complete order, will be opened on the Ist of January, 1862, un der the immediate snperintendance of Mr. VV. A. M. whose experience in his profession is a guaran tee of ample satisfaction to the public. TJETIi: HOTJEUz Is one of the most spacious in the State, located in its Most Pleasant and Healthy Section. and under its present auspices, will afford to visitors from other sections accommodations Eq xxcAl to tlie TBest. January Ist, 1862 ts. For the Ydvocate. , ''Camp Brown, March. sth, 18Q2. Mr. Editor :—As you have never, I ’ believe, received a communication from • i this division of the army, it may,, per haps, be interesting’ tn. soin ? of your I ■ readers to hear n word from the “boys on the coast.” I cannot, however, en tertain them with glowing descriptions of hard fought battles, or of the achiev ments cf any grqat victories, but I can i tell them that web are sti'l here with ready hands and willing hearts to strike for our altars and our liberties. Our Brigade (the 22nd) is at present encamped in a cotton field about two mi ■ - freat Snvannab, q n eminence commanding a full view of the city and river, and in all respects it is what might be called a beautiful situation.— i Hit should'never be our fortune to meet : the enemy in battle, .that we might have our names recorded in our conn'- try’s history, it. cannot, nevertheless, be said that we have not made our mark as ihe numerous camping- grounds that we have cleared up, and the entrench ; ments and fortificati ns that are now being completed, will abundantly testi fy. I think I can safely say that if our Brigade, as done no actual fighting, it has done as much work ilkthe right place, as any other in the skmc length* of time, now in service. Had we corne here at first and erected there works, together with other defensive prepara tions that might have been, the city of Savannah could be successfully defended with a comparatively small jorce ; wljile instead of being thus en gaged, we wore moving from place to place, building commissary houses and hospitals, to be occupied only by bats and.jß|®ls»«. I do not pretend to deny, howevof, but what all tlrs as we w’ere filling orcie's frotn head quarters, and as I do not claim a posi tion nbot e tliat-of "high pl iyate” , course, do not question the acts and doings of my superiors. I am sorry that it is not in my power to give you any news relative to our future movements, as we are "glorious ly ignorant” of all plans that may be forming until we are called upon to execute thorn. The enemies fleet are s ill lying in sight of Fort Jackson,but when they intend to make a forward movement will require some one more gifted with prophecy than I, to say— bat .hat they do intend to attack Sa vannah some day or other is not ques- I tioned by any one. When the attack is made you will be apt to hear a good account from the “Rowland Guards,” one among the best com panies that can be found on the coast defence. It is an old saying’, and no doubt a true one that “every’ crow thinks its own young ones the whitest,’’and I being .-> member of this company, may be accused of the same disposition ; but <o any one acquainted wit; the discipi.n -by which it is governed, with the officers who command it, and the men who compose it, they will not deny the truth ot the assertion I have made. This company is m ; np witn men principally from Cobb county, and is commanded by Capt Robt. 11. Rowland from for nierly Cass now Bartow county. Capt Rowland is a young man of rare abili ties and military acquirements, being possessed with all the qualifications for a soldier and a gentleman. There are few men, althoug-h they may be his senior in years, that are possessed with the same discretion and firmness, and at the same thru: so geutle and kind hearted—such qualifications are rarely to be found,in a comm .Hiding’ officer.— Capt. Rowland is destined to make his mark high ;:p in the annals of our coun try’s history. Our Ist i lent, is also a military man with souk 1 exneriei'Ce, and a clever gentleman. He, too, hails from Bartow county, and Las been in military service before. Ail the boys love Lieut. Sprouls, Licutei ants J. T. Alexander and Wm. 0. Watson are from your county, ami are well known to your readers—suffice it to say that they arc as clever in campas as they are around their own hospitable boards at home. So much for the officers of the “Rowland Guards.” The men, I arn proud to say, are worthy of such officers —they are, for the most part willing and obedient soldiers—it is seldom that any of them arc called to aecmint for disobedience. It is just such a compa ny, upon the while, as old Cobb may well be proud of, and although the term VOL. XIX—NO. 10. of our enlistment will soon have expir* ed, there is not a man of this company but what will again enlist "fcr the war,” as soon as an opportunity presents it ■ self. Old Cobb has acted her part nobly in our present slrnggle lor independ ence, but never has thereeminated from’ within her borders a company of men possessed with more true, genuine' “soldierly metal” than that of the Rowland Guards.” The weather for the last week has l rendeted it very disagreeable in camps. There has been an abundance of rain, accompanied with high winds, which' play saikhavoc with tents, frying pans, tin plates, and in tact camp fixtures in general. Cooking is almost out of th(r question ; but as they say that the giz zard is the place to carry sand, we cook and eat sand and all. The health of our company has been remarkably good all the time, in fact there has been but very" few cases of actual sickness since we' left home, except those who had the measles. There has not been a single' death in the company - something rath er remarkable in so large a company, aial iw a climate that they were totally unused so. If we should continue to be blessed with such uninterrupted health until our time expires, you may expect to see the best looking company that you have seen since the war began. I have already written more 'han it was my intention to write when I began but "what I have written, I have writ ten,” and I s&ppc se it will have to re main written. My object w’as merely to let our friends at home know that we 1 were still on the globe, and that there was still such a company in ths service of the country as the "Rowland Guards.” More anon. A. W. R. Exchange of Priaoners, The Washington National InUjiiaen the! 18tli instant, following m relation to the mission of the late Commissioners appointed by the United States Government, to visit the prisons in the South: The Hon. Hamilton Fish'iand the Rev. Bishop Ames have returned to Wash- , ington, and it is stated, made a report to the Government respecting their mission to relieve Union prisoners in' the South. They repaired to Fortress Monroe and made known their commis sion to the Confederate authorities at Norfolk, by whom the matter was re ferred to Richmend.. A reply came refusing to the Commissioners admis sion to the Confederate territory, but expressing readiness to negotiate for the general exchange of prisoners.— Our Commissioners opened nego’ia* tions w hich resulted in perfect success. An equal exchange was agreed on, but the Confederates had three hundred more prisoners than our Government; but, with commendable magnanimity, they proposed to release those-also on parole if our Government would agree to release three hundred of their men that might hereafter fall into our hand. 4 This noble commission of Secretary Stanton, Iherefore, has its ample re ward. A general “ja 1 delivery” of our soldiers will occur throughout the South and they will soon be rejoicing in lib erty regained. Since the close ot this negotiate m with their offer to give lib city to those surplus three hundred Union soldiers, the Confedeiates have had a reveiso, and thousands ot prisoners at Roanoke fsland and Fort Dbnelson. The question is, shall wo be like magnanimous and give up on parole the surplus we now have. — A MODKST j.'he Register & Advertiser of Mobile begins a leader with the following mod est disclaimer: “By the exercise of nfl lit tle humility we force ourself to confess that though we arc an editor we doubt if we know be'ter how to conduct military ulTairw th m oirr Generals in thel'n-ld, and ques tion wether wo could have navigated the ship <>f State more successfully than Jeff. Davis A Co., had we been tiie sole administrator of affairs instead of them We aware lli.ib we risk c.i'isidera ble in making this eotif’ssion, losing caste with many ot our eonicmp caries, who because oi our doing so will set us down as a. person of so capacities as to be quite unworthy of a place with them in the ranks of thier omnicient fraternity, each one of whom knows a great deal better how everything ought to be done :ban do the President, Con gress and all our Generals. ■—The troops in sei vice from Texas as shown by the books at Austin, are 10 regiments of infantry 17 regiments of cavalry, 1 battalion of artillery, 7 companies of light artillery, in all at least $3,000 men, and the majority qf these are enlisted for the war. The whole a noon t the State has been called on to furnish, has been 19,200, of whiclj 3 000 have only been ordered as a rtp ROl* Ye.