Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, March 06, 1863, Image 4

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FAMILY SUPPLIES. rHE SUBSCRIBER offi-in the public at bis Store next to A. GreenAco Cherokee Street, ■ lull slock of GROCERIES, embracing every tide usually kept in llmt lino, such ns vtIUAKS, all kinds ; COFFEE, alt kinds ; MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, &C., &C., Si ■lountry Produce^ vuken in Harter, on liberal term*. Having purchased the store and goods of Mi. B. S. Johnson, he also oilers a large tsl«-ck ot GIiOOKBIKS at that stand, on Cherokee Street, and Mr. H.VttES will take pleasure in waiting , on. sens to mcr Gtftobur 12, ‘iiO. tf] K. HAUL. ! Dry Goods!!!! Phoenix Bunding, Marietta. G-a (Opposite the Public Square) IT. HTRSC.TL For spring ,u summer ha. in Store, a splendid assortment ol ST A I*LE and FANCY Dry-Goods, saitabitf tor OiD and Country Trade. Having made excellent arrange rue ms for full supply of everything N in:\v v \ t > nov tor., at all times through U>* season, a -im* cus ton errand the public generally, that he will «el any and all styles of GOODS As low a3 dan be purchaiied in this City Assorted Goods in Silks, Bareges, Ma.-diu In ret/.rs. Organ lies, and Jackonets, Foil! ad Angl vise, and G’ Oiotb Suits. Mantil las, iu Silks. Daces, Grass (Toth, «fcc. Fin broidered and Dace Setts. Linen and Lace Setts. II S. L. C. and Superior iliindkerchietk, Damsels, Fans, Kid Gloves, Lace Mitts, A c* . A- ,&c. Also, a lull supply of Bleached And Browi Sheetings and Shirting?. Cotton ado*. .leant" and Stripes. HO OP SKIRTS of the. Hates styles BOOTS, SJIOKS, &c Also, a large stock of READV-MABE CLOTIUNO Which he .vill .sell as low, for Cash, as they be bought in this or any other market. (Jail and examine his Stock. None excel him. April 12th, 1861 lv Dry Doods. FTIHE suhiriher respectfully call tho atten -*■ tiou of the public to his stock of Fall and Winter (roods! Just received from Charleston. Almost even article usually kept in a DItY GO >l)3 STORK, may be found. STAPLE \ N1) FANCY DRY GOOD!, SHOES, HOOTS. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS CLOTHING, • Crockery, Glass Ware mid Cutlery ®B~Call and see onr Stock before buying elsewhere. Brices will be made to correspom' the hardness of the times. E. BAG If. PUMPKIN-VINE h '/) An n n m n u x\ h u n v a dj, * ♦ - MY Company has at last left for the scut of War. and 1 have bce.v dttailed by > Bigivdier General PILLOW) C. 6. A. Chief of Volunteer and Conscript Bureau, to ‘proceed tojlrat section of the'State from which the Re giment was raised for the purpose of recruit ing Volunteers, enrolling Conscripts and con ducting the n to my command,”* This manner ol raising troops is permitted under late orders and instructions from the War Department, and I now invite all men subject to Conscription who desire to enter this favorite branch of vice to call and Volunteer immediately and not wait to be conscripted. It becomes us as Geor gians now to enter the Army—to fill up the ranks now terribly decimated by action and disease and aid out brothers already in the Held, in healing back to their own land the mis erable hirelings who are to-day desolating our noble soil. One more vigorous campaign, such au oue as will in all probability terminate this unholy crusade upon us. Desertion is spreading far and wide in Ihe North -their couustds are distracted—their efforts for our subjugation have been thwarted and have end ed in their everlasting infamy and disgrace, and it we but do o ir duty m the coming campaign, “ere the autumn leaves fall,” peace will spread ’ her broad aud welcome folds around us and scatter “ Plenty through a smiling lard." 1 appeal to you then as citizens--good and loyal citizens to rally under our blood stained banner, and lend a helping hand and willing heart in driving back the foe and securing all that we as Americans hold near and Boar. Assistance w hen needed will be given j in the purchase ol 1 torsi's. All equipments ' can he obtained from me. Apply to or addi cas Sergeant David S. Au-| derson, Covington, Ga. or the undersigned at Dallas, Ga. February 12, 1863. lx. B* ANDERSON. Captain, 6 ts Dragoons. :\ r -Q. The Atlanta Confederacy publish 'till forbid. ALORGIA, Cherokee County. *TT7T]EiiKA3 Matilda Payne, widow of J. ▼ V Payne, applies to me for Letters of ;»«1- minist!ation upon the estate of said deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kiudred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oJHoo. within tho time prescribed by law. to show cause il this Feb. 2. ’ VJ TIIE MAIt IE TT A WEE KL Y A D Y,O CATE. gkorgia, c»m> count)-. TTTHKREAK. .!.»lm Gunn administrator do- I VV bonis i. >:» with-lbo will annexed,of John | Steward deceased, late of said county, applies ; to im> fordi-mission tVomTii* administration. Three an; therefore. to cite au.l admonish all and singular those t jiicerned to file their tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the Ist Monday in July next, otherwise letters of adminisl ration will be granted the ap plicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of said county. * Given under my hum', at office, this 29th December, 1 43 JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cobb County: QtJX'l'Y da vs after date Application .will he 0 mad oto the Ordinary of said County for leave to 1 H Mary a servant -roman 38 years of age of the estate of i dipt. B. ». Prather, late ol said county. This Jail. 27, lid. U T pj [ Executorß - Cherokee County. WHEREAS, William Hogan, applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of li. A. Thompson late of Saul coun ty, deceased. These are then fore, to cite and requii. all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause it any, wl y said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my baud and official signature* Feb. 2, iBO3. JAS. JORDAN, Ordinary. Administrators’ Sale. WILL be .sold on tbe first Tuesday in April next. th« comt-'umu* tioor in tlic town of Gumming. Forsyth county, between the* leg:il hours of sale, Lots of Land Nos. 464. •173. 17-1. 173. 332, 333, 534, 333, 54!>. thirty Meres of No. 550, and the undivided'fourth part of No. 463. all in the second district and first section of Forsyth county. Sold by order'of the Court ol Ordinary ot Cobb county, as the property of James A. Collins, deceased, for the benefit of the Imirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms made known on day of sale. CYNTHIA v'OLLIN3, Adnt’rx. W. H. YKXAULE, Adm’or. February U, 1*63. fi GEORGIA, Milton county. TTDIKUFAS, Thomas Burgess, applies VV for letters of Admiristratiou on the es tate of Kiijah Willituns, late of said county, de- These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions in my office, on or before the Ist Monday in March next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term ol the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, this Jan., 16. 1863 O. 1’ SKELTON. Ordinary. GKOTiGIA, t o'ib W'lltiltKAS, Jane T\ Glover. Executrix on the estate of John H. Glover late of "rtW eonnt-v (biouitsuil . n ppßi'S t<* m*» («»»• (li» mis.'.imi irom lier said trust. These aro therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular Ihe kindred and creditors of- iid deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in iny office, on or before the first Monday April next othei wise letters of dismission will be glanted the applicant at that term ol the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my haifd, at office, in Marietta, this i t October. 1 8 »2. 6m .1 NO. CAMBBF'.L. ( rdimtry. S. I. ILimsev administi i.or on Vfc the est-:to of Samuel ‘Thompm * Utu o! said rounty, dec,•;•>!•»}, apjiUcs to me for ltdieis of Jismlssion horn the admiuisu-iition of said Tluse are thi*n-foro lo cite and admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any t hey have, in my office, on or before the second Monday in .July next, otherwise letups of dismis. ion will be granted the appli cant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said rounty. Given under my hand at office, in Marietta this January 1 1^63. .1 G. CAMPIfIELL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Cherokee County. \\ HKREAS, John M. Delanay, administrator if upon the estate of Lawson A. Kemp, ap plies to tue ior lollei* of Di»u»iK*ioii I’roiu aaid administration. Tiiese are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditoi-s of said ileceased. tp tile tlieir objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the 2nd Mon day :-iu April next, other‘wise letters of dis mission will be the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, Given under my hand, at office, this 6th day of October, 1862. 4 0 JAMES'JORDAN, Ordinary. G-eorgia* Cherokee County. WHEREAS, Major Willbanks, administra tor on the estate of llosea Willbanks, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said udministra/ion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular concerned to file tlieir objec tions. if any they ha\e. in my office, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand, at office, Nov. 6. 1862. 45 JAMES JORDAN, Ordinary. Adininistvatur’.i Stile. WILL bcßold'on (he Ist Tuesday inAPRIL next, be! ore the Court House door in the town of Campbellton. Campbell county, be tween thedegal hours of sale, the North half of lot ot land N > 123 in the 2nd district of Camp bell county, being the place whereon Benjamin F. Camp deceased, formerly lived. Sold by or der of the Court of Ordinary of Cold) county, as llie property of said Benj. F. Camp, deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Jan’y 13,1863. SAMUEL X SCOTT, Admr. tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. \LL persons having demands against the es bite of I-.iioch M. Benson, late of Cobb county, are reque u'd to present them to the undersigned, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law : and all persons indebted to sai l deeeas -.l.arG'required to tna'.e immediate payment. January, 2U. 1863. H. LATIMER, Adm'r. NOTICE. 5'A 0 alter date, application will be in ole to the Court es Ordinary of t'heic lv eon Illy. ‘ * i l live to well the LANDS be -1 ?V‘* - MA n Cl T S 1J1 1: v KX■ r U Notice to Debtor* ami Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the es ; XTL tute of Janiea A. Collins, late of Cobb county, decease:!., are requested to present them,‘properly made out. witlin tiie time pre ! scribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said estate, are hereby required to make im i mediate payment. Feb. 11. 1803. CYNTHIA COLLINS, Adm’rx. C ML R. VENABLE, Adm’r. Eawcutor’s Sale Ry virtue of an order of ill*- Court of Ordinary of Fulton county. Ga. will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in At RiL next, at the Court House door in Canton, Cherokee county, between the - legal hours of sale, the following Lauds to wit: Lots of Land Number Ten and Number Eleven each situated anil being in the Bccotid district of (he second section of Cherokee county. Ga. eadh containing Forty acres more or less. Also, oral half lot of Laud being the shonth hnlf.ot -N'umber Twelve Hundred and Eighty- Seven. sttuAteß and being in tbe third district »f tho second section of Gherqkec county. All sold as the property of Vibert N. Abbott, late of Fulton eot nty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on dav ol sale. LEWIS L. ABBOTT, Ex’or. February 11, 1063. C NOTICE. WILL be sold before the Court- House door in t’m Oily of Marietta, on the first Tuesday in March next, (if not previ ously disposed of tit [ rivate sale.) to the highest bidder, a likely .NEGRO WOMAN and Child. February 18, 18(53. 72t JANE li. CHASTAIN. TWO MOXTUSafior date applica tion will be made to the Ordinary of ! Cobb County for leave to soli the 1 Land belonging- to the estate of Joseph I!iad!i.-y--^iecca-C'd. S. K. Air LE.SKY, Adm’or. j Feb. 2ld, 1863. I’VVO MONTHS afterdate applicas | lion will bo nxiida to tho Ordinary ol I Cobb County for leave to soil the Land anti belonging to tho estate of William Slmdengor deceased. S. R. MotiLEiKY, Admr. Feb. 23, 1863. GEORGIA, Cobb County. \ V’HEUEAS.N. I!. Knight applies to me iorlot- II ters of administration iljioii the estate of Mrs. J. li. Smith late of said county, deceased. These iii-e therefore, to cite ami admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions, it any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters Administration will lie grunted the applicant at that term of the Com l of Ordinary. Given under iny hand and official signature tills 2nd. February. ISU2. J. G CAMBELL; Ord'y. Greorgia- Cobb County. WLIKKEAS, Jolm Gann, Guardian of Foni iva, Goorge & JoptfiaGaim, applios to me for :-sion IVoin said guardianship, l r vu...* ..-o ti,„ivinn. i/wio* ami admonish all ; and singular those concerned to file tlieir objec tions. if any they have, ill my office on or before ;he first Monday in ABRIL next, otherwise j letters of Dismission will be granted tho ! .applicant at that term of the Court ot Ordinary. (Hven under my hand, at office, this llth' •j bruary, 1863. I I ‘' J. G. CAMPBELT . ■ duimistrator’s Sale. WIwL be s:-Id o;i tbe first Tucstlny i in April next, before tiie court-house door in 1 il v of MarieUa, V'obb cmintv. between Pie ! legal hours of sale. Lots of Land Nos. 1276. j 1317, 12 5. 20 acre- of the north halt of 1315, ; south-east half ol 1274-. and 15 acres of the sou'.ii part of 1315,. -s acred of 1274 I and 131 •. deeded bv Charles Ellis toS. M Brad j i'onl i aA in ihe lDih district and 2d section, i ( (.’oh equity, near Powder Springs, and known i as the Lllis plantation, containing in the whole | 11-7 acred, mure or less. Sold by order of the i Court of ordinary of Cobh county, as the pro ] ;<eriv ol Charles Eilis, deceased, for the benefit. ! of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— j 11 -nil.- made known on day of^saie. OBED R. EASON A din’or. I February 11, 1863. 6 POSTPONED ■ ADMINISTRATORS SALE. i BV viifuc of an order from Uiu court of Ordi nary of Milton', county, I will soli on the flint j Tuesday in April next, ihe following property: Lot of land whereon Win. Racket, deceased lived, coiitaiuinjj 250 acres. | A. urn Oliver. -17 years old. j *■ imy Ephraim, 18 “ “ “ woman Lindy, 23 “ “ and child 5 mo’s. “ boy 800. 11 “ “ boy Henry, 8 “ “ “ boy Taylor, 8 “ “ “ girl Shariah, 48 “ “ “ girl Clarissa, 24 “ “ girl Fanny, 23 “ “ “ boy Frince, 14 “ “ “ boy Crocket. 20 “ “ “ boy Jim, 2fi “ “ AH the above negroes belonging !o the Estate of Win. liickett late of said county. Sold for Ihe benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms Gash J’hls Feb., 12, 1863. G. W ARNOLD. Admr Georgia, Pickens County. I IVOTJCE.-Two Months after date, ap j _ application will hr made to the Court of Ordinary »f said county, for leave to sell the i LAND belonging to the estate of John E. j Price, deceased. WM. GODFREY, Admr. | . Fed -’ 12 ’ J Georgia, couu»y. i NJu I H-L -Tw'o months after date application j 1-N will be made to the Court of, ‘Ordinary of said ; County so" leave to sell the Lands belonging to I the estate uf'Ferdidand Jett deceased for the ben j fit oef the teirs and creditors of said deceased. A. It. HICKS. Executor. ANN lE J ETT, Executrix | GEORGIA, Cobb county. WiiEKK.vs, James Pituer applies to me for Guardianship over tho persons and property os Margaret G Bird and James Bird, orphans o! Janie* Bird, deceased, ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all • and singu :u* those concerned to file their ; their onjei ions if any they have in ray office on j or before the first Mon lay in APRIL next, , oilier wise Liters of Guardianship will be grant ed the applicant at that term of the Court of j Ordinary f.,r said cminty. Given under ni.v ham! as Ordinary, at office n MarieM.i thD ißth Feb, 1863. JOHN G. CAMITIELL. Ord'y. PRINTING INK. FOR SALE DY B. A. RANDAIt & CO. Marietta, Geo. CONFEDERATE COOPER SHOP. KOSWELLSSTREET. HAVING permanently located in Marietta, and opened the above named Sitop, where he -.vill make FLOUR and PORK BARRELS „nd do all other work in his line of business.— lie solicits a share of public favor and wants good White Oak Staves and Heading, also (rood Hoop Poles.— Good prices given, Nov. 21, ’62. 48—ts JAMES M. ALLISON. MATCHES, Tanners's Oil, Blacking, Yellow Ochre, Spirits Turpentine, Var nish, Mineral Paint, Paint Oil, Black Leather Varnish, Ac. TALLOW SADDLES TOBACCO, &c. Far sale by, WILLIAM ROOT Marietta, Jan. 1 1863. 41-ts StOOTEWAHth I will pay the above reward fur the apprehension of Mulatto man William Blake, and delivering him to me at Ma rietta or lodging him in any Jail in this State, so I may get him. He is 25 years of age, live feet 11 inches or 6 feet high rather spare made, thick- lips, large hands and feet, almond or oval eyes ; a scar on one of his fingers; his cars small hi- u6se of the African type, his hair fine j crisp and bushy, speaks in a 1 w tone, aul looks down jibe is plausible and . snides when spoken to; his gait though j sloueby is an Indian’s he i# pigeon : toed; olio car occasionly and sc..urges , funn an internal injury bis front teeth I have been pluged He was seen on 26 ult. p-ssingthrough Atlanta to Inc West Point K. K. uniiorrned and following a (Jotiiedoraio Officer cajryiug nvu hunt ings 8 sabre and sword; he may he hired as his servant. He is a first rate Drummer aud Fifcr; aud may be employed as such; he is a firstotiate Goiuk tt\wri (tin-1 Ootlov fond of drying and Breaking unruly horses. in addition to the above reward I will give SIOO if proof sufficient be furnished mo to convict the person who stole rnv i man. l! .vas hired to u Mr Eping as a (Joael-iu .ii; who had him M c -u. M MYEuS, Marietta (la. : Dec. 6,1862. 40 EAtHTERS' tUK MANUFACTURED BY B. A. RANDALL, Marietta, Georgia. <©*- BOOK, NE W 8 AND COLORED INKS, OF AN EXCELLENT QUALITY, and war ranted ejual to ihe best Northern make. BOOK INK at 50 cents to $4 -$ lb, iu cans of l to U'- pounds. NEVV3S INK. (fine) at 30 cents lb, for all order* of B)0 pounds and upwards. NEV\S INK, (very fine) at 40 cents lb, in kegs of 25. and 50 pounds. COLORED INKS at $1 to $8 ft), in half pound and pound cans. We desire every paper in the South to copy this advertisement tor one month, sending us a copy of their paper and receive pay for the same upon purchasing three times the amount of their bill from us. I>. A. R. References : R. M. Goodman, Editor Mari etta, (Ga.) Advocate. Wood, llanleiter. Rice & Cos., Franklin Publishing House, Atlanta. Ga. Southern Planter^! SHOULD ALL TAKE IT! I rpHE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR the old JL pioneer in Agricultural improvement—the only Agricultural Monthly Journal in the Con federate Slates that has lived“throegh the war,” is still published regularly, and will enter upon its 21st year, Jan. Ist., 1803. Now is the 'time to Subscribe. One Hollar jipt year, in advance ! Address D. REDMOND, Augusta, Ga. Jany U>, tc. ~ COG HIDES. I will give ONE DOLLAR for each Dog Hole delivered at my Store, Kill the Dogs and save the Sheep ! J. W. BACON Marietta, Oet. 3, ’62. 42 ts Blanks ! Blanks ! Blanks.! J »T ANKS in any quantity and of every va •’ 9 riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie and style, executed in the neatest ami most approved stylo of the art, and at prices which cannot be -‘murmured at” bv the '-clos;--i-fisted” in or out of this -.lion of the jounii-v Gi> i u- a tri 11. I3SURAKCE AGENCY. LIFE AND FIRE. SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY. SAVANNAH; OA. CAPITAL $500,000. Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insur ance Company" CAPITAL, $200,000' RISKS taken on favorable terms. W. F. GRUVES, Agent. Marietta, ovember 13, 18J2, 43 —ts E.M. ALLEN, Resident Dentist CONTINUE.-- the practice of his profession in ail Its branches, and solicits the patron age of those who will pay their hills upon pre sentation, and consider them presented whet) the operations are finished. I am compelled to adhere raoi tric'ly tor the cash system, in order to eompl, Soli will# the demands of others. OFFICE over the Post Offic Marietta, Feb. fill, 1802. SALT. I HAVE received one Car Load OF VIRGINIA SALT, which is now olfered ior Sale by the Sack or pound. R. IIIRSCU. Marietta, Nov. 28, 13G2. 47-ts j. o^-ivtrF* Attorney and CounseUor at Law, Acwobth, Cow-, Cor.nty, Guo. n.i. praclicein Cobb. Cass, Cht-Tokee, Mil VV toa, Paulding and Fulton. lteferences.— Hon. J. W. Lewis, non. L. J. Gartrell. Atlanta, N. &. G. 8. Avery, Ac worth. jjs®-" Any information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. --Feb. 29-’6l CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS. T am authorized by Die Secretary of war to raise a Company of Mounted Men, to comi>l<-to the organization of th-- 2nd Ga. Regiment of Car ally, it is useless for me to spend time ar guing lie- advantages this branch of service posses over every other us almost every man is aware of. this fact, all my men will be allowed eo spend the remainder of this winter v-ith then families. assist in selecting anil electiug their own Lieut's, and officers. — In consideration e,f these inducements all wish ing to becetne members of this Company and Regiment will do well to cal! or confer with mo at Dallas Ga. Every man will furnish his own horse, ull other equipments furnished CAPT. W. A RAGSDALE. r-: i. i.etchi-iiii.i). ATTORNEY AT LAW- A(.'WORTH, GEO. Tn connection with his ordinary busi ness will |- a v strict at entnui to tiie col 'cCtiotl of claims of deceased soldiers up on the Government 42* Hew Book Bindery. Ruliiw and Book-Binding. f r* HE subscribers respectfully inform tbe I lie that they have m the city of AtlisHta, a Nev/ Book-Bindery-- blank Cooks. Ledgers, Journals. Day Looks Ulotters. Hotel anti Stable, Registei-s, Dockets Record Books, &c„ with or without Printed IL-adlngs. and Ruled to any pattern desired, manufactured in the neatest aud most dm..hie manner without delay. Magazines, Music, News -wipers, Ac,, neatly hound at short notice. jTS-Orders Iran any part ol the State will meet with prompt attention, anil Books required to he sept by mail hand, wagon or railroad, carefully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility of injury by transportation. J P. MASON & CO. Aug. 31—1 year. HOOP POLES HICKORY AND WHITE OAK HOGSHEADS, 12 feet long at S3O per ; thousand. IELIVERED, k T the Coupcr_Sliop, opposite Denmeads Mill. 2» F. BROWN. iiifil. Sixty Dollars will he paid for the arrest and contiuement of the following named deserters: Private J."N. Clay, of Cos. D. 7th Ga ,'desert ed his command on the 17th day of Angu-t 1832 near Gorilonsville Va., he is about 5 feet 5 inchpsjngh, blaek_ eyes, black hair, fair _cerm plexion, and by occupation a farmer. I have been informed that he is u> home in Cobb Cos., on the pretence that he was takon prisoner hy lic- enemy aud paroled, which is a fabrication of his own. Also, Private Maberry Cookeey. who deserted on the same day and at the same place, he is about six feet higli hazel eyesjdai k hair dark complexion spare made, und by occu pation a Rail Road Hand. J. F. KISER, Capt. Commanding Cos., D. 7th Ga. Vol’s Grist and Saw Mills. The grist mill formerly owned by W J. Delk, Esq., 3i miles East of Marietta is now in fine order und grinding done promptly. Persons wishing a regular -upply ot Men l ai.d grits delivered at their houses in Marietta, can make the arrangements by calling to see me at once. 1 will also receive corn in Mari etta on stated days and return meal with no other charge than the usual toll Corn ground for Soldiers families free of t wll - A. F. LORD, Mille: