Marietta advocate. (Marietta, Ga.) 1843-18??, April 17, 1863, Image 2

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ThkJSewatb Tax Bh.l. —The subst: T tutc proposed by the Finance Commit - ■ uie f»r the tax bbl recent- | :y passed by the IHtisc of Represent -vcs, provides that the tax on aiitiua. j five percent, between *1,500 ami $lO, 000 ten per cent, between SIO,OOO and | sls'ooo twelve ami a ba f per cent, j over $15,000 fifteen per cent. Income derived from rents of real es tate, jn«u«facturing ami mining cstab lishiboat*, etc! shall bo taxed —per cent wftur deducting a stjpi suQiJeut ;or , necessary annual repairs- lucent; a.irotnapyinmiii.Gelu.ring: pr ' mining businOfts-shall be taxed m afore | s lidlttior de luctiirg from present value of products of the year the rent (if rent ol,)oo*tof labor- actually hired and raW material. From navigating enterprises, deducting hire of vessel, or allowance for wear and tear of same, not to ex ceed ten per cent. Froid sale of merchandise or p:her j property real or personal of er deduct ing the prirne cost, salaries paid, etc. From any other occupation, after de ducting cost of material, compensation, -etc. Incomes from all other sources - shall be taxed without dedu- ion. Alt joint stock companies and cor- • potations (shall pay one tenth of the div idends and reserved fund of each year. If the annual earnings shill give a p: oik of more than ten per cent, and less than twenty on capi’al stock, one eighth to be paid; if inorc than twenty per cent, one sixth. Etch farmer, after reserv’ng fur his own use, 100 bushels of corn and 30 bushels, wheat produced this year, shall pay and deliver to the Confederate Gov ernment cne tenth of the grain, forage sugar, cutton, tobacco, or wool produc edc After reserving 20 bushels peas and beans, he shall deliver one tenth of the product ihereof. Also one tenth at the hogs slaughter ed by him in cured bacon, at the rate of 70 pounds bacon to 100 pounds pork fur which he shall receive the value of four bushels of corn and the pi ice paid lor the salt in cubing the same, and one tenth of the mou-y he may have paid far the pm chase of s'wine. On the value o? all neat cattle, horses mules and asses, one per cent. These are the more important fea tures of the Senate bill not contained in the Jfcuse, bill. Several provisions of the latter, including the double tax on advertisements, etc , are omitted in the Senate bill. Also, the enumeration of property exempt from taxation, except Confederate bonds, and certain proper ty used for religious chairtabie or edu cationa] pm poses. [Richmond Whig. Northern Items. The Philadelphia Pre-s says; “Four colored regiments, it is thought will be raised in city: Some two thousand men have already- been raised here, and only await the proper formalities from the AV ar Department to organize into com panies.' . Washington, March 26.—The Treas ury Department is his highly gratifi d with daily accounts received, of in creased improvement in cur national finances. Fortress Monroe, March 25.—Four German families arrived this morning at Fortress Monro* from .Richmond, via Yorktown. They report that the pre -vailing opinion in Richmond is that the rebels will soon evacuate that city and probably most of Virginia. Freedom of speech is much less re stricted there than formerly. Provisions were exceedingly high in Richmond, and mechanics wages cor respondingly high. They came out of tbc Confederacy under foreign protection. An order has been issued from the rebel adjutant generals office, placing all officers who resign, or may be drop ped from the rolls, and those who arc cashiered by courts»iharliaJ, tack into the ranks as privates. JB@F“Two ffiends meeting, one remark ed : ‘I have just met a man who to'd me 1 looked like you.’ ‘Tell me who it was, that I may knock him down,’ rep ied his friend. ‘Dont’ trouble yourself,’ said he, ‘1 did that myself, immediately. THE MARIETTA WEEKLY ADVOCATE. Special Correspondence of the Intelli gencer. Log i slat! vc Proceed : ago. , ■, i baturuay, April. 12. The house resolution an- I ilioiixing the G-’mernbr to appiopriate a I portion of (lie money set, opart for sol- ' dicr’s wives toward supplying them with | yarn. 'Die resolution places the money ' in (he hands of the Inferior Court ; ol ! the county t> be used by them for that I pni-pb‘o. The-House refuerd to raise the fees of Ordinaries, &c. "•'key may coiisklci Monday J- - •• Me''.ibers ! sf->.n. very i input lea 1 ..t0 get . away fiterfi her’*. It would be difficult to keep a quorum after next week. ! ’ ■ ‘ M. THE Gil APHID. Jackson, Miss. April 6. General Chalmers, On Friday, drove the enemy’s p'ckuts within five miles of Memphis, killing two and capturing one . News from Fort Pemberton to the 1 sth has bvon reec'ved. The en my commenced embarking 'art night. This fiiorning they arc in full ratrea'. We shelled their camp's au-1 transports, ami r.vid • :i rccoinioisance inf-rcc from bit 11 ink a'-irmir.g th'-in verr mrftfe. We fir<--1 into a transport w’th tlib troops, di.-' d-lhiy; the boat. N-w Orh-.xns m-vrs of the Ist, report i th'tf Banks cr..rr-d, with l ; \0-)0 Hi :i, Ito Z7ah:»ldss>i:vifi<’, and ha-'gore <lr-v- n ' Bax ou Pl.'-ittiem'nc to rcintorec liui.'z- I * 1 el to uttack the'i’cei he country. FROM VTUK-SDUKG. V eksbtirg, April 6, Tin.- enemy hr.• ; been withdrawing their troops fr--m ’he ‘peninsula’, yesterday all tents (white ' teu'tu) were struck. Four large transports have landed • troops, ami g >ac up the rri-r. The in j indittaiions u o that others will lol j lew. Advices from Gram! Gulf state h- avy : mujketrv firing was heard above New I * Carthage, for two heurc on Sunday. It. is supposed that Harrison s cavalry. tacked the Yankees near Rour daway baytn. From Vicksburg. Vicksburg. April 10.— Nothing .new here. Two additional transports went lup to-day loaded wi h troeps. Others arc preparing so go. R'cnmoifcl, April 10. —The President will issue a proclamation to morrow morning, urging the peop’e to direct their agricultural labor mainly to the production of so-d crops. He takes *n encouraging view cf the present s-itunx tion of affair-, and urges the rah-ng of food for man and beast as a means cf averting the only danger the govern ment icgards with apprehension. lie administers just rebuke t» specu-i t tors. Jackson, Apiil 10. Fifty-throe gun boats, all I sided with Yank-es have gone up Cold Water, three were iron clad*. The Yankees have abandamd the mouth of th * Arnite, and destroyed pro perty. The Msmphis lines are closed for 60 days; and neither cotton er contrabands admitted. Congressional. Richmond, April 9. Nothing important in open session to-day. The Senate, in secret session, pasecd the substitute for the tax bid. Milledgeville, April 10,—The Senate ! adopted as a substitute for the bill en- I corsing Confederate Bonds, a resolution submitting-the question to the people at the October election—Yeas 25, Navs 10. The House reported Mr. Stephens’ resolution declaring against the endorse ment—Yeas GO, Nays 61. From Charleston Cbailcston, April 9.—A1l quiet. No prospect of a fight to-day. Confed -rate officers from Morris Is land boarded the wreck of the Keokuk last night, and found that her turret had been pierced through by a, ball; Pies ccs of furniture ami wreck are floating ashore. Charlcs‘on, April 9.—Six Monitor.-, i and the Ironsides stills lio within the bar 2 l*-2 miles from Sumter. The ene my is awaiting io. a new’ machine to remove torpedoes. Idvcrything is in, readiness attack.' The Spanish Consul wli > reec'nlly left h-re in Spanish war s earner return ed tosdtiy, via Richmond, hiving left Washington on Tiiur d>y last,’on .hear ing that an utt.-'-k i»-i Charle-tan was imrmnent. Neither Ficnch or Ergli-h Com,tils are lieu-. Second Dispatch. Reports from Fort Sumter reflect the li'glim-d oi\-lit on the garrison for jeool - nils fir'd bi at cry in that recent light.— When Munitois were discovered approaching the men were at dinner.— Ar. the auund of the long roll they sprang to.their gti.iß wi,h cheering. The battle-flag was run up the air cf Dixie played by the band on the paras pet, ami a sdute of 12 gins fired. Col. Alfred Rhett was commanding efficer at the Fort, Lieut. Col. Joseph Yates com mand!.:g the tmrl-i-t'e batteries and ?daj. Armsby Blaudmg the casemated batteri- s. The enemy fiind 80 i lmts at ; the Port, of which 35 -struck. 'l'iie gur j ris m .ire e ig-n' f-.-r the next chance at ' the Mom’tors. - ("nattano go, April 9. — The enemy : occupy Lebanan with a division under - Gen. R -yn<>lds Ttmy are also in force 'll Carthage. All quiet at 0 li-mb’a. T venty more prisoner.! reached here yr-.iii.rd .y . Port Hm.’sjn, April j —All c, me’ Item i The one n-r's licet ah<>vft am! bt-’ow have disappear! <l, the forrm r have g-nm above Bay- hi .?.wa. Forty < xeha:ig.-d am- p-.r.del prironn e.s nri'i-r;.-’ here yesterday fr.nn N-.-w Orleans ■ Onr oops are in exet-nt, spirits, and anxi-tis'y watching Yankee v--.;- • seis. i The excitement last night was etnis~ led by a log of fire fl-.'atit g down the I A skiff was captured this nr-ning < widi negroes attempting to pass the j batteries. i Late' Northern anti European News. Richmond, April 9. —Northern dates to the 7th Lave Ltcn received at /rid. ! ericksburg. j The < lee ion in Connecticut resulted ;in the sueccas oft! e Republican ticket : for State < slicers. and three »ut of four i Cungres.-'.men.- The Lsgislaiure is strong 'ly Republican. Biickingham’s majori ty over Seymour is 3,000, being a , Republican 1 ss of 3,000 since last I year. The steamship Ci;y of Cork brings Liverpool dates to the 21et nit. Further succeasess of the .Russians over the Poles are reported. Gold in New Y-nk tell t.a 49b on th-.- stories fr»m Charleston, but rail cd' do ing at 52b. Middling co ton 71a 73 c. Northern News- Richmond, April 12.—The whig has Northern dates to the 11th. A large meeting of the Democracy New York was held at the Cooper Ins stitute an the 9th inst. They adopted a platform expressing oppasition to the policy of the Adminis tration denouncing it as hostile to the restoration of the Union, subversive ol thi Constitution and oppressive to the people. It also denounce! the measures of the last Congress, as repugnant to every principle of justice, and calculated to strengthen the Southern States, and per manently establish the so called Confed crate States. It was further declared that the war was a failure, as conducted by the Ad ministration [loud applause]; and that inasmuch as the resources of men and money had been dissipated without any favorable resulte. It was resolved, that under these cir cumstances, the New York Democrat cy were in favor of peace. [Great cheer ing?] 'Jliis Aministratioii cannot conquer the South, if they would, and would, not if they could. Cessation of hostilities was the oply mode left to -onciliate the and re store the Union. Fernando Wood, being first speaker said it he was asked what the Democra tic mccessor of Lincoln should do. he would answer, censo hostiiiiies ami ob-» tain .-i eonfere-i'-i’, officially or m '. Ifiei .l-, ly, with the rebellion.--. Slnt'-s-.' John S. C.irlis! -, of Virginia, said the South can never bi c<mq iero-1 and U war if fui lier prosecuted ' ill only end in the thorough cxhuristion of both sides. -;o:>, April 13, —A special to the Appeal says, 20,000 S'aiik"t:s passed fr< in Vickburg on the I.oth to reinforce Item-ucrans, Tho Arkansaw is over its banks. A dispatch dated Washington the slh says negro volunteering is abandoned and draft is tn be adopted Lincoln learns that* five powerful rams are building in Engl md for the Oontederatcs. Richmond, April 18.—In the Sen te to diy the bill to abolish the offi e ol regimental coinmiss.iry passed. Also the ILiive bill to prevent, frauds in th? Qu ;>i temasler Commissary departments ami obtaining umler false pit-tenses Irhnwporta ion for private' property. Businensint.bc II .use nnicq. ,- >. u.f. Chattamngi, Jpvil 13.—Van Dorn attacked the ancmy at Franklin with .-even thorn..-’i i c-.vvalty and i-’recman’s battery. The Fedci'al.-i. retired, Lu' adv.mCr-d \vi.h large ie‘ f > ccin- n!s aga’n. dim) ly light en-itc lin width , i.ria's l-.-i-tcry was ciptij"cd .uni l-'icc i.i -n killed, Oar I >sr. n *«, Lmu y. We die plaid af'.ci’ mx j l.mirs h-.rd sigh h'g. L-.'» accn-.! J.--, ie* r« ■.-ii; thi rocap ' tur;! of oiir artlHeir, afta;.’ B e fall cf i'; v,man. We tovk n«> pi is<na:s. . Coiijessisiial- a .'/'i' Ini, .ml, 14.-The H au e pnf-r --rd j’ini r--.s--1e.ti'."...-; declaring Him"ial law. .n the senxo of mi ail.itruiy su ■ pension of al' thq laws and civil jiife’s ; diction canno; rxi-t within the (.''mfed- < rate Sla'cs, >or in a’-.y on'y by virtue • f legislstive -.lathnrily. Tic House t.lso passed ;* bill to regu late m wqn-.per postage. Cli nlestcn, April 14. —All quiet to night. '1 be enemy occupy C< le. Island Kiawah Island a- d Seabrook's I-land in considcraLD force, and is protected by a few gunboats. All his transports ' are left this vie rr •y- Movements of the Enemy. “1 here is something, just how, says the Memphis Appeal, very- mysteriotis in the movement of the enemy’ cvciy where, but, y on the liver and in Wt st Tennessee, and the country is, in consequence, all agog as to tl.eir policy and purpose are. The best re ceived opinion has been, that while they are amusing us arou d the const, the'r real purpose is to concentrate a vast foice is Middle 'id icsse, overcome Con. Jcbistoii, and thus open up an iminter-: rupted entrance intu Georgia and Ala-! B.ima. That this was the purpose of the enemy when Rosencranz was put in command of the auny in Tennessee, there can be no doubt. Wc thtfik it most probable that it is so still, t/rant’s army is evidently being remaved some where, and the most probable solution is that their destination is tiie Tennes see and Cumberland livers. Enough can be left behind to amuse our forces here, while the main body moves rapid ly to the assistance ut' Roscncranz.” SoMETHIXU TO BE DONE. One Ol the greatest wants of the medical depart ment is opium and its preparatiwas.— The poppy, its s .nice, is within e. reach. The comonguden poppy is ous sily cultivate 1, ana ~11 we want is far the Indies to take it in hand. The only preparatii n needed is to slice the cap sules and collect the juice on plates or glass, and to dry it and forward it t<> the nearest medical purveyor. 7Ze will prepare it for u»e. ECa»The Yankee account of the light at I’art Hudson states that one of the officers of the Richmond had Both legs his right arm and left hand taken off by the explosion of a shell from our bat- i terics. Os couisc his death was al most instantaneous. Persons quitting Yankee Doodledom for Europe, have given bunds to go into sc: vice if drafted, or furnish substitutes. Presidents Proclamation* President Davia hug issued a Fioclu matinn pursuant to resolutions of Coh .gresn, urgir.g the people to use every i ffort in the pioduutivn oi'foud, and re«v ■?>m aeiids the following plan of the See letu y of War for the best r support of tin; a‘my.-- l-I.AN BL’GOiISTKO BY TUB UCIIKTADY OF KAh. I. I.< t the people in each county, par i.jli ward, neleet at public ni-eling, us early as ■convenient, a comiuilteu ot'« three ot m rcd.sctet citizens, < charged with the duties hereinafter mmtiened. 11. Let it bo pic duty v( thh csrmnit tce toftMcei tain from each citizeu’ In the county or palish what amount of our* plus meat, wheUur bacon, pork, or tacf qe can spare for the uso of the arm/, alter reserving a supply for his family and those dependent on him for food. Let this coinin ttec fix a price which is deemed by them A junt compensation for il;e articles furnished, and inform ! the citizens what this price is so that each may know before de ivory, what pi ice it to be. paid for the articles fi»r nishej. Let this committee make aS r;u in.cuts for the transportation ot the to wjie convenient depo’, after consultation with the officer who is t > receive them. ' Let the committc’ make delivery of the supplies und-r’cci-iving payment of the price, and as ume thcdiuy of pay ing it over the citizens who have ler uNlicd the supplies. . 111. Wh'-r-: the duty of the jornmitteo ' h: p'-itbim-id in any town or city or- wLicli there may L-c a Quartermaster or i <xi lit'evarr , n. furiher duty need be - n? piired of them than to de.iver to the nffic! r a list ol naiues of the citizens ami 111 ihe supplies and make payment. | IV. Whore lue siipplie* are fttrnish d I the country the c»st of tratispo. tation I to the 2’-po: ■ ill b* paid by the Govetn iijenf, in addition to ’he pricy fixed l-y the commiitca. V. As this ppc-al is mule to the pee pla for the b. netit of onr bravo delend or.-; now in the army, tha Dcpar. rnent re. lied with cojifiJcnce on the. patrioii.-im of the people that no m-ne than jiist compel) ation would be fixed by the eoinrnif:<»-s, nor accepted by those whose clii< f motive will be t • a : d tlirir country and not to make nndin? gaiiu out of the needs <*f our noble soldier. James A.Sed’’ox, April 11, Secretary of War. The Food Question. The ‘C’oi slitutionalist’s tys; "It nev er rains but it pou:s,’’ i s a saying ap p’ied both tot roubles and bauefits. In this lime of c< mparat’ve scarci’y of tho necessaries of life— some of which are absolutely scarce the whole Confedera cy over, wbijp others are in full supply —comes the cry of want of trar spn tation. Corn is selling in Middle and Lower Georgia at $1 75 to 2 50; while in Mississippi at $1 50; while in Up pei Georgia it is at four ar five, in Mo i bi e, 111 Kidnnctid from eight to ten.— ■ We have no doubt that there is a full supply < f cern in the Confederacy, .enough, with economic use, to -carry the countiy safdy through to next September. There is na surplus, aa son.e imagine, at least not such a sur-. a surplus, er even such abundance, a» will excuse any extravagance in its use; and, thanks to the high prices there arc not many who will waste. * *■ / At Columbus on Thursday cot ton was selling in the streets at 30 cts.. There is but little doubt but it will soon go to 50 cents, and possibly higher still The truth is, every body has got on a big scare and an inordinate ’desire to sc cure weal h at one grab, hence the as tonislaii g advance in this artice aid. tobacco. Provisions have had their run and now cotton and tobaceo are having a showing. The salary of the collector of the port of New Y’orx for 0113 year, is about 111,000 dollars. A letter from Port Rcyal states that the number of freed slaves in that Dedartment is 17,000. Advices frem Missouri repre sent that 14,000 slaves have escaped from that State. XfcaT’Serions poetical troubles are re ported in Decatur comity lowa. Blood has already been spilled and the Abo litionists aie endeavoring to precipitate a civil \var. *