The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, August 19, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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RE-WAKENING OESANIIAGB, Shops and Stores Re-Opened and Business is Re viving. FOOD PRICES GONE DOWN Since the Surrender and in a Gen eral Way the Place Is Made Much More Habitable. Santiago le Cuba (Correspondence by Mall.) I'lie city of Santiago de Cuba is waking up. When the American soldiers entered on July 17 there was hrdly a living thing to be Been but Spanish soldiers making their preparations to march out and throw ihetn.-elvs on the mercy of the "Yankei pigs.” All th<- shops a < re closed and bar red. and nothing was visible in the private Ihjuiso, but here and there a pair of black eyes peeping curiously through a window lattice. 'lnal ititangilde and much-abused thing called confidenc. .tins to have 'been re stored it was very slow in coming, First the barber shop* open< d, then the shops of the eonists follow, d suit. Uln by one the . .if. h .lug up from cellars the i-.ins and bottles they had hidden away, und opt in d their doors for .business By this tun. it Was fully understood that tile Americans wen not four-footed and din not have bristles, and evt rylbody who had .anything to sill displayed it to the best advantage The merchnts are reaping a harvest. The .wifes are making mon money than anybody else, but clothing stores are not far behind. Americans here can buy anything they want to, lint have the greatest difficulty in getting clothing to 18. Fortunate if the man who is only 6 feet 6 inches it height and weighs I2'i pound lie can choose his pick from an entire stock, bu: the brawny, ti fooler can go all over th. town and never find anything to fit hlini. The clothing was mad.- for Spaniards, ano is not built on the American plan. I heard a disgusted sold.i. r say to his com panion as he tramp, d out of a clothing store "Bill . very .place I go Io after then pants I s. em to get into the children's de partment.” I'lie dilierent values of American ano Spanish . oins created a great dial o-f eon fusion in making change. Each .proprietor figures out his own rate of exchange and obstinately stocks to it. The lowest prict paid in Spanish silver for the (American dollar is $1 50 and the highest $2. Then then places where $1.(10, $1.70 or SI.S( is held to be the proper equivalent. Th. money changers give $8.50 in Spanish sil vi r for a s:> bill $1.70 to the dollar. At the I'afe Venus, the .best eating house In the city, the ratio is two for one. Th. guest can order a dinner that would cost $2,1.0 in Spanish money, pay for it with a $a bill and receive In change five Spauis! silver dollars. The merchants are al! very anxious for American money, and al most Invariably quote their prices by out standard. Santiago, called Cuba by the natives t. distinguish It from the province, is no 1 penmitt, d to ov. rsle.,p itself of mornings As curly as sun-up the mango huckster j. abroad in the land, and the cry of "Man go. s' .Mangoes"' dears the air like th. scream of a ! -inch shell Every nativi ' here has something to sell or has suddenly discover, d that there Is a market for it I he most rushing Im Jness is down at th. bakeries These are not opened In thi morning until . baking is completed. Th. crowd of hungry buyers has gathered ar hour before, and each one has passed th. time in crowding and elbowing to get a near the door as possible Finally th. dors are opened, and then, such a elattei of tongues! The crowd Is prevented fron entering iby two horizontal bars across th. doorway I'lie people surge forward, each pne hoi,ling his money aloft and screaming to he waited on The bread is handed ou. without being wrapped. The loaves ar. titan halt the size of the American loaf, and ar< agerly bought at 20 cents apiece Tb,iking i« exhausted before half th. crowd has had in opportunity to buy. am the unfortunate one hury to another bah cry. or patiently wait for another bakin ■ The eentie market is uninteresting plac. ‘‘re .an be bou Ji: plat, s of rice, soup beans or cook, d tropical fruits. Worn, i sit on the sidewalks in front, their scan stocks of mangoes, cakes made of suga and nuts, and fermented drinks spread ou in front of them 'ln an occupied stall a> impromptu gambling game is going on. I is plav.d with Spanish cards, and bear a striking likeness to th. American gam of faro Everybody, without distinctio ns to age or sex, is permitted to bet. Cu Ikiii or Spanish soldiers lay down t.hoi •silver p.'sos, and the boy of eight his cop per centavos. The old woman leaves h. mangoes in chart < of i friend whHe si r.sks her little all on the turn of a .ar. When she is fortunate she ■ .... s wit Hings greedily. Winn she loses sb a “come easy, go easy" wav.' of h< hand and turns away with all the no > Chalane. of a Mexican monte player. Briers of articles of food have droop some sin. e th. suit.-nd. r. -dm io the In, loads of provisions t’hat have since com in. but they are -till high, is p bill for i meag, r and abstemious breakf.i at th. t'af.- V.ilnus Fish. 30 cent-; ric 10 c.-t.ts bread. 5 cents; coffee. 5 cents -ipolhuai »' -10 ~nts, lemon. 5 cents, le. ft cents; total. sl. The dish makes about two good b.’.s f. an ordinary mortal, the rice is of th cheap, st quality, the bread is a single tbir slice, cut crosswise ireai a slender loaf and the coffee is the size of the demitass of a fashionable hotel. The i half-famlsln d in the morning before b .an get am tiling to .at. The cases wi! serve a small .up of coffee from 8 o’clock until 11. but no amount of persuasion m brils ry can procure a mouthful of too before the latter hour. The breakfast hou here is il o'clock and it has not been changed io the least. In manv ways the Spanish customs dis far from ours 'l'tie most striking exatnpj U the fact th?.' the y’rds are all inside o’ the houses. Store and residences are bull' conq.o tiy against . aeh o'her. and from th. stre.ts not t vestige of green can be seen But ;nsld. of th. house of the resident is a small plat of ground. wh. re he has hi< fruit trees »,j, g. apo arbor and ->m linn < a -.m.iH ton,.tain. This is v -her the family s-it during the t.. tt-.-st part e the da. Aiii.'l.iT cur osity is their man u.r of s),.epine The b.s’.s are mad- n . n< ,tly. with snowy linen and two p;l ,>w . One pillow is foi the head and th other for the feet. between the \rnerlear.s and th« st;>ani<’i soldiers They have made friendo with each ot'her. and to see a group of officers of both armies eating and drinking to gether at a case, it would be impossible to t< 11 from the expression of their faces which were 'he vanquished and yvhieji the victor They are ou the very best of terms and find a source of common in t.r.-st in abusing the Cuban soldiers, who. by the wav do not get a lick amiss The first newspaper that has been print.d in this city in many weeks made its bow to the public on July 23. It is a small folio, devoted almost to the proclamations of President Meinley. Gen. Shafter and Leonardo Ros. the civil gov ernor. , CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A BISHOP 30 YEARS. Thirtieth Anniversary ot the Episcopacy of Bishop Becker of Savannah. V.ari'a. Aug. 17.—-Bishop Thomas A. 8.k.-r of the <’atholie diocese of Georgia is v siting tne city. He come to give di■ r.z tion to the work of making improve m.ira upon tn.* ■ atnolic cat;.curat, waich is pr.ig.csaing finely. He i« looking r< markably well and is receiving < otigiatulatione today upon hav ing a ain.d the 3(rth anivtTsary of nis life work. Bishop Becker is a very attractive man His manner i* most agreeable and impres sive, his conversation pleasant and instruct:vc. his learning profound and thorough, and bis power as a pulpit ora tor pronounced and magnetic. He its a man of big. broad views, and is greatly b« - iov.d by his people ami enjoyss a wid< popularity in Georgia, where many yea: s of his great and noble life nave been spent. iu answer to questions this morning Bishop Be.k.r gave out the following in tei esling facts; ■'Yes," -aid be, "today i»s the 30th an rnver-ary of my episcopacy. 1 was eon .. . rated first bishop of Wilmington, Del., by Archbishop Martin J. Spaulding of Baltimore. I had been nine years in the preisthood. having been ordained in Rome by t'ardinal Patrizi. the vicar of P:us IX I was a student of the Urban college of the propaganda. Os the 30 years of my epis copacy, 18 were paused in Wilmington. Del., and 12 years have been passed in Savannah. The friends of this ominet man every where wi-ll wish him many happy returns of this anniversary and that each recur ving year of his long, noble and useful life will tie full of the blessings of health and happiness. A~CDKV»R TRICK. It certainly looks like it. but there Is really no trick about It. Anybody can try t who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he .-an cure himself right away by taking Etectrtc Bittecs. Tins medicine tones up iiu whole system, acts as astimulant to he liver and kidneys, is a blood purifiet ind nerve trwiio. Ft cures constipation, ■leadaehe, fainting stalls. sleeplessness and melancholy. Ft is purely vegetable, i mild laxative, and restores the system to ts natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and >e convinced that they are a miracle vorker. Every bottle guaranteed. (July •0c a bottle at H. J. Lu mar & Sons’ drug KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Grand Encampment, Indianapolis, Ind, Au gust 22-29, 1898. Account of the above occasion the South ■rn Railway Company will sell round trip tickets to Indianapolis at one fare. Half ate tickets on sale August 19th, 20th and list with filial limit August 31st. By de ,as t'ng tickets with st I >dianapoh >u or before August 89-th and payment of ee of 25 cents, an extension of the final irait can be obtained to leave Indianapolis >n September 10th. The quickest and 'he >est route is to leave Macon via Southern test route is to leave Macon via Southern tailway at 2:05 a. m., arriving Chatta looga 8:40, taking Q. and C. route, arriv ng at Indianapolis 11 p. m. same day. For urther information apply to Gilbert R. Pettit, Depot Ticket Agt. C. S. White, T. P. A. Burr Brown, C. T. A. Boys Always tho Sarne. The numerouM papyri unearthed some hue ago by Messrs. Grenfel and Hunt coin tho ancient city of Oxyrhyncus, Cgypt, are being gradually deciphered. )ne of them, a letter from a boy, evi iently u petted darling, to his father aiunds strangely modern, though it is at east 1,600 years old: ‘‘Theon to his father Theon, greeting. It was a fine thing of you not to take me .vith you to the city If you won’t take ne with you to ‘Alexandria, I won’t write you a letter or speak to you or say goodby ■o you, and if you go to Alexandria I won’t take your hand nor ever greet you vgain. That is what will happen if you vc.n’t take me. Mother said to Arohelaus, It quite upsets him to be left behind (?). It was good of you to send me presents * * * >n the ICth, the day you sailed. Send mo » lyre, I implore you. If you don’t, I won’t at, I won't, drink There, now!”—New fork Tribun‘\ Annual Snlea 0ver6,000,000 Foxes B«ra«S FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS Wind and Pain in the Stomacn, Giddiness Fulness after meals. Head ache, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frighffu, Dreams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensa’ions. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IlKEcilor. riLlAtak-n asdlreet. od. will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure sick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pilis are Without a Kiva? And have the LARGEST SALE dany Patent Ytedieine in the World. 25c. at al! Drug Stores. Bibb Count/ Sheriff s Sales. gforgia. bibb colnty—win be sold ■j< tore the court house door in the city of Macon during the legal -hours of sale, ou ■ue first Tuesdaj in September, 1898, the following described property, levied on to satisfy certain state and county'tax fl f is. lor the year 1897, .to-wit: Ail that tract or parcel of land,on Mon i\»e hill. \ ineville district, beginning at 'lose Ditch, opposite Charles Morris' cor ner. running west 364 tert, thence south 90 h et. thence vast 110 feet, th. nee to Rose i'iteh. th. nee 200 feet to starting point. Levied ou as the property of estate Lewiu Williams. Also, all that kra. t or parcel of land, with a two-story brick store thereon, in city of Macon, flouting about 50 feet on Cotton axvuue on riming back to an alley ii the rear; bound west by propentv of H Damour and east by prup.rty ol'joha Hur iey. Lev.ed on as the proptrtv of estl'v of H. S. Holder. .'.lso a lot with a two-story briek build ing thtreon. fronting about 25 feet on Cot ton avenue and ruuing back an even width to property of V. Kahn in the rear, and adjoining property of V. Kahn on the northwest, and property of Russell estate on tue north, x-t. L . vkd on as the prop er.y of Mrs. C. E. Bali. v Also ’,, dil tbat tract or Parcel of land in Vlnevtlle i'striet. fronting about 40 feet on 8. eotid avenue and running Lack an even width about 60 feet to property of Hunt bound north by property of Wiggins and sow r. by porpvrty of unknown parries. Levied on as the propertv of R S Collins agent. Mrs. M C. Collins. Also, all that <rca or parcel of land, cor ner Third and Ash streets, fronting about 60 fee’, on Third street; bound west bv property of Pat Murphey, north by Ash street, and south by property of unknown parties. Levied on as the property of George W. Dun an, trustee, Mrs C. E Schofield. Also, lot 2. in sub-divisfon of lots 8 and 9.. block 4. of sub-div-isioa of Flanders properly. East Macon, district, in city of Macon. Ga.. fronting 52 fee-t on Powell street and runing track an even width 60 fee[ to lot 3 of said sub-division: bound west by Flanders street, which it adjoins for a distance of 6u feet, bound on east by lot 1 of said sub-division, which it adjoins for a distance of 60 feet. Levied on as the property oi George W. Dunean. Also, all that lot or parcel of laud in Godfrey district, Bibb county, bound west by Jeff Davis street, north by lots 17 to 25, inclusive, east by lands of P. Daly auJ south by estate of B. Pope Freeman, an 1 L. M. and M. S. Benson. Levied ou as tte property of W. H. Freeman. Also, lot 3. square 67. city of Macon: bound ou two sides by alleys, on another by property of W.L. Henry and on another by Walnut street. Levied on as te prohp erty of Mrs. C. V. Hines. Also, two medium size iron safes, pain-r --ed yellow, one large double door iron safe painted black, one long walnut colored writing besk, with four drawers. Levied on as the property of W. A. Davis at Co.. Also, all that tract or parcel of fami in Godfrey district and known as lota 5. 6,7 and 8, in block 1, in village of New burg. said county, bound on one side by lot 4. on another by a public road, on an other by First avenue, and ou another by Houston road. Levied on as rhe properly of estate of A. C. Knapp. Also, house and lot, in city of Macon, said county, bound on one side by Fourth street, on another aide by Ash street, on another by property of Sweeney. and on another by property of Mrs. Mary Malloy, sari property being part of lot 1, block 25. Levied on as the property of Mrs Mary Malloy. Also. IS lots, each 60 feet front by 141 feet deep, numbering 1 to 16, in block E, of Dennis survey, all in one body, and bound west bv First avenue, nort-h by Third stree't, as designated in plat; on east by Second avenue, and south by a roadway. Levied on as the property of H. F. Strohecker, agent. Also, one small iron safe, one roller top writing desk and one large writing chair. Levied on as trie property of J. A. Thomas. Also. 2. 3. 11 and 34 of the Trunell prop erty, situated in the southwest suburb of the city of Macon, and adjons lands of Holiis, Birch and others, each of said lots being 50 feet front by 100 feet deep. Lev ied on as the property of J. A. Berry. Also, lot 1, Beall’s Hill, in city of Ma con; bound on one side by property of Bernd, on another by property of McGee, on another by property of Nisbet and oii another by Orange street. Levied on as the property of N. G. Gewinner. Also, lot 4, in sub-division of lots 7 ami a. square 95, city of Macon; said lot fron't ing 37 feet 4 inches on Arch street and running back an even width 102 feet 3 inches. Levied on as the property of Charles T. Jones. ' z Also, part of lot 5, sw range, city of Macon bound on one side by propt i tv of Dugal Fern, on another by property of F'el Wolff, on another by Hawthorne street, and on another by Fifth street. Levied on as the property of A. Reynolds, executor. Also, one tinner’s machine. Levied on as the property of L. C. Ricks. Also, lot 7. block 5, in Rutherford addi tion, Bibb county, about two miles south west of Macon; said lot faces 60 feet on Cleveland street and runs back an even width 151 feet to an alley in the rear. Levied on as the property of Jarnos IL Also, t'hat lot or parcel of land known as part of lot 6, swe 17. in city of Macon with house, known as 1531 Fourth street’ thereon, and bound on one side by Fourth street, on another by property T. J. Car ntaiphen, and on another by property of Mrs. D. Davenport. Levied on as the property of Mrs. I). Davenport. Also, 200 acres land, more or less, being part ot lo'ts 115 and 116 of Fourth district bound north by road leading from Macon to Earner’s old upper mill and part of Hitch’s land, on west by Rocky creek, on south by land formerly owned by Edmund Carter ami land of Jeff Hollingsworth, and ' .ot by land of Hi'teh’s. Said property levied on for taxes on itself and returned on tax digest in name of J. F. Toole, agent for Knight Farm. A'ls-o, four acres of land, with a two story dwelling house thereon, also one small dwelling bouse, a carriage house, barn and stables and milk dairy; said prope'rty in East Macon district, and known as B'aconfield; bound south by a public road leading from Spring street river bridge going east, north by a line running east and west in rear of carriage house, wert by a wire fence between said four acres of land and a cow pasture and e'ast by a ravine. Levied on as te proper ty of A. O. Bacon. Also, lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, in block 4, ac cording to Dußois survey of lands of Thomas Woolfolk estate, East Macon dis trlot, said county, recorded in book A. D page 631, clerk’s office, Bibb superior court. Levied on as 'the property of Bacon re Rutherford. Also, lot 9, of sub-ddvision of block 33 as sohwn by map recorded in clerk’s Bibb superior court, in book P. P., page '■9b. Levied on as the propertv ofC S Payne. Also, thirty-five acres of I'and, more or loss, in East Macon district; bound on two sides by land of M. Birdsong, on one side by land of Joe McCrae, and on an other by land of H. O’Neal. Levied on as ■the property of Willie Beall Rogers. Vlso, one-eighth of an acre of land, more or Joss, with a dwelling house thereon, in East Macon district; bound west by prop erty of R. E. Rogers, east by a 31-foo-t street, north by property of 'William Blackshear, and on the south by a 27-foot street; said lot being 42 feet front by 100 feet, more or less, deep and in block 56 of property of W. R. Wright. Also, that lot or parcel of land, in East Mae-on district, with a dwelling house thereon, bound east by land of B. T. Ray, west by Fort ill street, north iby land of Mrs. A. E. Thompson, and south by land of Mrs. A. V. Lumpkin. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Anna White. Also, lot 14, block 4, Huguenin Heights property, in Bibb county, Ga.; said lot fronts 50 feet on Duncan avenue and runs back same width 115 feet to a 30-foot street or alley in rear. Levied on as the property of 'Mrs. C. M. Goodman. Also, 102 acres land, more or less, in one body, in Hazzard district, Bibb county, being all of that part of lot 165, nort-hwert of Zebulon road, except 23 acres belonging to iN. A. -Powers, in southeast part of said lot 165: bound on one side by Zebulon road, on three others by property of N. A. Powers. Levied on as the property of B. P. Gilbert, commissioner. Also, 202% acres land, in Godfrey dis trict: bound north by L. Edwards, east by property of Walter Van Houten anil Langston, bound south by property of Mrs. . channa Raley, and west by -property of Kit Wc-odson. Levied on as the property of R. M. Gilbert for estate of O. P. Gil bert. Also, one acre land, more or less, in Godfrey district, Bibb county, Ga , bound north by Columbus road, east by Fionono avenue, south by property (owner un known), and west by property of D. J. Baer Levied on as the property of Bailey W. Glover. Also, part of lot 4, block 6. Woolfolk survey; bound on one side by a street, on another by property of Henry Cornelius, ou another by property of Carstarphen & Tillman, and on another by an alley. Lev ied on as th- property of P. S. Harman. Also, lot 7. block 33, swe, city of Macon; bound on one side by an alley, on another by lot 6. same block, on another by prop erty of Central railroad Levied on as the property of 'Prince Robin-son. Also, lot 1, block 7, on which is a dwell ing house, in East Macon district, Bibb county. Ga.. and village of Fairview: bounded by Peachtree street 50 feet on the front and running back 125 feet to a 10- foot alley in the rear, bound on the east by lot 2, and west by Second avenue. Lev ied on as the property of Sandy Cornelius. Also all that lot or parcel of'land known as rhe “old shop lot” of Macon and West ern railroad, city of Macon, being 53 1-3 feet on Chestnut street ami 119 feed on Tattnall street, the other two sides being parallel sides to 'these. Recorded in book t>3. page 115. clerk’s office. Bibb superior court. Levied on as the property of Rob ert Lewis. 'lso, lot of land in East Macon district, B;bb county, Ga known as lot 23 of sub division of lot 44 of Dußois survey of lands of liiomas Woolfolk estate, as per map in book A. J., page 719. Recorded in book iO, page 207, Bibb superior court. Levied on as the property of Joe P. Par ker. Also, all that lot or parcel of land in East Macon district, Bibb county, Ga., on which is situated a dwelling house: bounded east by property of Mrs. M. E. McCrary, west by property of Mrs. Eugene Gantt, south by Jeffersonville road, and north by property of B L Jones. Levied on as the property of J. H. Woolfolk. Also, one-eighth of an acre land, more or less, with one-room house thereon, in Mineville district. Bibb county. Ga.; bounded north by Jones street, east by a 10-foot alley, and south and west by prop erty of Ellis. Levied on as the property of George Bartlett. Also, one-half acre of land., more or less, in Mineville district , Bibb county. Ga.; bounded west by property of the estate of Mary Wilson, north by property of Ed Combs, east by property of Ocmulgee Land Co., and south by a Street. Levied on as the property of Malinda Moone, or Malinda Norri’ Also, vacant lot No. 15. in Mineville dis trict. Bibb county. Ga., fronting on Wash ington avenue 40 feet and running back elong a 22-foot alley 120 fert to Hogue avenue. Levied on as the property of R. H. Swain to satisfy a tax fl. fa. for the years 1895, 1896 and 1897. G. S. WESTCOTT, Sheriff. MACON NEWS FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST ig 1898 City Tax Notice. Taxpayer* are hereby notified that the third installment of the city tax for 1898 is now due. Pay and save tax executions. A. R. TINSLEY. Treasurer. JsStROFULA AND r LRYSIFELAS Two Diseases That Cause Their Victims to Be Shunned by Their Fellow-Man. Bpringfieuj, Mo. Gentlemen : I commenced taking P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, last Fall, for Erysipelas. My face was com pletely covered with the disease ; I took a short course of P. P. P., and it soou disappeared This Spring I became much debilitated and a>yain took an other course, and 1 am now in good condition. I consider P. P. P. one of the best blood preparations on the market, and for those who need a gren erul tonic to build up the system and Improve the appetite I consider that it has no equal. Will say, anyone who cares to try P. P. P. will not be disap pointed iu its results, and I, therefore. Cheerfully recommend it. ARTHUR WOOD, Spring-field, Mo. Erysipelas and Scrofula cured by P. P P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, surely and without fail. Mo. GRNTLftMrfk: June I had a scrofulous sore which broke out on my ankle. It grew rapidly, and soon ex tended from my ankle to my knee. I got one bottle of your P. P. P., Lipp man's Great Remedy, and was agree ably surprised at the result. The entire, sore healed at once. I think I have taken almost every medicine recom mended for scrofula and catarrh, and {our P. P. P is the best 1 have ever ried. It cannot be recommended too highly for blood poison, etc. Yours very truly, W. P.‘ HUNITER. P. I’. P. cures all blood and skin dis ease, both in men and women. Rheumatism, which makes man’s life a hell upon earth, can be relieved at once by P P. P., Lippman’s Great Rem edy. It makes a PERMANENT cure. P. P. P. is the great and only remedy for advanced cases of catarrh. Stop liage of the nostrils and difficulty in >reathing when lying down, P. P. P. relieves at once. P. P. F. cures blood poisoning in all its various stages, old ulcers, sores and kidney complaints. Sold by *ll druggists. UPPMAN Apothecaries, Sole Prop’rs, Uppnnti'i Block, S«v*aoah, Ga. Hlacon and New York Short Line Mia Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line. Through Pallmau cars between Macon and New York, effective August 4th, 1898. Lv Macon....! 9 00 am] 4 20 pm| 7 40 pm Lv Mtll’gev’leho 10 anij 5 24 p-mj 9 24 pm Lv Sparta.... !10 51 am! 603 pm|lo 31 pm Lv Camak....lll 40 *m- 647 pm|lo 31 pm Ar Aug’taC.T.j 1 20 pm| 8 25 pmj 5 15 pm Lv Aug’taJE.T.| 3 30 pm Ar Florence..! 8 15 pm Lv Fayettev’lejlO 15 pmj Ar -Petersburg! 3 14 am| Ar Richmond.i 4 00 am| Ar Wash’ton..j 7 41 am Ar Baltimore.| 9 05 am! Ar Phila’phia. [ll 25 am; Ar New York! 2 03 pm Ar N Y, W 23d st] 2 15 pm] | Trains arrive from Augusta and points on main line 6:45 a. m. and 11:15 a. m. From Camak and way stations 5:30 p. m. A. Q. JACKSON, General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. W. W. HARDWICK, S. A., 454 Cherry St. Macon. Ga. “TH El NEW YORK WORLD T h rloe - a-\A. ee k Edition 18 Pages a Week... ...1-56 Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR Published every alternate day except Sun day. The Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World is first among ail weekly papers in size, frequency o>f publication and the freshness, aeuracy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollar complete, accurate and impartial, as all of its readers will testify. It is against the monopoHrtS and for the people. It pi-ints tha news of the world, having special news correspondent* from all points on the globe. It has briliant illustrations, stories by breat authors, a capital humor ous page, complete markets, a depart ment ot the househodd and women’s work and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The News together tor one year for ifi 00 Easily,Quick!/, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE * ante* to Lure Insomnia, Fits. Dizziness, Hvsteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality. Seminal Losses, .Failing Memory—the result ofOver-wotk, Worry Sickness, Errors Mouth or Over-induigeuce Price 60c. and SI: 0 boxes S 5. For quick, positive and lasting results in Sexual Weakness, itniv tenev. Nervous D-Lilitv and I r =t Vitality use YELLOW LABEL SFECIAL-double strength—will give strength anil tone to every pair and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best too Pills sz. by mail. FREE — A bottle of the famous Japanese Livei Pellets will be given with a fi x>x or more ot Mag '»tic Nervine free. Sold onl bv For Sale at Goodwyn’s Drug Store and Brown House Pharmacy. The News Printing Co. Does Binding and Job Printing of every de scription. Ask for estimates. High class work. B i ICASTORIA For Infants and Children. J The Kind You Have i Always Bought AVegctablePreparationfcr As- f Z x* sllfrilniing lhe Food and Regtild- a Ling the Steinachs andßowelscf ' j JJCcIIS 1 ——Signature Z/J u" j Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- 0 J / Yhj 5 ness and Rest Con tai ns neither f p Jr , Opmm.Morphiite nor Mineral. 01 JV fr Not Narcotic. ff. V\ Lp Pum/f.-m Seti~ • \ <dlx.Senna * 1 JA " f&S’. J a .Tv Th a g 11 I II I Itimrfctd- l£ 11 171 i,,W Clarified Sugar . I JgS LA ®*T 1 >**9""“” / J f If j J A perfect Remedy for Cons *■ pa Hr I I i 0 lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, ;;|ji f M'&J* I Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- :g 1 W»« t! ness and LOSS OF SLEEF. 1 I Oil H 3 ¥ H FacSinule Signature of [S| Bought, TH* CEKTAUR COMPANY, N'WYORK CITY. ._<rb. Southern R’y Schedule in Effect July 6, 1898 CENTRAL TIME READ DOWNi READ US'. No. 7 | No. 15 j No, ii | No. 13 | We st. | No. 14 [ No. 10 j No. 8 I No. ST 7 10pm| 4 45pm| 8 OOarn] 2 OiamjLv.. Macon . 14\ 2 05am; 8 20am|10 55am| 7 10j«n 9 45pm| 7 45pm|10 40&m | 4 15am|Ar.. Atlanta. Lv 11 55pm: 5 20amj 8 10am; 4 20pm 7 oOaznjlO 00pm| 4 00pm| 4 20am|Lv.. A'tl 'anna. Arjll 54pm| 6 0temi........|1i 44« am 10 20am| 1 OOam| 6 25pm| 6 30am|Lv.. Ro me.. Lvj 0 46rwn; 144 am; | 9 00am 11 30am, 2 34am| 7 34pm| 7 22am|Lv.. Dal ton...Lv 8 ISpsajlS 10am! | 7 Mtom 100 pm | 4 15am| 8 50pm | 8 40am|Ar Ctiat’ nooga I.Vj 7 SOpmfl® 00pm;.. . ...] 8 00pm 7 10pm| 7 lOpmj 740 am, |Ar .Mem phis . Lvj | 9 Warn, | 8 00pm 4 30pm| | 5 00am j |Ar DeKington. Lv| ,10 50 am | {lO 40pm 7 50pm| | 7 50am| |Ar Louis virile. Lv| 7 40am| , 7 Jf.ptn 7 30pm| | 730 am | |Ar ici Li | 8 38am | | 8 00am 9 25pm| | 7 25pm| Ar Inn ton .. Lv .. .. | 8 32pm | 8 00am 11 45am| |lO 00pm| | Ar Birm ’ham Lv| | 4 15pm, | 6 OOatn 8 05am| j 1 lOamj 7 45pm.A: IL. ax ville. Lv| 700 am, 740 pm, | 740 pm .~.77|7'." /No. 14 /No. 10 j . 1 No. !3 j’..'”.. | 7 10pm| 2 10am, 8 35am|Lv.. Ma< »n 82 ana, 2 00am, j | , 3 22am|10 05am,Lv Coeh ran.. Lv, 3 20pm,12 s&am! , j , ,10 45am|Ar Hawk ’ville Lv| 2 SOpm, , [ | | 3 54am|10 50am|Lv. East man. Lv; 3 41pmjl'2 25am' | | | 4 29am|ll 36amjLv.. Hei eßa.. Lv, 2 03pm|ll 54pm, | | | 6 45am, 2 38pmjLv.. Jesup.. L'jtJ 22am; 9 48pml , | i 7 30am| 3 30pm,Lv Ever ratt.. LvjlO 4&am, 9 05pmj j | | 8 30am| 4 30pm|Ar Bruns wick. Lv| 9 30am| 6 50pm, | | N 0.7 ~X0.~9TN07~1 3~| Ea st. fINo?J6 f No? "10 |D.. i.7 | 710 pm, 8 30am, 2 05am|Lv.. Ma con.. Ar| 8 20am, T 10pm| | 9 45pmjll 10am| 4 15am|Ar ..Atlanta. Lv| 5 20ain, 4 20pm, j | 6 25pm, 6 40am| |Ar. Richmond Lv,lß 01n’n|12 10n,n| , | 5 30pm| 7 35am| |Ar.. Norfolk. Lv, 9 30am110 00pm, | | 3 50| 1 53am| |Lv. .Lynch'burg Lv, 3 55pm| 3 40am| | | 5 48pm| 3 35am, |Lv Chari’ville Lv, 2 15pmj 1 sbpoi| | I 9 25pm| 6 42am, |Ar Washgton. Lv|ll 16am|10 4Xpm| | | 3 00am|10 15am| |Ar Phila dlphia Lt 3 50am| 6 55pm| | | 6 20am|12 45n’n| ,Ar New York Lv|ft2 15am| 4 XOpmj | | 3 pm| 8 30pm| |Ar .. ..Boston Lv| 5 OOpmjlO 00am| , THROUGH OA-R SERVICES, ETC. Nos. 13 and 14, Pullman Sleeping Cars between Chattanooga and JacksonwlSl*. also between Atlanta and Brunswick. Berths may be reserved to be taken at Macon. Nos. 15 and 16, day express trains, bet ween Atlanta and Brunswick. Nos. 9 and 10, elegant free Observatior caA, between Macon and Atlanta. Meo Pullman Sleeping ears between Atlanta and dltacinnati. Connects in Union depot, Atlanta, witb “Southwestern Vestibuled Limited,” finest and fastest train to th% South. Nos. 7 and 8, connects in Atlanta Union depot with “U. S. Fast Mail Train” to and from the East. Nos. 7 and 6, Pullman sleeping cars between Macon and Asheville. FRANK S. GANNON, 3d V. P. & G. M.. J. M. GULP, Traffic Manager, Washingon, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, G. P. A., S. H. HARDWICK, A. G. P. A., Washington, D. O. Atlanta, Ga ’iANDALL CLIFTON, T. P. A.. BURR BROWN, C. T. A., Macon, Ga. 565 Mulberry SL, Macon, G* Coast line to Mackinac NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfeo PASSENGER r tlon yet attained to STEAMERS, BoatConatructlon: 'fe. Luxurious . Equlp- 6PEED, went, Artistic Fur- COMFORT y 5 -- / nishlng.Decoratlo* ANO SAFETY ( andEfflclsntSsrxlcs To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago No ether Line offers * Panorama of 4do miles of equal variety and in tercet. Fear Tri>« per Week Betweea Itery Day and Day and B<jrvfce Between Toleda, Detroit and Mackinac FITOBHT, •‘THE 800 ” MuujßrrM Put - In - Bay sms. 4»D DILUH. and Toledo. C.i.iiwtkuis are uuyie at Cievelacd with LOW RATES to Pletnresque Ruklnae ud £terh<™t Trains for ah pointe East, South Return, Ineladlag Meals and Berth,. Appror- ?F“ S° uti jwest. and at Detroit for all point? ■mate Cost trua. Cleveland, #ll s Oom Toledo, horthand T , SUj from Detroit, $12.00. ’ Sunday Trips June, Jalj, An™*, Bepteaiber an 4 Getdber Only. r" p x.t? d x. ? Miron (M mu low cw JImmOYAL for DX. KOTT S FE»I!7Y32OVZ. T, and taX® no oClher. Send for circular. VrtoA rwr ui.-s, a boxe» for UH. CHEMIC-al CO-, - C’lavclar.a, Ofaio For sale by H. J. LAMAR & SONS, Wholesale Agents. 25 Per Cent Off We Can’t Make It 100 Strong... We Can’t Emphasize s The Fact Too Much... z i x That we will turn our splendid stock of CRASH SUITS Into cash as rapidly as p s-'i .le. HOW? Our prices Will do it. We offer for your inspection a fine stock. If you contemplate anything in the Clothing line you can’t afford to ignore this, BENSON & HOUSER, The Up=to=Date Clothiers, Macon, Ga HOT SPRINGS, North Carolina. Men®tote Parte Jf.M'td anfl T»B«»e JfcH T(Jrw to Bvery Table acVI 8k«-Mne UnexocSted. Swimming &,*>!. Rowling. Vtmn!’. GrtM. PocA ar.d RBWards. Vfcotogi-aiAer’a dart room. Riding, Dnvlng, Tennis. l>arge Ball Room and Auditorium. Special reduced Bummer ratee. BSARDJDN R Orohertra. d. G P&<ai . Manager. POPULAR SUMMER RESORT. altou. Gs is now one the most popular summer resoxe in the South— eMma-v de’ gntftil. sfencrT , n.^ v .O *il Wree, -w>od Wvery Hfrte! Delton <• 'k.,»j.T I'C’* ’ c ’ ilncl ' ?c ’ i UH>r-4r>' trsvvtor. Eh ; iu)t4c built, rfeetric 1• x. M v-ionv. hot a- ] f ,»j ‘Mths on every thrxv Special rattw to X" t7’ i! 9U,8P ’ er ' r ’ < ’ w, ' r !B - D. L. Proprietor Dalton. Ga. Newport of the South. SEASON OF 1898. Motel St. Simon St. Simons Island, Georgia. Newly equipped. Rxites $10.(X) per week. Sea bath ing. I’ishiug, Boating, Eawn Pennis, Driving, Dancing, Billiards imig Pool. Iwo gerinans weekly. 25 mile bicycle path. Excellent orchestra. Hotel lighted by electricity. Table the best. W. B. LSAACS, Lessee. Keep cut of Re Spanish Gun. TAKE THH C. H. & D. TO MICHIGAN. 3 Trains Dally. Finest Trains in Ohio. Fastest Trains in Ohio. Mlchhj an Bil l the Greet Lak -s constantly growing in popularity. Everybody wtfl be there this summer For uMonnatifXi inquire of your neerest ticket agent. D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. HHS To ths mountains. WarmSprlnQs, G In His mountains, I W’here ft) a U AMLiMfoSk’ a® 6 the oonffiakunA ere aS b.WiSrhrt Wie WW’io w»l«r 4s the bc«< axid most pdttdWMUt. cure for dy&r>v<vaie, teusom- ; nto. iheumatAe-m ar. J gfsuvwd aooommoftetsnr!: and s» Uawf c4ass. Raiee modemto. Farjjy rea.obcd txy the Maeow and Bir mingham patt’coad. For fuf’ther totownabioc write to CHHS, L. DRVI3, PropilßiGE HOTEL MS) And Cottages. TaMulah VatUi, Ga. Open for the geasot). Boa#d from 915 to 330 per month, acoordtag to room. Sis hundred feet of shade ptasneas ic e».ct<w ai finest scenery at Taltotofc Climate uc. Hight e4e*atioß All modem Improvements Table eacei lent. MRS. B. A. YOVNG, Proprietress, TaUuLah FajWa. Ga Glenn Springs ’ Hotel, I Glenn Springs, S. C. Queen of Southern mcr j Resorts. There Is bat one Glene fiprinaa and 1< fc«ts a« equal 'w: the ..o«Clnvxffl S<jr th ach, fiver, berw* axto bv.x; UrtrAtol aj>en teotn to Oot/A>ftff Gt Ortrtne and «** rto- eaeeMent. Wrt-. Shipped tfae year rofjnd. agMsPHCXt ♦ Bedford Alim, Iron and lodine Springs of Virginra. S'cem whnao water tt>e ortetrated "a «.> mrtMu#v‘3y *” tocteurod. Opof-* Aw*- *5. '’ a * , 1 bome-ffltt, p4a*e to sor attng A modern writer tfie mineral »«• of EHiropo and Amort"* »uz*. ; Sawtngß water otirea wfx>n 'sOiiM rom dlee have failed, and ft det».nge- menta pecutiew so femsiw tong di-rtene W*«*or : -..r-• •r.- se«id for a 50 pa»e pbensp ■» < proofs <’. O. Bedford Va ,1. K. MABTiyr, !H., Fiop’letoi. STURTEVOT HOUSE,- I Wroadway and «Pth Ht„ New Ynvk. S Kre rtcan 4 Buropean VI- I Bam P Bang. p?oprt««w tta-xi- p way oeMe paatons' tfce "wot , troraiCer to sU of use g . ~ c I | Saratoga Springs s THE KEHSIHQTON, J and eottosrs. • I. X. ■ r - r -S, / Nr 7 I'ni k Su’ r - va<*t Ho-as?. G ■ Oueau View House. fit, Simon's Bbaoh, Ga Fine e«rt «.xXi taWto, ar tert an *»tt«r. A. T. AMKIMjI). PirvtKtßior. | For Business Men A In rto? heart << (be whrrteß&tv .w* < * > .‘j-h-i. <; j For Shoppers ;► > S rrstntftes to Waruuna*era; < > 8 tnlnntoa walk to Cooper a B Big Store, fitoey rt' aoicas u> a»« <' KT*w* Dry GvMuia Stosea. *, For Sightseers > « One htucfi ftom oac», xJvtnft ■ ’ i easy r*w.{>oriwifor> to >rSl pdkita ' > I aid AM, | J New’ York. :• J Cor. Utfa Bt. and f*nflV«>rsitjy | • Ptaoe. Only one block teem , ’ * Broadwta*. 1, < ROGiIB, $1 up. S > Prices Rouftot. jiric. < » MiACON AMI> nrWM«N*eHTAT4 H. R. CO. (Ptao BTwartSafc* fo-MrtA) >iiS-e®*STs tfum) g, MBS 4 20 prnsLv ... Mnrmt ArftO 8D w 4 80 pmitAt . .. . 808cee..... Dv»o M am 5 >. ....CoS£wtt».... Lv; 9 m 5&7 rmlLv . ..TatemrSto... Lv| 6W ok 627 pantLor . ThfaiMwOon... iJv/ HBB am 7 97 ym|Ar .. L»| t 48 saa 7 V, pmjAv. Wha-m <1 03 pmSAr .. r>.snmSn;>... fM 8 of> ezn 8 (i? tnap ii .... X»7£&ti LV| 6 &A am 9 4d pmfAr Artwnto f/v| 8 20 ezn &OWUE&K. RAilADd®. I &1 .... AZfnxXa ~..A« 9 49 un 0 »>’. t«np>v XJrMtto Lrfi 3 « a»n 5 £5 pmU>v .. ...Onforrfitoo.... Cw J Jfi sm 649 pmfLv Wnxj BprJ&aa. L<e< 8 <ffl am 707 pm»Ly.. .. VAwcSravy .... Art 7 48 «m 7 27 mn'Ar .. Ttortte GUy.. Lrf ’ dßNnrauai, goWa ~ 748 pin|A> .. .Gvncwfflb... tzSi 7to am 5 20 ’ 27 Ti'ihv . <My .. Ari 7 88 aw 8 KO . Cfoem n rtt kfarir and Suffwe vitt. The GeurgTa L/lrGxaro wwi Florid* Central ul for Sari» r ra>«h, AUjany, wwd Ase otsrortl- Ala : «t Tsa-r-vtJk aw<l pcinta on Cto zlttonto nid! PtorMn 4( - vtokw. of rt4twuy, rt It.twwm fkty (ffty -wUts C-rwral rd Ww Grvei; vyTlp and at 'b ’rr for. rot: *ay for Cagift)- \xn and Gr«t®>o. »i wrfti the -tlaT , -a d “’•cst Pofrrt a. ‘ XviXbfi’s.g.eT, Gt. R G. Gan. Pans. Aat * PULLMAN CAR LINE Prtn*,"*wg?g -iCTP?' t ClncttrtjaM, ov>> and and •nrxs N*.nyniwTi«p. Pulmen Buffet Stoeipora on traißA. Parlor chairs <snd ditoka? cere on gay trrtne Tto traina mrtaa thr- »gja- tMne tkartbom wiotew r«- asrsd the ernrix of the North weße. W. H. U DO-GL. V P Xt G. M. FftAKK J. CJ2FIC. G. P. A., Ml Fre R. W. cn.M<W(i zhtft. Ga -a ! ''-e ♦» i« a _. if/ i»*WX»YY*h«^B. t s r‘- Hl alirtl Ab ‘.rjrre.r,-~A Vg dwrrrsrr.. <j» n«>r KOwas. d -infl trr Vfcri. <w sliwti, “ —us IH Bt• n h mow 'MKW’OiC J*wu«!'rt>*s. Vof-Jb. - ■ 1® bi eapress psapsM. far bro. or s fd.n. New Steam DYE WORKS, F. H. JOHNSON, Prop’r. 25c Second Macon Ga. chests mcely cleaned - .1 " Also Gents’ I.'.nea Suits. 3