The Macon news. (Macon, Ga.) 189?-1930, October 13, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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I Every ; ' Month' F there are thousands of wo y men who nearly suffer death A from irr- gular menses. Some- J X times the “ period ” comes too > v often sometimes not often f enough—sometime s the fl<-w is A too scant, and again it is too A j pi effuse. Each symptom shows > r that Nature needs help, and r that there is trouble in the or- 0 4 gans concern* d. Be careful A \ when in any of the above CGl> . ▼ dttions. Don't take any ’and F f every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. J ' BRADFIELD’S * J FEMALE REGULATOR J A is •the one safe and sure x medicine for irregular or pain- j F ful menstruation. It cures all ’ r the ailments that are caused by r J irregularity, such as leucor- i k rhoea, falling of the womb, a \ nervousness; pains in the head, ’ r back, breasts/ shoulders, sides, y hips and limbs. By regulating k the menses so that they occur a x every twenty-eighth day, all “ v those aches disappear together, v j Just before your time comes, 1 get a bottle and see how much a J good it will do you. Druggists J f sell it at si. f Send for our fret- book, “Perfect i a Health for Women.” F THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. * I ATLANTA, GA. f Academy of Music. Grand Carnival attraction, two nights and Saturday matinee. STUART, The Hale Patti, and a host of favorites In the beautiful ! extravaganza 1492. Everything new this season. A stage full of pretty girls. More exclusive features than any other traveling organization. FI PTY . PEOPLE. FIFTY. rglMiimiiiiiiuriuimniiiuuiuuHutfiuutiuiiuiuiHinuuiiurM A COLLEGE EDUCATION BY MAIL] Thorough Instruction a feh* ME( ,n book-keeping and § business, shorthand,sci-3 = ence, Journalism, lan-3 5 /STD DY/ guages, architecture, f = /v, surveying.drawingtciv- 3 g / ’ XTThFI''’ me chanical, steam, g : electrical, hydraulic, § i municipal, sanitary, s Xwwt Vru, railroad and structural g - engineering. Expert in- 2 = YjL •tractors. Fifth year. | s Fees moderate. S g yl*T|| Illustrated catalog free. I 5 rfiltLliuptw Hate subject in which | | •"•>interested. I NATIONAL CORRtSPONDEXCK IJiSTIITTR, flit.) f «140s»«oa<l NailoMl Bank Building, Washington, D. (*. t VraiuMMMAuniiuujuiituiiiiiiiiuMuntniiuiiuntriiMHiiinniH/ The Carnival Ball Volunteers’ Armory, Friday, Oct. 14, 1898. Admission: Gentleman with lady $3.00; Lady, $1.50. Tickets on sale at Clem Phillips, Harry L. Jones Co.. Lazarus Jewelry Store and Chas. Wachtel. Number of admissions limited. Ulacon and New York Short Line. Via Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line. Through Pullman cars between Macon and New York, effective August 4 th, 1898. Lv Macon....| 9 00 am- 4 20 pm! 7 40 pm Lv Mill'gtv’le.lo 10 am| 5 24 pm; 9 24 pm Lv Camak... .11 40 am! 647 pm 333 am Lv Camak....lll 40 am] 6 47 pm|lo 31 pm Ar Aug’taC.T.' 1 20 pm 525 pm; 5 15 pm Lv Aug’taE.TJ 2 30 pm Ar Florence.. 8 15 pm Lv Fayettev’le 10 15 pm Ar Petersburg 3 14 am Ar Richmond. 4 00 am Ar Wash’ton..; 7 41 am Ar Baltimore.! 9 05 am Ar Phila’phia.'ll 25 am Ar New York! 5 03 pm' Ar N Y, W 23d st; 2 15 pm| | Trains arrive from Augusta and points on main line 6:45 a. m. and 11:15 a. m Fro-m Camak and way stations 5: Sv p. n, A. G. JACKSON. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. W. W. HARDWICK. S. A., 454 Cherry St Macon. Ga. For Sale. Johnson & Harris store building, corner Fourth a d Cherry streets. The Glover place on Huguenin Heights, a good five room house. The Ghapman property, No. 1020 Ocmulgee street, two four room tenant houses and large lot. Tenant house on Jackson street, in rear ot Hawes’ store. Two 2-room tenant houses on Tindall property. Large vacant lots at Crump’s park. 20 lots on the Gray propertv. Mclnvale plantation in Houston county. M. P. CALLAWAY, Receiver Progress Loan, Improvement and Manufacturing Company, Macon, Ga. SAVANNAH GIRL Wil! be Seen in Macon with 1492 Company. 'p aking of a member of the “149£” company the Savannah Press says: ‘lt v.- Miss Lionue Bro kway’s night 1 ‘ - ..>-»tre last evening. This young ia-iy, who is cla;m<4 Savannah be cause Vriavannaaians like to put in a claim for everything good, scored a triumph in th- “Gme A a<r adoption in her first ap p- iib.t in tnis city on the professional - s • one appeared in “1492” aud really nun-J 4a« honors of the evening with Stuart,' the male Tatti, who appears as L atelia of Casti|e. “14.12,”'after several yvart- lm tat stage, continues to be an at- Jra -t.ou that attracts. The lines have been, changed but little siut-e (be it was first written aud it was fom poae-i’ luring the world’s fair year to suit the occasion. Ig is full of puns and the American people are nearly all punsters, to a more or less extcait and they applaud the many -good ones that are spoken in ’1492.” “The<! company this year is a god one. From Edward, the talented boy baritone, to Stuart himself, or herself, just as one wishes to call him or her, the cast Is a go.jd one. ‘‘But to return to Miss Brockway, who was really tael star last evening. She did not disappoint her friends. In the s ond act she appeared for a selection of oldtime songs, -those our mothers used to slnlg.i She bf-gaa with ‘The Maid of Dun doe* and closed with ‘My Old Kentucky Home.’ Each selection was heartily en cor» d and at r,he) close of the first song a luandscme basket of flowers was handed h« v over the footlights. In the last chorus the singer interpolated Savannah for Ken tucky and the local application made a complete and instant hit. In this act - uart came forward! and gracefully thanked the audience for its reception to the company, and . especially to Miss Brockway. He paid -the young lady many compliments, saj-’ing he couid see no rea son why she should not succeed on the sjage. She is a hard worker, he said, and is possessed of youth, good looks and a sweet voice, the three requisites for suc cess on the stage. Mist- Brockway's career wiil be watch | ed .w’th interest by her friends in Savan ! nah wro predict many triumpis for he* ! dvr.iig her wtage life.” A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D., “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on mylungs; cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short -time. I gave myself up to my savior, determined if T eould I not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New’ Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial; took in all eight bottles. It has cured me and thank God I am saved and am now .a well -and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at H. J. La mar & Sons’ drug store. Regular size 50c andsl, guaranteed or price refunded. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY On Account of Diamond Jubilee Carnival, Special Trains Will Leave Macon as Follows. For Athens and Covington October 11, 12 and 13th10:30 p. m. I For Columbus and intermediate pointe, October 12th and 13th10:30 p. m. ! For Atlanta, Thomaston and intermediate points. October 13th and 14th..10:39 p. m. For Millen and intermediate points on 1 October 13th10:30 p. m. For Eatonton and Milledgeville October 12th and 13th11:38 p. m. Fov Machen via Milledgeville, October 11th, 12th and 13th7:30 p.m. j For Albany and intermediate -points Octo- ber 13th and 14th10:20 p. m. For schedules of regular trains apply to J. G. Carlisle, Traveling Passenger Agent, Street. E. P. Bonner, Ticket Agent, Ma con, Ga. Yours truly, J. C. Haile, General Passenger Agent. TAX ON SHIPS. Entering Harbors of Cuba is Regulated. ! By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 13.—Secretary Alger has issued an order on the recommendation lof Acting Secretary Spaulding, of the I treasury department, modifyining *n sev eral particulars the charges imposed as a war measure on vessels entering Cuban ports in possession of the United States. The distinction in tonnage dues between the entries of vessels in C.uba from Cuban ports in possession of the United States and those still under Spanish control is abro gated. The tax of 20 cents a ton on entry from ports not in Cuba twill not be levied more than ten' times during the year and the coasting trade tax of 2 cents a ton is not to be levied more than 20 times a year. A vessel which has paid the tax of 20 . cents a ton on entering from a port not in Cuba is not liable on the same voyage to further tonnage taxes on entering other Cuban ports. Express steamships carrying mails for a regular service shall be exempt from ton nage taxes upon being furnished by the secretary of war with a certificate that it is so employed. This exemption is in part a military measure to secure the prompt dispatch of mails and rapid aud regular communica ; tion between the United States and our garrisons especially on the south coast of Cuba. A TEXAS WONDER. Hall's Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’a Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder trou bles, removes gravel, cures diabetis, semi nal emisisons, weak and lame backs, rheu matism and all irregularities of the kid neys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder trounies in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of sl. One small bottle is two months’ treatment and will cure any case above mentioned. E. W. HALL, Sole Manufacturer. P. O. Box 218, Waco, Texas. Sold by H. J. Lamar & Son, Macon. Ga. READ THIS. Cuthbert, Ga. March 22, 1898.—This is to certify that I have been a sufferer from a kidney trouble for ten years and that I have taken less than one bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery and I think that I am cured. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from any kidney trouble, as I know of nothing that I consider its equal. I R. M. JONES. MACON NEWS THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13 1808. _ =3 I tpvJ.LJkJ lUI I 3 el Our great Fire Sale has developed many surprises for the public. 3 £ Before the fire visited our store people never dreamed that reputable, 5 £ first class Shoes, made by the best manufacturers on earth, could be 3 • sold so cheap. But here is a bigger surprise still: 5 | $6.00 Patent Leather Shoes for $2.00 1 3 £ We have several dozen pairs of the best Patent Leather Shoes in 3 °dd numbers, bought to sell at $6.00, which we will offer this week at 22? £ $2.00. The sizes are 6,6%, 7,7% and 8. 3 | If Your Foot Fits These Shoes | 3 £ You can never hope in a lifetime again t» get such a bargain as this If 3 el we were to buy the product of a factory we could not buy these patent 3 leather Shoes at such a price. Tie leather n them cost more than this 3 H without the making. They are without a scratch or defect. 3 | Other Great and Surprising Bargains | £ Our whole stock of Shoes, including everything in Men’s fine and 3 £ ordinary goods at a s artling reduction. Also everything that we carry 3 H in Ladie-’ Shoes and Slippers, Misses’ and Boys’Shoes. Ladies’and 3 £ Gentlemen’s Dancing Shoes cheaper than they were ever bold iu 3 £ Macon. You’ll need ’em for balls and othe dress occasions. Come am 3 get them while the Fire Sale lasts. — B • REMEMBER THE PLACE 2 E st * . 3 -- EE X Z/ Zs fcc 1/1/ /B /a Xi fsr Br B /S Qtf Bl T 3 E-- b H lb b bb Bl Bl bB B Bb iaffJn BY I BB B B&/S B A 3 3 £ C Ul/Bißi 3 g JI 3 ‘3 r 491 H Third Street and Bargain Lane. Phone 819 3 F. W, Williams Maker and Repairer of Carriages, Buggies, wagons, drays, etc. Horseshoeing a specialty. We guarantee to stop interfearing the first trial or fe fund the price. Give me a trial and I will do you good. We have received the English Lawn Grass Seed for winter lawns. H. J. Lamar & Sons 416 Second Street, next to Old Curiosity Shop, fnacon screen co. Manufacturers of the best adjustable wire window screens and screen doors. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Es timates furnished free of charge. J. I). New banks, manager, 215 Cotton avenue Macon, Ga. Hudson River Dy Dayligm The most charming inland water trip on the American continent. The Palace Iron Steamers, “New York” and “Albany" Os the Hudson River Day Line Dally except Sunday. Leave New York, Desbrossea 5t..8:40 am. Ibv New York, West 22d st, N. R. 9:00 am Leave Albany, Hamilton 5t,8:30 am. Landing at Yonkers, West Point, New burgh, Poughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catskill and Hudson. The attractive tourist route to the Catskill Mountains, Saratoga and the Adiron dack's. Hotel Champlain and the North, Niagara Falls and th a West. Through tickets sold to all poiats. Restaurants on main deck. Orchestra on each steamer. Send six cents in stamps for “Summer Excursion Book.” F. B. Hibbard, Gen. Pass. Agent E. E, Olcott, Gen. Manager. Desbrossee st pier. New York. The News Printing Co. Does Binding and Job Printing of every de scription. Ask for estimates. High class work. D. A. KEATING. Genoral Undertaker and Embalmer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Caskets, cases, coffins and burial robes; hearse and carriages furnished to all funerals in and out of the city. telephone 468. 322 Mulberry street, Macon, a*. Macon, Dublin and Savannah R. R. M| 2d| | Idl 3* P.M. P.M.| STATIONS. |A.M.!A.M. 4 00| 2 30|Lv ...Macon ....Ar'[ 9 4O;1O 15 4 15! 2 50Jf ..Swift Creek ~f *9 20|10 00 4 25 3 00 f ..Dry Branch ..f 9 10! 9 50 4 35 3 10 f ..Pike’s Peak ..f 9 00! 9 40 4 45- 3 20!f ...Fitzpatrick ...f 8 50| 9 30 450 3 30!f Ripley .....f 8 5 05 3 50 s ..Jeffersonville., s 8 25 9 15 5 15 4 00 f ....Gallimore.... f 8 Oqj 9 05 5 25 4 15 s ....Danville ....s 7 501 8 50 5 30 4 25 s ...Allentown... s 7 8 50 5 401 4 40 s ....Montrose.... s 7 25 8 35 5 50 5 00 s s 7 10' 8 25 6 02 5 25 s M00re..... s 6 55| 8 12 6 15 5 40 Ar. ...Dublin ...Lv 6 30! g 30 P.M.'P.M. |a.M.|A.M. •Passenger, Sunday. d Mixed, Daily, except Sunday. I Montevallo 5 r~ > I ROUSH COAL CO. | Agents, Macon, Ga. Phone 245. We Are Better Prepared Tlran Ever To take care of the building trade of Macon and tributary points. Our facilities for prompt ly filling orders are unexcelled. If you are go ing to build a house it will >ave you money to see us before buying your material. If you desire to build by contract, we are contractors and builders and take any house, large or small by contract. Macon, Sash, Door and Lumber Co. Office, Fourth Street, Phone 416. Factory Enterprise, South Macon, Phone 404 FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. 202 Cole street. 612 Oglethorpe street. 719 Arch st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 863 Arch st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 858 New St., 8 rooms and double k-rchen. 855 Arch St., corner New, 12 rooms and double kitchen. 135 Park Place, 6 rooms. 814 Cherry St., 5 rooms, 2 servants’ rooms Walker house, Cleveland avenue, 6 rooms and kitchen. 966 Elm St., 7 rooms and kitchen. 758 Second st., 8 rooms and kitchen. 459 New St., 5 rooms and kitchen. 457 New st., 5 rooms and kitchen. 136 Cole st., 5 rooms and kitchen. 1363 Oglethorpe st., 9 rooms and kitchen, w’ith stables. 417 Forsyth st., 6 rooms and kitchen. 664 Plum st., 7 rooms and kitchen. 765 Spring st., 4 rooms and kitchen. 317 College st., 10 rooms and kitchen. 913 Walnut street, 10 rooms and kitchen, j 917 Walnut st., 9 rooms kitchen. 12 room house on Unerry street suitable for boarding, one block from business portion of city. Dr. Shorter’s residence on Orange street. H. HORNE, 315 Third S treet. THE FAIR STORE IE Has removed to Cherry stfeet, next to Payee & Willingham’s and L. McMa nus’ furniture stores and opposite Em- I ire Store. Harris house, Vineville, Cleveland avenue. Elegant 10 room dwelling of Capt. Park’s on College street. Irvine house, 7 rooms and kitchen, second door from car line on Rogers avenue. STORES. 416-18 Third street. Garden s old stand, No. 173 Cotton avenue. Mix’s old stand, 107 Cotton avenue. A desirable suburban store and dwelling combined, on Columbus road, for rent _ or sale, in thickly populated locality. 702-704 Fourth St., corner Pine. 417 Cherry. 419 Cherry. 421 Cherry. 125 Cotton avenue. 469 Cotton avenue. 465 Cotton avenue. 421 Mulberry. 259 Second. 357 and 359 Second, will rent portion or all. Elkan’s old store, rear Exchange bank, Wolff & Happ building, half or all, will ar range suitable for tenants. Stahles near Cox & Chappell’s. Walker house, Vineville, 6 rooms and kitchen. No. 415 Third street. 3